on January 3, 2025
at 3:00 am
Chapter’s done! We’ll be back in chapter 4 to find out what’s happened to everyone and how they’re gonna fix the various problems that have piled up over the course of this Chill Boat Downtime arc! In the meantime I’m gonna take a page out of Dainix’s book and handle my burnout with a nice, intense nap. Comic returns in a few weeks!
I feel Reds catharsis in smashing that boat. You no longer have to draw it
I’m just waiting for the ghost boat to show up looking for revenge later on all the people who abused it.
Hmmm… I spot (probably) Alinua just above the serpent’s tail, as well as what looks like two plant cocoons. Probably Falst and Kendal respectively. Interesting.
Is anyone else concerned about that giant crack in Tess’s metal skin? No? Just me? Okay
That’s Tess’s original lightning scar.
That’s the scar she got when she was hit by lightning as a kid. I don’t remember when exactly she says that, maybe right after Zurith?
Hi, just like to say that the giant crack came from her being chosen by the sky. Hope I don’t sound annoying, just trying to help 🙂
That’s actually a scar, not an open wound :3
Good eye!
Well that ain’t ideal
Before Tess’s wide and despairing eyes
A tentacle tears through the ship, huge in size
Well that’s one heck of a cliffhanger to end the chapter on.
I think that’s a tail, not a tentacle, but I could be wrong
Could be. It doesn’t have a tail fin though, so who knows? Would that make it the Evil Eel (TM)?
There’s only one silhouette
There’s only one silhouette
There’s only one silhouette
I think that’s Falst, but it could be anyone.
There are also, however, two little blorbs of green. Likely balls of plants, that Alinua wrapped around the others.
The silhouette also matches Alinua best, with her large hair. My first thought was actually Kendal but as you said, two green blobs (and you know Alinua would put the mask on everyone else first).
In point of fact, we saw at the end of the previous page that some plants were surrounding Falst. That’s not the big tendril, that’s Alinua preparing for it by surrounding Falst in a Life Barrier! And a few pages further back, she was thinking of what plant could both survive the impact and float before Dainix interrupted her with transmuting Void into…light? Whatever it was he was transmuting it into.
(Note for moderators, my previous attempts had very much the wrong emoji and that message should NOT go through. Thank you.)
I’m betting Alinua wrapped herself and Kendal in one cocoon, Falst and Dainix (rock) in another, and the silhouette is the Champion
The champion blasted off someplace else a while ago. The hair looks like most Alinua’s to me.
The champion was thrown somewhere over Rakhn at the end of his fight with Kendal I believe
Well that’s no good
NO! Tess is sad! She can’t be sad, she’s never sad! 🙁
I like the sound effect in panel 1. It has a nice… font and color and texture (idk the right words)
If this was a grimdark, i would probably cry.
With a mighty SMASH!
The boat is torn asunder.
Nothing Tess can do…
Note to self: next time, use the flying machine (but watch out for giant green eagles).
why didn’t they fly the eagles to helm lol #FLYYOUFOOLS
Dang am I early for once? That’s really cool.
Anyway, wow! Everything is going fine, absolutely no angst to be seen here.
Cue Cellos
All hail kraken ship-render and scourge of the deep
It’s only 2 pages into the new year too. Damn. Have a nice rest Red!
Wow, when they split the the party, they really split the party. Looks the groups will be: Tess and Erin, Falst and his pet rock, and Alinua and Kendal. At least they have a destination to regroup at.
I love these pairs, but I feel like it always splits up into them.
I have to agree. I know we’ve had some interactions between other pairs, but they don’t stand out nearly as much.
Yeah, I want to see some false-Erin drama and maybe some Kendal-Tess shenanigans with dainix and alinua paired together by process of elimination
One person is not wrapped and the hair in clothes look like Alinua’s. I bet this is how she is forced into growing gills or some other Life thing and those mermaids become relevant.
“Falst and his pet rock” XD
i’ll never forgive you for this cliffhanger, red
…yeah I will
I’ll get over it
At least Tess and Erin found a rock nearby. Complete even with a small cave for shelter.
You know it’s serious when Tess gets worried…. Red when I catch you
It’s time for Falst’s Odysseus arc
Take a look right here at this rock
It has the Crucible’s host all trapped
All you gotta do is just carry this rock
– Sounds too easy, what’s the catch?
you, my friend, are godly
guys…why is there a humanoid silhuette among the cocoons…..
I think it’s Alinua.
Tarren (reading Erin’s notes, revision ? of many): … Yeah, I think making future ships “sea monster with tentacles/tongues larger than the ship itself”-proof is a bit much to ask.
Erin: What?! I never wrote that! Tess, is this your handwriting?
Art wise, first panel is amazing. Water frothing, the ship splintering, “Smash” SFX blending with the background; really hammers home the immensity and power of this creature, whatever it is.
However, the last two panels are really gut wrenching to me. Third panel showing how torn Tess is, wanting to help her friends, but knowing Erin needs her after he overchannelled and in case of V.D.. Her scarred shoulder is on display here for a reason, past trauma hammering home present trauma? It also shows her caring side, taking time to make Erin an impromptu bed, trusting Alinua and Falst to handle the ship evacuation.
In the final panel, Tess is once again in shadow, and her normally upright and confident pose is hunched and defeated. She can’t leave her brother alone while he’s fragile, a scenario she likely knows all too well. Even if she did go out there to help, that monster is way outside her weight category, and she risks drowning for being a poor swimmer in a storm. Even at her lowest points, almost captured in Zuurith or tossed around by Tynan, she’s never looked so powerless or despondent as she is now.
However, all hope is not lost. Alinua was talking in 2-3-38 about coming up with something strong that floats, last page Falst was about to be enveloped in vines, and I see two vine cocoons at the top of panel 1, either side of what I assume is a flailing elf. Methinks Alinua managed to figure out a floatable plant construct to save the boys, and not a moment too soon.
However, Tess can’t see that, Alinua and co have been tossed high into the air, and the monster is still there and thrashing about.
Prediction for next … month, maybe?: I’m torn. Either a) focus back on the ship and Alinua’s vine pods as they try and make their way to shore while avoiding Nessie, or b) stay with Tess as she fully takes in what just happened.
That last one could lead to her despairing more; her brother is sick, her friends presumably killed by a creature she had no idea existed, she’s powerless to help anyone, and I can almost hear V.D. rearing his head to gloat.
On the other hand, if Alinua does more plant stuff, Tess might be able to espy the vine boats and become hopeful again. Maybe even leap towards them to give the monster tentacles a zap as a distraction.
I could actually imagine that next chapter starts with a quick cutaway to the champion discussing the important question “what the heck just happened???” with the Lady. I wouldn’t bet on it, but I think it’s a legitimate option.
I think we see Tarren/ the bounty hunters and the junior archive girl for next chapter’s open, or some other similarly vacant side character.
I would not call Shrike or Thea (Junior Archivist) just ‘incidental side characters’ @WoodGuardian. I know Tarren and the other two have fans among the commenntors (and at least I like Trusk) but it up to Red if they show up in the story upcoming or not. Just another point of view to ponder, or not if you prefer. (smile). It would be frustrating ironic to go back to back to the bounty crew but might give Red time to ‘noodle’ around more ideas on where to take the story next.
I wonder if Tess will be mad at Erin. She was against this whole trip from the start and now she presumably believes the rest of their companions are dead or injured at least. She loves Erin, but I wonder if she’ll blame him a little bit for their losses. Almost every concern that was brought up before the trip, came to fruition.
“Calling this one chekhov’s fish” and also checkhov’s Fun Lighthearted Conversation about whether Kendal would drown if submerged in water. Which Tess suddenly seems a lot less keen on solving for some reason!
That was out of nowhere. Bossfight logic says more fighting.
They just went through a boss fight, though. It usually takes a while before the next one.
I wouldn’t say it was out of nowhere. It was foreshadowed pretty heavily, both with the “SHE’S COMING” warning from the people of Vash that woke Kendal last chapter, and a warning from Life when Alinua’s diadem broke. We also saw it under the boat at one point
Oh whoops lmao, the warning from Life was the sneak peek of it. 2.3.21
AAAUGH. Leaving us HERE of all places D: (no it’s ok I’m glad Red is getting rest but AUGH THE CLIFFHANGER)
Well I guess that shows precisely how huge that danger noodle is, and the answer is FREAKING ENORMOUS what the HECK. Full disclosure, I was so distracted by the sheer horrific magnificence of the leviathan that I probably wouldn’t have spotted Alinua or the plant pods in the first panel, if others hadn’t pointed them out.
Agreed that Tess’s expressions here are heartbreaking. She’s distraught. I don’t think we’ve ever seen her so distraught. She has good reason to be, watching her new friends get smashed and, for all she knows, die while Erin is out for the count and in terrible condition.
Jeez. Okay, well, we knew that ship was getting wrecked. We knew that leviathan was coming. It seems like Alinua’s coming in clutch and safeguarding her friends with plants. Floof Squad will deal with this somehow. Somehow…
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: calling this one chekhov’s fish
Image source: smash
tumblr text: unsportsmanlike killstealing behavior from the kaiju
Hello, Zer0 W0lf! You’re late today!
Bluesky Text: the most important part of any shipwreck is to have fun and be yourself
It’s good to see you!
Yo shiihs they dead
There are two cocoons. It’s hard to spot but there are two. One has what looks like a piece of wood tethered to it (there’s a little line connecting them) but it could also be Falst getting yoinked to his cocoon and the distance and speed causing him to be a blur. I have my doubts about that though. Now I think only one other has pointed this out but there’s a silhouette of a person that’s likely Alinua and she’s flailing around in between the cocoons. So Alinua really needs to get a cocoon Falst will hopefully be inside his in time (or is already inside) and Kendals fine.
Welp I guess Alinua and Kendal and Falst and Dainix are all dead. Sea monsters. What can you do. I’m very confident that Tess and Erin will be able to resolve all remaining plot arcs by themselves though
The Collector, when Erin and Tess show up to save Vash: Didn’t you used to be more blond?
Tess: Fish mishap
Collector: What?
Erin: Fish mishap
Sorry for me being a grammar national socialist, but shouldn’t it be “didn’t you use to” rather than used to?
The page loaded and I just stared at that first panel and said “oh.”
I mean we were all waiting for the sea snake serpent thingy, but…
I guess Red was just really sick of the boat.
(It does make me VERY happy to see Tess and Erin on dry land. Dry land…it’s been the better part of a year…how I’ve missed you.)
So…um…how long do we think a few weeks is?
*Insert sick The Kraken Organ solo*
There once was a monstrous noodle
Who didn’t want others to canoodle.
It came up from its lair
Into dark, stormy air
And smashed the whole kit and caboodle.
Certainly one of your better ones, friend! And this is indeed a danger noodle. Perhaps you could even call it the most dangerous noodle?
Once again, this proves that you do not lend the hero group (in any story) a vehicle and expect to get it back.
Have a great break Red. Love the comic.
The Gilded Galvanic Goku Girl will be out for blood
TESS LOOKS ACTUALLY SO SAD AND TORN,,,, she can’t leave Erin but for all her knowledge the others might be dead. …Storms, volcanoes, sea serpents, and a light champion. This group really does have a penchant for attracting Trouble with a capital T when they attract it, don’t they?
I’m pretty sure Alinua and the boys are okay (silhouette & plant cocoons), but Tess doesn’t know that. I’m not sure if someone else has already pointed this out but… How’s Alinua going to find Tess and Erin? Maybe Alinua will grow a giant plant as a signal flare?
p.s. Is anyone else going to re-binge the comic, or just me?
Erin still knows that messenger-bird spell thing, so as long as they’re still within range, he can probably just cast that and use it to guide him to them. He’s used it for that twice now. But there’s no guarantee they’ll actually still be in range, and who knows how long he’ll be out of commission without Alinua there to heal him (and if his magic will cooperate with the damage to his arms – I think the sealing tattoos are fairly robust, but he got cut up pretty good there). Technically he could assume they were dead and not bother with the spell, but I really don’t see him doing that without at least trying a spell of some sort first.
Fish mishap, a fishap if you will
I love that. A fishap. I’m using it next time my we go fishing
All they had to do is just open the bag
Considering Falst is going to have to carry Dainix all throughout the next bit of this story, it brings a whole new meaning to “Keep Your Friends Close”…
Loan your new boat to Erin, they said. He’ll take good care of it, they said…
Nahhhhhhh, Tarren knew that they weren’t going to get it back, it’s fineeeeeeeee
I hated the way that boat looked, but I never wanted her to go like this. RIP Tarren’s Masterpiece, you did your job well.
How rude. Didn’t have the decency to swallow the ship whole.
It has to chew, It can’t digest big chucks of boat, right?
But yes, I agree it has no table manners.
Maybe it’s using a tentacle thingy as a knife? I think that would be excusable, but the fact that it had to smack the boat in the air is not. It’s like cutting a(n) [insert fancy food here] and then tossing it into the air while trying to catch it in its mouth.
That’s definitely fine.
I’m sure that will buff out.
I just opened the comic to see if there has been an update and the first thing I see is this giant tentacle or tail or noodle or something (what do you think it is?)
my reaction; … OH NOOO!!!
I think it is a (insert a word meaning really but REALLY BIG) water serpent-like chimera.
I think It’s a chimera becous the green color, the lower jaw being split in two and it has three tonques.
Note to Self: Never board a ship in any campaign Red is GMing. Not even (or especially) if the boat is really cool.
If the silhouette is alinua, am i not wrong to say that she gonna mind control the kraken? Has she mind control animals before? I don’t remember anything like that. Maybe i should revisit the beast arc.
Nope, no mind control that I remember. Maybe I just have bad memory though.
She kind of empathetically bonded with a chimera and it let her drain its Life, but not outright mind control I don’t think.
The closest thing was talking a chimera into allowing her to put It out of its misery, needless to say i dont think this is going to work here
So we’ve got
Dainix (rock)
Erin (sleepy)
Kendal (sleepy)
Falst (taking care of Dainix)
Tess (taking care of Erin)
I guess Alinua can protect Falst and Kendal and take care of a sea monster on her own. She’ll be fine.
i see two green pompoms and an Alinua, so I shall assume she wrapped up Kendal in one and Falst+dainix in the other and they are not immediately dead 😀
Tess: My brother…is never going to get the deposit back on that boat…
TL;DR: R.I.P boat.
Welp, RIP to artificer friend’s boat!
Oh, “Chill Boat Downtime arc”, is that what we’re calling this!? >:|
No that’s what Red is calling it and since she is drawing and writing this, she can call it whatever she wants.
It is to be noted the Red is still a member in good standing of Overly Sarcastic Productions, so take that into consideration.
I would call this frustratingly dramatic and visually spectacular but that’s just me. And I want more!
Ooo that last panel feels like smth out of a myth udk how to really describe it
Anyone else have “Ruthlessness” from Epic: The Musical running through their heads?
At all times, regardless of context. But the sea serpent’s appearance does especially call it to mind. Unfortunately it looks like a chimera and therefore probably isn’t all that sapient, so there’s not much I can do to write a parody for this occasion except point out that both “CHIMERA” and “SEA SERPENT” have the same syllable meter as “POSEIDON” and therefore could replace the opening chant.
Well, now I do
I agree with you artistic comments on this page @Evil Tree. Dramatically gripping action it the first panel followed by wonderful show of Tess conflicting and complex emotional turmoil.
My hunch is that Alinua and Primordial Life do not want to draw attention to themselves to the sea monster and/or from the Collector which is why they are not being more proactive.
Bet Tarren’s gonna love this
Omg I forgot about them😂
I know Erin’s notes are gonna be like ‘needs to be sturdier. My one-in-a-million-god-vessel-friend and the Paladin Champion blew it up while fighting bc I’m possessed by a dragon who wants to destroy everything then my demon other friend turned into a fire monster and burned it then a sea monster chimera thing crushed it.’
My pitch for Erin’s notes would be something like:
– Crew-facing surfaces should be electrically insulated. I was at one point shocked by lightning magic for the crime of leaning on the rail.
– Implement a control panel for the purpose of toggling weather shielding spells. At the very least, rain bubble and lightning shield lacrimas would have been appreciated, to say nothing of the volcanic rocks unique to our voyage.
– Increase redundancy for the water stilling lacrima–either enough to make a voyage without recharging, or at least such that the crew may be notified when charge is running low.
– The wooden deck and the sail would do well to be magically fireproofed.
– Consider preventative measures regarding the possibility of sea-monster attacks.
Oh my lord that’s perfect XD
– Apropos the sail, Dainix has suggested wyrmsilk as a viable material due to its fireproof quality and tolerance against shearing stress. I’m inclined to agree.
oh noooooooooooooooooooooo
is this fish a chimera? perhaps made by the collector? because vash’s dead said “she’s coming” before they entered the storm, and the fish has a weird jaw & three tongues, which could be normal in this world and also could Not be, but it also had life glow around it in the first panel we saw it.
That’s what I’m thinking too
Red gotchya girl fiending for another page
I started catching up for some weeks now just on and off reading it and THIS is where i’m left off?! This is such a wonderful comic but NOOOOOO.
Finally catching up on these comics to the latest chapter is a massive double-edged sword. On the one-hand, finally caught up
On the other, nothing more to read right now
So who’s gonna tell Tarren?
Also… best way to split the group: assumption of death.
Void Dragon: “I do not wither. I am the withering.”
His yet-to-be introduced, knowledge-themed cousing: “I do not understand. I am the understanding??”
When Red goes on posting breaks I miss the routine of waking up, being able to get out of bed because I’m excited about something, admiring her art for 15 minutes, getting inspired, and then going off and being productive with my day because there is only so much time I can sink into looking at one page. Cause right now I’ve been waking up late and doom scrolling for hours. I understand it takes time to create this awesome story, and I am in no way faulting Red, but damn I miss Aurora.
Painfully relatable. I’d suggest making a rule about not using your phone for the first half hour after you wake up,or finding a different comic in the meantime. (Webtoon, tuppence for stardust, castoff…)
Oof, sorry to hear that. Any other rituals you can fall back on, like having tea, picking up a good book, and reading for the first fifteen minutes of your day, perhaps?
My phone is set to block various apps for a couple of hours first thing in the morning. That helps as long as I make myself respect the block. If I can make myself feel awake enough, I also use that time to squeeze in a little bit of writing.
Good job! Mine just doesn’t unlock until 9, and by then I’m out of the house.
i am getting rather attached to this comic, i’ve read it four times in the two days since discovering it. I need HELP.
Jeez… good luck
That is very real, when I first read this it took me like a day to finish it all, and that was very recently.
Time for a break.
there goes my (joke) idea of the sea creature being “just chill actually”… alas…
New chapter preview up in the archive!!
Caliban! and maybe Rakhn? I really hope we get some insight into why Dainix is a “weapon.”
ooh this one looks interesting. I assume that Sillorhett is right and that’s Rakhn in the background, in which case his design is AWESOME, and also very distinct from any of the gods we’ve seen so far, which is fun. Thanks for pointing it out, I always forget that Red posts the chapter covers early
It looks *so cool*. I’m on mobile, and so I can see the last six chapter covers, and it’s kind of awesome that all of those are cool colors (blue, green, purple) and black and white, and then there’s this new one that’s just RED. And ORANGE. AND YELLOW. I love it so much 😀
Does anyone know when it will start up again? I definitely want Red to take her break, I’m just curious. Because a ‘few’ is VERY vague. Also, the chapter preview is up, and it gives me great hope that Dainix will come back FASTER!
On the YouTube channel, they take the whole of January off. So probably the first of February, but don’t quote me on that.
Oh wait really? That explains a lot, thanks
Actually, I’m betting the third of February, since that’s a Monday.
Well, it’s not the 3rd.
I stand corrected.
I meant the first Monday of February, but I guess it doesn’t matter because there is no page XD
fingers crossed for the 10th, then.
hoping for the friday the 14th or monday the 17th!
Red is the freaking best. I’m both sad and glad she is taking a break, setting boundaries even on something you love doing is HARD work! I am so excited to see what happens next!!!
Oh, I’m finally caught up again.
alright the tenth then!! woo
While we’re patiently waiting for the next page, let’s play a game! The title of your YA book series is:
“A [last place you went] of [your birth stone] and [current weather condition].”
A school of emerald and nice
School of Amethyst and Somewhat Cold and Snowy, but that’s to be Expected Given that it’s February in Massachusetts
This was the laugh I needed this morning, thank you XD
A Job of Pearl and Frost. Kinda cool, actually. Sounds like it should come from some kind of episodic series involving the Fae Courts. (Or I might have just read waaaaay too much Dresden Files…)
A Laboratory of Ruby and Snow. I think it gives *someone has been experimenting on the protagonist and now they are running away while injured and bleeding in the snow* vibes
A Grocery Store of Amethyst and Cold but Clear. I wonder if an ice sorcerer is the manager or something?
Home of topaz and clouds
A Shop of Amethyst and Humidity
It’s not really humid, perhaps a Shop of Amethyst and Incoming Summer Storms is better
“A Church Of Amethyst And Clouds”
I might be crazy but I feel like I could make something outta that
A College of Sapphire and way to cold given it was 50 degrees yesterday.
“A Barbers of Amethyst and Clear Evening”
Getting a haircut with crystal scissors with a lovely sunset backdrop. Pretty chill.
A School of Sapphire and Light Rain
A Walk of Opal and Rain
Or if it has to be a non-house destination with a roof, A Costco of Opal and Rain, which… Maybe an interesting urban fantasy YA?
a home of sapphire and snow
A Chinese Takeaway of garnets and rain
A target of opal and snow. Amyone notice that’s there’s a lot of rain and snow ones on here?
“A Lab of a Diamond and Sun”. Sounds actually fairly publishable, although I have no clue what it would be about
A Violin Academy of Ruby and Really really cold (ig snowy or cloudy could count)
A home of Aquamarine and snow
A Home of Amythest and Heavy Snow (ngl would read for the title except lets be real the mc would be so insufferable)
Hello fellow peoples
While we’re waiting I’ve got a few fun questions for you guys (cause I’m bored as hell and don’t have anything to do rn)
#1 How are you?(simple I know)
#2 What song do you have stuck in your head? Which part of the song?
#3 Who’s your favorite Aurora character? If there’s a reason, why?
#1 Pretty good and a bit hungry.
#2 He has returned by Gloryhammer, the specific part being the chorus.
#3 Either Tess or Alinua, reason for both being personality and esthetic.
#1 pleasantly sore (I just got home from gymnastics)
#2 the Ghost Busters theme song
#3 probably Kendal because he just tries so hard to be good (also I relate to not knowing how to human very well)
1) not bad
2) Hamilton’s “Guns and Ships”
3) Tess. Just the cheerful punchiness
#1 Flitteringly stressed
#2 Ashes and Blood (I’m an Arcane fan)
#3 Erin. I relate to being a burnt out mess with daddy issues.
#1 pretty good, just kinda chilling
#2 none right now but yesterday it was Not Evil from the second lego movie
# Tess or Alinua just bc they’re amazing
#1 I wannnttttt outttttt offff schoolllllll
#2 Cast the Bronze by Raynes. The chorus. It’s a really good acoustic folk.
#3 Tess. She’s so silly and I love her.
#1 Tired but pretty good
#2 Vienna by Billy Joel (the whole thing, it’s just such a great song)
#3 Erin because I’m a sucker for cool wizards
1. Better than yesterday
2. When the chips are down ( hadestown)
3. Erin!!!! I love the fact that he’s an arrogant know it all that can back it up 99% of the time
I love Hadestown so much
#1 Stressed, I need to write my bachelor’s thesis and can’t get myself to work on it
#2 whichever Epic song I heard last (right this minute warrior of the mind)
#3 I’d say Dainix. To say it with a quote from Red: “Step aside, I have actual cognitive faculties, a rarity among this [floof squad]”. In other words, I like him for purely tactical reasons. (Number 2 is Tess, I mean my second epithet besides “Fan of Dainix” is “Fan of Tess”)
1.) Unproductive to the point of fear
2.) Sunset Road by (Specifically the part where the singer goes “My True Love” during the chorus)
3.) Tarren, because I am an incredibly stereotypical Enby. They are peak Chaotic Wholesome which is literally me!!!
“Unproductive to the point of fear” is the most relatable thing I’ve heard in a while
1. Worrying about the impending last year of school otherwise surprisingly fine
2. You’ll be back, soon you’ll see,
you’ll remember you belong to me,
you’ll be back, time will tell,
you’ll remember that I served you well…
This is the fourth consecutive day it’s been stuck in my head
3. Erin, because I like wizards and I find him relatable, in some senses
Update (not like anyone cares, but): the song is still stuck in my head, but now it’s just the humming
Da-da-da-da-daaa, da da da da da-da-da…
1: feeling good, if a little tired (a theme amongst Aurora fans, I see)
2: Risk, Risk, Risk! It’s so bouncy and fun 🙂
3: Dainix! He’s my best boy and I hope he gets out of his rock soon
I think it’s a theme among people in general
1. Working out a few things, but I think I’m through the worst of the stress
2. Most of the music stuck in my head is my own (and half of it is unreleased for various reasons), but outside of that it’s probably The Toybox by The Stupendium, specifically the second chorus with the “All we know is how to play, play, play, play, play” and “Wind it up, watch it spin!” The whole song in general has a cool chord progression and catchy melodies and rhymes, and it’s got pipe organ throughout which I’m a total SUCKER for. I don’t even know anything about Poppy Playtime I just think the song is really cool, Stupes is just like that
3. Erin, my boy is literally me on so many levels. Trying to make everything cool and dramatic and failing miserably is my BRAND. Also gifted kid burnout which is fun
Gifted kid burnout is real and it sucks :/
1) Great now that the weekend is here!
2) He Has Returned by Gloryhammer… thanks, @the sinistral wanderer
3) Falst has really grown on me since he was first introduced
You’re welcome. 🙂
Darn that was the wrong emoji, I meant a smiley face.
Oh, that is a smiley face, I just couldn’t see it clearly because my screen is covered in dust.
1) Hey I’m doing okay today!
2) I have ‘Press Restart’ by Walk the Moon stuck in my head, particularly “I am not the subject, I am the experiment”
3) Erin is my absolute favourite. He makes me laugh.
1) dehydrated 🙁
2) “ruthlessness” from epic the musical–mainly just the chorus
3) yes. (all of them)
Hi there!
#1) Okay overall, I think.
#2) “Caramelldansen”
#3) Oh man. I love them all, but I think my favorite would be Dainix. Fellow martial artist! Empathetic person who nonetheless cuts right to the heart of matters! An absolute sweetheart! I tend to find myself writing him the most for fanfic, and out of the whole squad, he’s the first one I’d invite (or, rather, ask with puppy dog eyes) to train on the mats and hang out off of the mats.
Honorary mention to Falst. I love how he’s so smart in a practical, applied way that’s different from Erin’s academic cleverness. And he’s a catboy. I’m a sucker for cats. Plus, sometimes, I feel like I have an angry, fierce(ly loyal) Falst inside me. A little lion deep in my heart.
I also have a special soft spot for Kendal, with his quiet and patient demeanor. He’s also an absolute sweetheart who cares deeply about people.
All the main characters are so good, honestly.
1. doing well!! hanging out w family
2. nonstop from hamilton (i see a few other hamilton fans here hehehe). specifically burr singing “iiiii’ll keep all my plans close to myyy chest!”
3. ERIN!!! tho i think the most about falst, erin is just. agh. one of my favourites of all time
#1) More tired than I should be
#2) Wouldn’t You Like for the past two weeks
#3) All of them, but if I had to choose I’d say Erin because I like glowy magic and books
#1 Way less nervous about the matriculation exams than I thought I would be.
#2 One Short Day from Wicked (specifically the original Broadway cast recording), the second chorus.
#3 Erin, for the longest time. But Dainix is lowkey growing on me, mostly ’cause it’s nice with a character with actual emotional intelligence.
1) Swamped by homework (and procrastinating! :D)
2) the ‘pick up the phone’ section of TERRIFIED by APAngryPiggy
3) I love the paladin’s champion (micheal…?), his self-righteousness this chapter was so good-
#1 procrastinating my hw due tomorrow by staring into the middle distance
#2 the part of The Horse and the Infant where he’s pleading with Zeus and also the Penelope & Telemachus part, and the “keep your eyes open” part of Keep Your Friends Close (got into epic a few days ago and it’s joined the custody battle for my braincell along with all my other current hyperfixations)
3# gotta be Dainix and Erin. What can i say I like big flashy magic fights. Falst is so grouchy and cute though as well. Really I love all of them, plus Red’s gorgeous artstyle. maybe the real favorite character was the artstyle we made along the way??
1) Kinda sleepy and mostly happy (im feeling like a sad doggy waiting for the comic to return)
2) Suzume by RADWIMPS
3) Falst! He’s impossible to not like! Alinua and Kendal at second and third
1) not bad
2) Hamilton’s “Guns and Ships”
3) Tess. Just the cheerful punchiness
The 10th for sure. Not copium. On god.
The 9th of Febuary, 2026.
average silksong believer:
This hit a mark
How did you make that at that time when it’s only 3:04!? You must have a time machine
The timestamps don’t change based on the reader’s timezone. For instance, if I stay up until 2 AM Central Standard Time on February 17th, 2025, the next Aurora page will be posted, but all the timestamps will say 3 AM, including the ones I post. This leads me to believe that the timezone it uses is EST, but it may be CDT, which is the Daylight Savings version of CST.
The comic posts in EST, because i’m in PST and the comic posts at midnight for me (and also the author lives in NYC)
I live in Australia, it updates at seven pm for me, which is generally just after dinner, so I can comfortably be there when it updates (or doesn’t)
Oh, I see what you mean, never mind, haha, time zones
Monday 17th. No question.
we need to know how Danix will un-rock
Has there been any update from Red about the status of the comic? I joined the osp discord but didn’t see see anything there, it’s been going so strong I really hope she doesn’t abandon it.
I don’t think she’ll abandon it, I’m sure she has a plan. As hard as it is, we’ll just have to keep waiting.
It has been 40 days. When will our next page appear? Will it ever? Are we to be forever waiting for a thing that will never come? Will I ever enjoy waking up again? My life has lost much meaning and happiness now, and I can not go on with this. Please Red, I beg you, give us a new page. Just one, that’s all I ask for.
To be human is to want that which we cannot have
Fourty days!? It’s has been a while
I’ve stopped waiting for a page. Now I’m waiting for the chapter cover to say ‘coming *some day in the near future*’
“Watch, it’ll update any second now. Aaaaaany second now. See? Update! No wait, that’s just a new cover page.”
-Soldier, TF2
Is it just me or does Caliban look just so PRETTY in the chapter cover?
Caliban RUN! Ganondorf is behind you!
Oh my gods they have AirPods in! They can’t hear us!
Caliban RUN! Ganondorf is behind you!
Oh my gods they have AirPods in! They can’t hear us!
Funny you should say that, first thing I thought of when I saw that guy (who I presume to be Rakhn) was Daruk from BotW
Funny you should say that, I thought it was Demise from Skyward Sword
I’m being so respectful and not bothering red about the return date, but god DAMN i miss reading the page in the mornings:(
I really hope so!
red said so on tumbler and on the comic archives
red confirmed it on tumbler and the comic archive page!
Thank you for telling us! You have no idea (maybe you do) how happy I am!
Yup! Here’s the Tumblr post for those curious: https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/775412263769210880/hey-is-that-mermaid-saying-something
Comic back on Monday!!!!!!!
Guys I just got my wisdom teeth removed, any recommendations for soft foods I can eat while I’m still not allowed to chew?
Soups can be a good option, depending on what specifically is in the soup. I went and had some ramen when I couldn’t chew due to a dental procedure.
Mostly soups. Once able to chew just a little, I found the softest of breads and pastas quite good. Things which can be mushed against the front teeth with the tongue.
Besides soup there’s egg, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, smoothies, and purees like applesauce.
It is a good excuse to eat some jello and pudding.
Rice could work- there’s also instant breakfast drinks
Tess, I know how much you like punching giant monsters, but you’re tired and you probably sink in water. Take a moment to consider your approach.
tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomor
all my favorite things have been on break the last month and my serotonin supply is running low, i’m so excited for this comic to start back up please i need a reason to wake up on mondays again—
*Kermit the Frog voice*: After all, there’s only one more sleep till new… au… rora…
8 mins
Checkov’s fish? More like CHeckov’s Seafood Dinner!