I didn’t want to say ‘first’ when I posted this because I had no idea if I was actually first, but let me tell you the action of sitting there as my entire family was counting down the New Year and repeatedly clicking the Aurora logo until I saw the new page was surreal, since these pages come out at exactly midnight for me XD
I’m also exhausted and I feel like I could sleep for another ten hours.
Congrats for resisting the urge to call firsties! You have made my new year better by your restraint! May you see alot of good things happen all year round (and my sorrows only help you get better at adapting to life)! You encourage me to be a better person this year!
. Falst breaks off as Dainix’s flames dissolve, showing his rocky core. “Dainix?” Falst asks as the dark rock, streaked with veins of flame, drops into his hands.
. Falst looks up as the last wisps of flames vanish, then back down to Dainix’s core. “…No.”
. “Falst–!” Alinua’s voice comes to him faintly, as if from far away.
. “No. No, you…”
. “FALST!”
. “You can’t just–” Falst starts, staring at the rock, as vines surround him from behind.
Kinda random, but Kendal reminds me a lot of Keras from Weapons & Wielders and Arcane Ascension. Powerful, not easily hurt, loyal, willing to destroy anything that hurts his friends. Not really “destroy” for Kendal though. Oh, and also, has weird powers that he doesn’t really know how to control yet. In Keras’s case it’s more “if I misuse this I could destroy the world” but…
Well, that’s one way to transport Dainix to land. I wonder if he has some sort of outside sense while inside the rock, if he is inside the rock? Does it just hold his power, or is he actually in there? Will he know when it’s safe to come out / re-form, or will he simply wait until a certain amount of time has passed, if he has a sensation of time while inside there?
This could also be that he’s just too tired to maintain the flame-form, and needs time to rest. Transforming the Void may have taken a lot of energy.
This scene is giving me deja vu for some reason? But yeah that’s a cocoon, Dainix just needs time to do his crucible transmutation thing and I for one am so excited to see what emerges.
Well… yes, but actually no. That rock is his entire body sans fire. So, his skin, muscles, internal organs, bones etc.
Falst casually holding a rock the size of a watermelon that has to weigh at least 70kg. XD
The human body is typically made up of 50-60% water, so if this rock represents his dehydrated form (meaning he’ll need moisture to reform, but he may be able to pull that from the atmosphere and/or transmute nearby matter into water), it would be closer to 30 kg. That’s still impressive to just casually hold, but Falst has been established to be exceptionally strong.
Of course, considering how deeply magic is involved in this whole thing, he may be substantially lighter than that, with either Dainix’s additional mass being stored in hammerspace or him just relying on his ability to transmute matter while in Crucible form to remake his body when it’s time.
I just- he’s trying to reason with what looks like a rock. And he looks so nonchalant about it. I need someone to take this out of context and make it a meme because I just love the reasoning with a rock. Like Falst is absolutely having a moment of emotion right now and it’s clearly important but it’s just undercut by that reasoning with a rock for me. In that last panel it really just especially feels like he’s trying to reason with a rock and I can’t help but find that hysterical. its way too late and I’m loving this. Happy New Year!!!
So, Dainix has only been transformed for a couple of minutes, but wore himself out enough for this? Has to be some kind of void damage, since the first time he transformed for *hours* to kill ghouls and I don’t think turned into a rock. Or at least, not literally.
I wonder what it’s made of. Creatures are composed of every element, so could it even be some sort of adamant? Is it still unbreakable if “out of balance”? I hope so, because a shattered Dainix would be rather bad… Hold on, is this the “egg baby” episode???
The Discord put forward the hypothesis that it’s the near-adamant fusion lacking Fire. It’s an inert crystalline substance and can only be chipped by obsidian.
Obsidian, of which there will be plenty of on the Active Volcano Island.
Regarding your first question and thought: being seasick, suffering the diadem attack, fighting the paladin, going on a boat-devouring rampage, and transmuting all that Void is a lot to deal with. I doubt his current state is a consequence of void damage or corruption, since he purged and transmuted all traces of it. I think he simply did exhaust himself, especially since he started out not feeling well before he transformed. I guess time will tell, though.
Fair enough. I was just thinking about whether he would be losing material to the void, or even hurting himself in some way from that blast to try to get rid of it, then to transmute it. Though, is he kind of a near-infinite well of fire? Does his fire form come from the ambient elements, or from himself? Both would have interesting consequences (spelleater snake, conservation of mass/energy).
Ah, I see where you’re coming from. Hm… In the Tynan fight, the Void Dragon blew away some of his flames with that attack, didn’t he? At least, I think… so I’m leaning more toward the near infinite well of fire possibility (until too tired). You’re right that the implications are interesting to consider.
I don’t think he’s doing too hot, and now we have no magical powerhouse who also isn’t our medic. Hope Alinua can pull this one off because nobody can really do much, hope they make it out
I don’t think he’s doing too hot, and now we have no magical powerhouse who also isn’t our medic. Hope Alinua can pull this one off because nobody can really do much, hope they make it out
“His heart … was in my hands.”
Careful Dainix, you almost went full Ulquiorra.
Art wise, interesting and cool design on Dainix’s core; both fitting for his crucible powers, but I note, with concern, it’s potential similarity to Obsidian Ghouls. Looks like the rain is finally starting to soak the protagonists in time for this potentially sad moment in the final two panels. Granted, Dainix’s fire could have been been both keeping the rain off and drying them for these last few pages.
I wonder, did Dainix revert to that form unconsciously due to exhaustion after this whole ordeal, or did he do it consciously with his new knowledge, knowing time is short and the Crucible -> Human process takes too long? Either way, I don’t think it’s as bad as Falst thinks it is; too bad Erin isn’t here to voice comforting exposition.
Falst is so caught up by Dainix’s transformation, he can’t even hear Alinua, let alone notice the vines around him. Hopefully he’ll both hold onto Dainix and take the sudden evacuation well; the other characters aren’t aware of what Alinua’s seen so don’t quite realise the urgency.
I can assure that you will:
In the sketches we see of her, we can tell that she can clearly see and read a book that is not brail.
Hurracan is blind, as stated in 1.14.21(the whole my eyes dimmed forever bit).
It is a cool theory but 90% sure that it’s wrong. It’d be funny if I’m proven wrong tho
My personal take on this is that Umatz is Falst’s ancestor. There’s a person resembling Falst standing next to Huracan on one of the pages where Erin monologues about the Storm of Magic.
I started reading Aurora one and a half years ago and finally caught up on Monday. So this is the first time I had to wait for the next page and I am flabbergasted. WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY BOY IS A ROCK NOW?? Tell me this is some kind of phoenix type of deal and he’ll come back to normal in a few hours. Please, for my sanity
Ok but is anyone else thinking about the TRUST he’s showing Falst basically giving his entire self to him to hold on to. Like look the Dainix heart rock core thing doesn’t drop straight down, it throws itself TOWARDS Falst. Ohhh that is the good stuff.
We should congratulate him on his first step towards becoming a crystal gem. He just needs to harden his rock heart into a proper gem and get a cool gem name like Fire Opal.
I’d bet the same amount he doesn’t. Precedent shows that part of Dainix’s physical form is permanent, and despite being able to regrow an arm that disappeared while it was fire, it’s extremely unlikely for him to regrow something that happened before transforming at all, and a couple of Red’s tumblr posts confirm that it’s not something that can be reversed. Plus, it would be a pretty big slap in the face to us disabled readers- especially those with physical disabilities that are the same or similar to Dainix’s- and Red’s pretty good at not doing that. Dainix is a great example of good disability portrayal, and Red has been pretty good at sticking to that.
(This ended up being longer than I intended, I’m passionate about this subject.)
Yeah, Red has made it very clear in lore that Soul barriers prevent the healing of older injuries and the regrowth of something like a limb is so complex it’s pretty much impossible. The circumstance of his injury, the fact it’s an eye, and his Crucible nature might make Dainix’s situation even worse in that regard.
Also I’d like to note for this subject Tarren’s disability, requiring their use of crutches, stemming from years of water corruption; magic actually creates a disability in this case. A fantastical disability in a fantasy setting as a consequence of its magic system makes total sense and the world feels richer for it.
I love the detail where the rain starts to fall on Falst again bc it’s not getting evaporated by Dainix anymore. Red, your attention to detail has proven time and time again to be AMAZING <3
I think they’re just called dragon eggs, I don’t recall them having any special name. Unless you’re thinking of the Eldunari, which I don’t think that looks like what they’re described as. The Eldunari are the dragons’ heart of hearts that, if they’ve expelled them, will gain their conciousness when that dragon dies, if you’ve forgotten.
Also another Eragon reader yay! Have you read the newest ones, Murtagh and The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm?
I HOPE THIS IS NOT LIKE THE THING MASTER OOGWAY DID IN KUNG FOO PANDA! The blob is either a rock or a concentrated void clump. Bet the background yelling is about the giant serpent thing.
I think so too. The demon realized he didn’t have time to properly remake Dainix’s body, but wouldn’t be able to accompany Falst while still on fire. So he just turned the fire off.
(Although really, if you have any character who maintains a manifestation outside of a core, this tends to happen when they’re too weak to maintain their incarnation, so…)
It may be a few months (or years) for us, but I’m sure he’ll be fine with a few days (or weeks) of rest. And as others have pointed out, this may be his solution to getting across the water without (if he currently can) turning back.
Mysteries becoming conundrums. I will wait for Red elaborate further down the story. I wonder what Alinua will do with her vines? Throw, spring or stretch them to shore? Just how big of a bite will the Lurker Below take out of the ship? (cue danger cords).
I didn’t want to say ‘first’ when I posted this because I had no idea if I was actually first, but let me tell you the action of sitting there as my entire family was counting down the New Year and repeatedly clicking the Aurora logo until I saw the new page was surreal, since these pages come out at exactly midnight for me XD
I’m also exhausted and I feel like I could sleep for another ten hours.
New Year New Me: A damn rock.
Falst got a lump of coal for delayed Christmas.
Congrats for resisting the urge to call firsties! You have made my new year better by your restraint! May you see alot of good things happen all year round (and my sorrows only help you get better at adapting to life)! You encourage me to be a better person this year!
Happy New Year
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: I think burning out and turning into a rock for a few days would fix me tbh
Image source: no
Happy New Year, everyone!
That is the most relieving alt-text in the entire comic so far…lets hope it stays true.
tumblr text: give him a break it’s a new year and he’s very tired
Bluesky Text: last christmas I gave you my rock
. Falst breaks off as Dainix’s flames dissolve, showing his rocky core. “Dainix?” Falst asks as the dark rock, streaked with veins of flame, drops into his hands.
. Falst looks up as the last wisps of flames vanish, then back down to Dainix’s core. “…No.”
. “Falst–!” Alinua’s voice comes to him faintly, as if from far away.
. “No. No, you…”
. “FALST!”
. “You can’t just–” Falst starts, staring at the rock, as vines surround him from behind.
Kinda random, but Kendal reminds me a lot of Keras from Weapons & Wielders and Arcane Ascension. Powerful, not easily hurt, loyal, willing to destroy anything that hurts his friends. Not really “destroy” for Kendal though. Oh, and also, has weird powers that he doesn’t really know how to control yet. In Keras’s case it’s more “if I misuse this I could destroy the world” but…
Well, that’s one way to transport Dainix to land. I wonder if he has some sort of outside sense while inside the rock, if he is inside the rock? Does it just hold his power, or is he actually in there? Will he know when it’s safe to come out / re-form, or will he simply wait until a certain amount of time has passed, if he has a sensation of time while inside there?
This could also be that he’s just too tired to maintain the flame-form, and needs time to rest. Transforming the Void may have taken a lot of energy.
This scene is giving me deja vu for some reason? But yeah that’s a cocoon, Dainix just needs time to do his crucible transmutation thing and I for one am so excited to see what emerges.
Also Happy New Year guys!!
It kinda reminds me of the fifth panel on page 1.10.27
Now we know what Falst’s carrying in that little pack of his (https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/771081062764953600/i-have-drawn-the-new-greatest-storyboard-in)
Falst: My first boyfriend turned into a rock
Alinua: That’s rough buddy
a rocky relationship if u ask me buh dum tss
(I’ll see myself out)
happy new years, i turned your bf into a rock
red said that when he goes into crucible form, dainix’s skin sort of falls inwards
doesnt that mean that his core is just a ball of skin?
anyways happy new year
Well… yes, but actually no. That rock is his entire body sans fire. So, his skin, muscles, internal organs, bones etc.
Falst casually holding a rock the size of a watermelon that has to weigh at least 70kg. XD
The human body is typically made up of 50-60% water, so if this rock represents his dehydrated form (meaning he’ll need moisture to reform, but he may be able to pull that from the atmosphere and/or transmute nearby matter into water), it would be closer to 30 kg. That’s still impressive to just casually hold, but Falst has been established to be exceptionally strong.
Of course, considering how deeply magic is involved in this whole thing, he may be substantially lighter than that, with either Dainix’s additional mass being stored in hammerspace or him just relying on his ability to transmute matter while in Crucible form to remake his body when it’s time.
Didn’t his egg already crack?
You win funniest comment
I just- he’s trying to reason with what looks like a rock. And he looks so nonchalant about it. I need someone to take this out of context and make it a meme because I just love the reasoning with a rock. Like Falst is absolutely having a moment of emotion right now and it’s clearly important but it’s just undercut by that reasoning with a rock for me. In that last panel it really just especially feels like he’s trying to reason with a rock and I can’t help but find that hysterical. its way too late and I’m loving this. Happy New Year!!!
Clearly we need it rendered like Hamlet and the skull.
How did Dainix turn into a rock?
Also happy new years everyone!
… Huh.
So, Dainix has only been transformed for a couple of minutes, but wore himself out enough for this? Has to be some kind of void damage, since the first time he transformed for *hours* to kill ghouls and I don’t think turned into a rock. Or at least, not literally.
I wonder what it’s made of. Creatures are composed of every element, so could it even be some sort of adamant? Is it still unbreakable if “out of balance”? I hope so, because a shattered Dainix would be rather bad… Hold on, is this the “egg baby” episode???
The Discord put forward the hypothesis that it’s the near-adamant fusion lacking Fire. It’s an inert crystalline substance and can only be chipped by obsidian.
Obsidian, of which there will be plenty of on the Active Volcano Island.
Regarding your first question and thought: being seasick, suffering the diadem attack, fighting the paladin, going on a boat-devouring rampage, and transmuting all that Void is a lot to deal with. I doubt his current state is a consequence of void damage or corruption, since he purged and transmuted all traces of it. I think he simply did exhaust himself, especially since he started out not feeling well before he transformed. I guess time will tell, though.
Fair enough. I was just thinking about whether he would be losing material to the void, or even hurting himself in some way from that blast to try to get rid of it, then to transmute it. Though, is he kind of a near-infinite well of fire? Does his fire form come from the ambient elements, or from himself? Both would have interesting consequences (spelleater snake, conservation of mass/energy).
Ah, I see where you’re coming from. Hm… In the Tynan fight, the Void Dragon blew away some of his flames with that attack, didn’t he? At least, I think… so I’m leaning more toward the near infinite well of fire possibility (until too tired). You’re right that the implications are interesting to consider.
I don’t think he’s doing too hot, and now we have no magical powerhouse who also isn’t our medic. Hope Alinua can pull this one off because nobody can really do much, hope they make it out
Happy new year everyone
I don’t think he’s doing too hot, and now we have no magical powerhouse who also isn’t our medic. Hope Alinua can pull this one off because nobody can really do much, hope they make it out
Happy new year everyone
Well done Ceiling Fan
Glorious joke
“His heart … was in my hands.”
Careful Dainix, you almost went full Ulquiorra.
Art wise, interesting and cool design on Dainix’s core; both fitting for his crucible powers, but I note, with concern, it’s potential similarity to Obsidian Ghouls. Looks like the rain is finally starting to soak the protagonists in time for this potentially sad moment in the final two panels. Granted, Dainix’s fire could have been been both keeping the rain off and drying them for these last few pages.
I wonder, did Dainix revert to that form unconsciously due to exhaustion after this whole ordeal, or did he do it consciously with his new knowledge, knowing time is short and the Crucible -> Human process takes too long? Either way, I don’t think it’s as bad as Falst thinks it is; too bad Erin isn’t here to voice comforting exposition.
Falst is so caught up by Dainix’s transformation, he can’t even hear Alinua, let alone notice the vines around him. Hopefully he’ll both hold onto Dainix and take the sudden evacuation well; the other characters aren’t aware of what Alinua’s seen so don’t quite realise the urgency.
Falst has clearly been naughty, getting a lump of coal at this time of year.
🎶He’s lump, he’s lump, he’s lump. He might be dead.🎶
Dainix is already following through with “new year new me”
Man, I’m dead
“Now I carry around my boyfriend wherever I desire.”
“I give you my heart. Well… core.”
Aurora Question #33: What are some of your favourite headcanons?
That ferin were created by the paladins to remove any chances of a magus being born to free the dragon
(more of a theory but that’s all I have)
Lady Huracan was Falst’s mother, I will die on this hill
I think its more likely Huracan is Falst’s grandmother on his father’s side.
I can assure that you will:
In the sketches we see of her, we can tell that she can clearly see and read a book that is not brail.
Hurracan is blind, as stated in 1.14.21(the whole my eyes dimmed forever bit).
It is a cool theory but 90% sure that it’s wrong. It’d be funny if I’m proven wrong tho
(the sketches) https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/687267062161293312/breaking-in-a-new-sketchbook-by-designing-some
My personal take on this is that Umatz is Falst’s ancestor. There’s a person resembling Falst standing next to Huracan on one of the pages where Erin monologues about the Storm of Magic.
The mysterious 7th party member will come from the same place as the Collector.
Can you clarify on that? I’ve never heard of that theory before and it’s really interesting sounding.
I think that the 7th Party Member will be Shrike. More of theory ig but I think it’s possible
I started reading Aurora one and a half years ago and finally caught up on Monday. So this is the first time I had to wait for the next page and I am flabbergasted. WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY BOY IS A ROCK NOW?? Tell me this is some kind of phoenix type of deal and he’ll come back to normal in a few hours. Please, for my sanity
meanwhile, alinua w/ the “we gotta gtfo” vines
I know this is supposed to be emotional, but I can’t help my uncontrollable giggling at the fact that Dainix… has turned into a rock. LMAO.
Happy New Year everyone!
Ok but is anyone else thinking about the TRUST he’s showing Falst basically giving his entire self to him to hold on to. Like look the Dainix heart rock core thing doesn’t drop straight down, it throws itself TOWARDS Falst. Ohhh that is the good stuff.
I’m absolutely thinking about it too. Dainix’s act of literally placing himself in Falst’s hands is emblazoned in my brain and making it go brr.
Happy New Year, everyone!
I noticed that too and it is freaking BEAUTIFUL!! I love these two so much AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
OH NO! You turned him back into an egg! D:
We should congratulate him on his first step towards becoming a crystal gem. He just needs to harden his rock heart into a proper gem and get a cool gem name like Fire Opal.
this is not what i thought of when they said autistic burnout
if you see falst smile be on your guard because within the next page he will be given great sadness to keep the world in balance
It’s fine, he’s just sleeping. He’s sleeping…….
I bet three double A batteries, twenty seven cents and a blueberry pie on dainix getting his eye back after he hatches.
I’d bet the same amount he doesn’t. Precedent shows that part of Dainix’s physical form is permanent, and despite being able to regrow an arm that disappeared while it was fire, it’s extremely unlikely for him to regrow something that happened before transforming at all, and a couple of Red’s tumblr posts confirm that it’s not something that can be reversed. Plus, it would be a pretty big slap in the face to us disabled readers- especially those with physical disabilities that are the same or similar to Dainix’s- and Red’s pretty good at not doing that. Dainix is a great example of good disability portrayal, and Red has been pretty good at sticking to that.
(This ended up being longer than I intended, I’m passionate about this subject.)
Yeah, Red has made it very clear in lore that Soul barriers prevent the healing of older injuries and the regrowth of something like a limb is so complex it’s pretty much impossible. The circumstance of his injury, the fact it’s an eye, and his Crucible nature might make Dainix’s situation even worse in that regard.
Also I’d like to note for this subject Tarren’s disability, requiring their use of crutches, stemming from years of water corruption; magic actually creates a disability in this case. A fantastical disability in a fantasy setting as a consequence of its magic system makes total sense and the world feels richer for it.
*head snaps up* blueberry pie?!
I love the detail where the rain starts to fall on Falst again bc it’s not getting evaporated by Dainix anymore. Red, your attention to detail has proven time and time again to be AMAZING <3
Bringing a whole new meaning to “you are my rock” tbh
Eragon dragonstone lookin rock (whatever they were called)
I think they’re just called dragon eggs, I don’t recall them having any special name. Unless you’re thinking of the Eldunari, which I don’t think that looks like what they’re described as. The Eldunari are the dragons’ heart of hearts that, if they’ve expelled them, will gain their conciousness when that dragon dies, if you’ve forgotten.
Also another Eragon reader yay! Have you read the newest ones, Murtagh and The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm?
Huh, guess after the whole transmuting hunger thing, he forgot to transmute the rest of his body back into, well, a body.
Guys, I can’t believe it. Dainix has turned into an egg. An EGG!
Well, all Falst needs to do is wait for him to hatch…again.
Ah, memories of Angemon…
There once was a boy-made-rock
Who didn’t hesitate nor balk
To put his life in the hand
Of the cat of the band
And hibernate until he can walk.
huh. literal burnout
I HOPE THIS IS NOT LIKE THE THING MASTER OOGWAY DID IN KUNG FOO PANDA! The blob is either a rock or a concentrated void clump. Bet the background yelling is about the giant serpent thing.
I swear Dainix better reform like a Crystal Gem or I will RIOT!
Oh sweet. Portable pocket boyfriend
I mean, I hope this is Dainix’s solution to the problem Falst brought up–how to get a fire being across a stretch of open water.
I think so too. The demon realized he didn’t have time to properly remake Dainix’s body, but wouldn’t be able to accompany Falst while still on fire. So he just turned the fire off.
That looks like a phoenix egg.
Oh my gosh actual permanent consequences? This just got interesting.
And the fireworks are done…
My boyfriend turned into a rock
That’s rough, buddy
🎶 I am a rock, I am an iiiiiiislaaand 🎶
well that’s one way to get rid of half the series’ glowy effects
So… I guess Dainix is pulling a Deoxys?
(Although really, if you have any character who maintains a manifestation outside of a core, this tends to happen when they’re too weak to maintain their incarnation, so…)
It may be a few months (or years) for us, but I’m sure he’ll be fine with a few days (or weeks) of rest. And as others have pointed out, this may be his solution to getting across the water without (if he currently can) turning back.
Well of course Dainix is a phoenix type. New Year. New Life.
Just hope they’re not really hungry when they hatch.
he dropped the lacrima..
This is gonna be Falst’s “TK watching Angemon die” moment, isn’t it?
The ultimate pairing: cat boy and boy with cat vibes. Case in point, Dainix fled right into a rock cocoon at the very mention of going into water
happy new year everyone and another great page red!!
I’m sure that’s fine.
“the problem is that even in my crucible form and mad with void i would never attack falst”
*insert here red on her knees* “YOU ARE SO F****ING CUTE”
*Dainix has left the party*
Next year Dainix is gonna be like, “This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special…”
this is what I mean when I say new year new me
As Dainix burns down but a rock lingers on
Alinua calls for Falst, they should be gone
TL;DR: Burnout is no joke.
You could say Dainix is…burnt out. *skitters away*
Just binged the whole comic in like 2 days. It’s been years since I’ve actually started and hung on to a webcomic–it’s a good feeling 😀
Dude this is heartbreaking. I thought this page was gonna be a happy “YOU DID IT!” moment between them but nope. Ow ow my heart ow.
Mysteries becoming conundrums. I will wait for Red elaborate further down the story. I wonder what Alinua will do with her vines? Throw, spring or stretch them to shore? Just how big of a bite will the Lurker Below take out of the ship? (cue danger cords).
Does anyone else think Tam looks like he’s in a ribcage-ish of light magic, which could be related to Light Dragon saying that he’s in her heart?