For mobile readers.
Alt-text: “average aurora character has had 3 inner monologues” actually statistical error – Erin Georg, who monologues in his diary constantly, is an outlier-
Image source: move
It’s a reference to a meme called “Spiders George”. Goes something like this: “the ‘person eats an average of three spiders’ factoids is misleading. Spiders Georg, who lives in a cave and eats thousands of spiders a day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.”
It’s a reference to “Spiders Georg” a meme that originated from tumblr and has since expanded.
““average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy (sic) just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted””
It’s become a meme in and of itself to reference something that does something else as “[thing] Georg”. For example, JRR Tolkien, known for creating complex conlangs, has been called “Conlangs Georg”. And so on. In this case, since Red is joking that Erin monologues in his diary all the time, he is an inner monologues georg whose monologues are throwing off the rest of the groups monologue statistics.
It’s a reference to an old Tumblr joke: “average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy (sic) just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted”
There’s an internet meme about how one outlier can really screw with averages. A reproduction from memory follows:
“The well-known fact that the average person eats 3 spiders in their sleep per year is inaccurate. The average person eats zero spiders. Spiders Georg, who lives in a cave and eats 10,000 spiders a year, is a statistical outlier and should not be counted.”
The entire comment is a reference, actually!
There’s this old tumblr post that goes
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted”
Lots of people have done jokes referencing it, generally calling the person taking the place of Spiders Georg some variation of that name.
“average Aurora question gets 3 replies” factoid actualy just statistical error. average Aurora question gets 0 replies. Question About Georg, who lives in cave & asks about Spiders Georg, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Sorry, couldn’t resist. ^_^ Congrats on being one of today’s Lucky 10,000!
(“Lucky 10,000” being a reference to which comes up with the statistic that roughly 10,000 people hear about something “everyone knows” for the first time each day, and we should be celebrating that discovery instead of mocking them for not already knowing about it. Everyone has to hear about it for the first time once in their lives, after all, so being smug about it is hypocritical at best.)
So… I was just rereading things… But I realized that on 1.15.1, the first panel has runes shown when Falst is unconscious. I don’t know what they say, but if they are the same runic alphabet that is used in the Ancient Temple, where everything was reacting to him specifically, then someone was already trying to communicate with Falst in his dreams. :0
(Someone regarding the Ancients? Maybe the light dragon? I saw a theory where his dad was a paladin, which relates to the dragon. )
Anonymous Aurora Question 18: 18.1: Why Is this so sweet and so worrying at the same time!?! Red what are you doing to me!?!
18.2 If the Aurora antagonista and protagonists were all on the same side, Who would get along with whom?
Erin and Tynan would definitely compare notes on the best dramatic entrances, how to come up with cool lines, etc. Voidy too, probably.
Considering both struggle with the idea of themselves being an individual outside of the greater being they have a connection with (which is presumably intentional for Red to contrast them this way), I feel like Kendal and the Collector would probably have a lot of common ground. Honestly given Kendal’s recent revelations I’d love to see him try to talk some of that stuff through with her.
I feel like Caliban’s attitude (at least what we’ve seen so far) is pretty similar to Tess, at least in the way they interact with others. Though Caliban is a lot more… manipulative, which might not be too popular.
It’s a little difficult extricating some of their characterisation and attitude from their moral standpoint, tbh. Interesting question, though.
That dialogue in black-yellow overlies Dainix’s words, not Falst’s… but is what Falst hears while Dainix speaks? SO EXCITING WHAT IS THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT!!!
Oh? Huh, I didn’t interpret it that way but I’m pretty stupid when it comes to seeing things that aren’t self-evident, so, I’ll take you for your word instead! Thank you.
huh?? who was that? with the panel focus on falst i can only assume it’s him, but the text looks kind of similar to Voidy? and the secret alt text mentions erin’s internal monologue— or is it an entirely different character? Kendal? The Champion? The Light Dragon??? I’m at the edge of my seat!
Guys, say what you will about the Light Dragon, but that yellow–outlined black text also matches the Void Dragon exactly – just less ethereal and smokey for some reason. So, um, WHAT. I mean, unless that’s just Falst colours. Could be Falst colours. Yeah, Kendal had one of those back in chapter 3.
But seriously though, Red did warn us with all that “bold of you to assume Falst is normal” talk on Tumblr. Also… props to her for managing to make the repeated abuse his arm takes feel viscerally awful every time like, I can’t look.
Light dragon connection? Since we know nothing proper about the light dragon, and we know she is in oppoition to the void dragon, it is extremely easy to tie mysteries too her without much to go off.
But hear me out, this has got to be a light dragon connection. The only other Light Dragon attack we have ever seen was the Paladin’s sword, which was the same color, and was not touching the user, but did follow their motions. That lines up a bit with Falst’s claw marks.
Also that is most definitely Falst’s inner monologue, the silly extra text suggests it is, and it’s surrounded with his color. Like in the early panels where Kendall (then known as Vashn’t) fought a stone thingy, his inner monologue looked much the same, but blue.
This has got to be though! The “MOVE” in Falst’s monologue looks a hell of a lot like the light dragon’s speech text, and the color of blue matches really closely! Furthermore, Ferin’s soul channels are closed to all of the magic right? Well, they are closed to all KNOWN magic. If there was a way for one to channel soul energy, or perhaps light energy directly, it would not be known if Ferin were able to use it
But I can’t match this up with the ruins recognizing him as an Ancient. I have no Idea! This is so fun 😀
Falst’s eyes start to glow white-ish in panel eight! I think that supports my theory a bit.
The monologue could be a memory, or someone talking into Falst’s head, but I think it matches the current pacing and Falst’s arc if that’s his own internal monologue.
Go to the extra lore page, Red explains the origin and varieties of Ferin. They are a relatively new thing, and as far as we know, Ferin and Ancients never existed at the same time
That mage that cursed people to become Ferin… What if that mage was trying to bring the Ancients back? And the “curse” is trying to replicate their abilities?
What if that mage was the last of the Ancients and was trying to revive their race?
I know that a strong theory for the connection between the Paladins and the Ferin is as follows:
Ferin are completely magically inert (except, apparently, for Light Magic).
All offspring of Ferin, even with other races, are born Ferin without any loss or diminishment. In other words, the ‘Ferin gene’ is extremely dominant, and for this reason, the average Ferin population is set to increase at an exponential rate until every other race is absorbed into it or rendered extinct due to natural selection (Ferin are generally better at surviving).
Therefore, it’s very reasonable to believe that the Ferin were created according to the Light Dragon’s plan to keep the Void Dragon imprisoned. If (or rather, when) the magically-inert Ferin come to dominate the world, no Elemental Magus could ever be born, and the Adamant prison could never be unmade. It’s a very long game, but it would work. The ethics are more than a bit iffy, but it should theoretically eliminate the Elder Races without killing any of them. Is that humane? I… don’t know.
Ah yes, that’s a version of another one of my theories. I don’t see Ferin supplanting every single Human and Elf race/tribe; the more tight-knit ones like Metal caste, Stygian elves, Dryads, and the such will probably survive and live amongst themselves. However the main race I do see the Ferin replacing, given enough time, are unaltered humans i.e. the only race that can produce an Elemental Magus.
Honestly this page, and the fact Ferin can use light magic, could add fuel to this “Rouge Paladin created the Ferin” theory. Emphasis on “could” though; I’m eagerly awaiting Wednesday for the potential of more info.
And about your “is this humane” comment: regardless of intent, it’s still forced eugenics on a worldwide population in the name of “the greater good” that also spawned generations of xenophobia, discrimination, and all manner of isolated sufferings. Are these means really justified by the ends?
It’s a reference to “Spiders Georg” – a joke about how the statistic of people [MAYBE ARACHNOPHOBIA/GRIEVOUS HARM TO BUGS WARNING] eating a certain amount of spiders in their sleep on average is misleading, as Spiders Georg, who eats a truly silly amount of spiders on a regular basis, is a statistical outlier and shouldn’t be counted. Erin’s last name is “Ruunaser”.
(Panel 4) After several pages of good “CRACK”s, we’re back to the bad kind; well, it was a good run while it lasted.
Main talking points aside, it is heart-wrenching to see Dainix telling Falst to let go while Falst keeps breaking bones in his arm to hold onto him. The problem with two people both willing to sacrifice themselves for the other, is there are some scenarios where both could easily meet their ends at the same time.
What?! How?! Why?! I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS! … Ok, let’s go through this step by step.
I was worried at first that those words belonged to V.D., but the typeface is not his and they lack the black background of his speech. Interesting how they seem deliberately positioned over Dainix’s speech bubbles; since this seems to be an inner monologue for Falst he may be, subconsciously or otherwise, blotting out Dainix’s pleas for him to let go. Now, is this Falst talking to himself to keep going, or a flashback to a speech his father gave him?
It’s not just the white colour, but the sharpness of the magic, the monologue transitioning to the speech of the Light dragon gave to her champion; that’s Paladin magic, no doubt. But where did it come from? Someone else in the cave? Are my eyes deceiving me, or is there a glint of white in Falst’s eyes in the second to last panel? … Did that magic come from him? But how?! He didn’t even know about the Paladins, let alone the light dragon, until Erin explained them in Zuurith.
… Wait a minute. During Falst’s flashback in 1-21-34/5 we get only brief images of his father, but we do see his clothes. Various shades of blue/grey robes. Just like what we’ve seen the Paladins wear! And I remember a tumblr post where Red said that Paladin magic can be used by Ferin. IS FALST’S DAD A PALADIN?!
That could make a lot of sense. If Falst’s mother was a paladin too, or just married to one, that could put her into a position where she could be exposed to cave corruption. Could his Paladin relation be part of the reason why the automatons see him as an Ancient?
I like the idea, but I don’t think it’s right. The only Paladin we’ve seen with a cape is the Champion, and he’s probably special enough to have a unique outfit. The Paladin soldiers here (1 16 17) are wearing helmets (not seen if baby Falst’s flashback) arm guards that don’t match “Falst Sr.”‘s.
None of the Paladins wear a color that seems close to the one in the flashback either. There’s variability, but not so much that Mr. Falst fits in. (IMO, anyway)
I see your point, but the fact that Falst’s child recollection isn’t an exact match to present day inner-city Paladins doesn’t exclude the possibility.
It wouldn’t be the first time Red has done something like this; Tess’s old cape was not black but actually a very dark purple, subtly linking her to Erin.
I think the colors are pretty much exactly the same, accounting for the difference in art style.
Falst’s dad is wearing blue, somewhat armored robes. Can’t get much closer to the paladins’ look, tbh.
You know, this would help explain the “EMIRA” grave(?)stone that we saw earlier, if Falst’s parents (or even just his dad) were Paladins, that could explain why it was written in the Ancient language. Maybe the paladins kept the Ancient’s language around for record keeping or something, given that the person who introduced them to this religion(?), Huracan, was an ancient.
They DO keep copies of their scripture in the original Ancient text. The one Erin read was a translation, and the Junior Archivist seemed familiar enough with the language to offer options. I would not be surprised if many Paladins, especially Archivists, were fluent or semi-fluent in Ancient. I guess it would be like the Aurora-Verse version of latin?
I love this theory and I actually think it’s pretty strong. A lot of things start to make sense if Falst has Paladin heritage.
Update to the stuff.
It’s probably: “The ..a. (still no idea whit this one is) get me out once you’re safe.”
There is another. “?se! Let go!” (This one’s even harder to decipher.)
Since the primary function of Void Magic is to destroy matter, we can assume that Light Magic, as the opposite of Void, involves the generation of matter (or maybe energy? not sure if thermodynamics applies here. actually, i AM sure that it doesn’t apply but Red does what she wants).
We’ve seen the Champion use Light Magic to create weapons and wings, although these clearly don’t behave like standard materials; his wings do not seem to beat and he is capable of levitating in place as if suspended from gravity. Likewise, his sword seemed to bend around a Cave Crawler like a fluid, but this might have been for artistic effect.
We’ve also seen the Junior Archivist produce a tendril of light to open a window, as well as communicate directly with Lady Niluca and The Lady Light Dragon herself. Otherwise, not much.
I would guess that Light Magic deals in souls and soul energy (however Red wants to define that), meaning it could make up a whole host on non-elemental abilities. Since soul energy can create barriers and ‘inhabit’ matter I’m going to say it can create semi-tangible constructs like force-fields and the aforementioned weapons… or giant claws. Plus, there’s some sort of telepathic element as well (communication between souls?) which opens the door to possibilities like scrying, clairvoyance, and precognition. It’s probably going to be the softest, most versatile, and plot-convenient form of magic, unless Red defines it further. I don’t mind either way.
I disagree on the “manipulating soul energy” thing. Soul energy is present and passive in everything in the world. Now, if this IS Light magic (which is highly likely), then let’s go back to what ahs been said about the Light Dragon. She, quote, “awoke the mortals’ wills”, giving them sentience and free will. Erin himself also notes that soul barriers are necessary for a body to be alive, ergo the earliest life (see: the Prologue) had to have a soul barrier in place. But without FREE WILL (and thus a MIND of their own), they were simply empty husks for the Void Dragon to possess like cute little puppets.
Hence, I believe what the Light Dragon did with this “awakening of wills” was invest her essence into the life on the planet, instilling everything with a MIND and thus CONSCIOUSNESS, which leads to life becoming sentient and having free will. And because it is linked to the mind, it allows for the user to be creative and make shapes according to their needs or desires, e.g. wings for flight, weapons, and/or Mage Hands. It being linked to the mind would also explain Paladin telepathy, because it would allow one to reach into the minds of others, which would likely be substantially easier if they have a proper channel.
In theory, this means every sentient creature has the potential to access Light magic, because they all have the capacity to exert their free will. However, this appears to take either considerable training (along with LD actively forging said link) in the case of the Paladins, or desperate resolve and sheer willpower to achieve as seen with Falst here.
Paladin (I like to call him ‘Champ’ in my head) shows compassion and empathy to the monster he stopping from eating the family it had found. and looks to be strong and nimble. I bet Paladin can dodge very well too. And like the kid said he(?) has pretty wings that work very well too. Could Paladin be a ferin?
Pretty sure Champ’s wings come from magic, not any sort of avian biology. In fact, I don’t see any any animal characteristics at all. Sure, he’s strong, fast, and empathetic to victims of Cave Corruption, but none of those things are unique to Ferin. Dainix also acknowledged the personhood of the Crawlers (far more than Falst did), and it’s clear that Red has no shortage of powerhouse characters.
I will say that his eyes (this is my theory anyway) denote him as the the Light Dragon’s Vessel in the same way that Possessed!Erin’s eyes denote him as the Void Dragon’s vessel. Both have black scleras (whites of the eyes), but Champ’s irises are silver where Erin’s are gold.
Falst being magic is actually pretty disappointing if that’s what’s going on here. Having one non-magic character felt like it grounded the party a bit, and he never needed magic to be badass before.
Yeah I have to agree. I really liked the direction things were going with “can’t do innate magic but super resilient and smart enough to completely wing carving lacrimas.” It just fit his story really well, him not having any innate magic but being extremely street-smart and skilled at using the tools around him. It was a really fun and interesting balance, and it showed him interacting with a magic world on his own non-magic terms and turning that into something powerful. I’m seriously hoping he doesn’t actually have crazy light dragon powers because I’ve been enjoying seeing him come into his own through his ingenuity and drive without being able to lean into Crazy Powerus (even though he really needs to temper that drive just a bit and be kinder to himself please Falst I am SO WORRIED about your arm-)
Only in hindsight and as far as I can tell only once (Falst’s dad possibly being a paladin. Maybe. Unless you meant something else that nobody has brought up here so far)… not much of a hint at anything tbh.
I gotta agree with Acevolts and Cosmo, I’m not a particular fan of this apparent development right now. I’ll have to see where this is going…
I understand all your concerns, but I do think we need to wait and see before drawing any conclusions about changes to the status quo. Red’s even said on her tumblr that she’s thought long and hard about this.
From what I’ve gathered on the Aurora tumblr, Paladins gain access to the Light Dragon after being formally initiated by them where they first make contact with L.D. and claim to hear her voice. The later appears to have happened to Falst without having to go through the former, which seems strange. There’s something weird about his light magic connection. Was this a freak fight-or-flight impulse from him? Could L.D. have done this by herself to make an unknowing spy in the gang?
There’s also the fact that while he was able to do this in a life-or-death situation, there’s no guarantee he’d be able to do it again on command. There’s no Paladin in the group to recognise this magic and train Falst properly, so he may not be able to learn how to us this power reliably and consistently. Until/Unless that happens, I see Falst sticking to what he knows.
Yep, I’m kind of surprised. I didn’t initially think that when I read the page, and to me it doesn’t really feel like something Red would do. We’ll have to see what happens because personally I’m doubting the ‘Falst is magic’ theory.
While I do agree with you that I prefer Falst as a non-magic user, which he may still be, we all seem to forget that Kendal doesn’t have magic either. Sure, he basically IS magic, but he doesn’t use it, he just has a sword and used a deus ex machina ONCE. If anything, Falst has more magic than Kendal does, because Falst has a basic knowledge of spellcarving. So, technically, we still have someone to kinda ground the Floof Squad.
I love the son of a Paladin theory!! My heart is also breaking at Falst being so consumed by his thoughts of “do/help/save to my very last breath’ that he’s not even hearing (or willing to hear) Dainix!
Everyone’s talking about how Falst is magic now, I just thought that the Champion showed up. It is his job to get rid of monsters, right? I just don’t know if Falst needs magic. If it was the Champion, it would be a deus ex machina and a problem at the same time, cause he doesn’t like Erin. I guess we’ll find out on Wednesday.
That’s what I thought too, at first, and I think it still has some merit to it. I though the weird text was from the paladin, but I don’t know why It’s blue. maybe it could be his dad as was therorized above?
I submit my (my life, documented) glass bead game & I would like to clearly state that I do not deserve this prize;
I am a landlords son, in a, THE 1st world nation, blessed with so many great teachers and economic advantages, the Greek culture, language & emphasis on education.
The opposite of privilege is my acknowledgment that not only do we stand on the shoulders of giants, some of us begin higher than others…
& really it all ends thee same, no on gets out of life alive, I believe, in “hard” “reality”?
So we have the Void Dragon inner monologue with Erin, his normal inner voice, and now what looks to be the fair lady’s own influence. I wonder when the unnamed paladin will show up.
Actually, I find your TL:DRs quote funny and interesting. Would be a shame, if you stopped. Obviously, if you’d rather remain as a silente viewer or drop the comic entirely, then please do what makes you the happiest. 🙂
That’s not what I meant! I like your TL;DR’s, I really do, and have no intention of taking them! I just thought it was interesting how that statement could apply to multiple entities in this page!
Honestly? I’ve probably done this into the ground by now (second-guessing myself and suggesting someone else take over because by default, I suck). It’s more a self-esteem issue than anything else, brought on my years of mental abuse that hasn’t been meaningfully addressed.
Falst has light magic?!?!
I wonder if that implies that most to all ancients also had it, since the automaton was identifying off of soul lattice. Maybe the ancients were all able to use soul and/or void magic instead of the classical elements, which is why they worshipped both dragons?
Ooh, I like this theory. Don’t think it’s contradicted by anything that’s currently known, and it does seem to gel with the current “why does the Ancient tech think Falst is one of them” weirdness.
I haven’t read all the comments so I don’t know if this got brought up already but the magic light looks like it’s a scratch from some claws further proving that Falst is magic because he has claws
I think Falst looks very heroic and gutsy as he gives all the might he has to save Dainix. If he pulls this off Falst is a true hero in my books- straining his broke body(arm) to surpass his limitations!
While I do believe the voice is in Falst’s head, I don’t think it’s his own internal monolog. Primarily since we’ve heard him talk to himself several times before and it’s always derogatory, “move! you stupid-” and the like. Meanwhile this voice is more encouraging. It’s my personal opinion that this is either someone in his past that he’s remembering. Mom, Dad, could be either one. Or someone new intervening.
… I have read most comments but I want to disagree. NORMALLY the person that is making it moves at least just a little along with the superpower. Whatever evidence above doesn’t seem to really click to me it seems like a third and fourth party, later possessing the prior. Also, no one has mentioned the almost minuscule details that suggest two people talking at the same time.
Consensus reached, Archivists declare least healthy magic use award goes to Falst read more at A̴̬͚͚͙̞͙̭̒̒̅͌́̒̔̔̇̚w̷̲͍̬̙͍̳̲͈͚̻̪̞̔̓̾̇͐̌͛̆͊̆͆͘͝e̵̼̤̫͓̪͎͓̫̫̗̼̼̼͎̓̀͆̓̓͋͆̋͐̚̚͠ͅḑ̴̝̲̗̠̳͕͖͈͙̉͐̅́̈́̔̋͂̋̈̒̇̚̚͠s̷̢͇͈͈̖̠̺̙̞͋̃̂̈́̇͝ͅt̵̨̘͔͈͔̘̮̃̀͋͆̍̔͂͛̑͂̓ŗ̷̼͖͔̥̞͍͉͉̏̋͑̉̎ú̷̧̧̨̨͙̖̳̱̣̥̠̓͋͒̍͊̓̑̏͂̈̚͜͜͜͝c̵̨̢̲͎̰͎̙̮͖͙̯͈̯͋͗̚ͅķ̵̢̞̙̞̬͙̤̜̭̣͕͕̋̈͊͂́͌̀͜͝
(I didnt know what to put there)
I think the questions about 4th base might be missing the fact that there are only 3 bases in baseball (and thus also in baseball metaphors). If anything, maybe it’s going all the past home (emotionally) and back to 1st again?
In the old metaphor (that now feels SO inappropriate), getting beyond “third base” was called “going all the way,” instead of a “home run,” so, indeed, the metaphor breaks down a little.
Falst’s inner monologue is interesting. and seeing glimpses of soul magic is really cool. Do you think ferin having an extra strong soul barrier plays into using soul magic or vice versa? Also, seeing this idea of breath and persistence for soul magic… I hope that’s a recurring theme and not just a one off.
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: “average aurora character has had 3 inner monologues” actually statistical error – Erin Georg, who monologues in his diary constantly, is an outlier-
Image source: move
Wait what does Georg mean? is that a reference I’m not getting? Or is it a last name? I thought Erin’s last name is Ruunaser? Someone help pls.
It’s a reference to a meme called “Spiders George”. Goes something like this: “the ‘person eats an average of three spiders’ factoids is misleading. Spiders Georg, who lives in a cave and eats thousands of spiders a day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.”
It’s a reference to “Spiders Georg” a meme that originated from tumblr and has since expanded.
““average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy (sic) just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted””
It’s become a meme in and of itself to reference something that does something else as “[thing] Georg”. For example, JRR Tolkien, known for creating complex conlangs, has been called “Conlangs Georg”. And so on. In this case, since Red is joking that Erin monologues in his diary all the time, he is an inner monologues georg whose monologues are throwing off the rest of the groups monologue statistics.
Thank you the insights – this one is new to me, but I don’t get out much anymore, though I have around 3 score years.
Its a Tumblr joke, there was a cat
It’s a reference to an old Tumblr joke: “average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy (sic) just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted”
It’s a meme about statistics:
There’s an internet meme about how one outlier can really screw with averages. A reproduction from memory follows:
“The well-known fact that the average person eats 3 spiders in their sleep per year is inaccurate. The average person eats zero spiders. Spiders Georg, who lives in a cave and eats 10,000 spiders a year, is a statistical outlier and should not be counted.”
*clicks on link posted literally seconds before his reproduction* Wow, I actually got pretty close for not having seen the meme itself in years.
The entire comment is a reference, actually!
There’s this old tumblr post that goes
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted”
Lots of people have done jokes referencing it, generally calling the person taking the place of Spiders Georg some variation of that name.
“average Aurora question gets 3 replies” factoid actualy just statistical error. average Aurora question gets 0 replies. Question About Georg, who lives in cave & asks about Spiders Georg, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Sorry, couldn’t resist. ^_^ Congrats on being one of today’s Lucky 10,000!
(“Lucky 10,000” being a reference to which comes up with the statistic that roughly 10,000 people hear about something “everyone knows” for the first time each day, and we should be celebrating that discovery instead of mocking them for not already knowing about it. Everyone has to hear about it for the first time once in their lives, after all, so being smug about it is hypocritical at best.)
A grabbed Dainix seems to be all but through
But Falst holds him, though it hurts him too
In Falst’s head rings a voice of his own
And another, granting strength unknown
Is that the Lady? How? Why now? What is She up to? I have so many questions …
So… I was just rereading things… But I realized that on 1.15.1, the first panel has runes shown when Falst is unconscious. I don’t know what they say, but if they are the same runic alphabet that is used in the Ancient Temple, where everything was reacting to him specifically, then someone was already trying to communicate with Falst in his dreams. :0
(Someone regarding the Ancients? Maybe the light dragon? I saw a theory where his dad was a paladin, which relates to the dragon. )
Hi Falst’s dad? Good of you to show up
Please, you must let go
Light magic to the rescue
Wait, what — LIGHT MAGIC???
Omg if that’s true that would change the whole plot aaaa
um She can see through the eyes of her acolytes…Is The Lady going to peep on the Squad through Falst?
Anonymous Aurora Question 18: 18.1: Why Is this so sweet and so worrying at the same time!?! Red what are you doing to me!?!
18.2 If the Aurora antagonista and protagonists were all on the same side, Who would get along with whom?
Sorry for the spelling, I’m tiping on a differenti phone and not used to it yet.
Forgiven! (Though I thought it was a clever excuse! (smile))
Erin and Tynan would definitely compare notes on the best dramatic entrances, how to come up with cool lines, etc. Voidy too, probably.
Considering both struggle with the idea of themselves being an individual outside of the greater being they have a connection with (which is presumably intentional for Red to contrast them this way), I feel like Kendal and the Collector would probably have a lot of common ground. Honestly given Kendal’s recent revelations I’d love to see him try to talk some of that stuff through with her.
I feel like Caliban’s attitude (at least what we’ve seen so far) is pretty similar to Tess, at least in the way they interact with others. Though Caliban is a lot more… manipulative, which might not be too popular.
It’s a little difficult extricating some of their characterisation and attitude from their moral standpoint, tbh. Interesting question, though.
Erin and the Void Dragon have some lovely banter. Maybe in other circumstances they’d be pals.
Oooooooh snap.
Ferin magic? Or is Erin doing a magic slice from above?
ngl my first thought was that The Champion finally found them
Okay, now Falst has weird powers and a possible connection to the Light Dragon. The Plot has Thickened.
well it better start a diet cuz now I’m worried
Help! I saw undead starfish running that way!
So about Ferrin not being able to do magic, yeah?
That dialogue in black-yellow overlies Dainix’s words, not Falst’s… but is what Falst hears while Dainix speaks? SO EXCITING WHAT IS THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT!!!
No, that’s not what Falst hears, its what Falst is thinking to himself
Oh? Huh, I didn’t interpret it that way but I’m pretty stupid when it comes to seeing things that aren’t self-evident, so, I’ll take you for your word instead! Thank you.
huh?? who was that? with the panel focus on falst i can only assume it’s him, but the text looks kind of similar to Voidy? and the secret alt text mentions erin’s internal monologue— or is it an entirely different character? Kendal? The Champion? The Light Dragon??? I’m at the edge of my seat!
I didn’t think about it being the inner monologe of a different character. That’s a good point.
red confirmed that it was not voidy so everyone can rest easy now!! its just very similar to his text
Guys, say what you will about the Light Dragon, but that yellow–outlined black text also matches the Void Dragon exactly – just less ethereal and smokey for some reason. So, um, WHAT. I mean, unless that’s just Falst colours. Could be Falst colours. Yeah, Kendal had one of those back in chapter 3.
But seriously though, Red did warn us with all that “bold of you to assume Falst is normal” talk on Tumblr. Also… props to her for managing to make the repeated abuse his arm takes feel viscerally awful every time like, I can’t look.
The glow around it is yellow, as opposed to the black glow of Walter’s speech, so I’m pretty sure it’s Falst’s thoughts.
Light dragon connection? Since we know nothing proper about the light dragon, and we know she is in oppoition to the void dragon, it is extremely easy to tie mysteries too her without much to go off.
But hear me out, this has got to be a light dragon connection. The only other Light Dragon attack we have ever seen was the Paladin’s sword, which was the same color, and was not touching the user, but did follow their motions. That lines up a bit with Falst’s claw marks.
Also that is most definitely Falst’s inner monologue, the silly extra text suggests it is, and it’s surrounded with his color. Like in the early panels where Kendall (then known as Vashn’t) fought a stone thingy, his inner monologue looked much the same, but blue.
This has got to be though! The “MOVE” in Falst’s monologue looks a hell of a lot like the light dragon’s speech text, and the color of blue matches really closely! Furthermore, Ferin’s soul channels are closed to all of the magic right? Well, they are closed to all KNOWN magic. If there was a way for one to channel soul energy, or perhaps light energy directly, it would not be known if Ferin were able to use it
But I can’t match this up with the ruins recognizing him as an Ancient. I have no Idea! This is so fun 😀
Falst’s eyes start to glow white-ish in panel eight! I think that supports my theory a bit.
The monologue could be a memory, or someone talking into Falst’s head, but I think it matches the current pacing and Falst’s arc if that’s his own internal monologue.
I only see Falst’s yellow eye narrowing in panel eight @Ardent, not pure white- but I do have to put my glasses on when reading Aurora (and comments)
The Ancients were taller Ferin, who have gotten shorter as they bred with other races following the collapse of their society.
(I’m just guessing, but this is my best headcanon based off of information Red has given us and knowledge of tropes in general.)
Go to the extra lore page, Red explains the origin and varieties of Ferin. They are a relatively new thing, and as far as we know, Ferin and Ancients never existed at the same time
That mage that cursed people to become Ferin… What if that mage was trying to bring the Ancients back? And the “curse” is trying to replicate their abilities?
What if that mage was the last of the Ancients and was trying to revive their race?
I know there’s a connection there.
Well I don’t if Extra Lore says that but I am sure there some type of conspiracy going on in Aurora! (Dons tinfoil cap)
I know that a strong theory for the connection between the Paladins and the Ferin is as follows:
Ferin are completely magically inert (except, apparently, for Light Magic).
All offspring of Ferin, even with other races, are born Ferin without any loss or diminishment. In other words, the ‘Ferin gene’ is extremely dominant, and for this reason, the average Ferin population is set to increase at an exponential rate until every other race is absorbed into it or rendered extinct due to natural selection (Ferin are generally better at surviving).
Therefore, it’s very reasonable to believe that the Ferin were created according to the Light Dragon’s plan to keep the Void Dragon imprisoned. If (or rather, when) the magically-inert Ferin come to dominate the world, no Elemental Magus could ever be born, and the Adamant prison could never be unmade. It’s a very long game, but it would work. The ethics are more than a bit iffy, but it should theoretically eliminate the Elder Races without killing any of them. Is that humane? I… don’t know.
What if that ancient is lady huracan? She was rendered ageless by the formation of the storm, so she could still be alive.
Ah yes, that’s a version of another one of my theories. I don’t see Ferin supplanting every single Human and Elf race/tribe; the more tight-knit ones like Metal caste, Stygian elves, Dryads, and the such will probably survive and live amongst themselves. However the main race I do see the Ferin replacing, given enough time, are unaltered humans i.e. the only race that can produce an Elemental Magus.
Honestly this page, and the fact Ferin can use light magic, could add fuel to this “Rouge Paladin created the Ferin” theory. Emphasis on “could” though; I’m eagerly awaiting Wednesday for the potential of more info.
And about your “is this humane” comment: regardless of intent, it’s still forced eugenics on a worldwide population in the name of “the greater good” that also spawned generations of xenophobia, discrimination, and all manner of isolated sufferings. Are these means really justified by the ends?
is erin’s last name georg???
It’s very funny to say that considering Erin is one of the three characters we’ve seen so far that we know the full name of
It’s a reference to “Spiders Georg” – a joke about how the statistic of people [MAYBE ARACHNOPHOBIA/GRIEVOUS HARM TO BUGS WARNING] eating a certain amount of spiders in their sleep on average is misleading, as Spiders Georg, who eats a truly silly amount of spiders on a regular basis, is a statistical outlier and shouldn’t be counted. Erin’s last name is “Ruunaser”.
(Panel 4) After several pages of good “CRACK”s, we’re back to the bad kind; well, it was a good run while it lasted.
Main talking points aside, it is heart-wrenching to see Dainix telling Falst to let go while Falst keeps breaking bones in his arm to hold onto him. The problem with two people both willing to sacrifice themselves for the other, is there are some scenarios where both could easily meet their ends at the same time.
What?! How?! Why?! I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS! … Ok, let’s go through this step by step.
I was worried at first that those words belonged to V.D., but the typeface is not his and they lack the black background of his speech. Interesting how they seem deliberately positioned over Dainix’s speech bubbles; since this seems to be an inner monologue for Falst he may be, subconsciously or otherwise, blotting out Dainix’s pleas for him to let go. Now, is this Falst talking to himself to keep going, or a flashback to a speech his father gave him?
It’s not just the white colour, but the sharpness of the magic, the monologue transitioning to the speech of the Light dragon gave to her champion; that’s Paladin magic, no doubt. But where did it come from? Someone else in the cave? Are my eyes deceiving me, or is there a glint of white in Falst’s eyes in the second to last panel? … Did that magic come from him? But how?! He didn’t even know about the Paladins, let alone the light dragon, until Erin explained them in Zuurith.
… Wait a minute. During Falst’s flashback in 1-21-34/5 we get only brief images of his father, but we do see his clothes. Various shades of blue/grey robes. Just like what we’ve seen the Paladins wear! And I remember a tumblr post where Red said that Paladin magic can be used by Ferin. IS FALST’S DAD A PALADIN?!
That could make a lot of sense. If Falst’s mother was a paladin too, or just married to one, that could put her into a position where she could be exposed to cave corruption. Could his Paladin relation be part of the reason why the automatons see him as an Ancient?
That is– WOW. Just wow. Yeah that’s a really good theory, good hecking job!
Seconded: great theory and insights!! oh my goodness.
I like the idea, but I don’t think it’s right. The only Paladin we’ve seen with a cape is the Champion, and he’s probably special enough to have a unique outfit. The Paladin soldiers here (1 16 17) are wearing helmets (not seen if baby Falst’s flashback) arm guards that don’t match “Falst Sr.”‘s.
None of the Paladins wear a color that seems close to the one in the flashback either. There’s variability, but not so much that Mr. Falst fits in. (IMO, anyway)
I see your point, but the fact that Falst’s child recollection isn’t an exact match to present day inner-city Paladins doesn’t exclude the possibility.
It wouldn’t be the first time Red has done something like this; Tess’s old cape was not black but actually a very dark purple, subtly linking her to Erin.
I think the colors are pretty much exactly the same, accounting for the difference in art style.
Falst’s dad is wearing blue, somewhat armored robes. Can’t get much closer to the paladins’ look, tbh.
You know, this would help explain the “EMIRA” grave(?)stone that we saw earlier, if Falst’s parents (or even just his dad) were Paladins, that could explain why it was written in the Ancient language. Maybe the paladins kept the Ancient’s language around for record keeping or something, given that the person who introduced them to this religion(?), Huracan, was an ancient.
They DO keep copies of their scripture in the original Ancient text. The one Erin read was a translation, and the Junior Archivist seemed familiar enough with the language to offer options. I would not be surprised if many Paladins, especially Archivists, were fluent or semi-fluent in Ancient. I guess it would be like the Aurora-Verse version of latin?
I love this theory and I actually think it’s pretty strong. A lot of things start to make sense if Falst has Paladin heritage.
I found a sketch of “Falst Sr.” on Red’s Tumblr. Make of it what you will.
Calling it now, Huracan is still alive and Falst’s grandma
Now I wonder what the text that is covered up by “Move, damn you.”.
From what I can decipher it’s “The ..a. … (possibly got) .(.)e”
Update to the stuff.
It’s probably: “The ..a. (still no idea whit this one is) get me out once you’re safe.”
There is another. “?se! Let go!” (This one’s even harder to decipher.)
“They can get me out once you’re safe!”
“Falst, please! Let go!”
AuroRa Question #92: What abilities do you think the Paladins possess?
Since the primary function of Void Magic is to destroy matter, we can assume that Light Magic, as the opposite of Void, involves the generation of matter (or maybe energy? not sure if thermodynamics applies here. actually, i AM sure that it doesn’t apply but Red does what she wants).
We’ve seen the Champion use Light Magic to create weapons and wings, although these clearly don’t behave like standard materials; his wings do not seem to beat and he is capable of levitating in place as if suspended from gravity. Likewise, his sword seemed to bend around a Cave Crawler like a fluid, but this might have been for artistic effect.
We’ve also seen the Junior Archivist produce a tendril of light to open a window, as well as communicate directly with Lady Niluca and The Lady Light Dragon herself. Otherwise, not much.
I would guess that Light Magic deals in souls and soul energy (however Red wants to define that), meaning it could make up a whole host on non-elemental abilities. Since soul energy can create barriers and ‘inhabit’ matter I’m going to say it can create semi-tangible constructs like force-fields and the aforementioned weapons… or giant claws. Plus, there’s some sort of telepathic element as well (communication between souls?) which opens the door to possibilities like scrying, clairvoyance, and precognition. It’s probably going to be the softest, most versatile, and plot-convenient form of magic, unless Red defines it further. I don’t mind either way.
I disagree on the “manipulating soul energy” thing. Soul energy is present and passive in everything in the world. Now, if this IS Light magic (which is highly likely), then let’s go back to what ahs been said about the Light Dragon. She, quote, “awoke the mortals’ wills”, giving them sentience and free will. Erin himself also notes that soul barriers are necessary for a body to be alive, ergo the earliest life (see: the Prologue) had to have a soul barrier in place. But without FREE WILL (and thus a MIND of their own), they were simply empty husks for the Void Dragon to possess like cute little puppets.
Hence, I believe what the Light Dragon did with this “awakening of wills” was invest her essence into the life on the planet, instilling everything with a MIND and thus CONSCIOUSNESS, which leads to life becoming sentient and having free will. And because it is linked to the mind, it allows for the user to be creative and make shapes according to their needs or desires, e.g. wings for flight, weapons, and/or Mage Hands. It being linked to the mind would also explain Paladin telepathy, because it would allow one to reach into the minds of others, which would likely be substantially easier if they have a proper channel.
In theory, this means every sentient creature has the potential to access Light magic, because they all have the capacity to exert their free will. However, this appears to take either considerable training (along with LD actively forging said link) in the case of the Paladins, or desperate resolve and sheer willpower to achieve as seen with Falst here.
Paladin (I like to call him ‘Champ’ in my head) shows compassion and empathy to the monster he stopping from eating the family it had found. and looks to be strong and nimble. I bet Paladin can dodge very well too. And like the kid said he(?) has pretty wings that work very well too. Could Paladin be a ferin?
Pretty sure Champ’s wings come from magic, not any sort of avian biology. In fact, I don’t see any any animal characteristics at all. Sure, he’s strong, fast, and empathetic to victims of Cave Corruption, but none of those things are unique to Ferin. Dainix also acknowledged the personhood of the Crawlers (far more than Falst did), and it’s clear that Red has no shortage of powerhouse characters.
I will say that his eyes (this is my theory anyway) denote him as the the Light Dragon’s Vessel in the same way that Possessed!Erin’s eyes denote him as the Void Dragon’s vessel. Both have black scleras (whites of the eyes), but Champ’s irises are silver where Erin’s are gold.
I don’t care if Red reveals a name for him later. His name is Champ now
Falst Secret Superpowers Arc LET’S GO!!!
wait isn’t that the broken arm?? that may be not good if i’m remembering correctly
Yea it is. Guess we’re ’bout to find out if Alinua can fix a limb that’s been ground down to about 30% bonemeal…
Ooh it will be interesting to see how this plays out
If that’s what I think it is, those Trope Talk drawings where Falst beats up Erin are making a lot more sense now.
wait WHAT which Trope Talk? O_O
@IrishPixie23 I’m pretty sure it was Mind Control, but it could’ve also been Power of Friendship
Ok, so I just rewatched both, both of them have similar drawings but Power of Friendship has the ones I was thinking of.
So much for Falst being your run of the mill ferin
… wat?
Seriously, what? What is going on?
Going off the alt text, I think this is Falst’s inner monologue. It’s the wrong font to be the Light Dragon.
“there’s breath in your body so spend it on something” is great and cool
There once was a Ferin boy
Whose arm’s broke again–oh joy!
To save his friend
He does intend
His hidden powers to deploy.
Gotta get all the elements present in the Gaang- wait, wrong media
Falst being magic is actually pretty disappointing if that’s what’s going on here. Having one non-magic character felt like it grounded the party a bit, and he never needed magic to be badass before.
Yeah I have to agree. I really liked the direction things were going with “can’t do innate magic but super resilient and smart enough to completely wing carving lacrimas.” It just fit his story really well, him not having any innate magic but being extremely street-smart and skilled at using the tools around him. It was a really fun and interesting balance, and it showed him interacting with a magic world on his own non-magic terms and turning that into something powerful. I’m seriously hoping he doesn’t actually have crazy light dragon powers because I’ve been enjoying seeing him come into his own through his ingenuity and drive without being able to lean into Crazy Powerus (even though he really needs to temper that drive just a bit and be kinder to himself please Falst I am SO WORRIED about your arm-)
It appears to have been hinted at for a while though.
Only in hindsight and as far as I can tell only once (Falst’s dad possibly being a paladin. Maybe. Unless you meant something else that nobody has brought up here so far)… not much of a hint at anything tbh.
I gotta agree with Acevolts and Cosmo, I’m not a particular fan of this apparent development right now. I’ll have to see where this is going…
I understand all your concerns, but I do think we need to wait and see before drawing any conclusions about changes to the status quo. Red’s even said on her tumblr that she’s thought long and hard about this.
From what I’ve gathered on the Aurora tumblr, Paladins gain access to the Light Dragon after being formally initiated by them where they first make contact with L.D. and claim to hear her voice. The later appears to have happened to Falst without having to go through the former, which seems strange. There’s something weird about his light magic connection. Was this a freak fight-or-flight impulse from him? Could L.D. have done this by herself to make an unknowing spy in the gang?
There’s also the fact that while he was able to do this in a life-or-death situation, there’s no guarantee he’d be able to do it again on command. There’s no Paladin in the group to recognise this magic and train Falst properly, so he may not be able to learn how to us this power reliably and consistently. Until/Unless that happens, I see Falst sticking to what he knows.
Yep, I’m kind of surprised. I didn’t initially think that when I read the page, and to me it doesn’t really feel like something Red would do. We’ll have to see what happens because personally I’m doubting the ‘Falst is magic’ theory.
While I do agree with you that I prefer Falst as a non-magic user, which he may still be, we all seem to forget that Kendal doesn’t have magic either. Sure, he basically IS magic, but he doesn’t use it, he just has a sword and used a deus ex machina ONCE. If anything, Falst has more magic than Kendal does, because Falst has a basic knowledge of spellcarving. So, technically, we still have someone to kinda ground the Floof Squad.
Well this is one HECK of a plot twist alright. Apparently Falst can do that. That is so cool.
I love the son of a Paladin theory!! My heart is also breaking at Falst being so consumed by his thoughts of “do/help/save to my very last breath’ that he’s not even hearing (or willing to hear) Dainix!
Alternate theory: Falst just developed a connection to Primordial Air.
Because that text isn’t quite in the same font as the Light Dragon uses and the mention of Breath seems important.
Isn´t air purple?
Hmmm…you’re right. Maybe Water then? That also seems to have a blue outline with a white inside.
Its just bluw
Everyone’s talking about how Falst is magic now, I just thought that the Champion showed up. It is his job to get rid of monsters, right? I just don’t know if Falst needs magic. If it was the Champion, it would be a deus ex machina and a problem at the same time, cause he doesn’t like Erin. I guess we’ll find out on Wednesday.
After looking at the comic for awhile, yeah, its from Falst. The white and blue around the word “move” means its from him. My bad.
That’s what I thought too, at first, and I think it still has some merit to it. I though the weird text was from the paladin, but I don’t know why It’s blue. maybe it could be his dad as was therorized above?
Orange, not blue.
Falst’s color is that shade of orange
What do you think the chances are that that was a good cracking sound?
(Extra question: Already present in Falst or consequence of joining the Floof Squad?)
Wow, falst is some variant of paladin ancient? What a shocker. I never could have guessed this from the everything this arc.
Now tess is the only one not possessed. PossTessed if you will!
I will, thank you!
Outlier = bell curve breaker?
I submit my (my life, documented) glass bead game & I would like to clearly state that I do not deserve this prize;
I am a landlords son, in a, THE 1st world nation, blessed with so many great teachers and economic advantages, the Greek culture, language & emphasis on education.
The opposite of privilege is my acknowledgment that not only do we stand on the shoulders of giants, some of us begin higher than others…
& really it all ends thee same, no on gets out of life alive, I believe, in “hard” “reality”?
So we have the Void Dragon inner monologue with Erin, his normal inner voice, and now what looks to be the fair lady’s own influence. I wonder when the unnamed paladin will show up.
TL;DR: That’s one persistent slime creature.
RE:TL;DR: That’s one persistent lionboy.
(p.s: i’m not trying to take your thing, i’m genuinely just trying to be funny)
Eh… okay…
I mean, I feel like my TL;DRs haven’t been landing as well lately anyway so if you want to take it I can just stop.
Actually, I find your TL:DRs quote funny and interesting. Would be a shame, if you stopped. Obviously, if you’d rather remain as a silente viewer or drop the comic entirely, then please do what makes you the happiest. 🙂
That’s not what I meant! I like your TL;DR’s, I really do, and have no intention of taking them! I just thought it was interesting how that statement could apply to multiple entities in this page!
I like the consistency? Not ever TL/DR has to be be a killer but if you don’t drop them then none of them will be great?
Honestly? I’ve probably done this into the ground by now (second-guessing myself and suggesting someone else take over because by default, I suck). It’s more a self-esteem issue than anything else, brought on my years of mental abuse that hasn’t been meaningfully addressed.
So much for him being “the normal one”.
please be micheal i have waited sooo fucking long for him pleaase
woah woah wOAH WHAT
falst has freaking LIGHT MAGIC
Falst has light magic?!?!
I wonder if that implies that most to all ancients also had it, since the automaton was identifying off of soul lattice. Maybe the ancients were all able to use soul and/or void magic instead of the classical elements, which is why they worshipped both dragons?
Ooh, I like this theory. Don’t think it’s contradicted by anything that’s currently known, and it does seem to gel with the current “why does the Ancient tech think Falst is one of them” weirdness.
Honestly, at this rate that arm’s just gonna come OFF.
When Alinua sees it, she’ll be like “What the #@$% did you do!” And Erin will probably be face palming in the background.
I haven’t read all the comments so I don’t know if this got brought up already but the magic light looks like it’s a scratch from some claws further proving that Falst is magic because he has claws
I think Falst looks very heroic and gutsy as he gives all the might he has to save Dainix. If he pulls this off Falst is a true hero in my books- straining his broke body(arm) to surpass his limitations!
falst is litterally crying in panel four and i think i might join him
While I do believe the voice is in Falst’s head, I don’t think it’s his own internal monolog. Primarily since we’ve heard him talk to himself several times before and it’s always derogatory, “move! you stupid-” and the like. Meanwhile this voice is more encouraging. It’s my personal opinion that this is either someone in his past that he’s remembering. Mom, Dad, could be either one. Or someone new intervening.
oooooh their resident healing miracle-worker is gonna be STRESSED
… I have read most comments but I want to disagree. NORMALLY the person that is making it moves at least just a little along with the superpower. Whatever evidence above doesn’t seem to really click to me it seems like a third and fourth party, later possessing the prior. Also, no one has mentioned the almost minuscule details that suggest two people talking at the same time.
Consensus reached, Archivists declare least healthy magic use award goes to Falst read more at A̴̬͚͚͙̞͙̭̒̒̅͌́̒̔̔̇̚w̷̲͍̬̙͍̳̲͈͚̻̪̞̔̓̾̇͐̌͛̆͊̆͆͘͝e̵̼̤̫͓̪͎͓̫̫̗̼̼̼͎̓̀͆̓̓͋͆̋͐̚̚͠ͅḑ̴̝̲̗̠̳͕͖͈͙̉͐̅́̈́̔̋͂̋̈̒̇̚̚͠s̷̢͇͈͈̖̠̺̙̞͋̃̂̈́̇͝ͅt̵̨̘͔͈͔̘̮̃̀͋͆̍̔͂͛̑͂̓ŗ̷̼͖͔̥̞͍͉͉̏̋͑̉̎ú̷̧̧̨̨͙̖̳̱̣̥̠̓͋͒̍͊̓̑̏͂̈̚͜͜͜͝c̵̨̢̲͎̰͎̙̮͖͙̯͈̯͋͗̚ͅķ̵̢̞̙̞̬͙̤̜̭̣͕͕̋̈͊͂́͌̀͜͝
(I didnt know what to put there)
I think the questions about 4th base might be missing the fact that there are only 3 bases in baseball (and thus also in baseball metaphors). If anything, maybe it’s going all the past home (emotionally) and back to 1st again?
In the old metaphor (that now feels SO inappropriate), getting beyond “third base” was called “going all the way,” instead of a “home run,” so, indeed, the metaphor breaks down a little.
Falst’s inner monologue is interesting. and seeing glimpses of soul magic is really cool. Do you think ferin having an extra strong soul barrier plays into using soul magic or vice versa? Also, seeing this idea of breath and persistence for soul magic… I hope that’s a recurring theme and not just a one off.
Oh, *that* magic trick that Falst plays on the Glort. I didn’t see that clearly the first time I read the comic!
Falst is god/light dragon confirmed
Iron Reaver Soul Stealer