on July 24, 2024
at 3:00 am
no no, this is valuable scientific inquiry, maybe we can stop him transforming if we just make him feel even worse–
no no, this is valuable scientific inquiry, maybe we can stop him transforming if we just make him feel even worse–
… No alt text?
Also, I think Erin is feeling the limits of his social skills. Relatable.
He’s not been very likeable these last few pages.
Powerful mages hypersaturated with hubris are all fun and games until we remember they’re like this *all the time*
Emotional distress always stops people from transforming right
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: anytime falst is framed in shot to look higher up than someone else we have to deduce if it’s a dutch angle or if he’s literally climbed them for dramatic effect
Image source: focus
In this case it looks a lot like Falst physically shoved Erin down so he could lean over him angrily. Which, fair, his friend is having a very hard time at the moment.
Yup, you can even see the horizon lines a wee bit through the rain to confirm there’s no dutch angle going on there.
That’s what I thought too! Like he just grabbed Erin’s shirt and yanked him down to eye level
For bonus points, panel 7 looks like a very “lift” grab, unlike every other grab panel!
More than friend. His crush.
Twitter text: ship update: tensions are running high
Tumblr Text: if only it could be The Festival Of Everyone Yells At The Elemental Magus every day
Tumblr text: if only it could be The Festival Of Everyone Yells At The Elemental Magus every day
I’m so proud of Alinua for not deserting her post the moment she saw someone in trouble. In other news, YES FALST. You show Mr. Hubris that he cannot do everything and that is what friends are for.
Uh no, tensions seem to be running a bit high.
I just can’t with Erin trying to look like a damn superhero in the last panel and his hair getting in the way
Never mind
Oh, this page is GLORIOUS. So much life and movement, so much tension, so many characters being themselves! Love it.
(Oh, and of course, so many gorgeous lighting effects. Also, I love Tess.)
Look so many people are gonna see this:)
It’s either Erin bent down or Falst climbed on something when we weren’t looking
“Why didn’t you tell me that illness could trigger
Your transformation?!” Erin cries.
Snarling Falst replies.
“Falst. He has to focus on the storm.”
Kendal carefully cautions.
Alinua calls him to take the helm, thinking
She can help Dainix’s contortions.
Erin: What did you expect me to do, Falst? Leave Dainix behind? Splitting the party is illegal!
So, Erin, buddy, how is that hubris going?
HOW can Kendal be so calm omg
Being calm in hectic situations is his specialty. Remember the entire first half of the Tynan fight?
Dude’s just not used to being afraid of things.
Given that the demon has also been associated with guilt, it’s possible that Dainix is just remembering that time he accidentally pushed his friend overboard during an argument.
Hold up the time he what now? Where do yall keep finding these tidbits of backstory ðŸ˜
I think that in this particular case depleted pulled it fresh from their own brain making predictions/speculations (or a joke tone can be hard to read on the internet).
Yeah, I just made that up, sorry. I need to start tagging my jokes again.
I actually find that really hard to believe but also really easy to believe at the same time – interesting idea 🤨
Evryone’s going nuts and Kendal is so calm how does he do it-
Kendal is a city god’s war-form. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s physically incapable of a panic response.
I wonder how much of that is tied to his lack of a sense of self-preservation? He has had a few moments over the course of the comic that could qualify as a momentary panicked reaction (or at the very least, startlement), but you are right, he doesnt necessarily have a normal fear response.
Then again, he’s also only a few weeks old and has the secondhand memories of Vash. He’s still learning who and what he is, let alone what life is like for a mortal, and being an adventurer on a world-saving quest is not exactly the usual career path…
It looks like today in-series is, in fact, everybody yells at the Elemental Magus day
Falst screams angstfully in a storm not yet ending
But perhaps he should let Ali do the mending?
Erin, you do not have any right to be angry here, you are the one who F’d up.
How did he f up? Even Dainix didn’t know this was how it worked. Erin isn’t omnipotent, and he’s done a good job of planning for all other possibilities. He even helped out with Dainix’s seasickness as soon as it became a thing.
I mean if someone grabbed me and yelled in my face I’d be a bit miffed as well
And now Tess is joining in on the Festival of Everyone Yells At The Elemental Magus!
Oh, Erin’s expression in panel 7 and his stance in panel 10; Falst’s comment and rough handling of him seems to have struck a nerve. Now, is Erin annoyed at Falst’s continued lack of trust and respect of him, or the reminder that Dainix went along with the gang because Erin said the soulshaper monks have a book to help him? In any case, I’m not sure how focused on the storm Erin will be after that.
On the plus side for Erin, everyone seems committed to his current plan to ride out the storm. Tess and Kendal are making sure Erin is focused, Alinua is not abandoning the helm (as I thought she might last page), and even Falst is going to take over the helm to continue, if only so Alinua is free to help Dainix. No one is suggesting to abandon the plan or change course … yet.
Art wise, I love how the water shield is breaking apart by leaking and dripping in holes and on the edges and how it corresponds with light rain on deck. Gives a sinking ship feeling without a (currently) sinking ship. Angles are also good, I think I can see the dutch angle in panel 3 from the waves behind them, and panel 10 gives both a sense Kendal is getting on Dainix’s level to help, and of the separation between Erin and Falst.
Erin’s really in over his head at this point, I wonder if he’ll actually acknowledge that by the time the voyage is over. I am curious just how long he can pretend he’s got everything under control.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
Unfortunately, I don’t think any of the Floof Squad can hear you.
Could these people lay off of Erin for 5 seconds? Falst’s anger here is way out of line.
“If he knew how it worked” – are we to believe by this that Erin should have believed that Dainix has NEVER been sick?? It was pushing the bounds of imagination to suggest that Dainix had never even heard of seasickness (I get that he’s from a desert, but has he never talked to a sailor or read any books?), but this is a HUGE stretch.
I mean, he only discovered he COULD transform after that monster attack that killed his friend. And then he was exiled fairly immediately afterwards. Also, the dialogue in 1.13.24 suggests that he got captured by Zuurith shortly after THAT, and we can infer that the only time he transformed while imprisoned was when he was fighting Kendal, so we have no real reason to believe he got sick between his first transformation and now.
As for your point about the seasickness, that seems like something it would be EXTREMELY easy for any of the Sailors who may or may not have ever visited Dainix’s hometown to just… overlook while talking to the Ingans, especially if seasickness isn’t a thing that really affects them or their crew. And Dainix would have had no reason to read any books that mention seasickness (because again, middle of the desert) and we have no reason to believe that characters getting seasick is a common trope in whatever fiction books Dainix may or may not enjoy reading.
wow Erin is not going to be winning any popularity contests among the floof squad at this point
oof, Dainix. also nice one, Falst!
…but I also feel bad for Erin. And Dainix. Did I mention Dainix?
I choose to believe Kendal did Falst a solid and lifted him into the air for that third panel.
I choose to believe Falst just straight up climbed Erin, but that’s also hilarious
Falst has gained on friend to protect.
“Why didn’t you tell me it was difibrillitis?” asks the doctor.
Erin!! Now is not the time to be snarky your friend is not doing well!!
Whatever Tess is doing right now is definitely giving Fullmetal Alchemist.
Also I think we’ve received enough signatures on the petition from last page that we can make the Festival of Everybody Yells at the Elemental Magus the official holiday of July 22nd. I’ve put it in my calendar already. Thank you @TV Head for the inspiration!
TL;DR: Nothing’s going to plan and we all know it…
I know everyone’s knocking on Erin’s hubris here, but I kind of read that first panel as sharper sarcasm coming out out someone who’s very nervous and trying to stay afloat in an increasingly risky situation. Once he’s calmer, his response would probably be more like his response to Dainix getting sea-sick in the first place, probably with some extra apologies for the comments.
But as usual, Tess and Kendal have the right idea: Focus up and worry about the current situation.
Theory: Erin’s hubris isn’t his natural state, but a defense mechanism against anxiety. When things go wrong, he insists it can’t be his fault because he’s the Elemental Magus. His actual flaw is imposter syndrome, and he’s trying to fake it till you make it
So, a hubris dragon is in their to? Wow, that would make a amazing paper!
I got the impression that he’s more frustrated at his lack of information (“I can FIX a problem if I KNOW about it!”) than with Dainix…he’s just got no filter. Still a dick move, though.
Tess and Kendal have the right idea, though. Focus, deal with the storm, THEN we can dangle Erin upside-down from the mast until he remembers his manners.
That shot of Tess up on the mast is awesome. As someone who struggles with perspective, I love angle shots like that. And the ‘clap’ gives me FMA vibes. Very cool page overall.
We’re only two chapters into this arc and we’ve already reached insane amounts of tension between our main characters. Wowie!
This page has so much emotion crammed into it! Falst’s anger is just so palpable! [Is this outrage or just defensiveness on Danix’s behalf? would you call how Erin is behaving outrageous?] I’m so happy that Alinua is able to help and doing a bit better than worrying herself to death. Ya girl does her best.
The look on Erin’s face in (well pick a panel).! He’s trying desperately to keep it together. Panic to stoic, even guilt. it’s easy to say “keep it cool” but it seems like just accepting things for how they are would take a load off of his shoulders and help with people skills.
Ooooohhh this page is so good, all the emotion!! I mean, even just Falst’s “Yeah. Okay.” is so powerful!!
Thanks for trying to lighten the mood @X22Wes. I like the dramatic tension of this page how long can the peacemakers keep trouble from boiling over or will external threats bring them back together before that happens!
They are *all* siblings now
Oh look, it’s an event an evil possessing force can use to undermine its host’s confidence in his friends. Awesome, this isn’t going to backfire horribly
“Dammit Erin can’t you see my boyfriend is in pain?”
Feeling a little protective of Dainex are we Falst?