“Earth. Water. Fire. Air. Thunder. Life. Long ago, the six elements lived together in chaos, but everything changed when the Goggles Boi attacked.
Only The Storm, master of all six elements could stop him. But when the world needed it most, it vanished.”
Y’know, I kinda presumed that the plucky goggles dude had positive motivations, but maybe not? Or perhaps when he got to the center, something janky happened that he hadn’t anticipated…
He found out what was at the center of the storm. He found out alright. Now the whole world will find out as well! Mwahahaha!
I still believe the storm was an aptitude test for magic. Creator gods (The Twins) tried to make a being which can use all 6 elements. The attempt to create one directly went extremely badly. So they set up the stage, a genetic algorithm and left a giant fitness test in the middle of the world and let sex and evolution do its thing.
I think I might know what’s going on.
It mentions in the lore that when the universe first started its thing, the six primordials hunted down and captured an evil eldritch dragon sacrificing themselves in the process to become the cage which contains the eldritch dragon. That cage is/was in fact, I think, the storm, which contains the being with the golden eyes which is the eldritch dragon. I have reason to believe that what he has been trying to do is possess an elemental magus in order to get out of his prison and wreak havoc. Supposedly he tried to do this at the very start of the comic, but the twins interfered somehow. Of course now Dr Tattoos has ventured into the centre of the storm and promptly been possessed I’d imagine. ‘Twas more or less the only flaw in the primordials’ plan, which was that only the guy who the dragon is looking for will one day be able to get to the centre. Anyway, now the cage is broken and everything’s gone down the sinkhole.
I’m more interested in gold-skin-silver-hair on the left. When a gigantic magical storm disappears and everyone in the world looks, he’s walking the other way.
Or maybe he’s just a cool-looking background character.
To be honest, I was kind of miffed the first time I read this. All that cool worldbuilding, with the storm, that seemed to be central to how the word operated, and now poof! it’s gone.
Oh, Tess is here, too.
Cocky Science Dude, what have you done?
Oh, thats awesome… never guessed that, but wow :3
Why do I get he feeling Tattoos McGee done screwed something up?
*intensely wishes i could thumb-up comments*
“Earth. Water. Fire. Air. Thunder. Life. Long ago, the six elements lived together in chaos, but everything changed when the Goggles Boi attacked.
Only The Storm, master of all six elements could stop him. But when the world needed it most, it vanished.”
Lmao that’s amazing
XD I didn’t know I needed that
tess has appeared, I am required by law to attempt to post this
I had NO idea that was coming.
I can’t tell if any of the other sectors are still there, and that worries me.
spoilers maybe if you squint and i guessed right
sees person in lower left corner , remembers spoiler goose game drawings ?
Y’know, I kinda presumed that the plucky goggles dude had positive motivations, but maybe not? Or perhaps when he got to the center, something janky happened that he hadn’t anticipated…
Did we really think the Collector was going to stop with a simple god?
He found out what was at the center of the storm. He found out alright. Now the whole world will find out as well! Mwahahaha!
I still believe the storm was an aptitude test for magic. Creator gods (The Twins) tried to make a being which can use all 6 elements. The attempt to create one directly went extremely badly. So they set up the stage, a genetic algorithm and left a giant fitness test in the middle of the world and let sex and evolution do its thing.
I think I might know what’s going on.
It mentions in the lore that when the universe first started its thing, the six primordials hunted down and captured an evil eldritch dragon sacrificing themselves in the process to become the cage which contains the eldritch dragon. That cage is/was in fact, I think, the storm, which contains the being with the golden eyes which is the eldritch dragon. I have reason to believe that what he has been trying to do is possess an elemental magus in order to get out of his prison and wreak havoc. Supposedly he tried to do this at the very start of the comic, but the twins interfered somehow. Of course now Dr Tattoos has ventured into the centre of the storm and promptly been possessed I’d imagine. ‘Twas more or less the only flaw in the primordials’ plan, which was that only the guy who the dragon is looking for will one day be able to get to the centre. Anyway, now the cage is broken and everything’s gone down the sinkhole.
CONSPIRACY THEORIES! Fun. Also, AAAAAAAA goggles boi what have you done???
Oh boy Theory crafting!
whoa wtf that’s exactly what’s happening
What is this dark magic
That’s unnatural
He’s cheating >:(
my friend you are so smart
I’m more interested in gold-skin-silver-hair on the left. When a gigantic magical storm disappears and everyone in the world looks, he’s walking the other way.
Or maybe he’s just a cool-looking background character.
That’s a girl
Aha! You’re right.
Is the girl made of metal going to join the party?
Hubris boy did a no no
She might be blind? I don’t see pupils to her eyes.
Gold-skin-silver-hair, that is. I kind of forgot to specify.
I do believe she’s a member of the Ironhill people, who are known for the metallic appearance to their skin.
yknow normally a storm *appearing* is a sign of the apocalypse, not *disappearing*.
Anyone else thinking of Nausica?
. . .
I’ve only known about this storm for half an hour, but…
I love the elf girl with the shiny golden skin
The storm? Gone?! Only a force of untold pride and arrogance could have-
HUGH BURRIS! Get down here this instant young man!
Oh look! It’s metal girl. Never noticed her before.
TL;DR: y’know how we said the storm never dies? Well… RIP storm. Also, cloudchildren are awesome. Objectively.
Grey hair gold skin purple cloak in the last panel appears later in 1.11.24-1.11.27. Iiinteresting.
Tess’s first appearance!
I think the Avatar just killed the storm.
Just noticed Tess is here too. How long has she been trailing the floof squad?
@Phoenix YES
The girl in the bottom right with the ponytail reminds me of bell from beauty and the beast
I feel like glasses boi had something to do with this.
anyway, the alt text
“you forget to cherish her”
oh dude!! Tess!
That’s Tess! What’s she doing there?
Yea boi
It’s almost sass time
I am still rereading (last comment in 1.4.17)
foreshadow(or just future characters) counter: 2
Re-reading the whole series again and yes – that sure LOOKS like Tess!!
went rereading some earlier chapters and happened to stumble upon tess’s first appearance (i think)
so, neat
To be honest, I was kind of miffed the first time I read this. All that cool worldbuilding, with the storm, that seemed to be central to how the word operated, and now poof! it’s gone.
Oh, Tess is here, too.
The storm is gone, Goggles’ fault no doubt
Leaving town and commenters alike freaking out
Wait a second IT’S TESS! Oh yea, and the storm dude fighting Vash in the mosaic/painting bin the magistrate’s office – I love back reading XD
they’re gonna get blamed for this aren’t they
(I’m reading this for like the third time)
The alt text reminds me of my divorce.
Huh, plans were in the works ahead of time huh.
first ‘huh’ was meant to be wow, I feel silly now both for making that mistake and taking the time to correct it.
I’m re-reading this, and no spoilers, but hey, that last panel… somebody looks familiar…!
Tess Jumpscare