To be fair, at my great grandmother’s 103rd birthday, we sang Happy birthday, she and her 100 year old sister reminisced about the time it snowed in NC on Christmas in 1901 or something, and then her sister turns and asks, “have we sung happy birthday yet?”
“You know, I don’t think they have.” Short term memory is a hell of a drug.
I thought that the weather was just a premise to some kind of an epic story. But it turned up to be just a nice weather.
Seems logical but I can feel that something is not okay…
TL;DR: Kendal-floof remembers the weather report, as well as an out-of-date almanac. Magistrate-floof accepts the answer, problem solved. Kendal-floof swears to GOD Alinua-floof is good.
It got confusing to keep making up names for everyone lol
I don’t really see a problem with the “what” in this case. You can talk about who someone is and what they are, and those are different questions. Who I am is Amy. What I am is a human. Who he is is Kendal. What he is is the body of a god with a new soul in it. Who he is was never in question. What is is was, and now the magistrate believes him.
The power of Vash makes his hair floofier.
It’s page 4-20 and Alinua’s exhaling something too green to be air…
hahaha lol
When you’ve got the hair of a god…
Vash: *remembers a small detail from something that happened centuries ago*
Me: *locks door*
Me 5 seconds later: Did I lock my door?
To be fair, at my great grandmother’s 103rd birthday, we sang Happy birthday, she and her 100 year old sister reminisced about the time it snowed in NC on Christmas in 1901 or something, and then her sister turns and asks, “have we sung happy birthday yet?”
“You know, I don’t think they have.” Short term memory is a hell of a drug.
I thought that the weather was just a premise to some kind of an epic story. But it turned up to be just a nice weather.
Seems logical but I can feel that something is not okay…
Okay seriously why does Kendal keep gettting those glowy eyes whenever he talks about Vash
if i had to guess magic
like y’know gods and stuf
“I believe that you are who…what you say you are.”
Dimwitted magistrate.
Don’t you just love it when your body makes decisions on your behalf?
This comic is awesome! How come there aren’t more people reading it?
“Do you have any other questions?”
“Ohmygod! How do you get your hair so floofy? I’ve always wanted to know!”
Vash, from underground: m8 that’s my bro so sayeth this guy back the hifl up
Alinua: (life magic indued sigh or relief)
TL;DR: Kendal-floof remembers the weather report, as well as an out-of-date almanac. Magistrate-floof accepts the answer, problem solved. Kendal-floof swears to GOD Alinua-floof is good.
It got confusing to keep making up names for everyone lol
FWIW, the first guy just made up consistent nicknames for the handful of recurring characters who showed up at that point.
the alt text
*voice echoes from deep underground* YEAH STEP OFF BUDDY THAT’S MY BODY YOU’RE TALKING TO
I don’t really see a problem with the “what” in this case. You can talk about who someone is and what they are, and those are different questions. Who I am is Amy. What I am is a human. Who he is is Kendal. What he is is the body of a god with a new soul in it. Who he is was never in question. What is is was, and now the magistrate believes him.
The question is answered, it seems he’s okay
And Ali is vouched for so enter she may
“Your diplomacy check fails.” “Fine. I haven’t tried this yet… I roll for intimidation.” …. “Yeah! That’ll work.”
I love how he just casually pulled out a sword and it was totally fine with the guards.