. “A… what?” Falst asks, confused.
. “When Primordial Fire lived, the Fireseeds were the cores of his body,” Caliban says, holding a ball of fire in from of Falst’s face in resemblance of a Fireseed. “Even now, they still draw in fire, trying to pull his body back together. You’ll find one at the heart of most volcanoes, but this one has been shielded from the lava.”
. “You’re asking us to steal the heart of a volcano guarded by a very angry god,” Kendal says flatly, staring at Caliban.
. “I’m not asking, godling. Though if it helps, you only need a shard.”
. “Why can’t you just do it yourself?!” Fast demands. “If Dainix is really that important to you—”
. “He is,” Caliban says. “Unfortunately, Rakhn’s got some leverage on me. This volcano is inhabited by a sect of my Ignans. If I tamper, Rakhn could blow his top and wipe them out. Since you have no connection to me, he’ll have no reason to.”
. “No, we just have all the OTHER problems that come out of a volcano!” Falst snarls.
. “Relax, little man. You think I didn’t think of that already?” Caliban says, pulling their blue scarf off their neck. “I’m not asking you to get yourself killed.” They drop the scarf into Falst’s hands. “Compliments of Tahraim. It’ll keep most of the heat and flames off you, and you can breathe through it to filter out the flames. It should give you plenty of time to sneak into the caldera shrine and find the Fireseed.
. “Ah, quit seething, demigod,” Caliban says, turning to face Kendal. “You know I’m not involving the mortal for fun. Rakhn would spot you coming a mile off.”
. “I know,” Kendal says, holding one arm across his stomach. “So you want me to distract him.”
. “How about that?” Caliban says cheerfully. “Quick on the uptake after all.”
“Little man” Caliban says, while being literally like half an inch taller than Falst XD
…I guess I’m now a “real” horse rider, first time falling off! Yay!(/s) I’m mostly fine, just some aches n stuff. Hope you guys are having a better day than me lol
It’s all automated. His anvil is on top of some kind of impact-related dynamo that powers whatever machine he needs plugged into it. Most of the time, it’s connected to his bellows, but he can disconnect it and plug it into looms, spinning wheels, or whatever else he needs at the time.
Headcannon: Caliban has this scarf on hand is because they already commissioned a cuddle suit from Tahraim then realized it could also double as a volcano heist suit.
T:”How is this useful to the plan?”
C:”It will let the little catboi be held in my Crucible’s big, strong arms, oh it will be adorable”
T:”Won’t it also let the ferrin steal from a volcano god?”
C:”I guess it could be used for that too, if you’re boring.”
Also, absolutely love how Greek mythology coded this “god appears out of nowhere, gives the hero instructions and a plot-critical magic item, leaves” business is
There’s a bit more elaborating than most god-given quests, but otherwise it’s spot on.
And I can’t help but think that it’s the scarft from Gawain and the Green Knight except fire-flavored.
also I think it’s the other way around: Taliban made a cuddle suit for Tactical Reasons (TM) and then they realized that it also has practical uses.
Aurora Question #38: We now know that Gods can manifest in basically any natural feature of note (forests, storms, lakes, volcanoes). What type of natural feature do you think would make for an interesting God?
Pests and plagues. What would a god of Aurora’s equivalent of locusts think and act like? Would they protect their insects? Or somehow intelligently guide them towards food? How intelligent would they be? Would they be human-shaped like how all of the gods have conspicuously been so far, or would these ones be shaped like their insects?
Gods are shaped by their perception, as seen with that one forest god who’s name I forgot early on in this comic. Being feared made him look scary. I can only assume something inherently harmful to people by its nature would be the same to a far greater extend. A plague, by its nature, is harmful, a danger, a personification of that danger would most definitely be feared as a monster, I can imagine they would’ve lost any human like qualities they might’ve once had
Tropical Rainforest: extremely competitive ecosystem, adapted to breaking down dead organic matter and reabsorbing the nutrients in a matter of hours. A Rainforest God could be incredibly active, changeable, or even bloodthirsty.
Glacier: Slow, patient, and unstoppable. A Glacier God might be incredibly sleepy or slothlike, but rich in wisdom and physical might. Fun fact: many glaciers have holes in the top that lead to narrow tubes filled with ice-cold water. Don’t fall in!
Coral Reef: They’re just so beautiful, and densely populated with all kinds of creatures. A Coral Reef God might be vain or narcissistic, but protective of their denizens, like a more camp or flamboyant version of Zuurith. Maybe we’ll see one in the Mermaid Sidequest!
Conservation of mass might not necessarily apply here. Dainix’s core isn’t just a collection of the matter that made up his body, it’s specifically a perfect fusion of five elements into a new substance, and that magical transformation doesn’t have to abide by the laws of chemistry we have in the real world. Judging from what we’ve seen, the dormant core seems to be a little lighter than a rock of the same size.
Proooobably not if it means risking the wrath of an angry volcano god by stealing a piece of this most precious treasure. Not to mention, we have no idea what relations are actually like between the Volcanic Ignans and Dainix’s people!
Caliban: With that scarf you can snuggle your crush even if he’s in crucible form.
Falst: What?
Caliban: I said that scarf should protect you from the worst of the volcano.
Art wise, I agree with the alt-text; that scarf would look good on Falst and complement his design. His brown cloak was dull, dark, and a reminder of his loner past, and the purple cape was too fancy and clashed with his design (probably a deliberate move on Red’s part). But that scarf hits a nice midway point colour wise, keeps his features and frame visible, and is practical.
Also, nice fire lighting in the first panel on Falst’s face; methinks we’ll be seeing a lot of that this chapter.
Aha! I called Falst asking Cali why they don’t just get it themselves. Caliban’s reasoning is a lot simpler and more sensible that what I was thinking; if they piss off Rakhn, he could, in a fit of anger, take it out on their people. Their concern is that of a people god, but their solution to it, enlisting a third party for plausible deniability, is a very trickster solution. Nice melding of the two archetypes.
I was also right on them wanting Falst specifically for this job: Kendal would be detected immediately (and the distraction part of the plan assumes this); Alinua’s plant capabilities would be limited in a volcano, maybe just the odd sleep flower; I doubt Erin’s diplomacy would even grant him entry to the volcano, let alone to one of Rakhn’s prized possessions; his and Tess’s powers are not stealthy and could get innocent Ignans caught in the crossfire; and even if Dainix was active with a full set of bombs and tools, he’s connected to Caliban thus unsuitable for this plan.
Falst is the only gang member with the skills, powers, and inherent nature to pull of this heist, and Caliban knows this. We’ve gone from one arc where everything hinges on Erin, to another where everything hinges on Falst.
Some of Caliban’s lore here intrigues me. “You’ll find a Fireseed at the heart of most volcanos, but this one has been shielded from the lava”, “sneak into the caldera shrine and find the fireseed”. Not only is Rakhn’s Fireseed conveniently placed away from the lava flows, but is housed in a deliberate shrine, but why?
That combined with this tumblr lore (https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/773969113688276992/hey-red-can-i-ask-how-can-a-volcano-god-form-but) “Rakhn has been a god of this island for longer than he’s been a volcano” is making me think. Did Rakhn, accidentally or deliberately, find a Fireseed, enshrined it into his domain, and became a volcano by choice? Did those Ignan’s bring it with them to Rakhn?
Prediction for next week: The final set of objections/reservations for this plan will be voiced; I can see Falst not wanting to use Kendal as bait. But ultimately Caliban convinces them, maybe offering hew own plan as to how best to distract Rakhn, before the two set off for the volcano on Friday. Or maybe Wednesday and Friday is a scene change to another gang member.
It’s wonderful that Falst can feel depended on. That’s probably the biggest challenge when writing “Loner gets roped into a group” scenarios: Why is the loner still in the group after the first major city? How does the author keep them from feeling ostracized? What reason, outside “I want my character in the plot” can the author give without their fingerprints smudging the ink/screen? Having a crisis that only the Loner can handle (especially when they feel underpowered among literal gods) is probably one of the smoothest ways of tackling those questions.
Actually, I don’t think that applies to Falst too much. What you’re describing works if the loner character prefers to be alone as a choice; Falst meanwhile is a loner who doesn’t want to be a loner.
His initial motivation was to become human so he could live with others free of prejudice; that failed, but instead he found a group of friends who like and care about him regardless of his species. He’s still in the group after the first major city because he cares for these people who care for him. He doesn’t feel ostracised because no-one is making him feel that way. His way of thinking, tenacity, and skills has saved members of the gang more than once, even if he can’t match them in terms of power.
I won’t lie, it’s good that he’s getting this task for himself and I’m looking forward to seeing how he does it. But, while it might help his psyche self-worth wise, I wouldn’t call it essential for him.
Sorry you can’t accompany your friend on his long journey up the volcano. Yeah you’re too powerful, the lord of the mountain would see you coming a mile away. We have to send the hardy, magically inert short fellow off on an emo solo mission to cast the object of his slowly increasing desire into the flame. You know how it is.
I think we’re still in limbo with how much of the plan we know. So far we know “get in the volcano, use scarf to not get burned or poisoned, use Kendal to distract the local god, and save Dainix’ life with a part of Primordial Fire”. We can safely assume Dainix won’t die here, and they won’t fail before entering the volcano either. Kendal’s distraction of Rakhn is nebulous enough that it could actually work (at least longer than we might think). That leaves the scarf. I’d think Falst will end up breathing toxic fumes in a last attempt to reach the fireseed because he’ll need to ditch the scarf for one reason or another.
There are still so many variables we, and them, do not know. The route to the temple, the exact layout of the volcano, and the temple. The specific location of the fireseed. How to knock off a chip. What guardians or attendants there might be. What the temple and target shrine looks like. There is so much there that could result in the execution of the simple plan being a lot harder than first perceived.
Oh. That’s an excellent reason for having the mortals do this, actually. Caliban’s explanation is more straightforward than I expected. Kendal looks so done, though, hah… Poor guy. He’s in rough shape, physically, and presumably in pain. He’s lost Alinua and has no idea what happened to her; he might even think she’s dead. And now he’s dealing with a snarky trickster god who wants him and Falst to go on a high-risk mission, which they have to agree to, else Dainix will perish. Wish I could swaddle the guy in a blanket and give him a mug of tea.
Here’s my bet: they’ll get really far with this plan. Then, when Falst reaches the fireseed, something will go awry. Perhaps that moment of truth is when Kendal’s distraction fails, and Rakhn thinks to check on it. Or perhaps the Ignans notice Falst and spark a commotion. Whatever happens, it results in a conflict with Rakhn and a dramatic fight right when they have the means to save Dainix within their grasp.
Tahraim was right, Falst DOES benefit from the pop of color. :3
I don’t understand why everyone’s dumping on Caliban when the only previous time we’ve seen them was them trying to get answers out of Tahraim. Here, Caliban is actually being *helpful,* except for the whole “I need Dainix alive because he’s my tool” thing.
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: Tahraim says your character design could use a pop of color
Image source: fireseed
tumblr text: what could possibly go wrong
Bluesky Text: this is the greatest plaaaaan
“That’s what the hair is for!”
. “A… what?” Falst asks, confused.
. “When Primordial Fire lived, the Fireseeds were the cores of his body,” Caliban says, holding a ball of fire in from of Falst’s face in resemblance of a Fireseed. “Even now, they still draw in fire, trying to pull his body back together. You’ll find one at the heart of most volcanoes, but this one has been shielded from the lava.”
. “You’re asking us to steal the heart of a volcano guarded by a very angry god,” Kendal says flatly, staring at Caliban.
. “I’m not asking, godling. Though if it helps, you only need a shard.”
. “Why can’t you just do it yourself?!” Fast demands. “If Dainix is really that important to you—”
. “He is,” Caliban says. “Unfortunately, Rakhn’s got some leverage on me. This volcano is inhabited by a sect of my Ignans. If I tamper, Rakhn could blow his top and wipe them out. Since you have no connection to me, he’ll have no reason to.”
. “No, we just have all the OTHER problems that come out of a volcano!” Falst snarls.
. “Relax, little man. You think I didn’t think of that already?” Caliban says, pulling their blue scarf off their neck. “I’m not asking you to get yourself killed.” They drop the scarf into Falst’s hands. “Compliments of Tahraim. It’ll keep most of the heat and flames off you, and you can breathe through it to filter out the flames. It should give you plenty of time to sneak into the caldera shrine and find the Fireseed.
. “Ah, quit seething, demigod,” Caliban says, turning to face Kendal. “You know I’m not involving the mortal for fun. Rakhn would spot you coming a mile off.”
. “I know,” Kendal says, holding one arm across his stomach. “So you want me to distract him.”
. “How about that?” Caliban says cheerfully. “Quick on the uptake after all.”
“Little man” Caliban says, while being literally like half an inch taller than Falst XD
…I guess I’m now a “real” horse rider, first time falling off! Yay!(/s) I’m mostly fine, just some aches n stuff. Hope you guys are having a better day than me lol
I rode horses for four years before falling off. Glad you’re doing alright. My mom wasn’t so great after she fell. Shattered her whole tibia.
I realize he probably has some other divine tool for this, but it’s way funnier to imagine Tahraim hammering that scarf out on his anvil.
I imagine him using a loom by placing it on his anvil and hammering away.
That is a hilarious mental image. Thank you for sharing it
It has become an even more hilarious real image: https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/777368174697054208/several-people-now-have-the-image-of-tahraim
It’s all automated. His anvil is on top of some kind of impact-related dynamo that powers whatever machine he needs plugged into it. Most of the time, it’s connected to his bellows, but he can disconnect it and plug it into looms, spinning wheels, or whatever else he needs at the time.
Aurora’s equivalent to the Forge of Solus Prime
A Fireseed is what they need, and coming to their aid:
A magic scarf, and Kendal will distract Rakhn from the shade
Alright, scarf explained, fireseed explained, volcanic Ignans mentioned, roles given out. The volcano heist can begin!
I wonder if Erin will interfere somehow or if he and Tess will be occupied looking for Alinua.
I love how we have a very valid reason for why the god dishing out the quest can’t get directly involved himself, and he admitted it.
kendal seems to hv inherited vash’s mistrust of caliban :333 this’ll b fun
Ah, so the reason Falst is getting a blue scarf is for some contrast to his primarily warm, dark palette?
Indeed. And pale blue is certainly not associated AT ALL with a cult of Dragon Worshipers that Falst might be related to…
God I love just how much of an unapologetic dick Caliban is.
“Alright kitten, you are going into that volcano and do my work for me to save your precious bf”
Falst has acquired a magic item! Now once Dainix gets back to normal they can cuddle while he’s in fire form!
Headcannon: Caliban has this scarf on hand is because they already commissioned a cuddle suit from Tahraim then realized it could also double as a volcano heist suit.
T:”How is this useful to the plan?”
C:”It will let the little catboi be held in my Crucible’s big, strong arms, oh it will be adorable”
T:”Won’t it also let the ferrin steal from a volcano god?”
C:”I guess it could be used for that too, if you’re boring.”
Also, absolutely love how Greek mythology coded this “god appears out of nowhere, gives the hero instructions and a plot-critical magic item, leaves” business is
There’s a bit more elaborating than most god-given quests, but otherwise it’s spot on.
And I can’t help but think that it’s the scarft from Gawain and the Green Knight except fire-flavored.
also I think it’s the other way around: Taliban made a cuddle suit for Tactical Reasons (TM) and then they realized that it also has practical uses.
Caliban calling Falst ‘Little Man’ while being just a littttle bit taller is hilarious
And the best thing is, they specifically chose to be just a little bit taller
If Falst straightened his back I’m pretty sure he’d be taller than Caliban.
Falst is a discord mod confirmed?
Aurora Question #38: We now know that Gods can manifest in basically any natural feature of note (forests, storms, lakes, volcanoes). What type of natural feature do you think would make for an interesting God?
I wonder if earthquakes could create a god and how that would work
I think normal earthquakes would be too scattered or rare to become gods, but maybe a god could for in an area that’s prone to them?
Hot springs. They are a combination of Fire and Water, some are really colourful
Pests and plagues. What would a god of Aurora’s equivalent of locusts think and act like? Would they protect their insects? Or somehow intelligently guide them towards food? How intelligent would they be? Would they be human-shaped like how all of the gods have conspicuously been so far, or would these ones be shaped like their insects?
Gods are shaped by their perception, as seen with that one forest god who’s name I forgot early on in this comic. Being feared made him look scary. I can only assume something inherently harmful to people by its nature would be the same to a far greater extend. A plague, by its nature, is harmful, a danger, a personification of that danger would most definitely be feared as a monster, I can imagine they would’ve lost any human like qualities they might’ve once had
Naturally occurring optical illusions, like the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot!
Tropical Rainforest: extremely competitive ecosystem, adapted to breaking down dead organic matter and reabsorbing the nutrients in a matter of hours. A Rainforest God could be incredibly active, changeable, or even bloodthirsty.
Glacier: Slow, patient, and unstoppable. A Glacier God might be incredibly sleepy or slothlike, but rich in wisdom and physical might. Fun fact: many glaciers have holes in the top that lead to narrow tubes filled with ice-cold water. Don’t fall in!
Coral Reef: They’re just so beautiful, and densely populated with all kinds of creatures. A Coral Reef God might be vain or narcissistic, but protective of their denizens, like a more camp or flamboyant version of Zuurith. Maybe we’ll see one in the Mermaid Sidequest!
I would just like to acknowledge that Falst has been holding a 200-odd pound rock apparently without difficulty for the entirety of this conversation
Conservation of mass might not necessarily apply here. Dainix’s core isn’t just a collection of the matter that made up his body, it’s specifically a perfect fusion of five elements into a new substance, and that magical transformation doesn’t have to abide by the laws of chemistry we have in the real world. Judging from what we’ve seen, the dormant core seems to be a little lighter than a rock of the same size.
That’s incorrect; Dainix [rock] is almost as heavy as Dainix [guy]. (https://www.tumblr.com/comicaurora/771492450577612800/hello-red-i-would-like-to-preface-with-i-love)
I wonder if the local sect of Ignans would be willing to lend a hand to help a fellow Ignan in need.
I think they may be too scared of angering the vulcano, their lives depend on it’s temper
Proooobably not if it means risking the wrath of an angry volcano god by stealing a piece of this most precious treasure. Not to mention, we have no idea what relations are actually like between the Volcanic Ignans and Dainix’s people!
Caliban: With that scarf you can snuggle your crush even if he’s in crucible form.
Falst: What?
Caliban: I said that scarf should protect you from the worst of the volcano.
Art wise, I agree with the alt-text; that scarf would look good on Falst and complement his design. His brown cloak was dull, dark, and a reminder of his loner past, and the purple cape was too fancy and clashed with his design (probably a deliberate move on Red’s part). But that scarf hits a nice midway point colour wise, keeps his features and frame visible, and is practical.
Also, nice fire lighting in the first panel on Falst’s face; methinks we’ll be seeing a lot of that this chapter.
Aha! I called Falst asking Cali why they don’t just get it themselves. Caliban’s reasoning is a lot simpler and more sensible that what I was thinking; if they piss off Rakhn, he could, in a fit of anger, take it out on their people. Their concern is that of a people god, but their solution to it, enlisting a third party for plausible deniability, is a very trickster solution. Nice melding of the two archetypes.
I was also right on them wanting Falst specifically for this job: Kendal would be detected immediately (and the distraction part of the plan assumes this); Alinua’s plant capabilities would be limited in a volcano, maybe just the odd sleep flower; I doubt Erin’s diplomacy would even grant him entry to the volcano, let alone to one of Rakhn’s prized possessions; his and Tess’s powers are not stealthy and could get innocent Ignans caught in the crossfire; and even if Dainix was active with a full set of bombs and tools, he’s connected to Caliban thus unsuitable for this plan.
Falst is the only gang member with the skills, powers, and inherent nature to pull of this heist, and Caliban knows this. We’ve gone from one arc where everything hinges on Erin, to another where everything hinges on Falst.
Some of Caliban’s lore here intrigues me. “You’ll find a Fireseed at the heart of most volcanos, but this one has been shielded from the lava”, “sneak into the caldera shrine and find the fireseed”. Not only is Rakhn’s Fireseed conveniently placed away from the lava flows, but is housed in a deliberate shrine, but why?
That combined with this tumblr lore (https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/773969113688276992/hey-red-can-i-ask-how-can-a-volcano-god-form-but) “Rakhn has been a god of this island for longer than he’s been a volcano” is making me think. Did Rakhn, accidentally or deliberately, find a Fireseed, enshrined it into his domain, and became a volcano by choice? Did those Ignan’s bring it with them to Rakhn?
Prediction for next week: The final set of objections/reservations for this plan will be voiced; I can see Falst not wanting to use Kendal as bait. But ultimately Caliban convinces them, maybe offering hew own plan as to how best to distract Rakhn, before the two set off for the volcano on Friday. Or maybe Wednesday and Friday is a scene change to another gang member.
It’s wonderful that Falst can feel depended on. That’s probably the biggest challenge when writing “Loner gets roped into a group” scenarios: Why is the loner still in the group after the first major city? How does the author keep them from feeling ostracized? What reason, outside “I want my character in the plot” can the author give without their fingerprints smudging the ink/screen? Having a crisis that only the Loner can handle (especially when they feel underpowered among literal gods) is probably one of the smoothest ways of tackling those questions.
Actually, I don’t think that applies to Falst too much. What you’re describing works if the loner character prefers to be alone as a choice; Falst meanwhile is a loner who doesn’t want to be a loner.
His initial motivation was to become human so he could live with others free of prejudice; that failed, but instead he found a group of friends who like and care about him regardless of his species. He’s still in the group after the first major city because he cares for these people who care for him. He doesn’t feel ostracised because no-one is making him feel that way. His way of thinking, tenacity, and skills has saved members of the gang more than once, even if he can’t match them in terms of power.
I won’t lie, it’s good that he’s getting this task for himself and I’m looking forward to seeing how he does it. But, while it might help his psyche self-worth wise, I wouldn’t call it essential for him.
(Also, the first major city was Zuurith)
No way Caliban just called Falst “little man”
“Go on, Falst. Wear this scarf and save your boyfriend.”
Raise your hand if you think he has ulterior motives.
(puts both hands in the air) I’m all out of hands but I’m still suspicious. Can I borrow a few more, please?
Just go back to the arc with the angry void goo
so falst is the thief….. or might you say….. he’s the cat burglar
Kendal it’s time for your Tuesday local god meeting
Sorry you can’t accompany your friend on his long journey up the volcano. Yeah you’re too powerful, the lord of the mountain would see you coming a mile away. We have to send the hardy, magically inert short fellow off on an emo solo mission to cast the object of his slowly increasing desire into the flame. You know how it is.
does this mean Caliban is Gandalf?
Kendal is so done being a tool of the gods lol.
kendal with the one eye like angled in shadow AGHHHH HES SO COOL
I love how closely and carefully he holds Dainix, even when Dainix is a weird rock rn.
Off you go on your divine quest, divine artifact in hand
More divine intervention, yay! Also, what are the chances this plan doesn’t go horribly wrong from minute 1?
Red herself Said that If a plan is shown on screen It Will Go wrong só… Its totally going to Go wrong
I think we’re still in limbo with how much of the plan we know. So far we know “get in the volcano, use scarf to not get burned or poisoned, use Kendal to distract the local god, and save Dainix’ life with a part of Primordial Fire”. We can safely assume Dainix won’t die here, and they won’t fail before entering the volcano either. Kendal’s distraction of Rakhn is nebulous enough that it could actually work (at least longer than we might think). That leaves the scarf. I’d think Falst will end up breathing toxic fumes in a last attempt to reach the fireseed because he’ll need to ditch the scarf for one reason or another.
Unless of course we get more plan next week
There are still so many variables we, and them, do not know. The route to the temple, the exact layout of the volcano, and the temple. The specific location of the fireseed. How to knock off a chip. What guardians or attendants there might be. What the temple and target shrine looks like. There is so much there that could result in the execution of the simple plan being a lot harder than first perceived.
TL;DR: Sidequest begin!
Me going back to check if she had that scarf back in chapter 12:
VOLCANO HEIST WOOOOO!!! Very excited to see this play out
Hm. If the scarf can filter volcanic fumes, I wonder if it would work against other inhalant toxins, like say sleeping powder pellets…
Oh. That’s an excellent reason for having the mortals do this, actually. Caliban’s explanation is more straightforward than I expected. Kendal looks so done, though, hah… Poor guy. He’s in rough shape, physically, and presumably in pain. He’s lost Alinua and has no idea what happened to her; he might even think she’s dead. And now he’s dealing with a snarky trickster god who wants him and Falst to go on a high-risk mission, which they have to agree to, else Dainix will perish. Wish I could swaddle the guy in a blanket and give him a mug of tea.
Here’s my bet: they’ll get really far with this plan. Then, when Falst reaches the fireseed, something will go awry. Perhaps that moment of truth is when Kendal’s distraction fails, and Rakhn thinks to check on it. Or perhaps the Ignans notice Falst and spark a commotion. Whatever happens, it results in a conflict with Rakhn and a dramatic fight right when they have the means to save Dainix within their grasp.
Tahraim was right, Falst DOES benefit from the pop of color. :3
What Falst really needs is https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Burning_Seed
He and Dainix can be flame buddies
I don’t understand why everyone’s dumping on Caliban when the only previous time we’ve seen them was them trying to get answers out of Tahraim. Here, Caliban is actually being *helpful,* except for the whole “I need Dainix alive because he’s my tool” thing.
Yeah, that must be it.
SCREEEEAMM!! He’s gonna have to wear shoes to save him!!!!!
(As Seen On TV salesman voice) “Is YOUR character design feeling a bit DULL? Try a SCARF!”