on October 22, 2021
at 3:00 am
wow, dude, just think! if you’d just read this book you could’ve avoided going into the storm and getting possessed in the first place! isn’t that hilarious? hey where are you going
wow, dude, just think! if you’d just read this book you could’ve avoided going into the storm and getting possessed in the first place! isn’t that hilarious? hey where are you going
I noticed that Huracans outfit is similar to the jr. Archivists
That’s… (Pulls out calculator) a bit more than 526 Aurora years (each year is 380 days).
Just wow.
Aww babies world view just shattered
is huracan mybe the collector
There’s… no way that’s the Collector, right? I’m just imagining physical similarities between the only two ageless mortals we know of, right?
The fact that I cant find any reference to the shape of the Collectors ears is just me being to lazy to look right? …right?
A part of me wonders if this is somehow related to the collector… eh, i’m sure it’s nothing
So… obviously Huracan has either passed – extended longevity, not immortality – or is in hiding somewhere. If the latter, then hoo boy, that seems like a fun eventual interaction for Erin.
But, more important for me atm, is how did Huracan and the White Dragon come into contact enough for her to be considered WD’s chosen? It must have happened in the days relatively soon after the Storm broke the Second City and stuff – relatively meaning in the first hundred or so of the 526 years that Lolest calced – but when? And why? Curse the fact that I can’t just like… sleep for the next two weeks, wake up on the other side, and find out the answers to questions.
title drop title drop TITLE DROP TITLE DROP!!!! 😀
To shoot down the “is she the collector?” theory, the first instance of the chimerich plague (aka when she awakened Life and went mad) was 300 years ago, the collector knows nothing about this.
On the other hand there are illustrations of a BLIND ancient looking at the storm, see chapter 4.
Also the collector shouldn’t be an ancient since those weren’t mages in the first place.
Alt text: yea I think rendering you immortal was probably the exact opposite thing to what he wanted
“I do not know why he saw fit to destroy my city.” Well from the slithering and dancing you described I can only conclude he did so to make world’s sickest elemental wind rave party.
Been trawling through Aurora tumblr lore and it seems worship of L.D. was alive and well in Ancient society. Huracan mentions a Light Dragon temple, I wonder if they also worshiped the Dark Dragon during those times pre-Storm. Huracan’s wording here puts the blame on V.D. but there doesn’t seem to be outright hatred of him. If he was worshiped maybe causing the city’s destruction made a schism between Ancients that led to their civil war.
Extreme exposure to elemental magic turning you immortal? Weird but not unprecedented; we’ve seen something similar with the Collector. Maybe Huracan’s survival was linked to her ancient physiology in being closed to the elements. Could something similar, like Ancient heritage, be the reason the Collector survived waking Life? Or is that just a facet of Life magic itself?
This must have been a hard re-telling for Huracan; documenting how her home, people and culture were all either destroyed outright or fading away into nothing. No one has outright said that Huracan is dead, she could still be alive, but I wonder if she would want to live forever, blind, last of her kind in a world she cannot recognise.
Next weeks prediction: Not sure. On one hand more lore-dumping and Erin commentary is likely but on the other hand this seems like a good place for a scene transition, either to the prison pair or the crime trio.
More mysteries! Missing pieces of history! What’s more we have likely have an immortal, blond priestess somewhere so the “gang” can get more info. Will they go on a journey to find her or is she already searching for them. Or I could have misread the whole page and this lady is already dead.
When are we gonna catch up on the next exciting episode of “Kendall tries to save Vash with limited resources and a mind link”
Also is Vash a Trigun reference?
When’s Tynan gonna show up. Can’t wait to see some good old lightning strikes from our pg-13 Zeus. Don’t put too much oil on your head k? Baiiiiiiiiiiiiii(bye)!!!!!!!
*I meant ‘blind’ not ‘blond’. Autocorrect is plain spiteful to me sometimes
We finally had a Title Drop yo!
@The Lolest is right. 1.4.1 has a drawing of her where it looks like she is blind, and then 1.4.3 has a full color picture. (Her hair is white, so no chance of being the collector)
TL;DR: Just snooping in ancient diaries learning that oh snap this seems a bit impossible…
P.S. look! Finally got one out on the morning again!
She can’t be the collector because she’s short and Hurricane lady is tall and swol
@Jaston I’d sy that the guy with the black iris, the blue pupil and the white wings is the avatar for the white dragon, since his eye design and the voice he hears seem to be the opposite of erins, when he is possesed
Cool, Erin’s immortal
Those spirals around Huracan and only Huracan are reminding by of the one a while back around the gods in Tahraim’s story. Maybe all the magic made her into something like a god?
Blinded by the auroras and given unnatural longevity by the elemental energy… well, as to how her words ended up written down despite her condition, we already have an answer in the form of her student Umatz. As to how she was given a vastly extended lifespan… that one’s not entirely clear to me. My best hypothesis is something to do with the elemental makeup of the elder races, being a roughly even balance of seven elements, including void. Perhaps it was the presence of all seven elements in such large quantities, combined with her innate elemental resistance which allowed her to actually survive the process, that essentially gave her body more fuel to keep going. I could be wrong of course, but it’s what seemed the most plausible answer to me.
Also, I checked the math, and The Lolest is correct: 200,000 days by this calendar equals roughly 526 years and three or four sindhalans. Huracan lasted at least as long as Van Hohenheim without having a screaming torrent of souls inside her.
A lot of people were comparing Huracan’s name to the word for hurricane en Español, and considering she survived and directly witnessed the creation of The Storm itself (which is also how the other paladins know about its true purpose), I find that comparison quite apt.
And finally, a couple things about Erin: first, I like how he makes little comments as he notices things as he reads; as a chronic theorist and overanalyzer, I feel very seen. Second; I find it interesting that he’s reading about his equal and opposite. The person who witnessed the creation of The Storm, unable to control the elements yet (possibly) irrevocably shaped by them; and the person who destroyed The Storm, and became the first one to control every element. Something about that feels very powerful to me.
…Okay, one more thing: Ave, in case you didn’t see our responses on the last page, know that Somebody and I appreciate your compliments of us and others. Thank you.
wait… is that… THE COLLECTOR no… that would explan how she came to contact with life tho.
Now I really want to know what happened to Huracan in the end. Did she die eventually, or is she still kicking somewhere? I feel like she probably died, since we know Michael is now the Light Dragon’s champion, but I wonder how. I also hold out hope that in the next few pages we’ll get some insight into the Ancient’s civil war, since we have no idea what caused it, and Huracan most likely witnessed it.
I also find it interesting that her exposure to Voidy’s creation of the storm not only blinded her but rendered her immortal-or at least semi-immortal. It seems similar to what happened to The Collector when she discovered Life’s true name, meaning that extreme exposure to the elements could potentially cause immortality under the right circumstances. I doubt these instances are connected, though, since The Collector can’t be an ancient due to her being a Life mage, though ancestry isn’t off the table. I have to wonder, however, how Huracan SURVIVED the explosion in the first place, since if this was the only result of being near that explosion the whole city would be immortal. I would hazard a guess that the Light Dragon granted Huracan some sort of protection that allowed her to survive, which is why she would be noted as her first Champion. This would be back up if she was the dragon’s High Priestess, suggesting a strong prior connection to her.
Very interesting lore, all in all. And Erin’s little comments out loud on everything reminds me of me when I’m reading anything. My parents think I’m weird.
Oh, and I wanted to add- a useful outcome of Erin’s research could be insight on how to kill and immortal; like, you know, the Collector. I know their circumstances are different, but it would at least be a jumping off point.
@theLolest I don’t think she was ever a mage in the first place. She just calls upon life to fix stuff. I’m pretty that isn’t magic as the auroran mages recognize it. (I’m not good with words, sorry)
Oh, before I forget, Ave, thank you for the compliments. Somebody’s and HelloHaiku’s comments are great to read and bouncing ideas on and off TheUnknownGame is great too.
I enjoy theorising the plot and lore of this comic, even if I turn out to be wrong. The mystery as to where L.D. fits in the primordial cosmology intrigues me to no end and I’m formulating my own ideas as to why she wasn’t present in the Primordial Vs. V.D. grudge match and what exactly her powers are.
Also, the collector was the same size as vash, so she can’t be the 10 foot giant the ancients were
It’s Huracan not HuraCAN’T
So is this the Collector? Or is it the Light Dragon. Honestly my bets on the latter but this could go either way
Okay, I have a CRAZY theory:
If any of you listen to the Magnus Archives, there is this concept of distct gods that arr still connected to one another… what if something similar is the case with the primordials?
If all living beings require water, at what point does life magic distinguish from water magic? Is there a distinction between metal and earth? My theory is that the concept of WD originates as a way to honor all 6 primordials at once, being the opposite of Dark. The white dragon the cult worships is largely their creation, but is based on this concept of all the primordials in one, and therefore has some connotation to all six.
This would also throw a hickup in the Collector’s “I woke up life” idea. If she woke up life without waking up the other 5, is she even awake? Are the others partially awake?
Okay I think my logic whent out the window somewhere but you can discuss
Two hundred thousand days is approximately 547 days and seven months. Shockingly close to exactly that, if you account for leap days.
…and if this planet also has a tropical year slightly less than 365 and a quarter days long…
Good to see that, even four thousand years ago, the people of this world had floofy hair.
Also, two hundred thousand sunrises? That’s like… around five hundred and fifty years- Huracan looks pretty good for her age. There’s… no way she’s actually the Collector, right? I’m going off the fact that they have the same hair, but actually now that I think about it that’s not a great distinguishing factor around here given everyone has amazing hair.
Also, Purpleswans mentioned the Magnus Archives, and oh boy is that a good theory. I don’t exactly agree with it though- I’d like to think the Light Dragon does exist, as the antithesis of the Dark Dragon, and Red talks about the six primordials like they’re separate entities in the lore documents. In the Magnus Archives the gods are all indistinct flavours of Fear, but this isn’t exactly the case here- the elements are connected under a common theme, but not THAT connected if you get my meaning.
A good theory though!
After looking back and forth from the collector’s hair and Huracan, I don’t think they’re that similar. Yes similar length, but Huracan’s is fluffier and has a jagged edge, if that makes sense? The collector’s lies flatter and notably covers her ears. I could also be totally wrong though, so take my unsolicited analysis with a grain of salt.
interesting is the light dragon therapy
Speaking of, where is hello haiku? Are their comments not appearing or something
That feeling when you
Turn your mortal enemy
immortal. Ah beans!
To Ave:

Hi and welcome to
This lovely comment section.
Glad to have you here!
Thanks for the shout out!
I also enjoy the things
That people comment.
From theories, to jokes
Everyone’s contributions
Are awesome to read!
To Indigo Toxin:
It wasn’t a glitch
I posted later this time
But I’m here now though!
Yes! I’ve finally caught up with the comic! It took a few days but it’s really great so far. Looking forward to what comes next.
The junior archivist standing right next him is probably enjoying the strange out of context commentary.
Is that a staff in her hnd or is it some sort of plant?
To Goldfinch:
Well, her being the only one being affected isn’t necessarily unprecedented. Real life aside, one could point to Pokemon X and Y’s AZ, who had a similar experience…
Also, has anyone seen Hermit Thrush lately? They’ve been missing for a few pages now… On that note:
To Silly me:
Alt text is Hermit Thrush’s thing. While we appreciate you picking it up in the meantime, you’re going to have to give it back once they return.
I’m a little worried about Erin’s comments… especially with “wishful thinking, he just didn’t care”…
Great story, so far!
Kendal feels novel as a protagonist – even while he acts like a typical hero, he has a much richer and more interesting character arc than the norm, and an entertainingly inhuman perspective.
I am a sucker for primordial entities, so Alinua and Erin are also interesting to me. The other characters have their own strong points.
And The Collector makes for a great antagonist, too! She’s got that quality of ‘but maybe I could reason with her’ that I like in my villains and makes me envision imaginary conversations. Her problem is clearly that she’s being insufficiently ambitious; if she would only aim for a win-win rather than a zero-sum game…
If there’s anything to criticize story-wise, it’s that I feel some of the extra lore should really have been required reading; reading it after my archive binge made it a lot clearer that “Ancient” was a race, and “The Twins” were the creators of lifeforms (and thus that the Primordial of Life was not). I had already tentatively designated them as such before from the context, but I had to stop and think.
I haven’t looked through all the comments, but people are missing a big suspect for Huracan, the angelic monster hunter from the end of chapter 7.
They seem to match the description of an Ancient, they appear to be pretty powerful, and they have a connection to a being that knew straight away of the void dragon’s awakening. My bet is, Hurucan, after the destruction of the Second Great City, made a sort of magical pact with the Light Dragon, and wandered the globe, staying for a while to do things like found the Paladins, but never long enough for people to notice her immortality.
To: Skye
Yeah I noticed hermit thrush is missing. Maybe they just decided not to comment for a while.
Maybe the light dragon was created when the six primordials fused together to create admantine, this allows her to be linked but separate and explains why she was not present at the battle, Huracan describes the creation of the maelstrom as as having a dark center and a light exterior similar to how the void dragon was trapped in the admantine center of the earth. On the note of the void dragon maybe he will comment on the text and give his version of events in the near future.
Also the creation of the storm is being attributed to the void dragon but I think it was (at least partially) created by the ancients in the laboratory that Huracan describes the destruction of.
Well she Huracan’t see it now any way. sorry couldn’t resist.
Did I forget to post this on Friday? Will it post successfully now?
Tune in Right Now to Find Out!
How many of Huracan’s people were left when that text was first transcribed? How has the original meaning of the text survived so long without a hint of alteration due to inevitable linguistic drift? Did the Elemental Winds die down because the Storm acted as a syphon, draining the hazardous elemental excess from the surface and focusing it into a single point on the planet? Now that the Storm is gone, will the Elemental Winds resurface and slowly drive everyone back underground? Was Huracan’s fashion sense so fresh that it has remained in style among the Paladins for millennia? Has Erin forgotten to search for the recipe for Temptations cat treats?
Tune in Next Week and Find Out!
could they still be alive? and potentially an important character?
So, perspective is everything, and I forget if we know the canonical heights of everyone, but depending on your point of view, all of the “cave-folk” (aka most of the people we’ve met so far) are kinda the halflings of this world. And I love reimagining all of the events that have happened with everyone only as tall as my shoulder. Except for Falst, who is now truly a pint-sized terror in the best possible way.
Huh, I think hurricane is the first character who’s name was stolen from a real actual religion. As far as I can tell, at least
Maybe Huracan is the collector? I’m afraid to ask “how many immortal humans/one-humans could there be?” but I mean…
Something I just thought about, why isn’t Erin concerned about Voidy possessing him and causing a bit of a ruckus in the city?