on February 7, 2022
at 3:00 am
tynan could have made himself taller than zuurith but I think the real power move is that he didn’t feel the need to
tynan could have made himself taller than zuurith but I think the real power move is that he didn’t feel the need to
I love Tynan.
Is that wrong? You know what, I don’t care.
No, I love him too. Like he’s objectively very evil but he’s also SO FREAKING COOL!
He has Marge hair
“Then shatter.”
What a strange but mighty way to spell perish.
‘Then Shatter’
Can we keep him? That’s such a good line.
well this is certainly gonna go well for zurith yes sirree I can see no potential disastrous consequences here
Bet u he’s now gonna shatter off those chains drmatically with all the showmanship of a theatre kid playing a disney villain for the first time
This page’s image source: shatter
Tynan starts a flood.
Now the citizens are scared.
Prepare to shatter…
*reads last line* Oh. Oh shit.
And holy crap am I first here? Man I gotta fix my sleep schedule something awful…
Fun fact from rereading the Zuurith arc: the junior archivist is currently in the arena. Will she make an appearance?
Tynan: “Harder”
Zuurith: “What?”
Tynan: “What?”
Now kith
Why do I hear boss music?
1. Fuck. This is going to be brutal.
2. Another webcomic I’m reading called Sleepless Domain updated 15 minutes before Aurora did. https://twitter.com/zer0_w0lf/status/1490597926879465476?s=20&t=BQdWjxPI_9AWSj_mk6HPnA
I love how even after he is bound in chains, it still feels like the power balance is leaning towards Tynan.
I wonder if zuurith will agree to swallow his pride and work with Kendal, or Kendal will have to fight alone? Perhaps the gang will come help.
Oh and yeah, there’s the shape-shifting ignan fire god too, isn’t there? Hmmm. INTERESTING! Excited to see this unfold, I am.
For someone who claims to abhor all talk, Tynan sure talks a lot. Nature abhores a hypocrite, Squall-Maker, Thunder-Chaser, and Vash’s Strength still rises from the arena dust, ready to stop you once again.
“Then shatter”. Ooooh I love it.
When your kind-of uncles are fighting and making the rest of the family nervous.
Well on the bright side zuurith seem to somewhat care about his people (sort of).
Hell yeah!
DAMN that LINE! I never thought anyone could deliver line’s better than general Morando and Angor Rot but Tynan has just shattered that thought!
@Illoney Nah I don’t think it’s that wrong, there’s a reason why people love a good villain?
Tynan’s lines are awesome.
I am distracted by Tynan’s tiny, tiny sword handle
Are we sure storms don’t have a fire component?
Cause Tynan just opened with burning Zuurith for 2 pages straight.
“Then shatter” MAN that was a power line, this whole convo is golden but DANG TYNAN
badass response from a badass villain and i can already tell i’m going to ENJOY this
I’m very happy that the comments appreciate how good of a line this is
I wonder if Kendal is going to try to provoke Tynan into going after the Collector as a way to distract him so the people can escape. A sort of Vash defeated you, and she beat Vash, so if you can beat her, you’ll prove that you are stronger than Vash now type of thing.
@DisastrousGoth No, Tynan abhors gods who are all talk and only talk. He can say what he wants because he can actually back it up. Case and point: Tynan threatens to flood Zuurith, which is backed up by the fact that it is actively happening. Zuurith claims to be able to protect his people, but like Tahraim told Caliban in the original story of Tynan, no city could stop a storm, not even Vash, not without some sort of special weapon or power.
I love this so much.I love Tynan being his magnificent villain self, I love Zuurith recognising him as the main villain, i love the way the rain is steaming off of Dainix’s skin in that penultimate panel.
I love Tynan taking this time for some big speech and showmanship (what better place than an arena, right?), because that’s lterally his goal. He doesn’t actually care for talking down to Zuurith, but he’s inspiring fear in the citizens, which maks him stronger, AND he can actually back up his threats. I don’t like Zuurith, but I appreciate how authoritative he’s being here, even if I don’t think his reassurance will help much. I have a feeling that, now that Tynan has laid down one of the best lines in this comic so far, lightning is about to strike twice and destroy Zuurith’s incarnation. That’d be dramatic and terrifying.
OOoh I can’t wait for Zuurith to get shown up… just hopefully with no civilian casualties
“Then shatter.” Badass villain over here!
I guess now we get to find out if the collection of overpowered Mortals plus one Ferin and one Demi-God are capable of holding up against a true god. Good thing Zuurith is there to tank for them.
@Zer0 W0lf
1 Yeah this is getting better and will be awesome.
2 I love sleepless domain, but these past few weeks have been torture, I read all until the goops reveal and I want to keep reading and I can’t deal with the suspense and what may happen.
This page is so cool. I love how Zuurith is trying hard not to let Tynan get what he wants. He knows Tynan is strengthened by fear, and he’s not going to let that happen.
I wonder if he has noticed Kendal?
‘Then Shatter’ Jesus Christ on a surfboard, that quiet, simple threat, coupled with Tynan expression is just… God I love Tynan five times more than I loved him previously, and he was one of my favourite characters.
TL;DR: God fight becomes word fight. Let’s not panic yet, things are about to get way worse.
This page’s image source: shatter
Ominous short king Tynan is amazing (but also an angry formation of clouds, I must not forget), and I want his energy. Being intimidating and being the smallest in the room is one of my two goals in life.
I can HEAR that last line. Red spent lots of effort getting that panel perfectly and oh boy did she nail it.
Tynan over here paraphrasing Max Weber. Best villain yet
Well, I don’t know about anybody else, but my brain decided Tynan sounds like David Kaye’s BW Megatron voice.
My guess is that ‘shatter’ is going to be accompanied by stabby swords to Zuurith’s center-mass.
Gotta love villains that are force of nature. Especially if they are self-aware.
@rainbow demon Kendal is going to fight alone. I just can’t see Zurith fighting with Kendal. Also to zero wolf or anyone else, any other webcomic suggestions? I just looked at the one you suggested and read the whole thing straight in three hours.
This chapter is just full of raw lines!
Also, feeling like the first panel is Red’s variation of Brennan Lee Mulligan’s “Laws are threats made by the dominant socio-economic ethnic majority in a given nation. It’s just a promise of violence that’s enacted and the police are basically an occupying army, you know what I mean?” speech from Fantasy High.
I know we’ve mentioned the floof of most of the cast, but Tynan doesn’t count as a real floofer, does he? His hair’s made of clouds. That’s cheating innit.
A line from Tynan caught my attention: “You’re a valley.”
Yes, this line was partly (if not mostly) for the benefit of the human audience to stoke their fears about his intentions to flood the city, making him even stronger. But part of it was intentionally directed at Zuurith himself, and it speaks to the relationship between gods in Aurora and the people and places that they represent.
We’ve seen that the gods of this world have a connection to the inhabitants of their respective domains, and that one can influence the other to varying degrees. But back in Hilltop, Gleicann said “I am this forest and nothing more,” which indicates that the physical patch of the planet that a god oversees has as much of an influence on the character of that god as do the inhabitants therein. Even as the mutated beasts changed his appearance from how Vash remembered him, Gleicann still defined himself by his forest, and so he *was* the forest.
Here, Tynan is clearly defining Zuurith by the valley from which he sprang. I suspect that this is in some small way a taunt by Tynan, reminding the mighty Zuurith of his humble origins. But it also speaks to Tynan’s unique nature: While all the other gods we’ve seen have held dominion over a specific patch of land, Tynan is a god who seems to have reign over the entire sky, from ground to space and from pole to pole. “You may be this valley, little god,” he says in subtext, “but I am the air your people breathe, and the air of the frigid north and the air of arid west. You are bound, I am free.”
So going off the rule of “whoever seems calm is gonna win,” doesn’t seem to help here, but Tynan has no reason to put on a show, Zuurith does.
*Meanwhile, on the arena floor*
Kendal: This isn’t good…
Dainix: (sizzling slightly) Wait, weren’t we trying to kill each other?
Kendal: I, we, uh, of course not! Haha! Hah!
Finally the crowd recognizes that they are in IMMINENT DANGER. I don’t care what Zuurith says, I’d get the heck out of dodge.
Tynan is such a dramatic villain, which makes him really fun to watch and he’s only really been here for two pages. I’m wondering if anyone here can do anything against him- I don’t think it would be Zuurith, and I’m not sure how much fire can do to him (It’s nice to see that Dainix is okay on this page after being launched across the arena). I feel like Kendal might be able to do something, but Tynan ignoring him doesn’t seem to indicate that. I really don’t know where this is going but it’s gonna be good. I kind of wanna see Zuurith struck by lightning so I hope that’s coming on Wednesday.
@WEast, that’s what I thought too!
I have a very strong feeling Zuurith (the deity) is about to get smote, and I am here for it.
I like the little wisps of steam coming off Dainix’s body as the raindrops hit him.
Yeah, nothing to theorize today… it’s just a good conversation.
Tynan: “But Vash isn’t here to stop me!”
Kendal: “But I am!”
Tynan: “Shut up, Vashn’t.”
Kendal: “…nobody’s called me that in like ten chapters…”
This is shaping up to be absolutely epic.
Random lore theory, is stone weak to lightning? because Tess broke the chains and Tynan’s absolutely epic use of “Then shatter”, I might be reading into this too much, but there might be a connection there.
@Bush Guardian
Yeah, Tynan is just epic. An archetypal Pure Evil Villan (The capitalization is necessary). It’s amazing writing on Red’s part and an amazing scene in general. As you said, the quiet, simple threat, while he talks about other gods being ‘All talk’, it’s clear he does have the power to back it up. He doesn’t need ceremony, because even tied up and trapped, he knows he can beat Zuurith any day of the sef.
True. when this boils over into an actual fight… well, it’s clear the collateral is going to get pretty insane. Hearing about the battle with Vash, and Kendal’s said that Vash’s fighting strategy was designed to keep his people safe. Clearly, neither god cares much about collateral in this case, so unless someone inevitably steps in (*cough* Kendal *cough*), the body count might get pretty crazy.
Besides lore theories and predictions of fantasy DOOM, this is just amazing.
Also, you can see Dainix a bit in the second to last frame. Foreshadowing? or maybe I’m reading too much into it.
alt text: kinda set yourself up for that one buddy
I don’t know whose side I’m on. On the one hand, Tynan is evil. But on the other hand, Zuurith is a git, and Tynan is pretty awesome… HELP!
To everyone talking about “Then shatter.” Do ya’ll realize how good of a lead-up it had? “I do not bend, and I will not yield.” Zuurith, you say things like that, you’re bound to get clapped. Thunderclapped, HEYO!
Ok, I’ll stop.
@Rai626: As I said on the page where we figured it out: Oh no.
@veggiesnake: That little detail about Dainix makes it all the better :-).
@WillCan’tSleep: If you’re looking for ongoing webcomics, Tales From Alderwood & Vainglorious are hilarious and definitely worth checking out if you like fantasy like Aurora here. I’d also recommend Cucumber Quest along with those two, but it’s on indefinite hiatus, so be warned. I’ve got more, but they’re either also on hiatus, finished, or nearly finished, so, if you wish, ask for them at your own discretion.
…and dangnabit, Red, this is why I stopped Futurivias! WHAT’S WITH DAINIX’S EYE!?
“then shatter” FUUUUUU- what a stab! Tynan’s definitely a magnificent bastard, much more fun than Zuurith.
Has Tynan not noticed that Vash’s son is also in the arena? Because Kendall has the magic blade and all, and back-up in the form of Dainix, Alinua, and Zuurith.
Also, that’d have to be a very high flood considering that most of the buildings in Zuurith seem to be multiple stories. If everyone just doesn’t panic and gets to higher floors, all those stone buildings are probably safe. Not to mention the hollowed-out mountain which could make for an excellent storm shelter.
But I mean… Tynan has a point here. A threat without sufficient power to back it up is an empty one. I think I actually like the guy. I hope he won’t be banished too soon. Zuurith lost his likable villain status due to his stupidity.
Hmmmmmm. Is it bad that I kind of want Tynan to win? Also, “And shatter is just such a killer line.
“We of the mountain”?
Excuse me, Zuurith, those are the people you imprisoned. Literally no one else lives in that mountain.
The only use you have for them is making them fight for their freedom.
And if you fight, you’re supposed to kill or ‘at least’ maim, lest anyone forget, so clearly it’s less fight for your freedom and more just die already.
I imagine someone can do something to fight Tynan, probably Kendal, based solely on Chapter 16 cover art (Still amazing, by the way). Tynan dismissing Kendal is probably more of the unflappable confidence thing that’s a requirement of Pure Evil Villans (According to Red, at least). Tynan’s reason for coming back is more or less that Vash is gone (Which is true), so of course, he won’t act like what he left behind is a threat.
Seeing all these other gods, and having just reread the entire comic, Vash’s design is actually pretty minimalist. Besides the literally inhuman athleticism and glowy eyes, Vash doesn’t have nearly as much glowyness or, for lack of a better word, god-ness
Tangent time:
So after I watched the Trope Talk on Pure Evil Villains, I watched some of the original Disney movies, but I couldn’t really detect what she was talking about (I was also distracted by the lack of agency every single female character seemed to have), but after reading this, I could really tell the difference. This is a well-made Pure Evil Villain.
Never heard of “Frangar, non flectar”?
dainix still sizzlin in ther corner
im really hoping tynan dosent die instantly cause it seems like it would be fun to have him behind the floof squad watching they’re adventures so he can hop in at an inopurtune time to kill them, but slowly realizing he is going to face 2 primordials if he tries to.
maybe he could set up some traps, or send a miniboss squad or two after them, maybe sheik scince she’s obviously important (being in the antagonist box in the https://comicaurora.com/characters/ anyway)
small theory: eventually the floof squad will have all 6 primordials and the two dragons (or at least people who represent them) with them
@Humanoid Clay: Figured what out? I’m slightly confused what you mean…
This is actually amazing. He constantly criticized and hated on Vash but Vash was the only one to do anything about Tynan. What are you gonna do now chain boi?
Is it just me, or does Dainix look a little less on fire than he had been?
Also I realized that Kendal isn’t gonna let anyone help him. He knows this guy, and he knows that by fighting him, his friends will be put in a lot of danger.
This is becoming very interesting I wonder how this will go. Also finally Tynan is here! After all these weeks of theorizing, Tynan and Zuurith are confronting each other and these all these interesting plot thread with the Junior Archivist, the Ruunaser siblings, Kendal and Dainix beingh prisoners Shrike and her friend, I can’t wait to see how this plays out.
“Corrupt and manipulative” has met “Gleefully chaotic evil”! This can’t end well for anyone.
Alright, things are going down! Gotta say, I love Tynan’s character design, especially the way his hair is made of storm clouds.
Also, it’s interesting that Zuurith described his society/maybe himself as being “of the mountain”. I wonder if he was originally a sort of stone/mountain god in the past and became this sort of hyper-lawful city god over time? That seems like the sort of cultural drift that would line up pretty well with Red’s Miscellaneous Myths series.
Oh boy it’s Down Floof vs High Floof. a battle for ages
oh, FRIGG I love that last line!!
First off, “Then shatter” is the exact raw type of line I love from villains. Second, can everyone take a moment and picture the omake scene where Tynan says that and then can’t break the chains? Comedy gold.
I don’t think I need to say anything…
Guest Starring Maybe 2 Separate Primordials and also one Very Angry Ferin
Don’t just stand there, Dainix. This is your chance to get smacked by something definitely more powerful than you who doesn’t care if you live or die.
“tynan could have made himself taller than zuurith but I think the real power move is that he didn’t feel the need to”
I thought that was what the hair was for.
Can’t wait to see Zuurith Jr the lake deity.
@Marlowe I love the implication that a Ferin vs. a god is an even match as long as the Ferin is angry enough
At least Zuurith is someone I trust to calm a mob. Up next, he shatters and the mob starts all over again because of course the storm who feeds on fear is good at psychological warfare.
Yeah he’s gonna die
Tynan over here is really enjoying this. Calm and with the upper hand for now, but I smell overconfidence.
Tsk tsk tsk… Zuurith, you did not earn the confidence with which you said that statement. And your people know that.
Word of advice: Stop.
Stop posing. Stop flexing. Stop lecturing. You are no longer in possession of the privilege required to justify those acts. Now, kindly request Kendal’s aid (do not demand it) and accept Dainix’ if he still has the mental capacity to offer his own. Let your people evacuate and hope you had the forethought to install a path of exit from your city that Tynan cannot block off. Also, you might want to stand two feet to the left. Your crown looks like a good conductor right about now…
Tynan’s eyes are getting more electric. This is likely a bad sign.
If I were in the stands, I would just stay there and watch the show. You’re in a high area with excellent draining, so you are probably safe from the flood there, and so staying there would be safer. The lightning and the gods fighting would be more dangerous, but they are in an arena, so that would negate quite a bit of damage, plus I’m sure the arena has precautions for lightning mages. Plus, how often do you get to see to powerful gods fight? You’re in a semi-safe position compared to the rest of the very floodable city, AND you get a show. It’s not like you would be fine in the rest of the city.
To Steve, Lord of Darkness:
Forget the crown, he’s holding a chain wrapped around Tynan. Standing two feet to the left ain’t gonna help him if Tynan decides to call down a thunderbolt on top of himself…
“But Vash isn’t here to stop me again.”
No. No, he isn’t. Just the weapon that he had to create specifically to defeat you the first, and the splinter of his power that he invested into that weapon which makes it what it is…
Kendal: Tynan must be stopped, no matter the cost.
Zuurith: One shall stand, one shall fall.
Tynan: Why throw away your life so recklessly?
Zuurith: I could ask you the same thing, Tynan.
*Stan Bush “The touch” starts playing*
It’s in the blood, it’s in the will! It’s in the mighty hands of steel
When you’re standin’ your ground!
And you never get hit, when your back’s to the wall!
Gonna fight to the end, and you’re takin’ it all!
You got the touch, you got the power!
When all hell’s breakin’ loose, you’ll be right in the eye of the storm!
You got the heart, you got the motion!
You know that when things get too tough, you got the Touch!
You’re fighting fire with fire!
You know you got the touch!
@veggiesnake: Tynan’s a theater kid washout and as a peer to the theater background, I’ve made it my right to dump on him in every gleeful way I can, because theater kids deserve no respect.
@DisastrousGoth um, okay.
I’m starting to wonder if Dainnix’s shoulder poking out in that panel is indicating that he’s gonna launch himself at Tynan next page.
Slick Indra kicking the rulebook
@Rai626: Figured out where the Junior Archivist is. Capstone incited me to reply 6 pages ago when they asked where she was. My response is still there if you want to check it out.
@Nomad731: That would actually be a really cool backstory, and I hope that’s how it plays out :-).
@youngstormlord (quite a fitting name, currently): I may have not watched the movie, but I know a Transformers fan when I see them!
@IsileaRusce: Good luck with the suspense!
@WillCan’tSleep: Three hours, huh? Impressive. I have another suggestion for you: a slice-of-life webcomic called Gwendy & Ghost. You can read it at any of the links below, though the Tapas version has my in-depth thoughts in the comments.
@Humanoid Clay: I watched The Transformers: The Movie as a kid, but Unicron was the only thing I remembered from it. The Touch didn’t stick in my head until I saw the Regular Show episode “A Bunch of Full Grown Geese.”
What I love is that Zuurith is so about The Rules that he tries to confront Tynan for breaking them. In Tynan’s shoes Zuurith would have to have a legal loophole. No loophole, the Tynan would what? Turn around and leave?
It doesn’t occur to Zuurith that Tynan wouldn’t need loopholes. A storm simply doesn’t care.
@humanoid clay Thanks
Also @humanoid clay sure I’d like them. But not the ones on hiatus just the finished or close to it ones. Also thanks again 🙂
You know Zuurith, if you used that mountain as part of the City. Like… an evacuation shelter or something. Instead of a prison.
You Would kind of be able to whistand a storm.
@Heroic27 Yes, and I don’t think you know what ‘heroic’ means.
“All laws are threats of violence, old man!”
not sure why Zuurith is telling them to calm down. mass panic is allllllways a good thing. (actually he should be telling them to calm down, he should just be also telling them to evacuate instead of saying they have nothing to fear)
Tynan: “…I cast Shatter at fifth level.”
Tynan, dear, your stormcloud hair is FABULOUS. Who is your hairdresser?!
I feel like Tynan doesn’t need to make himself taller than Zuurith because the hair does it all.
This reminds me of Mongul in “For the Man who has Everything.”
“You don’t seem to understand. He was the only obstacle in my way. The rest of you are already dead.”
“then shatter”
damn tynan.that was good
Beginning to think that Zuurith might not have fully appreciated Vash.
“Did he say “floof”? – AAAAAH! FLOOF!”