Idk, I feel like the slight comedy of Alinua and Erin’s faces in panel five was lamp shading that Dainix is okay, but I am also still worried. I think he’s okay, but his eyes have changed? Maybe they’re pearlescent like the gloop’s eyes? Or maybe he’s non permanently blind? Does anyone else have any ideas?
Idk, I think the comedy of Alinua and Erin’s faces on panel five could be lamp-shading that Dainix is okay, but it has been a concerning amount of time since we’ve seen his eyes. Maybe he’s okay but his eyes are pearlescent like the gloop, or he’s non permanently blind? I don’t think it can possess him because I feel like the fire demon in him will be territorial. Does anyone else have any ideas?
I think, now that we can see his eyes scrunched up in the last panel, he’s going to be okay. I was only really worried when his eyes (and most of his expression) were completely hidden from view, but now we can kind of see it. He’ll probably have side-effects, but nothing too serious.
Or at least, nothing MORE serious than not breathing. Interesting that Soulfire seems to fix that automatically. He’s like the Hulk.
Idk, I think the comedy of Alinua and Erin’s faces on panel five could be lamp-shading that Dainix is okay, but it has been a concerning amount of time since we’ve seen his eyes. Maybe he’s okay but his eyes are pearlescent like the gloop, or he’s non permanently blind? I don’t think it can possess him because I feel like the fire demon in him will be territorial. Does anyone else have any ideas?
He was choking on a slimeball, he said have some toast instead.
And the sketch from twitter has finally come in panel 5! I also love how Falst is the only one not wide-eyed surprised at Dainix’s flame in; he was surprised, but after their dungeon crawl has probably come to expect this of Dainix.
Oh no, Erin’s confident, wielding fire, and hasn’t been warned about the trauma eyes; yeah Erin, you will be back shortly, for medical attention. Needing to try fire first as a plan to find a weakness, no exposition instinct kicking in; I have a very bad feeling that this monster is unknown to Erin. Fingers crossed Tess has heard of it?
I don’t think anyone has heard of it. Currently, my only ideas for killing it would be:
a) Not killing it. Somehow appeasing it or sealing it in Adamant (Erin may or may not be capable of this, although the Elemental Magus should be, in theory. The quantity of Adamant he can produce is also an unknown variable)
b) Unmaking it. As the Elemental Magus AND a Void Mage, Erin should be able to will every component element of this thing to separate, regardless of what it’s made of, presumably making it not a problem anymore?
I feel like it has many souls trapped in one body because of the trauma inducing eyes. Maybe they are trapped like the souls of Vash’s city? An ancient civilisation that was trapped in an elemental gloop mashup as undead souls when the primordials were put to sleep? Idk, my ideas usually miss something basic that tears them down.
Well… No. The Elder Races weren’t even created until some time after the Primordials died, since they became the planet. And this thing was probably created in that laboratory, rather than finding a way there from somewhere else. But it could totally be an amalgamation of Ancient scientist skeletons (it probably killed whoever created it pretty gruesomely).
i kinda doubt adamant will be used to deal with this situation. erin *just* showcased void magic, i don’t think he’ll be showing off another one of his possible op magic usages in this arc
wow, when’s the last time red’s drawn the characters in a goofy fashion for a visual humor gag? the chapters have all been so serious lately, we haven’t had much time for that, have we?
Prediction: Goh can’t absorb soulfire because that’s at most indirectly related to elemental/primordial fire. But just like life, it *can* absorb Erin’s fire.
Oh, sh*t! That’s where the trauma eyes came from! The glort took them from the people it absorbed! Also that’s where the bones came from!
That is…not a fun thought that Dainix is blind now. I’m really hoping he’s just closing his eyes and they’re not gone.
Also OMFG MY SHIP!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’m still waiting for Tess and Kendal to show up. I feel like Kendal’s sword could be very useful right about now, seeing as the Goh only seems able to absorb magic.
Oh, it was Erin for a good long while. Then Dainix showed up.
I love the snarky, overconfident smart guy, but I love the genuinely kind and huggable man-mountain even more. Also, good trans representation – HELL YEAH.
It’s between Erin and Kendal. Kendal because he’s basically Link with a character arc of realising that his purpose isn’t necessarily the massive quest looming over him. Erin because he’s a fun mage who can be rather overconfident at times.
Wait Tess is lesbian?! Why did nobody tell me? That makes me like her even more 🙂
But to be fair, I still like Erin the most out of the main gang (in part because I relate massively to him). Of the side characters I’ll have to nominate June. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of her!
I like all Red’s characters even the villians who are uniquely vile (at least The Collector, Void Dragon and Tynon, ant to a lesser extent the Arena Master ). Monsters are pretty spiff too!
I rather enjoyed our brief time with Gleicann. I liked how he laid down the formality really thick and heavy in order to get permission to do what he wanted. Maybe it’s the “E-4 Mafia” in me.
Erin just has a place in my heart. I basically always end up liking Team smart guys the most, and Erins truly over the top hubris, and then His quite mysteriösen good to theorize about backstory, and all the banter with VD… I like him a lot.
Erin or Tess. They are my favorite pair because sibling energy, but Erin remains my favorite if not Tess. We know more about the former than the later so that can change, and after that is Kendal. The whole floof squad is as a whole and individually, delightfully written.
I don’t have a favorite, but I really enjoy their interactions. They all work off each other in interesting ways.
Also, I managed to track down the first question. It’s all the way back here.
I’m amused and entertained by Erin’s confidence and hubris and am waiting for this to go horrendously wrong. (Or to see if it does. I’m not great at predicting stuff.)
Panel 5 was an awesome beat of comedy. I’m also relieved to see Dainix is awake and (now) breathing. Also-also Falst’s concern, I just, <3
I wonder, will Alinua heal Falst's busted arm soon? Because I feel like he's gonna need it in the imminent future. Or is he going to keep being nontactical and not even let her know he's hurt before he charges back in? I could see it going either way. On the one hand, they've gotten Dainix out, and Falst will probably be focused on him for a bit. Plus, Dainix might be able to sway him into accepting help, given their heart-to-hearts in the ruins. On the other hand, Erin looks about to get embroiled in a hot mess, and Falst might jump in after him. Considering, y'know, he was trying to do so a few pages ago.
1) No problem mate, nobody can be on time for every page. And if breaks are needed, take them. Glad to have you back!
2) No, I do not think so. We’ve already seen this thing eat elemental energy, which makes sense if it indeed is Void based. Soulfire is different from elemental fire (and possibly connected to the Lady?) so it makes sense for Jeff to react differently to it. My guess is Erin’s attempt at elemental fire will fail miserably. Though it’s perfectly understandable for him to be a bit cocky after figuring out the whole cave corruption thing and using Void magic. And also because he’s Erin.
AAQ #27reply A) I’m sorry you feel the need to justify yourself! (smile with a twinkle in my eye)
Reply B) I am sure Erin feels he is completely capable, Tess and some commentor’s- not so much.
A) No worries! Always take breaks if you need them.
B) Ahaha… I commented earlier so it’s probably pretty obvious, but I think Erin is succumbing to hubris. I’ll grant you he’s a skilled and determined mage. Some of his pride is warranted. However, Dainix had to expel a tremendous amount of fire to burn away a sliver of Glort goop, and the Glort seemed to absorb (or at least tank) both fire and Life magic before. Erin should’ve considered the ratios and evidence more carefully before concluding that he could blast enough fire to destroy the Glort.
Additionally, from a Doylian perspective: we know Kendal and Tess are on their way and haven’t played a part in this fight yet. If Erin succeeded here, their arrival would feel redundant. They wouldn’t get to shine. I suspect Red’s setting up for a dramatic last-minute cavalry situation.
Let me put on my philosopher pants for sec. So for one thing hubris is defined by confidence in one’s own abilities (in contrast to the external locus of arrogance) and presumes there are significant abilities in which to be confident. On the other hand, it is inherently *in excess* meaning that it is never truly justified. There then must be some trait which sets some limit to what can be considered aceptable or excessive confidence in said set of abilities. There is no reason to believe that Erin isn’t as great as he says he is, so I presume an external limiting factor that limits the acceptable level of confidence one would have in Erin’s abilities. It would seem that he is a bit out of place in the world outside of safety controls (something he gives the impression to be common at the Academy given how he feels they would treat VD). Thus the justification or lack thereof in confidence in Erin’s abilities would have to do in his lack of situational awareness and safety concerns. It seems that Erin is slowly digesting that “situational awareness” is a thing that people have in the process of the characters “rubbing off on” each other while put through the ringer together. I presume, however, that his foible will maintain being an academic first as an adventurer on accident. I think Erin will just learn to count on his friends to do what they do best while he stops to do the science rather than ever question his superiority at doing whatever it is Elemental Magi actually do. So I think that his hubris will come to justify itself as he grows into a member (or self-described leader of) a team rather than Dr. Awesome and these jerks following him around.
Does that answer your question?
The comic facial expressions were really well done. I’ll see this kind of thing in Anime (*Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood* in particular) where it takes me completely out of the story. I think it’s in part due to the fact that it’s massaged into the regular art style. Either way, if that panel becomes merch, I’m buying it.
Welp, I guess we’re going to see Erin get trauma blasted soon. Get out your red string and thumbtacks, everyone. We should get some information for our conspiracy board!
We don’t know much about Erin’s backstory, so most Erin fans (myself included) have a metaphorical conspiracy board for the tiny amount of information we do have, so we can make theories. You are more than welcome to join the conspirators.
There’s a theory that Erin’s dad had the Soulshaper monks turn him into an artificial magus. We know he’s morally sketchy and Erin used to be kind of sickly.
I adore Erin’s response, of course, but also, shoutout to Falst for proper first aid procedure, taking the time to check for breathing and a heartbeat!
Erin be like: “Looks like fire is back on the menu, boys! :D”
okay, but erin’s and alinua’s faces in panel 5 1XD
Those eyes, hahaha!
Priceless 😀
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: wish I could do that when I had a cold tbh
Image source: fire
Also, here’s the sketch preview of Panel 5 from June 3 of this year.
Tumblr text: looks like fire’s back on the menu boys
“Looks like Meat’s back on the menu boys!”
THat’s what I am hearing in my head with Erin’s line there.
🐲Thank You For The Chapter! … er, page! (I am used to using that for story chapters on Royal Road. 😀 )
I can’t say which I like more, “Fire’s back on the table” or “I’ll be back shortly” said with such utter confidence.
Don’t ever change, Erin.
This is why he’s my favourite character
Same, same, lol
Oh Erin.
Erin, Erin, Erin.
Also, gods I hope the gang gets a break. Like, a week without life threatening encounters would slap so hard right now
I hope it is still the table to be drawn by Red in the future. I am sure Red can do a wonderful job of that trope/meme too!
She’ll put it out as her story is doing it and not say a word about her comic. Girl’s got a skill. Or 5.
In the next book before they set out, or after the voyage when they arrive on Helm.
F I R E.
More effective than any cough medicine
Why is Erin like 50 times hotter when he uses fire magic what the heck
I mean, do i have to make the joke?
I think it already made itself.
*sets up the pins…*
Nope, not gonna do it.
erin you smug son of a
also very very concerned about not seeing dainix’s eyes
Idk, I feel like the slight comedy of Alinua and Erin’s faces in panel five was lamp shading that Dainix is okay, but I am also still worried. I think he’s okay, but his eyes have changed? Maybe they’re pearlescent like the gloop’s eyes? Or maybe he’s non permanently blind? Does anyone else have any ideas?
@Crested_Waves I would draw your attention to panel seven- Quote: ‘Cough, Couch, OW’ and the reaction in panel eight. ‘Nuff said.
Idk, I think the comedy of Alinua and Erin’s faces on panel five could be lamp-shading that Dainix is okay, but it has been a concerning amount of time since we’ve seen his eyes. Maybe he’s okay but his eyes are pearlescent like the gloop, or he’s non permanently blind? I don’t think it can possess him because I feel like the fire demon in him will be territorial. Does anyone else have any ideas?
Possibly chared out for the moment. We’ve seen it happen with his arm before.
Oops, sorry for the duplicate comment. It looked like the first one had been deleted so I did another 😅
I think, now that we can see his eyes scrunched up in the last panel, he’s going to be okay. I was only really worried when his eyes (and most of his expression) were completely hidden from view, but now we can kind of see it. He’ll probably have side-effects, but nothing too serious.
Or at least, nothing MORE serious than not breathing. Interesting that Soulfire seems to fix that automatically. He’s like the Hulk.
Ok, but from a writers perspective, imagine all the possible angst if the last thing Dainix ever saw was Alinua getting burned by his fire…
The “Ow” made me crack up.
Panel five lmao
Idk, I think the comedy of Alinua and Erin’s faces on panel five could be lamp-shading that Dainix is okay, but it has been a concerning amount of time since we’ve seen his eyes. Maybe he’s okay but his eyes are pearlescent like the gloop, or he’s non permanently blind? I don’t think it can possess him because I feel like the fire demon in him will be territorial. Does anyone else have any ideas?
Er. panel seven and eight? (Mods please delete if duplicate TY)
I mean, we see them, but they’re not open so I’m still a little concerned personally
His breathing lost, Dainix shoots flame
And it seems fire can the beast maim
This Friday, Erin f***ing dies
dainix had better open his eyes soon (and be ok) i swear
our boy deserves a break!
He was choking on a slimeball, he said have some toast instead.
And the sketch from twitter has finally come in panel 5! I also love how Falst is the only one not wide-eyed surprised at Dainix’s flame in; he was surprised, but after their dungeon crawl has probably come to expect this of Dainix.
Oh no, Erin’s confident, wielding fire, and hasn’t been warned about the trauma eyes; yeah Erin, you will be back shortly, for medical attention. Needing to try fire first as a plan to find a weakness, no exposition instinct kicking in; I have a very bad feeling that this monster is unknown to Erin. Fingers crossed Tess has heard of it?
I don’t think anyone has heard of it. Currently, my only ideas for killing it would be:
a) Not killing it. Somehow appeasing it or sealing it in Adamant (Erin may or may not be capable of this, although the Elemental Magus should be, in theory. The quantity of Adamant he can produce is also an unknown variable)
b) Unmaking it. As the Elemental Magus AND a Void Mage, Erin should be able to will every component element of this thing to separate, regardless of what it’s made of, presumably making it not a problem anymore?
…Unless it has a soul, which it probably does, making direct magical manipulation difficult. Oh well, I have ONE idea.
I feel like it has many souls trapped in one body because of the trauma inducing eyes. Maybe they are trapped like the souls of Vash’s city? An ancient civilisation that was trapped in an elemental gloop mashup as undead souls when the primordials were put to sleep? Idk, my ideas usually miss something basic that tears them down.
Well… No. The Elder Races weren’t even created until some time after the Primordials died, since they became the planet. And this thing was probably created in that laboratory, rather than finding a way there from somewhere else. But it could totally be an amalgamation of Ancient scientist skeletons (it probably killed whoever created it pretty gruesomely).
i kinda doubt adamant will be used to deal with this situation. erin *just* showcased void magic, i don’t think he’ll be showing off another one of his possible op magic usages in this arc
Their faceeeees <3 That's one helluva burp.
"Sorry, glooprt does my stomach no favours, but better out than in, eh?"
And Erin's amazing, unfazed "OH DEAR. Huh it's all right now? Kk on to the next thing, I'll take care of it, you people have a rest."
No no wait! Come Back! I THINK ITS HIS SOULFIRE THAT—ah he’ll figure it out.
wow, when’s the last time red’s drawn the characters in a goofy fashion for a visual humor gag? the chapters have all been so serious lately, we haven’t had much time for that, have we?
Last time I remember that happening was back in 1-22-7 with Dainix’s face in panel 3.
This is not going to go well for Erin. After all, Kendal needs to do something, unless it’s comically arriving just after everything is dealt with.
If fire can’t solve your problem, then you’re not using enough fire
Your a true pyrophile @RobK
No, they are a true protagonist. Everyone who protagonists around knows that fire(and lots of it) is the ultimate solution.
Prediction: Goh can’t absorb soulfire because that’s at most indirectly related to elemental/primordial fire. But just like life, it *can* absorb Erin’s fire.
I’m thinking Erin is going to run into this exact problem on Friday.
Will Erin learn humility this time? Of course not, and we love him for it.
Ok for everyone that hasn’t zoomed in on the last panel yet: 🎵 I see eyes / chared out like bricketts / I see eyes / need a moment to heal 🎵
Oh, sh*t! That’s where the trauma eyes came from! The glort took them from the people it absorbed! Also that’s where the bones came from!
That is…not a fun thought that Dainix is blind now. I’m really hoping he’s just closing his eyes and they’re not gone.
Also OMFG MY SHIP!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’m still waiting for Tess and Kendal to show up. I feel like Kendal’s sword could be very useful right about now, seeing as the Goh only seems able to absorb magic.
Aurora Question #100: Repeating the first Aurora Question for this special little milestone; Who is your favourite character so far?
Oh, it was Erin for a good long while. Then Dainix showed up.
I love the snarky, overconfident smart guy, but I love the genuinely kind and huggable man-mountain even more. Also, good trans representation – HELL YEAH.
I’m hesitant to single out a single character as my favorite, but any dynamic involving Falst is lots of fun.
It’s between Erin and Kendal. Kendal because he’s basically Link with a character arc of realising that his purpose isn’t necessarily the massive quest looming over him. Erin because he’s a fun mage who can be rather overconfident at times.
Probably either Erin or Tess, because while I’m a sucker for nerdy hubristic characters, especially with his design, punchy metal lesbian.
Wait Tess is lesbian?! Why did nobody tell me? That makes me like her even more 🙂
But to be fair, I still like Erin the most out of the main gang (in part because I relate massively to him). Of the side characters I’ll have to nominate June. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of her!
Yes! Please repeat your questions from when people (like me) weren’t here.
Anyway, its Erin, with Alinua as a close second
Tess. She’s just fun.
I’m bidding my time, waiting for (hopefully) the return of June.
Erin and Tess are fun too.
Although I wouldn’t mind being able to command time…
I like all Red’s characters even the villians who are uniquely vile (at least The Collector, Void Dragon and Tynon, ant to a lesser extent the Arena Master ). Monsters are pretty spiff too!
I rather enjoyed our brief time with Gleicann. I liked how he laid down the formality really thick and heavy in order to get permission to do what he wanted. Maybe it’s the “E-4 Mafia” in me.
Erin just has a place in my heart. I basically always end up liking Team smart guys the most, and Erins truly over the top hubris, and then His quite mysteriösen good to theorize about backstory, and all the banter with VD… I like him a lot.
Mysterious. Stupid autocorrect.
erin. i’ve been hyperfixating on the silly genius hubris man the minute he’d been introduced
Erin or Tess. They are my favorite pair because sibling energy, but Erin remains my favorite if not Tess. We know more about the former than the later so that can change, and after that is Kendal. The whole floof squad is as a whole and individually, delightfully written.
I don’t have a favorite, but I really enjoy their interactions. They all work off each other in interesting ways.
Also, I managed to track down the first question. It’s all the way back here.
This feels like the comic relief chapter
asjsjsjsjs i love them
The expressions on this page are hilarious. I think we all needed a laugh. Thanks, Red!
The expressions are great
My boy Falst looking so worried…hopefully they get a chance to breathe soon.
I’m amused and entertained by Erin’s confidence and hubris and am waiting for this to go horrendously wrong. (Or to see if it does. I’m not great at predicting stuff.)
Panel 5 was an awesome beat of comedy. I’m also relieved to see Dainix is awake and (now) breathing. Also-also Falst’s concern, I just, <3
I wonder, will Alinua heal Falst's busted arm soon? Because I feel like he's gonna need it in the imminent future. Or is he going to keep being nontactical and not even let her know he's hurt before he charges back in? I could see it going either way. On the one hand, they've gotten Dainix out, and Falst will probably be focused on him for a bit. Plus, Dainix might be able to sway him into accepting help, given their heart-to-hearts in the ruins. On the other hand, Erin looks about to get embroiled in a hot mess, and Falst might jump in after him. Considering, y'know, he was trying to do so a few pages ago.
*cough cough* ow
Relatable. Best line in the whole comic.
Big eyes alinua/erin my beloved
Anonymous Aurora Question #27: First sorry for the break.
Second: Is Erins hubris justified/justifiable?
1) No problem mate, nobody can be on time for every page. And if breaks are needed, take them. Glad to have you back!
2) No, I do not think so. We’ve already seen this thing eat elemental energy, which makes sense if it indeed is Void based. Soulfire is different from elemental fire (and possibly connected to the Lady?) so it makes sense for Jeff to react differently to it. My guess is Erin’s attempt at elemental fire will fail miserably. Though it’s perfectly understandable for him to be a bit cocky after figuring out the whole cave corruption thing and using Void magic. And also because he’s Erin.
AAQ #27reply A) I’m sorry you feel the need to justify yourself! (smile with a twinkle in my eye)
Reply B) I am sure Erin feels he is completely capable, Tess and some commentor’s- not so much.
A) No worries! Always take breaks if you need them.
B) Ahaha… I commented earlier so it’s probably pretty obvious, but I think Erin is succumbing to hubris. I’ll grant you he’s a skilled and determined mage. Some of his pride is warranted. However, Dainix had to expel a tremendous amount of fire to burn away a sliver of Glort goop, and the Glort seemed to absorb (or at least tank) both fire and Life magic before. Erin should’ve considered the ratios and evidence more carefully before concluding that he could blast enough fire to destroy the Glort.
Additionally, from a Doylian perspective: we know Kendal and Tess are on their way and haven’t played a part in this fight yet. If Erin succeeded here, their arrival would feel redundant. They wouldn’t get to shine. I suspect Red’s setting up for a dramatic last-minute cavalry situation.
Anyway that’s my two cents
I’m just glad you’re back.
Let me put on my philosopher pants for sec. So for one thing hubris is defined by confidence in one’s own abilities (in contrast to the external locus of arrogance) and presumes there are significant abilities in which to be confident. On the other hand, it is inherently *in excess* meaning that it is never truly justified. There then must be some trait which sets some limit to what can be considered aceptable or excessive confidence in said set of abilities. There is no reason to believe that Erin isn’t as great as he says he is, so I presume an external limiting factor that limits the acceptable level of confidence one would have in Erin’s abilities. It would seem that he is a bit out of place in the world outside of safety controls (something he gives the impression to be common at the Academy given how he feels they would treat VD). Thus the justification or lack thereof in confidence in Erin’s abilities would have to do in his lack of situational awareness and safety concerns. It seems that Erin is slowly digesting that “situational awareness” is a thing that people have in the process of the characters “rubbing off on” each other while put through the ringer together. I presume, however, that his foible will maintain being an academic first as an adventurer on accident. I think Erin will just learn to count on his friends to do what they do best while he stops to do the science rather than ever question his superiority at doing whatever it is Elemental Magi actually do. So I think that his hubris will come to justify itself as he grows into a member (or self-described leader of) a team rather than Dr. Awesome and these jerks following him around.
Does that answer your question?
Them eyes! Kendal and Tess are going to miss the fight which is a-ok. Tess will be a little bummed. Then it’s onward to Key in the Crow’s Head Plains
Nooo you missed your chance at a “totally just CPR not a kiss i swear” scene!
It’ll come back around. It always does.
their FACES in panel 5 I’m gonna die I’m laughing so hard
and just Erin in general this page
The comic facial expressions were really well done. I’ll see this kind of thing in Anime (*Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood* in particular) where it takes me completely out of the story. I think it’s in part due to the fact that it’s massaged into the regular art style. Either way, if that panel becomes merch, I’m buying it.
Welp, I guess we’re going to see Erin get trauma blasted soon. Get out your red string and thumbtacks, everyone. We should get some information for our conspiracy board!
A: There’s a conspiracy board?
B: What conspiracy board?
C: Where do I begin and about what?
D: tell me more if you would be so kind.
We don’t know much about Erin’s backstory, so most Erin fans (myself included) have a metaphorical conspiracy board for the tiny amount of information we do have, so we can make theories. You are more than welcome to join the conspirators.
There’s a theory that Erin’s dad had the Soulshaper monks turn him into an artificial magus. We know he’s morally sketchy and Erin used to be kind of sickly.
This is a theory I agree with
I love everything about this page.
I adore Erin’s response, of course, but also, shoutout to Falst for proper first aid procedure, taking the time to check for breathing and a heartbeat!
Catboi is concerned for his warm thing without who he has no place to loaf in peace, also, Erin gettin’ ready to roast a trolling pile of sludge.
…and then I realised someone needs to mention: The cape game is STRONG with Erin!
I was not expecting googly eyes on Alinua or Erin’s faces!
Looks like fire’s back on the menu boys!
Ha ha, just realized someone else commented that. Well, it’s true
Red I hope you don’t mind if I take a screenshot of alinua in frame 5 to use as a meme