on March 29, 2023
at 3:00 am
no I don’t have a caffeine addiction I’m just staving off possession by the forces of darkness MOM
no I don’t have a caffeine addiction I’m just staving off possession by the forces of darkness MOM
Using the paladins to your advantage? Pretty smart move, Erin. I was expecting him to call for Tess to knock him out or something.
yeah i know it’s juvenile but YAY FIRST
Wanna race to the next update? If your timezone allows it that is, it wouldn’t be fair if you had to stay up
Yeah, sure. It’s a comfortable 7pm for me.
As we’ve seen before, Walter can take over when erin’s out, and as great as tess is, I don’t think she could take v.d.
Tess doesn’t have to defeat him, her job is to punch him while she’s got an excuse
me reloading for a full minute to find this
also if you ever see a Karen in the wild, just remember they may be staving off an eternal world-consuming darkness
Never gonna live that outburst down, is he
I certainly hope not: It’s still hilarious
I love to see the sheer COMPETENCE on display from these characters! Angst, yes, but so GOOD at what they do.
oh no
And how is that a good thing for us, Erin?!
(Erin revels in inconveniencing the enemy, it seems. It is not often he can unnerve the dragon)
Genuinely curious what counts as nice, local cuisine in Zuurith, besides the prison food.
There was that fancy blue melon Alinua overpaid for at the market, which also seemed imported.
I’m guessing the non-imprisioned people of Zuurith have a lot of dishes taking advantage of Zuuriths relative wealth and the many ingredients that gives access to.
Not to mention in 1-13-35 Shrike was trying to temp Vienne with a fancy breakfast with her.
blue melons
Aurora Question #52: What’s a battle (purely theoretical), that you would love to see?
Right now? Possessed Erin vs Michael.
Iād love to see Life vs. Voidy
Anyone against the Collector. The possibilities are endless, and she could basically survive anything, so fighting her would be a lat resort. I’d also like to see the possible crucible woman raging in a flashback, Dainix and his friends in action and perhaps Dainix punching Caliban in the face – as a treat.
I’ve liked all the fight scenes so far, so I’m not at all picky. The only get better and better!
*LAST resort, and *THEY get better and better, dangit
Dainix (Soulfire Form) against The Collector? Unstoppable Force against Immovable Object?
Falst, Tess and Dainix vs. Voidy, the Collector or any other powerful villain!
@Mat hit the nail on the head
I want to see Tess try to punch the void dragon out of Erin
Bruh I just want to see Kendal and walter interact more. they’ve got *such* a dynamic.
Actually, Alinua vs. Tess seems like it would be really interesting, as far as power sets and fighting styles go!
Leave it to Erin to turn a massive problem into a tactical advantage with just a shift in perspective.
Love it when Erin gets to be smug
Elemental Magus city reviews: Zuurith. Great local cuisine, lovely weather, but cannot mask the uglyness of tolatarism, bloodsport and slavers-in-all-but-name. 2/5.
So, it seems from V.D.’s silence that he doesn’t pay much attention to what Erin does on a day to day basis. Good, if he only takes notice when Erin’s life is in danger, or he sees a means of escape, that give the protags some wiggle room to setup situations in their favour, and may even be essential in dealing with the problem once and for all.
Can’t access the archives? Great, full Karen mode to become infamous with them. Get possessed when fighting Tynan? Excellent, now they can fill in the gaps and figure you out. V.D. trying to take control while your counters to him are elsewhere? Fantastic, put him in his place with facts and logic. Even when Erin loses, he wins, and even when Erin wins, he loses.
While Erin probably wasn’t trying to make as much of a scene as he did, it does sadly make sense he’d want the Paladins to be aware of him. As chapter 7 showed us, Erin is willing to die if it’s the only way to stop the dragon; he’d prefer to stay alive, vanquish the evil, and write a book about it later, but he’s still willing to die if there’s no other way. He knows his companions would hesitate to do so, but the Paladins would not.
No, no, Erin, honey, that’s NOT what they saw.
It’s not Voidy who better run it’s you, buddy.
the point is they need to run, so voidy can’t risk messing about. voidy is practically immortal, a primordial of void sealed within the adamant core of this world. erin is the weakspot to his plans.
though i doubt voidy is severely deterred by erin’s threat. he’s just annoyed that he was unaware of the light dragon’s paladins.
this makes me think that since the light dragon can’t see the void, neither can the void dragon see the light. they are each in each other’s blind spots so to speak. so just as the light dragon relies on the paladins to locate erin, voidy relies on erin to see danger coming.
so the threat is less like “i’m taking you down with me”, and more like “you can’t afford to lose my eyes right now”.
but we all know erin is fumbling. he talks a big game, but this wasn’t planned. it’s just a happy accident that voidy caused. let’s just hope erin has a good poker face for his mind, and voidy doesn’t call his bluff until it’s too late.
Erin I love you but stop being suicidal.
smug erin continuing to make sure that good ol’ VD knows that taking him as his host was the single worst decision he’d ever made since getting imprisoned by the primordials and i am absolutely living because of it
T-Mobile’s Wi-Fi was out, but now it’s back!
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: demanding to speak to a manager was TACTICAL
Image source: paladins
All going to plan.
Just needed to make a scene.
Now, no possession!
The moon in panel 6 looks suspiciously like the Light Dragon’s eye? (but maybe I’m reading too much into this hahaha)
I feel like the only reason they made the connection was because theyāre paranoid. Which is reasonable since weāre talking about a being that casually eats stars
@Mint Though if Tess and Erin are like the siblings I know, she’d totally down for punching her brother to save him.
Huh. Erin’s taking the prospect of being literally hunted down rather well, all things considered. I guess using that prospect as a suicidal nuclear option against Void is what’s doing it; which both impresses and saddens me how quickly Erin is willing to tie himself to a track of this trolley problem.
“I am no stranger to self harm” – remember that one? I’m getting the feeling Erin might actually not like himself very much. My bet is he’s got some kind of issues related to his father + the expectations of the same, given how that guy was all down for buying a slave physically incapable of having her own opinion as a playmate for his son. If you ask me, that does not imply a healthy realtionship between the two. Also if Erin went through some kind of insane soul surgery to become the Elemental Magus, that implies he felt the need to be something special and impressive, maybe because of an unhealthy amount of expectations from back home? Does this theory make any sense?
The theory makes sense, particularly at the level of the subconcious, where are real motives exist. Just remember that our author may have content waiting around the corner that would change the basis for a theory. Or that content might be 10 years away.
I live for the Erin expressions, don’t mind if I do [snatches the last panel to make it my pfp]
a) More Erin expressions
b) please
Erin: I will not be saying at this time if the prospect of being hunted down by paladins is concerning to me.
Then again, it might not be, since he thinks of himself so highly and not very highly of the paladins.
Do we have any theories on the connection between the Lady and the moon Shield? It was glowing when June was talking back in 1-18-26 but I donāt understand its significance because itās just Stoneās shield. Itās presence here, however, seems to be either symbolism or Erin deliberately putting himself in its light for this conversation.
There once was a primordial pill
Who’s probably feeling quite ill
Since the Paladins know,
‘Cause they saw his big show,
And they’re certainly coming for the kill.
I love Erin so much right now! Such self-sacrificial brilliance!
The Black Dragon, possessing Erinās sleeping body: You wouldnāt dare hurt your friend!
Falst: You have no idea how long Iāve been waiting to punch Erin in the face
See, the funny part is that Falst is like, the one person in the party who would be willing to just beat Erin into unconsciousness without hesitation, but he’s also the one person in the party who’d be COMPLETELY UNABLE TO – Voidy would be able to just casually erase him from existence with a glance! I can definitely picture Alinua, Kendal, Dainix, and to a lesser degree Tess desperately trying to fight Erin w/out hurting him, while poor Falst is yelling from the sidelines like “JUST PUNCH HIM ALREADY! WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS EVEN DOING?!”
Now our beloved Icarus has quite the plan
If Voidy goes rabid now, shit will sure hit the fan
Yeah I know it’s like ten chapters since anyone last called Erin Icarus, but I felt it’s time for a reprise
A good name, all things considered. Much shorter than Sicktats McHubris.
Gotta say, I was expecting Erin to be caught off-guard when the paladins made their move, so it was a pleasant surprise to see he connected the dots and is weaponizing it against VD Walter. A bad hand is a bad hand, but you can still win the poker match if it’s better than your opponent’s.
Gotta love Erin playing the smug mastermind here like, “You think you can defeat me? YOU FOOL! My master plan (to provoke an army of nearby religious zealots into hunting me down and killing me) is ALREADY UNDERWAY! You are HELPLESS before my GENIUS (at getting myself killed)!”
Reading that first panel, I feared that Red had recently seen the first Star Wars movie for the first time.
“I’m not trapped with you, you’re trapped in here with me!” vibes here
I love the smug Erin look. What a man.
Perhaps Kendal’s self-sacrifice attitude is rubbing off on Erin and of course he is not giving Walter any doubt or fear to exploit because Erin is a cool headed bastard who won’t roll-over for anyone.
Agh, something is wrong with my comments
Has the reply button broken for anyone else or is it just my luck
I don’t quite get why people are like “he’s talking out of his ass, he never planned any of that” as if those things were related.
The mark of a smart character is not having planned everything – plans are not terribly reliable. The mark of a smart character is learning how to play speed chess with the stuff that happens anyway.
Did Erin plan on the Dragon making a huge to-do and revealing itself to everyone? Not even slightly. Is he going to take every possible advantage from the fact that he did? Absolutely. Adapting quickly is a smart person thing to do!
TL;DR: I meant to do that!
@Testing- I have been trying to use reply but no matter times I refresh or move back to page ‘reply’ does not pop out. I am to moderators just were too worried about po’r litl Red to pick it up until commented. (smiles nicely at mods and hope not to be banned [sweat sweat})
I noticed that Erin isn’t as flufy as he was at first.
Maybe because of not sleeping enough and also fighting a whole lot probably the same day
@Testing-the-waters and Aulde
Same here, replies aren’t working for me
Oh I love this!
@Aulde, this sort of behavior is actually pretty well predicated for Erin without looking at Kendal’s influence. Erin’s always made it clear he’d rather go for mutual destruction than permit Void to achieve his aim, and more importantly has made it clear he’s willing to use that fact to bully Void towards his own intentions. This is the most blatant push of it all so far, because it’s much more than losing on his own terms like in the caves, but Erin’s always been willing to present Void with “We can pursue this fracas to it’s final stupidity, OR! You can listen to my alternative.”
i love a guy with no regard for his personal health like. sir.
I love how Erin refers to himself as heroic. Slight ironic tone, buuuut… he knew he was being a big hero. Ah, Erin, moments like these make you my favorite character.
Huh. Is it me, or is Erin glowing slightly? It’s kinda blue-white and really obvious in the dark. I can’t recall if he was glowing before, but usually he’s under sun/light or other glow effects, so it might’ve gotten drowned out. He might be activating some magic (his eyes reflect whatever element he’s using, and his eyes are awfully blue right now), but I don’t see why he would, or why it would make him glow. I don’t think VD trying to take control would make him glow either. So why is Erin glowing?
Why is Erin glowing?
I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with the moon, or with the void dragon’s possession, but eh. Cool effects.