“I’m so sorry I didn’t ask what your friend with the BEAUTIFUL golden mane actually is, too busy being ‘>tfw too smart’ and dealing with an angry old big lizard”
Erin probably shaped it out of the ground, just to have a nice desk to work with his map.
Remember, if it seem like it comes out of Minecraft, it’s probably stone magic xD
everything from the 3rd panel to the 6th just made me spew out my drink and laugh for about 5 minutes. It’s simultaneously hilarious and awesome to me that while this comic deals with stakes as big as ‘save Vash’ and ‘fix Erin’s possession dealio before something bad happens’ we have time for lovely little subplot character interactions because Erin, for all his hubris and confidence, cannot bring himself to ask Kendal this simple question of what exactly he is. ;P
“Good thing I brought a few textbooks along for reference!” “Oh, it must have slipped my mind when I was abducted by an eldritch primordial dragon god.”
Erin, you Pompous Nitwit, you are an amazing nitwit who really reminds me of myself. Anyone who has seen me carrying around D&D rulebooks or my Divine Comedy can confirm.
*unorthodox and nerdy display of hubris alert*
But you really need to pick up the pace, Erin. No one ever made it to the center of the Storm of Magic? No one ever memorized The Divine Comedy! Because *I* never tried! (Small words for someone who’s only 2.5 Cantos in, I know.)
I am very, very late to replying this, but I’ve just imagined him in my own voice mostly. It fits: especially with that expression in the second panel.
i just noticed something.
on the page 1.6.27 which was a couple chapters back, golden lighting lady was fighting a dragon. then the dragon saw erin go kinda nuclear with VD’s purple energy
the dragon then ‘said’: “NO! the dark avatar is risen! The paladins must be warned!”
i wrote ‘said’ like that because the speech bubble was written like this goddess’s speech bubble. so what im saying is that the dragon must have been one of the goddesses’s creatures or something
not to mention, originally the dragon’s eyes were red. when it noticed the purple energy, its eyes glowed blue
TL;DR: Nerd floof wants to do a life magic measuring contest, Corpse floof goes to a local god for a nice chat and some pointers because he’s got VIP privileges. Nerd floof doesn’t know about Corpse floof’s corpseness.
Damn, I hate it when I get captured by an eldrich primordial dragon god. Happens to the best of us.
I know, right? Very annoying when that happens. Once I lost a week that way.
I missed my finals that way, teachers didn’t believe me when I told them what happened, not that common nowadays is it
That happened once to my buddy Eric.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t ask what your friend with the BEAUTIFUL golden mane actually is, too busy being ‘>tfw too smart’ and dealing with an angry old big lizard”
nice rock
Erin probably shaped it out of the ground, just to have a nice desk to work with his map.
Remember, if it seem like it comes out of Minecraft, it’s probably stone magic xD
I feel like there could be a perfectly adequate rock right there and Erin would just create one to show off
Oh totally
Erin sounds like he is talking about some PnP-Rules XD I so like well explained magic systems ^^
everything from the 3rd panel to the 6th just made me spew out my drink and laugh for about 5 minutes. It’s simultaneously hilarious and awesome to me that while this comic deals with stakes as big as ‘save Vash’ and ‘fix Erin’s possession dealio before something bad happens’ we have time for lovely little subplot character interactions because Erin, for all his hubris and confidence, cannot bring himself to ask Kendal this simple question of what exactly he is. ;P
should really not be surprised that Kendal is leaving after having a consistent “Man that bird is far away” expression for the last few pages.
look at this flower. it’s the center of the shot for some reason. crabs!
IDing with Erin so hard rn. Never leave home without a book, *just* in case.
Love Alinua’s response of just “Oh, be careful.” Just love this whole webcomic
“I don’t deal in wild speculation.”
Erin, honey, sometimes wild speculation is necessary when you theorize.
Wild speculation is the nectar of the sages!
In the sages’ defense, they tend to back it up with some very good reasoning.
Remember though, it’s also a way to attract philosophers.
*behold, a man intensifies*
Wait, even better…
Me, rushing into the room holding a picture of The Collector: “BEHOLD! The Magus!”
See, that’s wild speculation I can get behind.
Not even wild, there’s pretty good evidence.
P.S. I said a novena for you (@TheUnknownGame), I thought you’d want to know.
Kendal’s smiling in the fourth panel! I love it when he gets confident
Wait, is this our little Kendal answering back? He totally rocked it!
I know! He’s being so independent and awesome! Alinua has really taken the role of mothering him. “Where are you going? Just be careful, okay?”
“Good thing I brought a few textbooks along for reference!” “Oh, it must have slipped my mind when I was abducted by an eldritch primordial dragon god.”
Erin, you Pompous Nitwit, you are an amazing nitwit who really reminds me of myself. Anyone who has seen me carrying around D&D rulebooks or my Divine Comedy can confirm.
*unorthodox and nerdy display of hubris alert*
But you really need to pick up the pace, Erin. No one ever made it to the center of the Storm of Magic? No one ever memorized The Divine Comedy! Because *I* never tried! (Small words for someone who’s only 2.5 Cantos in, I know.)
If you keep at it, you can become a whole-ass bard. Go on, adventurer, and make your second namesake proud. *salutes*
I shall most certainly do so, having been further encouraged by your exhortations.
But how shall I take a piano everywhere? It’s my best instrument.
Just out of curiosity, does Alinua sound like Red in anyone else’s head while Erin sounds like Blue?
To me, Erin sounds a little younger, but Kendal sounds like Blue.
I most certainly agree. Sadly, I cannot imagine Erin’s voice.
I am very, very late to replying this, but I’ve just imagined him in my own voice mostly. It fits: especially with that expression in the second panel.
i just noticed something.
on the page 1.6.27 which was a couple chapters back, golden lighting lady was fighting a dragon. then the dragon saw erin go kinda nuclear with VD’s purple energy
the dragon then ‘said’: “NO! the dark avatar is risen! The paladins must be warned!”
i wrote ‘said’ like that because the speech bubble was written like this goddess’s speech bubble. so what im saying is that the dragon must have been one of the goddesses’s creatures or something
not to mention, originally the dragon’s eyes were red. when it noticed the purple energy, its eyes glowed blue
the goddess as in the person mr glowy paladin was talking to
I really just love Kendal’s development!
From new born baby to banter and Ima chat with a god who was chill with Vash!
Makes me wonder when we’ll get the Aurora RPG system.
Where is my upvote button?
Damn, now Kendals the prideful one! Next chapter it’ll probably be Alinua.
Also, damn, in that 4th panel, Kendal looking nice!
Ah friendly snarking between teammates, there’s nothing like it. And yeah, Erin totally made that rock just for his map display.
In Erin’s defense “What are you?” was one of his first questions and then the conversation went to Kendal’s second question
Am I the only one thinking about how our merry band hasn’t showered for some time?
TL;DR: Nerd floof wants to do a life magic measuring contest, Corpse floof goes to a local god for a nice chat and some pointers because he’s got VIP privileges. Nerd floof doesn’t know about Corpse floof’s corpseness.
alt text: erin’s just mad Asera never invited him over for a nice chat and some pointers
Image source: fine
When in need, make sure to reference books
And do not judge a Kendal by his looks.
Which are gorgeous by the way, I don’t get to say that enough.
Homebrew? Why am I not surprised. Erin would totally play D&D.
Homebrew? Why am I not surprised. Erin would totally play D&D.