While posessing Erin, The Void Dragon can use all six elements including Life magic. @Blocked is refering to a moment in the Tynan fight when Crucible!Dainix burns Void!Erin’s arm badly enough to disturb the tattoos and The Dragon immediately restores them with Life magic. (Restores them 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 btw, leaving the tattoos and seals intact) Closing a few cuts should be easier than regrowing scorched flesh.
But yeah, unfortunatly VD’s not thinking straight. He’s in pain, possibly paralyzed by the lightning, and for all his cunning he has a temper and lashes out when he feels cornered.
. “Hm?” The Void Dragon glances down as Erin’s tattoos spark. Then his body jerks as the energy spikes, Lightning and Stone energy coursing through his body, out of control.
. “What– IS this?!” He cries, watching Erin’s arms.
. “I guess he’s not as unguarded as we thought,” Tess says, crawling out of the pile of rock. “Erin’s sealing tattoos were damaged in the fight.” The Dragon looks at her in horror as the tattoos continue glowing, sucking in energy. “Looks like this is why he needs them.”
. “Agh–!” The Dragon gasps, clamping his hands on his head as the stone around him breaks, erupting with spikes.
. “You can force him to channel, but you’ve never been able to make him stop,” Tess says, watching him. “I know you can’t close this door.” She folds her arms. “But I can. So get out.”
I’m so glad right now that Erin and V.D. use the same pronouns, in a book I’m writing a god has possessed a human but the human is she/her and gods use ki/kor so like what pronoun do I use D:
Zip Zap goes the lightning.
Now I wonder what Tess knows about the sealing tattoos…
Can’t remember the last time I was awake for a new page to be posted, but here I am.
I can’t decide if she’d be D tier for being a scary life vessel, but otherwise not really having got in Walter’s way or that he’d just consider her to basically just be the life primordial.
She can maybe channel all the available lightning energy herself? Or maybe set up some kind of runic field which prevents any of it from leaking into the cave? So the soul won’t stop channeling, but it also won’t have anything to channel.
That’s a good idea on lightning. He’s also channeling stone though…
Maybe she has a temporary sealing cuff or something, like the one Shrike used on her? Or she can make something like one?
I do love to see a plan come together nicely.
And how convenient that the (merry?) band of adventurers are eventually going to get to the very place Erin got his tattoos.
This conversation definitely reveals *something* about how much information Erin/Tess/VD respectively know, but I have no clue what. I swear this isn’t the first time Erin’s powers have been shown as staying on in some way, but why does Tess seem to not fully expect it? Did she think VD already knew, assuming Erin’s thoughts were completely visible? I think so, but why does she not seem to fully understand what Erin’s tattoos do? How much about his own tattoos does *Erin* know, or are some aspects a trade secret of the people who made them?
Just, there’s so much juicy backstory etween Erin/Tess that I can’t wait to find out about.
We are getting so much Ruunasib lore. It really starts to look more and more like the Clamagus theory is correct.
(For the uninitiated, the theory is that Erin’s soul channels were malformed at birth, which caused him to channel vast amounts of energy, resulting in him being almost constantly corrupted and a Sanger to himself and others in proximity. Hence, the Ruunaser family sought out the Soulshaper Monks to treat him and give him the sealing tats.)
Elemental overchanneling causing pain through the wrists; I think Red’s drawing hand is projecting.
What’s the matter Voidy? Your love of flaunting power, and habit of blasting every problem with overwhelming force, made you bite off more than you can chew?
We learnt all the way back in Arc 1 Chapter 4 that opening soul channels and blasting spells is the easy part; clearing your soul of elemental energy and closing channels takes discipline. Has V.D. been using Erin’s sealing tattoos as a crutch for this? Channeling all he wants with the assumption they’ll close automatically when he’s done? If so, his reckless channeling could end up hurting Erin; that’s a big problem for him, and he knows this.
Erin may be out of commission until he recovers and they get to the monastery to get those tattoos fixed, but, if the dragon wants his vessel unharmed, so is he.
Interesting bits here about Erin’s guarding of his thoughts. Seems like he let some of his past with Tess slip for V.D. to read and use, unsuccessfully, against her, but the info regarding his sealing tattoos, intricacy- and history-wise, is still off limits. A good precaution as, whether Erin was made an elemental magus, was already the magus and needed his channels altered in some way, or an unknown third thing, this information could give V.D. new angles and ideas to free himself.
Also interesting about Tess knowing how to close Erin’s channels. Is that something she could do even before she got sparked? Did Galen need someone as hardy as Tess to withstand Erin’s power when he overchannels and get close enough to help? If so, why didn’t Galen hire an adult metal caste to be Erin’s carer? Did he pick a slave so they would obey every command and/or so Erin had someone his age?
She had to have been able to do that prior to being sparked. Recall that she bailed the same day she got her spark. As for why Galen got her, it might very well be both. Having an obedient servant with none of that pesky self-agency is just a win all around. Erin having a peer companion/bodyguard/failsafe is another perk.
Also, art wise, I like the subtle differences between the lightning and stone overchannel effects.
Lightning’s power is far more flayed and erratic, coursing around and away from Erin; stone’s lines are more subdued, its power staying on Erin’s wrist and manifesting its effects below him. Also liked how their independent SFXs in panel 1 united in panel 2.
V.D. drop Erin, we need him free to give us lore through context clues. I still like the idea that Erin didn’t have access to all the elements at birth but what is this, could Erin not easly stop channeling so he had to get the sick tats?
Basically, yes. You’ll have to fact-check me, but I think he was at risk of ending up like Tarren, but for all six well-understood elements, but his father saw it as an opportunity.
been here for a while, first time commenting! i’m just very excited for this page as someone who has been staring at the fact that erin’s arms have been injured this whole time, ever since alinua was cut off from healing him on 2.3.8 and was worrying about the tattoos being damaged which i very much latched onto as a potential chekovs gun. and it works very well to have it happen now before we know the whole events of the soulshaper monastery and hey, we’re headed there anyway! a chapter long (longer if you count the discussion of erin’s magic/tattoos in general this arc in 2.2.12 and 13 especially) buildup i have been very invested in this whole time. anyway i’m sure this will be very fun 😀 (not for erin)
Really looking forward to Erin’s “my powers are gone!” phase—even though his powers are still there, he just can’t safely channel them anymore. I wonder how he’ll manage? (Probably by eventually making a heroic sacrifice)
interesting that the wounds on erins face turned back into red bloody streaks after last page where he was getting all scaly, i wonder if there will be more and more scales if the void dragon is actively possessing him for longer periods or if it was some kind of quick heal? maybe a mix of both?
I’m just impressed that Tess quietly used her brain instead of her fists to set up multiple contingencies and is playing Walter like a fiddle. “Punches won’t work this time, Tess” indeed.
The Dragon is suddenly seized by lightning
“You can’t stop the channeling”, says Tess, frightening
Wait can’t he just channel life and fix them? He’s done it before..
My guess is because it’s going wrong. Can’t channel if he’s getting zapped. If he’d noticed before, he probably could fix it.
The dragon probably can’t, because it’s entropy.
While posessing Erin, The Void Dragon can use all six elements including Life magic. @Blocked is refering to a moment in the Tynan fight when Crucible!Dainix burns Void!Erin’s arm badly enough to disturb the tattoos and The Dragon immediately restores them with Life magic. (Restores them 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 btw, leaving the tattoos and seals intact) Closing a few cuts should be easier than regrowing scorched flesh.
But yeah, unfortunatly VD’s not thinking straight. He’s in pain, possibly paralyzed by the lightning, and for all his cunning he has a temper and lashes out when he feels cornered.
Channeling life chaotically my go badly. Also, if the ink of the tattoo was interrupted, would healing the flesh fix it?
Considering that real life tattoos affect even your immune system once applied, I’d assume so.
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: we’re learning so much about erin together! this feels like a real bonding moment
Image source: out
Bluesky Text: oh how the turntables
Tumblr text: at last my victory is assuOW OW OW
Thank you so much! I appreciate it
Tumblr Text: at last my victory is assuOW OW OW
. “Hm?” The Void Dragon glances down as Erin’s tattoos spark. Then his body jerks as the energy spikes, Lightning and Stone energy coursing through his body, out of control.
. “What– IS this?!” He cries, watching Erin’s arms.
. “I guess he’s not as unguarded as we thought,” Tess says, crawling out of the pile of rock. “Erin’s sealing tattoos were damaged in the fight.” The Dragon looks at her in horror as the tattoos continue glowing, sucking in energy. “Looks like this is why he needs them.”
. “Agh–!” The Dragon gasps, clamping his hands on his head as the stone around him breaks, erupting with spikes.
. “You can force him to channel, but you’ve never been able to make him stop,” Tess says, watching him. “I know you can’t close this door.” She folds her arms. “But I can. So get out.”
I’m so glad right now that Erin and V.D. use the same pronouns, in a book I’m writing a god has possessed a human but the human is she/her and gods use ki/kor so like what pronoun do I use D:
The pronouns of whichever one is speaking or acting, presumably, or the plural they?
Broken sealing tats
Lead to magic overload
Now, get the hell out
I think I love this!
Yeah, this is a great one
😀 😀
Zip Zap goes the lightning.
Now I wonder what Tess knows about the sealing tattoos…
Can’t remember the last time I was awake for a new page to be posted, but here I am.
people to kill list:
1) tess
2) every other living being
3) Kendal (he was going to be the last to die)
Maybe not. She’s USEFUL. Or at least, can be.
ooh, more Erin Backstory time!
Walter character tier list:
S: Swordsman (looks tasty)
A: Erin (fun to mess with, could be S tier if he got with the program and did his job)
B: Fire Man (I really hated him for getting in my way at Zuureth but he did wonderful work on the Boat)
C: Falst (Kitty!)
D: The twins (can’t do anything right), Cloud god (Poser!)
F: Metal Woman ( >:( )
G: Paladins (Pawns), Primordials (Scary but fun to kill)
H: Lucy (Looks tasty but she ruins everything)
I love this. Where would he rank Alinua?
I can’t decide if she’d be D tier for being a scary life vessel, but otherwise not really having got in Walter’s way or that he’d just consider her to basically just be the life primordial.
Which tier does Alinua go in? (For my money, she’d be in d tier because scary life vessel)
That’s helpful now, but could be a serious issue later… Erin can’t stop channelling without these tattoos either.
Wonder how Tess can do it for him.
She can maybe channel all the available lightning energy herself? Or maybe set up some kind of runic field which prevents any of it from leaking into the cave? So the soul won’t stop channeling, but it also won’t have anything to channel.
That’s a good idea on lightning. He’s also channeling stone though…
Maybe she has a temporary sealing cuff or something, like the one Shrike used on her? Or she can make something like one?
I thought she was just gonna apply some percussive maintenance on Erin’s head.
We know that his friend from before was channeling water in their sleep, so that might not be enough.
I do love to see a plan come together nicely.
And how convenient that the (merry?) band of adventurers are eventually going to get to the very place Erin got his tattoos.
This conversation definitely reveals *something* about how much information Erin/Tess/VD respectively know, but I have no clue what. I swear this isn’t the first time Erin’s powers have been shown as staying on in some way, but why does Tess seem to not fully expect it? Did she think VD already knew, assuming Erin’s thoughts were completely visible? I think so, but why does she not seem to fully understand what Erin’s tattoos do? How much about his own tattoos does *Erin* know, or are some aspects a trade secret of the people who made them?
Just, there’s so much juicy backstory etween Erin/Tess that I can’t wait to find out about.
I think it’s because he didn’t have the sealing tattoos when she left its mentioned somewhere else (can’t remember exactly) that they’re new to her.
We are getting so much Ruunasib lore. It really starts to look more and more like the Clamagus theory is correct.
(For the uninitiated, the theory is that Erin’s soul channels were malformed at birth, which caused him to channel vast amounts of energy, resulting in him being almost constantly corrupted and a Sanger to himself and others in proximity. Hence, the Ruunaser family sought out the Soulshaper Monks to treat him and give him the sealing tats.)
“Clamagus”? I dont get it lol where did that come from? Is it a portmanteau, Magus+something? Or some kind of pun?
It’s just a portmanteau of “clam” and “Magus”. I’d have to ask around in the Discord about the etymology.
“Can’t stop the music” by Village People starts playinflg.
Meanwhile, with our second team.
“You can’t start a fire without a spark” Tahrain sings.
Tess, my beloved <3
Also, uh-oh. And poor Erin, honestly…
oof. It sucks that Erin gets all beat up whenever the dragon take over. This is worse, because his sealing tattoos were damaged.
Elemental overchanneling causing pain through the wrists; I think Red’s drawing hand is projecting.
What’s the matter Voidy? Your love of flaunting power, and habit of blasting every problem with overwhelming force, made you bite off more than you can chew?
We learnt all the way back in Arc 1 Chapter 4 that opening soul channels and blasting spells is the easy part; clearing your soul of elemental energy and closing channels takes discipline. Has V.D. been using Erin’s sealing tattoos as a crutch for this? Channeling all he wants with the assumption they’ll close automatically when he’s done? If so, his reckless channeling could end up hurting Erin; that’s a big problem for him, and he knows this.
Erin may be out of commission until he recovers and they get to the monastery to get those tattoos fixed, but, if the dragon wants his vessel unharmed, so is he.
Interesting bits here about Erin’s guarding of his thoughts. Seems like he let some of his past with Tess slip for V.D. to read and use, unsuccessfully, against her, but the info regarding his sealing tattoos, intricacy- and history-wise, is still off limits. A good precaution as, whether Erin was made an elemental magus, was already the magus and needed his channels altered in some way, or an unknown third thing, this information could give V.D. new angles and ideas to free himself.
Also interesting about Tess knowing how to close Erin’s channels. Is that something she could do even before she got sparked? Did Galen need someone as hardy as Tess to withstand Erin’s power when he overchannels and get close enough to help? If so, why didn’t Galen hire an adult metal caste to be Erin’s carer? Did he pick a slave so they would obey every command and/or so Erin had someone his age?
She had to have been able to do that prior to being sparked. Recall that she bailed the same day she got her spark. As for why Galen got her, it might very well be both. Having an obedient servant with none of that pesky self-agency is just a win all around. Erin having a peer companion/bodyguard/failsafe is another perk.
Also, art wise, I like the subtle differences between the lightning and stone overchannel effects.
Lightning’s power is far more flayed and erratic, coursing around and away from Erin; stone’s lines are more subdued, its power staying on Erin’s wrist and manifesting its effects below him. Also liked how their independent SFXs in panel 1 united in panel 2.
Oh? I think she got him this time
so thats what she meant with having time on her side, she wanted to force him to overchannel
tess i love you so mmuch forever and ever
I love Tess! The sibling bond between Erin & Tess is just so well shown. <3
V.D. drop Erin, we need him free to give us lore through context clues. I still like the idea that Erin didn’t have access to all the elements at birth but what is this, could Erin not easly stop channeling so he had to get the sick tats?
Basically, yes. You’ll have to fact-check me, but I think he was at risk of ending up like Tarren, but for all six well-understood elements, but his father saw it as an opportunity.
*flips the “days since Walter was bested by lightning” sign back to 0*
It wasn’t already?
Looked for a moment like he wasn’t gonna be bested by it
been here for a while, first time commenting! i’m just very excited for this page as someone who has been staring at the fact that erin’s arms have been injured this whole time, ever since alinua was cut off from healing him on 2.3.8 and was worrying about the tattoos being damaged which i very much latched onto as a potential chekovs gun. and it works very well to have it happen now before we know the whole events of the soulshaper monastery and hey, we’re headed there anyway! a chapter long (longer if you count the discussion of erin’s magic/tattoos in general this arc in 2.2.12 and 13 especially) buildup i have been very invested in this whole time. anyway i’m sure this will be very fun 😀 (not for erin)
Really looking forward to Erin’s “my powers are gone!” phase—even though his powers are still there, he just can’t safely channel them anymore. I wonder how he’ll manage? (Probably by eventually making a heroic sacrifice)
I love the idea that the tattoos start sparking and making failing electronics noises!
I can hear the dial-up already
I could watch the Void Dragon take Ls all day long
Youuuu can’t stop the beat!
Voidy isn’t as in control as he thought…
interesting that the wounds on erins face turned back into red bloody streaks after last page where he was getting all scaly, i wonder if there will be more and more scales if the void dragon is actively possessing him for longer periods or if it was some kind of quick heal? maybe a mix of both?
Hoping Tess isn’t made to regret that exact choice of words. She still needs to keep Erin’s body in the cave until Walter gets “out” of Erin’s body.
I’m just impressed that Tess quietly used her brain instead of her fists to set up multiple contingencies and is playing Walter like a fiddle. “Punches won’t work this time, Tess” indeed.
To be fair to Tess, that’s a REALLY long list.
Ohh no way! I was right?
New comment section look?
Ohhhh sealing tats lore drop
the score card reads as follows:
Tess: 4
Dragons: 1