on August 14, 2019
at 4:01 am
“You know what this chapter needs? A lot of inner monologues, and a giant magic robot.” -Red, trying to spice up two chapters of near-wordless visual storytelling and characters talking about their motivations
(today was a double update! click back if you’re confused <<)
Cool but yeah i get it, it’s shonen now *rofl*
very cool, if a bit wordy XD
Red, I know absolutely nothing about writing comics, but near wordless visual story telling is more than fine. Manhwa artist are especially fond of it. The first chapter of noblesse is nothing but a cute dude coming out of a coffin. Your visuals are strong and evocative enough that you don’t need a jojo sized inner monologue in the middle of a fight. You can relay those emotions later. I’m sorry if this comment sounds like unwarranted criticism, I don’t mean it to. I like aurora so far, its really fun. I just wanted to share my thoughts.
alright, I know that the scabbard isn’t in these panels here but I’m a little disappointed that it isn’t a Shabbard^TM
One living alone for a prety damn long time and the other being technically a few hours old really doesn’t help their ability to process feelings 😛
Made sense for it to be a double update, the monologue cut in half would be a little weird
Fight scenes are better than the one with the chimeras at the start, you actually get an idea of what’s happening rather than small images of a swinging sword
The Sentinel looks to be made for fighting an army, not one fast blondie dude, so he’s got a chance
well you can hardly be considered culpable for taking advantage when you’re just now waking up to see what’s going on. yeah you’re in a pickle big guy but fuck nobody’s perfect.
TL;DR: Not-Vash realizes that he kinda sucks at protecting people.
I mean, Vash’s choice of having long hair on his physical form is… visually striking in a fight. Aesthetics over practicality, I can sympathise.
I love this magic system so far
*Shonun intensifies* i love it!
yeah how dare you take longer than eighteen hours to reconcile the concept of mortality
take it back now y’all
strung out like pearls on a string(time) moments are static, fixed points in our past, both remembered and forgotten, or half remembered like myths;
actually this comment should end with…
Aaaaaay, it’s the bot!
alt text:
yeah how dare you take longer than eighteen hours to reconcile the concept of mortality
(And a heartfelt thank you for putting the alt text in the comments on so many pages!)
Succesfully dodging he contemplates on
guilt and how he failed to protect someone