tumblr text: superpowerful neodynium magnet vs chatty supervillain
(for anyone else who doesnt know what those are: “Neodymium magnets are currently the strongest magnets available on the market. They are many times stronger than ordinary magnets in terms of magnetic force.”)
Reminds me of a Farside comic featuring a guy working at a hospital who would sneak into the nursery, charge the babies with static electricity, and stick them to the ceiling. Forget magnetizing stuff, static electricity is the way to go. (The screams when people touch a charged up door knob; delicious.)
I wonder if Red has seen A Certain Scientific Railgun. The main protagonist pulls that stunt a fair number of times, especially in 1 tough fight. She is a master of electromagnetic manipulation. Everything from finite manipulation of circuits without frying them, to her signature move, propelling a metal object using electromagnetic force. It is also the source of her code name, Railgun.
V.D.: Oh. Combining Magneto with Spider-Man. How original.
Tess: Keep up the sass and I’ll re-enact the “toad struck by lightning” scene on you.
Interesting expressions on display today. Tess’s face and body language is a far cry from the usual adrenaline junkie punch-mage we known and love; she feels more like Kendal with how exact and serious she moves and looks. For V.D., that looks like genuine curiosity, much like when he beheld Dainix and Kendal in Zuurith. In spite of seeing humans as his tools, even he can’t help but find certain things interesting about them.
Methinks V.D. has stumbled upon a memory of Erin’s that he was deliberately keeping under wraps. I wonder how much of V.D.’s lack of knowledge is down to him not paying attention a lot of the time, and how much is Erin, consciously or subconsciously, guarding his thoughts. In any case, I don’t think we’ve seen Erin this mentally exhausted before, and that could be a problem.
Tess keeping Erin prisoner? Honestly, I could see that; she was Galen’s slave so was subservient to his orders, not Erin’s. While Tess called Galen’s purchase of her as a “playmate” for Erin in her short life story, I wonder if she was being euphemistic.
How much of Tess’s purpose was being a sturdy “friend” for an elementally unstable Erin to play with, and how much was keeping Erin away from outside contact out of fear he could hurt someone and harm the Ruunaser family’s reputation?
Prediction for next week: Looks like V.D. is trying an “induce guilt/anger to throw off my opponents” trick, similar to how he (or a dream version of him) did in Erin’s dream in Zuurith. While this might work on Erin, I’m not sure if it’ll work on Tess, or at least won’t work the way V.D. intends it to. I do see Tess and Erin winning this without outside help, but I’m not sure how long that will take.
ooh I think you might be onto something… I think Erin and Tess hinted at something to do with his seals, which don’t seem to be common for an Elemental Magus
what the matter voidy, did you find something relatable in your tool/vessel?
how queer! you may be careful, you might reconsider your whole stance on them!
I love Tess clinging to that cavern ceiling like electric Spiderman.
Oh, that’s an interesting hint of Ruunasib lore, and it ties in with what Erin said to her on 2.2.31 while overextending himself (“Nobody’s forcing you to hold me back anymore!”). My guess is VD is twisting the wording in the worst possible way to get under Tess’s skin, but there’s probably a kernel of truth in there, somewhere. Tess was clearly, at some point, tasked with looking after Erin.
But she also looks after him now because she genuinely cares for him. Of course. Which is what makes this conflict and story thread so deliciously fraught.
Well, almost everything I can think of to say has already been said. But it’s interesting that Erin has been apparently guarding his thoughts. Or rather, it’s neat that guarding your thoughts from something possessing you id something you can do.
You’re still getting an answer: I think you could get rid of the zombie starfish by electrocuting them, we just need to learn from Erin!
Actually, you know what: Anonymous Aurora Question A: How would the floof squad deal with immortal zombie starfish.
Trying to prey on Erin and Tess’s emotional issues, I see. Not sure if it’s gonna work since Tess knows it’s the dragon talking, not Erin. And she’s usually pretty emotionally stable anyways. Unless this is when Red flips the script?…
I have never seen such a practical use of lightning magic! Typically electrical magic is depicted as only good for combat, or maybe animating machines if the fiction is feeling mechanical. Awesome, I love this comic so much.
Did you miss the lightening leap off the magic ship, Speedy No More? Or the sitting leap off the floor of the cave, last page? What do you make of the lightning effect off Tess’s legs?
His expression is entirely thoughtful for a moment, and he’s relating to other characters on a much more personal level than before. While he was more than happy to monologue at Erin in the past, he seemed to mostly just want other people out of his way. Now he’s giving warnings and having conversations- and about something other than his cool master plan, no less.
Make your bets now! What does this mean? What is this setting up for?
Option A: An ever-evolving, intelligent villain that doesn’t underestimate his foes. An enemy that knows you inside and out, a threat that only grows more powerful and more difficult to defeat.
Option C: I’m overthinking this due to the fact that the dragon just so happens to be wearing Erin’s cute lil face.
omg spider tess!
also, on the being improsoned cuz of tess thing, maybe he was once again confined to the house after she left?
or maybe they used to mess around with magic as kids and it injured him so bad the monks had to get involved
Love how Red is holding us all hostage drip feeding us one detail about Tess and Erin’s shared backstory at a time. I’m going insane. Spill the beans, Voidy. Tell us. TELL US
The fact the dragon keeps getting more and more talkative every time he interacts with other characters than Erin Makes me think he’s gaining perspective, and learning.
Now, exactly WHAT he’s learning and if it’s good or bad for our heroes is the question.
Someone: What a stupid Idea! who would want to read a fantasy webcomic at 3 in the morning?
my insomniac ass: OH BOY 3AM!
3AM Gang rise up!
What’s that look on possessed Erin’s face about? What IS Walter thinking?
Looks like a mix of surprise and concern–the real question is, how much is genuine, and how much is he imitating it to manipulate Tess?
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: if I could magnetize myself to walls I would be a whole different kind of irresponsible
Image source: imprisonment
Oh big same
tumblr text: superpowerful neodynium magnet vs chatty supervillain
(for anyone else who doesnt know what those are: “Neodymium magnets are currently the strongest magnets available on the market. They are many times stronger than ordinary magnets in terms of magnetic force.”)
Reminds me of a Farside comic featuring a guy working at a hospital who would sneak into the nursery, charge the babies with static electricity, and stick them to the ceiling. Forget magnetizing stuff, static electricity is the way to go. (The screams when people touch a charged up door knob; delicious.)
Bluesky text: talk it out!
Oh, that’s gonna hurt, isn’t it?
What will he say? What dark secret thoughts are there in Erin to reveal?
Prediction: Galen Ruunaser will have used unSparked Tess to get Erin to do what Galen wanted, or just hold Erin still.
Also, let the man sleep, Voidy! Also I love Tess.
I know those are scrapes, but it does look like he’s blushing there. Cutesy Voidy.
First time I read I thought he was weirdly emotional about Erin finally opening his thoughts up to him.
That’s it Walter, try to taunt people with information they already know and have acknowledged, see how that works out for you.
This is going to have to do with him getting his tattoos and the monks, isn’t it?
Or, I wonder if Erin can lie about hsi memories to the dragon?
Villain: * monologues*
Tess: Pika! Pika!
I’m sorry, who was going to tell me that Tess could web-sling/hook-shot herself around using lightning?
I wonder if Red has seen A Certain Scientific Railgun. The main protagonist pulls that stunt a fair number of times, especially in 1 tough fight. She is a master of electromagnetic manipulation. Everything from finite manipulation of circuits without frying them, to her signature move, propelling a metal object using electromagnetic force. It is also the source of her code name, Railgun.
YAY BACKSTORY TIME! Also their expressions in the last two panels are brilliant.
Oh hohohoho, more Ruunasib lore, yes! >:)
VD is such a delight every time he’s on page.
The expression on Walter’s FACE! It’s like he just learned something very unpleasant.
…it’s a BEAUTIFUL expression!
V.D.: Oh. Combining Magneto with Spider-Man. How original.
Tess: Keep up the sass and I’ll re-enact the “toad struck by lightning” scene on you.
Interesting expressions on display today. Tess’s face and body language is a far cry from the usual adrenaline junkie punch-mage we known and love; she feels more like Kendal with how exact and serious she moves and looks. For V.D., that looks like genuine curiosity, much like when he beheld Dainix and Kendal in Zuurith. In spite of seeing humans as his tools, even he can’t help but find certain things interesting about them.
Methinks V.D. has stumbled upon a memory of Erin’s that he was deliberately keeping under wraps. I wonder how much of V.D.’s lack of knowledge is down to him not paying attention a lot of the time, and how much is Erin, consciously or subconsciously, guarding his thoughts. In any case, I don’t think we’ve seen Erin this mentally exhausted before, and that could be a problem.
Tess keeping Erin prisoner? Honestly, I could see that; she was Galen’s slave so was subservient to his orders, not Erin’s. While Tess called Galen’s purchase of her as a “playmate” for Erin in her short life story, I wonder if she was being euphemistic.
How much of Tess’s purpose was being a sturdy “friend” for an elementally unstable Erin to play with, and how much was keeping Erin away from outside contact out of fear he could hurt someone and harm the Ruunaser family’s reputation?
Prediction for next week: Looks like V.D. is trying an “induce guilt/anger to throw off my opponents” trick, similar to how he (or a dream version of him) did in Erin’s dream in Zuurith. While this might work on Erin, I’m not sure if it’ll work on Tess, or at least won’t work the way V.D. intends it to. I do see Tess and Erin winning this without outside help, but I’m not sure how long that will take.
Ooh. uh oh. That does not sound good.
Beeecause as a child his magic was dangerously volatile?
ooh I think you might be onto something… I think Erin and Tess hinted at something to do with his seals, which don’t seem to be common for an Elemental Magus
what the matter voidy, did you find something relatable in your tool/vessel?
how queer! you may be careful, you might reconsider your whole stance on them!
Voidy. Voidy, no. Those are inside thoughts.
Next time on comic aurora:erin tries to lavasplosion his brain before Walter can read his mind
I feel a tragic backstory coming on!
I love Tess clinging to that cavern ceiling like electric Spiderman.
Oh, that’s an interesting hint of Ruunasib lore, and it ties in with what Erin said to her on 2.2.31 while overextending himself (“Nobody’s forcing you to hold me back anymore!”). My guess is VD is twisting the wording in the worst possible way to get under Tess’s skin, but there’s probably a kernel of truth in there, somewhere. Tess was clearly, at some point, tasked with looking after Erin.
But she also looks after him now because she genuinely cares for him. Of course. Which is what makes this conflict and story thread so deliciously fraught.
Spider-Tess! Spider-Tess!
Does whatever a spider does
‘Takes out dragons/Just like flies!’
TL;DR: Rock climbing out of voidy’s way.
Well, almost everything I can think of to say has already been said. But it’s interesting that Erin has been apparently guarding his thoughts. Or rather, it’s neat that guarding your thoughts from something possessing you id something you can do.
Bleppbpbp no question today. Too tired
You’re still getting an answer: I think you could get rid of the zombie starfish by electrocuting them, we just need to learn from Erin!
Actually, you know what: Anonymous Aurora Question A: How would the floof squad deal with immortal zombie starfish.
I really hope this means that we’re going to get more backstory on Tess and Erin because I’ve been waiting for that for like 8 chapters lol
Trying to prey on Erin and Tess’s emotional issues, I see. Not sure if it’s gonna work since Tess knows it’s the dragon talking, not Erin. And she’s usually pretty emotionally stable anyways. Unless this is when Red flips the script?…
Well, this should be fun
I have never seen such a practical use of lightning magic! Typically electrical magic is depicted as only good for combat, or maybe animating machines if the fiction is feeling mechanical. Awesome, I love this comic so much.
Did you miss the lightening leap off the magic ship, Speedy No More? Or the sitting leap off the floor of the cave, last page? What do you make of the lightning effect off Tess’s legs?
His expression is entirely thoughtful for a moment, and he’s relating to other characters on a much more personal level than before. While he was more than happy to monologue at Erin in the past, he seemed to mostly just want other people out of his way. Now he’s giving warnings and having conversations- and about something other than his cool master plan, no less.
Make your bets now! What does this mean? What is this setting up for?
Option A: An ever-evolving, intelligent villain that doesn’t underestimate his foes. An enemy that knows you inside and out, a threat that only grows more powerful and more difficult to defeat.
Option C: I’m overthinking this due to the fact that the dragon just so happens to be wearing Erin’s cute lil face.
My brain says option A but my heart says option B
omg spider tess!
also, on the being improsoned cuz of tess thing, maybe he was once again confined to the house after she left?
or maybe they used to mess around with magic as kids and it injured him so bad the monks had to get involved
Love how Red is holding us all hostage drip feeding us one detail about Tess and Erin’s shared backstory at a time. I’m going insane. Spill the beans, Voidy. Tell us. TELL US
The fact the dragon keeps getting more and more talkative every time he interacts with other characters than Erin Makes me think he’s gaining perspective, and learning.
Now, exactly WHAT he’s learning and if it’s good or bad for our heroes is the question.
Mm, mm. How I love a delicious cup of angst in the morning.