I counted. I marked them on my phone’s editing program.
There ate ninety five visible cavecrawlers, each of them has two eyes, so 190 cave crawler eyes.
If we’re counting individual eyes, adding Falst’s two and Dainix’s one that’s 193 individual eyes.
If we’re counting in the page as a whole, those would be a hundred and ninety eight eyes total. (I hope I didn’t mess this up.)
Short answer: TOO MANY
y = 2x + 3 where y is the number of eyes on this page, x is the number of monsters, and… well… Falst and Dainix have three eyes between them, bless them.
Maybe it’s just me, but I sense a scene change coming…
Would be a shame, I just fell in love with their dynamic, can’t wait wait to see more of these two!
Falst, I sympathise very much. “You wake up, feeling rested, and see the stars above you, through branches and foliage, blinking gently. Binking… in pairs.” Hello Cthulhoid horror, I did not miss you!
That last panel thoooouuuugh!!! (Well, uh, all of them, really ^,^)
That quote is from the storyteller/gamemaster of a Call of Cthulhu Dreamlands campaign I once played. I think it was our second or third visit to the Dreamlands. What a nice place to come to “other side conciousness” on! Soft moss, nice trees, stars blinking overhead, IN PAIRS.
Turned out to be zoogs, who let us go only on the promise that we’d bring them a high number of cat skins. Which, having had our first Dreamlands outing in Ulthar and being on our way there anyway (unable to control where we “woke up”) because we enjoyed it and, well, cats, we lied through our teeth that yes of course we would and then tried not to run as if we were frightened out of our wits.
I suspect we’d have run afoul of the zoogs again, had we played for longer than we did; we were just lucky the cats of Ulthar had taken a shine to us for services rendered and believed us when we said we would never fulfill our promise to the zoogs. Been… what, fifteen, twenty years since I played that, still remember the feeling as if a void hole opened up in my stomach as the ST/GM added that “…in pairs.” And am very, VERY much sympathising with Falst and Dainix right now.
They could be Kangaroos. Their eyes glow in the dark, when they stand against the night sky like looming monoliths, the red eyes following your every movement, waiting, watching, anticipating the moment that you drop your guard…
Then you flick your torch over to them and they hop away, annoyed.
You could say two hundred, should have the same amount of syllables.
Though eight of the glowing eyes on the page are Dainix and Falst’s. (panel 1: three eyes, panel 2: just one, panel 3: just one again, panel 4: two, and panel 5: one; 3+1+1+2+1=8.) By Testing-the-waters’ count, there are 95 cave crawlers visible in panel 5, so that only makes 190 hungry eyes fixed on their prize. But there could easily be five more crawlers that we don’t see, for example hidden behind Dainix’s head from this angle.
When the cat gets spooked, you pay attention. I do wonder how the cave crawlers got on the ceiling. Did they tunnel in? Climb without Team Redhead noticing? Spawn in like the horror monsters they are?
…Could some of them be stupid enough to drop near the lads directly from the ceiling and die from the fall damage, or is that just wishful thinking?
Yet another “Falst isn’t used to being in a group” moment: muttering to himself about important tactical information before having to be reminded to share that information clearly with others.
RIGHTTT likes is the same with chewing gum lmaoo the second i open the package at least five people turn to me and ask and then iām out of gum ā¹ļø
Oh. Oh, there are a bunch of them. Never mind, folks, we are not fighting a cave crawler. There are ninety-five of them. We’re running.
a) R U N
b) one of those dramatic scenes where one of them almost gets dragged back into the screaming tidal wave of monsters but the other one pulls them to safety–
c) also, if they are on the ceiling, then can they climb on the walls like spiders? I’m now imagining Falst and Dainix sprinting down a tunnel while crawlers swarm towards them across the walls and ceiling.
The answer is any. Any spooky glowing eyes in the dark are concerning
Maybe they’re friendly?
Aurora Question #57: How many eyes are in this page?
You aren’t tricking anyone with that, count them yourself
Oh they tricked me alright
Muahaha, My machinations lay undetected for minutes!
I counted. I marked them on my phone’s editing program.
There ate ninety five visible cavecrawlers, each of them has two eyes, so 190 cave crawler eyes.
If we’re counting individual eyes, adding Falst’s two and Dainix’s one that’s 193 individual eyes.
If we’re counting in the page as a whole, those would be a hundred and ninety eight eyes total. (I hope I didn’t mess this up.)
Short answer: TOO MANY
Oh shit I didn’t notice those at first ’cause my screen brightness was so low. Okay now I’m twice as concerned …
I also ended up with 198 visible eyes (not counting Dainix’s eyepatch or any eyes that we can’t see)
so it seems that you counted correctly
yay us?
y = 2x + 3 where y is the number of eyes on this page, x is the number of monsters, and… well… Falst and Dainix have three eyes between them, bless them.
I counted 86. What about you?
Left 4 Dead: Aurora Edition
I love gallows’ humor its so calming before a big fight. Maybe der bois could run away instead of fighting? Weasel Patrol run away!
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: the “splinter cell” school of ambush predator design
Image source: alone
Maybe it’s just me, but I sense a scene change coming…
Would be a shame, I just fell in love with their dynamic, can’t wait wait to see more of these two!
Also lol, Falst is so tiny compared to Dainix!! Look how much beef fits into the wittle boi!
The crawler is back! And it’s not alone
But at least this time he won’t fight it on his own
This is what is known as an “oooops”.
Falst, I sympathise very much. “You wake up, feeling rested, and see the stars above you, through branches and foliage, blinking gently. Binking… in pairs.” Hello Cthulhoid horror, I did not miss you!
That last panel thoooouuuugh!!! (Well, uh, all of them, really ^,^)
I really like that quote, did you come up with it or is it from somewhere?
That quote is from the storyteller/gamemaster of a Call of Cthulhu Dreamlands campaign I once played. I think it was our second or third visit to the Dreamlands. What a nice place to come to “other side conciousness” on! Soft moss, nice trees, stars blinking overhead, IN PAIRS.
Turned out to be zoogs, who let us go only on the promise that we’d bring them a high number of cat skins. Which, having had our first Dreamlands outing in Ulthar and being on our way there anyway (unable to control where we “woke up”) because we enjoyed it and, well, cats, we lied through our teeth that yes of course we would and then tried not to run as if we were frightened out of our wits.
I suspect we’d have run afoul of the zoogs again, had we played for longer than we did; we were just lucky the cats of Ulthar had taken a shine to us for services rendered and believed us when we said we would never fulfill our promise to the zoogs. Been… what, fifteen, twenty years since I played that, still remember the feeling as if a void hole opened up in my stomach as the ST/GM added that “…in pairs.” And am very, VERY much sympathising with Falst and Dainix right now.
That’s SO cool :D. If it were from the book, I’d be sold to buy it from that line only
I mean, if you look at the last panel and unfocus your eyes to blur the image they do look like stars…
And it would be a nice decoration in the vast underground cavern from the fallen civilisation! If one squints and hopes real hard, maybe?
Maybe they’re friendly!
Ah, a fellow optimist! Glad to see someone else here with the exact same braincell.
They could be Kangaroos. Their eyes glow in the dark, when they stand against the night sky like looming monoliths, the red eyes following your every movement, waiting, watching, anticipating the moment that you drop your guard…
Then you flick your torch over to them and they hop away, annoyed.
M-maybe they’ll get distracted by the bug?
Maybe they’ll see cooked bug and be friendly? Please?
Is one cooked bug enough food for about a hundred cave crawlers?
Scene change?
I like the tail flick -noise’. It gives Falst an extra air of agitation!
Those eyes represent us as the readers, cos we all know that Falst and Dainix are snaccs
There once were a hundred glowing eyes
All hungrily fixed on their prize.
Well, this is no fun!
It’s time to run!
Can’t defeat an army of that size!
Yes, I know it’s more than a hundred, but 198 doesn’t fit in the rhythm of a limerick.
You could say two hundred, should have the same amount of syllables.
Though eight of the glowing eyes on the page are Dainix and Falst’s. (panel 1: three eyes, panel 2: just one, panel 3: just one again, panel 4: two, and panel 5: one; 3+1+1+2+1=8.) By Testing-the-waters’ count, there are 95 cave crawlers visible in panel 5, so that only makes 190 hungry eyes fixed on their prize. But there could easily be five more crawlers that we don’t see, for example hidden behind Dainix’s head from this angle.
Junji Ito is that you?
When the cat gets spooked, you pay attention. I do wonder how the cave crawlers got on the ceiling. Did they tunnel in? Climb without Team Redhead noticing? Spawn in like the horror monsters they are?
The ceiling partially collapsed when Dainix accidentally blew up the evil spider. The cave crawlers are probably coming in through the new holes
Das not good
…Could some of them be stupid enough to drop near the lads directly from the ceiling and die from the fall damage, or is that just wishful thinking?
Yet another “Falst isn’t used to being in a group” moment: muttering to himself about important tactical information before having to be reminded to share that information clearly with others.
Leave the food, let them fight over the meal!
Well, time to run like hell.
*When you open a bag of chips at school*
RIGHTTT likes is the same with chewing gum lmaoo the second i open the package at least five people turn to me and ask and then iām out of gum ā¹ļø
Twist: itās one giant eldritch nightmare.
No more bonding time.
Time for peril.
Oh. Oh, there are a bunch of them. Never mind, folks, we are not fighting a cave crawler. There are ninety-five of them. We’re running.
a) R U N
b) one of those dramatic scenes where one of them almost gets dragged back into the screaming tidal wave of monsters but the other one pulls them to safety–
c) also, if they are on the ceiling, then can they climb on the walls like spiders? I’m now imagining Falst and Dainix sprinting down a tunnel while crawlers swarm towards them across the walls and ceiling.
To @HelloHaiku
Happy International Haiku Day (17th of April)
This is giving me flashbacks to every single seagull that zeroed in on whatever food I was foolish enough to bring to the beach
not another cliff hanger??
might be a stupid question but does anyone know when the next page comes out? iām sorta new to the upload schedule
#1 rule of dungeon crawling: Always Check the Ceiling
I’ve only just realized that there’s a lot of skin this arc.
TL;DR: And now we’ve entered a horror film…
Aaand this is why it was called zombie tunnels