What, you think you’re cursed? Cool! My best/only friend was super cursed too when I met her. Why, I myself am a soul-less abomination. Let’s get you a cookie and you can tell me all about it.
I prescribe warm hugs and math. Take 2 hugs and call me in the morning. Take them. Dont wait. Walk up to someone and steal their ability to hug. Leave no survivors.
I’m calling it: Elemental Magus found the seventh element, couldn’t “control” it, and is now “possessed.” (Quotations because not sure if those are the correct in-universe words.)
This stuff is fantastic! I haven’t started reading this story really until today–oh, how dare you tug my heartstrings with your weekly cliffhangers! (Seriously, this seemed to just run on and on, and I was really enjoying it! Can’t wait for the next panels!)
Not even on purpose. Like, the shadow monster is just stalking them around trying to kill them, but they just see it following them and being inadvertently helpful.
I love how unsure Kendal is with this situation, still need to remember he’s a week old and isn’t used to dealing with these situations.
… Then again I’m not sure if anyone on the planet knows how to deal with this situation.
Anyone else think that possesed-Eren kinda looks like Rage Form Sora? Like, clothes, skin, everything turned black, and glowy yellow eyes (well, Sora’s are orange, but still). Cause I hope its not just me.
i can’t believe you made a 2020 joke
i can
i’m so sad i can’t make 20/20 jokes about the future now, i wish i made more
but you know what they say………….
hindsight is 2020
the final 2020 vision joke
also, listen to him, this man is listed under “villains”
eyyyy at the pun
do I smell an anti-hero that is going to struggle with ~Dark Powers~ and whom I’m going to adopt? I think so
What, you think you’re cursed? Cool! My best/only friend was super cursed too when I met her. Why, I myself am a soul-less abomination. Let’s get you a cookie and you can tell me all about it.
I prescribe warm hugs and math. Take 2 hugs and call me in the morning. Take them. Dont wait. Walk up to someone and steal their ability to hug. Leave no survivors.
Dark floof uses “Get Away!”
Kendal! Use “Offer Help” for some reason!
Dark floof uses “Tackle!”
Was it effective? Find out next time!
I’m pretty sure Dark Floof hurt itself in confusion.
Who’s that PokĂ©mon?
It’s Hubris!
“Hubris, hubris!”
He’s fighting from the inside!
That was very unsettling
But very well
See you next year! *ba dumm tssssss*
You mean next decade? *ba dumm tssssss*
I’m calling it: Elemental Magus found the seventh element, couldn’t “control” it, and is now “possessed.” (Quotations because not sure if those are the correct in-universe words.)
“Run you fools! Why the heck did you even stop??”
I wanna believe that more than a minute passed between the first and the second panel of Kendal just hero-posing waiting to be noticed.
That cracks me up! Thank you for that image!
Poor sweet Icarus
All he wanted was a bit of glory
WAIT A MINUTE! Is this guy the elemental magus from the start of the chapter!
This stuff is fantastic! I haven’t started reading this story really until today–oh, how dare you tug my heartstrings with your weekly cliffhangers! (Seriously, this seemed to just run on and on, and I was really enjoying it! Can’t wait for the next panels!)
is uh
is the shadow thing possessing cute mage boy gonna join the crew
Not even on purpose. Like, the shadow monster is just stalking them around trying to kill them, but they just see it following them and being inadvertently helpful.
Ooh! Spooktacular!
I love how unsure Kendal is with this situation, still need to remember he’s a week old and isn’t used to dealing with these situations.
… Then again I’m not sure if anyone on the planet knows how to deal with this situation.
TL;DR: Vashn’t runs into the dark scary cloud to rescue dark floof. Dark floof supports pink floof’s sentiment, to Vashn’t’s dismay.
Always trust people who tell you to run from them. They probably know what they’re talking about.
Yah, 2020 vision could have been useful…
boy were you wrong
the alt text
I’d listen to the man, he’s super goopy
Face palm!!!
Reading the 2020 comment on 2022 makes it doubly hilarious…
Anyone else think that possesed-Eren kinda looks like Rage Form Sora? Like, clothes, skin, everything turned black, and glowy yellow eyes (well, Sora’s are orange, but still). Cause I hope its not just me.
Anti-form Sora from KH2 has yellow eyes, so I’d say it’s closer then Rage-form Sora from KH3
When adressing explosions always be polite
Especially if they scream “RUN!” with all might
i can’t believe you made a 2020 joke
i can
i’m so sad i can’t make 20/20 jokes about the future now, i wish i made more
but you know what they say………….
hindsight is 2020