Question Unrelated to Aurora #3: In the proces sof trying to hide the body, I accidentally brought it back to life. How do I kill an undead starfish?
Aurora Question #62: Who in Aurora would be the best at 5D chess with multiversal time travel?
AQ#62, I’m thinking probably Erin & Falst’d be pretty good. As long as Erin doesn’t accidentally unleash an eldritch god from its ancient emprisonment in the process. Again.
#3 How did you… what did you try?? Anyway, whatever you do do not abandon it in the laboratory to fend for itself until it knows of pain evil and injustice so it returns to murder your loved ones
@ Q.M, U.A. #3 response- Trying to think like a starfish-I would move away as quickly as possible. Say didn’t you use 62 in Wednesday post?
response A. 63(?)- My guess either Erin, Walter(V.D.) or Lady Huracan. I don’t think other gods and Tynan play that game, too busy with other thoughts. Kendal and ???/”Champion” might consider moves though.
Q3: If it doesnāt need to be in water, fire. If it is still in water find a thing larger than it and just crush it with said thing, shurly it wouldnāt be able to get out of that.
Aurora Question #62 – Erin, probably. Or possibly Life Mum/Alinua (separately, or working together, or something, idk). Something about the ancient eldritch being vibes suggests they’d be good at it.
Erin would be really good at it though. You can just tell. Something to do with being smart and possibly also possessed. Also, it’s the kind of thing he’d want to do just to flex and beat everyone at, because hubris.
Tahraim is frighteningly good at chess, but he only ever uses this skill in order to deliberately lose to people in highly specific ways that actually teach his opponents to be better chess players without them realizing it.
Hush now; you could never comprehend my intentions.
Besides, if starfish actually were infected with a “zombie pathogen” there’s almost no way that it would take in humans. We’re literally built different, we are too physiologically distant from starfish that their microbes would not be able to survive in our systems. That said, a few people might get food poisoning, but that’s a chance I’m willing to take.
Well, if ashing the body isn’t enough, may I suggest dumping enough energy into it to turn it to plasma? If dissociating it into its component bosons isn’t sufficient to get rid of it, then you’re outside the realm of physics and all I can suggest is looking for an exorcist.
Inject the undead starfish with vinegar or a bile salt solution. Starfish cannot regulate their internal pH, so the starfish goes into an autoimmune self-destructive process. That is if it still has an immune system, being undead.
#3: cook it, or at least dry it out. Starfish have a water vascular system that they use for movement (as well as everything else) so even if drying out your zombie starfish somehow doesn’t kill it, it’ll essentially be fully paralyzed. If after you’ve dried it out it’s somehow still a problem, Big Hammer.
#62: I feel like Kendal would be weirdly, effortlessly talented at it despite only kind of knowing how to play; Erin is the only one who actually knows how to play and is pretty decent at it, gets frustrated that he isn’t consistently winning against the rest of the squad; Falst has no clue how to play but steals pieces when Erin isn’t looking to troll him and often wins because Erin never realizes, somehow; Tess has slightly more clue how to play than Falst and a similar strategy, but only ever steals One (1) piece off the board when Erin isn’t looking, just enough to screw with him a little; Dainix and Ali play fair but don’t really get the appeal; Void knows exactly how to play /and/ eat his opponents’ pieces when they’re not looking (and in full view when he takes them legitimately); Life knows how to play but is more into Campaign For Northern Africa herself.
#3 How exactly did you kill them in the first place? Its possible they were never dead to begin with, in which case burn it? If it is in fact undead, try putting it in a blessed silver box and nailing the lid shut
62# Erin
I’ve just had a though. We’ve got a loner with superhuman senses and reflexes, tragic backstory, slow to trust people but very loyal to friends, and a highly trained fighter with a misplaced guilt complex, tactical mindset to solving things, and a belt full of gadgets. Is this a Wolverine/Batman team-up?
Wow, Red is just killing it with the SFX and motion lines this chapter; I like the very visceral hard impact yet liquid bloody SMASH in the first panel. She recently answered a question about SFX on the Aurora tumblr; it’s a good read into the process.
See, it’s ok to painfully knock your teammate out of harms way so long as you say sorry before or afterwards. Falst and his roundhouse kick from 1-21-11 could learn a thing or two … after he’s done being consumed by his current physical pain of course.
Prediction for next week: They dive into that exit to escape, whether the crawlers will pursue or Dainix blocks the exit I’m not sure. Then it’s either a chase to avoid them or stopping to apply some other medicine to Falst’s (new) injuries.
I can only think of one way to describe this, and that is the manner of the late, great Moe Howard and his animated heir Zoidberg.
I know Falst is steeped in trauma-induced rage right now, but it’s a good thing Dainix at least is willing to take the tactical retreat into quite literally his own hands.
Okay, this has been teasing at my mind all week. Falst is familiar with fighting cave crawlers, and after Monday the theory about his mother is looking really strong. But… I would think he had been living with his mother while the cave corruption was working on her. But he has no signs of it at all.
Are ferin immune to cave corruption? They’re so naturally resistant to magic, maybe it can’t grab onto them and sink in the way it does with everyone else?
Well. On the one hand, Falst did spin-kick Dainix out of the way earlier so this is only fair. On the other hand, Dainix was not seriously recently injured at the time.
We have learned what it takes to make Falst go down! And the answer is “oh jesus oh honey please stop you need to stop.”
Huh. I think Dainix might be multitasking here. The way he benevolently clotheslined Falst (thank you @WEast for that description) kinda suggests that Falst’s elbow area will be putting pressure on his torso wound, mitigating blood loss a bit, while keeping the broken upper arm relatively immobile between Dainix’s grip and Falst’s side. Not really stellar in practice; Dainix will be jostling Falst a LOT while he runs and Falst might try struggling, but this way both major injuries have a stopgap measure, Dainix can sprint for the exit, and he can scruff his misbehaving catboy teammate currently having a Traumaā¢! Win-win-win!
An enraged Falst throws the beast to the ground
Dainix uses his flash, picks him up, off they’re bound
Yay, first!
Friendship is your bro still side hugging you even in the middle of a battle
I had my doubts about the damage Falst was inflincting, but yeah, this one at least is never getting back up
Question Unrelated to Aurora #3: In the proces sof trying to hide the body, I accidentally brought it back to life. How do I kill an undead starfish?
Aurora Question #62: Who in Aurora would be the best at 5D chess with multiversal time travel?
the collector, obviously. also, iād consult a wizard if i were you.
AQ#62, I’m thinking probably Erin & Falst’d be pretty good. As long as Erin doesn’t accidentally unleash an eldritch god from its ancient emprisonment in the process. Again.
#3 How did you… what did you try?? Anyway, whatever you do do not abandon it in the laboratory to fend for itself until it knows of pain evil and injustice so it returns to murder your loved ones
@ Q.M, U.A. #3 response- Trying to think like a starfish-I would move away as quickly as possible. Say didn’t you use 62 in Wednesday post?
response A. 63(?)- My guess either Erin, Walter(V.D.) or Lady Huracan. I don’t think other gods and Tynan play that game, too busy with other thoughts. Kendal and ???/”Champion” might consider moves though.
#3: Turn Undead and Fireball are a good combo. I’m sure any weapon or spell that deals radiant damage will work well enough as well.
You can buy holy water for 10 gp
Q3: If it doesnāt need to be in water, fire. If it is still in water find a thing larger than it and just crush it with said thing, shurly it wouldnāt be able to get out of that.
Aurora Question #62 – Erin, probably. Or possibly Life Mum/Alinua (separately, or working together, or something, idk). Something about the ancient eldritch being vibes suggests they’d be good at it.
Erin would be really good at it though. You can just tell. Something to do with being smart and possibly also possessed. Also, it’s the kind of thing he’d want to do just to flex and beat everyone at, because hubris.
I like your statement @bookfae, Well thought out and communicated!
#3 – Take it to your local sushi restaurant. They’ll know what to do.
#62 – Tahraim. I just feel like he has the patience and thoughtfulness that’s key to any kind of chess game.
|| this
Tahraim is frighteningly good at chess, but he only ever uses this skill in order to deliberately lose to people in highly specific ways that actually teach his opponents to be better chess players without them realizing it.
Are you *trying* to start the zombie apocalypse???
Hush now; you could never comprehend my intentions.
Besides, if starfish actually were infected with a “zombie pathogen” there’s almost no way that it would take in humans. We’re literally built different, we are too physiologically distant from starfish that their microbes would not be able to survive in our systems. That said, a few people might get food poisoning, but that’s a chance I’m willing to take.
Okay, I’ll see if that works. Thanks for the advice! This definitely won’t backfire in anyway.
Wait what do you mean Starfish can grow back from lost limbs-
I’m pretty sure I mentioned this to you the first time you asked about starfish
Well, if ashing the body isn’t enough, may I suggest dumping enough energy into it to turn it to plasma? If dissociating it into its component bosons isn’t sufficient to get rid of it, then you’re outside the realm of physics and all I can suggest is looking for an exorcist.
Inject the undead starfish with vinegar or a bile salt solution. Starfish cannot regulate their internal pH, so the starfish goes into an autoimmune self-destructive process. That is if it still has an immune system, being undead.
Some undead have a weakness to salt so it might work either way
#3: cook it, or at least dry it out. Starfish have a water vascular system that they use for movement (as well as everything else) so even if drying out your zombie starfish somehow doesn’t kill it, it’ll essentially be fully paralyzed. If after you’ve dried it out it’s somehow still a problem, Big Hammer.
#62: I feel like Kendal would be weirdly, effortlessly talented at it despite only kind of knowing how to play; Erin is the only one who actually knows how to play and is pretty decent at it, gets frustrated that he isn’t consistently winning against the rest of the squad; Falst has no clue how to play but steals pieces when Erin isn’t looking to troll him and often wins because Erin never realizes, somehow; Tess has slightly more clue how to play than Falst and a similar strategy, but only ever steals One (1) piece off the board when Erin isn’t looking, just enough to screw with him a little; Dainix and Ali play fair but don’t really get the appeal; Void knows exactly how to play /and/ eat his opponents’ pieces when they’re not looking (and in full view when he takes them legitimately); Life knows how to play but is more into Campaign For Northern Africa herself.
#3 How exactly did you kill them in the first place? Its possible they were never dead to begin with, in which case burn it? If it is in fact undead, try putting it in a blessed silver box and nailing the lid shut
62# Erin
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: no bridal carry for you
Image source: sorry
side scoop of friendship is still good!
Oh he’s sorry alright
I perceive ‘bridal carry’ again. Distracted perceive again post.
Dainix & Falst’s tacklehugging each other out of danger score tonight: 1 ā 1
He just broke solid rock with the guy-
Also, the exit is in the completely opposite direction, so… more trouble incoming
I’ve just had a though. We’ve got a loner with superhuman senses and reflexes, tragic backstory, slow to trust people but very loyal to friends, and a highly trained fighter with a misplaced guilt complex, tactical mindset to solving things, and a belt full of gadgets. Is this a Wolverine/Batman team-up?
Wow, Red is just killing it with the SFX and motion lines this chapter; I like the very visceral hard impact yet liquid bloody SMASH in the first panel. She recently answered a question about SFX on the Aurora tumblr; it’s a good read into the process.
See, it’s ok to painfully knock your teammate out of harms way so long as you say sorry before or afterwards. Falst and his roundhouse kick from 1-21-11 could learn a thing or two … after he’s done being consumed by his current physical pain of course.
Prediction for next week: They dive into that exit to escape, whether the crawlers will pursue or Dainix blocks the exit I’m not sure. Then it’s either a chase to avoid them or stopping to apply some other medicine to Falst’s (new) injuries.
I agree that Red created another wonderful page layout in 1.21.18.
The Benevolent Clothesline technique! Last seen from Agent Walker in Paranatural!
hello.unrelated to the comic but happy birthday to me
May you have a great birthday, and an even better day tomorrow!
Communicate ‘Happiness’ return/transmit!
Happy birthday!
Hey happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Birthy Happday!
Happy birthday!
Happy (belated) birthday!
Impressive charge attack/friend grab by Dainix. Now that’s multitasking.
Hugs save lives! =D
Happy AP US History and AP European History day to all those celebrating!
I can only think of one way to describe this, and that is the manner of the late, great Moe Howard and his animated heir Zoidberg.
Damn, RIGHT in the injury.
Getting tossed around like this is definitely not helping Falst’s injury. Now he’ll just have NO CHOICE but to PRACTICE SOME SELF CARE, FALST
yesss…but will they live long enough for Falst to recover?
I know Falst is steeped in trauma-induced rage right now, but it’s a good thing Dainix at least is willing to take the tactical retreat into quite literally his own hands.
So true which is good because they really got to get out of there
That was a satisfyimg WHIP amd SMASH!
Also Dainix to the rescue!!
Dainix is a good person who is just casually saving Falst. Seems like a sibling moment to me.
kittie boy needs hugs, but not that kind. Hopefully theyll get a rest soon, they both need it.
Dainix finally steals Falstās heroic tackle move!
I mean, at least it’s from his other side, but that can’t feel good to his injury. It just would have been even worse from the same side.
Okay, this has been teasing at my mind all week. Falst is familiar with fighting cave crawlers, and after Monday the theory about his mother is looking really strong. But… I would think he had been living with his mother while the cave corruption was working on her. But he has no signs of it at all.
Are ferin immune to cave corruption? They’re so naturally resistant to magic, maybe it can’t grab onto them and sink in the way it does with everyone else?
D A M N.
He hit it sow hard he changed the shape of the rock
Scoop the cat
Well. On the one hand, Falst did spin-kick Dainix out of the way earlier so this is only fair. On the other hand, Dainix was not seriously recently injured at the time.
We have learned what it takes to make Falst go down! And the answer is “oh jesus oh honey please stop you need to stop.”
Huh. I think Dainix might be multitasking here. The way he benevolently clotheslined Falst (thank you @WEast for that description) kinda suggests that Falst’s elbow area will be putting pressure on his torso wound, mitigating blood loss a bit, while keeping the broken upper arm relatively immobile between Dainix’s grip and Falst’s side. Not really stellar in practice; Dainix will be jostling Falst a LOT while he runs and Falst might try struggling, but this way both major injuries have a stopgap measure, Dainix can sprint for the exit, and he can scruff his misbehaving catboy teammate currently having a Traumaā¢! Win-win-win!
TL;DR: He wouldn’t save himself, so I had to do it for him.
TL;DR: Enough self endangerment, it’s time for a *heroic rescue*.
The double-post makes today’s tl;dr look like a “Once more, with feeling!” moment.
When you need to stop your boyfriend from making self destructive choices
I want to see the whole party, together, safe, under the open sky. Their goals are distant, but I just want them to be together pretty please
Wth is it with Cave Crawlers