on February 3, 2021
at 3:00 am
well, now we know why he led with a lavasplosion when fighting Falst – anyone with a sketchbook would do the same if it were stolen and someone could flip through it without our permission
well, now we know why he led with a lavasplosion when fighting Falst – anyone with a sketchbook would do the same if it were stolen and someone could flip through it without our permission
*what really happened in Chapter 9*
Falst: you made a LOT of fanart from that book series I skimmed over
Erin: AAAAGH *Lavasplosion*
Agreed, Red, I’d happily lavasplosion anyone who stole my sketchbook. NO ONE gets to see what’s in there without my permisison.
Ooooooh . . . Alinua’s reaction wasn’t what I was expecting. Usually, when someone tosses around accusations like Erin does here, the victim reacts with fierce denial. But here, Alinua seems to suspect he’s right . . . Also, I’m adding “But it passed, and I was still there. At least, I thought I was” to my list of haunting lines from this comic.
lavasplosions, the first and most dramatic defense of a sketchbook, buy one at your local elemental magus today!
I’ll buy one for sure, nobody’s getting at mine
My first priority, whenever in public, is the security of my pocket notebook. It’s not as humiliating as people seeing my unsatisfying sketches, but the potential for some sort of misunderstanding, blackmail, or other social disaster makes up the difference. But the idea of actually destroying a notebook? I’d rather deal with the consequences of whatever farce is unleashed by someone who reads one of my notebooks. They are too precious to destroy. I lost most of my musical concept notes years ago, and I’ve barely written any music since. Never again.
Is that Gleicann and Life Mum in those drawings?
Mental note for the group: Erin documents *everything*. To be fair, he is a scholar/scientist. It really should be expected.
ooooh interesting
hey guys quick question, what is the other scotch in the book next to glencann
life mum
Ah thanks, I see it now
Falst: Throwing lava at me just to get a sketchbook back?! … Wait, there aren’t nudes in here are there?
I feel that, after not drawing for so long I wouldn’t show my old sketchbook with anyone until I get back into it.
I like how Erin is being gentle yet firm with this talk, he knows it’s a sensitive topic but with everything going on it’s a topic that must be addressed.
Alinua coming through with what she saw, Life confirmed alive and awake by the collector, Erin possibly theorising the link between the chimeric plague and Life herself. I hope Falst is in the mood for a lecture when he gets back.
Oh cool Erin’s left handed (or perhaps ambidextrous)
I heard a lot of characters are left-handed, because their artist is right-handed or something
Ambidextrous. Erin usually writes and draws with his right hand, but we’ve seen him use his left hand one time before this. https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-4-5/
Lots of characters are ambidextrous (note animated movie) it makes it easier to draw
Maybe it’s more common in Auroraland
Maybe he’s like me! I’m right handed for the most part, but I’m left handed when it comes to writing and drawing. It’s not more or less convenient, I think, kinda just a thing.
TL;DR: Mr. Hubris likes doing divine fanart, gardener elf does not resist the question and begins to she’d doubt on her control.
Big mood on that description.
I think it’s important to note the difference in experiences between Alinua and the Collector when it comes to Life Mum. The Collector said “I think I had a name once. But I didn’t have any room left for it. When I touched her mind… everything else just go so small.” Compared to Alinua: “But when it passed, I was still there. At least I thought I was.” I’m not sure if Life Mum is changing up her approaches with these two or what, but I think it’s important that Alinua still retained a sense of self with respect to Life Mum, whereas the Collector lost hers completely. Alinua still cares for people and life and is able to connect with both. The Collector does not and cannot.
I’d defo rather be possessed by life than the void dragon. She’s still less dangerous than you Erin,.
Erin drawing like this reminds me of Callum from The Dragon Prince
Gotta love the flower that’s just hovering around the scene, being symbolic
its just standing there, MENACINGLY.
You’re absolutely right about the sketchbook thing. I’m getting a lock lock on mine.
Everyone is obsessing over Erin’s sketchbook, but can we talk about how Aluria (sp?) Only got control of her powers after meeting Kendal and almost loosing herself to Life Mum?
Also, something about her situation reminds me of the girl in “acendence of a bookworm” with how her magic power overwhelmed her body and caused fevers that should have killed her.
So is Erin a leftie, or ambidextrous?
See Rayvnnn’s comment thread above, particularly Zer0 W0lf’s reply
theory the alinua is gone and what were seeing is some echo of alinua while in reality she’s the life thingy, i’m deriving this off the fact she said she felt like she was tearing apart if this is true this gonna hurt later
Poor Alinua. Is she having an identity crisis over this? “At least, I thought I was” seems to indicate that she finds being tightly entwined with another entity like this erases her self somehow. Or is she afraid of loss of control? Either way, she *did* spend a decade alone, thinking she was a time bomb, and I enjoy reading how that comes up in not-so-obvious ways.
Yet I think we can all agree the most tragic thing here, for both of them, is that Erin is being the one set to provide comfort. This is ideal for precisely no one. Although I guess he and Falst might tie in emotional constipation somewhat?
maybe Erin will get better with practice? *nervous laugh*
Nice of Erin to check up on his new friend considering his own harrowing experience with vesselship. Her experience seems pretty different though.
What a coincidence that Erin has the same art style as Red
So… Kendal is a god’s body minus the soul, Alinua’s soul is… held together by the direct intervention of a Primordial? and Erin is fighting the Void Dragon for control over his body.
And Falst is a furry.
We all know who got the better end of THAT deal
“emotional constipation”
That is just too perfect!
meant as reply to AZ
Being alive despite having died it’s exactly what the literal primal source of life would do.
Sooo, is Erin right handed or left handed? I have seen him use both hands now for writing and drawing. He would be the kind of guy to learn how to be ambidextrous just to show off.
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oh hey, we were there for this bit
Image source: control