So after a bit of deliberation I came up with this (moderate spoilers):
Kendal – Sokka
Alinua – Katara
Erin – Aang
Falst – Zuko
Metal Lady – Toph
Jolon – Hama
Tynan – Zhao
I like how Kendal thinks that it’s silly to assume that Vash could fly, but knowing (and riding) a damn DRAGON is perfectly normal. (I wish it was normal, though. Dragons are awesome.)
I’m more confused by the notion of a god who CAN’T fly. Although not as confused as I was by the notion of a god losing a one-on-one fight with a mortal. Maybe I need to recalibrate my idea of what a “god” is in this world.
It probably depends on the god in question. A god associated with a storm or wind or flying creatures probably could indeed fly freely under their own power. Vash was god of a city that was very firmly anchored to the ground. It makes sense that at best, Vash could jump really, really good without assistance.
Just a random explosion in the middle of what was a wind-scoured wasteland half an hour ago, nothing to worry about in the slightest.
Also I’m not saying I was right all along, but I get the distinct feeling I will have every right to say: “Called it!” in a couple of days.
another $1M on the arrogant mage getting his face beaten in by the creature on the cover of chapter 5, who also might be the one who “went wrong” in the prologue.
he has sort of dark purple eyes and yellow particles near his hand, and looks like the one one the cover “pre-corruption”.
but it doesn’t look like elemental corruption so i don’t know.
If it is the elemental magus, he must’ve really got lost at the center, because the wind and lightning sectors are definitely not adjacent or opposite.
I wrote my theories for what has happened on the comment section for the last page of the Windscrest chapter. And assuming I’m correct, the two of you are on the right lines
TL;DR: Vashn’t and floof mcNicetats continue being tourists. Vashn’t counterflexes on Nicetats in Vash’s place as Nicetats attempts to flex on Vash, before a very, completely, totally naturally occuring explosion happens.
Tynan said that was the first time he’d ever manifested (or whatever the word is for it, I have a goldfish memory) as a dragon, so it couldn’ta been him. And they didn’t get along, so I can’t see Tynan giving Vash a friendly scenic trip over the storm…
Anoughther episode of predictions!
Was the big splosion…
A. An oil gush
B. Capitalism at it’s fastest, as miners already are mining the ground with explosives
C. The Collector, being a nuisance as always
D. Darkness being go boom boom
E. French
F. The treasure is the friends we made along the way
G. Riku being brought i n t o e v e r l a s t i n g d a r k n e s s
H. Mysterious colors unlike any seen on earth
J. An incomprehensible monster
K. A giant fuck you dragon
L. The hubristic, nerdy avatar, aka, Tattoos Toots-His-Own-Horn Hubris McGee
O. F R E N C H
P. Punchy-Metal-Lady doing something dumb
The Avatar!!
Really if it’s the elemental Magus this will be just like Avatar. Like Kendal can be Sokka and Alinua can be Katara.
Also, great ep
Katara is a healer, like Alinua. And Kendal with his sword is like Sokka with his boomerang! Does that make the Collector Fire Lord Ozai?
She has the hair for it. Only thing that’s wrong is her colour scheme.
She can be the evil earth kingdom person from Legends of Korra.
Even better than Kuvira or the Earth Queen, does she have the presence to be MELON LORD?
So after a bit of deliberation I came up with this (moderate spoilers):
Kendal – Sokka
Alinua – Katara
Erin – Aang
Falst – Zuko
Metal Lady – Toph
Jolon – Hama
Tynan – Zhao
This is amazing
This whole comment chain is amazing
Did all of you forget that Kendal is a literal god’s body? How is he Sokka! He’s very clearly Aang.
It was just a naturally occurring boom.
Stimulate your senses
“What’s that noise? It sounds like.. Half the discord dying of cardiac arrest…”
The mage guy fighting other worldly beasts with necrotic damage?
Totally normal “boom” with totslly normal black capital letters in front of it
*intense Southern accent*
Ay, now that thare’s summa the stuff we call Texas Tea. Little o’ that old black gold.
It looks like an oil gush, alright?
Was that the…. dragon?
Well yes, but actually no.
I like how Kendal thinks that it’s silly to assume that Vash could fly, but knowing (and riding) a damn DRAGON is perfectly normal. (I wish it was normal, though. Dragons are awesome.)
I’m more confused by the notion of a god who CAN’T fly. Although not as confused as I was by the notion of a god losing a one-on-one fight with a mortal. Maybe I need to recalibrate my idea of what a “god” is in this world.
It probably depends on the god in question. A god associated with a storm or wind or flying creatures probably could indeed fly freely under their own power. Vash was god of a city that was very firmly anchored to the ground. It makes sense that at best, Vash could jump really, really good without assistance.
Also it’s not like the collector is by any means a REGULAR mortal
I get a bit of an Exalted RPG feel from this setting
Just a random explosion in the middle of what was a wind-scoured wasteland half an hour ago, nothing to worry about in the slightest.
Also I’m not saying I was right all along, but I get the distinct feeling I will have every right to say: “Called it!” in a couple of days.
Would you care to be more specific? ($1M fantasy dollars says it’s the rather arrogant elemental magus)
another $1M on the arrogant mage getting his face beaten in by the creature on the cover of chapter 5, who also might be the one who “went wrong” in the prologue.
he has sort of dark purple eyes and yellow particles near his hand, and looks like the one one the cover “pre-corruption”.
but it doesn’t look like elemental corruption so i don’t know.
I wrote on the last page of the Windscrest chaptef what I thought was happening. Go check it out if you’re curious.
Random explosion of darkness. Totally common, nothing to see, move on.
If it is the elemental magus, he must’ve really got lost at the center, because the wind and lightning sectors are definitely not adjacent or opposite.
Jeez, looking for attention much?
I wrote my theories for what has happened on the comment section for the last page of the Windscrest chapter. And assuming I’m correct, the two of you are on the right lines
Hey, wait a minute. I feel like Vash’s dragon buddy will become recent later on.
Are we about to meet pretentious science boy??? *bounce bounce* *anticipate*
Haha dragon
Yeah, probably just the wind … in the place that’s devoid of it’s once constant wind.
“Vash can fly?!”
No! Jump good!
remember last time he said “probably the wind”
TL;DR: Vashn’t and floof mcNicetats continue being tourists. Vashn’t counterflexes on Nicetats in Vash’s place as Nicetats attempts to flex on Vash, before a very, completely, totally naturally occuring explosion happens.
ominous… >uO
the second best alt text
probably just the wind
So…um… about the dragon…
@h p lovecraft yeaaaaahhhhhhh… the dragons are pretty significant
V.D., in the distance: DID SOMEBODY SAY DRAGON?!?!
Which dragon did Vash know? Tynan? The Light Dragon? Hopefully Red didn’t forget about this.
Dvalin would like to say hello from Mondstadt/Windscrest
Tynan said that was the first time he’d ever manifested (or whatever the word is for it, I have a goldfish memory) as a dragon, so it couldn’ta been him. And they didn’t get along, so I can’t see Tynan giving Vash a friendly scenic trip over the storm…
They discuss Vash’s powers when with a loud “BOOM!”
A darkness surges full of shadow and gloom
Hmm…. think we’ll ever get to meet this dragon?
voidy is just like DID SOMEBODY SAY DRAGON?????
Walter comin’ in
I said the exact same thing out loud.
Anoughther episode of predictions!
Was the big splosion…
A. An oil gush
B. Capitalism at it’s fastest, as miners already are mining the ground with explosives
C. The Collector, being a nuisance as always
D. Darkness being go boom boom
E. French
F. The treasure is the friends we made along the way
G. Riku being brought i n t o e v e r l a s t i n g d a r k n e s s
H. Mysterious colors unlike any seen on earth
J. An incomprehensible monster
K. A giant fuck you dragon
L. The hubristic, nerdy avatar, aka, Tattoos Toots-His-Own-Horn Hubris McGee
O. F R E N C H
P. Punchy-Metal-Lady doing something dumb
I mean, there’s no audio in this comic, so nobody can prove that it doesn’t at least have a french accent
wait, go back to the dragon, i want to hear that story
Speaking of dragons!