Ok can we talk about the new cover art?
B. Thereās a dragon silhouette, question is: is it voidy or the lady?
C. Why is there lightning coming out of the dragonās eye? Is it a third dragon other than the two primordial ones? Is it symbolism for a combo between Erin and Tess where they use Void and Lightning combined?
Can people just say basically the stuff about them that they want other people to know about all in this page so that nobody has to skip around to find out?
(I’m jewish, male, 14 years old, and straight)
Okay, I can’t remember, do we know what exactly does the title of a “Stormbreaker” refer to? Is it a title for those that were Chosen by the Sky, or is it something more specific?
I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To learn things is my real test,
To know all is my cause.
I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
World storm,to understand
The power that’s inside
(Gotta know it all!)
Chosen by the sky,
I know it’s my destiny
To be the storm breaker!
You’re my best friend
In a world we must defend
(Gotta defend ’em all)
A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I’ll teach you
(Gotta break ’em all)
Gotta defend ’em all
Because its my destiny,
To be the stormbreaker!
Red did talk about dragons being often killed by lightning deities in her trope talk on dragons. Might have some kind of connection.
@Wood Guardian
White, male, straight, turning 23 in May
…I love it when epic characters get to do epic stuff <3 And I get to watch. I'll miss all these amazing lighting effects, but look forward to seeing them again in the future!
The contrasts between things not going their way and things going their way is exquisite in this comic.
Metal-caste Tess his lighting-sword sunders
Erin introduces Kendall to his sister Storm breaker,
She fights the storm, and buys Erin time,
To break the storm with fire!
Asian, non-binary, ace (probably aroace), 18 years old. Knows a lot about plants and virtually nothing else. Wants to be a botanist. Likes science and art (a lot of various kinds – drawing, writing, sculpture, etc.) and can’t get their life in order. Something about hating group work and forcing themself to take AP history classes even though they have difficulty with language (autism sucks). What’s worse, extra work or public humiliation?
This is the sort of stuff that I’m into. He’s doing the impossible against a God, but he’s got his sister there with him, so he gets to look at this monster and say, “You, you petty waffle of a God, are f***ing done.”
caucasian, agender (he/she/they), queer, on the verge of nineteen, currently sitting in the audiobook section of a public library while my life falls apart, desperately trying to find a way to fix everything (it’s a long goddamn story)
I’m teenage, she/her pronouns, and I am pansexual. Loves learning languages, reading only fantasy, and loves mythohistory. (Which is how I got introduced to Red!)
I just realized something. Kendal is the low level noob out of the party. High power legacy gear, but in comparison to everyone else in the group he’s pretty underpowered.
White, teenage, she/her/hers, asexual demiromantic lesbian! Athiest if it matters. Also have some anxiety/depression issues, but don’t we all?
Tess is amazing here.
And Erin monologuing about her here?
Just great.
Also, Stormbreaker? What’s that? Did we hear about it earlier and I just forgot? Can someone clarify?
And that last panel? Amazing
I don’t know how to phrase it any more eloquently.
Caucasian, mid-30s, female, ace (aro/demi/qoiromantic), ADHD and usual accompanying issues. Into tabletop RPGs, LARP, Belegarth and Amtgard foam fighting, sewing/crafting, and fixing my car that’s always breaking down.
I have similar answers to Bluefire (Asian, nb, aroace, autistic), but I have a different special interest. I do a lot of art in many different media. And I have two dogs.
@SarissaTeiflingFruid i think ‘Stormbreaker’ is a kind of divine epithet that Vash gained after he defeated Tynan the first time? So Erin has mad respect for Tess if he’s giving her that title, especially since he’s breaking the storm as well
So white I blister in direct sunlight, 64, female, mostly het & married for 35 years – and love all of Red’s main characters – all for different reasons.
@Slow but getting there = OMG, you’re right. Much as I adore Kendal, all the others have these deep character back-stories that get cooler the more we learn about them. ^_^
I already see a hole in the clouds! Erin, you f*cking go!
Wood Guardian:
Besides the already well-known fact that I’m aroase, I’m not telling you anything, data miner.
A Stormbreaker is a metal-caste individual who is chosen by the sky; struck by natural lightning (i.e. not controlled by a mage or a deity) to receive a spark (or a second one if they already had one) and a soul link to perform lightning magic (which no other metal-caste can do).
āYou canāt even protect yourself.ā No, I canāt. Thatās what my Sky-Chosen Stormbreaking Sister is for.
@ImuyanMangoCat: Well, we have seen a dragon breathe lightning in this comic before, so itās not unprecedented for one to appear in the next chapter.
@Wood guardian: Jewish, male, 16, and aroace :-). Also autistic.
@CapitainCutlet: It just refers to breaking a storm, I think. While Iām here, although Erin is the one who is actually breaking the storm, I think this is him giving the credit to Tess :-).
cismale, he/him, 43 in June, bi, probably some form of neurodivergent but not interested in a formal diagnosis. mostly lurk in comments sections, but occasionally will post something.
white, 16, nonbinary(sie/hir), aroace, and my two favorite things are pokemon and appling science/math to fantasy. i also do art-mostly sketching and watercolors, mostly of characters and story locations- and am currently giving writing on quotev a try, though what i want to do with my stories is graphic novels or animated series. my current plan for life after high school is don’t move out and be my parents personal chef(while writing and doing youtube), my favorite youtube channel is lockstin&gnoggin, though overly sarcastic productions is a close second, and i am trying to put together a youtube channel. and my favorite location in pokemon is glimwood tangle, i wold love to live there.
also tess is cool and all thats left is for dainix to meet erin and tess and then everyone will know each other.
See, I would think this storm God would put more of a fight. It took a fully fledged other deity to take him down, and even then he was helped by the smith Gods.
Erin: busy, can’t talk
also Erin: proceeds to monologue about how awesome his sister is
@Wood Guardian 19, white, cis man, bi, neurotypical, european (British), currently studying Politics and International Relations, he/him pronouns
THEIR SIBLING ENERGY !! Erin looks so PROUD of his bada** sister and Tess is just ABSOLUTELY VIBING now that she has something to actually punch~ this is what I LIVE FOR <3 SLAY, QUEEN!
AND SHE JUST BROKE TYNAN'S SWORD IN HALF! Even Kendal couldn't do that…
i swear all of my comments are turning into capslock spams- but is it my fault if Red just keeps throwing fricking AWESOME pages at us?!!
@Wood Guardian: Catholic, female, straight, almost 20, oldest sibling :), permenantly obsessed with dragons, & currently hyperobsessed with Alan Becker's animations on youtube (go look them up, the character dynamic hit me straight in the heart)
i am usually biased into liking himbo/herbo characters, as well as powerhouses (obviously tend to overlap each other in venn diagrams), and Tess is really climbng my personal list. the sheer happy funtimes expressions in all her panels this last 2 pages are so absolutely joybringing
Lol, if it were anyone but Kendal, that first page would read as an ‘I think I’m in love’ moment…
To veggiesnake:
Oof. I hope things get better soon. If you need to vent, we’re all here.
As for this info sharing thing, little uneasy about it (because I was taught that you don’t post personal stuff in case of creeps and other ne’er-do-wells) but I’ve already mentioned a few things, so here they are in one place: possibly ace, possibly neurodivergent, and older than most but not all of you, which is admittedly kind of startling to find out. Hopeless nerd with a wide pool of random trivia and obscure references to pull from, amateur author, animator, and butterfly farmer. Held at least some level interest in meteorology (ie tornadoes) the majority of my life. Does not use masculine pronouns.
On a side note, given the new chapter cover, while I understand a massive expenditure of magical energy is required here, I’m not entirely sure it was wise… You know, elemental balances, Sealed Evil in a Can, etc. I’ve seen this story before, about ten chapters ago…
Love how Kendal is so puzzled. I’d completely forgotten that of course, he wouldn’t know her. Kendal has good manners under all circumstances. It’ll be Erin’s turn to “who’s this-?” when Dainix shows.
I imagine the dragon on the next cover won’t turn up until the end of chapter 17. Maybe this is a signal that the Void Dragon is about to Become A Problem again?
@WoodGuardian: old enough to forget my age, female, white, fosters kittens, teaches AP US History (sorry, Bluefire!) and AP World, English, and ESOL; my fields are International Studies: South Asia, English, creative writing, history, and of course teaching. Published sci-fi writer, but no, I don’t tell my students my author name. š Have written four novels (2 sci-fi, 2 fantasy) and oh, so many short stories.
If you’re thinking of writing, start with short stories, because a good novel is like a series of short stories like pearls on a string.
Came here from Blue’s history videos (love anything he does about Greece, Rome, Venice, far-flung unusual locales–ripped his Indian history vids to shreds because that’s my field and that’s what historians do), then wandered over to Trope Talks (so impressed, Red).
Oh! And this is my first online comic.
– Icarus, whose name is icarusancalion b/c Icarus is always taken
Red, you have just conclusively proven who your self-insert is. And yes, you have more than earned the self-indulgence on this page. I love everything about what is happening right now. Thank you for creating this comic and sharing it with us.
Wood Guardian:
Oooh! We’re revealing information about our demographics? Okay, I’ll share some. Caucasian, Canadian, has ADHD, minorly autistic, heterosexual male, mid-twenties. Still trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life, which seems to be a common theme among this comic’s audience.
I would not like to live in Glimwood Tangle because of the mushrooms, but I do agree it’s a cool place. Better for a vacation than a residence though. Also a huge Pokemon fan and starved for fan interactions.
If you’re a good teacher, then I probably wouldn’t mind having you. I’ve just had a run of history teachers I don’t like and that’s probably part of why I detest it so.
Erin isn’t monologuing on this page, because he is delivering actually useful, even necessary, information to his audience (including us readers). Hes expositing, delivering exposition. The page where he was verbally smacking the storm “god,” THAT was monologuing. THIS page is exposition.
Sorry, have to ask now that you’ve mentioned it–did you write anything I might have heard of? I’m always looking for new (to me, at least) sci-fi and fantasy, because those are my favorite genres (and I will admit, the ones I’m hoping to publish in someday).
Of course, if you don’t want to say, that’s fine, too. It’s your choice to share or not and I respect that.
In addition to all the awesome going on in this page, I love how sibling-like Erin’s response is. Where you just answer the question of who try are with “that’s my sister” and then immediately remember that other people will need more pertinent information.
@Wood Guardian
Name’s LaurĆ« or Shay, 14-17, white, genderfluid, omnisexual, writing a fantasy book, hoping to become a singer, aspiring artist, as you can tell I’m āØambitiousāØ
@Wood Guardian: Black, cis male, 24 (turning 25 on June 30), straight, self-diagnosed autistic. Webcomics are one of my special interests, alongside video essays, Grapple Force Rena, and Infinity Train (especially Book 3). There might be some others I haven’t identified yet. It’s been nice finding out other readers of this comic are autistic. Happy Autism Acceptance Month!
Tess is just so adorable that i want to give her a hug, and i’m not usually the huggy type
After she’s done making a storm god feel inadequate of course
i think it’s her gleeful enthusiasm
This comic just keeps getting better and better in both writing and art
genderfluid, teen, omnisexual, obssessed with dragons, loves writing, drawing and reading. I dont comment often cause im scared of public attention, but i wish i was more confident so i can interact with fandoms like this more. Big fan of pokemon too. Any pronouns.
@Wood Guardian
In my 40s, more-or-less-white Canadian, pansexual, female-leaning non-binary (she/her please), autistic and disabled by anxiety/depression, mad cat mom/rescuer and and fantasy writer (technically amateur since I don’t want to get paid for it but I take it very seriously). I only recently found Aurora and it’s now one of my top two web comics, but I haven’t actually commented before because I tend to just sort of enjoy quietly – even though I should really speak up more because I know how much I love it when readers do.
19, female, she/they pronouns, can’t spell to save my life. I got into Red’s stuff in 9th grade when our English teacher played her chibi Iliad in class for us to give us background before we read the Odyssey, and I’ve loved her stuff ever since. I love this comic so much and my personal conviction is that the floof squad is a dnd party except it started with the pc’s at level 10.
Also omnisexual, and I just want to say it’s kind of, I don’t know, heartwarming? validating? to see a lot of other people reading this comic also identify as somewhat less well-known queer identities? I’ve never head/read anyone else say they identified as omnisexual before so it’s rather nice.
my favorite duo (at least from this comic) is a tie between Erin & Falst and Tess & Erin
also, I’m so happy I’m not the only one fangirling over Erin anymore
It recently occurred to me that part of why I like this page so much is that Erin is so enthusiastically proud & supportive of his sister. There’s a tendency for arrogant characters to put down others (which always makes me uncomfortable). But rather than be threatened by other people’s accomplishments, Erin’s out here like YEAH THAT’S MY SISTER SHE IS THE LITERAL BEST. probably also because there are so few depictions of siblings where they’re this unconditionally supportive of each other, but that’s a rant for another day…
Female, INTP, Ravenclaw, Straight, 13 years old, Southeast Asian, but I have a little bit of Spanish blood.
Iām a huge nerd that likes learning about lots of random bullcrap, and I want to be a concept artist when Iām older (username is my DeviantArt;)
I am a huge simp for Kiba Inuzuka and Zora Ideale, and I hover in between being a DC fan and a Marvel Fan.
@DragonMaster 66 YES! Alan Becker is awesome! Also recommend looking up ZumoZumo on YT. She makes Fan animations for AvA and theyāre AWESOME.
“Gray” meaning I’m asexual (but sex accepting) a lot of the time. But some times I’m sex-repulsed and other times I’m extremely attracted to people I have a strong connection to.
Panromantic meaning I can create a romantic connection with anyone.
Genderfaun is a subset of genderfluid. But I’m never female.
@ImuyanMangoCat: I’m actually already subbed to ZumoZumo š Her artstyle is really cute!! (oh cool, I’m on deviantart too… not under this username, although I do use “DragonMaster” to sign my stuff when I remember to do that :p )
@thakoru: I think he was monologuing while preparing a spell, and next page we get to see him cast it since Tynan is now officially Very Distracted heh
White (pÄkehÄ), 20, trans demigirl (she/her/hers), bisexual demiromantic lesbian, who is only getting gayer with every page where Tess appears.
This page definitely would’ve caused my lesbian awakening if I wasn’t already aware. That happy, dorky look in panel 3 followed by PUNCHING A SWORD IN HALF is simply glorious
@FightingHope: I got ADHD as well.
ADHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHD, to be precise. On an ordinary day, I can be assimilated with a spring on high caffeine and a sugar rush
“You think the sky is your ally, Tynan. But you merely adopted the sky. I was chosen by it. Molded by it. And me and the sky are gonna waste your smug ass.”
Wow I relate to so many people here.
Love all the LBTQ yadda yadda yadda people (I feel like it’s obnoxious to write out the whole thing)
I was actually aroace questioning for a bit so… yay?
Also, adding a bit more stuff…
Love fantasy, writing some currently just as like novice or whatever. Interested in lots of things, science mostly. Engineering. Also some math. Not medicine, it creeps me out.
I like mythohistory, but mostly just OSP stuff. Ancient history, but not anything modern, because everything gets pretty crappy the minute you start looking at that.
@Bluefire – Am I a good teacher? Yes. But I give a lot of homework (I’m flexible about it being late because fair’s fair, it’s a lot), and no cell phones in class.
@Skye – I was in an anthology called Intersections (the fiction, not the nonfiction one) and two magazines. My fourth novel (three in the drawer, one for publication) is still going through edits. My fandom writing is still out there on AO3 and still being read.
you kinda sound like my ap world teacher, except she does like this thing where you can put your phone in that calculator hangy wall thingy for extra credit each class day, that class is one of my favs (except for all the homework lol)
Not gonna lie, Tess is out here testing the limits of my asexuality
Erin quit monologuing you’re about to die
That…While fair enough…counterpoint is that not a reason to monologue even harder?
Asking for a friend, hello Dan Savage.
Luv. & LUCK
She just broke his sword!
All while fighting with a smile
to buy Erin time.
Ok can we talk about the new cover art?
B. Thereās a dragon silhouette, question is: is it voidy or the lady?
C. Why is there lightning coming out of the dragonās eye? Is it a third dragon other than the two primordial ones? Is it symbolism for a combo between Erin and Tess where they use Void and Lightning combined?
Who the hell knows! Canāt wait to find out!
Can people just say basically the stuff about them that they want other people to know about all in this page so that nobody has to skip around to find out?
(I’m jewish, male, 14 years old, and straight)
Okay, I can’t remember, do we know what exactly does the title of a “Stormbreaker” refer to? Is it a title for those that were Chosen by the Sky, or is it something more specific?
I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To learn things is my real test,
To know all is my cause.
I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
World storm,to understand
The power that’s inside
(Gotta know it all!)
Chosen by the sky,
I know it’s my destiny
To be the storm breaker!
You’re my best friend
In a world we must defend
(Gotta defend ’em all)
A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I’ll teach you
(Gotta break ’em all)
Gotta defend ’em all
Because its my destiny,
To be the stormbreaker!
Red did talk about dragons being often killed by lightning deities in her trope talk on dragons. Might have some kind of connection.
@Wood Guardian
White, male, straight, turning 23 in May
…I love it when epic characters get to do epic stuff <3 And I get to watch. I'll miss all these amazing lighting effects, but look forward to seeing them again in the future!
The contrasts between things not going their way and things going their way is exquisite in this comic.
Metal-caste Tess his lighting-sword sunders
Erin introduces Kendall to his sister Storm breaker,
She fights the storm, and buys Erin time,
To break the storm with fire!
Ofcourse Erin is monologing while fighting
Also, the ‘cover page’ for the next chapter makes me think that the theories of VD showing up going to become true
Noticed that u guys already discussed it last page. Oh well, Iāve been gone for a while and havenāt been keeping up with the comments.
She sure is breaking a storm right now.
TL;DR: No time for introductions buddy there’s a storm to punch and incinerate.
Wood Guardian:
Asian, non-binary, ace (probably aroace), 18 years old. Knows a lot about plants and virtually nothing else. Wants to be a botanist. Likes science and art (a lot of various kinds – drawing, writing, sculpture, etc.) and can’t get their life in order. Something about hating group work and forcing themself to take AP history classes even though they have difficulty with language (autism sucks). What’s worse, extra work or public humiliation?
I defer?
I also care, I feel you bro;
Erin: Oh her? That’s my totally awesome sister who’s the best.
This is the sort of stuff that I’m into. He’s doing the impossible against a God, but he’s got his sister there with him, so he gets to look at this monster and say, “You, you petty waffle of a God, are f***ing done.”
nonbinary, 20. he/him pronouns please! i dont comment a lot but i might in the future
@Wood Guardian
caucasian, agender (he/she/they), queer, on the verge of nineteen, currently sitting in the audiobook section of a public library while my life falls apart, desperately trying to find a way to fix everything (it’s a long goddamn story)
Hmmm THAT is not what I smelled from your comments, I SEE you;
my friend
I’m teenage, she/her pronouns, and I am pansexual. Loves learning languages, reading only fantasy, and loves mythohistory. (Which is how I got introduced to Red!)
I love Tess so much! And I love how proud Erin sounds when he’s talking about her. Their sibling dynamic is so good! <3
That last panel is so cool! Too bad it probably won't work, otherwise what would we need D for?
can’t help but notice that Erin popped his anti-lightning bubble for that attack; you can even see the lightning segment of his tattoo fading
in conclusion, it’s about to GO DOWN
Tess is definitely now my favorite character, I really hope she joins the main crew
Oh so this is the “praising tess” page, I approve
God why is Erin so sexy on the last panel, I’m a married man sir ?
I just realized something. Kendal is the low level noob out of the party. High power legacy gear, but in comparison to everyone else in the group he’s pretty underpowered.
White, teenage, she/her/hers, asexual demiromantic lesbian! Athiest if it matters. Also have some anxiety/depression issues, but don’t we all?
Tess is amazing here.
And Erin monologuing about her here?
Just great.
Also, Stormbreaker? What’s that? Did we hear about it earlier and I just forgot? Can someone clarify?
And that last panel? Amazing
I don’t know how to phrase it any more eloquently.
Caucasian, mid-30s, female, ace (aro/demi/qoiromantic), ADHD and usual accompanying issues. Into tabletop RPGs, LARP, Belegarth and Amtgard foam fighting, sewing/crafting, and fixing my car that’s always breaking down.
@Bluefire and Wood Guardian
I have similar answers to Bluefire (Asian, nb, aroace, autistic), but I have a different special interest. I do a lot of art in many different media. And I have two dogs.
Kendal: *looks from Erin to Tess and back again a few times* You know, I see the resemblance.
Erin: What
Also, I am she/her and recently started adulting.
@SarissaTeiflingFruid i think ‘Stormbreaker’ is a kind of divine epithet that Vash gained after he defeated Tynan the first time? So Erin has mad respect for Tess if he’s giving her that title, especially since he’s breaking the storm as well
@Slow but getting there
what do you mean underpowered?
Kendal seems pretty powerful to me. Tess punching a storm is extremely epic as well tho but I don’t see how it makes him “underpowered” /lh
So white I blister in direct sunlight, 64, female, mostly het & married for 35 years – and love all of Red’s main characters – all for different reasons.
@Slow but getting there = OMG, you’re right. Much as I adore Kendal, all the others have these deep character back-stories that get cooler the more we learn about them. ^_^
I already see a hole in the clouds! Erin, you f*cking go!
Wood Guardian:
Besides the already well-known fact that I’m aroase, I’m not telling you anything, data miner.
A Stormbreaker is a metal-caste individual who is chosen by the sky; struck by natural lightning (i.e. not controlled by a mage or a deity) to receive a spark (or a second one if they already had one) and a soul link to perform lightning magic (which no other metal-caste can do).
Tess is now my role model in life
āYou canāt even protect yourself.ā No, I canāt. Thatās what my Sky-Chosen Stormbreaking Sister is for.
@ImuyanMangoCat: Well, we have seen a dragon breathe lightning in this comic before, so itās not unprecedented for one to appear in the next chapter.
@Wood guardian: Jewish, male, 16, and aroace :-). Also autistic.
@CapitainCutlet: It just refers to breaking a storm, I think. While Iām here, although Erin is the one who is actually breaking the storm, I think this is him giving the credit to Tess :-).
cismale, he/him, 43 in June, bi, probably some form of neurodivergent but not interested in a formal diagnosis. mostly lurk in comments sections, but occasionally will post something.
white, 16, nonbinary(sie/hir), aroace, and my two favorite things are pokemon and appling science/math to fantasy. i also do art-mostly sketching and watercolors, mostly of characters and story locations- and am currently giving writing on quotev a try, though what i want to do with my stories is graphic novels or animated series. my current plan for life after high school is don’t move out and be my parents personal chef(while writing and doing youtube), my favorite youtube channel is lockstin&gnoggin, though overly sarcastic productions is a close second, and i am trying to put together a youtube channel. and my favorite location in pokemon is glimwood tangle, i wold love to live there.
also tess is cool and all thats left is for dainix to meet erin and tess and then everyone will know each other.
See, I would think this storm God would put more of a fight. It took a fully fledged other deity to take him down, and even then he was helped by the smith Gods.
Erin: busy, can’t talk
also Erin: proceeds to monologue about how awesome his sister is
@Wood Guardian 19, white, cis man, bi, neurotypical, european (British), currently studying Politics and International Relations, he/him pronouns
@Bioken he’s always sexy, hadn’t you noticed
Well, that’s a new meaning to “light the sky”..
Tess we love you but hONEY YOUR SHIRT-
THEIR SIBLING ENERGY !! Erin looks so PROUD of his bada** sister and Tess is just ABSOLUTELY VIBING now that she has something to actually punch~ this is what I LIVE FOR <3 SLAY, QUEEN!
AND SHE JUST BROKE TYNAN'S SWORD IN HALF! Even Kendal couldn't do that…
i swear all of my comments are turning into capslock spams- but is it my fault if Red just keeps throwing fricking AWESOME pages at us?!!
@Wood Guardian: Catholic, female, straight, almost 20, oldest sibling :), permenantly obsessed with dragons, & currently hyperobsessed with Alan Becker's animations on youtube (go look them up, the character dynamic hit me straight in the heart)
Wait, how did Tess’s shirt get damaged and how did it get fixed? Also DAMN this page is EPIC!
@confusedqueer Well, some things are just important, and shout outs to siblings are one of them.
@Wood guardian Almost 18 (Not loving it), male, ace, oldest of 4
@Bibbly Bio I think that’s just lighting
what gorgeous VFX this page has
also always the cool Erin
i am usually biased into liking himbo/herbo characters, as well as powerhouses (obviously tend to overlap each other in venn diagrams), and Tess is really climbng my personal list. the sheer happy funtimes expressions in all her panels this last 2 pages are so absolutely joybringing
Lol, if it were anyone but Kendal, that first page would read as an ‘I think I’m in love’ moment…
To veggiesnake:
Oof. I hope things get better soon. If you need to vent, we’re all here.
As for this info sharing thing, little uneasy about it (because I was taught that you don’t post personal stuff in case of creeps and other ne’er-do-wells) but I’ve already mentioned a few things, so here they are in one place: possibly ace, possibly neurodivergent, and older than most but not all of you, which is admittedly kind of startling to find out. Hopeless nerd with a wide pool of random trivia and obscure references to pull from, amateur author, animator, and butterfly farmer. Held at least some level interest in meteorology (ie tornadoes) the majority of my life. Does not use masculine pronouns.
On a side note, given the new chapter cover, while I understand a massive expenditure of magical energy is required here, I’m not entirely sure it was wise… You know, elemental balances, Sealed Evil in a Can, etc. I’ve seen this story before, about ten chapters ago…
l Iike Tess, but l’m dissappointed that we haven’t seen Shrike. l stiII genuinely think she wouId have reaIIy good banter with Falst
So Tess is the titular “Stormbreaker”! Cool.
Love how Kendal is so puzzled. I’d completely forgotten that of course, he wouldn’t know her. Kendal has good manners under all circumstances. It’ll be Erin’s turn to “who’s this-?” when Dainix shows.
I imagine the dragon on the next cover won’t turn up until the end of chapter 17. Maybe this is a signal that the Void Dragon is about to Become A Problem again?
@WoodGuardian: old enough to forget my age, female, white, fosters kittens, teaches AP US History (sorry, Bluefire!) and AP World, English, and ESOL; my fields are International Studies: South Asia, English, creative writing, history, and of course teaching. Published sci-fi writer, but no, I don’t tell my students my author name. š Have written four novels (2 sci-fi, 2 fantasy) and oh, so many short stories.
If you’re thinking of writing, start with short stories, because a good novel is like a series of short stories like pearls on a string.
Came here from Blue’s history videos (love anything he does about Greece, Rome, Venice, far-flung unusual locales–ripped his Indian history vids to shreds because that’s my field and that’s what historians do), then wandered over to Trope Talks (so impressed, Red).
Oh! And this is my first online comic.
– Icarus, whose name is icarusancalion b/c Icarus is always taken
alt text: about to do what is known as a Pro Gamer Move
Red, you have just conclusively proven who your self-insert is. And yes, you have more than earned the self-indulgence on this page. I love everything about what is happening right now. Thank you for creating this comic and sharing it with us.
Wood Guardian:
Oooh! We’re revealing information about our demographics? Okay, I’ll share some. Caucasian, Canadian, has ADHD, minorly autistic, heterosexual male, mid-twenties. Still trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life, which seems to be a common theme among this comic’s audience.
Hey fellow Canadian!
@bluefire @veggiesnake sending virtual hugs
I would not like to live in Glimwood Tangle because of the mushrooms, but I do agree it’s a cool place. Better for a vacation than a residence though. Also a huge Pokemon fan and starved for fan interactions.
If you’re a good teacher, then I probably wouldn’t mind having you. I’ve just had a run of history teachers I don’t like and that’s probably part of why I detest it so.
Erin isn’t monologuing on this page, because he is delivering actually useful, even necessary, information to his audience (including us readers). Hes expositing, delivering exposition. The page where he was verbally smacking the storm “god,” THAT was monologuing. THIS page is exposition.
Tess looks like she’s having so much fun! I like her š
The queers are queering on this page
he/him, aroace, studying history hopefully
To Icarusancalion:
Sorry, have to ask now that you’ve mentioned it–did you write anything I might have heard of? I’m always looking for new (to me, at least) sci-fi and fantasy, because those are my favorite genres (and I will admit, the ones I’m hoping to publish in someday).
Of course, if you don’t want to say, that’s fine, too. It’s your choice to share or not and I respect that.
In addition to all the awesome going on in this page, I love how sibling-like Erin’s response is. Where you just answer the question of who try are with “that’s my sister” and then immediately remember that other people will need more pertinent information.
@Wood Guardian
Name’s LaurĆ« or Shay, 14-17, white, genderfluid, omnisexual, writing a fantasy book, hoping to become a singer, aspiring artist, as you can tell I’m āØambitiousāØ
@Wood Guardian
oh and I’m autistic
AND they/fae pronouns, if y’all were wondering. Sorry for kind of spamming-
I’m sorry, Tess has a legendary title? Tess is a culture hero????
Honestly she deserves it
@Wood Guardian: Black, cis male, 24 (turning 25 on June 30), straight, self-diagnosed autistic. Webcomics are one of my special interests, alongside video essays, Grapple Force Rena, and Infinity Train (especially Book 3). There might be some others I haven’t identified yet. It’s been nice finding out other readers of this comic are autistic. Happy Autism Acceptance Month!
Sibling goals: Beating up a god together
Tess is just so adorable that i want to give her a hug, and i’m not usually the huggy type
After she’s done making a storm god feel inadequate of course
i think it’s her gleeful enthusiasm
This comic just keeps getting better and better in both writing and art
@Sandeon As a sibling of many, I can’t imagine a much better sibling bonding activity than killing a god.
Everyone being thirsty for Tess meanwhile Erin’s face in the second to last panel is very much reinforcing how gay I am lol
Wood Guardian:
genderfluid, teen, omnisexual, obssessed with dragons, loves writing, drawing and reading. I dont comment often cause im scared of public attention, but i wish i was more confident so i can interact with fandoms like this more. Big fan of pokemon too. Any pronouns.
@Wood Guardian
In my 40s, more-or-less-white Canadian, pansexual, female-leaning non-binary (she/her please), autistic and disabled by anxiety/depression, mad cat mom/rescuer and and fantasy writer (technically amateur since I don’t want to get paid for it but I take it very seriously). I only recently found Aurora and it’s now one of my top two web comics, but I haven’t actually commented before because I tend to just sort of enjoy quietly – even though I should really speak up more because I know how much I love it when readers do.
god I’ve never felt more lesbian. Tess is so cool. also I love the lighting and the lightning! very good
Wood Guardian:
19, female, she/they pronouns, can’t spell to save my life. I got into Red’s stuff in 9th grade when our English teacher played her chibi Iliad in class for us to give us background before we read the Odyssey, and I’ve loved her stuff ever since. I love this comic so much and my personal conviction is that the floof squad is a dnd party except it started with the pc’s at level 10.
Also omnisexual, and I just want to say it’s kind of, I don’t know, heartwarming? validating? to see a lot of other people reading this comic also identify as somewhat less well-known queer identities? I’ve never head/read anyone else say they identified as omnisexual before so it’s rather nice.
Erin is so proud of his sister! What a mood
Am I in love with Tess? Possibly.
my favorite duo (at least from this comic) is a tie between Erin & Falst and Tess & Erin
also, I’m so happy I’m not the only one fangirling over Erin anymore
It recently occurred to me that part of why I like this page so much is that Erin is so enthusiastically proud & supportive of his sister. There’s a tendency for arrogant characters to put down others (which always makes me uncomfortable). But rather than be threatened by other people’s accomplishments, Erin’s out here like YEAH THAT’S MY SISTER SHE IS THE LITERAL BEST. probably also because there are so few depictions of siblings where they’re this unconditionally supportive of each other, but that’s a rant for another day…
@Wood Guardian
Female, INTP, Ravenclaw, Straight, 13 years old, Southeast Asian, but I have a little bit of Spanish blood.
Iām a huge nerd that likes learning about lots of random bullcrap, and I want to be a concept artist when Iām older (username is my DeviantArt;)
I am a huge simp for Kiba Inuzuka and Zora Ideale, and I hover in between being a DC fan and a Marvel Fan.
@DragonMaster 66 YES! Alan Becker is awesome! Also recommend looking up ZumoZumo on YT. She makes Fan animations for AvA and theyāre AWESOME.
@Babbling Branches
As another ace, me too. Erin in these panels isn’t helping either. There’s some serious poster fodder.
@Hermit Thrush I agree, good sibling dynamics breathe life into my soul
Erin out here acting like he can’t monologue and spellcast at the same time. As if that isn’t his whole-ass personality.
Tess can’t die to lightning.
@Wood Guardian
36, white, gray-asexual, panromantic, genderfaun
“Gray” meaning I’m asexual (but sex accepting) a lot of the time. But some times I’m sex-repulsed and other times I’m extremely attracted to people I have a strong connection to.
Panromantic meaning I can create a romantic connection with anyone.
Genderfaun is a subset of genderfluid. But I’m never female.
I’m enjoying this instance of a god being out of his depth a lot more than the last two.
I feel like this can’t work 100% or Dainix wouldn’t get to be awesome again this scene and that would be a crime.
Tess Stormbreaker!
@Skye I was thinking the same. Maybe I just love romance too much, idk. I’d ship it though.
@ImuyanMangoCat: I’m actually already subbed to ZumoZumo š Her artstyle is really cute!! (oh cool, I’m on deviantart too… not under this username, although I do use “DragonMaster” to sign my stuff when I remember to do that :p )
@thakoru: I think he was monologuing while preparing a spell, and next page we get to see him cast it since Tynan is now officially Very Distracted heh
Oh, and I forgot, I have MADD.
Tess looks kinda like Jasha
shes from the netherlands
He/him, white, 20s.
Erin: Look, I got us a fifth member!
Kendal: I thought bringing in new party members was my job. I already had a guy all lined up.
Wait, did she already have the title Stormbreaker before this? HAS SHE DONE THIS BEFORE???
Oh no not the Glorb! You will be missed, my glowy friend
White (pÄkehÄ), 20, trans demigirl (she/her/hers), bisexual demiromantic lesbian, who is only getting gayer with every page where Tess appears.
This page definitely would’ve caused my lesbian awakening if I wasn’t already aware. That happy, dorky look in panel 3 followed by PUNCHING A SWORD IN HALF is simply glorious
the only thing people call ME is Windbreaker.
@FightingHope: I got ADHD as well.
ADHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHD, to be precise. On an ordinary day, I can be assimilated with a spring on high caffeine and a sugar rush
It’s nice that erin can hype up other people as well as himself
@DragonMaster66 Oh neat! Thanks for the follow btw.
@ImuyanMangoCat I followed you too btw. (& ur pretty good…)
Farewell, glorb.
“You think the sky is your ally, Tynan. But you merely adopted the sky. I was chosen by it. Molded by it. And me and the sky are gonna waste your smug ass.”
…did Tess just PUNCH A SWORD IN HALF?!
she’s amazingā”
I want to say she grabbed the blade and snapped it in her grip.
@WoodGuardian. Thanks! Man u guys are nice.
And apparently there are quite a few casual warrior fans in the comment sections.
Sunstorm/Acacia, she/her, aroace, autistic
Tess: *breaks the sword*
Tynan: :O
Wow I relate to so many people here.
Love all the LBTQ yadda yadda yadda people (I feel like it’s obnoxious to write out the whole thing)
I was actually aroace questioning for a bit so… yay?
Also, adding a bit more stuff…
Love fantasy, writing some currently just as like novice or whatever. Interested in lots of things, science mostly. Engineering. Also some math. Not medicine, it creeps me out.
I like mythohistory, but mostly just OSP stuff. Ancient history, but not anything modern, because everything gets pretty crappy the minute you start looking at that.
@Bluefire – Am I a good teacher? Yes. But I give a lot of homework (I’m flexible about it being late because fair’s fair, it’s a lot), and no cell phones in class.
@Skye – I was in an anthology called Intersections (the fiction, not the nonfiction one) and two magazines. My fourth novel (three in the drawer, one for publication) is still going through edits. My fandom writing is still out there on AO3 and still being read.
you kinda sound like my ap world teacher, except she does like this thing where you can put your phone in that calculator hangy wall thingy for extra credit each class day, that class is one of my favs (except for all the homework lol)
Okay I would sell my kidney for Erin’s tatoos. WHY ARE THEY SO COOL
um, is it just me, or does Tess’s shirt in the second panel look ripped? like right across the chest? is that a lighting effect? am I crazy? both?
<3 tess is the most awesomest
They’re such silly siblings š
OK, that’s it…
I’ve officially joined the club of people with a crush on a fictional character. Like, WTH TESS!? 0o0