The world of Aurora is composed of six primal elements: Water, Wind, Stone, Fire, Lightning, and Life.

These six elements are all that remains of six enormously vast and powerful beings known as Primordials. The six primordials, each composed entirely of the pure essence of a single element, journeyed between the stars in pursuit of an eldritch dark dragon that threatened to consume all of existence, one star at a time.

The six primordials battled the dark dragon, but though they managed to strike it down, none of them survived the encounter. Fatally wounded from the struggle, the six elemental primordials surrounded the dragon and fused their forms together, imprisoning and defeating it once and for all.

Though long-dead, the souls of the six primordials continue to linger, dancing through the upper atmosphere in colorful shows of light – a nightly reminder of their sacrifice. It is through their lingering spirits that elemental magic is possible, as mages can draw fragments of these primordial souls into themselves and command the corresponding element to obey. Advanced mages are even capable of drawing upon the true nature of the element itself, small echoes of the splendorous power the primordial embodied in life.