. “GRAAH!” The Void Dragon roars in agony, the void surrounding him blowing away.
. “Erin did warn me about you. But I’ve got a storm at my back and time on my side,” Tess says, glaring at him, lightning still crackling around her and feeding the runes. “And I’m a quick study. Now DROP HIM.”
. “Nnnh– no!” The Dragon gasps, gritting his teeth. “NO!” His mouth opens, a fireball of Void hurtling through the cage of lightning and towards Tess. “I WILL NOT BE CONTAINED!”
. Tess leaps to the side, trailing lightning, as the voidball hits the floor, splashing against the stone.
Sorry I’m late! We’re going back to NC this Sunday, so I’ve been a bit busy packing & stuff
Why everyone in the party is qualified to deal with the Void Dragon:
Erin – Stuck with it due to his own hubris.
Kendal – A demigod, lacking in primordial void as apart of his body, resistant to the Void.
Alinua – A Vessel of some sort for Primordial life, an entity that similarly has no Void.
Danix – Possibly has a similar relationship with Primordial Fire, TBH.
Falst – isn’t, at least not yet, but is too stubborn to leave.
Tess -Also too stubborn to leave, but can surprisingly back it up.
I am once again advocating against the “Dainix Is Primordial Fire’s Vessel” theory. He’s a Crucible. His resistance to the Void Dragon comes from his ability to transmute Void Magic into Light. That is all we know.
We also know that primordial fire is dead (life is a special case, due to its adaptive nature), and there have been crucibles in the past yet only one “Life’s vessel” so it doesn’t make sense for Dainix to be “Fire’s vessel”.
It does stand to reason that the chimeric plague is Life’s continued attempt to create a vessel by imbuing someone with her rune, but it’s taken this long to form it properly, if you go back and look at that kid who had the plague, they had a similar mark on their arm, but it wasn’t quite right, therefore the improper invocation of life caused them to mutate to death before they could awaken like alinua did when she channeled too much and life woke up. Now I don’t really think that Dainix is Fire’s vessel either, (or Tess being lightning’s vessel, which is even less likely), but it must be said that there being previous crucibles says nothing about whether the nature of the crucible is that it is an attempt to create a vessel on fire’s behalf. It’s less likely that fires would have “a say” at a being’s birth to give them a mark to invoke fire, unlike life who’s soul I assume is the cause of most of the growing of a baby in the womb. In the same way there’e ben multiple failed life’s vessel in the chimeric plague, there could be multiple failed fire vessel’s in the form of crucibles who’ve failed to be fully forged by tahraim and caliban. Though at this point we’ve assumed crucibles were caliban’s doings, which is interesting considering they are just god of the ignans, not connected to fire in any way besides the fact that ignans are generally skilled at fire magic. Ohh but actually it’s less likely also dainix is a vessel because his soul channels are sealed. We assume that Alinua’s are not, because she continually calles herself a life mage, but if we get to the monastary and learn that alinua’s life channel is blocked and everyone just assumed it was regular magic she was doing, then that would be a point to dainax vessel theory. Also, jsut because it’s because he can transmute the void, rather than is simply not affected by it, is not indicative that he’s not a fire vessel necessarily, because the reason alinua is unaffected by it is that she can heal it, adapt her body to it and expel it, since adaption is the naature of Life. In the same vein, Dainix transmutes the void into light, the light part I’m still not clear, and that one thing that makes be believe that Dainix’s fire is special and not just Fire, that and that his guilt fire was purple, but Dainix also uses the nature of fire, change, to get rid of the void, so the fact that he gets rid of it differently than alinua is not much evidence against him being a vessel, because they both deal with it in a way innate to their elemental affiliation
Actually, according to the Collector, the only reason that Life is awake now is not that she’s more adaptable, it’s that the Collector herself invoked Life’s great rune, the core of Life’s being, into her mind (1.11.16), and also that mages are reviving small parts of the Primorials already when they use magic (1.11.9). Second, Void dragon talked about how his plan was to find a way to revive the Primordials to escape, and that humans were his tool for that (1.7.20). He was also not surprised that Life was alive when he saw Alinua, he was surprised she was there so quick. All of which implies to me that it’s expected that the Primordials can, and will, revive/awaken. Also, Aliuna was abandoned because she had the mark of life on her, specifically because this was a known sign of freaky stuff happening, also known as the chimeric plague, which Alinua herself asked Life if that’s what would have happened if Life had her act as a Vessel when trying to crack a mountain. (1.20.22) Also, I think the Collector is technically the along the same lines as Alinua from the line “I needed eyes that do not hate what I have become,” implying that Life already had eyes… the Collectors eyes (1.20.23).
None of which is to say that Dainix is Fire’s Vessel. He doesn’t seem to be the same as Alinua at all; no mark, no voice, no one acting through him etc.
Arguably we know more, the way Caliban talked about crucibles didn’t seem like they are just a thing that occurs. There was intent behind how they talked about it.
“Uh, stopping you from blasting MY crucible with the concentrated power of a dead star, obviously” on page 2-4-6.
MY crucible. And with how much they care about it, I am fully certain crucibles, as something we also know to only exist among Ignans, the people that Caliban is the god off, is a creation of Caliban, in whatever way.
I too have come to dunk on your understandable take. Dainix has little-to-no relation with primordial Fire beyond just having fire inside of him, as all (I think) Auroran organisms do. It just so happens that Dainix has *way more* of that internal fire and has been designed to be able to transmute his body into a fire-less blob and and enormous pillar of said fire. While this involves primordial Fire’s body (because all fire does, I think), I don’t think it has anything to do with Fire’s soul. Creatures do not need to channel the primordials to rebuild their own bones or generate their own heat, and Dainix doesn’t need to channel Fire to turn into an enormous pillar of flaming death. This is different from every other mage we’ve met, including known primordial vessels Erin and Alinua, who both have soul channels to their respective elements that they used to preform their magic by manipulating those elements in the world around them, as opposed to some built-up repository of it inside themselves, where they could presumably just use their own souls.
As a note, Lightning is listed as a Primordial force. I have suspected for a bit that Tess was strongly connected to it on that level, not just being a “lightning mage”. Maybe not connected to the same level as Alinua, but still connected. Remember when she said that a few of her of her people were “chosen by the lightning?” sm
Well, every element is the remains of a primordial and all mages have a connection to a primordial’s soul. So you’re right on that account. However, nobody has ever reacted to something Tess has done like she’s aberrantly powerful or has unusual abilities.
Maybe ppl like tess, alinua, and danix are more like emmisaries connected to the primordial gods. maybe more normal ppl have a connection but they have more a connection to the god themselves. it seems like they aren’t the first ever people with their condition.
Maybe tess is more stable since lightning is less present in the natural world compared to life and danix’s fire seems to come from within him. we know that life has tried many times to make a vessel but maybe before when she was mostly unconcious, ppl born with the power without the mark just lost control like the boy did.
Maybe that’s why caliban is interested in danix. while he is god of the ignans, crucibles are out of his domain so he’d like to keep this one after helping it reach its full potential
I mean, the term was “Chosen by the Sky” and it gives the metal-caste their will/desire/mind of their own. Whiiiich kinda sounds to me like what the Light Dragon did for all the mortals in the beginning, sans the lighting magic part.
They’d probably hate each other.
The dragon’s the reason why life is in the position the Collector wants to “safe” her from, and if the Collector succeeds and ends all life on the planet, well… VD’s screwed.
I feel like it would be more of a love-hate relationship. The Collector wants to free Life, simultaneously freeing V.D., but Life doesn’t want V.D. to be free. And V.D. wants to be free, but probably doesn’t want Life to ‘revive’ as a condition of that freedom.
My two cents is that the Collector is still obsessed with “freeing” Primordial Life and might view it a useful tool or a hinderance depending information she has and circumstances upon meeting. But I am here for Red’s story and wait for more revelation. Call me nonhelpful.
“Yes, you’re THE Void Dragon. Primordial, dangerous, yada yada. And I’m just… me. But that’s ME we’re talking about here, you overgrown shadowgoop.” Probably not Tess, but I couldn’t help but imagine it anyway.
As clever at the ceiling runic circle trick is, I can’t help but chuckle at the mental image of Tess clinging to the ceiling with static electricity while drawing it.
A very logical countermeasure. Erin couldn’t convince Tess not to join the gang, so instead gave her as much information as possible about V.D. and how to potentially counter him (I’m willing to bet Falst also received a similar briefing). She took advantage of V.D.’s arrogance and got him inside the circles, uses lightning to paralyse and maybe repel him off the ground, and knows she just needs to stall until Erin wakes up and regains control.
Oh, how quickly V.D. dropped his politeness and confidence the moment he no longer had power over Tess; nothing better than a villain breaking their own act when things don’t go their way. On the boat, V.D. was confident and precise when firing that Void bullet at Tam; this breath weapon, as cool as it looks, screams of anger and desperation, throwing a huge force at the problem hoping it’ll work.
That’s a good point! VD may like to brag and boast, but his confidence is easily rattled, and the sheer scale of the blast he’s unleashing speaks to his complete desperation. We’ve seen pretty consistently that large scale powerful-but-imprecise attacks like this one speak to desperation and unpreparedness. VD’s brand of power, inspired by his hunger, destroys and devours impartially, but whenever he’s put to par against someone with a tactical mind or the power to deter him, his violence crumbles. Tess is gonna take this one for sure.
Tess left the runic circle. Will that power it off? Tess was the ‘battery’ of this, so unless she can get back quickly, I think the void dragon might free themself. Also, that breath weapon could’ve damaged the runes.
The breath weapon is super cool, Tess is super badass, but I just can’t stop laughing at the image of her telling the Void Dragon to put Erin down like he’s a slipper XD
– someone who lives with four dogs
Oh dang there’s one on the ceiling too? That’s really neat. Also the way that the framing and magic makes the lightning look kinda like cell bars is really clever
i wonder what tess means when she says she has time on her side, does she know about something that might force vd out of erin’s body? also the void breath weapon looks sick as hell
I think what she means is just, she has nowhere to go. She’s in no hurry to leave. The Void Dragon, meanwhile, probably wants to do his thing asap because if Erin wakes up, it’ll be 2 against 1, both wielding the element that can paralyze VD.
Sounds like Walter is getting pretty angry. And he has a ranged weapon now! (Did he always have that?…) If I were Tess I would take this opportunity to book it—afaik Walter can’t fly. Yet.
I love Tess so much. I love Erin and her together even more. And I love VD. This whole scene is my happy place.
On top of that, I just got three of my friends to read Aurora and one is almost done because he doesn’t sleep. It’s fantastic.its spreading.
Ok, 2 day binge to read 5 years of comics. Just gonna need you to up the pace 1500 fold so I can keep it up 😁Joking aside, really looking forward to adding this to my regular feed.
As a side note, if V.D. actually just gets stuffed back into his cage here YET AGAIN by someone who’s not even especially connected to a Primordial…she’s literally just some mortal…it is going to be SO FUNNY.
I can just picture Walter lying splayed on the floor of Erin’s subconscious afterwards, being like “I used to be the most feared being in all of existence…literally higher than the gods, higher than the primordials which I slew in all-out battle…and now I’m getting completely disrespected and shut down by upstart mortals every 5 minutes. Where did it all go wrong?!?”
With the previous runic circles being cycle charge overload. I think, that tess has covered the cave in those circles, Walter couldn’t even take a step without getting zapped. I also think Tess has already charged them. Who is ready for a ton of stun mines.
Sir, a third runic circle has hit the void dragon.
i think we should be scared…
also its my bday so thanks for this great page red!
Bluesky: bwaaaaaah
Happy birthday!
Happy Bday
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: bro being contained is your one defining trait
Image source: contained
tumblr text: fight fight fight
tumblr text: fight fight fight
Bluesky text: bwaaaaaah
. “GRAAH!” The Void Dragon roars in agony, the void surrounding him blowing away.
. “Erin did warn me about you. But I’ve got a storm at my back and time on my side,” Tess says, glaring at him, lightning still crackling around her and feeding the runes. “And I’m a quick study. Now DROP HIM.”
. “Nnnh– no!” The Dragon gasps, gritting his teeth. “NO!” His mouth opens, a fireball of Void hurtling through the cage of lightning and towards Tess. “I WILL NOT BE CONTAINED!”
. Tess leaps to the side, trailing lightning, as the voidball hits the floor, splashing against the stone.
Sorry I’m late! We’re going back to NC this Sunday, so I’ve been a bit busy packing & stuff
Does someone have some trauma, hmmm?
Reminding you of TheScarletteWitch’s advice on 2.3.27, in case that’s something you’d want to do.
Oh yeah I’ve tried that, idk the comment just never shows up
Why everyone in the party is qualified to deal with the Void Dragon:
Erin – Stuck with it due to his own hubris.
Kendal – A demigod, lacking in primordial void as apart of his body, resistant to the Void.
Alinua – A Vessel of some sort for Primordial life, an entity that similarly has no Void.
Danix – Possibly has a similar relationship with Primordial Fire, TBH.
Falst – isn’t, at least not yet, but is too stubborn to leave.
Tess -Also too stubborn to leave, but can surprisingly back it up.
I am once again advocating against the “Dainix Is Primordial Fire’s Vessel” theory. He’s a Crucible. His resistance to the Void Dragon comes from his ability to transmute Void Magic into Light. That is all we know.
We also know that primordial fire is dead (life is a special case, due to its adaptive nature), and there have been crucibles in the past yet only one “Life’s vessel” so it doesn’t make sense for Dainix to be “Fire’s vessel”.
It does stand to reason that the chimeric plague is Life’s continued attempt to create a vessel by imbuing someone with her rune, but it’s taken this long to form it properly, if you go back and look at that kid who had the plague, they had a similar mark on their arm, but it wasn’t quite right, therefore the improper invocation of life caused them to mutate to death before they could awaken like alinua did when she channeled too much and life woke up. Now I don’t really think that Dainix is Fire’s vessel either, (or Tess being lightning’s vessel, which is even less likely), but it must be said that there being previous crucibles says nothing about whether the nature of the crucible is that it is an attempt to create a vessel on fire’s behalf. It’s less likely that fires would have “a say” at a being’s birth to give them a mark to invoke fire, unlike life who’s soul I assume is the cause of most of the growing of a baby in the womb. In the same way there’e ben multiple failed life’s vessel in the chimeric plague, there could be multiple failed fire vessel’s in the form of crucibles who’ve failed to be fully forged by tahraim and caliban. Though at this point we’ve assumed crucibles were caliban’s doings, which is interesting considering they are just god of the ignans, not connected to fire in any way besides the fact that ignans are generally skilled at fire magic. Ohh but actually it’s less likely also dainix is a vessel because his soul channels are sealed. We assume that Alinua’s are not, because she continually calles herself a life mage, but if we get to the monastary and learn that alinua’s life channel is blocked and everyone just assumed it was regular magic she was doing, then that would be a point to dainax vessel theory. Also, jsut because it’s because he can transmute the void, rather than is simply not affected by it, is not indicative that he’s not a fire vessel necessarily, because the reason alinua is unaffected by it is that she can heal it, adapt her body to it and expel it, since adaption is the naature of Life. In the same vein, Dainix transmutes the void into light, the light part I’m still not clear, and that one thing that makes be believe that Dainix’s fire is special and not just Fire, that and that his guilt fire was purple, but Dainix also uses the nature of fire, change, to get rid of the void, so the fact that he gets rid of it differently than alinua is not much evidence against him being a vessel, because they both deal with it in a way innate to their elemental affiliation
Didn’t Tahraim say that Dainix transmuted the Void into Fire?
Actually, according to the Collector, the only reason that Life is awake now is not that she’s more adaptable, it’s that the Collector herself invoked Life’s great rune, the core of Life’s being, into her mind (1.11.16), and also that mages are reviving small parts of the Primorials already when they use magic (1.11.9). Second, Void dragon talked about how his plan was to find a way to revive the Primordials to escape, and that humans were his tool for that (1.7.20). He was also not surprised that Life was alive when he saw Alinua, he was surprised she was there so quick. All of which implies to me that it’s expected that the Primordials can, and will, revive/awaken. Also, Aliuna was abandoned because she had the mark of life on her, specifically because this was a known sign of freaky stuff happening, also known as the chimeric plague, which Alinua herself asked Life if that’s what would have happened if Life had her act as a Vessel when trying to crack a mountain. (1.20.22) Also, I think the Collector is technically the along the same lines as Alinua from the line “I needed eyes that do not hate what I have become,” implying that Life already had eyes… the Collectors eyes (1.20.23).
None of which is to say that Dainix is Fire’s Vessel. He doesn’t seem to be the same as Alinua at all; no mark, no voice, no one acting through him etc.
Arguably we know more, the way Caliban talked about crucibles didn’t seem like they are just a thing that occurs. There was intent behind how they talked about it.
“Uh, stopping you from blasting MY crucible with the concentrated power of a dead star, obviously” on page 2-4-6.
MY crucible. And with how much they care about it, I am fully certain crucibles, as something we also know to only exist among Ignans, the people that Caliban is the god off, is a creation of Caliban, in whatever way.
I too have come to dunk on your understandable take. Dainix has little-to-no relation with primordial Fire beyond just having fire inside of him, as all (I think) Auroran organisms do. It just so happens that Dainix has *way more* of that internal fire and has been designed to be able to transmute his body into a fire-less blob and and enormous pillar of said fire. While this involves primordial Fire’s body (because all fire does, I think), I don’t think it has anything to do with Fire’s soul. Creatures do not need to channel the primordials to rebuild their own bones or generate their own heat, and Dainix doesn’t need to channel Fire to turn into an enormous pillar of flaming death. This is different from every other mage we’ve met, including known primordial vessels Erin and Alinua, who both have soul channels to their respective elements that they used to preform their magic by manipulating those elements in the world around them, as opposed to some built-up repository of it inside themselves, where they could presumably just use their own souls.
As a note, Lightning is listed as a Primordial force. I have suspected for a bit that Tess was strongly connected to it on that level, not just being a “lightning mage”. Maybe not connected to the same level as Alinua, but still connected. Remember when she said that a few of her of her people were “chosen by the lightning?” sm
Well, every element is the remains of a primordial and all mages have a connection to a primordial’s soul. So you’re right on that account. However, nobody has ever reacted to something Tess has done like she’s aberrantly powerful or has unusual abilities.
Maybe ppl like tess, alinua, and danix are more like emmisaries connected to the primordial gods. maybe more normal ppl have a connection but they have more a connection to the god themselves. it seems like they aren’t the first ever people with their condition.
Maybe tess is more stable since lightning is less present in the natural world compared to life and danix’s fire seems to come from within him. we know that life has tried many times to make a vessel but maybe before when she was mostly unconcious, ppl born with the power without the mark just lost control like the boy did.
Maybe that’s why caliban is interested in danix. while he is god of the ignans, crucibles are out of his domain so he’d like to keep this one after helping it reach its full potential
I mean, the term was “Chosen by the Sky” and it gives the metal-caste their will/desire/mind of their own. Whiiiich kinda sounds to me like what the Light Dragon did for all the mortals in the beginning, sans the lighting magic part.
While it’s not the original reason he joined the party, Falst also has some sort of connection to light/ the Light Dragon.
My adoptive sister’s out fighting dragons, and what do I get? Possession duty.
Aurora Question #41: What do you think the Collector would think about Walter, and vice versa?
They’d probably hate each other.
The dragon’s the reason why life is in the position the Collector wants to “safe” her from, and if the Collector succeeds and ends all life on the planet, well… VD’s screwed.
I feel like it would be more of a love-hate relationship. The Collector wants to free Life, simultaneously freeing V.D., but Life doesn’t want V.D. to be free. And V.D. wants to be free, but probably doesn’t want Life to ‘revive’ as a condition of that freedom.
He’d just kill her immediately if she was also freed, so I don’t think he would really care.
My two cents is that the Collector is still obsessed with “freeing” Primordial Life and might view it a useful tool or a hinderance depending information she has and circumstances upon meeting. But I am here for Red’s story and wait for more revelation. Call me nonhelpful.
He’d see a potential back-up plan.
Walter really doesn’t like being imprisoned, who could have guessed.
So much for banter, straight into temper tantrum like a toddler, eh Walter? Tess has a counter for that too, baby.
Yooooo early for once, this is so cool
“Yes, you’re THE Void Dragon. Primordial, dangerous, yada yada. And I’m just… me. But that’s ME we’re talking about here, you overgrown shadowgoop.” Probably not Tess, but I couldn’t help but imagine it anyway.
I love Tess so much.
The void dragon is extraordinarily terrifying.
Also, Erin’s teeth didn’t used to be pointed, right? But Michael’s are.
Honestly at this point, all we need is for Erin to suddenly sprout void wings.
I can’t tell if Tess is dodging or being thrown backwards – either case I don’t imagine this scenario will go to plan for either of them.
She’s dodging, and based on the action lines, I’d say she’s dodging forward at an angle, so getting closer to Erin/Void
Who is Michael supposed to be?
Tam i think
The champion
Before we had a name for Tam, we saw that he was a somewhat angelic figure who fought a monster. Thus, we compared him to the archangel Michael.
Now was the breath directed at Tess? Or at the pattern on the floor?
Who’s Michael?
That reply was meant for the comment above this, but my finger slipped.
This looks very cool. Tess is so badass here
As clever at the ceiling runic circle trick is, I can’t help but chuckle at the mental image of Tess clinging to the ceiling with static electricity while drawing it.
A very logical countermeasure. Erin couldn’t convince Tess not to join the gang, so instead gave her as much information as possible about V.D. and how to potentially counter him (I’m willing to bet Falst also received a similar briefing). She took advantage of V.D.’s arrogance and got him inside the circles, uses lightning to paralyse and maybe repel him off the ground, and knows she just needs to stall until Erin wakes up and regains control.
Oh, how quickly V.D. dropped his politeness and confidence the moment he no longer had power over Tess; nothing better than a villain breaking their own act when things don’t go their way. On the boat, V.D. was confident and precise when firing that Void bullet at Tam; this breath weapon, as cool as it looks, screams of anger and desperation, throwing a huge force at the problem hoping it’ll work.
Falst probably ran away from the briefing to not have to listen to Erin.
That’s a good point! VD may like to brag and boast, but his confidence is easily rattled, and the sheer scale of the blast he’s unleashing speaks to his complete desperation. We’ve seen pretty consistently that large scale powerful-but-imprecise attacks like this one speak to desperation and unpreparedness. VD’s brand of power, inspired by his hunger, destroys and devours impartially, but whenever he’s put to par against someone with a tactical mind or the power to deter him, his violence crumbles. Tess is gonna take this one for sure.
That probably damaged the runic circle Tess was standing on.
Tess left the runic circle. Will that power it off? Tess was the ‘battery’ of this, so unless she can get back quickly, I think the void dragon might free themself. Also, that breath weapon could’ve damaged the runes.
Hey you’re also aroace! Cool 😀
Yeah, Voidy’s probably gonna be free next page. I wonder how Tess is going to deal with him then…
Hi (^v^) I love what you do with the comic, writing it out in prose
Yeah, I’m aroace (as you could tell from the username).
I guess we’ll all find out tomorrow about Tess and Voidy
Well, at least now that they’ve used their breath weapon, they have to roll to get it back next turn.
The breath weapon is super cool, Tess is super badass, but I just can’t stop laughing at the image of her telling the Void Dragon to put Erin down like he’s a slipper XD
– someone who lives with four dogs
Oh dang there’s one on the ceiling too? That’s really neat. Also the way that the framing and magic makes the lightning look kinda like cell bars is really clever
I need to know how she made that cage
i wonder what tess means when she says she has time on her side, does she know about something that might force vd out of erin’s body? also the void breath weapon looks sick as hell
once erin recovers enough, can’t he take back control?
I think what she means is just, she has nowhere to go. She’s in no hurry to leave. The Void Dragon, meanwhile, probably wants to do his thing asap because if Erin wakes up, it’ll be 2 against 1, both wielding the element that can paralyze VD.
So as Erin pointed out, the dragon really doesn’t need his hands to cast magic…wonder if Erin will ever learn how2breathweapon
Round 1: FIGHT
you know, I’m not too worried about this fight. Voidy is a dragon, Tess punches those all the time. I think she can handle him.
How it feels to chew 5 Gum
This dude has some serious trauma about being locked up
Wow VD has some serious trauma about being locked up
Hm, maybe getting stuck at the core of the world for a while caused some trauma…
I’ve heard of lightning cages, but this is ridiculous.
Rune Decipherers: does anyone know why one of the O runes on that top circle has three small dashes on the left instead of one?
Wait, Tess isn’t charging the rune circle anymore because she’s outside it!
Oh no, that could have… negative… consequences.
TL;DR: Seems Voidy is a perfect match for our mage in terms of HUBRIS.
Sounds like Walter is getting pretty angry. And he has a ranged weapon now! (Did he always have that?…) If I were Tess I would take this opportunity to book it—afaik Walter can’t fly. Yet.
Forgot this comic existed and now it’s noon. Oh well, at least I can read all the comments now lol
Duuuuude I just binge read this. and like. I think I am fundamentally changed as a person. Holy shiterballaronis.
He cannot be caged. He cannot be controlled.
Understand this as you die.
Ever pathetic, ever fools.
Tess punches Dragons for a living. She’s Fine.
I love Tess so much. I love Erin and her together even more. And I love VD. This whole scene is my happy place.
On top of that, I just got three of my friends to read Aurora and one is almost done because he doesn’t sleep. It’s fantastic.its spreading.
Ok, 2 day binge to read 5 years of comics. Just gonna need you to up the pace 1500 fold so I can keep it up 😁Joking aside, really looking forward to adding this to my regular feed.
I’m sorry can we talk about how “I’ve got a storm at my back and time on my side” goes SO HARD as a badass line?! Tess my beloved…
As a side note, if V.D. actually just gets stuffed back into his cage here YET AGAIN by someone who’s not even especially connected to a Primordial…she’s literally just some mortal…it is going to be SO FUNNY.
I can just picture Walter lying splayed on the floor of Erin’s subconscious afterwards, being like “I used to be the most feared being in all of existence…literally higher than the gods, higher than the primordials which I slew in all-out battle…and now I’m getting completely disrespected and shut down by upstart mortals every 5 minutes. Where did it all go wrong?!?”
With the previous runic circles being cycle charge overload. I think, that tess has covered the cave in those circles, Walter couldn’t even take a step without getting zapped. I also think Tess has already charged them. Who is ready for a ton of stun mines.