And here’s the page right before the hand-holding with the confusing incident Dainix is referencing, in case anyone forgot (like I did).
“Still my name,” Falst says, eyes closed.
“Well… when we were escaping the ruin…” Dainix says, looking at him, “Something a little confusing happened.”
Falst’s eyes snap open, and he quickly sits upright. “We don’t need to talk about any of that.”
“I understand if you don’t want to discuss it with the others–”
“Why would we discuss it with the others? Why would WE discuss it?! There’s nothing to discuss!”
“That’s not true,” Dainix says, standing up.
“Look, I was barely conscious by the time we got out,” Falst says, rolling onto his side facing away from Dainix. “I don’t even remember most of it!”
“Then why are you being so defensive?”
“Just forget it!”
“I can’t!” Dainix cried. “Falst, please! You saved my life, I just want to know how–”
“I’M SORRY I HELD YOUR HAND!” Falst shouts.
“What?” Dainix says, staring at him. Falst’s eyes widen, a blush on his cheeks.
Before, I was uncertain whether Red was going to make their relationship into a romance given her documented complaints with romantic subplots. With that said, there’s NO coming back from THIS. I give Them till the end of the year until they start kissing xD
This is absolutely referring to after. It’s visually a tad unclear, but in panel 2 (of the linked one) Dainix could very clearly make his way up himself, as evidenced by there being no contact, but the next panel, Falst’s hand is over Dainix’s.
We are getting such concentrated Falst here and it is a thing of wonder. “That’s my name and don’t wear it out.”
I was not in the shipping lane (pun intended) but the last two lines have sold me on Fahrenheit.
No, Ferinheight works as well. Ferin for falst, Farenheit for Dainix, and height for they height difference (see here: )
THAT SHIP NAME IS AMAZINGGG AAAAAAAAHHHH! I’ve never been involved in much of the fandom I kinda just read it but omg I love that thank you for this gift.
No, ‘Crustables’ comes from ‘Crucible’, so very much a Dainix ship. I don’t think Kendal has been shipped with anyone besides Alinua (to any meaningful extent) and even then, most readers are pretty sold on his asexuality (and vague childhood status).
Crustables comes from a sketch, back when Aurora had a sketch page, there were a couple with Dainix, one was named crucible, and another might have been called crustables, but I’m not sure on that one.
The one named crucible was just of Dainix, but crustables (?) included both Falst and Dainix with the fire lizard thing.
People have been shipping these two before Dainix was properly introduced, and so instead of having the name come from the sketch.
Hahahaha!! Love it! Falst blushing is the best! Also Dainix’s utter confusion at Falst’s defensiveness is amazing. He’s just trying to have a (relatively) normal conversation and Falst is just on a completely different wavelength.
[ragdolling on the floor laughing] I didn’t see that coming in the slightest
and I agree with everyone saying that this is a fresh/better use of the miscommunication trope
Dainix: *…I want to know about that mysterious magical ability*
Falst: *…I sooo don’t want to talk about my feeeeeeelings*
Dainix: What?
Falst: What?
— waitwaitwait! Guys. Get back to the magical ability. Don’t get distracted with the shipping — it.isn’t.important!
Okay. It’s important to you. But not to me. I’ve written this trope: I was in the SGA fandom. McShep was nothing but miscommunication. Now about those glowing white eyes…?
*head in hands* They’re going to be distracted by feeeeelings, whoa-whoa-whoa, feeeeeelings…. 🎼🎶🎶🎵
It’s hilarious to me that Dainix was thinking, quite logically, of the glowy claw attack, while Falst’s panicked brain didn’t even consider this but instead went straight to the hand holding (presumably right after he pulled Dainix up onto the platform) and panicked over it. Also a little sad that his instinct is that he has to apologize for it, that that simple, small gesture of caring was unwelcome. Poor dude.
I wonder if Falst was aware of the glowy attack he did. Probably? He was definitely out of it, but that seems hard to miss…
Also A++ panicking Falst expressions on this page, I love them
TBH I’m not sure which would be funnier: Falst not remembering the glowy-claw attack and being in for Round 2 of panic, or Falst *does* remember the glowy claw attack and still assumes Dainix is talking about the hand-holding
The secret countdown clock behind every one of Falst’s conversations that ticks down to ‘just jump out of a window’ is going alarming fast in this one, huh.
This is probably miscommunication but imagine if Falst *really* doesn’t want to talk about the light claws and is just saying this to distract. This is not failed deflection, this is advanced deflection.
this is a great page, the miscommunication being played both for laughs and for the sake of the ship is incredible. Can’t wait to see where this goes… knowing Falst, it may take a while before this resolves.
He’s actually on the verge of laughing out loud, because he just remembered a funny cat video he saw last week, for no particular reason. Happens to the best of us!
Our little lion man is deeply embarrassed to have shown emotional vulnerability and the tiniest amount of desire for physical affection when he was literally DYING.
He needs cuddles, but definitely isn’t ready to receive them yet.
I find it funny that there are three distinct voices in this comment section today.
A. The shippers: AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa!!!
B. The trope lovers: Yayy, Red didn’t torture us with drawn out miscommunication and instead used it to further the plot!
And C. The non shippers: ha, look at all these shippers going crazy.
RED! That’s not cruel… You’re giving us BOTH the Mysterious Magical Swipe payoff, AND the Number One Most Obsessed-Over Ship, all in one cliffhanger. This is awesome. The only thing that would be more awesome would be if you were to add a little mention about how you feel about forcing romantic subplots!
It’s nearly 9 where I am posting this and I still have yet to see a TL:DR, they’re like, one of my favorite parts of the comic.,Bluefire, where did you go?
TL:DR, Anime cat boi has emotional breakdown after desert pirate man inquires about anime cat boi’s potential superpowers.
(I’m not bluefire, by the way)
What will happen next?
A. They talk about their feelings
B. They talk about the glowy magic in confusion
C. They realize that Falst doesn’t remember the glowy magic
E. Deus ex intervention
F. Deus ex couples therapy
G. Awkwardly silent moment
H. Scene change to the Academy Idiots (Honestly, if there is anyone out there who ships Tarren and Erin, please feel free to use that as a ship name)
J. Two idiots accidentally crash a boat into the hotel
L. Paladens appear out of nowhere
M. Top 10 reasons to remember to not rub the belly of your cat boy
N. Something, something, shippers squeal
P. Cut to someone committing a war crime
Q. Quirky mini boss squad Shrikes again!
The academy idiots crash the boat into the hotel as a deus ex intervention. Tess, who is on board, warns them that the Paladins allied with Shrike and an ENORMOUS FUCK YOU DRAGON in order to send a meteor storm on the party for no apparent reason. They all run onto the boat where Dainix and Falst talk about the glowy magic, realize Falst doesn’t remember and then kiss. The shippers are so delighted they physically manifest into the story and give the gay boys couples therapy forcing them to talk about their feelings.The scene ends with an awkward silent moment which they try to fill with an explaination of the ten reasons to not rub your catboys belly. It cuts to Shrike and the Paladins committing war crimes.
Falst is so touch starved he views the mildest of hand holds as a Big Thing. I bet Dainix didn’t even register this as Holding Hands… Meanwhile poor Falst has been Tormented by Visions (wanting to hold Danix’s hand again)
This is abjectly the best romance i’ve ever read, and i’m saying that as someone who is aromantic as hell and has ridiculously high standards for any kind of romantic subplot even existing.
it’s just… falst, honey…. you are the only person freaking dude….having one hell of a gay crisis, and everyone else is just like “??????”
Nothing against shipping people, but honestly, Falst is so traumatized by having people he loves fall apart, that just needing to hold someone’s hand as he’s dying, means he’s now afraid if he talks about it he’ll start screaming in fear that Dainix will die of corruption, too. nightmares! Dainix seems so much more emotionally stable, even through the trauma of being flame-boy and having to leave everyone in fear he’d combust. Someone somewhere loves Dainix, and he knows it, in his core. Falst doesn’t have that internal security. It’s all he can do to cling to these people, found family, who may or may not stay committed to helping him longterm.
I imagine Falst picking at his own injuries as they heal, due to anxiety.
This is a great point! I personally love the ship but I can also tell that Falst needs to do a lot of emotional healing for this to actually work. I like the imagery of Falst picking at his injuries. Poor guy tho 🙁
Awww, love these two! I cannot wait to see where this conversation goes, both for obvious shipping reasons and for learning more about whatever those light claws were.
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: miscommunication speedrun any%
Image source: discuss
Also, here’s the hand-holding page, so you don’t have to go looking for it.
Thanks, that page is great
And here’s the page right before the hand-holding with the confusing incident Dainix is referencing, in case anyone forgot (like I did).
Tumblr text: everything is so fine and normal
Twitter Text: just a regular normal conversation
omg they are so gay for eachother, I am actually dying
tumblr text: everything is so fine and normal
“Still my name,” Falst says, eyes closed.
“Well… when we were escaping the ruin…” Dainix says, looking at him, “Something a little confusing happened.”
Falst’s eyes snap open, and he quickly sits upright. “We don’t need to talk about any of that.”
“I understand if you don’t want to discuss it with the others–”
“Why would we discuss it with the others? Why would WE discuss it?! There’s nothing to discuss!”
“That’s not true,” Dainix says, standing up.
“Look, I was barely conscious by the time we got out,” Falst says, rolling onto his side facing away from Dainix. “I don’t even remember most of it!”
“Then why are you being so defensive?”
“Just forget it!”
“I can’t!” Dainix cried. “Falst, please! You saved my life, I just want to know how–”
“I’M SORRY I HELD YOUR HAND!” Falst shouts.
“What?” Dainix says, staring at him. Falst’s eyes widen, a blush on his cheeks.
It’s just… XDDD
Okay that’s weird, we’ll see if that works or not
Now it’s time to talk
But the sudden, “I’M SORRY!”
Leaves Dainix confused
Dainix tried to broach the subject
Of Falst’s feelings away from the band.
Falst, eyes wide with terror, yells
And yes, I wrote this on Monday, not on the Friday the page came out.
YES. SO cruel but I LOVE it! We all know that this is going to be GOOOOOD 😈
Also panel two is amazing 🤣
LOVE Falsts face in that on XD
stuff like this is always happening to angsty catboys ): another victim of the allegations
*Also wheezing*
*wheezing so hard that I cannot breathe*
*still wheezing*
I can’t wheeze, because I would need to pick my jaw up from off of the floor first for that to happen. But if I could, I would.
I was reading this page in class and almost started like, wheeze-giggling. This cliffhanger is going to kill me over the weekend.
*wheezing* where’s mY inHaLER
red how dare you do this to us 😭
also that expression in panel 2 is so goofy tho lmao
Before, I was uncertain whether Red was going to make their relationship into a romance given her documented complaints with romantic subplots. With that said, there’s NO coming back from THIS. I give Them till the end of the year until they start kissing xD
Falst, buddy, you grabbed him by the wrist as he was falling to his demise. That’s barely a stage kiss, let alone actual handholding.
he means after he pulled him back onto the ledge 😙😙
Nah, it’s during the climb back up. Someone higher up linked the page.
This is absolutely referring to after. It’s visually a tad unclear, but in panel 2 (of the linked one) Dainix could very clearly make his way up himself, as evidenced by there being no contact, but the next panel, Falst’s hand is over Dainix’s.
G’mornin! this Seafest is about to be wildly entertaining, for me.
We are getting such concentrated Falst here and it is a thing of wonder. “That’s my name and don’t wear it out.”
I was not in the shipping lane (pun intended) but the last two lines have sold me on Fahrenheit.
Sorry to correct but it’s FERINheight – kudos to the legend who came up with that 🙂
Ok now I’m embarrassed about the typo *facepalm*
– ferinheit –
No, Ferinheight works as well. Ferin for falst, Farenheit for Dainix, and height for they height difference (see here: )
Oh gods, I just realized that that shipname is a multipun. Ferin for Falst, Farenheit for Dainix’ burning, height for their height difference.
THAT SHIP NAME IS AMAZINGGG AAAAAAAAHHHH! I’ve never been involved in much of the fandom I kinda just read it but omg I love that thank you for this gift.
Heresy! It’s Crustables. XD
Isn’t that Falst x Kendal? Also where tf did that ship name come from?
No, ‘Crustables’ comes from ‘Crucible’, so very much a Dainix ship. I don’t think Kendal has been shipped with anyone besides Alinua (to any meaningful extent) and even then, most readers are pretty sold on his asexuality (and vague childhood status).
Crustables comes from a sketch, back when Aurora had a sketch page, there were a couple with Dainix, one was named crucible, and another might have been called crustables, but I’m not sure on that one.
The one named crucible was just of Dainix, but crustables (?) included both Falst and Dainix with the fire lizard thing.
People have been shipping these two before Dainix was properly introduced, and so instead of having the name come from the sketch.
The link to where you can see the sketches now:
I stand corrected.
Hahahaha!! Love it! Falst blushing is the best! Also Dainix’s utter confusion at Falst’s defensiveness is amazing. He’s just trying to have a (relatively) normal conversation and Falst is just on a completely different wavelength.
I need someone in my life who will genuinely be confused at why I think I might have upset them… and I want to be that person for others.
So *this* is the source of all the funny Falst faces.
Oh damn, miscommunication to move the plot along, instead of making it needlessly complicated?
That’s new.
Well that was settled out quickly, wangxian usually takes longer-
Oh boy, we are not slow-burning this at all are we? :3
Eh, we kind of are. Dainix wasn’t actually asking about the hand-holding.
OMFG these b*tches gay! Good for them! Good for them.
falst experienced emotion one time and it’s literally ruining his entire life
Falst after experience one (1) emotion: OH MY GOD THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. DON’T LOOK AT ME
[ragdolling on the floor laughing] I didn’t see that coming in the slightest
and I agree with everyone saying that this is a fresh/better use of the miscommunication trope
Dainix: *…I want to know about that mysterious magical ability*
Falst: *…I sooo don’t want to talk about my feeeeeeelings*
Dainix: What?
Falst: What?
— waitwaitwait! Guys. Get back to the magical ability. Don’t get distracted with the shipping — it.isn’t.important!
Okay. It’s important to you. But not to me. I’ve written this trope: I was in the SGA fandom. McShep was nothing but miscommunication. Now about those glowing white eyes…?
*head in hands* They’re going to be distracted by feeeeelings, whoa-whoa-whoa, feeeeeelings…. 🎼🎶🎶🎵
SGA fandom?
Stargate Atlantis judeing by the McKay-Sheppard shipping
My bet is on Stargate Atlantis.
Oh my god, they were roommates
NOT what i was expecting but I’m not complaining
God boys we are truly getting to the gay
And some people will say they don’t see where the shippers are coming from.
“What are you talking about?”
“What are YOU talking about?”
“We’re talking about… what?”
“What ‘what’?”
These characters are fantastic. And look at them facial expressions.
Gay cat boy?
Actually, Bi Cat Boy.
Gay Fire Boy, though
Bi Visibility! Sort of. Both of their specific orientations are only confirmed outside of the text, so I’m not sure this counts.
They’re specified? Where?
I’m very conflicted because I very much want to hear about both of those things.
Also, currently giggling like a gremlin
Same lol
audibly gasped a little there… not at all where I expected this to go
i think i just replicated the sound a squeaky toy makes when you drop a brick on it. holy crap, we’re actually doing this. wild.
Falst crush confirmed! (i love crustable sm)
OH MY GOSH miscommunication 🤣
Please though, I would like the glowy claw marks explained. Feeling drama can wait?! I think?!
Falst’s face though 🤣
Yeah, I would love for them to move the plot on but this is very good as well… 👀
ohmygod Falst.
It’s hilarious to me that Dainix was thinking, quite logically, of the glowy claw attack, while Falst’s panicked brain didn’t even consider this but instead went straight to the hand holding (presumably right after he pulled Dainix up onto the platform) and panicked over it. Also a little sad that his instinct is that he has to apologize for it, that that simple, small gesture of caring was unwelcome. Poor dude.
I wonder if Falst was aware of the glowy attack he did. Probably? He was definitely out of it, but that seems hard to miss…
Also A++ panicking Falst expressions on this page, I love them
TBH I’m not sure which would be funnier: Falst not remembering the glowy-claw attack and being in for Round 2 of panic, or Falst *does* remember the glowy claw attack and still assumes Dainix is talking about the hand-holding
The secret countdown clock behind every one of Falst’s conversations that ticks down to ‘just jump out of a window’ is going alarming fast in this one, huh.
You know, knowing that clock exists makes a lot of Falst’s previous interactions in the comic a LOT easier to understand, in hindsight.
Just think of how many times he dips wile Kendal is trying to be diplomatic.
Especially considering that it already went off not four pages/twenty minutes ago
I guess that alarm has a snooze button?
This is probably miscommunication but imagine if Falst *really* doesn’t want to talk about the light claws and is just saying this to distract. This is not failed deflection, this is advanced deflection.
Leave it to Red to use a trope in a new way. I recently started watching the Trope Talks playlist. Good stuff!
Dainix : What?
To sum up there relationship thus far…
Awwww falst has an actual crush.
Seriously though, I love your use of the miscommunication here, you didn’t drag it out for cheap drama, but instead resolved it quickly.
Now, time to get back to keysmashing.
Oh he’s REPRESSED repressed. Neat.
This is either a genius misdirection or a fundamental miscommunication and I love it either way
Oh hey, the shippers got fed.
But I wanted a conversation about Falst’s rad magical powers ):
This is the most stressful thing to happen in the entire comic thus far. If anyone needs me, I’ll be screaming into a pillow.
This just shot to the top of the list on “pages I wasn’t expecting but am wheezing by the end of”. This is pure, straight, solid GOLD.
it think you mean
pure, GAY, solid gold:)
this is a great page, the miscommunication being played both for laughs and for the sake of the ship is incredible. Can’t wait to see where this goes… knowing Falst, it may take a while before this resolves.
Anonymous Aurora Question #49: How does Falst feel right now (wrong answers only)?
Is the need to self-defenestrate an emotion? Yes
Oh my word, you just made me bust out laughing. That is an amazing phrase, and I plan on using it later. Thank you
He’s actually on the verge of laughing out loud, because he just remembered a funny cat video he saw last week, for no particular reason. Happens to the best of us!
He’s feeling very murderous. No particular reason, it just happens to edgy cat boys every now and them.
Completely safe and secure with himself.
He is feeling niiiice and happy with staying inside the room and has no desire to exit through a window, because why would he ever do that?
He is. . . . HUNGRY. Yea, he could REALLY go for an egg-and-cress sandwich right now 🙂
Our little lion man is deeply embarrassed to have shown emotional vulnerability and the tiniest amount of desire for physical affection when he was literally DYING.
He needs cuddles, but definitely isn’t ready to receive them yet.
me a shipper: I SMELL PROFIT
Diversity win! The tsundere catboy is gay!
Actually, the tsundere catboy is bisexual! Diversity win!
Thank you for the correction! Bisexual rights!
Anyways I wonder what the glowy magic claws thing was :/
I find it funny that there are three distinct voices in this comment section today.
A. The shippers: AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa!!!
B. The trope lovers: Yayy, Red didn’t torture us with drawn out miscommunication and instead used it to further the plot!
And C. The non shippers: ha, look at all these shippers going crazy.
I love them all, this comment section is great.
I’m a mixture of B and C, but I do want Falst to start getting hugs. He really needs them.
Truly the cruelest cliffhanger Red, you wouldn’t be even more cruel by switching to one of the others on monday, right?
Don’t give her ideas!
Ladies, gentlemen, enbies, here we have a prime example of ✨gay panic✨
Intense Siffrin energy coming from Falst today
Not even a single mention of a croissant or fritters or anything, though!
RED! That’s not cruel… You’re giving us BOTH the Mysterious Magical Swipe payoff, AND the Number One Most Obsessed-Over Ship, all in one cliffhanger. This is awesome. The only thing that would be more awesome would be if you were to add a little mention about how you feel about forcing romantic subplots!
Has Red ever talked about putting the series into a physical form? I know it’s a webcomic but I really want to be able to take this anywhere
I don’t know if she has or not(probably not) but I would LOVE to have a physical copy of Aurora!
She put out a poll about half a year ago, and there was a recent Tumblr ask where she said that “things were moving” or something along those lines.
If/when I win the lottery I am willing to personally bankroll this!
Update: Two book deal HECK YEAH
I feel so much dopamine in my body that I’m about to explode holy shit–
Y’all ever think someone was trying to bring up your hand-holding when it was really your sudden magical attunement?
It’s nearly 9 where I am posting this and I still have yet to see a TL:DR, they’re like, one of my favorite parts of the comic.,Bluefire, where did you go?
TL:DR, Anime cat boi has emotional breakdown after desert pirate man inquires about anime cat boi’s potential superpowers.
(I’m not bluefire, by the way)
What will happen next?
A. They talk about their feelings
B. They talk about the glowy magic in confusion
C. They realize that Falst doesn’t remember the glowy magic
E. Deus ex intervention
F. Deus ex couples therapy
G. Awkwardly silent moment
H. Scene change to the Academy Idiots (Honestly, if there is anyone out there who ships Tarren and Erin, please feel free to use that as a ship name)
J. Two idiots accidentally crash a boat into the hotel
L. Paladens appear out of nowhere
M. Top 10 reasons to remember to not rub the belly of your cat boy
N. Something, something, shippers squeal
P. Cut to someone committing a war crime
Q. Quirky mini boss squad Shrikes again!
The academy idiots crash the boat into the hotel as a deus ex intervention. Tess, who is on board, warns them that the Paladins allied with Shrike and an ENORMOUS FUCK YOU DRAGON in order to send a meteor storm on the party for no apparent reason. They all run onto the boat where Dainix and Falst talk about the glowy magic, realize Falst doesn’t remember and then kiss. The shippers are so delighted they physically manifest into the story and give the gay boys couples therapy forcing them to talk about their feelings.The scene ends with an awkward silent moment which they try to fill with an explaination of the ten reasons to not rub your catboys belly. It cuts to Shrike and the Paladins committing war crimes.
God, if this is what actually happens.
ROFL. They talk about stuff in ways that answer both of their questions ambiguously, so that they’re both thoroughly confused.
Anyone else having problems seeing the thing they post after posting them?
I think sometimes it just takes a while unfortunately
Sometimes if I click “reply” to the lowest/newest comment, the page will update to the most recent version and show me my comments.
He’s so gay I love him
Falst is so touch starved he views the mildest of hand holds as a Big Thing. I bet Dainix didn’t even register this as Holding Hands… Meanwhile poor Falst has been Tormented by Visions (wanting to hold Danix’s hand again)
Catching up after much too long away and wheeze-laughing. Poor Falst.
“Oh damn, NOW I’ve done it…”
oh these bitches GAY gay
*Squawk!* What delicious drama
Our poor precious cat boy!<3
Was not expecting this to happen so soon if it was gonna happen. But I’m here for it.
This is abjectly the best romance i’ve ever read, and i’m saying that as someone who is aromantic as hell and has ridiculously high standards for any kind of romantic subplot even existing.
it’s just… falst, honey…. you are the only person freaking dude….having one hell of a gay crisis, and everyone else is just like “??????”
this got me wheezing harder than general grievous
TL;DR: Never press a cornered cat.
can someone draw falst as the ‘you like kissing boys’ meme thanks
Nothing against shipping people, but honestly, Falst is so traumatized by having people he loves fall apart, that just needing to hold someone’s hand as he’s dying, means he’s now afraid if he talks about it he’ll start screaming in fear that Dainix will die of corruption, too. nightmares! Dainix seems so much more emotionally stable, even through the trauma of being flame-boy and having to leave everyone in fear he’d combust. Someone somewhere loves Dainix, and he knows it, in his core. Falst doesn’t have that internal security. It’s all he can do to cling to these people, found family, who may or may not stay committed to helping him longterm.
I imagine Falst picking at his own injuries as they heal, due to anxiety.
This is a great point! I personally love the ship but I can also tell that Falst needs to do a lot of emotional healing for this to actually work. I like the imagery of Falst picking at his injuries. Poor guy tho 🙁
Awww, love these two! I cannot wait to see where this conversation goes, both for obvious shipping reasons and for learning more about whatever those light claws were.
Oh, thank god we are speed-running the miscommunication plot.
And backwards long jumping directly into the end.
I ASK ONE MORE! Falst + Dainix = Fanix or Dainix + Falst = Dalst?
Wait this is the “I know what you are’ misunderstanding meme
I will randomly choose this page to test something
When you bring up the wrong embarrassing incident…
When I read that last line I screamed out loud. While watching Barbie. With my mother. At midnight.
Best way to experience this page frfr.
MAny months later, panel 2 is still my PC background.
Falst, did someone tell you that hand holding was illegal?
Speaking from my comment from october, It still is my background.