. “Falst, what happened?” Kendal asks, helping Falst stand. “Where are the others? What is–”
. “Tinder,” Falst gasps, glancing at demonheart-Dainix clutched in his hand. “W-we need tinder, firewood anything dry — the vines wouldn’t burn, I couldn’t–”
. “I don’t understand,” Kendal says, helping Falst walk to the shore.
. “Dainix burned out before he could turn back,” Falst says, looking at Kendal. “And h-he–
. “He’s getting colder.” Kendal watches the rock, his face setting in determination.
. “Set him down on the sand, quickly.”
. “Damn it!” Falst growls, stumbling onto the beach. “The storm — the wood’s too damp to burn–!”
. “We don’t need wood,” Kendal says, kneeling as Falst sets demonheart-Dainix on the sand warily. “I just– nnh!” Falst jerks back as he grunts and starfire blazes along the sword.
. Kendal holds the sword above Dainix, point down. “…I just need to be careful.” Falst stares at the sword nervously, sweat dripping down his face from proximity to the flame.
. Behind them, a swirling column of sand takes form.
Oooooh hopefully this works, but starfire is different from normal fire so idk…
As Dainix cools in his arms Falst searches
For something on the beach to burn.
Kendal raises his blade, blue with Starfire,
To ignite one friend’s return.
I could rhyme ‘burn’ with ‘yearn’, based on Falst’s face.
“I just need to be careful,” Kendal said, grunting as he activated the difficult-to-control cosmic fire powers of his sword and held it one-handed with the tip pointing down 2 inches from the object he needed to be careful around.
Am I the only one who thinks the dust behind Kendel looks a lot like a god incarnation..? Seems like another problem- I don’t think Kendel is gonna have time to properly starfire the egg before he gets interrupted by the god of the island.
That’s not proper fire, that won’t work, right?
The demonheart’s made of all the non-fire elements of Dainix’ body, and he needs fire to transmute them back/be whole again. Elemental fire, not starfire.
OR: we get a starfire demon. That could be interesting.
Nah, starfire won’t work. It’s not elemental Fire, like you said. And since Erin is knocked the fuck out, that’s the grounds for the Volcano Heist, as has been teased by Red.
Starfire is not a normal fire, so it’s not the same as Dainix, but neither is a forest fire since Dainix is Soulfire not Elemental fire.
Also Dainix explicitly has the power of transmutation, up to and including Void Light, so there is a decent chance Dainix can convert any source of heat into what he needs.
Although at the moment Dainix is super weak, so he may need a more gentle fire that Starfire isn’t that.
Problem is, his transmutation is a property of fire, not just something Dainix can do. He doesn’t have any fire left at the moment, so he can’t get any transmuting done no matter how much he’d like to. And as far as I’ve been told, transmutation only works within one element (which means void and light are parts of the same element). Starfire isn’t the same element as fire, so even if he could transmute it, he couldn’t turn it into fire, only other forms of star matter.
Also, I’ve made a detailed comment a bit further down to Privpi, but I think elemental fire and soulfire are the same matter, soulfire just isn’t elemental magic.
Soulfire might be a special variety, but fundamentally it IS Elemental Fire (though interlaced with soul energy). Starfire doesn’t appear to share the transmutative properties that the demonheart would need to be reignited.
I think the implication is that what Dainix needs right now isn’t fire, strictly speaking – it’s HEAT. Well, heat and oxygen, anyway. His body looks like a glowing ember right now, so in theory it shouldn’t need any extra sparks or anything to get it going, it just needs to stop being cold and wet. It already WANTS to catch on fire, and as soon as those little roadblocks are gone, it can get right on doing that!
So you don’t feel left out from my rants about my interpretation of the lore:
As far as I know/understand, things in Aurora “want” to catch on fire if they have lots of fire matter within them that can burn. Wood and such burns because all/most living things are made of all 6 (7) elements, including fire. It wants to burn even more if you remove other, non-fire elements from it, such as life and water when you dry it. Flammable gas is air with lots and lots of fire matter “dissolved” within it.
Dainix right now doesn’t have the faintest trace of fire matter left, i.e. he burned out. I’d say he’s currently made of one of the least flammable material in the world until he gets some of that fire matter back inside his body.
But neither is dainix. Saying it won’t work because it’s not elemental fire would only make sense if HE were elemental fire. But he isn’t. He is soulfire, something very specifically special and distinct from just regular fire. Both are special kinds of fire, we can’t jutst say “This won’t work because it’s special fire”
This is just my current understanding, but Tl;dR of what’s about to be a rambling comment: soulfire is distinct from elemental (fire) magic in execution, but not in matter, it’s still matter that once belonged to Primordial Fire. Starfire meanwhile is part of an entirely different element.
Fire magic works by drawing parts of Prim Fire’s soul through a mage’s soul channels into leftover fire matter in the mage’s surroundings and commanding this fire. That’s just how all elemental magic works as explained in the comic. Except of course The Collector, who instead violently shoves Life’s soul into the other elements until they submit.
Dainix doesn’t do that, he doesn’t have soul channels. Instead, he uses his own soul to control the fire his own body is partially made of, which is still just elemental fire like in everybody else. Normally the soul barrier doesn’t allow elemental manipulation of the body (except sometimes life when it’s convenient), but in Dainix’ case it’s the soul barrier itself that does the manipulating, so it can’t really say no to itself.
He then uses this fire within himself to transmute the other six elements (including void here) of his body into this demonheart Falst carries here, while his fire replaces the regular body. I’d say that’s why it’s called soulfire: it’s fire with its own soul.
The problem now is that he burned out. He has no fire left for his soul to control and transmute the rest of his body back. We don’t know if starfire has any transmutation properties to help with that, or if his soul could even control it in the first place. He’s not a god who can just dip his soul into any element he comes across, his soul can only control actual fire.
Theory Time: Maybe placing him in a regular campfire won’t work either because it’s still outside his body and unlike a god his soul can’t just stretch there, and that’s why they need such a strong source of fire energy that it reaches all the way inside the demonheart. Such as the heart of a volcano. Where everybody else would catch a mean case of fire corruption.
Addendum: if this was in Arc 3 or 4, after we’d already seen and understood the full extent of Dainix’ abilities, I’d buy replacing his regular soulfire with starfire as a fancy powerup akin to a new super Saiyan form. But he hasn’t even read the treatise on soulfire yet, it’s a bit early to give him a full makeover powerup.
I agree with everything you said, but this does raise the interesting question of what starfire actually IS. It seems like some kind of property inherent to starmetal, which I guess is just some mysterious material found in meteorites. So is it some ultra-rare version of Stone, or is there a secret eighth element that’s just ~Funky Space Fire~?
Come to think of it, where did the meteorite that created Vash’s crater come from? I guess it was probably just a bit of Primordial Stone that broke off and orbited around for a while before crashing back down. Does that mean the only celestial bodies (other than the stars) in this universe exist in the immediate area around this planet. That’s so weird to imagine, just an empty universe with billions of stars but only one planet. Hey wait a second, WHAT ARE THE STARS MADE OF?!
It is actually a piece of a distant star that broke apart and fell to Aurora. Presumably every star in the universe is its own primordial and made of its own, special element. There may be thousands or millions of elemental primordials somewhere in outer space that we’ll never know about.
Accepting “No time to explain, my boyfriend is a rock that needs to be set on fire right now” at face value and immediately acting on it is peak Kendal
Today on Aurora: Kendal and Falst try to stab their friend in the heart … in a good way.
Wait a minute, Falst are you implying you tried to start a fire with the vines while still inside the plorb? I get that you want to help him, and all the panels showing you shielding his demonheart from the slightest bit of moisture, with your bad arm no less, are very touching. But, with all due respect, WTF?! Did you learn nothing from Dainix’s fire safety talks during the dungeon arc?
Well, at least he’s thinking straight enough to know that fire is what Dainix needs; the demonheart certainly matches the fire-less near-adamant fusion Red talked about on tumblr (https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/690174989500071936/what-about-organic-fusions-containing-other). No firewood around to use, their resident fire mage is both elsewhere and out of commission, and I have serious doubts Kendal can fix the problem; mitigate and stabilise, maybe, but not fix.
Uhh, guys. Is it my imagination, or is there a swirling band of sand behind the boys in the final panel? At first I thought it was something to do with Kendal’s starfire activation, but it’s definitely behind them. Y’know what I think that is? A god incarnating, either Rakhn telling this demigod to get off his land or, more likely, Caliban about to stop Kendal from inadvertently harming Dainix.
It’s definitely not your imagination. I’m placing bets on Rakhn, who will either tell them to stop or distract them enough not to try stabbing Dainix with starfire. If they do go through with the stab, I really don’t know how effective it will be. If I remembered the names correctly, Dainix burns with soulfire, not starfire. They might be too different, or maybe starfire is similar enough but will have side effects?
I noticed that too! I also made the same assumption initially, but a materializing god makes more sense. I could see an argument for either Rakhn or Caliban. Rakhn wouldn’t shock me since it’s his island, but I’d put money on Caliban showing up to tell them “hey, so, you guys need to do THIS to save your friend (and my weapon-in-making)”…
Oh dear. If Dainix is in danger of going cold (dying???), this adds urgency to whatever volcano heist shenanigans they’re about to pull. I wasn’t expecting that; for some reason I thought he’d entered a state of stable hibernation.
Ah! I was wondering what that was supposed to be. But yes, it must be an incarnation; we know the gods are watching Kendal AND Dainix very closely, so this could be Caliban, Tahraim, or Rakhn as far as I’m concerned. I think it’s still too early to see Rakhn, and if anyone was going to step in to save Dainix, it would be Caliban, who we’ve seen is capable of incarnating pretty much wherever and whenever they want, and hasn’t reappeared since Tynan disintegrated Zuurith. Tahraim, on the other hand, just showed up in Dainix’s Soulfire vision, so I doubt we’ll see him again so soon.
The thing though, is that it’s made of sand. If it was caliban I think they would almost certainly materialize from fire, Caliban doesn’t really have a stone element to their divinity. Based on it coming up from the land I would think this is almost certainly Rakhn.
As someone who is almost 22, I really hope not. Then again, if you go by the statistics, dating apps are gradually shrinking in number of users each year, so I think even us “young’uns” are falling out of love with Tinder too.
This is a report from Ofcom, the UK Office Of Communications, a government agency that monitors and publishes research about all things internet/broadcasting/telecommunications in the UK. Page 50 marks the beginning of a section about Online Dating Apps; you can find the statistics I reference there.
Reminds me of that scene from Avengers infinity war when Thor revives Iron man with the hammer. Also, if they set the rock on fire, will it turn into Danix or just be an on fire rock?
Its nice we get to see falst and kendal together alone again (plus rock dainix) its been nearly 16 chapter since we’ve seen got a moment with just these two, and at that time falst was still a fake-out villain :))
So if Dainex gets to reform his body from scratch does that mean he gets to make its biologically male? Will the soul just subconsciously reform that way? Or is Dainex proud of being specifically a Trans Man and the soul will reform that way? Either way, that will be cool for him!
You see the alternative is thinking that Falst is about to lose his Not-Boyfriend-Yet before the ship could actually set sail and that’s way too sad T_T
I get the impression that the world of Aurora doesn’t have chromosomes, just patterns of elemental Life; however the correction they did to Dainix works, I expect more of the work is making the parts of his soul that say what shape his body is say the right thing. Whether there’s even any difference between that “the shape I’m supposed to be and will heal towards” soul-part and the physical form I dunno, but this isn’t the first time he’s had a full transformation and come back with a body he’s reasonably comfortable in.
I guess what I’m saying is that in a world where people semi-routinely go a bit crazy and make twisted abominations of life, children occasionally got splattered with excessive power and _inherently_ made horrifying abominations to life, and there are people who have similar powers to the first group but good control and do work as healers, as well as “soulshaper monks”, I don’t think there’s any “different to what it was pre-fire-transformation” available for Dainix to reform his body to, and it’s probably automatically how he would want it to be on that front.
He’ll probably just remain how he was especially since he is in fact already biologically male. Aurora has some plant that allows you to fully shift your biological gender and Dainix took it when he was younger. Also I doubt he’s remaking his body since he didn’t seem able to change anything in previous times and while this time he is a rock I think he has more of a set state that his body naturally returns to. So unlikely that he can change.
I think lots entirely possible Dainix isn’t actually in danger. He has access to elemental fire already, tucked away in the Stone and Air. It could be that he seems cold to falst because dainix is draining away some of his Fire, in the form of his body heat.
Oh, right, I forgot Kendal could conjure starfire at will now. Though, I wonder: soulfire is clearly able to set other things on (regular?) fire, but can starfire do the same? Are they considered two types of fire or two entirely separate elements?
fun fact! a fire that is covered in sand will continue to burn once uncovered even hours later 🙂 basically if you’re putting up a beach bonfire, always use water to put it out.
if we do end up getting a god manifesting next chapter it’ll be really interesting seeing how everyone reacts to it. falst in particular has consistently been the most wary of godly interference throughout the comic so i can imagine him getting defensive, especially if dainix is involved and especially in comparison to kendal who is much more used to putting up with this kind of thing
Looking at their bruises, it’s kind of hitting me that both of our party healers are down. I wouldn’t be mad if this turned out to be an “Oops! All Tanks” chapter.
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: the flaming god-sword is a very delicate instrument
Image source: burn
Clearly lol
. “Falst, what happened?” Kendal asks, helping Falst stand. “Where are the others? What is–”
. “Tinder,” Falst gasps, glancing at demonheart-Dainix clutched in his hand. “W-we need tinder, firewood anything dry — the vines wouldn’t burn, I couldn’t–”
. “I don’t understand,” Kendal says, helping Falst walk to the shore.
. “Dainix burned out before he could turn back,” Falst says, looking at Kendal. “And h-he–
. “He’s getting colder.” Kendal watches the rock, his face setting in determination.
. “Set him down on the sand, quickly.”
. “Damn it!” Falst growls, stumbling onto the beach. “The storm — the wood’s too damp to burn–!”
. “We don’t need wood,” Kendal says, kneeling as Falst sets demonheart-Dainix on the sand warily. “I just– nnh!” Falst jerks back as he grunts and starfire blazes along the sword.
. Kendal holds the sword above Dainix, point down. “…I just need to be careful.” Falst stares at the sword nervously, sweat dripping down his face from proximity to the flame.
. Behind them, a swirling column of sand takes form.
Oooooh hopefully this works, but starfire is different from normal fire so idk…
“He’s fading fast! I need some Starfire, stat!”
“But Doctor, how much?”
“One Kendal’s worth, dammit!”
Tumblr: you’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation-
Bluesky: save the rock!
Alt Alt text:Light it up up up, up on fireeee
Falst wastes no time, since Dainix needs flame
Thankfully, starfire might work the same
As Dainix cools in his arms Falst searches
For something on the beach to burn.
Kendal raises his blade, blue with Starfire,
To ignite one friend’s return.
I could rhyme ‘burn’ with ‘yearn’, based on Falst’s face.
“I just need to be careful,” Kendal said, grunting as he activated the difficult-to-control cosmic fire powers of his sword and held it one-handed with the tip pointing down 2 inches from the object he needed to be careful around.
Am I the only one who thinks the dust behind Kendel looks a lot like a god incarnation..? Seems like another problem- I don’t think Kendel is gonna have time to properly starfire the egg before he gets interrupted by the god of the island.
That’s not proper fire, that won’t work, right?
The demonheart’s made of all the non-fire elements of Dainix’ body, and he needs fire to transmute them back/be whole again. Elemental fire, not starfire.
OR: we get a starfire demon. That could be interesting.
What happens when one transmutes Starfire?
Nah, starfire won’t work. It’s not elemental Fire, like you said. And since Erin is knocked the fuck out, that’s the grounds for the Volcano Heist, as has been teased by Red.
It probably won’t work completely, but if starfire is warm, then it might buy them more time.
Starfire is not a normal fire, so it’s not the same as Dainix, but neither is a forest fire since Dainix is Soulfire not Elemental fire.
Also Dainix explicitly has the power of transmutation, up to and including Void Light, so there is a decent chance Dainix can convert any source of heat into what he needs.
Although at the moment Dainix is super weak, so he may need a more gentle fire that Starfire isn’t that.
Problem is, his transmutation is a property of fire, not just something Dainix can do. He doesn’t have any fire left at the moment, so he can’t get any transmuting done no matter how much he’d like to. And as far as I’ve been told, transmutation only works within one element (which means void and light are parts of the same element). Starfire isn’t the same element as fire, so even if he could transmute it, he couldn’t turn it into fire, only other forms of star matter.
Also, I’ve made a detailed comment a bit further down to Privpi, but I think elemental fire and soulfire are the same matter, soulfire just isn’t elemental magic.
Soulfire might be a special variety, but fundamentally it IS Elemental Fire (though interlaced with soul energy). Starfire doesn’t appear to share the transmutative properties that the demonheart would need to be reignited.
I think the implication is that what Dainix needs right now isn’t fire, strictly speaking – it’s HEAT. Well, heat and oxygen, anyway. His body looks like a glowing ember right now, so in theory it shouldn’t need any extra sparks or anything to get it going, it just needs to stop being cold and wet. It already WANTS to catch on fire, and as soon as those little roadblocks are gone, it can get right on doing that!
So you don’t feel left out from my rants about my interpretation of the lore:
As far as I know/understand, things in Aurora “want” to catch on fire if they have lots of fire matter within them that can burn. Wood and such burns because all/most living things are made of all 6 (7) elements, including fire. It wants to burn even more if you remove other, non-fire elements from it, such as life and water when you dry it. Flammable gas is air with lots and lots of fire matter “dissolved” within it.
Dainix right now doesn’t have the faintest trace of fire matter left, i.e. he burned out. I’d say he’s currently made of one of the least flammable material in the world until he gets some of that fire matter back inside his body.
Ok, that was actually a really cool answer and I retract my previous theories. Nice!
But neither is dainix. Saying it won’t work because it’s not elemental fire would only make sense if HE were elemental fire. But he isn’t. He is soulfire, something very specifically special and distinct from just regular fire. Both are special kinds of fire, we can’t jutst say “This won’t work because it’s special fire”
This is just my current understanding, but Tl;dR of what’s about to be a rambling comment: soulfire is distinct from elemental (fire) magic in execution, but not in matter, it’s still matter that once belonged to Primordial Fire. Starfire meanwhile is part of an entirely different element.
Fire magic works by drawing parts of Prim Fire’s soul through a mage’s soul channels into leftover fire matter in the mage’s surroundings and commanding this fire. That’s just how all elemental magic works as explained in the comic. Except of course The Collector, who instead violently shoves Life’s soul into the other elements until they submit.
Dainix doesn’t do that, he doesn’t have soul channels. Instead, he uses his own soul to control the fire his own body is partially made of, which is still just elemental fire like in everybody else. Normally the soul barrier doesn’t allow elemental manipulation of the body (except sometimes life when it’s convenient), but in Dainix’ case it’s the soul barrier itself that does the manipulating, so it can’t really say no to itself.
He then uses this fire within himself to transmute the other six elements (including void here) of his body into this demonheart Falst carries here, while his fire replaces the regular body. I’d say that’s why it’s called soulfire: it’s fire with its own soul.
The problem now is that he burned out. He has no fire left for his soul to control and transmute the rest of his body back. We don’t know if starfire has any transmutation properties to help with that, or if his soul could even control it in the first place. He’s not a god who can just dip his soul into any element he comes across, his soul can only control actual fire.
Theory Time: Maybe placing him in a regular campfire won’t work either because it’s still outside his body and unlike a god his soul can’t just stretch there, and that’s why they need such a strong source of fire energy that it reaches all the way inside the demonheart. Such as the heart of a volcano. Where everybody else would catch a mean case of fire corruption.
Addendum: if this was in Arc 3 or 4, after we’d already seen and understood the full extent of Dainix’ abilities, I’d buy replacing his regular soulfire with starfire as a fancy powerup akin to a new super Saiyan form. But he hasn’t even read the treatise on soulfire yet, it’s a bit early to give him a full makeover powerup.
I agree with everything you said, but this does raise the interesting question of what starfire actually IS. It seems like some kind of property inherent to starmetal, which I guess is just some mysterious material found in meteorites. So is it some ultra-rare version of Stone, or is there a secret eighth element that’s just ~Funky Space Fire~?
Come to think of it, where did the meteorite that created Vash’s crater come from? I guess it was probably just a bit of Primordial Stone that broke off and orbited around for a while before crashing back down. Does that mean the only celestial bodies (other than the stars) in this universe exist in the immediate area around this planet. That’s so weird to imagine, just an empty universe with billions of stars but only one planet. Hey wait a second, WHAT ARE THE STARS MADE OF?!
It is actually a piece of a distant star that broke apart and fell to Aurora. Presumably every star in the universe is its own primordial and made of its own, special element. There may be thousands or millions of elemental primordials somewhere in outer space that we’ll never know about.
Huh. I thought I was just yelling unanswerable speculation into the void, but thanks for the answer, that actually makes a lot of sense.
some very good “oh shit” expressions in here
also this may be the earliest i’ve been to an update :3 (ignore what this means for my sleep schedule)
I love the DIY way they’re doing this. Everyday/non-combat application of fantasy weapons is one of my favourite tropes
their so stupid……. i js need to b careful he says while pointing a sword at dainix’s literal body….is he going to stab dainix plz no
falst’s face in the last panel aughhh
Accepting “No time to explain, my boyfriend is a rock that needs to be set on fire right now” at face value and immediately acting on it is peak Kendal
Exactly what I thought 😀 Need fire, got tools – no questions asked!
Hearts on fire, hearts on fire
Burning, burning with desire
Burning for the steel
Hearts on fire
Falst I don’t think Dainix would appreciate Tinder that much… Oh wait you don’t mean the app, you mean combustible material 😅
Today on Aurora: Kendal and Falst try to stab their friend in the heart … in a good way.
Wait a minute, Falst are you implying you tried to start a fire with the vines while still inside the plorb? I get that you want to help him, and all the panels showing you shielding his demonheart from the slightest bit of moisture, with your bad arm no less, are very touching. But, with all due respect, WTF?! Did you learn nothing from Dainix’s fire safety talks during the dungeon arc?
Well, at least he’s thinking straight enough to know that fire is what Dainix needs; the demonheart certainly matches the fire-less near-adamant fusion Red talked about on tumblr (https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/690174989500071936/what-about-organic-fusions-containing-other). No firewood around to use, their resident fire mage is both elsewhere and out of commission, and I have serious doubts Kendal can fix the problem; mitigate and stabilise, maybe, but not fix.
Uhh, guys. Is it my imagination, or is there a swirling band of sand behind the boys in the final panel? At first I thought it was something to do with Kendal’s starfire activation, but it’s definitely behind them. Y’know what I think that is? A god incarnating, either Rakhn telling this demigod to get off his land or, more likely, Caliban about to stop Kendal from inadvertently harming Dainix.
It’s definitely not your imagination. I’m placing bets on Rakhn, who will either tell them to stop or distract them enough not to try stabbing Dainix with starfire. If they do go through with the stab, I really don’t know how effective it will be. If I remembered the names correctly, Dainix burns with soulfire, not starfire. They might be too different, or maybe starfire is similar enough but will have side effects?
I noticed that too! I also made the same assumption initially, but a materializing god makes more sense. I could see an argument for either Rakhn or Caliban. Rakhn wouldn’t shock me since it’s his island, but I’d put money on Caliban showing up to tell them “hey, so, you guys need to do THIS to save your friend (and my weapon-in-making)”…
Oh dear. If Dainix is in danger of going cold (dying???), this adds urgency to whatever volcano heist shenanigans they’re about to pull. I wasn’t expecting that; for some reason I thought he’d entered a state of stable hibernation.
Ah! I was wondering what that was supposed to be. But yes, it must be an incarnation; we know the gods are watching Kendal AND Dainix very closely, so this could be Caliban, Tahraim, or Rakhn as far as I’m concerned. I think it’s still too early to see Rakhn, and if anyone was going to step in to save Dainix, it would be Caliban, who we’ve seen is capable of incarnating pretty much wherever and whenever they want, and hasn’t reappeared since Tynan disintegrated Zuurith. Tahraim, on the other hand, just showed up in Dainix’s Soulfire vision, so I doubt we’ll see him again so soon.
The thing though, is that it’s made of sand. If it was caliban I think they would almost certainly materialize from fire, Caliban doesn’t really have a stone element to their divinity. Based on it coming up from the land I would think this is almost certainly Rakhn.
Yes, I’m betting on Caliban setting the volcano heist into motion.
Caliban is an ethnic god, their domain encompasses all of the ignan people. Hence, wherever Dainix is, Caliban can show up in the vicinity.
I just checked the post and omg you’re right, plus I think the “[REDACTED FOR SPOILERS]” part makes it even more likely
Damn. Here I thought Falst was going to download tinder.
Is that going to be one of the defining tropes of the next generation? Now that makes me feel my six score(+) bones ache!
As someone who is almost 22, I really hope not. Then again, if you go by the statistics, dating apps are gradually shrinking in number of users each year, so I think even us “young’uns” are falling out of love with Tinder too.
I’m curious, what statistics are you referencing?
This is a report from Ofcom, the UK Office Of Communications, a government agency that monitors and publishes research about all things internet/broadcasting/telecommunications in the UK. Page 50 marks the beginning of a section about Online Dating Apps; you can find the statistics I reference there.
You’re 120 years old?
Reminds me of that scene from Avengers infinity war when Thor revives Iron man with the hammer. Also, if they set the rock on fire, will it turn into Danix or just be an on fire rock?
Its nice we get to see falst and kendal together alone again (plus rock dainix) its been nearly 16 chapter since we’ve seen got a moment with just these two, and at that time falst was still a fake-out villain :))
Burn him up Kandel! Dont let my boy die like this!
So if Dainex gets to reform his body from scratch does that mean he gets to make its biologically male? Will the soul just subconsciously reform that way? Or is Dainex proud of being specifically a Trans Man and the soul will reform that way? Either way, that will be cool for him!
You see the alternative is thinking that Falst is about to lose his Not-Boyfriend-Yet before the ship could actually set sail and that’s way too sad T_T
I get the impression that the world of Aurora doesn’t have chromosomes, just patterns of elemental Life; however the correction they did to Dainix works, I expect more of the work is making the parts of his soul that say what shape his body is say the right thing. Whether there’s even any difference between that “the shape I’m supposed to be and will heal towards” soul-part and the physical form I dunno, but this isn’t the first time he’s had a full transformation and come back with a body he’s reasonably comfortable in.
I guess what I’m saying is that in a world where people semi-routinely go a bit crazy and make twisted abominations of life, children occasionally got splattered with excessive power and _inherently_ made horrifying abominations to life, and there are people who have similar powers to the first group but good control and do work as healers, as well as “soulshaper monks”, I don’t think there’s any “different to what it was pre-fire-transformation” available for Dainix to reform his body to, and it’s probably automatically how he would want it to be on that front.
He’ll probably just remain how he was especially since he is in fact already biologically male. Aurora has some plant that allows you to fully shift your biological gender and Dainix took it when he was younger. Also I doubt he’s remaking his body since he didn’t seem able to change anything in previous times and while this time he is a rock I think he has more of a set state that his body naturally returns to. So unlikely that he can change.
I think lots entirely possible Dainix isn’t actually in danger. He has access to elemental fire already, tucked away in the Stone and Air. It could be that he seems cold to falst because dainix is draining away some of his Fire, in the form of his body heat.
character page has an update!
Oooooooooh, thank you! Very helpful, that.
I’m still struggling to overwrite the name Michael to Tam, lol.
Yahoo! More mysteries to ponder and old mysteries to savor!
TL;DR: Need fire? How about magic sword fire?
Loving the fact that your name is BlueFire and that is currently what we have in the comic
Oh, right, I forgot Kendal could conjure starfire at will now. Though, I wonder: soulfire is clearly able to set other things on (regular?) fire, but can starfire do the same? Are they considered two types of fire or two entirely separate elements?
Kendal i dont thinj this is the kind of job you use the pointy end for
That’s a good point actually, the flat of the blade would be way better.
fun fact! a fire that is covered in sand will continue to burn once uncovered even hours later 🙂 basically if you’re putting up a beach bonfire, always use water to put it out.
“Help, my boyfriend reverted to an egg.”
Pour one out for my boi getting forcibly detransitioned…
There’s a long earlier conversation about why that’s probably not gonna happen
That’s rough, buddy.
I see that Dainix is going through a very unique variant of the Character Development Coma where he has regressed to Egg
Sometimes I wish I could regress to egg
His egg cracked long ago. That’s how he knew he was a “he”.
if we do end up getting a god manifesting next chapter it’ll be really interesting seeing how everyone reacts to it. falst in particular has consistently been the most wary of godly interference throughout the comic so i can imagine him getting defensive, especially if dainix is involved and especially in comparison to kendal who is much more used to putting up with this kind of thing
next update*
Time to scramble that egg.
I swear these boys are getting beefier with each chapter
He’s so much easier to draw when he’s a rock, are you sure we can’t leave him for a little while?
What are the chances that’s a god incarnating in the last panel?
Very, I think
Looking at their bruises, it’s kind of hitting me that both of our party healers are down. I wouldn’t be mad if this turned out to be an “Oops! All Tanks” chapter.
they’re doing CPR on a rock
Don’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.
Ok, maybe this once.
Why… why is Kendal using the point of the sword?? I feel like this is a job of the flat of the blade, just rest it on top it’s not that complicated.
I am very confusion
You’re so right about that actually like the point is heat not to stab him D:
I really hope this is gonna make Dainix like extra powerful
No it’s OK, guys, he’s just cooling off
I sincerely doubt the blue fire will work on the red fire guy. Unless Kendal is a universal donor lol.
This man is a beast (pun intended)