Erin took back control of his body for half a second (he was talking with his mouth in the 4° panel) and V.D. already jumpscared back in submission. ?
My guess is that VD is so focused on his egotistical villainous monologue that his control over Erin’s body is slipping a little. How aware he is of that is unclear.
So… is collector maybe working for him … if not they might ally down the line.
Also yeah, primordials and elemental magic have conection – what a shock O.o
Nah, VD and The Collector are going to be on opposing sides. She’s probably going to want to get VD’s soul, or something like that, and VD probably will want to destroy her. Maybe some of VD’s soul will get taken away, and maybe also some of Erin’s soul as well, and they’re going to have to team up, like the reformed villain trope.
Or something like that. I’m just speculating.
Cool, yeah.
Stay safe and healthy!
…and now the Prologue makes sense. Void Dragon was trying to make mortals it could control and who would command the elements in turn. One out of two isn’t bad…
I suppose the question now is who exactly is the light-blue-glowy-eyes being? It seems they were trying to thwart the Void Dragon’s escape ever since the Prologue. Although this still doesn’t really explain how V.D.’s essence ended up in that pedestal at the Storm’s center.
Ya know, the monologuing exposition dump is actually ok here. Erin is a researcher so it makes sense that eventually he’d get enough control to start asking a ton of questions. And V.D is to arrogant to refuse to answer. Good set up.
I’m fairly sure that at the start, that was the void dragon trying to get an avatar. Maybe there’s even some kind of time travel stuff, because the eyes glowing blue thing is something to do with Vash (I think), and they’re both fighting for control. But VD was imprisoned in the centre of the planet, in that Adamant thing, and the ancients had found a way to harness the power of adamant (I think), which caused the storm to happen. When Erin tried to fix it, since he had power over all the elements (I don’t know if that’s unique to him), that may have caused the destruction of enough Adamant to let out our friend VD.
If I remember correctly, Vash’s eyes glowed a slightly deeper blue than the entity that thwarted the Void Dragon in the prologue (and, presumably, the same entity in the mind of that big lightning dragon), so, most likely not Vash.
Isn’t it great that VD is explaining his entire plan to Erin. This will totally not be instrumental to their downfall, when Erin inevitably gets saved by our favorite friends.
Honestly, learning that you were created and given your elemental abilities to be become a puppet of a being that eats stars in its spare time, free a eldritch dragon and start the Armageddon, would be horrifying and existential crisis inducing. Erin seems to be taking this quite well for the moment, especially considering that he takes great pride in the fact that he’s an elemental. Though I’m guessing the page is going to Erin freaking out and having an existential crisis. I hope Aurora has good therapists, Erin should probably go see one if he survives this.
So was my theory that the unknown entity that’s currently hitching a ride within Alinua was a shred of Life’s essence that somehow gained sentience is somewhat supported. How interesting.
So… his grand plan is to escape the prison of his own creation, so that he can eat the stars. Which will likely result in the death of *everything* and basically create a new, larger prison.
Erin was born as an elemental magus; the Void Dragon simply seemed to recognize this when Erin freed him…
I just thought of something…
The Void Dragon knew that an elemental magus was needed to destroy the adamant prison. An elemental magus is also the only type of person able to survive the journey to the center of The Storm, and we found the Void Dragon’s mark on the pedestal at the center.
Could the Void Dragon have deliberately created The Storm for the specific intent of selecting a worthy host? And if so, how?
So I was thinking about this for a bit and came up with this theory.
There’s a little bit of info linking Ancients on The Storm. Maybe the Ancients created The Storm to protect the world from a thing that tore their civilization apart. Maybe their civil war was caused by the Void Dragon. Perhaps he possessed a few Ancients and convinced them to rebel, or maybe he caused a few of the rulers (if they had a hierarchy-based social system) to go crazy and declare war on their own people.
After the Civil war ended, and most of the Ancients were dead, a few discovered that the Void Dragon was the cause of the war and trapped him in the pedestal, creating the storm to make a impassable barrier that would keep anyone from finding him. But, by creating the storm, they had unwittingly had done exactly what the Void Dragon wanted them to do, and created the gauntlet of challenges that his host would need to pass in order to be considered worthy. If someone was able to make it though the storm to the pedestal, the Void Dragon would have found his worthy host.
Though this does leave its’ fair share of questions: If the Void dragon caused the civil war, how did a little bit of him escape from the adamant prison? How does the magic that sealed him inside of the pedestal work? How was so much raw elemental energy summoned to make The Storm?
I know the Void Dragon Walter
in his quest of revival will alter
the event of his own dead falter
to protect the sun to halter
his plan to eat it made psalter
of the tale of not (“sadly”) being a Walter.
Hey does anyone else look through the sketches page now and then? I do and I think I found what the life primordial may/may not look like.
6th sketch from the bottom.
I have a theory about the pedestal.
The premises:
1. The Void Dragon can exercise no power except when he possesses a host.
2. He has possessed Erin / the Pompous Nitwit.
3. Erin was possessed after touching the pedestal.
4. The pedestal is at the center of the Storm of Magic.
So, in syllogism form:
Only the Elemental Magus can survive the Storm and therefore reach the pedestal.
Erin is the Elemental Magus.
Naturally, Erin made it to the pedestal.
Only an Elemental Magus can unlock the adamantine prison (as far as I can tell)
Only an Elemental Magus can reach the pedestal.
So anyone who reaches the pedestal can also unlock the prison.
Is it possible that the Void Dragon, in the process of reviving the Primordials, created the storm and the pedestal in order to weed out the only person who had the capability of freeing him and possess them to accomplish that?
This theory does have holes. If he has no power outside of possession, how could he create this setup? And why at the center of an Ancient ruin?
Welcome to this theory! I already speculated and came to the same conclusion in a reply to Pinewing, but good job getting here on your own. Unfortunately, I don’t have any answers to the holes in the theory, but if you can come up with plausible conclusions, I’d like to see them
May you be blessed for your internet courtesy. I should really check whether my theories have already been put forward (Like the Void Dragon and Erin the Pompous Nitwit, I have a problem about loving to hear myself talk. :/ )
Perhaps, even if his body is imprisoned, his Void-Voice had free reign to roam the world and convince the Twins and/or the Ancients to create the pedestal and the Storm with their natural abilities (in case of the Twins) or their technology (in case of the Ancients)? The latter would explain the Ancient ruins.
Okay, so our buddy VD had said that only the primordials could destroy adamant together. Since magic is basically mages harnessing the powers of the primordials. Technically, if a bunch of elemental mages went in a group, and used their power to protect each other, then they could make it to the centre, and if all of them use their powers at once, or just kinda did a group high-five thing on that pedestal, then that would probably have the same effect, since they are harnessing the spirit of those primordials. I’m also fairly sure that the storm was not the result of the ancients messing with stuff, because ancient technology, and it’s basically Atlantis. The storm was around after the Ancients, since they built a city at the centre. They probably had the storm afterwards, not during their reign.
I’m in agreement with Kaustos, I hope Erin points this out to him, how in destroying the universe he’d be King of Nothing, creating an irreversible prison for himself. again. Maybe this doubt and continuing adventures could lead V.D. to having a change of heart, maybe helping the heroes beat the Collector. (Wow, really says something that I consider the primordial evil more capable of redemption that her)
As for the theories there are still questions I have. Do you just need the elements or do you need the primordials themselves to be alive in some way? Could his prison be undone by six different possessed mages working together or does it specifically need the unique soul of one magus? … Guess we’ll find out as the monologue continues.
TL;DR: Walter spent a couple millennia bored, so he had a pretty good (according to him) daring escape plan. He also invented elemental magic, forgot to patent it though.
I love how there is war in comments of weather or not we should call VD Walter
I personally don’t give a damn what you decide to call him, as people nickname characters in this fandom ALL THE TIME. Kendal is known as floofy boi, corpse floof, vashn’t, sword floof, god floof, vash-n-half, half-n-vash, and not vash. If you can nickname 1 character, you can nickname others. VD is a character we should nickname, as “void dragon” isn’t a proper name, and can get bothersome if you say it over and over again, there are lots of words like that, where if say it enough it loses it’s meaning. I personally don’t use Walter, as it’s to arbitrary for me, and I feal like new viewers who aren’t in on the joke won’t understand who we’re talking about. Which is why lots of people don’t want people to call him Walter. Nicknames of other characters are more descriptive, like “Sword Floof” as Kendal has a sword and his hair is floofy. Some characters have nicknames that might confuse people if they miss pages, like “Chimera Mom” if they somehow miss chapter 1, they won’t realise that we are talking about The Collector, though all of chapter 1 is hard to miss. I personally call VD either VD (short for Void Dragon) or “Voidy” as I feel it is more descriptive. Overall call characters whatever you want to call them, just be ready to clarify to people who aren’t in on the joke who you’re talking about. I think people should posts comments of pages where characters show up what their popular nicknames that aren’t easily identified to the characters are. Like any page with Voidy in it should have a comment saying “this character is commonly known as Walter by fans” to clarify to new viewers who people are talking about.
TL:DR: call characters whatever you want, just keep in mind that some nicknames are very hard to identify who you’re talking about for new viewers, and maybe explain popular nicknames on pages that involve that character.
Whoa. I was right about this panel… it wasn’t clear to me the first time, but now that I’ve read the extra lore pages… Whoa! That is some top-notch eldritch-god manipulations!
So, Voidy invented elemental magic and is seeking to revive the primordials? He’s such a good guy!
Erin took back control of his body for half a second (he was talking with his mouth in the 4° panel) and V.D. already jumpscared back in submission. ?
I think GE let him do that, but GE’s still in control, if the eyes mean anything like what I think they do
My guess is that VD is so focused on his egotistical villainous monologue that his control over Erin’s body is slipping a little. How aware he is of that is unclear.
The prologue is slowly starting to make sense.
So… is collector maybe working for him … if not they might ally down the line.
Also yeah, primordials and elemental magic have conection – what a shock O.o
Nah, VD and The Collector are going to be on opposing sides. She’s probably going to want to get VD’s soul, or something like that, and VD probably will want to destroy her. Maybe some of VD’s soul will get taken away, and maybe also some of Erin’s soul as well, and they’re going to have to team up, like the reformed villain trope.
Or something like that. I’m just speculating.
Cool, yeah.
Stay safe and healthy!
oh no, does all magic come from basically-satan over here?
The Void Dragon is saying that magic comes from the primordials.
…and now the Prologue makes sense. Void Dragon was trying to make mortals it could control and who would command the elements in turn. One out of two isn’t bad…
I suppose the question now is who exactly is the light-blue-glowy-eyes being? It seems they were trying to thwart the Void Dragon’s escape ever since the Prologue. Although this still doesn’t really explain how V.D.’s essence ended up in that pedestal at the Storm’s center.
Or why The Twins went along with his plan.
That line of thought assumes The Twins did so knowingly and/or voluntarily. Neither may end up being true.
That line of thought assumes the Twins did so knowingly and/or voluntarily, which may or may not be true.
Ya know, the monologuing exposition dump is actually ok here. Erin is a researcher so it makes sense that eventually he’d get enough control to start asking a ton of questions. And V.D is to arrogant to refuse to answer. Good set up.
I’m fairly sure that at the start, that was the void dragon trying to get an avatar. Maybe there’s even some kind of time travel stuff, because the eyes glowing blue thing is something to do with Vash (I think), and they’re both fighting for control. But VD was imprisoned in the centre of the planet, in that Adamant thing, and the ancients had found a way to harness the power of adamant (I think), which caused the storm to happen. When Erin tried to fix it, since he had power over all the elements (I don’t know if that’s unique to him), that may have caused the destruction of enough Adamant to let out our friend VD.
If I remember correctly, Vash’s eyes glowed a slightly deeper blue than the entity that thwarted the Void Dragon in the prologue (and, presumably, the same entity in the mind of that big lightning dragon), so, most likely not Vash.
Thank you for that. I am eternally confused by the prologue.
And nice name. (I assume it’s a reference to Mariel of Redwall.)
Ooo interesting 😀
Erin: That’s a fake laugh.
VD: It’s real!
Erin: Totally fake.
VD: That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life.
It looks like Erin’s body stopped walking… is Erin trying to stall in the middle of the caves to buy time?
Isn’t it great that VD is explaining his entire plan to Erin. This will totally not be instrumental to their downfall, when Erin inevitably gets saved by our favorite friends.
I have an AP exam in three hours
Maybe i should drop a Type 0 Planet cracker warhead an some adamant see if that dents it.
Honestly, learning that you were created and given your elemental abilities to be become a puppet of a being that eats stars in its spare time, free a eldritch dragon and start the Armageddon, would be horrifying and existential crisis inducing. Erin seems to be taking this quite well for the moment, especially considering that he takes great pride in the fact that he’s an elemental. Though I’m guessing the page is going to Erin freaking out and having an existential crisis. I hope Aurora has good therapists, Erin should probably go see one if he survives this.
So was my theory that the unknown entity that’s currently hitching a ride within Alinua was a shred of Life’s essence that somehow gained sentience is somewhat supported. How interesting.
Walter: In case you haven’t noticed, I LOVE to talk
I’m getting really tired of this vocal minority. He already has a canonical name! Why are y’all blatantly ignoring it?
Amazing reference and spot on. 9/10
So… his grand plan is to escape the prison of his own creation, so that he can eat the stars. Which will likely result in the death of *everything* and basically create a new, larger prison.
*Please* tell me someone calls him on this.
Goodness…so VD directed the elemental fragments of their souls into Erin? To free himself? Ok I need an explination ASAP.
Erin was born as an elemental magus; the Void Dragon simply seemed to recognize this when Erin freed him…
I just thought of something…
The Void Dragon knew that an elemental magus was needed to destroy the adamant prison. An elemental magus is also the only type of person able to survive the journey to the center of The Storm, and we found the Void Dragon’s mark on the pedestal at the center.
Could the Void Dragon have deliberately created The Storm for the specific intent of selecting a worthy host? And if so, how?
So I was thinking about this for a bit and came up with this theory.
There’s a little bit of info linking Ancients on The Storm. Maybe the Ancients created The Storm to protect the world from a thing that tore their civilization apart. Maybe their civil war was caused by the Void Dragon. Perhaps he possessed a few Ancients and convinced them to rebel, or maybe he caused a few of the rulers (if they had a hierarchy-based social system) to go crazy and declare war on their own people.
After the Civil war ended, and most of the Ancients were dead, a few discovered that the Void Dragon was the cause of the war and trapped him in the pedestal, creating the storm to make a impassable barrier that would keep anyone from finding him. But, by creating the storm, they had unwittingly had done exactly what the Void Dragon wanted them to do, and created the gauntlet of challenges that his host would need to pass in order to be considered worthy. If someone was able to make it though the storm to the pedestal, the Void Dragon would have found his worthy host.
Though this does leave its’ fair share of questions: If the Void dragon caused the civil war, how did a little bit of him escape from the adamant prison? How does the magic that sealed him inside of the pedestal work? How was so much raw elemental energy summoned to make The Storm?
Thanks guys for the theories, they’re pretty cool. I wish I could analyze plots like that.
Also, does anyone know how the reply button works? because when I want to reply, my comments don’t appear as a reply.
If you are replying on the main page, it won’t put it as a reply. If you go back a page then come back via the arrows it should work.
And, when in doubt, load the page through the archive tab
And finally, when will our heroes appear again? I really want to see Alinua’s reaction specifically.
I know the Void Dragon Walter
in his quest of revival will alter
the event of his own dead falter
to protect the sun to halter
his plan to eat it made psalter
of the tale of not (“sadly”) being a Walter.
Hey does anyone else look through the sketches page now and then? I do and I think I found what the life primordial may/may not look like.
6th sketch from the bottom.
Nice, I look through the sketches too! It’ll be neat when we can see her in full color
I have a theory about the pedestal.
The premises:
1. The Void Dragon can exercise no power except when he possesses a host.
2. He has possessed Erin / the Pompous Nitwit.
3. Erin was possessed after touching the pedestal.
4. The pedestal is at the center of the Storm of Magic.
So, in syllogism form:
Only the Elemental Magus can survive the Storm and therefore reach the pedestal.
Erin is the Elemental Magus.
Naturally, Erin made it to the pedestal.
Only an Elemental Magus can unlock the adamantine prison (as far as I can tell)
Only an Elemental Magus can reach the pedestal.
So anyone who reaches the pedestal can also unlock the prison.
Is it possible that the Void Dragon, in the process of reviving the Primordials, created the storm and the pedestal in order to weed out the only person who had the capability of freeing him and possess them to accomplish that?
This theory does have holes. If he has no power outside of possession, how could he create this setup? And why at the center of an Ancient ruin?
Welcome to this theory! I already speculated and came to the same conclusion in a reply to Pinewing, but good job getting here on your own. Unfortunately, I don’t have any answers to the holes in the theory, but if you can come up with plausible conclusions, I’d like to see them
May you be blessed for your internet courtesy. I should really check whether my theories have already been put forward (Like the Void Dragon and Erin the Pompous Nitwit, I have a problem about loving to hear myself talk. :/ )
Perhaps, even if his body is imprisoned, his Void-Voice had free reign to roam the world and convince the Twins and/or the Ancients to create the pedestal and the Storm with their natural abilities (in case of the Twins) or their technology (in case of the Ancients)? The latter would explain the Ancient ruins.
Okay, so our buddy VD had said that only the primordials could destroy adamant together. Since magic is basically mages harnessing the powers of the primordials. Technically, if a bunch of elemental mages went in a group, and used their power to protect each other, then they could make it to the centre, and if all of them use their powers at once, or just kinda did a group high-five thing on that pedestal, then that would probably have the same effect, since they are harnessing the spirit of those primordials. I’m also fairly sure that the storm was not the result of the ancients messing with stuff, because ancient technology, and it’s basically Atlantis. The storm was around after the Ancients, since they built a city at the centre. They probably had the storm afterwards, not during their reign.
I’m in agreement with Kaustos, I hope Erin points this out to him, how in destroying the universe he’d be King of Nothing, creating an irreversible prison for himself. again. Maybe this doubt and continuing adventures could lead V.D. to having a change of heart, maybe helping the heroes beat the Collector. (Wow, really says something that I consider the primordial evil more capable of redemption that her)
As for the theories there are still questions I have. Do you just need the elements or do you need the primordials themselves to be alive in some way? Could his prison be undone by six different possessed mages working together or does it specifically need the unique soul of one magus? … Guess we’ll find out as the monologue continues.
TL;DR: Walter spent a couple millennia bored, so he had a pretty good (according to him) daring escape plan. He also invented elemental magic, forgot to patent it though.
alt text: erin? self-important???? say it ain’t so!
Image source: petty
Originally, the idea was quite good
But he made a plan we just now understood
I love how there is war in comments of weather or not we should call VD Walter
I personally don’t give a damn what you decide to call him, as people nickname characters in this fandom ALL THE TIME. Kendal is known as floofy boi, corpse floof, vashn’t, sword floof, god floof, vash-n-half, half-n-vash, and not vash. If you can nickname 1 character, you can nickname others. VD is a character we should nickname, as “void dragon” isn’t a proper name, and can get bothersome if you say it over and over again, there are lots of words like that, where if say it enough it loses it’s meaning. I personally don’t use Walter, as it’s to arbitrary for me, and I feal like new viewers who aren’t in on the joke won’t understand who we’re talking about. Which is why lots of people don’t want people to call him Walter. Nicknames of other characters are more descriptive, like “Sword Floof” as Kendal has a sword and his hair is floofy. Some characters have nicknames that might confuse people if they miss pages, like “Chimera Mom” if they somehow miss chapter 1, they won’t realise that we are talking about The Collector, though all of chapter 1 is hard to miss. I personally call VD either VD (short for Void Dragon) or “Voidy” as I feel it is more descriptive. Overall call characters whatever you want to call them, just be ready to clarify to people who aren’t in on the joke who you’re talking about. I think people should posts comments of pages where characters show up what their popular nicknames that aren’t easily identified to the characters are. Like any page with Voidy in it should have a comment saying “this character is commonly known as Walter by fans” to clarify to new viewers who people are talking about.
TL:DR: call characters whatever you want, just keep in mind that some nicknames are very hard to identify who you’re talking about for new viewers, and maybe explain popular nicknames on pages that involve that character.
Whoa. I was right about this panel… it wasn’t clear to me the first time, but now that I’ve read the extra lore pages… Whoa! That is some top-notch eldritch-god manipulations!