38 With apologies to the Aussies while the spider is down under, its NOT on Earth, Down Under…
39 While lots of people fear spiders a giant Crocodile Dundee I would find absolutely terrifying, He’d hamulate me first THEN kill me.
It’s an Australian baby spider! They’re always a bit touchy at that age 🙂
Also I’d like giant tardigrades please. Because I do love Otto from WondLa (hopefully at least someone gets that reference)
38: No that one’s clearly from Ered Gorgoroth
39: Humans, Giants are fairly cool. If humans don’t count then housecats. Sorry in advance for your house getting pushed off a cliff, but it was either this, a species of bird (couldn’t choose which one), or a Komodo Dragon which would screw over the human race even more but hey, a dragon’s a dragon.
Axolotls! Giiiiant Axolotls! or salamanders. Yes I know giant salamanders exist, but they Could Be Bigger.
Also whoever said duck, take it back, take it back right now.
Dainix no! You don’t touch the web! It’ll just wrap around you and get all over you and be really gross! Dainix you literally have a large spear to brush it away with! These damn non-Australians don’t know anything!
Your coment made me check the panel again, and it seems to me that the web might have only stuck to Dainix’s protective arm piece! I believe he might be able to take it off and RUN
Trigger Warning: Graphic description of spiders.
Some spiders tuck some of their legs in. I don’t know why they do it, but they do. I used to live in Western New South Wales in a suburb that was literally half bushland and we got these spiders called Saint Ives Crosses. I don’t remember if they were harmful or not, but my god they were scary. You’d just be minding your own business and all of a sudden there was this gigantic fuzzy X shaped spider on a web or on a door or something. They would just sit there with four of their legs out and the other four tucked in until they were disturbed, and then the four hidden ones would pop out so they could skedaddle.
I had a friend serving in the Military (U.S.) when NATO was ‘freeing’ Kuwait from Iraq. While there might be some exaggerations Camel spider were found to be quite large, but I am sure Aussie forces would say the Damn Yanks were just overacting (especially from the ‘land of Fruits and Nuts’ AKA California (on the Pacific Coast of the U.S.A.).
Given Red’s demonstrated wisdom and sense of humor/irony the leg count is probably just ‘pedant bate’, which, given the audience, may be a new form of micro aggression!
…I love seeing the Australians coming out in force and commenting on this <3
As a not-Australian who once visited and played with non-dangerous spiders (…must've been imported) that another youth had in a small LEGO fort… yyyyyno, nah, I'm last in the marching order here, gonna watch the experts tell us how it's done and applaud once it's over. I'll lend you my wool socks when it gets proper cold, you take care of the spiders.
Also, wheeee moar bonding time between the redheads! (…orangeheads? Cuteheads at any rate.)
Falst’s reaction to the door opening does make me wonder about the ‘ancient technology responds to Ferin cuz they’re magically inert’ theory that I was leaning toward. Like, if this is how all ancient tech responds to all Ferin, wouldn’t people, especially Ferin themselves, generally know about it? I mean, who knows, maybe when they get back to the group Erin’ll be like ‘oh yeah that’s a thing’ but it just strikes me as odd that it wouldn’t be more widely known.
Not to be rude but it seems like in this world most people ignore/dislike/hate Ferin, they tend to get run out of town or are basically slaves. If you remember when Falst met the group, he said that he could read, I always took it to mean other Ferin couldn’t. I assume this means most Ferin have little to no schooling as opposed to Erin’s academic training. so basically Erin (or Kendral/Vash) may know but it’s not common knowledge.
Yeah, run out of towns… Ancient tech seems to just be sitting outside of towns fairly regularly (we’ve been to two big cities, Vash and Zuurith, and BOTH have ancient technology not far from them (the golem Kendal fought and this whatever it is)). It seems to me that if this was a regular thing, then Ferin would maybe realise by experiencing it that they can use ancient tech sites at least as shelter, if not understanding why, and possibly pass this information among themselves as incredibly useful knowledge.
The golem was an artifact of Vash, not ancient at all. Not capital A Ancient, that is. Frankly, the ancient tech is likely very rarely active, or Falst is actually a particularly special individual, and it’s responding to him, and wouldn’t to other Ferin. Erin has been to these ruins. That robot was on the surface, and only activated when Falst got near it, so it was likely discovered and dismissed by Erin some time ago, when he was here.
First, why do the Ancients even have a large domed room? (If it turns out to be a planetarium, I’m gonna squeal like a fangirl.) Second, how did that spider get in there? (Maybe hatched there?) And third, what has it been eating up until now?
Also, I don’t see any exits on preliminary scan, so it’s a shame they’re gonna have to fight it rather than just look inside, go “Nope, no point going this way,” and leave again.
Dainix right now: “If I had a nickel for every time I got tangled up in a bunch of restraints while a monster approaches me menacingly – TODAY – I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t much, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.”
Oh. It was a cargo bay from the look of it, but now it’s a suspiciously mostly-empty room with a large spider in the center. And no health pickups scattered around the edge, of course.
*Armogohma’s first phase music from Twilight Princess starts playing*
Dainix: Why is it always me!?!
I called this last week, though I admit I was expecting a robot. Also, this doesn’t seem to be an exit. Not surprising, since that would probably be too easy. My guess is that they have to do a legend of Zelda style boss fight that then unlocks another door with a little chiming noise, which will either be the exit or another fight. These dungeons are often unforgiving.
This page’s mouse over text brought to you by OSP – Because we all know Blue would be excited about a Dome, even one that’s bad due to Spider Infestation.
the scary part is that spider webs are actually STRONGER than iron and Very sticky– the only reason humans can break through them is because the string is incredibly tiny compared to us
I guess their spider-senses were not tingling.
I wonder, are these Ancient devices reading Falst as magically inert thus, by a thousands-year-old process of elimination, an Ancient? Or could he even have some Anceint blood in him? Come to think of it, Falst has also experimented with elemental runes and lacrimas, much like the Ancients did.
Robots, Cave crawlers, and now giant spiders; Falst will never let Erin live it down when they get out. May be reason to be hopeful they’re getting close to the exit; a big spider like that needs to eat so much have a food source somewhere. Now’s the time for Falst to put his rock throwing skills to work, if Dainix’s can’t get a good spear thrust that is.
Am I the only one who’s getting the vibe that this is a nonsense one-shot dungeon for the 2 people who showed up to game while everyone else cancelled last minute?
Like, I don’t get the feeling anything in here’s a direct threat other than their own powers…but boy are they good at grappling and getting in the way and *wasting time for a session*
evidence of the non-spiderniss: webs coming out both ends, 6 legs, 4 eyes, size, no food. But what do I know, maybe spiders in Aurora are just a bit different…in other veins, I can’t tell but there may be something carved on some of the rocks IDK though.
sorry if this is a repeat, It’s been glitching all day.
Well the spider only has six legs so it might not even be an arachnid. (Unless the retractable legs mentioned above turn out to be true. But even then only four eyes…)
My thoughts exactly
Well THAT ain’t good
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: pros: dome cons: bug
Image source: hey
I believe the technical term is decapa-sphere
I love that the alt-text is a refernce to Blue’s dome vid, lol.
Tumblr text: could you stop getting ambushed for five minutes
NOT a good dome. Not any more.
The doors creaks open, and out comes a strand
Of web from the spider that now rules this land
Great poem
Aurora Question #38: Is this spider Australian?
Aurora Question #39: If you were forced to choose one animal and make it giant, what would you choose?
Nah mate, if it were Australian it’d be bigger lol
Now I’m imagining the spider hissing in an Australian accent.
How do you hiss with an accent?
As an inner city Australian I can confirm that this is one of the babies you can find here.
As an outer city Australian I agree
As an Australian i can say that if this was Australian it would be be a baby because it’s too small
As an Australian living in a country town, this is just childsplay.
I’d choose a duck.
Water bears. Cause they are normally very tiny without actually being microscopic
For 39: I’d choose a Blue Whale.
Imagine the sheer majestic size of that’d classify as “giant” compared to a blue whales “normal”
Bears. After all, bears are awesome, so MORE bears would be even more awesome.
38 With apologies to the Aussies while the spider is down under, its NOT on Earth, Down Under…
39 While lots of people fear spiders a giant Crocodile Dundee I would find absolutely terrifying, He’d hamulate me first THEN kill me.
My first thought about this page was “Oh no, spiders are canon to this universe. Even worse, AUSTRALIAN SPIDERS!”
It’s an Australian baby spider! They’re always a bit touchy at that age 🙂
Also I’d like giant tardigrades please. Because I do love Otto from WondLa (hopefully at least someone gets that reference)
Question #38:
Falst: What’s an Australia?
Question 39:
Butterfly. Unlikely to cause widescale devastation either intentionally or accidentally, and also pretty to look at.
Wouldn’t a giant butterfly cause giant hurricanes?
(This is a joke; that interpretation of chaos theory is hyperbolic to the point of meaninglessness.)
38: No that one’s clearly from Ered Gorgoroth
39: Humans, Giants are fairly cool. If humans don’t count then housecats. Sorry in advance for your house getting pushed off a cliff, but it was either this, a species of bird (couldn’t choose which one), or a Komodo Dragon which would screw over the human race even more but hey, a dragon’s a dragon.
as an australian, i can confirm that this spider? too small
Axolotls! Giiiiant Axolotls! or salamanders. Yes I know giant salamanders exist, but they Could Be Bigger.
Also whoever said duck, take it back, take it back right now.
hmm why bugs ?
wow, Dainix is really just getting picked on my every monster in this joint isn’t he? poor bugger
It’s not his fault he is so hot.
All the monsters want to touch his abs
Uh oh
That’s,, not good
Pros: Dome
Cons: At least it isn’t a bigger fish!
Did someone say Arachnophobia?
Wow these guys like Dainix a whole lot
Nice, they arrived to the obligatory giant spider section in the dungeon.
Reads alt text. What do you mean ‘bugs’?!
Looks closer, sees t only has 6 legs. Ah, ok.
Dainix no! You don’t touch the web! It’ll just wrap around you and get all over you and be really gross! Dainix you literally have a large spear to brush it away with! These damn non-Australians don’t know anything!
Your coment made me check the panel again, and it seems to me that the web might have only stuck to Dainix’s protective arm piece! I believe he might be able to take it off and RUN
Slowly the door slides…
Surprise attack by a web!
Looks like he’s been caught.
My boy swingin’ from the spider chandelier
Flame on, dude.
Maybe the spider is friendly! No? Aw…
oh spider boy only got three legs on each side. Is it a spider technically?
I don’t think Dainix has the time to speculate on entomology before he becomes a snack. Be useful Falst! Throw a rock!
Trigger Warning: Graphic description of spiders.
Some spiders tuck some of their legs in. I don’t know why they do it, but they do. I used to live in Western New South Wales in a suburb that was literally half bushland and we got these spiders called Saint Ives Crosses. I don’t remember if they were harmful or not, but my god they were scary. You’d just be minding your own business and all of a sudden there was this gigantic fuzzy X shaped spider on a web or on a door or something. They would just sit there with four of their legs out and the other four tucked in until they were disturbed, and then the four hidden ones would pop out so they could skedaddle.
I had a friend serving in the Military (U.S.) when NATO was ‘freeing’ Kuwait from Iraq. While there might be some exaggerations Camel spider were found to be quite large, but I am sure Aussie forces would say the Damn Yanks were just overacting (especially from the ‘land of Fruits and Nuts’ AKA California (on the Pacific Coast of the U.S.A.).
6 legs, 4 eyes, and webs coming out both ends. not to mention the size and lack of food. that’s no spider.
Given Red’s demonstrated wisdom and sense of humor/irony the leg count is probably just ‘pedant bate’, which, given the audience, may be a new form of micro aggression!
get yoinked orange boy
…I love seeing the Australians coming out in force and commenting on this <3
As a not-Australian who once visited and played with non-dangerous spiders (…must've been imported) that another youth had in a small LEGO fort… yyyyyno, nah, I'm last in the marching order here, gonna watch the experts tell us how it's done and applaud once it's over. I'll lend you my wool socks when it gets proper cold, you take care of the spiders.
Also, wheeee moar bonding time between the redheads! (…orangeheads? Cuteheads at any rate.)
I thought cave spiders are meant to be smaller than regular spiders
Ah yes giant, non Australian spiders. One of my favourite giant animals. (Why yes I am a psycho)
Also @sugariibox i saw your comment on 20.18. You can absolutely use that quote of mine
Is that spider also a cave crawler…?
Thank you for your enlightening statement!
Shoot,that was meant for Question Master’s comment
Falst’s reaction to the door opening does make me wonder about the ‘ancient technology responds to Ferin cuz they’re magically inert’ theory that I was leaning toward. Like, if this is how all ancient tech responds to all Ferin, wouldn’t people, especially Ferin themselves, generally know about it? I mean, who knows, maybe when they get back to the group Erin’ll be like ‘oh yeah that’s a thing’ but it just strikes me as odd that it wouldn’t be more widely known.
Not to be rude but it seems like in this world most people ignore/dislike/hate Ferin, they tend to get run out of town or are basically slaves. If you remember when Falst met the group, he said that he could read, I always took it to mean other Ferin couldn’t. I assume this means most Ferin have little to no schooling as opposed to Erin’s academic training. so basically Erin (or Kendral/Vash) may know but it’s not common knowledge.
Yeah, run out of towns… Ancient tech seems to just be sitting outside of towns fairly regularly (we’ve been to two big cities, Vash and Zuurith, and BOTH have ancient technology not far from them (the golem Kendal fought and this whatever it is)). It seems to me that if this was a regular thing, then Ferin would maybe realise by experiencing it that they can use ancient tech sites at least as shelter, if not understanding why, and possibly pass this information among themselves as incredibly useful knowledge.
The golem was an artifact of Vash, not ancient at all. Not capital A Ancient, that is. Frankly, the ancient tech is likely very rarely active, or Falst is actually a particularly special individual, and it’s responding to him, and wouldn’t to other Ferin. Erin has been to these ruins. That robot was on the surface, and only activated when Falst got near it, so it was likely discovered and dismissed by Erin some time ago, when he was here.
Latticework webbing
Holds a menacing burden
And Dainix, lured in
There once was some Ancient tech
That opened for Falst–the heck?
Out shot strands
From a spider’s glands
And snatched up Dainix by the neck.
Sooner or later these two are gonna communicate a whole sentence to each other about how Falst doesn’t know what he’s doing any more than Dainix.
But both floofy boys are too stubborn for that to ever work, I think.
welcome to australia <3
…kudos to the man for not dropping his weapon because WUT THE FUCK???
just a team building dungeon crawl
First, why do the Ancients even have a large domed room? (If it turns out to be a planetarium, I’m gonna squeal like a fangirl.) Second, how did that spider get in there? (Maybe hatched there?) And third, what has it been eating up until now?
Also, I don’t see any exits on preliminary scan, so it’s a shame they’re gonna have to fight it rather than just look inside, go “Nope, no point going this way,” and leave again.
That is all
Dainix right now: “If I had a nickel for every time I got tangled up in a bunch of restraints while a monster approaches me menacingly – TODAY – I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t much, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.”
Oh. It was a cargo bay from the look of it, but now it’s a suspiciously mostly-empty room with a large spider in the center. And no health pickups scattered around the edge, of course.
*Armogohma’s first phase music from Twilight Princess starts playing*
good thing Dainix has a crossbow stowed away somewhere, although a dominion rod s probably out of the question
And even if he did, I don’t see any gigantic fisticuff statues in here, anyway.
*Even if he did have a dominion rod. I was tired when I replied.
Dainix: Why is it always me!?!
I called this last week, though I admit I was expecting a robot. Also, this doesn’t seem to be an exit. Not surprising, since that would probably be too easy. My guess is that they have to do a legend of Zelda style boss fight that then unlocks another door with a little chiming noise, which will either be the exit or another fight. These dungeons are often unforgiving.
Dainix has his horrible, very bad, no good day
Dainix and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
You cheered me up today! (warm smile)
I have to say I’m not surprised there are now giant spiders.
The manner of their entrance? Yeah, that was surprising.
Dainix… forget the concern about the cave gas and KILL IT WITH FIRE
This page’s mouse over text brought to you by OSP – Because we all know Blue would be excited about a Dome, even one that’s bad due to Spider Infestation.
It’s just nonstop drama with Dainix, isn’t it?
It’s Dainix’s own dang fault for being so delicious.
the scary part is that spider webs are actually STRONGER than iron and Very sticky– the only reason humans can break through them is because the string is incredibly tiny compared to us
Giant Spider? Nope, thank you, I take my chances with cave madness
At least the room is appropriately Boss Fight worthy of a giant spider
Minecraft spider IRL size
we need art of Dainix being cuddled by the giant spider because that’s clearly why he’s so popular; he’s just so huggable.
i’d do it myself, but i’m terrible at drawing
Can I get an Aussie Aussie Aussie from all the Australians in the comments
Laughs in Australian
I didn’t know Blue got to script this one.
Oh man…I just had to fight a bunch of giant spiders in a cave in Hogwarts Legacy…I don’t want to have to go through that again…
Two Australian kids going to school, colorized.
Go get Blue, there’s a dome
I guess their spider-senses were not tingling.
I wonder, are these Ancient devices reading Falst as magically inert thus, by a thousands-year-old process of elimination, an Ancient? Or could he even have some Anceint blood in him? Come to think of it, Falst has also experimented with elemental runes and lacrimas, much like the Ancients did.
Robots, Cave crawlers, and now giant spiders; Falst will never let Erin live it down when they get out. May be reason to be hopeful they’re getting close to the exit; a big spider like that needs to eat so much have a food source somewhere. Now’s the time for Falst to put his rock throwing skills to work, if Dainix’s can’t get a good spear thrust that is.
Thwip and Flick!
because its not a great fantasy adventure without giant spiders!
Am I the only one who’s getting the vibe that this is a nonsense one-shot dungeon for the 2 people who showed up to game while everyone else cancelled last minute?
Like, I don’t get the feeling anything in here’s a direct threat other than their own powers…but boy are they good at grappling and getting in the way and *wasting time for a session*
“Stop playing around with that spider, we’ve got stuff to do!”
there’s a dome but there is also a giant speeiyder
Hey! Dainix ain’t done nothing to you. Your probably not even a real spider! Let him go!
evidence of the non-spiderniss: webs coming out both ends, 6 legs, 4 eyes, size, no food. But what do I know, maybe spiders in Aurora are just a bit different…in other veins, I can’t tell but there may be something carved on some of the rocks IDK though.
sorry if this is a repeat, It’s been glitching all day.
Pro: Dome
Con: Bug
Technically that’s an arachnid not a bug. Completely different phylum
Well the spider only has six legs so it might not even be an arachnid. (Unless the retractable legs mentioned above turn out to be true. But even then only four eyes…)
Retroactive TL;DR: …maybe you shouldn’t have done that?
it’s not a proper fantasy without a huge ass spider
Wonder if this was like a ferin hide away.
Getting some Breath of the Wild boss fight vibes here…
Ew spider
No one else has said this so I will: It’s one of the spiders escaped from Mirkwood.
Blue would absolutely love this place. For the dome I mean not the spider