on June 26, 2020
at 4:00 am
for instance, three new weirdos just showed up in my forest – oh wait you were there for that part
for instance, three new weirdos just showed up in my forest – oh wait you were there for that part
big boye
Mortals fear the forest, so I became goth and also I talk all ~dramatic~ now
Gotta say that’s an awesome development. I wish i could become all goth and dramatic over night.
Firstly, have you tried 😁? And secondly, we don’t know what “recent” means to these two. It may have been decades or centuries.
Must be a strange expericence to feel your self-changing and don’t know why XD
so what i’m hearing is that this is basically anxiety induced puberty.
But not your own anxiety.
So he was just a simple, jolly Pan before :'(
Also I’m sure these “beasts” are not going to leave them alone…
Character development inevitably comes with better hair in this universe.
Falst absence intensifies
This is some solid world building by Red.
Let’s just all take a moment to appreciate how Red actually incorporate this concept into her story. Makes me wonder what Dionysus thought of his change as he felt it happening.
Ah, Do I see deforestation in the near future of this world?
It might have been the Collector’s chimerae or something.
From Panpipes to Panic: Deific Development
This was not supposed to be a reply
Reverse Reply Curse!
It is just like Pan… except he went back and forth depending on his mood and it was relatively deliberate on his part.
It’s not just like Pan.
Oh hi Pan, how nice to see you jumped realities! Must be nice not having to deal with Zeus and his sex crimes anymore!
Is this a reverse Dionysus we’re seeing in progress?
Just so you guys know… the new Nightwish album actually has a song called Aurorae! I consider it epic enough to be the unofficial theme song of the comic. If anybody had actually heard of Nightwish, which… *questioning shrug*
So… I did NOT call it this time. Ah well. One can’t always.
Maybe the Collector’s chimerae are causing more fear for life magic in general, and so people are more afraid of the forest
Very likely. I’m pretty sure she either held some in reserve or made new ones in the meantime. Or some of those chimerae went loose in Gleicann’s forest and she didn’t bother to herd them back.
I know it isn’t, but this is what I WANT Exalted to be.
Kendal’s real pretty in that 5th panel
I imagine Red is keeping those goat hooves just out of frame because he is much less intimidating when you can see them
Hmm reminds me of Pan
Red, we don’t know what the OLD hairstyle looked like
4th panel
I’m imagining Kendal recruiting lion floof to the party and just strolling back to Alinua and Erin like “sup guys this is Jim he’s our friend now”
It’s amusing how Kendal so nonchalantly walks up to a powerful forest god like old chums (which I suppose he is, kind of, via Vash’s memories). ‘Not an emissary’ indeed.
I fully accept that this is either what Pan looks like now or how Peh2son looked back in the day
So the gods change according to people’s perception of them. Interesting.
I smell a side quest coming on…
That’s actually a really cool idea. A happy-go-lucky satyr trickster god, who grew out of it and became serious.
Even his horns are floofy
The remark about Vash loving to hear Gleicann’s music really hit me for some reason- such a sad idea that the changing perception of his believers stole away something so beautiful and important to him.
Very interesting to see how a god can evolve like this. Hand it to Red to include deities changing appearance, nature and epithets overtime, great feature of the world.
I wonder what caused this shift though, could that hooded figure from the previous page be behind it?
from pan-pipes to panic
TL;DR: Goth mcForestgod is getting scary because people think the forest is scary. He’s also now bad at music.
Alt text:- I am sure such a fundamental alteration must have been upsetting, but you’re Rocking that hairstyle.
I feel this god was inspired by Pan, Red and I right?
Image source: fear
What? a reference to greek myth in Red’s comic!?
It’s more likely then you think
The god of looming trees is strangely thin
Reflecting on the terror that’s within
Twink death
Currently rereading TLWW. When I read this properly (panel to panel), I see Tumnus with his pipes mourning, while “three weirdos” show up (the Pevensies minus Edmund). When I read the hidden hover text though? I skip the Pan panel to see Kendal’s face after being told his new hairdo rocks. Without his words displayed, his expression is priceless, like “What?” Proof the hour is late…