“Ah! You’re back!” The collector declares.
“That’s good! You really startled me there!”
“So… where did you go?” she asks
The soul caught in her prison’s snare.
I’m surprised this isn’t the end of book one- it would seem a natural point for it.
The Collector: Hey, why were you out so late?
Vash: I was just hanging out with my friends.
The Collector: Which friends?
Vash: Just some friends, jeez!
The Collector: If I find out it was that Kendal kid-
Vash: OMG mom just leave me alone ok?!
how many potential antagonists can we set up for the future, my favourite game! seriously tho, its nice to see the collector have a bit more kinda humanish reaction? at least a humanizing one
If this scene is a bit much for people, just imagine an anime sweatdrop on the Vash-orb, does wonders to lower the tension.
There is something so disturbing about how cheerful the Collector is, combined with the green eyes framed in shadow. It’s very rare that we’ve seen her not smiling; important moments have been marked when she’s serious or annoyed. Makes me very scared to think what she’d be like if something makes her truly angry.
@ekimmak It’s a very good thing she isn’t a people/sociable person. Tynan returning and wrecking a good chunk of Zuurith, Vash seemingly reappearing to best him, giant tree grew that broke the prison, a dark being that almost fell Tynan; if she were to venture out to the surface on this continent, it wouldn’t be long before news of at least one of these events reaching her.
The Collector is a really good villain. What’s most striking to me is how genuinly cheerful she is. I can’t think of any other villains who are optimistic and upbeat, except for Devine from the Space Trilogy.
I mean half the comment section suspected it, but CRUD
Also, I agree with Stargazing bookwyrm, she does seem especially creepy this page. I suspect it’s the PoV framing of the last panel, making it so she’s staring directly at you (which doesn’t happen very comic, making it kind of unsettling).
AUGH everyone’s said it all already pretty much, lemme just say:
1. oh man vash you’ve done it now
2. creepy, I love it
3. everything @storylineobsessed said
4. I have stared into the panel 3, and the panel 3 stared back (hey voidy can you look directly at the security cam for me buddy so I can make this joke about you)
Put the blame on Tynan, maybe? Tell the Collector that Tynan attacked again, now that he wasn’t around, and that people remembered that he’d defeated Tynan before, so started praying to him to save them from Tynan, and he was able to use that to slip out. I has the benefit of being mostly true (or entirely true, if Kendal stabbing himself counts as prayer), and keeps attention away from Kendal.
What do you guys think happened when Vash was pulled back to his body? Do you think his orb vanished or went dark? Either way, I feel like it would be a pretty big tip-off that something happened, and Vash has vacated the premises.
On a less serious note, do you think that Vash’s soul is the main light source in the Collector’s cave hideout, and it just suddenly went dark while she was sharpening her tools or something? And then she just sat in the dark until he came back?
I think that the orb may have went dark or become less stable. It isn’t fully clear if the orb IS Vash or is just what she put Vash into. And I think her lair has an independent light source or several, and she just had them off as Vash might well be more luminous.
Vash: I… uh… disappeared into darkness, on the edge of nonexistence. Clearly this means you need to stop torturing me.
Also props to @youngstormlord and @Jorlem, because those could both work
On a more serious note, I agree with @Skye that the use of 1st person POV is giving me Kendal vibes. Wouldn’t it be something if it was him who got yanked back rather than Vash…?
It’s funny. It’s only because of Primordial Life that Vash has any connection to the outside world. I wonder how the collector would react if she where to figure out that who she assumes is her master is thwarting her plans.
(I forgot to add to my post to Hermit Thrush–look at the colors of the energy swirls in the last panel. That can’t be coincidence; I don’t remember them being that color when Kendal astral-projected in his sleep, and Vash was still trapped, then…)
…Okay, either the site ate my initial reply to Hermit Thrush, it hasn’t processed yet, or I just accidentally worked out a major plot thing and got moderated for spoilers. This does not bode well if it’s the last one… Guess we’ll see what happens over the next few hours.
The collector feels so dynamic right now! I think it’d bc we caught her not monologing… I like it. That last panel is giving me *shivers* tho, I feel like a deer in the headlights…
I don’t know how she pulled it off, but Red somehow managed to give the Collector that vibe where if they were in a movie they would have the voice of a villain at the beginning of a third act breakdown, with undertones of The Dismemberment Song.
In theory (and if Vash is aware of it) he could simply tell her that she didn’t quite severe him from his people. Their souls are still trapped in his buried city, after all, and can only be released via ritual. Claiming he was trying to release them could cover for what actually happened, and maybe even get their souls freed. Turning the Collector’s soul-manipulating power to something less evil in result.
alright im back for more. but i dont really think vash will say anything? seems like a vash thing to do to litreally just shut up. but i. uh. dont like how the collector’s holdin that knife. uh. sweetie put it down.
There once was a gal called Collector
To whom other’s pain was like nectar.
She has captured Vash
And treats him like trash–
Hopefully she’s not a lie detector!
“I just went outside to stretch my legs a bit. It’s quite cramped in here, you know? Also you broke wind and it still stinks. Can’t you open a window or something?”
I want to see the collector talk to possessed Erin at full power. That would be cool.
@jorlem: yeah but what if she kills the entire city that vast just went to great lengths to save to stop cash from getting out again.
@young storm lord that would be hilarious. I hope he tries it.
@book fey true,
So, correct me if Iâm wrong but isnât the world going to end in like six or seven ways at the same time with the floof squad in the middle of it.
@called by magic thanks for making me laugh! đ
The void dragon, and then Life being put back together with everything else living being undone. Those are two,, but are there any other threats to the whole of everything?
im back. again. for the third time i really really dislike this page and that last panel OUGH i feel torture on the way my flesh is already screaming in sympathy IT S A GOOD PAGE BUT OH GOD
This is setting up for a payoff of some sort and I have a theory about what it’s going to be
So in Reds trope talk videos sometimes she’ll make a reference to this comic and when she does she draws out the main cast of good guys and sometimes she’ll draw in a character that most people in the comments will point out that we haven’t seen before but from the way this character that she draws looks I actually think it’s the collector seeing us how there drowning green and have the kimono looking outfit that the collector wears which makes me think that since most of these Trope talk videos came out before comic Aurora was first released that these were mostly foreshadowing of the cast of Good Guys because it’s always all the good guys we clearly see in the squad like Kendall Tess falst and crew so it makes me think that she was foreshadowing The Collector being a good guy and this goes with this overarching plot because VD doesn’t like life and The Collector loves life that they are going to come into conflict and it will probably lead to an enemy of my enemy battle where’s the gang teams up with the collector in taking down Walter as the gang will probably realize that Chimera moms plans are still in the Gathering data phase and thus nowhere near done well all Walter needs to do is bring Erin down to the caves to free himself so helping chimera mom will not end up with one of their friends being dragged down to the Center of the Earth or the world getting destroyed by an evil primordial dragon and I feel like Chimera mom is the easiest of the two main villains to you know turn into a good guy because like all she needs to do is have life say “hey please do not kill everyone one on the planet” for her to stop her charade, while I don’t think anyone is stopping Walters goal. unless Walter for some reason goes to an ark where he learns to care for Erin, but I doubt that’s happening as Walter seems to be the villain that is the biggest threat but not the main focus of the story kinda deal. I also think the Erin’s ark will end with him making a heroic sacrifice as he is quite egotistical, and having him give up access to one or more of his elements (or mabey even dying) seems like a fitting end to his ark, showing he is now selfless enough to do this. In the next pages, Tess hints that Erin has a big secret involving the soul shaper monks and I, like everyone else, believe that the monks made him the Elemental Magus,
just throwing out some theories about future plot points and character backstories
I also really like how a few pages ago it showed Erin and VD sharing a face and think a funny plot point/filler issue/ark would be to have them at one point get stuck sharing face and end up both get half control of the body and having to work together to be able to do anything, like Erin get control of the legs and VD gets the arms or something, like the old minecraft/among us videos were 2 people control the same character, one getting the mouse and the other the keyboard. It would 100% be played for comedy and end by either Erin’s force of will, or Erin give VD control for a bit before VD decides that they’re too far from the caves for him to do anything (because VD ain’t leaving the protection of Erin’s friends with the paledins out there) and give control back to Erin for a bit. Not a theory just fun suggestions
(Sorry for poor grammar, I failed the 5th grade and used speech-to-text for a big chunk of that comment (failing 5th grade was a joke, StT was not, you gotta be careful with what you post nowadays seeing as no one understands that sarcasm and jokes exist, and someone might post a joke somewhere and people will take it literally for God knows what reason, yall have to humor of muddy concrete))
Additions, the conflict between the Collector a VD will probably play out with Collector learning about Kendal and going after him where VD, being in Erin’s mind, finds out she’s working for life, kinda, and appearing to take her down (or the paledins show up and he goes into defensive to deal with them, this is probably more likely as VD is scared of life’s accomplenses and the paledins can explain when Chimera Mom is like “wtf is this random dude doing, I also believe the VD is the only one that can harm Chimera Mom as that forest god said that even though she can’t die she is still human and the only reason allinua can survive the disintegration is she can heal herself, Chimera Mom is still human, and human equals ceptable to Void magic disintegration syndrome, working with life or not) and chimera mom figures out about how VD was the one who killed Life in the first place he will probably do it again if he escapes, so she freaks out and they fight, with Chimera mom asking the gang how to deal with VD and them joining in, maybe with kendal convincing VD to let Erin in control because this could definitely explain to the paledins to “don’t kill the innocent man fighting the evil dragon just to fight the evil dragon” meaning that they’ll stop hunting for Erin, which is a good thing for everyone. In this incident allinua will get knocked out and life will join in the fight against VD, which will have the Collector realise that this life thing might be more complex then she thinks it is as why would life work with a random elf girl if she wanted everyone dead. This will make her go through a crisis, ask a bunch of questions to life, get answers, and become a good guy fighting VD, probably releasing Vash, and the plot will shift focus on stopping VD.
As for my suggestion of the stuck point, VD and Erin 100% need to have a verbal argument with eachother when this happens, with most of the gang giving tips a Falst complaining that “why can’t they do this fight in their head” as he’s trying to sleep. Oh, Tess needs to bring up some actually good points while someone else (Collector if she has already joined the good guys at this point) needs to just be provoking VD.
I also would like to talk about the theory that Chimera mom was the Elemental Magus before Erin as according to kendal she “died” about 200 years ago and wouldn’t that be around the time the chimera mom awakens life, thus dropping all her ambition and working to help her, as The Collector says that she “had a name once” and “only had glory on the mind at point” but when she awakened life and touched her mind all that nonsense just kinda up and went, poof
I just figured something out and I’m proud, if you type out a comment and send it, it sends you back to the top of the page then immediately back down again, if it doesn’t send you immediately back down it won’t show up for you unless you post something else, I figured this out as my reply to my reply didn’t show up till I posted this
I’m swapping around the five man band
Kendal – leader with shades of heart
Alinua – heart with shades of big guy
Erin – smart guy with shades of lancer
Falst â lancer
Tess – big guy
Dainax – sixth ranger
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: just out for a snack run, nbd
Image source: where
Had a feeling we’d end the chapter with the Collector.
To quote from South Park: Aww shit, dude.
Ohhhh boy⊠is she gonna go after Kendal?! Mama Life and Collector face off?! Thereâs so much conflict being set up, I cannot WAIT for the pay off!
Given Life’s response to the Chimearas, Life will probably ask Aliuna if she can take over and beat the Collector with several trees.
Well, that clears that up!
whelp… good to know i’m not the only one who screamed loud enough to get my neighbors concerned
“Ah! You’re back!” The collector declares.
“That’s good! You really startled me there!”
“So… where did you go?” she asks
The soul caught in her prison’s snare.
I’m surprised this isn’t the end of book one- it would seem a natural point for it.
I don’t know what any of you are talking about, this is completely, absolutely, 100% fine.
The Collector: Hey, why were you out so late?
Vash: I was just hanging out with my friends.
The Collector: Which friends?
Vash: Just some friends, jeez!
The Collector: If I find out it was that Kendal kid-
Vash: OMG mom just leave me alone ok?!
how many potential antagonists can we set up for the future, my favourite game! seriously tho, its nice to see the collector have a bit more kinda humanish reaction? at least a humanizing one
Oh thatâs not good. Thatâs not good at all.
Is it just me, or has the Collector become even more creepy-looking the the last time we saw her?
Her expression feels kinda catty to me. As if the question comes from curiosity, but also is accusatory.
Well, she knows he has “an” out. But not where.
And there’s not a lot of reason for him to tell her.
Maybe if she was more of a people person, she could go out and find out on her own.
That’s concerning
“It was in this moment that Vash realised – he f*cd up”
Well, that’s gonna be fun.
She looks cheerful as ever, saying: âSo
glad youâre back, where did you go?
If this scene is a bit much for people, just imagine an anime sweatdrop on the Vash-orb, does wonders to lower the tension.
There is something so disturbing about how cheerful the Collector is, combined with the green eyes framed in shadow. It’s very rare that we’ve seen her not smiling; important moments have been marked when she’s serious or annoyed. Makes me very scared to think what she’d be like if something makes her truly angry.
@ekimmak It’s a very good thing she isn’t a people/sociable person. Tynan returning and wrecking a good chunk of Zuurith, Vash seemingly reappearing to best him, giant tree grew that broke the prison, a dark being that almost fell Tynan; if she were to venture out to the surface on this continent, it wouldn’t be long before news of at least one of these events reaching her.
Oh no, that’s concerning. I wonder if the Collector will find out about KendalâŠ
The Collector is a really good villain. What’s most striking to me is how genuinly cheerful she is. I can’t think of any other villains who are optimistic and upbeat, except for Devine from the Space Trilogy.
“just asking, definitely not about to go do a murder”
last time the collector appeared, it was in chap 11, and I think she’s def got creepyer, but the green film over her eyes isn’t new
I mean half the comment section suspected it, but CRUD
Also, I agree with Stargazing bookwyrm, she does seem especially creepy this page. I suspect it’s the PoV framing of the last panel, making it so she’s staring directly at you (which doesn’t happen very comic, making it kind of unsettling).
Vash: Wait, there’s outside world?! I went outside?
Collector: What?
Vash: What?
There’s nothing in the rules against lying to murderous and god-kidnapping maniacs.
AUGH everyone’s said it all already pretty much, lemme just say:
1. oh man vash you’ve done it now
2. creepy, I love it
3. everything @storylineobsessed said
4. I have stared into the panel 3, and the panel 3 stared back (hey voidy can you look directly at the security cam for me buddy so I can make this joke about you)
She’s not mad, just disappointed.
Vash has no reason to answer her. She’s going to kill him anyway if he talks, so why reveal his connection to Kendal?
“oh you know, Nunya. NUNYA BUSINESS!”
Wow, Collector is even creepier than usual.
Put the blame on Tynan, maybe? Tell the Collector that Tynan attacked again, now that he wasn’t around, and that people remembered that he’d defeated Tynan before, so started praying to him to save them from Tynan, and he was able to use that to slip out. I has the benefit of being mostly true (or entirely true, if Kendal stabbing himself counts as prayer), and keeps attention away from Kendal.
TL;DR: I noticed you went AWOL, prisoner.
Turns out that severing someone’s connection to their former self is easier said than done!
What do you guys think happened when Vash was pulled back to his body? Do you think his orb vanished or went dark? Either way, I feel like it would be a pretty big tip-off that something happened, and Vash has vacated the premises.
On a less serious note, do you think that Vash’s soul is the main light source in the Collector’s cave hideout, and it just suddenly went dark while she was sharpening her tools or something? And then she just sat in the dark until he came back?
I think that the orb may have went dark or become less stable. It isn’t fully clear if the orb IS Vash or is just what she put Vash into. And I think her lair has an independent light source or several, and she just had them off as Vash might well be more luminous.
Agreeing with the general consensus, this is an excellent place to break for the next book.
(This would also be an extremely awkward time for Vash to realize he accidentally yanked Kendal back with him… Something about that last panel…)
Vash: I… uh… disappeared into darkness, on the edge of nonexistence. Clearly this means you need to stop torturing me.
Also props to @youngstormlord and @Jorlem, because those could both work
On a more serious note, I agree with @Skye that the use of 1st person POV is giving me Kendal vibes. Wouldn’t it be something if it was him who got yanked back rather than Vash…?
It’s funny. It’s only because of Primordial Life that Vash has any connection to the outside world. I wonder how the collector would react if she where to figure out that who she assumes is her master is thwarting her plans.
Well this is terrifying
yeah, i figured the collector would not be cool with vash popping out for a quick adventure. lets hope she doesnt figure out that kendall exists.
Do this right and you could spin this out for 1001 nights.
Well, that’s not good
(I forgot to add to my post to Hermit Thrush–look at the colors of the energy swirls in the last panel. That can’t be coincidence; I don’t remember them being that color when Kendal astral-projected in his sleep, and Vash was still trapped, then…)
Question of the Day:
Which has been your favorite panel with the Collector in it so far?
Possibly this or her other monologue to Vash post trapping.
@Skye This one!
Okay, letâs organize our thoughts here. First off: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!
…Okay, either the site ate my initial reply to Hermit Thrush, it hasn’t processed yet, or I just accidentally worked out a major plot thing and got moderated for spoilers. This does not bode well if it’s the last one… Guess we’ll see what happens over the next few hours.
“Hi honey, I’m home”
Is it just me or do her eyes look even more insane than before?
Is it just me or are her eyes more crazed than last time we saw her?
The collector feels so dynamic right now! I think it’d bc we caught her not monologing… I like it. That last panel is giving me *shivers* tho, I feel like a deer in the headlights…
Let’s just hope that kendall wakes up next chapter
I don’t know how she pulled it off, but Red somehow managed to give the Collector that vibe where if they were in a movie they would have the voice of a villain at the beginning of a third act breakdown, with undertones of The Dismemberment Song.
@Ophidiophile: That sounds like a fanfic prompt… perhaps one that someone will take and run with?
its mum
(not really)
Oh no⊠this is why Kendal canât use them Vash powerup anymore⊠heâs about to be dismantled :/
Well, I can see why Vash doesn’t want Kendal summoning him into his body anymore.
In theory (and if Vash is aware of it) he could simply tell her that she didn’t quite severe him from his people. Their souls are still trapped in his buried city, after all, and can only be released via ritual. Claiming he was trying to release them could cover for what actually happened, and maybe even get their souls freed. Turning the Collector’s soul-manipulating power to something less evil in result.
alright im back for more. but i dont really think vash will say anything? seems like a vash thing to do to litreally just shut up. but i. uh. dont like how the collector’s holdin that knife. uh. sweetie put it down.
“I went to Nunya.”
Anyone else noticed how similar the Collector and the Arenamaster look?
Itâll be fine. Unlike Kendal, Iâm sure Vash is capable of lying
There once was a gal called Collector
To whom other’s pain was like nectar.
She has captured Vash
And treats him like trash–
Hopefully she’s not a lie detector!
He looks scarred. That’s worrying
Well, fuck.
“I just went outside to stretch my legs a bit. It’s quite cramped in here, you know? Also you broke wind and it still stinks. Can’t you open a window or something?”
I want to see the collector talk to possessed Erin at full power. That would be cool.
@jorlem: yeah but what if she kills the entire city that vast just went to great lengths to save to stop cash from getting out again.
@young storm lord that would be hilarious. I hope he tries it.
@book fey true,
So, correct me if Iâm wrong but isnât the world going to end in like six or seven ways at the same time with the floof squad in the middle of it.
@called by magic thanks for making me laugh! đ
The void dragon, and then Life being put back together with everything else living being undone. Those are two,, but are there any other threats to the whole of everything?
@ storylineobsessed
That is GOLD!
Thank you for making my day!
Is it just me or has Stones hart gotten more angular?
Lie, Vash. Lie and stall because holy shit this will be bad ;_;
@Leapyeargirl96 My words exactly! And actions. And thoughts. And also AAAAAAAAAAAAGH
How does the collector looks so civil yet so terrifying at the same time
I wonder if both Vash and Kendal are in the ball right now, like with the last time we saw Kendal sleep.
ah yes the anti-floof
dismemberment song starts to play
Can we just congratulate Red on making such a creepy villain? The Collector literally haunts my dreams.
im back. again. for the third time i really really dislike this page and that last panel OUGH i feel torture on the way my flesh is already screaming in sympathy IT S A GOOD PAGE BUT OH GOD
this is NOT fair why does she get to be very evil AND very pretty
Oh fuck there bud, thatâs not any good now is it
This is setting up for a payoff of some sort and I have a theory about what it’s going to be
So in Reds trope talk videos sometimes she’ll make a reference to this comic and when she does she draws out the main cast of good guys and sometimes she’ll draw in a character that most people in the comments will point out that we haven’t seen before but from the way this character that she draws looks I actually think it’s the collector seeing us how there drowning green and have the kimono looking outfit that the collector wears which makes me think that since most of these Trope talk videos came out before comic Aurora was first released that these were mostly foreshadowing of the cast of Good Guys because it’s always all the good guys we clearly see in the squad like Kendall Tess falst and crew so it makes me think that she was foreshadowing The Collector being a good guy and this goes with this overarching plot because VD doesn’t like life and The Collector loves life that they are going to come into conflict and it will probably lead to an enemy of my enemy battle where’s the gang teams up with the collector in taking down Walter as the gang will probably realize that Chimera moms plans are still in the Gathering data phase and thus nowhere near done well all Walter needs to do is bring Erin down to the caves to free himself so helping chimera mom will not end up with one of their friends being dragged down to the Center of the Earth or the world getting destroyed by an evil primordial dragon and I feel like Chimera mom is the easiest of the two main villains to you know turn into a good guy because like all she needs to do is have life say “hey please do not kill everyone one on the planet” for her to stop her charade, while I don’t think anyone is stopping Walters goal. unless Walter for some reason goes to an ark where he learns to care for Erin, but I doubt that’s happening as Walter seems to be the villain that is the biggest threat but not the main focus of the story kinda deal. I also think the Erin’s ark will end with him making a heroic sacrifice as he is quite egotistical, and having him give up access to one or more of his elements (or mabey even dying) seems like a fitting end to his ark, showing he is now selfless enough to do this. In the next pages, Tess hints that Erin has a big secret involving the soul shaper monks and I, like everyone else, believe that the monks made him the Elemental Magus,
just throwing out some theories about future plot points and character backstories
I also really like how a few pages ago it showed Erin and VD sharing a face and think a funny plot point/filler issue/ark would be to have them at one point get stuck sharing face and end up both get half control of the body and having to work together to be able to do anything, like Erin get control of the legs and VD gets the arms or something, like the old minecraft/among us videos were 2 people control the same character, one getting the mouse and the other the keyboard. It would 100% be played for comedy and end by either Erin’s force of will, or Erin give VD control for a bit before VD decides that they’re too far from the caves for him to do anything (because VD ain’t leaving the protection of Erin’s friends with the paledins out there) and give control back to Erin for a bit. Not a theory just fun suggestions
(Sorry for poor grammar, I failed the 5th grade and used speech-to-text for a big chunk of that comment (failing 5th grade was a joke, StT was not, you gotta be careful with what you post nowadays seeing as no one understands that sarcasm and jokes exist, and someone might post a joke somewhere and people will take it literally for God knows what reason, yall have to humor of muddy concrete))
Additions, the conflict between the Collector a VD will probably play out with Collector learning about Kendal and going after him where VD, being in Erin’s mind, finds out she’s working for life, kinda, and appearing to take her down (or the paledins show up and he goes into defensive to deal with them, this is probably more likely as VD is scared of life’s accomplenses and the paledins can explain when Chimera Mom is like “wtf is this random dude doing, I also believe the VD is the only one that can harm Chimera Mom as that forest god said that even though she can’t die she is still human and the only reason allinua can survive the disintegration is she can heal herself, Chimera Mom is still human, and human equals ceptable to Void magic disintegration syndrome, working with life or not) and chimera mom figures out about how VD was the one who killed Life in the first place he will probably do it again if he escapes, so she freaks out and they fight, with Chimera mom asking the gang how to deal with VD and them joining in, maybe with kendal convincing VD to let Erin in control because this could definitely explain to the paledins to “don’t kill the innocent man fighting the evil dragon just to fight the evil dragon” meaning that they’ll stop hunting for Erin, which is a good thing for everyone. In this incident allinua will get knocked out and life will join in the fight against VD, which will have the Collector realise that this life thing might be more complex then she thinks it is as why would life work with a random elf girl if she wanted everyone dead. This will make her go through a crisis, ask a bunch of questions to life, get answers, and become a good guy fighting VD, probably releasing Vash, and the plot will shift focus on stopping VD.
As for my suggestion of the stuck point, VD and Erin 100% need to have a verbal argument with eachother when this happens, with most of the gang giving tips a Falst complaining that “why can’t they do this fight in their head” as he’s trying to sleep. Oh, Tess needs to bring up some actually good points while someone else (Collector if she has already joined the good guys at this point) needs to just be provoking VD.
I also would like to talk about the theory that Chimera mom was the Elemental Magus before Erin as according to kendal she “died” about 200 years ago and wouldn’t that be around the time the chimera mom awakens life, thus dropping all her ambition and working to help her, as The Collector says that she “had a name once” and “only had glory on the mind at point” but when she awakened life and touched her mind all that nonsense just kinda up and went, poof
I think either I deduced some plot stuff or my reply isn’t showing up, or taking awhile to show up since I replied to my comment with some follow ups
Ok, just didn’t show up, got it
I just figured something out and I’m proud, if you type out a comment and send it, it sends you back to the top of the page then immediately back down again, if it doesn’t send you immediately back down it won’t show up for you unless you post something else, I figured this out as my reply to my reply didn’t show up till I posted this
Opps, that was ment to be a reply
And it will appear on my screen now
Oop, maybe it will show up now
Now I see even less posts I made, just when I thought I figured this comment section out, guess I’ll reload
Reloading didn’t work, great
Well, how was your day, invisible writer? I’m sure Vash is busy creating very complex and ridiculous lies to explain were he went when he left to his mom, might I suggest that the sight managers add a button that takes you to the bottom of the screen, as I am so tired of scrolling all the way down here to post a comment I cannot see, over and over again, for all my comments past my orginal theory comment and reply are not visible to me. I’m sure these will one day show up but till then I will never know if I get a reply dear reader. I will turn this rambling to shipping as I don’t ship Kendal and Allinua like everyone else does as Alinua is 20 and kendal is about a month old and that’s just wierd, instead I ship Faslt with Alinua as they had some nice chats while in Zuurith and were the 2 most useless ones in the tynan fight. They aslo kinda work together, both being outcasts for awhile, getting talked into joining the party by kendal, (kendal offered Erin help, who refused until he realised that kendal couldn’t be disintegrated and VD was scared of Alinua, kendal didn’t talk him into it, and danaix and tess kinda just stuck themselves into the team) both have points involving life magic, and both are inhuman, which doesn’t really matter seeing as Erin is the only human in the party, (dainax is demon, tess is and iron caste, and kendal is not even gods know what) but they are the most obviously in human, as many commenters think tess is golden from the lightning strike when she was born like that. I’m not toooooo invested in shipping so this doesn’t really matter, just putting it out there. In every fandom there always is a ship that people meme alot about but no one actually seriously ships, in comic Aurora I’d say it’s VD x Erin. There is an animated youtube video out there of Erin and VD where it’s that old vine of, “what do you want to eat?” “ĆąhÄ ĆĄĂžĆŻĆĆ if ÈhĂ© ÄŻĆĆÞçÉĆĆ„” “a bagel” “ĆĂ” “2 bagels” and I think it’s hilarious. If I were to split this gang into a five man band I would set
Kendal – leader with shades of the heart
Allinua – big guy with shades of the heart
Erin – smart guy with shades of the big guy and/or lancer
Falst – lancer with shades of the smart guy
Tess – heart (cause she is Erin’s sister and I see a possible future where she and Dainax become a thing)
Dainax – sixth ranger with shades of the heart
With how jumbled it is I doubt the group was ment to be a five man band
I’m posting this at 3am, after this I’m going to bed, I need to fix my sleep schedule really bad, I’m thinking of pulling an all nighter to reset my schedule though I don’t recommend this tactic as half the time it does nothing but change bed time from 1-2am to midnight, it’s just tradition that I pull and all nighter every summer so I might as well, do you ever stay up really late then sleep in on vacation and still wake up feeling guilty or is that just me, like, it feels like I get less time in a day despite me literally not have less time, I feel guilty about sabotaging myself despite not sabotaging my self at all, it’s weird. Anyway if you made it to the end of this rambling then you deserve a metal. question, what’s your favorite combo when it comes to dessert, mines chocolate and peanut butter. Hope I can see my posts soon
I’m swapping around the five man band
Kendal – leader with shades of heart
Alinua – heart with shades of big guy
Erin – smart guy with shades of lancer
Falst â lancer
Tess – big guy
Dainax – sixth ranger
Oh, Oh dear, oh goodness this is bad
[Insert Hamilton: “Fuuuuuuu…”]