on February 14, 2024
at 3:00 am
This plan sounds good and not subject to unforeseen complications at all, also happy valentine’s day
This plan sounds good and not subject to unforeseen complications at all, also happy valentine’s day
Falst is literally all of us fans spending the past two days worried abt poison tea. I feel called out
Now we know why Red thought that Tumblr Ask was funny ^^
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: how hard could it be
Image source: civil
Tumblr text: ah yes the poison
Twitter text:is there enough to share with the class
The optimism reminds me of “Hey. We’re superheroes. What could happen?” a bit.
“I get that she’s successfully fought ONE god, but still: We’re gods. We’ve got this.”
“It’ll be fine. We’re basically gods.”
What little we know about Argist, to me it seems plausible he would turn into a goldfish
We know from Red’s Tumblr that he has a merfolk form!
A slightly carpy merform, maybe?
C’mon, showing Falst and Dainix banter on Valentine’s Day ? And here I thought this comic was subtle
Mmmhmm, I 100% concur with that! Also, Falst’s face in panel 5 is just HILARIOUS 🤣
Some hearty flash bombs!
Meanwhile in the other room
The tea AIN’T poisoned.
Ah the normally quite unflappable falst, shocked my mere wanton disregard for things like regulation, the law, and any form of precaution about mixing dangerous chemicals in an open air cauldron
OSHA would have a freaking field day with this one panel. If I’m observing correctly that…’s seven regulations broken? Can someone check me on that?
Falst you’re not supposed to smell laboratory chemicals also Dainix are those your plainclothes? Where are your gloves and eye protection. IS THAT SOMEONE’S COOKING POT
i’m amazed someone convinced Falst to wear a sling. i’m also very glad. idiot.
…I love Dainix SO MUCH. Also, best mom.
“Mum, can we cook today?”
“Of course, son dearest! I have just the thing. It’s a recipe I inherited from my father, though I’ve refined it. First, we’ll need…”
Falst, super scout and master survivalist, seems most freaked out by Dainix’s proud statement that it’s his mother’s recipe. I can almost hear the boing sound as he stares with that shocked expression on his face.
I think Falst is most shocked by Dainix’s casual reply of ‘the kind that goes in flash bombs’ and the fact that he really be just chillin with his cauldron of highly explosive liquid, and not the ‘it’s my mom’s recipe’ thing. It could be either though, and your theory is miles more hilarious then mine.
Anonymous Aurora Question #43: What are the recipes for the stew and the tea? Wrong answers only.
For the tea: its only hot leaf juice. The stew’s just 2 minute noodles, Dainix adds glassdust cause it adds spice.
hot leaf juice?! how could someone in these comments say something so horrible…
What is this sacrilege
The tea is a trap, but only because Argist is trying to romantically ensnare Kendal.
Dainix is making brownies and brought enough to share with the whole class.
The tea is normal tea, but because Argist is a port city, they brew it with saltwater. It gives it a extra kick.
The stew is a Ravvan delicacy, and traditionally made as a sweet dish using desert watermelons (like the blue one we saw back in Zuurith) as well as glassdust (which is similar in taste to popping candy) at least according to Dainix’ mum.
The tea is based on seaweed, so tastes mushy and awful. Kendal is having the struggle of his life keeping himself from spitting it out.
The stew is actually not for eating, or flashbangs. It is used as bait to lure out the Wyrms from their nests. But in case of a food shortage Ignans will eat it too, glass dust and all.
The tea is simply fish juice mixed with green soap, but the flash bang recipe calls for flour, eggs, and the immortal soul of a powerful entity from 1.18.18. Oh, and a dash of glass dust, because it makes it sparkle ✨
Just, Falst’s face in panel 5. I love it so much.
Flat tries to sniff the tea for poison
While in the next room he waits,
With Dainix who is cooking flash-bombs-
“It’s my mom’s recipe,” he states.
The god-taker Life mage aligns with rumours
That Argist to Kendal relates,
Of Chimeras in the territory of the Northern Wyrm,
Not far across the straits.
This one took ages to come together for some reason. And I still might add a third verse, to bring in more of their discussion.
Is… is it wise to be making mild explosives while a god is in the next room? I feel like that’s a bit of a faux pas.
I suspect it’s safer than doing it *without* a god in the next room. This way when something goes wrong you get a deus ex machina to save you! He might scold you for blowing up his house but I’m sure it’ll be fine
Wait is Dainyx making the legendary 1 day blinding stew?!
…He genuinely is, isn’t he? It’s a flash grenade broth!
I can’t believe it— but you’re right
Hmm. It’s interesting that Kendal hasn’t drank his tea, while it seems that Argist has already finished theirs.
Either way, I’m glad to see my boys again (especially today of all days), and I’m even more glad that they’re getting medical attention (and that Falst is accepting it). Honestly, it makes too much sense that Dainix is the team cook. And I’m glad that Falst’s near-death WEEK hasn’t been too hard on his attitude.
I would like to give a shout out to Falst’s face in panel 5, it’s my new favourite face in the comic
Also the exchange between them is great, and can we talk about the fact that Falst’s sense of smell is good enought that he thinks he’d be able to detect one ingredient in something as aromatic as tea through a 2 inch wall? Like, damn I can understand why he hates crowded spaces
faslt and dainix are ALREADY back at flirting life is good
falst very quickly reassessing his opinion of dainix knowing he knows how to cook flashbangs in a pot…
Chekhov’s flash bombs
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Dainix cooking a flash bomb potion and saying “it’s my mom’s recipe” with that chill, cheerful smile made me giggle. Falst’s “wtf” expression made me giggle harder.
I appreciate but do not share Argist’s optimism.
he really just be in there casually making flashbangs
Fragmentation grenades. Just like momma used to make
True, Falst hasn’t seen Kendal interact with gods who were Vash’s allies. We’ve seen him meet with, say, Gleicann in the forest. But Falst has only seen him meet with Zuurith and Tynan: not a promising introduction. I’d venture a bet that there are far more gods who are Vash’s allies — or at least neutral — than enemies. Though it sounds like the gods of any kind weather are capricious.
So. We have an increase in the chimeric activity in the north, and they’re planning to take the northern passage. Well, well, well. It seems that might be leading them towards the Collector. I hope the Soul-Shaper monks are okay….
Everyone lock in your guess of how long it’ll be before Dainix gets someone with a flashbang
Chapter 2 at most
My bet’s a real life year, and less than two days in universe, and I’m betting with a blue desert watermelon and one of those riding animal things like Kendal and Alinua were riding before they met Erin.
Vash, recognized across the lands as the god of “I can do this all day”.
he did “I can o this all day” for three days with a storm god. That HAD to get him notoriety.
I just find Argist’s can-do attitude so utterly charming!
Dainix isn’t necessarily going to use the flashbombs here. He’s replenishing supplies.
And I’m not necessarily going to wake up early to read the next page, I’m just going to bed early just in case.
(this sarcastic btw, hope you can tell)
Falst sniffs the tea and Dainix makes stew
And Argist mentions the Collector anew
Did I completely forget this page yesterday? Yes. Will I lack any chance to be on time tomorrow? Also yes. See ya at the bottom of the page!
Falsts face in the 5th panel is PRICELESS
So many floffy blue haired friends 😀
Two thoughts on this page. Firstly, Mother’s recipe for pyrotechnics is always the best recipe.
Secondly is the look on Falst’s face as he processes what was just said.
>Valentine’s day page
>Falst and Dainix sharing a few panels
DM: You’re all in a new city and have some time before you have to leave. Is there anything you want to do?
Player 1: I want to get a ship and leave now.
Player 2: Is there anything I can help out with?
Player 3: When do I have to meet with the person in charge?
Player 4: I want to make flashbomb stew.
Players 5 and 6: Can we help?
TL:DR: Shhh, my sniffing takes precedence over your flashbombs
The look on Falst’s face! *laughs*