Ah yes, the pronoun game – Where expositional characters can be referring to literally anyone – Protagonists, Tritagonists, Crinimally interrupted, monologing Antagonists… Is there no end to this madness!?
My bet is Tess is the “stagnating champion”, and Kendal, Alinua, Erin, and the collector are the “world shaking powers”
wait, no. they’re saying “he”
wait, what are Tess’ pronouns again?
I’ll just wait till monday.
It’s also possible that Kendal & co. combined count as ONE of those world-shaking powers. Tynyan (sp?) is almost certainly one of the other powers in question.
i love it when Caliban gets mad! its hilarious!
so im assuming the divine blade is Kendell and the champion might be the fiery person on the sketch page or maybe eye patch dude?
oh…HMMM….well i blame this mishap of mine on my dead brain that forgot my computer and left the charger at my dad’s office and also left a pencil case at school…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
Four world-shaking powers, huh? Let’s do a headcount.
There’s three big players in (or associated with) our Floof Squad:
There’s Kendal, the divine blade in question who’s likely able to help this champion of Caliban’s.
There’s Alinua, the Life Primordial’s vessel. Life herself is vague, likely only peripherally helpful.
There’s Erin, being possesssed by the Void Dragon, who isn’t going to be helpful in the slightest.
The one remaining power headed in the right direction is almost certainly Tynan eager to get back to his power trip.
Don’t forget that Erin is the Elemental Magus. He might be considered a world-shaking power even without the Void Dragon. And Alinua is an exceptionally powerful Life Mage thanks to her situation.
There’s also Tess, Archangel Floof, and however many other unseen players on the board.
I don’t know; if I see how Tahraim has been helping Vash so far, the Void Dragon could be _very_ helpful. Something about reaching new abilities when they’re needed the most (or maybe I’ve been watching too much DragonBall).
For a sec I thought they were talking about Kendal (if anyone is convinced they have no agency, it’s him), but turns out Kendal is playing a different part in Tahraim’s plan (the breaking-molds part, which is totally in line with his paragon nature). Can’t wait to know who the “stagnating champion” is! I also want to know how these two have all this information. It makes me feel like they’re DnD players gazing down as a game plays out beneath them. Also, love the color palette of this scene. And the way they refer to Kendal as a sword instead of a person. Actually, I just love this entire comic.
That’s true on some level. Alinua definitely feels lacking in agency. Although I feel the need to direct you to https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-11-32/, where Red describes Kendal as having “zero sense of personal autonomy”. Admittedly, personal autonomy and free agency are slightly different things, but I think the point still stands: Kendal makes choices, but those choices aren’t made because he wants to make them, but just because they seem the best way to fulfill his one purpose, which he had no choice in. You’re right, though, Alinua’s definitely got the issue more. I think lacking agency is a pretty classic hero issue. (Unless you’re Erin, of course)
Honestly? at this point i’m pretty sure all of the main floof squad are having (or have reason to have) an existential crisis over the concept of their own free will.
i mean? Kendal operates under Vash, and in his mind his one purpose is to save him. There is no other defining purpose in his life besides Vash, everything else is just something he’s doing along the way because… well i mean, it’s Kendal. (Also he really has no idea what exactly he is)
Alinua and Erin are pretty obvious, both are currently hosting primordial brain roommates who can take over their body at any time, and they’ve both already encountered situations where they’ve done something that turns out to be completely orchestrated by or in line with their primordial’s goals
As for Falst… dear god i want to give him a hug at times, his “role” as an outcast and a beast has been dictated practically from birth, everything he’s done is pretty much in a desperate to circumvent that outcome he feels is inevitable because of what he is, and he’s already been in a situation where he’s played exactly into someone’s hands and it would have succeeded had he not lost that fight with Kendal, Alinua and Erin. And even after that, the same person tried to use him again, for their own goals.
As for Tess, we don’t have much of an idea, but everyone here has this weighing on their heads and when Gods and Primordials are involved there’s always going to be the question of whether or not someone meant for this to happen, because both opperate on a completely different scale to everyone else.
I’m sorry this is long, i just really needed to vent about this amazing but emotionally devastating writing by Red. Especially since you can be assured that the Power of Friendship is going to be very important to this story.
Everyone’s theorising that the four world-shaking powers are the Floof Squad, or at least members of the Floof Squad.
I have another theory.
Tahraim is referring to the individual is if they are a weapon, reforging themselves. Who might that be?
Well, Kendal, is named after Vash’s sword. And his body is the same body in which Vash once internalised the starmetal said sword is made out of. And Kendal, over the course of this adventure, has been growing and developing himself as an entity separate from Vash. One might say, “reforging” himself.
And what does it FOUR world shaking powers? If he is talking about the hero party then I can only think of Kandel, Alinua and Erin being “world shaking powers”, unless Falst is hiding something?
I get the distinct feeling Red likes drawing Caliban freaking out.
“People temper at a more complicated pace than metal” great dialogue across this whole page, and the information comes at a good pace, no feelings of forced exposition at all.
So, the weapon isn’t for Caliban but for their champion. That fits more with how Caliban’s been described, hands-off and trickster-ish, and Tahraim’s insistence on the Ignan champion (I’m assuming he’s an Ignan) on believing in themselves more than the weapon.
As for my predictions for next week, either we transition to the Ignan champion wherever he is (I’m predicting Zuurith as the gang comes close to there on their current path) or we go to the gang on the road again with a post-offscreen-infodump Falst.
Now to throw my hat into the Four world-shaking powers theorising: From their dialogue in the last panel I’d say Kendal is one of them and the one Tahraim said would be most likely to help the Ignan champion. Interesting dialogue from him about Kendal’s reforging of himself, he may be referring to Kendal as a weapon now but that could change later.
I would assume Alinua and Erin would be two and three, but while Alinua’s feats in Windcrest and Gleicann’s forest would have spread word of her, I wonder how the gods would know about Erin. Could Haol, god of darkness and de facto god of the caves, have informed them? And just how much do they know about him and his predicament?
That leaves a fourth, I’m thinking either Tynan or someone new we haven’t seen yet. The Collector is a possibility but I think she’ll be cooped up in her lair with Vash, provided she hasn’t grown suspicious since Kendal’s eavesdropping. PML is strong, sure, but it takes more than a few unconscious dragons to have a “world-shaking” classification I’d say.
From what I’ve seen everyone say, it seems as though two main theories have appeared about who exactly are the world-shaking powers:
1: Kendal, Alinua, and Erin are 1-3, with 4 being either Tynan or The Champion, Tynan being the most likely answer.
2: The squad as a collective counts as 1, with Tynan and The Champion being 2 and 3, leaving 4 to be a mystery.
Both theories have merit, so I kind of believe both are plausible. My stance will certainly change as we get more information, though.
There’s a problem with theory 2, Tahraim’s words are “four world shaking powers are converging on his location”, the four are separate from the champion.
Yeah new info will have us changing out tunes, I was sure Caliban was after a weapon for themselves but not I know they want it for someone else. Right now my money is on theory 1 with Tynan as the fourth, besides I get the feeling he’d like adding “world-shaking power” to his list of titles/epithets.
WE haven’t. SOME people like bringing scraps of information from Red’s social media here, and confusing everyone. Red’s social media is like the Oracle for the comic.
Okay so since everyone seems to think that the floof squad has three of those four world-altering powers… What if the floof squad as a collective is considered one of the powers and we have not met the other three yet? The smith says “only one of the powers is likely to be helpful”. If three of those powers are unhelpful, that would mean we’re about to head into a stand-off between members of the squad (one helpful and the other unhelpful) and I do not see that happening yet. Or Red is maneuvering herself into a “Dragon Ball Problem” where only one of the protagonists actually does something with lasting consequences and I don’t see that happening either. It’s more likely that the floofs will try to help and the other powers have different goals in mind.
Also, the four powers seem to be “converging” on the location of the champion. The floof squad wouldn’t be converging, they are already assembled. 😀 This leads me to believe that they are (collectivly) one of these world altering forces at most.
I really like this theory. It also explains why Tahraim is saying ‘forces’ rather than ‘individuals’.
If the Floof Squad is just one of four forces, then I’m guessing Tynan and Archangel Floof are two more, with a mysterious fourth, possibly Zuurith. I doubt that it’s Tess, since she seems powerful, but not “world-shaking”.
Tahraim referring to Kendal the lad as Kendal the sword makes me think back to this page [https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-8-8/], when Gleicann tells him that his soul is unique. We can see that Kendal’s soul is concentrated around his eyes (like a god’s, but less powerful), his scar, and most interestingly, the hilt of the sword. Perhaps by making the materials of the sword part of his body for a while, Vash imprinted a memory of his soul onto the sword itself, similarly to the sentinel from chapter 3. When Vash’s incarnation was left soulless… perhaps it was Kendal the sword who filled the void.
Ah, that’s what I theorized too! Come to think of it, didn’t the sentinels from early on gain some sort of residual god energy from Vash possessing them or something? That could add evidence to the theory (If I’m remembering correctly).
And as for the world shaking powers everyone in the comment section is focused on, I think the options are: 1. The party + Kendal, most importantly to these two 2. The void dragon 3. The life primordial 4. Tynan 5. The paladins mentioned earlier and 6. Some unknown faction of Caliban’s people. Those’re my best ideas, anyhow.
Caliban literally has a personality that just screams “I’m not interested in being polite or Heterosexual!” and i don’t think I’ve ever loved a character more than i have right now
I just think it’s crazy how in the span of just a few short pages we already know so much about both of these new characters, and Red’s ingenuity in building and presenting characters is really shining here.
just makes me really happy when there is awesome writing like this, and even more sad that this comic is so underrated.
Who do you think is the best-looking character in this comic so far? I like Tess’s design the most, although I also really like Caliban’s body markings and his/her/its combustible hair.
Red, I love what you’ve done with your smithy god. People temper differently than metal…fantastic! My main dnd char’ is an arcane smith, so I adore this topic.
So in retrospect(but before arc is finished), her “stagnating champion” they are talking about is clearly Dainix and four gathering powers are Kendal(the only one likely to help), life vessel(Alinua), void vessel(Erin) and likely Tynam.
Kinda funny how people assumed here that champion was someone we already had seen considering this is first time we have seen either of these two gods in this story
assuming that the “divine blade” is kendal, this implies that the sword has more to do with his existence than just the fact that he carries it around. so choosing the swords name was more than just a cool name choice and probably a relevant hint ?
This entire sequence is incredible! It’s such a captivating myth in its own right, complete with the age-old framing device of two gods talking to each other. I keep re-reading these ten pages, bc they’re genuinely incredible
Okay, that’s:
Kendal, the Divine Blade mentioned at the end (hmm, this ties into my theory of Kendal (the person) and Kendal (the sword) being intertwined in some way), who is the most likely to help Dainix.
Alinua, Life’s Vessel, a crazy-powerful mage who’s unlikely to help Dainix specifically.
Erin, the Elemental Magus and also VD’s vessel, as well as the first void mage. VD definitely won’t be helping anyone, and Erin gets too caught up in other things to be of much help.
And finally, Tynan, the Storm of Terror, returned from his exile to destroy Kendal, not to mention Zuurith. Won’t be helping anyone but himself.
side note, what’s the difference between Emissaries, Champions, and Vessels? Does anyone know?
Emissaries are people with connections to gods instead of elements
Champions seem to be mortals that place a role in a powerful/Devine entities plan (Michael plays a role in Light Eyes plan to stop voidy, Dainax plays a role in some plan of Caliban and Tahraim)
Vessels seem to be mortals that are inhabited by primordial beings (voidy is quite literally IN Erin, and capital-L-Life is in Allinua)
Hope that helps
four world-shaking powers, tynan, alinua, voidy and… kendal? eh, that last ones not entirely set in stone, and could be considered part of alinuas squad (which are against voidy). tess may also apply, but lights champion (michael?) as the fourth power seems far more appealing.
(For now, I’m just going to read the rest without adding the image source to the pages that don’t note it in the comments. If anyone wants to take up noting the image source for mobile readers while I’m not doing it, feel free. It’s just inspect element on the current page and writing the word(s) after uploads. For example, the full source of this page is https://comicaurora.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/CH11.5_010_champion.png
All I’m doing is writing the word after the page number. If there’s a double update, there will be two page sources.)
First this is theory so I am very much open to scrutiny.
Some thoughts. Kendal Our princely blonde paragon IS the sword. the soul inhabiting the body that Vash made belongs to the sword. a part of Vash that he has inhabited very often, and one that has been in the city of Vash for some time. Tahraim said that the divine blade was “reforging himself.” This suggests pre existence, that he is referring to a person, and that this person is undergoing profound change.
Now for questions. He said four world shaking powers but only one useful. We have primordial life, primordial void, and Tynan. Those make for three world shaking powers converging on his location. I wouldn’t call Zuurith (who is already in that location and not “converging” a world shaking power and I don’t think Kendal qualifies yet. Tahraim also said that he didn’t set the divine blade on his path nor is he interested in interfering with said divine blade. So who or what is the fourth world shaking power?
Upon furhter examination, Tarhim brings up the divine blade as pertinent to the conversation. Naming him as the subject suggests that kendal Is one of the “four world shaking powers” converging on Danix’s location.
Further fuel to my theory that Kendal is the sword.
My evidence: Vash put some of his soul into the materials of the sword, and as we’ve seen with sentinels objects that are left with souls in them eventually gain sentience/free will and Kendal’s name is the same as the sword’s.
Hmm. That’ll be Kendal, Alinua, Erin, and… Tess? Archangel Floof? I wouldn’t call Falst a “world-shaking power”.
Or, you know, they could be talking about completely different matters than the main plot and characters, but idk.
Ah yes, the pronoun game – Where expositional characters can be referring to literally anyone – Protagonists, Tritagonists, Crinimally interrupted, monologing Antagonists… Is there no end to this madness!?
i personally think its kendall because they refer to him as, “divine blade”.
Tynan is my guess, he’s been very prominent in the story lately
Could also be Tynan
My bet is Tess is the “stagnating champion”, and Kendal, Alinua, Erin, and the collector are the “world shaking powers”
wait, no. they’re saying “he”
wait, what are Tess’ pronouns again?
I’ll just wait till monday.
It’s also possible that Kendal & co. combined count as ONE of those world-shaking powers. Tynyan (sp?) is almost certainly one of the other powers in question.
wonder who they’re talking about
i love it when Caliban gets mad! its hilarious!
so im assuming the divine blade is Kendell and the champion might be the fiery person on the sketch page or maybe eye patch dude?
I’m pretty sure eyepatch dude and the fiery person from the sketches are the same person.
oh…HMMM….well i blame this mishap of mine on my dead brain that forgot my computer and left the charger at my dad’s office and also left a pencil case at school…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
Four world-shaking powers, huh? Let’s do a headcount.
There’s three big players in (or associated with) our Floof Squad:
There’s Kendal, the divine blade in question who’s likely able to help this champion of Caliban’s.
There’s Alinua, the Life Primordial’s vessel. Life herself is vague, likely only peripherally helpful.
There’s Erin, being possesssed by the Void Dragon, who isn’t going to be helpful in the slightest.
The one remaining power headed in the right direction is almost certainly Tynan eager to get back to his power trip.
Don’t forget that Erin is the Elemental Magus. He might be considered a world-shaking power even without the Void Dragon. And Alinua is an exceptionally powerful Life Mage thanks to her situation.
There’s also Tess, Archangel Floof, and however many other unseen players on the board.
I don’t know; if I see how Tahraim has been helping Vash so far, the Void Dragon could be _very_ helpful. Something about reaching new abilities when they’re needed the most (or maybe I’ve been watching too much DragonBall).
You can use without spaces instead of _ to do italics here
This is overly difficult, but now I have the first invisible comment! Whoo!
I mean you can use instead of italics, that’s without dashes, spaces or whatever.
I hope that works this time.
Oh my god. Okay.
To do italics use (em) but with arrows instead of brackets.
Don’t forget to end with
(/em) but with arrows
You mean this? ≶em>
Ugh. <em>
<em>This will be italicize.</em> This won’t.
Incidentally, you get the literal < and > symbols by doing this: < > &
(Hopefully I don’t have any typos this time.)
For a sec I thought they were talking about Kendal (if anyone is convinced they have no agency, it’s him), but turns out Kendal is playing a different part in Tahraim’s plan (the breaking-molds part, which is totally in line with his paragon nature). Can’t wait to know who the “stagnating champion” is! I also want to know how these two have all this information. It makes me feel like they’re DnD players gazing down as a game plays out beneath them. Also, love the color palette of this scene. And the way they refer to Kendal as a sword instead of a person. Actually, I just love this entire comic.
I have a feeling Caliban’s stagnating champion is Crucible, the one-eyed fire mage in the sketches page. I eagerly await the day we see him in story!
(if anyone is convinced they have no agency, it’s him)
I’m not so sure about that. To have agency is to make choices that matter, and Kendal acts like he thinks his choices matter.
He also thinks he’s only got one true purpose in life, but that’s a different type of problem.
Yeah, if anyone here believes they have no agency, it’s probably alinua. The whole being possessed by a primordial god thing.
That’s true on some level. Alinua definitely feels lacking in agency. Although I feel the need to direct you to https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-11-32/, where Red describes Kendal as having “zero sense of personal autonomy”. Admittedly, personal autonomy and free agency are slightly different things, but I think the point still stands: Kendal makes choices, but those choices aren’t made because he wants to make them, but just because they seem the best way to fulfill his one purpose, which he had no choice in. You’re right, though, Alinua’s definitely got the issue more. I think lacking agency is a pretty classic hero issue. (Unless you’re Erin, of course)
Honestly? at this point i’m pretty sure all of the main floof squad are having (or have reason to have) an existential crisis over the concept of their own free will.
i mean? Kendal operates under Vash, and in his mind his one purpose is to save him. There is no other defining purpose in his life besides Vash, everything else is just something he’s doing along the way because… well i mean, it’s Kendal. (Also he really has no idea what exactly he is)
Alinua and Erin are pretty obvious, both are currently hosting primordial brain roommates who can take over their body at any time, and they’ve both already encountered situations where they’ve done something that turns out to be completely orchestrated by or in line with their primordial’s goals
As for Falst… dear god i want to give him a hug at times, his “role” as an outcast and a beast has been dictated practically from birth, everything he’s done is pretty much in a desperate to circumvent that outcome he feels is inevitable because of what he is, and he’s already been in a situation where he’s played exactly into someone’s hands and it would have succeeded had he not lost that fight with Kendal, Alinua and Erin. And even after that, the same person tried to use him again, for their own goals.
As for Tess, we don’t have much of an idea, but everyone here has this weighing on their heads and when Gods and Primordials are involved there’s always going to be the question of whether or not someone meant for this to happen, because both opperate on a completely different scale to everyone else.
I’m sorry this is long, i just really needed to vent about this amazing but emotionally devastating writing by Red. Especially since you can be assured that the Power of Friendship is going to be very important to this story.
Everyone’s theorising that the four world-shaking powers are the Floof Squad, or at least members of the Floof Squad.
I have another theory.
Tahraim is referring to the individual is if they are a weapon, reforging themselves. Who might that be?
Well, Kendal, is named after Vash’s sword. And his body is the same body in which Vash once internalised the starmetal said sword is made out of. And Kendal, over the course of this adventure, has been growing and developing himself as an entity separate from Vash. One might say, “reforging” himself.
Just sayin.
Her stagnating champion? Do I sense a new party mamber?
And what does it FOUR world shaking powers? If he is talking about the hero party then I can only think of Kandel, Alinua and Erin being “world shaking powers”, unless Falst is hiding something?
What if Falst is the potential champion? I’d say it’s more likely to be PML or an new character, but who knows?
I get the distinct feeling Red likes drawing Caliban freaking out.
“People temper at a more complicated pace than metal” great dialogue across this whole page, and the information comes at a good pace, no feelings of forced exposition at all.
So, the weapon isn’t for Caliban but for their champion. That fits more with how Caliban’s been described, hands-off and trickster-ish, and Tahraim’s insistence on the Ignan champion (I’m assuming he’s an Ignan) on believing in themselves more than the weapon.
As for my predictions for next week, either we transition to the Ignan champion wherever he is (I’m predicting Zuurith as the gang comes close to there on their current path) or we go to the gang on the road again with a post-offscreen-infodump Falst.
Now to throw my hat into the Four world-shaking powers theorising: From their dialogue in the last panel I’d say Kendal is one of them and the one Tahraim said would be most likely to help the Ignan champion. Interesting dialogue from him about Kendal’s reforging of himself, he may be referring to Kendal as a weapon now but that could change later.
I would assume Alinua and Erin would be two and three, but while Alinua’s feats in Windcrest and Gleicann’s forest would have spread word of her, I wonder how the gods would know about Erin. Could Haol, god of darkness and de facto god of the caves, have informed them? And just how much do they know about him and his predicament?
That leaves a fourth, I’m thinking either Tynan or someone new we haven’t seen yet. The Collector is a possibility but I think she’ll be cooped up in her lair with Vash, provided she hasn’t grown suspicious since Kendal’s eavesdropping. PML is strong, sure, but it takes more than a few unconscious dragons to have a “world-shaking” classification I’d say.
From what I’ve seen everyone say, it seems as though two main theories have appeared about who exactly are the world-shaking powers:
1: Kendal, Alinua, and Erin are 1-3, with 4 being either Tynan or The Champion, Tynan being the most likely answer.
2: The squad as a collective counts as 1, with Tynan and The Champion being 2 and 3, leaving 4 to be a mystery.
Both theories have merit, so I kind of believe both are plausible. My stance will certainly change as we get more information, though.
There’s a problem with theory 2, Tahraim’s words are “four world shaking powers are converging on his location”, the four are separate from the champion.
Yeah new info will have us changing out tunes, I was sure Caliban was after a weapon for themselves but not I know they want it for someone else. Right now my money is on theory 1 with Tynan as the fourth, besides I get the feeling he’d like adding “world-shaking power” to his list of titles/epithets.
Oh, sorry for the confusion; when I say The Champion, I mean the archangel dude, not Crucible.
Oooo interesting 😀
TL;DR: I’ve been spying on this guy and you know, I think I’ve had a plan for a while.
I look forward to you TL;DRs. ^_^ They’re always entertaining.
Aww thanks Tifa! I love making them!
oh her champion is Crucible right, and he’s in prison for some reason if I remember correctly
Who’s crucible?
One-eyed fire mage in the sketches page.
wait when did we find out he’s in prison?
WE haven’t. SOME people like bringing scraps of information from Red’s social media here, and confusing everyone. Red’s social media is like the Oracle for the comic.
Tahraim blowing fire on the metal is awesome. Seems like a pretty handy power for a smith god.
It reminds me of Totosai from Inuyasha; they’re even both trickstery, albeit in different ways
Okay so since everyone seems to think that the floof squad has three of those four world-altering powers… What if the floof squad as a collective is considered one of the powers and we have not met the other three yet? The smith says “only one of the powers is likely to be helpful”. If three of those powers are unhelpful, that would mean we’re about to head into a stand-off between members of the squad (one helpful and the other unhelpful) and I do not see that happening yet. Or Red is maneuvering herself into a “Dragon Ball Problem” where only one of the protagonists actually does something with lasting consequences and I don’t see that happening either. It’s more likely that the floofs will try to help and the other powers have different goals in mind.
Also, the four powers seem to be “converging” on the location of the champion. The floof squad wouldn’t be converging, they are already assembled. 😀 This leads me to believe that they are (collectivly) one of these world altering forces at most.
I really like this theory. It also explains why Tahraim is saying ‘forces’ rather than ‘individuals’.
If the Floof Squad is just one of four forces, then I’m guessing Tynan and Archangel Floof are two more, with a mysterious fourth, possibly Zuurith. I doubt that it’s Tess, since she seems powerful, but not “world-shaking”.
I’m getting Aule and Mairon vibes here (though not that much, Mairon would never be that disrespectful)
Tahraim referring to Kendal the lad as Kendal the sword makes me think back to this page [https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-8-8/], when Gleicann tells him that his soul is unique. We can see that Kendal’s soul is concentrated around his eyes (like a god’s, but less powerful), his scar, and most interestingly, the hilt of the sword. Perhaps by making the materials of the sword part of his body for a while, Vash imprinted a memory of his soul onto the sword itself, similarly to the sentinel from chapter 3. When Vash’s incarnation was left soulless… perhaps it was Kendal the sword who filled the void.
Crap, the link was nullified by the brackets. Here:
Ah, that’s what I theorized too! Come to think of it, didn’t the sentinels from early on gain some sort of residual god energy from Vash possessing them or something? That could add evidence to the theory (If I’m remembering correctly).
Ah, here we go! Even Kendal seems to think the theory holds weight, hehe. https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-3-5/
Thanks, Red for another insult I can hurl at my brothers!
Panel 6 is Spectacular. Can I have that? As a standalone? Like a sticker? YOU ARE SO GOOD AT DRAWING HILARIOUS FACES XD
did you mean: <em> ?
I love these two. They have an absolutely delightful dynamic together.
I love just how well Red can draw emotions for people with monocolor and/or glowy eyes!
Ah? So I was right about Kendal (the human) literally being the blade (Kendal)? Or am I just being confused by the cryptic blacksmith?
And as for the world shaking powers everyone in the comment section is focused on, I think the options are: 1. The party + Kendal, most importantly to these two 2. The void dragon 3. The life primordial 4. Tynan 5. The paladins mentioned earlier and 6. Some unknown faction of Caliban’s people. Those’re my best ideas, anyhow.
Whaaat are they talking about? The ambitious syntax? The foreshadowing? It’s all so…cryptic
Yeeeaaah, that’s Tahraim!
Mr. “that’s a bad idea and I’m not heartless enough to let you figure out why so just trust me will you or you aren’t getting a kickass sword Tahraim
when you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.
Is it odd that this is already one of my favorite pantheons?
I love it when Gods have personality and character and aren’t omnipotent and completely out of the story unless divine intervention for plot reasons.
Caliban literally has a personality that just screams “I’m not interested in being polite or Heterosexual!” and i don’t think I’ve ever loved a character more than i have right now
I just think it’s crazy how in the span of just a few short pages we already know so much about both of these new characters, and Red’s ingenuity in building and presenting characters is really shining here.
just makes me really happy when there is awesome writing like this, and even more sad that this comic is so underrated.
Which character looks the best to you in this comic? For me, it’s a three way tie between Tess, Caliban, and that angel dude with the sword.
I think Erin’s my favorite in looks, mostly thanks to his tattoos. They’re so pretty!
Who do you think is the best-looking character in this comic so far? I like Tess’s design the most, although I also really like Caliban’s body markings and his/her/its combustible hair.
Oh, whoops, it took me a while to see my last comment after I posted it, so I just assumed it didn’t go through. Oh well.
Not its; their.
Damn subtle deity-type things.
wait, WAIT
Is Caliban also in 1-7-7?
Kendal is a starmetal sword
Kendal is made of meteorite
Kendal is a shooting star
…and he’s good at breaking molds
gods fucking damn it, Red
Red, I love what you’ve done with your smithy god. People temper differently than metal…fantastic! My main dnd char’ is an arcane smith, so I adore this topic.
Aaahhhhh, i understand who they’re talking about, read on if you’re not there yet.
So in retrospect(but before arc is finished), her “stagnating champion” they are talking about is clearly Dainix and four gathering powers are Kendal(the only one likely to help), life vessel(Alinua), void vessel(Erin) and likely Tynam.
Kinda funny how people assumed here that champion was someone we already had seen considering this is first time we have seen either of these two gods in this story
assuming that the “divine blade” is kendal, this implies that the sword has more to do with his existence than just the fact that he carries it around. so choosing the swords name was more than just a cool name choice and probably a relevant hint ?
I don’t know why, but reading Caliban, they sound exactly like red. especially that last part
This entire sequence is incredible! It’s such a captivating myth in its own right, complete with the age-old framing device of two gods talking to each other. I keep re-reading these ten pages, bc they’re genuinely incredible
Okay, that’s:
Kendal, the Divine Blade mentioned at the end (hmm, this ties into my theory of Kendal (the person) and Kendal (the sword) being intertwined in some way), who is the most likely to help Dainix.
Alinua, Life’s Vessel, a crazy-powerful mage who’s unlikely to help Dainix specifically.
Erin, the Elemental Magus and also VD’s vessel, as well as the first void mage. VD definitely won’t be helping anyone, and Erin gets too caught up in other things to be of much help.
And finally, Tynan, the Storm of Terror, returned from his exile to destroy Kendal, not to mention Zuurith. Won’t be helping anyone but himself.
side note, what’s the difference between Emissaries, Champions, and Vessels? Does anyone know?
Emissaries are people with connections to gods instead of elements
Champions seem to be mortals that place a role in a powerful/Devine entities plan (Michael plays a role in Light Eyes plan to stop voidy, Dainax plays a role in some plan of Caliban and Tahraim)
Vessels seem to be mortals that are inhabited by primordial beings (voidy is quite literally IN Erin, and capital-L-Life is in Allinua)
Hope that helps
Pinewing Elessar- Mairon would absolutely be this disrespectful to Aule. That Maiar is very sassy.
four world-shaking powers, tynan, alinua, voidy and… kendal? eh, that last ones not entirely set in stone, and could be considered part of alinuas squad (which are against voidy). tess may also apply, but lights champion (michael?) as the fourth power seems far more appealing.
Alt text: wonder what they’re talking about. probably not important
Image source: champion
(For now, I’m just going to read the rest without adding the image source to the pages that don’t note it in the comments. If anyone wants to take up noting the image source for mobile readers while I’m not doing it, feel free. It’s just inspect element on the current page and writing the word(s) after uploads. For example, the full source of this page is
All I’m doing is writing the word after the page number. If there’s a double update, there will be two page sources.)
i don’t think anyone’s mentioned it, but carrion crawler is a monster from D&D, which I jsut thought was neat
First this is theory so I am very much open to scrutiny.
Some thoughts. Kendal Our princely blonde paragon IS the sword. the soul inhabiting the body that Vash made belongs to the sword. a part of Vash that he has inhabited very often, and one that has been in the city of Vash for some time. Tahraim said that the divine blade was “reforging himself.” This suggests pre existence, that he is referring to a person, and that this person is undergoing profound change.
Now for questions. He said four world shaking powers but only one useful. We have primordial life, primordial void, and Tynan. Those make for three world shaking powers converging on his location. I wouldn’t call Zuurith (who is already in that location and not “converging” a world shaking power and I don’t think Kendal qualifies yet. Tahraim also said that he didn’t set the divine blade on his path nor is he interested in interfering with said divine blade. So who or what is the fourth world shaking power?
Upon furhter examination, Tarhim brings up the divine blade as pertinent to the conversation. Naming him as the subject suggests that kendal Is one of the “four world shaking powers” converging on Danix’s location.
Tahraim is actually the best character ever, sorry the literal whole gang because I couldn’t pick between you, now I’ve picked this dude instead
Further fuel to my theory that Kendal is the sword.
My evidence: Vash put some of his soul into the materials of the sword, and as we’ve seen with sentinels objects that are left with souls in them eventually gain sentience/free will and Kendal’s name is the same as the sword’s.