Yeah until further knowledge is gained I’m calling it the Voidhammer Amalgamation. Seems like an amalgamated mess of soul and void that has many mouths and very much needs to scream
I am sticking with with magical nanite grey ooze with life magic immunity or suppression, professor, and I think it sounds angry in panel six for some reason…(I guess)
A carrion crawler maybe? All I remember about them is that they eat corpses and occasionally create living copies of what they consume. Which to me gives creepy ooze vibes
Somehow, I think the rune and lacrima cycle was supposed to keep the “voidhammers” power contained and then was damaged by a cave crawler. This led to it uncontrollably releasing energy which mutated the original crawler and everything else that entered the room beyond recognition until they fused into the blob. This probably is not what happened, but for now, it’s all I can think about.
According to the rune people, we’re in the “Sealing Laboratory”, and they’re not being let out due to a “contaminant detected”. So my guess is that the oil thing isn’t actually what was sealed (otherwise it wouldn’t specify it as a contaminant, but rather say “broken seal” or something like that). So maybe it’s some creature that came from the singing caves and is probably what killed the dragon and a lot of cave crawlers on the way in? Maybe it absorbs or otherwise contains souls into itself based on the hands (it kinda reminds me of the hands in Kendal’s dreams before they turned into the people of Vash) so it could be some type of void/soul fusion or vengeful spirit to be more specific?
I don’t think you give our code translators or Red the benefit of the doubt that these are precious Easter eggs meant to give hints to the story- not that every reader catches every theme going on (myself included!) I just want give Red and translators credit for putting extra content/effort for those who put in extra work too, Red many not be the Phililogist of a certain famous British writer born in South Africa, but Red was able do a solid job of world building and an interesting runic alphabet if I may so bold to post (but tastes differ of course)
I think my tone came across wrong there… ^^’ this was in no way whatsoever directed at Red or Zer0. I love that the ancient texts aren’t just gibberish and I love that people put so much effort into translating it for us common folks!
Well, panel knows it’s a “contaminant”, and has procedures in place for sealing the lab (presumably to protect the rest of the facility if the lab experiments went wrong), I feel like that’s helpful information! Concerning helpful information, but helpful nonetheless
Sorry for being overly sensitive @Raid! I find Emojis (or my my older eye/mind version) are great for adding emotion context= Thank you Text Generation! Stay sincere! (Thumps up!)
Or the chamber was designed to keep whatever was sealed in the dais from getting out if it escaped the dais. Whoever broke the dais couldn’t get out either, and was consumed. Why it doesn’t leave through the hole in the wall is a mystery. Maybe it hates singing?
Oxygen in caves tends to famously be rather a limited thing. Breathing is nice. But, so is not being eaten by gloop.
In this particular place oxygen might be less problematic, what with that opening? ….I’m not going to count on it…
I’m kinda reminded of that scene in A New Hope where Luke and Leia are above a chasm after just blasting the door/bridge controls. Though I doubt how useful Dainix’s grappling hook will be here.
Despite the looming danger of the Smooze/Ivan Ooze/Dark Chuchu, I can’t help but chuckle at that dialogue, especially panel 3. Two characters arguing and blame swapping while in mortal danger never gets old to me. And hey, they’re still below where Erin and Alinua are digging; just need to stay alive long enough for them to get through … and get attacked by this thing as well.
The ooze is screaming, why is the ooze screaming? It almost looks like that first cave crawler we saw here saying “Starving” to Falst; could come of the absorbed crawlers still be alive inside that thing? As if those poor souls haven’t suffered enough.
Contaminant Detected, eh? That actually gives us a clue as to what this is. This facility recognises Falst and it’s own robots, but seemingly not Dainix, the cave crawlers or other nasties, else that door leading to the giant spider room might not have opened. This room recognises what that thing is, so it or the possibility of it must have been recognised during the Ancient times and countermeasures put in place for it. Given the dais and lacrimas, I’m edging towards Sunstorm the Budgie’s and NP’s hypotheses about near-Adamant fusions from the last page; the Ancients were making them and had contingencies in place if things went wrong.
That blob kinda reminds me of the fusion experiments from Steven Universe. And we do know the Collector has been taking gods apart and trying to put them back together. I wonder…
Oh, shoot, that makes sense. The oily-rainbow color scheme could be all those gods’ soul colors combining into an ugly mess. It was probably in the thing before the Collector took it.
Now I am seeing a foot shape and a separate leg shape in another part of panel six, Is it a misconception or clue? Come back to find out (next panel?) (later in the story?)
Place your bets everyone; how will the characters get out of this one?
A: Dainix goes Super Saiyan- I mean turns into his Crucible form
B: They escape through the Caves
C: Alinua and Erin bail them out
D: Deus ex machina
Gonna do a combo, I say they escape through the caves, then Erin and Alinua find them and help them out. All the while Voidy does an unwanted entry and generally causes trouble.
Maybe the glort isn’t screaming in anger. Maybe it’s just trying to communicate, but talking really, really slowly. I see S O M E A N and there’s one place where it goes AUH. I also think there might be an F over on the left side of the panel, but it might be another E. Anyone feel like trying to unscramble the message?
now would be a wonderful time for Erin and Alinua to breach through the rock. I really love the oily sheen on the Voidhammer amalgamation. Everything about it is sufficiently terrifying. Thanks for making this!
I am becoming increasingly convinced that the blob eats people and the noise it’s making is the screams of the beings trapped inside. There’s regular people screaming and also crawler hissing. Horrible, I love it
There was actually a thread about something like that a couple pages back! All kinds of analysis happened!
(Note: please do not trust my definition of “a couple” – I am not good at time.)
Actually, lemme just find it instead… here! Started by Question Master, alternate question posited by Gigabyte22. Pretty high up on the page.
Ah. That was 2½ weeks ago. So I wasn’t that far off! Hope you like it!
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: the door: I see no difference, love is love
Image source: door
good news: door is an ally
bad news: blob is also gay
the good news: the door is an ally
the gooder news: the blob is gay
if i had been drinking something when i read the alt text i would have done a spit take
oh dear
Aurora Question #78: Theories about what that thing is?
I’d assume something to do with the “Voidhammer” that was mentioned on the sign next to the door.
Hopefully deciphering the runes will bring some clarity…
Yeah until further knowledge is gained I’m calling it the Voidhammer Amalgamation. Seems like an amalgamated mess of soul and void that has many mouths and very much needs to scream
I am sticking with with magical nanite grey ooze with life magic immunity or suppression, professor, and I think it sounds angry in panel six for some reason…(I guess)
A carrion crawler maybe? All I remember about them is that they eat corpses and occasionally create living copies of what they consume. Which to me gives creepy ooze vibes
Somehow, I think the rune and lacrima cycle was supposed to keep the “voidhammers” power contained and then was damaged by a cave crawler. This led to it uncontrollably releasing energy which mutated the original crawler and everything else that entered the room beyond recognition until they fused into the blob. This probably is not what happened, but for now, it’s all I can think about.
According to the rune people, we’re in the “Sealing Laboratory”, and they’re not being let out due to a “contaminant detected”. So my guess is that the oil thing isn’t actually what was sealed (otherwise it wouldn’t specify it as a contaminant, but rather say “broken seal” or something like that). So maybe it’s some creature that came from the singing caves and is probably what killed the dragon and a lot of cave crawlers on the way in? Maybe it absorbs or otherwise contains souls into itself based on the hands (it kinda reminds me of the hands in Kendal’s dreams before they turned into the people of Vash) so it could be some type of void/soul fusion or vengeful spirit to be more specific?
I love that exchange.
“Uh huh.” “Uh-uh.”
My favorite kind of communication, just above “That didn’t sound like a door opening.”
The door won’t work, his fault it’s not!
But the slime draws closer to their spot
Once and again relying on Yoda language to function
Panel 3 Oh my god!!!
Gotta love (English) dialogue…(sticks tongue in cheek)
Gonna quickly guess what the runes say via the power of context clues and nothing else
1. “Authorization Required”
2. “Access Denied”
Second and third are “SEALING LABORATORY.”
Woohoo, thank you!
…that’s not very helpful tho. Guess the panel doesn’t know what the goo of horrors is either.
I don’t think you give our code translators or Red the benefit of the doubt that these are precious Easter eggs meant to give hints to the story- not that every reader catches every theme going on (myself included!) I just want give Red and translators credit for putting extra content/effort for those who put in extra work too, Red many not be the Phililogist of a certain famous British writer born in South Africa, but Red was able do a solid job of world building and an interesting runic alphabet if I may so bold to post (but tastes differ of course)
I think my tone came across wrong there… ^^’ this was in no way whatsoever directed at Red or Zer0. I love that the ancient texts aren’t just gibberish and I love that people put so much effort into translating it for us common folks!
Well, panel knows it’s a “contaminant”, and has procedures in place for sealing the lab (presumably to protect the rest of the facility if the lab experiments went wrong), I feel like that’s helpful information! Concerning helpful information, but helpful nonetheless
Sorry for being overly sensitive @Raid! I find Emojis (or my my older eye/mind version) are great for adding emotion context= Thank you Text Generation! Stay sincere! (Thumps up!)
Or the chamber was designed to keep whatever was sealed in the dais from getting out if it escaped the dais. Whoever broke the dais couldn’t get out either, and was consumed. Why it doesn’t leave through the hole in the wall is a mystery. Maybe it hates singing?
be safe boys
Translation for panels 2, 4, & 5:
And Thank you for sharing/confirming translation too @Juls I hope you enjoyed discovering this easter egg as Red enjoyed putting it in here! (smile)
oh it’s screaming. thats so nice thats fun. thats the best thing for the glort to do
It must. And it has no mouth!
I got that reference!
Well, Dainix can become made fo fire.
So, yeah. That. I think it’s time for that. Lots and lots of that. Risk: possible big bada-boo. Reward: Not getting eaten by a slime.
Oxygen in caves tends to famously be rather a limited thing. Breathing is nice. But, so is not being eaten by gloop.
In this particular place oxygen might be less problematic, what with that opening? ….I’m not going to count on it…
It its immune to fire that makes more difficult for our heroes or could it be someone likes to see our heroes sweat? (twinkle)
Was it mentioned before, how Falst knows it’s 4000 years of rot? Oddly specific…
I’m kinda reminded of that scene in A New Hope where Luke and Leia are above a chasm after just blasting the door/bridge controls. Though I doubt how useful Dainix’s grappling hook will be here.
Despite the looming danger of the Smooze/Ivan Ooze/Dark Chuchu, I can’t help but chuckle at that dialogue, especially panel 3. Two characters arguing and blame swapping while in mortal danger never gets old to me. And hey, they’re still below where Erin and Alinua are digging; just need to stay alive long enough for them to get through … and get attacked by this thing as well.
The ooze is screaming, why is the ooze screaming? It almost looks like that first cave crawler we saw here saying “Starving” to Falst; could come of the absorbed crawlers still be alive inside that thing? As if those poor souls haven’t suffered enough.
Contaminant Detected, eh? That actually gives us a clue as to what this is. This facility recognises Falst and it’s own robots, but seemingly not Dainix, the cave crawlers or other nasties, else that door leading to the giant spider room might not have opened. This room recognises what that thing is, so it or the possibility of it must have been recognised during the Ancient times and countermeasures put in place for it. Given the dais and lacrimas, I’m edging towards Sunstorm the Budgie’s and NP’s hypotheses about near-Adamant fusions from the last page; the Ancients were making them and had contingencies in place if things went wrong.
That blob kinda reminds me of the fusion experiments from Steven Universe. And we do know the Collector has been taking gods apart and trying to put them back together. I wonder…
Oh, shoot, that makes sense. The oily-rainbow color scheme could be all those gods’ soul colors combining into an ugly mess. It was probably in the thing before the Collector took it.
left in absolute dread till Friday
Eugh it’s got the cave crawler hands. And I’m seeing some pretty funky elbows in there too.
Now I am seeing a foot shape and a separate leg shape in another part of panel six, Is it a misconception or clue? Come back to find out (next panel?) (later in the story?)
Colours unlike any seen on earth
Mysterious colours, etcetera etcetera …
Scream pit 2.0
Place your bets everyone; how will the characters get out of this one?
A: Dainix goes Super Saiyan- I mean turns into his Crucible form
B: They escape through the Caves
C: Alinua and Erin bail them out
D: Deus ex machina
Gonna do a combo, I say they escape through the caves, then Erin and Alinua find them and help them out. All the while Voidy does an unwanted entry and generally causes trouble.
Maybe the glort isn’t screaming in anger. Maybe it’s just trying to communicate, but talking really, really slowly. I see S O M E A N and there’s one place where it goes AUH. I also think there might be an F over on the left side of the panel, but it might be another E. Anyone feel like trying to unscramble the message?
Also, it seems I am now incapable of reading the word “contaminant” without hearing the voice of Moe from Wall-E.
now would be a wonderful time for Erin and Alinua to breach through the rock. I really love the oily sheen on the Voidhammer amalgamation. Everything about it is sufficiently terrifying. Thanks for making this!
Thanks, I hate it.
I can’t wait for Tes and Sword boy to talk
didn’t know we were doing a sleepless domain crossover
…And now my point of reference for this thing has gone from Changer to Maw-Mouth (‘Scholomance’ trilogy). Lovely.
Oh god I just accidentally looked at the blob drastically zoomed out. There’s full-fledge human shapes in that thing.
I am becoming increasingly convinced that the blob eats people and the noise it’s making is the screams of the beings trapped inside. There’s regular people screaming and also crawler hissing. Horrible, I love it
Thats why you don’t feed your slimes 2 diffrent plorts.
I love all the characters but which one do you guys think would be the best to die? (sorry if I worded that weirdly)
There was actually a thread about something like that a couple pages back! All kinds of analysis happened!
(Note: please do not trust my definition of “a couple” – I am not good at time.)
Actually, lemme just find it instead… here! Started by Question Master, alternate question posited by Gigabyte22. Pretty high up on the page.
Ah. That was 2½ weeks ago. So I wasn’t that far off! Hope you like it!
Dm: aha, you cannot escape my boss battle this time!
TL;DR: We had to make the escape harder, you see.
its giving arcane and now im scared…