I can’t help it. I love me a character who knows who they are,what they are, where they are and still acknowledges they weren’t always that, and might change in the future, and YMMV and so on oh and also, she punches like a donkey kicks <3
Erin: wizard, naturally. Alinua: druid. Kendal: paladin. Dainix: multiclassed fighter/barbarian. Falst: either pure rogue or multiclassed rogue/fighter. Tess: armourer artificer does well at replicating her mechanically, but thematically, I’m pretty unsure what she’d be
Erin definitely want people to think he is a wisard, but I think he may secretly be a worlock.Dainix doesn’t care enough about armor or weapons to be a fighter, so I would say barbarian.
Building of of everyone’s “Dainix is a barbarian” statements, perhaps he also has a few levels in monk in place of fighter? Way of the Four Elements subclass gets him his fire powers.
I’d argue the following:
Kendal: Samurai Fighter, I know everybody says Paladin but I don’t see any magic and while his sheer Protagonist Energy may provide the Aura nonsense, I’m not seeing the evidence. Why Samurai? Sheer refusal to go down fits with the “Fighting Spirit” mechanics.
Ali: Honestly I’m thinking more Sorcerer/Warlock than Druid. I KNOW a lot of her stuff is druid-like but with her being marked at birth with the chimeric plague and being marked by Life, it’s more akin to a Divine Soul Sorcerer. Not so sure what Patron Life would be… Archfey/Celestial? Maybe?
Erin: I’d have to agree w/ LayeringYellow; he wants everyone to think he’s a “Wizard” but I’m getting more Wild Magic sorcerer vibes than Warlock.
Falst: Rogue is clear, most likely Thief with his climbing ability, but maybe also a bit of Barbarian with his anger issues.
Tess: Armorer Artificer for the Thunder Fists is tempting, but honestly I’m seeing more of an Ascendant Dragon Monk/Storm Sorcerer with all her lightning. I know Four Elements is older, but its punches aren’t lightning…
Dainix: Honestly leaning towards Ranger with his wilderness nonsense from the backstory, but also Monk or Storm Barbarian, specifically the Desert option with that fiery transformation. I know mechanics-wise it doesn’t make sense, but hey; fire person with fire rage…
Look, I’m a forever DM: I’ve actually had a party with almost this exact mix of powers/habits. I like the Floof Squad better, though; they have more than one brain cell between the party and approximately a positive modifier to their common sense. …+1 is still positive…
I almost forgot: the last chapter’s power clearly came from Vash and that magic sword… so maybe add a bit of Warlock to Kendal with that “Pact Weapon?” Or it could just be a sentient artifact…
i see Kendal as a Paladin because he’s a well-rounded fighter with some sort of holy-fire-esque powers, bound in service to a god and sworn to very specific goal. plus, a reinforced body and some sort of healing factor
If you let me widen sources to D&D 3, 3.5 and Pathfinder One I have some alternatives: (boot this if it don’t meet your criteria)
Vash – God possible portfolios- Protection & Community
Kendal- Divine Soul (3.5) or (Pathfinder) Divine Champion: Cause: Save/rescue Vash. Special background: Divinely created.
Alinua- also Divine Soul or Sorcerer/Druid, (Pathfinder) Oracle: Mystery(focus): Life(healing) Curse: campaign specific- Chimeric plague Race: Elf (I like elves too) Patron: Life Spirit
Erin- Race: all too human Class: Erin creates specific magical effects through conscious effort and practice very in keeping with a wizard tradition. Spellbook: tatoos?
Falst- Race: Beastman campaign specific-Ferin- subtype lion?. Class: Scout class from 3.5 seems closest fit.
Dainix- Race: Human Subspecies Desert. Class Ranger works for me but Fighter fits just as well. Add druid class feature Elemental form(fire) or some variant subclass of Pathfinder sorcerer levels added in.
Tess- Race human, subtype campaign (Metal, so so metal…) Class: I would say Pathfinder Swashbuckler/Sorcerer mix would work fine.
@JT I would say you are too kind in giving the Floof Squad a +1 Common Sense modifier. Despite Tess showing being comfortable in her own skin, each member shows a tendency to go off on their own (like cats, or monkeys) and not think to got out as group. Kendal is struggling by himself underworld (until he finally start using his words) Erin hands Alinua to Tess to deal with, which is the right thing to do but now he is spending time writing his notes Alinua was too caught up in her pain to see anything else until Tess found a way into her heart. Falst went to tell Dainix to leave him alone where they promptly got caught by a random robot and now be forced to work together to get out the mess they are in now. Hmm perhaps the Floof Squad can work up to +1 common sense if they all learn to work together…
Going PF2E, Kendal could work well as either a champion, or a fighter with the blessed archetype.
Alinua could be a druid with a custom Order, or maybe a Fey Blooded sorcerer (fey get Primal spell list)
Erin is a wizard with an archetype making use of his tattoos.
Tess is a Monk, Heavenseeker archetype for lightning punches. Her metal skin would be represented by an appropriate Ancestry.
Dainix: The transformation into fire puts him far outside the abilities of most classes, but other than that a Barbarian or maybe a Flurry Ranger would work.
Falst: Human with the Beastkin heritage, but change Bite into Claws. Rogue, Thug subtype.
Kendal: Paladin with Magic Initiate Feat for Jump and Longstrider (since he’s shown jumping incredible height and running extremely fast)
Alinua: Druid (Some others classes like Sorcerer or Warlock could be argued for but it makes sense thematically and covers her abilities)
Erin: Wizard/Warlock multiclass (warlock for VD)
Falst: Rogue/Barbarian multiclass (barb for anger issues and good unarmed attacks)
Tess: Monk/Storm Sorcerer (Tess was chosen by the sky to get lighting magic which lines up pretty well with SS)
Dainix: Fighter/Wildfire Druid (WD lets you replace Wildshape with summoning a powerful fire elemental, you can flavor it as turning into fire but you get Polymorph later on anyway)
I think she was already my favorite character, but then all the characters are so great that I have a hard time telling which one is actually my favorite.
It uses a lot of motifs and imagery that we’ve been taught to associate with flirting in movies and television specifically! I saw this page and immediately went, “Oh man, the shoppers will go nuts over this.” But also, my aro heart is comforted by Red’s well-established refusal to include romantic subplots in her story and tendency to celebrate platonic love instead.
Being a chronic homeless isn’t for everyone though. Some people would rather just make the best of whatever they have and only travel because they got Bilbo Baggins’d into it
Might I suggest Red’s ‘Journey to the West’ podcast/youtube series? It offers interesting insights to the Aurora story and contrasts with Western stereotypes and hang ups. Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, is the most light-hearted and cheerful character I have ever read about!
I saw that too! it makes sense though with the timeline and all. this is before he went to (what was it called…? whatever) Magic School. he either got the tats there or there is the sole-shaper monks theory.
A very telling and tender moment. I see a teacher and student/parent and child, a friend giving some comfort to vulnerable and exhausted person so they can rest peacefully with each other for a while.
There once was a girl who was home
Wherever she had chosen to roam.
She sees the elf lost
And offers, without cost,
To share with Alinua her star-dome.
Ok ok. So my brain just made a bismuth metalcaste. I wanna draw that but I don’t have tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimeeeeeeeeee
There is a LOT to unpack here. Like some other people have said, Tess seems to be really good in the mental health/managing her own issues department, so that’s even more reason why I need them to do a group therapy session
Something else I noticed. Is the person hugging Tess in that fifth panel… a metalcaste ferin? They seem to have pointed teeth and ears, and while Tess has the ears, she doesn’t have the teeth. Maybe that person is a parent and only passed down some of the traits? But that isn’t how the ferin’s curse works… could it affect metalcaste differently from normal humans? Or is something else going on here…?
I wonder what Erin was feeling when Tess woke him up and told him she was leaving; grief, almost definitely, over losing a sibling for an indeterminate amount of time, but also elation, because she was finally escaping her sh*tty situation. And perhaps hope, holding on to the possibility that one day in his own travels, he would see her again. …Honestly, despite how much the circumstances of their reunion suck, I’m glad they’re together again, because they clearly love each other.
And on the subject of close personal bonds: while I will not ship them without canonical confirmation (which I doubt is coming anytime soon, if at all), what I will do is appreciate how quickly the friendship between Alinua and Tess blossomed; running from the law together tends to accelerate feelings of camaraderie in some cases, yes, but it bears repeating that these two only met each other last night. That is an impressive friendship speedrun.
OK I retract what I said about Tess not being good at therapy, she is 10/10
Side note: is everyone so busy freaking out about long-haired Erin that they didn’t notice he doesn’t have tattoos? Because I’m about to add a piece of yarn to my conspiracy board
Egads! You’re right! So, Tess didn’t know that Erin is now the elemental magus when she talked with Falst in 1-15-6, so the tattoos may have had something to do with him getting the title. But she did already know that Erin has a big secret relating to the monks, implying his “powerlessness” was a long term issue and took more than a few tattoos to remedy.
Alinua: … What’s the rent like?
Tess: I accept hugs, food or Mastercard.
I never gave it much thought, but Alinua’s and Tess’s situations are very similar; depressing state shaken apart by unknown forces and thrusted into the world a new person. Even more parallels if Erin played a part in Tess’s sparking.
The main difference, from a psychological side, is that Tess has had years to discover herself and had a supportive brother and fellow metal castes to help her. Alinua has had only a few sefs and most of that time has been spent zig-zagging from one danger to the next; hardly a safe and stable environment for her to find her home.
Three hours well spent, I love the unique looks of those metal caste folk. I particularly like the copper guy with his polished skin and oxidized/verdigris hair and beard combo. Not all fictional metal people have to be bald or have their skin and hair the same colour.
Prediction for next week: Wholesome hug or gentle tucking in for the elf baby to sleep. Then down the spooky underground to see how they orange boys are coping.
Yes my fellow non-TessĆAlinua shipper!!!
I’m sorry you guys I just don’t see it. And I’ve had deep conversation like this with my friends so I can very much see this as platonic.
This is one of the few webomcics where I can scroll down to the comments section and be well-assured that while there may be some shipping going on, there will also be lots of celebration of platonic love, which makes me EXTREMELY happy, every time!
Awww… there’s sparky Tess running away, and a (longhaired princeling! Longhaired princeling!) supportive but sad Erin waving goodbye.
But! She knew how much he went through to become the Elemental Mage. So they met up again. Hmm. Probably in the process of his becoming the Elemental Magus. There is so much more to this backstory.
SMOL TESS EEEEEEEE I very much love this!
Regardless of whether or not Tess and Alinuaās relationship is romantic, itās so amazing and supportive and sweet that it might not even matter. Ship it or not, itās still awesome. We love to see these people opening up to each other ?
Also Tess may or may not be my favorite character now. Itās hard to surpass SickTats McHubris but she might have done it.
Wait, that makes no sense, sorry.
He wasn’t supposed to have been born with his tattoos. Alinua is the exception there… I have no idea how anything with the tattoos actually works, but I was under the impression he wasn’t supposed to have them all as a child
I swear if anything happens to Tess I will go on a rampage. Not a murderous one, just a rampage that leaves behind a trail of confused looks on people’s faces.
Treading on lawns! Tossing coffee cups at “No Littering” signs! All shall awkwardly stare at your mild expression of unbridled rage! https://skin-horse.com/comic/effort-to-find/
Knocking over coffee cups! Treading on private lawns! All shall awkwardly stare at your unbridled rage!
(if I may be so bold as to reference another webcomic, https://skin-horse.com/comic/effort-to-find/)
Can we just take a second to appreciate this monologue writing? It’s really eloquent in terms of describing how she felt, and seems to resonate with everyone in different, personal ways without feeling cheap and poster-y. Top tier
Was it ever established that Metal-Cast have warm epidermis? They’d have to logically, right? As homoiotherms. It would never be spoke in-universe because everyone would know basic things like that.
I think this is the most emotional page in the comic so far. Not the fights, not the tension, Tess finding her family and then her home. and the last line,,, I want to CRY! I love Tess so much.
To be honest Iām relating to Tess hard on this one.
Big same
Also I’m crying now
Same bro. Just a little bit
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: I gotta let more people hug in this comic, it’s so fun to draw
Image source: home
Backstory time! How Tess found herself there
With a world for a home that she’s willing to share
ha! it looked so right to me that I assumed we had seen it before
my brain: wow this is such a sweet page and gives us really neat insight into tess’ past
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: “I gotta let more people hug in this comic, it’s so fun to draw”
Image source: “home”
TESS!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!
TESS!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø SHES AMAZING!
I listen, silent
It’s because I feel that soon,
I’m gonna need this
The shippers are about to freak the hell out. Also hell yeah we love some backstory
What do you mean “about” to. we already are!
My bad, my bad. About to double down on freaking the hell out
Love to copper looking guy with the orange skin an auqa hair
What’s interesting is, those both look like copper colors. His skin is polished copper, while his hair is rusted copper.
THE WRITING in this page.
I can’t help it. I love me a character who knows who they are,what they are, where they are and still acknowledges they weren’t always that, and might change in the future, and YMMV and so on oh and also, she punches like a donkey kicks <3
Aurora Question #19: What D&D classes would the main group be?
Erin: wizard, naturally. Alinua: druid. Kendal: paladin. Dainix: multiclassed fighter/barbarian. Falst: either pure rogue or multiclassed rogue/fighter. Tess: armourer artificer does well at replicating her mechanically, but thematically, I’m pretty unsure what she’d be
I agree with most, but I think Monk fits Tess more, with her predilection towards hand-to-hand combat. Possibly Monk/Sorcerer multiclass.
Sorcerer with spells like Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning, mixed with a bit of Armourer Artificer and *maybe* a dash of fighter
Erin definitely want people to think he is a wisard, but I think he may secretly be a worlock.Dainix doesn’t care enough about armor or weapons to be a fighter, so I would say barbarian.
Kendal: Paladin, totally
Alinua: Druid or maybe Cleric? (perhaps Dr Jolon was more of a Cleric)
Erin: Wizard
Falst: Rogue
Dainix: Barbarian
Tess: Monk
Building of of everyone’s “Dainix is a barbarian” statements, perhaps he also has a few levels in monk in place of fighter? Way of the Four Elements subclass gets him his fire powers.
I’d argue the following:
Kendal: Samurai Fighter, I know everybody says Paladin but I don’t see any magic and while his sheer Protagonist Energy may provide the Aura nonsense, I’m not seeing the evidence. Why Samurai? Sheer refusal to go down fits with the “Fighting Spirit” mechanics.
Ali: Honestly I’m thinking more Sorcerer/Warlock than Druid. I KNOW a lot of her stuff is druid-like but with her being marked at birth with the chimeric plague and being marked by Life, it’s more akin to a Divine Soul Sorcerer. Not so sure what Patron Life would be… Archfey/Celestial? Maybe?
Erin: I’d have to agree w/ LayeringYellow; he wants everyone to think he’s a “Wizard” but I’m getting more Wild Magic sorcerer vibes than Warlock.
Falst: Rogue is clear, most likely Thief with his climbing ability, but maybe also a bit of Barbarian with his anger issues.
Tess: Armorer Artificer for the Thunder Fists is tempting, but honestly I’m seeing more of an Ascendant Dragon Monk/Storm Sorcerer with all her lightning. I know Four Elements is older, but its punches aren’t lightning…
Dainix: Honestly leaning towards Ranger with his wilderness nonsense from the backstory, but also Monk or Storm Barbarian, specifically the Desert option with that fiery transformation. I know mechanics-wise it doesn’t make sense, but hey; fire person with fire rage…
Look, I’m a forever DM: I’ve actually had a party with almost this exact mix of powers/habits. I like the Floof Squad better, though; they have more than one brain cell between the party and approximately a positive modifier to their common sense. …+1 is still positive…
I almost forgot: the last chapter’s power clearly came from Vash and that magic sword… so maybe add a bit of Warlock to Kendal with that “Pact Weapon?” Or it could just be a sentient artifact…
i see Kendal as a Paladin because he’s a well-rounded fighter with some sort of holy-fire-esque powers, bound in service to a god and sworn to very specific goal. plus, a reinforced body and some sort of healing factor
If you let me widen sources to D&D 3, 3.5 and Pathfinder One I have some alternatives: (boot this if it don’t meet your criteria)
Vash – God possible portfolios- Protection & Community
Kendal- Divine Soul (3.5) or (Pathfinder) Divine Champion: Cause: Save/rescue Vash. Special background: Divinely created.
Alinua- also Divine Soul or Sorcerer/Druid, (Pathfinder) Oracle: Mystery(focus): Life(healing) Curse: campaign specific- Chimeric plague Race: Elf (I like elves too) Patron: Life Spirit
Erin- Race: all too human Class: Erin creates specific magical effects through conscious effort and practice very in keeping with a wizard tradition. Spellbook: tatoos?
Falst- Race: Beastman campaign specific-Ferin- subtype lion?. Class: Scout class from 3.5 seems closest fit.
Dainix- Race: Human Subspecies Desert. Class Ranger works for me but Fighter fits just as well. Add druid class feature Elemental form(fire) or some variant subclass of Pathfinder sorcerer levels added in.
Tess- Race human, subtype campaign (Metal, so so metal…) Class: I would say Pathfinder Swashbuckler/Sorcerer mix would work fine.
@JT I would say you are too kind in giving the Floof Squad a +1 Common Sense modifier. Despite Tess showing being comfortable in her own skin, each member shows a tendency to go off on their own (like cats, or monkeys) and not think to got out as group. Kendal is struggling by himself underworld (until he finally start using his words) Erin hands Alinua to Tess to deal with, which is the right thing to do but now he is spending time writing his notes Alinua was too caught up in her pain to see anything else until Tess found a way into her heart. Falst went to tell Dainix to leave him alone where they promptly got caught by a random robot and now be forced to work together to get out the mess they are in now. Hmm perhaps the Floof Squad can work up to +1 common sense if they all learn to work together…
Going PF2E, Kendal could work well as either a champion, or a fighter with the blessed archetype.
Alinua could be a druid with a custom Order, or maybe a Fey Blooded sorcerer (fey get Primal spell list)
Erin is a wizard with an archetype making use of his tattoos.
Tess is a Monk, Heavenseeker archetype for lightning punches. Her metal skin would be represented by an appropriate Ancestry.
Dainix: The transformation into fire puts him far outside the abilities of most classes, but other than that a Barbarian or maybe a Flurry Ranger would work.
Falst: Human with the Beastkin heritage, but change Bite into Claws. Rogue, Thug subtype.
Kendal: Paladin with Magic Initiate Feat for Jump and Longstrider (since he’s shown jumping incredible height and running extremely fast)
Alinua: Druid (Some others classes like Sorcerer or Warlock could be argued for but it makes sense thematically and covers her abilities)
Erin: Wizard/Warlock multiclass (warlock for VD)
Falst: Rogue/Barbarian multiclass (barb for anger issues and good unarmed attacks)
Tess: Monk/Storm Sorcerer (Tess was chosen by the sky to get lighting magic which lines up pretty well with SS)
Dainix: Fighter/Wildfire Druid (WD lets you replace Wildshape with summoning a powerful fire elemental, you can flavor it as turning into fire but you get Polymorph later on anyway)
Tess is very quickly becoming my favourite character
I think she was already my favorite character, but then all the characters are so great that I have a hard time telling which one is actually my favorite.
Young Tess is just the most ADORABLE metal nugget
Crazy how such a simple and run of the mill generic fantasy world has great writing, themes and characterization.
Fantasy isn’t dead, it was revived.
Tess is SMOL in that picture with her family.
I think that she is young and not fully grown in that frame, though I would love to meet some of her metalcaste family.
ikr i love these metal people
Is she flirting? I hope she is because that would be a very interesting relationship
my guy. my gender-ambiguous guy. no. stop. i don’t know if you’ve ever seen “flirting” but that is not it
veggiesnake- Never underestimate ignorance!
It uses a lot of motifs and imagery that we’ve been taught to associate with flirting in movies and television specifically! I saw this page and immediately went, “Oh man, the shoppers will go nuts over this.” But also, my aro heart is comforted by Red’s well-established refusal to include romantic subplots in her story and tendency to celebrate platonic love instead.
Being a chronic homeless isn’t for everyone though. Some people would rather just make the best of whatever they have and only travel because they got Bilbo Baggins’d into it
i feel like the phrase “chronic homeless” kind of undermines everything Tess said there, buddy. she’s just a nomad; her home is not a place
but yes, the nomadic life is not for everyone, although it’s very useful for a journey to the… (i think they’re actually heading) east
Might I suggest Red’s ‘Journey to the West’ podcast/youtube series? It offers interesting insights to the Aurora story and contrasts with Western stereotypes and hang ups. Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, is the most light-hearted and cheerful character I have ever read about!
Whooo, Teeeesss!!! Tell me more backstory!
PAHAHA, okay this one is funny, literally roommates without a room
OK yeah this is way better than a U-Haul lesbian joke
God…god fucking dammit. Well played, sir. Well played.
Damn, we’re really switching our Alinua ships by the page here! Guess it’s polyamory time!
“i wasn’t happy were i was, and i’d lost so much time already”
and today in the trans experiance
Oh yeah, that line spoke so hard to my transition.
Tess just said ALL the best words. All the right words. I suddenly love her and am crying all together.
Red – you make me feel all the FEELS! I go back and read the archives pretty often and love it all again and again – and cry a lot, too.
Aww everyone’s bonding ā„
First time commenting, but did any one else notice that Long-hair Erin doesn’t have the tattoos yet?
I saw that too! it makes sense though with the timeline and all. this is before he went to (what was it called…? whatever) Magic School. he either got the tats there or there is the sole-shaper monks theory.
More hugs are always appreciated š
Panels 7 and 8 get to join the growing colony of Red’s art living rent free in my head for the indefinite future.
A very telling and tender moment. I see a teacher and student/parent and child, a friend giving some comfort to vulnerable and exhausted person so they can rest peacefully with each other for a while.
There once was a girl who was home
Wherever she had chosen to roam.
She sees the elf lost
And offers, without cost,
To share with Alinua her star-dome.
Ok ok. So my brain just made a bismuth metalcaste. I wanna draw that but I don’t have tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimeeeeeeeeee
There is a LOT to unpack here. Like some other people have said, Tess seems to be really good in the mental health/managing her own issues department, so that’s even more reason why I need them to do a group therapy session
Something else I noticed. Is the person hugging Tess in that fifth panel… a metalcaste ferin? They seem to have pointed teeth and ears, and while Tess has the ears, she doesn’t have the teeth. Maybe that person is a parent and only passed down some of the traits? But that isn’t how the ferin’s curse works… could it affect metalcaste differently from normal humans? Or is something else going on here…?
Long-haired Erin: Wait you’re doing WHAT
Omg, all the wholesome!
I wonder what Erin was feeling when Tess woke him up and told him she was leaving; grief, almost definitely, over losing a sibling for an indeterminate amount of time, but also elation, because she was finally escaping her sh*tty situation. And perhaps hope, holding on to the possibility that one day in his own travels, he would see her again. …Honestly, despite how much the circumstances of their reunion suck, I’m glad they’re together again, because they clearly love each other.
And on the subject of close personal bonds: while I will not ship them without canonical confirmation (which I doubt is coming anytime soon, if at all), what I will do is appreciate how quickly the friendship between Alinua and Tess blossomed; running from the law together tends to accelerate feelings of camaraderie in some cases, yes, but it bears repeating that these two only met each other last night. That is an impressive friendship speedrun.
OK I retract what I said about Tess not being good at therapy, she is 10/10
Side note: is everyone so busy freaking out about long-haired Erin that they didn’t notice he doesn’t have tattoos? Because I’m about to add a piece of yarn to my conspiracy board
Egads! You’re right! So, Tess didn’t know that Erin is now the elemental magus when she talked with Falst in 1-15-6, so the tattoos may have had something to do with him getting the title. But she did already know that Erin has a big secret relating to the monks, implying his “powerlessness” was a long term issue and took more than a few tattoos to remedy.
Oh, sh*t! Thanks for catching that, I will absolutely add that pin to my mental conspiracy board.
“until your home wakes up”
I don’t know why but that phrasing makes me so happy.
It’s an extremely beautiful and poetic line!
Awwwwwww ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
Alinua: … What’s the rent like?
Tess: I accept hugs, food or Mastercard.
I never gave it much thought, but Alinua’s and Tess’s situations are very similar; depressing state shaken apart by unknown forces and thrusted into the world a new person. Even more parallels if Erin played a part in Tess’s sparking.
The main difference, from a psychological side, is that Tess has had years to discover herself and had a supportive brother and fellow metal castes to help her. Alinua has had only a few sefs and most of that time has been spent zig-zagging from one danger to the next; hardly a safe and stable environment for her to find her home.
Three hours well spent, I love the unique looks of those metal caste folk. I particularly like the copper guy with his polished skin and oxidized/verdigris hair and beard combo. Not all fictional metal people have to be bald or have their skin and hair the same colour.
Prediction for next week: Wholesome hug or gentle tucking in for the elf baby to sleep. Then down the spooky underground to see how they orange boys are coping.
TL;DR: A philosophical exploration into the meaning of home.
this is so gay and i am so gay
And we are all having a gay old time : )
Fun fact:This page technically passes the Bechdel test.
Also, technically speaking, Tess just asked Alinua to move in with her so they can share a home. So they can be roommates!
āUntil your home wakes upā
Wow. That hit me like a truck
NOOO we could of had fluffy haired erin
Anyone notice how tightly she’s holding onto the sword? maybe as a way to feel closer to him?
Everyone in the comments: SHIP!
Me: Oooo, I love friendship!
Also, little Tess! So cute!
Yes my fellow non-TessĆAlinua shipper!!!
I’m sorry you guys I just don’t see it. And I’ve had deep conversation like this with my friends so I can very much see this as platonic.
This is one of the few webomcics where I can scroll down to the comments section and be well-assured that while there may be some shipping going on, there will also be lots of celebration of platonic love, which makes me EXTREMELY happy, every time!
Awww… there’s sparky Tess running away, and a (longhaired princeling! Longhaired princeling!) supportive but sad Erin waving goodbye.
But! She knew how much he went through to become the Elemental Mage. So they met up again. Hmm. Probably in the process of his becoming the Elemental Magus. There is so much more to this backstory.
SMOL TESS EEEEEEEE I very much love this!
Regardless of whether or not Tess and Alinuaās relationship is romantic, itās so amazing and supportive and sweet that it might not even matter. Ship it or not, itās still awesome. We love to see these people opening up to each other ?
Also Tess may or may not be my favorite character now. Itās hard to surpass SickTats McHubris but she might have done it.
He wasn’t born with his tattoos tho, right?
Wait, that makes no sense, sorry.
He wasn’t supposed to have been born with his tattoos. Alinua is the exception there… I have no idea how anything with the tattoos actually works, but I was under the impression he wasn’t supposed to have them all as a child
I swear if anything happens to Tess I will go on a rampage. Not a murderous one, just a rampage that leaves behind a trail of confused looks on people’s faces.
Treading on lawns! Tossing coffee cups at “No Littering” signs! All shall awkwardly stare at your mild expression of unbridled rage!
Knocking over coffee cups! Treading on private lawns! All shall awkwardly stare at your unbridled rage!
(if I may be so bold as to reference another webcomic, https://skin-horse.com/comic/effort-to-find/)
Oops, accidentally double posted…
Can we just take a second to appreciate this monologue writing? It’s really eloquent in terms of describing how she felt, and seems to resonate with everyone in different, personal ways without feeling cheap and poster-y. Top tier
Was it ever established that Metal-Cast have warm epidermis? They’d have to logically, right? As homoiotherms. It would never be spoke in-universe because everyone would know basic things like that.
Hugs are good!
I think this is the most emotional page in the comic so far. Not the fights, not the tension, Tess finding her family and then her home. and the last line,,, I want to CRY! I love Tess so much.
OMG Tess in the 4th panel looks amazing
This is so fucking beautiful for so many reasons, Iām gonna cry
Wish someone would say that to me
This is probably one of the best written pages in the whole series, itās just so gorgeous and masterful