Traumatic first kill of his life aside, I love that even after being hurt and coming down from his berserker rage, Falst still finds it in him to snipe at Dainix, who responds in kind. Getting dangerously(?) close to that “bickering married couple” dynamic
The danger they’re referring to is most likely not the relationship itself, but the shippers causing a wildfire from the amount of energy released by aggressively vibrating while trying not to blow up.
Question unrelated to Aurora #5: Taking plans from @Mturtle7 & @TheWookie, I decided to combine the two for maximum effectiveness, setting the starfish on fire and then getting other people to eat them. The Starfish are gone now (hooray). Bad news is, their ghosts possessed the people, and now I have a group of 3 flaming skeletons following me around. Help
Aurora Question #64: If you could have a stack of one item from Aurora, what would it be?
#5 – oh my god, just start a band already, call it “Burnt Starfish” or something
#64 – assorted elemental lacrimas, because I can use them to perform magic without actually being magic. or maybe a stack of Erin’s ‘Bag Of Holding’. actually yeah, the bags of holding is a far better choice, that’d be a MAJOR quality of life upgrade on… my life
#5: the answer to your skeleton dilema is quite simple and almost sometimes effective. all you need to do is lay out 4 yoga mats. next get one of those goofy workout videos from the 90’s. the have you stand on one mat with all the other skeletons next to you, and play the video. the skeletons and you will begin to work out, forcefully exersizing the spooky ghosts, and giving you a free work out along with it.
#64: erin/elemental magi. you never said we couldnt do people. having a whole army of people able to cast magic, i would proceed to open a shop where you can rent out their services for quick and easy construction, diverting rivers, killing your enemies, or whatever you might need magic for. as nobody else on earth can do magic i would have a monopoly and me and all of my erins would get rich.
also the real question is are we talking a minecraft stack of erins, or a terraria stack of erins.
A couple of options now come to mind:
1. Conga line
2. Rent them out as stunt doubles for the next Ghost Rider movie.
3. Go find Tahraim, he seems to have a good track record on dealing with folks who are prone to being on fire and have major unresolved issues.
#5 Everything can be resolved with blunt force trauma! Hit ’em hard enough and the bones break. Break enough bones and they can’t move anymore. Simple!
Defeat the skeletons by enlisting them to fight in the skeleton war. That should buy you a decent amount of time until the skeleton war actually begins
Response # U.A. 5-(typing tongue in cheek) @Q.A. I think your mental health is at risk if you focus on asking more questions like this, (Apologies to those who feel offended reading this but @ Q.M. did ask for responses)
# A 64 (yay!) response to @Q.A. I can not think of any, unless you think that desire to click on link to Aurora over time to be entertained counts as “stackable”. I don’t think may would agree with me though.
5# wow how did this even get this badly. To answer the question: I would try to befried them with the power of *friendship* and make them my adventuring party
He looks so trumatized. Makes sense since he just killed after trying his best to not kill anyone for so long. He just passed the first moral line by accidently killing something. Next one is either killing someone by accident or killing something on purpose.
I thought this was just Falst’s “industrial grade can opener” scenario, but no: Dainix gets to join in the fun!
In hindsight it’s so obvious this “funtime adventure” is pressing their trauma buttons for completely different reasons: Falst because his yet-to-be-detailed history with cave crawlers, Dainix because he refuses to willingly take a “human” life (remember the first time he transformed?), then accidentally killing one anyways.
Both of them are going to be messes going out of that place, give them a break. Ideally with both of them having heart-to-hearts.
Me: (points at Falst) Your right arm gets injured! (points at Dainix) Your right arm gets injured! (points at Vash fighting Tynan the first time) Your right arm gets injured! (points at V.D.-Erin fighting Crucible Dainix) Your right arm gets injured! (points at Tess on the cover of chapter 19) Your right arm gets injured! Probably! (points outwards) Everybody’s right arm gets injured!
Desperate times call for desperate measures. That fire was needed in order to ensure they get out, despite how dangerous it is; I hope that exit doesn’t act like a chimney. But yeah, it could have been avoided if Falst played ball; now they have a fire, injuries, and several panicking cave crawlers to worry about.
Take a human life, Dainix? Well … yes and no. They are victims of an elemental corruption that cannot be treated, let alone cured. I like how Red treats the cave crawlers and the chimeras Jolon made as the tragic stories they are and not just faceless mooks to slay. The only hero we’ve seen who fights and kills with little hesitation or reflection is Vash in the first chapter, and his objectives and godly view of mortality are very different form the gang’s.
Due to the fact that the resident miracle worker is currently unconscious and above ground, I do think and hope that “these actions will have consequences” and the scars will be sticking around. Like alinua said back in Zuurith, if she can’t deal with an injury fast enough, it won’t heal properly.
I mean, technically, Falst’s beserk mode wasn’t really saving anyone’s life, but this is definitely the case for the Dash-Catch maneuver, which Falst used to save Dainix when the spider dropped him, and Dainix used two-ish pages ago to save Falst from the Crawlers (and also his lovely, self-destructive self). Plus, matching wounds, and probably (in a few chapters’ time) matching scars too!
Dainix, my man, I understand killing a sentient being can be traumatic, but survival first, emotional breakdown later. You have no reasonable guilt to cope with as it was entirely self-defense, but that counseling talk to cope with your feelings is going to have to wait. Come on, even my little cinnamon roll of a kitsune understands the trope of how hesitating on the battlefield can get a friend or loved one killed and is trying to toughen herself up for that potential necessity. If she can do this, so can you.
I….dude, you set a room full of them on fire. Te guy youspeared is not the first one you killed in the last minute or two…and the spear guy had a much less painful death.
Also I would desire to praise the moral and artistic taste (I am not sure I can spell ‘aesthetically’ correctly) in panels 5, 6, 7, The emphasis or focus is on the action of cutting – ‘sash’ obscures the cutting action and focuses (?) on the blood on the spear tip and in panels six and seven as elements of Dainix’s shock in panel seven. Well drawn if that was the case. I hope that was understandable. Apologies if not the case!
Not in human form, as far as I know. I can’t remember if it’s been confirmed whether or not he did the first time he lost control of his fire and transformed.
It’s almost a bit disconcerting that the Cave Crawlers have normal blood. Like, I know they were once people, but that just feels like a more visceral reminder that they aren’t just “cave monsters”, they still have human (or elf) blood and guts.
As one of my own main protagonists finds out: even if you’re traveling alone in the middle of a war, even if it’s necessary to preserve your own life, killing a person has a special way of tearing at the mind.
*reads the alt-text*
Red, I really adore your humor and I actually laughed out loud at seeing the alt-text immediately after seeing Dainix struggle with what happened here… Still, morality compels me to ask “Srsly? SRSLY?!” xD
Because I think the only other time we’ve seen his skin broken was in the flashback where he turned into his demon form for the first time. And then he transformed where he was wounded, seemingly bleeding fire.
Ah, so Dainix (and by extension the Ravvan) are monster hunters and NOT soldiers. Hence his horror at lethally wounding an enemy combatant after his earlier judgment that they’re people.
Oh man they will never catch a break, will they?
They could if they put these emotional moments and breakdowns aside and left the room.
In Red’s comic? No way!
I definitely sang this out loud
Whose fault it was can matter not
When putting monsters on their spot
Oh no, his poor little face ??? …
Traumatic first kill of his life aside, I love that even after being hurt and coming down from his berserker rage, Falst still finds it in him to snipe at Dainix, who responds in kind. Getting dangerously(?) close to that “bickering married couple” dynamic
Are you saying that that’s a bad thing?
The danger they’re referring to is most likely not the relationship itself, but the shippers causing a wildfire from the amount of energy released by aggressively vibrating while trying not to blow up.
I think it’s just turn of phrase.
I’m pretty sure if anyone’s starting a wildfire it’s gonna be dainix
We didn’t start the fire… It’s been always burning, since the world’s been turning…
Question unrelated to Aurora #5: Taking plans from @Mturtle7 & @TheWookie, I decided to combine the two for maximum effectiveness, setting the starfish on fire and then getting other people to eat them. The Starfish are gone now (hooray). Bad news is, their ghosts possessed the people, and now I have a group of 3 flaming skeletons following me around. Help
Aurora Question #64: If you could have a stack of one item from Aurora, what would it be?
Water. Just water.
#5 – oh my god, just start a band already, call it “Burnt Starfish” or something
#64 – assorted elemental lacrimas, because I can use them to perform magic without actually being magic. or maybe a stack of Erin’s ‘Bag Of Holding’. actually yeah, the bags of holding is a far better choice, that’d be a MAJOR quality of life upgrade on… my life
I’ve changed my mind! ‘Skeleton Starfish’ is a better name
Walk to a dog park
Let the dogs take care of it
They’ll know what to do
Ooh! a haiku and response wrapped together! Zazen!
Again, dump them in a volcano. Though the Mariana Trench might be better now
#5: the answer to your skeleton dilema is quite simple and almost sometimes effective. all you need to do is lay out 4 yoga mats. next get one of those goofy workout videos from the 90’s. the have you stand on one mat with all the other skeletons next to you, and play the video. the skeletons and you will begin to work out, forcefully exersizing the spooky ghosts, and giving you a free work out along with it.
#64: erin/elemental magi. you never said we couldnt do people. having a whole army of people able to cast magic, i would proceed to open a shop where you can rent out their services for quick and easy construction, diverting rivers, killing your enemies, or whatever you might need magic for. as nobody else on earth can do magic i would have a monopoly and me and all of my erins would get rich.
also the real question is are we talking a minecraft stack of erins, or a terraria stack of erins.
The whole stack of Erins wouldn’t have to obey you as they are people after all and you’d be multiplying Erin’s ego across multiple bodys.
A couple of options now come to mind:
1. Conga line
2. Rent them out as stunt doubles for the next Ghost Rider movie.
3. Go find Tahraim, he seems to have a good track record on dealing with folks who are prone to being on fire and have major unresolved issues.
#5 Everything can be resolved with blunt force trauma! Hit ’em hard enough and the bones break. Break enough bones and they can’t move anymore. Simple!
planet aurora. 64 planet auroras on my person immediately. black hole time lessgo
Defeat the skeletons by enlisting them to fight in the skeleton war. That should buy you a decent amount of time until the skeleton war actually begins
1. Have you tried apologizing to the skeletons and asking them out to brunch to talk it over?
2. Is Ice Lacrima a thing? If so, get a bunch of that and use it to fuel a giant magic freezer to keep the ice caps from melting.
just TALK to them. see what they want. come to a compromise. maybe they’re just lonely
I’d also say give them a hug but they’re on fire so maybe not a good idea actually.
Response # U.A. 5-(typing tongue in cheek) @Q.A. I think your mental health is at risk if you focus on asking more questions like this, (Apologies to those who feel offended reading this but @ Q.M. did ask for responses)
# A 64 (yay!) response to @Q.A. I can not think of any, unless you think that desire to click on link to Aurora over time to be entertained counts as “stackable”. I don’t think may would agree with me though.
5# wow how did this even get this badly. To answer the question: I would try to befried them with the power of *friendship* and make them my adventuring party
He looks so trumatized. Makes sense since he just killed after trying his best to not kill anyone for so long. He just passed the first moral line by accidently killing something. Next one is either killing someone by accident or killing something on purpose.
He recently judged them to be people, so he’s missed a step. At least until Falst and Erin covince him they don’t count as people.
First member of the Floof Squad to draw blood was actually Falst, but this is still significant.
Now they have matching scars! …unfortunately.
And Falst did? /lh
false needs to be cracked like a walnut to get better but dainix is already doing great
Both got wrecked. LLLLLL. But still sad
I thought this was just Falst’s “industrial grade can opener” scenario, but no: Dainix gets to join in the fun!
In hindsight it’s so obvious this “funtime adventure” is pressing their trauma buttons for completely different reasons: Falst because his yet-to-be-detailed history with cave crawlers, Dainix because he refuses to willingly take a “human” life (remember the first time he transformed?), then accidentally killing one anyways.
Both of them are going to be messes going out of that place, give them a break. Ideally with both of them having heart-to-hearts.
Me: (points at Falst) Your right arm gets injured! (points at Dainix) Your right arm gets injured! (points at Vash fighting Tynan the first time) Your right arm gets injured! (points at V.D.-Erin fighting Crucible Dainix) Your right arm gets injured! (points at Tess on the cover of chapter 19) Your right arm gets injured! Probably! (points outwards) Everybody’s right arm gets injured!
Desperate times call for desperate measures. That fire was needed in order to ensure they get out, despite how dangerous it is; I hope that exit doesn’t act like a chimney. But yeah, it could have been avoided if Falst played ball; now they have a fire, injuries, and several panicking cave crawlers to worry about.
Take a human life, Dainix? Well … yes and no. They are victims of an elemental corruption that cannot be treated, let alone cured. I like how Red treats the cave crawlers and the chimeras Jolon made as the tragic stories they are and not just faceless mooks to slay. The only hero we’ve seen who fights and kills with little hesitation or reflection is Vash in the first chapter, and his objectives and godly view of mortality are very different form the gang’s.
Personally, I prefer to injure the left arms on my characters. Don’t know why, but it’s always the left arm that bears the brunt of damage 😛
Do you think the scars they are getting will remain visible? or do you think any remnant of them will disappear the second they get back to camp?
Due to the fact that the resident miracle worker is currently unconscious and above ground, I do think and hope that “these actions will have consequences” and the scars will be sticking around. Like alinua said back in Zuurith, if she can’t deal with an injury fast enough, it won’t heal properly.
More arm injuries
Dainix just K.O’d that dude!
Yep! That dude is dead!
I can’t quite tell but it’s either sweat or Falst is crying.
Oh no he’s just like me
Say. is anyone else sensing déjà vu seeing Falst going berserk and now seeing Dainix emote on this page? Are they watching each other break down and recognizing that in the other person while saving the other person’s life? Is this Red’s way of showing us that Falst and Dainix are bonding? Just curious if I was only one feeling that now. P.S. I think that is magnificently executed if that Red’s intent.
I mean, technically, Falst’s beserk mode wasn’t really saving anyone’s life, but this is definitely the case for the Dash-Catch maneuver, which Falst used to save Dainix when the spider dropped him, and Dainix used two-ish pages ago to save Falst from the Crawlers (and also his lovely, self-destructive self). Plus, matching wounds, and probably (in a few chapters’ time) matching scars too!
Thank you for the feedback @veggiesnake! (smile happily toward @veggiesnake’s direction)
Dainix, my man, I understand killing a sentient being can be traumatic, but survival first, emotional breakdown later. You have no reasonable guilt to cope with as it was entirely self-defense, but that counseling talk to cope with your feelings is going to have to wait. Come on, even my little cinnamon roll of a kitsune understands the trope of how hesitating on the battlefield can get a friend or loved one killed and is trying to toughen herself up for that potential necessity. If she can do this, so can you.
I….dude, you set a room full of them on fire. Te guy youspeared is not the first one you killed in the last minute or two…and the spear guy had a much less painful death.
Also I would desire to praise the moral and artistic taste (I am not sure I can spell ‘aesthetically’ correctly) in panels 5, 6, 7, The emphasis or focus is on the action of cutting – ‘sash’ obscures the cutting action and focuses (?) on the blood on the spear tip and in panels six and seven as elements of Dainix’s shock in panel seven. Well drawn if that was the case. I hope that was understandable. Apologies if not the case!
both of them look so smol in the final panel, i want to give them both a hug
Dainix has never actually killed a person has he?
Not in human form, as far as I know. I can’t remember if it’s been confirmed whether or not he did the first time he lost control of his fire and transformed.
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: level up!
Image source: berserk
Thank you!
Spoiler alert: 9 out of 10 doctors agree that bladed weapons have blades on em
Salons hate them, cave crawlers spill secrets on how you too can save money and get your very own stilletto nails at home!
There once was a man of fire
Who killed a crawler, without ire.
But now he feels guilt
Which makes him wilt
Although the situation’s still dire.
currently quietly chanting under my breath “trauma dump, trauma dump, trauma dump” as i anxiously settle down to wait for the next page
It’s fun to play, in the non-violent way…
It’s almost a bit disconcerting that the Cave Crawlers have normal blood. Like, I know they were once people, but that just feels like a more visceral reminder that they aren’t just “cave monsters”, they still have human (or elf) blood and guts.
We’re living with – BS&P! Yeah, we’re living with – BS&P!
It’s fun to play in a non-violent way! (A non-violent way!)
As one of my own main protagonists finds out: even if you’re traveling alone in the middle of a war, even if it’s necessary to preserve your own life, killing a person has a special way of tearing at the mind.
absolute needle fingers on this guy
#5 Learn necromancy and turn them into your own personal servants
#64 Bag of holding and lighting lacrima for phone charging or as a personal taser
Reply to @Question Master
*reads the alt-text*
Red, I really adore your humor and I actually laughed out loud at seeing the alt-text immediately after seeing Dainix struggle with what happened here… Still, morality compels me to ask “Srsly? SRSLY?!” xD
i hadnt remembered danix’s thing about no bladed weapons on living creatures. oops for me, but now i cant wait to see how this plays out.
falst is like. Dude are you really doing this
I’m starting to think that maybe those cavecrawler scratches might be more than meer flesh wounds.
Aw poor guy hasn’t Stabbed someone before
Oh, dang, has he never directly killed someone? Oof… That’s rough buddy. (I will take EVERY opportunity to use this line. ALL OF THEM.)
Nice to see teetering on the edge of consciousness won’t stop Falst from being a shit.
And Dainix…ooh honey, I realize this might be the first time you’ve killed something this human-looking but focus hon, get out now melt down later.
TL;DR: Murder, manslaughter, or nothing serious.
I.. I think you should get that shoulder checked out bro
wow I just realized that danix bleeds normal blood. I don’t know why I’m suprised.
To be fair, i was expecting him to bleed like, lava or something so your not alone in that suprise
Because I think the only other time we’ve seen his skin broken was in the flashback where he turned into his demon form for the first time. And then he transformed where he was wounded, seemingly bleeding fire.
They literally just met and they’re already divorced. I love that for them this dynamic is amazing
Ah, so Dainix (and by extension the Ravvan) are monster hunters and NOT soldiers. Hence his horror at lethally wounding an enemy combatant after his earlier judgment that they’re people.
Subtle Reboot Joke Win!
Awesome detail number who-knows-I’ve-lost-count: that attack of opportunity came from Dainix’s blind side.