That’s not elemental magic, good thing that the only magic that we saw her use until now is stone, with the same colour as her hand. But it’s true, it’s quite different from Erin, more uniform. That is not water magic I suppose, so soul, soul magic.
She is studying souls to gain the power to control hers, that why she is immortal, she uses souls, or at least hers to sustain herself, what kind of power can she achieve with Vash?
Maybe when She sees Erin or Alinua she notices the primordials, and then Vash is not as important.
We definitely see her use other types of magic beyond stone. During her fight with Vash she uses life magic on a few occasions, and Kendall does say to Alinua that she’s (at least partially) a life mage because the chimarae she created could not have been made with any other magic. I don’t really understand why she would need to acquire souls, but I do suspect that it has something to do with her apparent immortality. I’ve heard of some depictions of Circe where she uses various herbs and plants combined with sorcery in order to make herself immortal. Maybe something similar here is happening, but the collector lady is using souls. Why she would need progressively more powerful souls I don’t know.
So quick reply to myself because this is something I just thought of when reading through this again. Also: spoilers for the game Hollow Knight, which was played in one of their streams at the start of 2020 so don’t read on if you don’t want to.
Possibly she’s acquiring souls for similar purposes and reasons to the Soul Master/Tyrant? He was certainly attempting to use them to gain immortality and great strength.
I think that the souls are used solely for nourishment, and not altered by her magic at all, other than getting “collected”. It’s probably why Kendal was still able to hear Vash after he got Collected. The soul itself isn’t being affected by her magic other than being unable to return to its original physical vessel.
About the Collector needing more and more powerful souls… I have a theory that, due to entropy, her need for energy is increasing and is difficult to sustain with “normal” souls.
“But gods have no predators” hmm…
-110 Years Ago-
Twins: *Plays God of War*
Twins: *Gets really into it*
Twin A: “You know what, I just had a really cool idea for a new art piece!”
Twin B: “Oh, let’s hear it then?”
-One art piece later-
Twin A: I call it “The Collector!”
Collector: “where tHE FU-“
…One phrase strikes me as odd, “It didn’t seem like elemental magic, not as we understood it”. The magic we’ve seen her use (life, stone, and now water) definitely seems elemental in nature, with the possible exception of her knife (unless, as I and most likely at least a few other people have theorized, the knife is infused with magic related to the seventh element). Maybe Ilia and a lot of the smaller gods didn’t understand it because it was vastly more powerful than any magic they had seen before..?
Now we’ve seen The Collector use three types of elemental magic, and Ilia states the god-napping began a little over a century ago… since she was said to have died 130 years ago, the possibility of The Collector being the previous elemental magus grows more likely in my mind…
“My locus is a lake”. So Ilia doesn’t oversee settlements after all..? Odd, lakes and river valleys usually are some of the first spots to get cities built around them
I think it’s more that any nearby town is just that: a town on the edge of Her lake. Tacked on. Vash’s City on the other hand was a part of him. He wasn’t a mountain god with some buildings on top, he was a God of the City itself.
And I suppose it’s always possible that over time Lady Illia will turn into a god of other things besides the lake and valley, like over time she might become a true god of those towns as well. It certainly seems that no civilisation god has popped up to claim them (or at least hasn’t been mentioned) so Lady Illia must have a connection to those towns in some way (probably because of their dependencies on the rivers + lake). But like I said, I think it’s possible that eventually she will become more than just a lady of a lake.
Same thing I told The Lolest (for real) in the previous page: it is astronomically improbable for the entire sekrai and/or merfolk population to be concentrated in a single body of water the size of Lake Ilia
Need might be the wrong word. She many not deed them, but Want them to increase her own power, or just to collect. When people collect things, they don’t nessisarilly need the items thier collecing “even if in thie rown head they ‘need’ them”, they just want them and so collect them and store them to observe or just to have.
Have you guys considered that she has a primordial connection to something like the 7th element sort of like Erin. Or as another failure by the Twins that is “closed to the elements” .
The only conclusion off the top of my head that seems even remotely plausible is that the knife is a very ancient relic leftover from when the primordials were still alive, but that’s still one hell of a stretch
Apparently there are these things called truenames, every soul has one, and it can be used in necromancy, and can be used to manipulate gods in some sense, I think that the blade had Vash’s true name in it
I guess we’ll wait and see!! Though I do think a giant explosion would have drawn a LOT of attention, and the newly-born entity called “Kendal” even more so.
On top of that, how did she know about his circumstances? Literally the only people he’s informed about his true nature are Alinua and Magistrate Luran (and the guards in Luran’s office, I guess). How did Ilia know he’s soulless, and how did she get to The Storm’s Wasteland that quickly? (Btw, happy apocalypse birthday, Pinewing)
As a fellow who has already had an apocalypse birthday, being able to do basically nothing for it sucks. I hope you had good food to eat and good people to celebrate with
Only the top part of the page loaded for me and I only saw the speech bubbles of “I’m not–” “I know. “Kendal”, yes?” “…not enough.” aND MY HEART FUCKING BROKE
Ah, Ilia is using her “the Expositioner” epithet to impart vital information.
Interesting info on the Collector, that does fit the timeframe for the theory she’s the past elemental magus but Ilia’s description of her magic is interesting. Maybe she’s learnt some kind of transcendent elemental magic? (would also explain how she manipulated the cave entrance)
I don’t think she’s doing the soul collecting for sustenance though, she seems too nonchalant for that to be the case, plus if she has ascendant life magic immortality shouldn’t be too hard for her. I think she’s a “for science” antagonist.
I cannot believe that no one commented on this having been uploaded on the first anniversary of the first page. Since that’s the case, congrats!!! It’s been some months but still!!!!!!
TL;DR: Corpse floof doesn’t know much about Chimera mum. Other gods, including Ghost goddess were spying on Chimera mum. Chimera mum sometimes does forced evictions and illegal demolitions before kidnappings.
huh I just had a thought; Kendall said the previous Elemental Magus was a “she” and that she died 130 years ago and the Collector began… well, collecting “more than a century ago… Sounds suspicious to me! (loving this so far tho, the world needs more emotionally aware protagonists :D)
Oh, yeah, we almost forgot our inciting incident…
That’s not elemental magic, good thing that the only magic that we saw her use until now is stone, with the same colour as her hand. But it’s true, it’s quite different from Erin, more uniform. That is not water magic I suppose, so soul, soul magic.
She is studying souls to gain the power to control hers, that why she is immortal, she uses souls, or at least hers to sustain herself, what kind of power can she achieve with Vash?
Maybe when She sees Erin or Alinua she notices the primordials, and then Vash is not as important.
We definitely see her use other types of magic beyond stone. During her fight with Vash she uses life magic on a few occasions, and Kendall does say to Alinua that she’s (at least partially) a life mage because the chimarae she created could not have been made with any other magic. I don’t really understand why she would need to acquire souls, but I do suspect that it has something to do with her apparent immortality. I’ve heard of some depictions of Circe where she uses various herbs and plants combined with sorcery in order to make herself immortal. Maybe something similar here is happening, but the collector lady is using souls. Why she would need progressively more powerful souls I don’t know.
So quick reply to myself because this is something I just thought of when reading through this again. Also: spoilers for the game Hollow Knight, which was played in one of their streams at the start of 2020 so don’t read on if you don’t want to.
Possibly she’s acquiring souls for similar purposes and reasons to the Soul Master/Tyrant? He was certainly attempting to use them to gain immortality and great strength.
Sadly souls can not be manipulated by magic (directly?), it’s more like an energy that repels magic:
I think that the souls are used solely for nourishment, and not altered by her magic at all, other than getting “collected”. It’s probably why Kendal was still able to hear Vash after he got Collected. The soul itself isn’t being affected by her magic other than being unable to return to its original physical vessel.
About the Collector needing more and more powerful souls… I have a theory that, due to entropy, her need for energy is increasing and is difficult to sustain with “normal” souls.
Finally, something that enhances the bloody plot!
wow, on top of being a soul thief, she’s also a liar, where does the evil end?
Perhaps she uses the mysterious seventh element magic that we aren’t allowed to know about?
“But gods have no predators” hmm…
-110 Years Ago-
Twins: *Plays God of War*
Twins: *Gets really into it*
Twin A: “You know what, I just had a really cool idea for a new art piece!”
Twin B: “Oh, let’s hear it then?”
-One art piece later-
Twin A: I call it “The Collector!”
Collector: “where tHE FU-“
…One phrase strikes me as odd, “It didn’t seem like elemental magic, not as we understood it”. The magic we’ve seen her use (life, stone, and now water) definitely seems elemental in nature, with the possible exception of her knife (unless, as I and most likely at least a few other people have theorized, the knife is infused with magic related to the seventh element). Maybe Ilia and a lot of the smaller gods didn’t understand it because it was vastly more powerful than any magic they had seen before..?
I think it means, she does things beyond what elemantal magic is known to be capable of
Now we’ve seen The Collector use three types of elemental magic, and Ilia states the god-napping began a little over a century ago… since she was said to have died 130 years ago, the possibility of The Collector being the previous elemental magus grows more likely in my mind…
“My locus is a lake”. So Ilia doesn’t oversee settlements after all..? Odd, lakes and river valleys usually are some of the first spots to get cities built around them
I think it’s more that any nearby town is just that: a town on the edge of Her lake. Tacked on. Vash’s City on the other hand was a part of him. He wasn’t a mountain god with some buildings on top, he was a God of the City itself.
And I suppose it’s always possible that over time Lady Illia will turn into a god of other things besides the lake and valley, like over time she might become a true god of those towns as well. It certainly seems that no civilisation god has popped up to claim them (or at least hasn’t been mentioned) so Lady Illia must have a connection to those towns in some way (probably because of their dependencies on the rivers + lake). But like I said, I think it’s possible that eventually she will become more than just a lady of a lake.
Maybe she is the goddes or a lake, and there is just a city near her lake, which she is not part of, but they still worship her
Or in the lake with all the fish people
Same thing I told The Lolest (for real) in the previous page: it is astronomically improbable for the entire sekrai and/or merfolk population to be concentrated in a single body of water the size of Lake Ilia
Need might be the wrong word. She many not deed them, but Want them to increase her own power, or just to collect. When people collect things, they don’t nessisarilly need the items thier collecing “even if in thie rown head they ‘need’ them”, they just want them and so collect them and store them to observe or just to have.
Have you guys considered that she has a primordial connection to something like the 7th element sort of like Erin. Or as another failure by the Twins that is “closed to the elements” .
-No mages have been born with a link to the seventh element, and The Collector didn’t kill The Storm.
-It seems that The Twins were creating potential Dark Avatars looong before The Collector was born.
Ooh, I just poked a hole in another theory I support; if she doesn’t have a connection to the seventh element, how can her knife have one?
The only conclusion off the top of my head that seems even remotely plausible is that the knife is a very ancient relic leftover from when the primordials were still alive, but that’s still one hell of a stretch
Apparently there are these things called truenames, every soul has one, and it can be used in necromancy, and can be used to manipulate gods in some sense, I think that the blade had Vash’s true name in it
*Gasp* The goddess has floofier hair than Kendal!
This is really deep
How come she knew where Kendal was anyways???
I guess we’ll wait and see!! Though I do think a giant explosion would have drawn a LOT of attention, and the newly-born entity called “Kendal” even more so.
On top of that, how did she know about his circumstances? Literally the only people he’s informed about his true nature are Alinua and Magistrate Luran (and the guards in Luran’s office, I guess). How did Ilia know he’s soulless, and how did she get to The Storm’s Wasteland that quickly? (Btw, happy apocalypse birthday, Pinewing)
Hey what if Kendal is actually asleep and Ilia is talking to him through a dream and that’s why the chapter is called “nightmare”
@blarmy blar blar oooooooh interesting
Thanks for the answer Aloof Fox and thank you for noticing the Unknown Game.(Also, I also wonder the answer to your question)
As a fellow who has already had an apocalypse birthday, being able to do basically nothing for it sucks. I hope you had good food to eat and good people to celebrate with
Thanks!!! At least I had a cake and my family. And though I don’t know your birth date, I wish a very late happy birthday as well!
March 19th
I’ll remember that!
@blarmy blar blar oooooooh interesting
Only the top part of the page loaded for me and I only saw the speech bubbles of “I’m not–” “I know. “Kendal”, yes?” “…not enough.” aND MY HEART FUCKING BROKE
I didn’t notice at the time but happy belated first aniversary of this comic!
Ah, Ilia is using her “the Expositioner” epithet to impart vital information.
Interesting info on the Collector, that does fit the timeframe for the theory she’s the past elemental magus but Ilia’s description of her magic is interesting. Maybe she’s learnt some kind of transcendent elemental magic? (would also explain how she manipulated the cave entrance)
I don’t think she’s doing the soul collecting for sustenance though, she seems too nonchalant for that to be the case, plus if she has ascendant life magic immortality shouldn’t be too hard for her. I think she’s a “for science” antagonist.
I cannot believe that no one commented on this having been uploaded on the first anniversary of the first page. Since that’s the case, congrats!!! It’s been some months but still!!!!!!
TL;DR: Corpse floof doesn’t know much about Chimera mum. Other gods, including Ghost goddess were spying on Chimera mum. Chimera mum sometimes does forced evictions and illegal demolitions before kidnappings.
“Vash didn’t socialize with the right people.”
—One of Vash’s few friends
damn, she isn’t screwing around is she?
huh I just had a thought; Kendall said the previous Elemental Magus was a “she” and that she died 130 years ago and the Collector began… well, collecting “more than a century ago… Sounds suspicious to me! (loving this so far tho, the world needs more emotionally aware protagonists :D)
alt text: thanks for the reminder, lady
Image source: predator
Ilia explains the purpose of her long mission
And lo and behold: It’s to share some exposition
I smell neurodivergence.