A wolverine. Yes, I am even dorkier. As long as the parallel doesn’t extend to a pungent scent gland, though. They didn’t earn the moniker “skunk bear” for nothing.
I would choose mouse ferin- prey animals get sharp senses to observe their surroundings and protect themselves and warn others and enjoy good food, music, touch and sight of fine things. But like Falst they are hyper aware they are not biggest predator in the world and need and like friends around them so a little more social oriented than Falst (though lions tend to be more social too). A lot of room for a quick witted and occasionally berserkly fierce in the defense character to explore…
I’d be a bear. Or a Honey badger. Or some other eater of Honey.
Honestly, I’m probably more Martin, or maybe a honey-eating bird, but prolly a Martin. They also eat berries and other meat, which is good too. I guess I base my animal on food preference…
Hmm, I’m torn between lynx, jaguar, and falcon. I also feel like a Ferin that’s part Chimera (the Ancient Greek monster, not the creatures in Aurora) could look really cool! Or it’d be a crime against nature, I’d say it’s like 70-30 odds on that one.
That is NOT how you should pick up a cat. Don’t grab at their limbs! Support them from their tummies and hook your arm behind their legs so they feel supported and safe!
Aurorannouncer (name suggested by Alleyyy)
What’s this?! The robot is escaping to what seems like a bunker! Oh, looks like Falst is back in the game! A well timed scratch leaves the robot with gashes all over his face. Falst struggles to break free, and- oh, nice one! It appears Dainix is back and has made a perfect hit with his spear, impaling the robot right through the middle. Will this be the end of our automaton adversary? Find out next time on Aurorannouncer!
The ominousness of chasms and caverns should not be underestimated, but they are possible to distinguish into two types of ominousness. See, first we have… *long-winded Erinesque explanation*
Falst was jolted awake by the sheer silence of the one panel with no SFX.
Speaking of which, I will always apreciate Red’s use of SFX in this comic. The continuity of colours and shapes in the first two panels of the stone moving, the stylings of Falst’s and Dainix’s attacks matching the feeling of the strikes, it all never gets old.
Is that wind coming from the entrance? Just what is down there? How big could it be inside? Will anyone or anything be able to stop Erin from exploring inside once he hears about this?
Either from Dainix’s experience with automatons or taking cues from Falst’s previous attack, his spear has now shattered the power source. Now they should be safe … well, from this automaton anyway; there could be more about.
I don’t think that’s the central power source that Dainix shattered, just the power source for the tazer. We might be seeing some noodly, metallic fisticuffs on Friday. (Also, I’m with Erin on this one; if a new ruin just dropped at my location and I’m capable of defending myself, I’m definitely exploring the ruin.)
Hey I might have made a thing. And a channel. Which will have more Aurora stuff on it one day but for now it only has this so: https://youtu.be/Lbtw9CiqpeA
Here, pls enjoy
The sequence of my thoughts this morning: “Well, I’ve eaten breakfast, so now, I guess, I’ll just sit down and read a book- oh, it’s Wednesday. I’ll have to look at Aurora at some- WAIT THEY TOOK MY KITTY BOY!”
Alternately, it might have the tactile sensation of wind reaching him. Habitually waking up to the sudden sensation of “no shelter, I’m out in the open” seems like a useful quality for a homeless fugitive to develop!
Did you know…
The average amount of sleep recommended for an adult is 7 hours or more, with teenagers needing more at around 8-10 hours of sleep.
(I dunno, a reference to Falst cat nap? Or maybe a reference to chapter 11 where Kendal realized he needs to sleep too. Or I’m just tired and not thinking straight.)
Oh hey replies are working again! I guess the bunch of replies that I put in my will be dispersed.
That cavern must REEK if it could wake a sleeping Falst
On the automaton: I don’t think this will keep it down at all! This will probably remove/limit its ability to use its taser weapon, which was powered by that Lightning lacrima. However, I think Dainix will need to get a spear through that Soul (?) lacrima in its head to power it down, and in the meantime it can still use its arms, so this’ll be a problem yet.
What do I think? I think this automaton was used to get us to/establish this location, which is important somehow (but the automaton won’t just go away and/or there will be more of them, because Red’s a great writer and doesn’t just discard things like that.)
a) An entrance to the Singing Caves
b) The lair of something even worse than the automaton
c) The hideout of the mysterious upcoming seventh member of the party
d) Or even… something else??!? No. wayyy
(d) i don’t think the Ancients were keen to build into the Singing Caves, nor would the robot take Falst there, since it’s trying to protect him form “Cave Folk” Dainix. I doubt that we’re randomly going to find another party member here of all places, especially so soon after meeting Tess AND Dainix, and the main plot beat right now is the automaton itself, so I can’t imagine Red introducing another new higher-stakes threat in here (except maybe MORE automatons)
I think this is a bunker, designed by the Ancients in the event of “Cave Folk” attacks or other threats, to contain children, elderly, anyone incapable of self-defense, which is why the Automaton is trying to secure Falst down there. If there are more automatons within, we’ll get another good battle sequence out of it, probably involving Tess, Erin, and Dainix protecting Kendal, Alinua, and maybe Falst. If not, more somewhat-chill-somewhat-horror-movie-tense character interactions between these two. Either way, I think we’re going to see some Ancient lore in the next chapter or chapters.
The fact that Falst looks scared now makes me think that he smelled some fuckshit in that draft that came from the vault. there’s dead bodies in there isn’t there? ToT
Erin was like “These ruins are BORING. There’s NOTHING here.” Yeah, some scientist you are. Couldn’t even see the giant robot sunbathing out in the open. Didn’t even bother to look for hidden tunnels. Good job dude.
Oh wait that’s interesting, it seems to be opening up that chasm specifically using that peace-sign looking indent in the wall like a screw. Interesting, how this mechanism seems specifically designed around the robot’s anatomy: the claw fits in the peace sign, the spinning is probably only doable with those tentacle thingies, and there isn’t much of a platform for a humanoid to stand on if they don’t have tentacles.
This suggests that this model of robot must have been pretty commonplace within Ancient cities at the time, in order to be worth designing entire systems around it like that. Given that the robot seems to be designed around combat, could this mean that the Ancients were often being attacked or were at least really afraid of being so?
(and if so, could it have to do with the fear of the cave-folk that Huracan mentioned? Like, were the Ancients previously attacked by them?)
Ah. I rescind my statement from Monday; there apparently is an intact place for the robot to rendezvous at. I just hadn’t factored bunkers into the equation. (Also, between the robot and the large underground space, I’m reminded of the warforged factory from Belkinus Necro Hunt.)
TL;DR: There’s regular robots, then there’s robots that have laser butts, octopus arms, and access to secret rooms. Those ones are the problematic ones.
Seriously, who even makes killer robots? The Ancients must have had a serious lack of SciFi writers, because practically the entire body of that genre includes the message that killer robots are a BAD IDEA!
Even just a few minutes contemplating the question “How could this go wrong?” would be enough to stop the killer robot apocalypse. What were they thinking?
If Falst has only had two naps today (one during the fight and another now), and not three (the previous afternoon when Shrike knocked him out in the market and Tess carried him on her back), that’s our first indication that it’s at least past midnight and therefore into the morning of the 22nd. Kendal is officially two sefs old!
Dang if Falst doesn’t make a -really- cute damsel when unconscious. Awake? Yike! Immediately on the offense … and even -more- cute. Also – hey, isn’t that a spear? Uh-oh, Dainix keeps seeing Falst in ALL the cutest ways. ^_^
Also – this is happening pretty close to the camp. Has anyone noticed all the commotion yet?
What is that spear made of? Sure, the robot is damaged and hasn’t seen an oil bath or maintenance droid for a few days. Of course it’s really, really old. Dainix is a highly skilled, very experienced warrior. And yes, I see his poncho there in the panel. So he has put his body weight into it.
Still. Advanced robotics vs spear doesn’t usually have this result. So that must be one helluva well made spear.
Aurora Question #12: If you were a Ferin, what animal would you want to be… Idk, inspired by?
Cats are great, cats are perfect, cats all the way
Birb. I want to be a birb.
Birb? Can you send me a link?
Probably a raven or a hawk
idk, it really seems like a bird is the way to go: maybe a swallow or a falcon. or if you want to be a little cutie too, a flying squirrel?
alternatively, go full ‘abomination’ and be a platypus ferin or an upside-down jellyfish ferin
The image of a platypus ferin made me cackle
A wolf, yes I am that dork
A wolverine. Yes, I am even dorkier. As long as the parallel doesn’t extend to a pungent scent gland, though. They didn’t earn the moniker “skunk bear” for nothing.
Same. I’d be a gray wolf, specifically. I like how gray can feel calming and dramatic at the same time.
You mean are the Hunter Formerly Known as The Golden Guard?
Definitely a wolf (I am also that dork)
(Also I may have commented twice due to just figuring out how the nestled comments work)
:0 another toh fan??!?!
Omg same!!! I would love to be a wolf! Imagine the fluffy ears?
Does that make you the Hunter Formerly Known as the Golden Guard?
Either way, I think dork becomes a compliment in this instances
Well octopi are my favorite animal but my personality matches crows more so one of those two.
OMGOMGOMG you have no idea how long I have been waiting for someone to ask me this question
i have no idea what my answer is
This is Such a mood.
Raven, if it means I can fly.
Hercules beetle. i could probably get a job in construction or, alternativley, be a one man wrecking crew.
A deer. Awesome senses, and those antlers are an aesthetic and a half. Or a basic housecat, since everyone says I am one anyway.
An armadillo. With the shell on top of normal ferin tankiness I’d be indestructible, and I’d rather be a mammal than a reptile.
Uh… Either a bird or an alligator.
I would choose mouse ferin- prey animals get sharp senses to observe their surroundings and protect themselves and warn others and enjoy good food, music, touch and sight of fine things. But like Falst they are hyper aware they are not biggest predator in the world and need and like friends around them so a little more social oriented than Falst (though lions tend to be more social too). A lot of room for a quick witted and occasionally berserkly fierce in the defense character to explore…
I think a Zebra Ferin would look cool with all the stripes and the ability to kick the shit out of anything.
Dragon Fish or Komodo dragon. Something with an odd characteristic that sets it apart
I never thought about if the fantastical species would be included in the variations of Ferin
A penguin ferin would slay I think
A wolf, i’m simple like that.
I would want to be a platypus. I want to be as much of a mockery to God as possible.
you mean God’s finest bio luminescent work?
River otter. Who wouldn’t want to play all day?
Is it possible to pick cat/bird/human hybrid?
Spider. Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can. But being legit, 4 arms and crawling up wall would be pretty cool.
I feel like I’d have to do right by my high school fox demon fanfic self inserts and be fox inspired lol
I’d be a bear. Or a Honey badger. Or some other eater of Honey.
Honestly, I’m probably more Martin, or maybe a honey-eating bird, but prolly a Martin. They also eat berries and other meat, which is good too. I guess I base my animal on food preference…
Probably a wolf (yes I will also be that guy)
Probably some lizard.
Why? Because they’re cool.
Probably a fox or some kind of bird. No reasoning other than I think they’re cool.
Macaque >:3
racoooooon or a donkey. Im not gonna comment that further
Probably a wolf. Idk why
Probably Fox. Just to have a lighter, more agile build, that can move around quickly, and to be a redhead.
Breaded dragon, because they’re awesome
Immortal jellyfish
✨ D R A G O N ✨
i LOVE dragons!
If I couldn’t be a dragon, either a chameleon (for camouflage) or something with wings.
probably a squirrel, or something ferret shaped. I like the cute and forest dwelling vibe, with “could & would kill you” being optional
Hmm, I’m torn between lynx, jaguar, and falcon. I also feel like a Ferin that’s part Chimera (the Ancient Greek monster, not the creatures in Aurora) could look really cool! Or it’d be a crime against nature, I’d say it’s like 70-30 odds on that one.
Probably a bat or a bunny !
squirrel, because they’re fucking good and climbing and jumping, and i want a tail.
i wanna be a hedgehog or a frog 🙂
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: only good things go “RRRRRMBLE”
Image source: sfx
AUWBSDNF…….. oh god hidden chamber go brr
Dang, it must stink down there!
That is NOT how you should pick up a cat. Don’t grab at their limbs! Support them from their tummies and hook your arm behind their legs so they feel supported and safe!
OMG this made me laugh out loud, thank you
“That is NOT how you should pick up a cat…” Burst out laughing, no joke.
Falst don’t got TIME to be unconscious
Aurorannouncer (name suggested by Alleyyy)
What’s this?! The robot is escaping to what seems like a bunker! Oh, looks like Falst is back in the game! A well timed scratch leaves the robot with gashes all over his face. Falst struggles to break free, and- oh, nice one! It appears Dainix is back and has made a perfect hit with his spear, impaling the robot right through the middle. Will this be the end of our automaton adversary? Find out next time on Aurorannouncer!
Ruins have been successfully un-boringed.
Um. guys. why is there an ominous chasm in the ground. what is that thing doing there
Erin would care about precision
The ominousness of chasms and caverns should not be underestimated, but they are possible to distinguish into two types of ominousness. See, first we have… *long-winded Erinesque explanation*
The robot makes a lock turn round
Draft comes out, ruins aren’t boring now!
Falst was jolted awake by the sheer silence of the one panel with no SFX.
Speaking of which, I will always apreciate Red’s use of SFX in this comic. The continuity of colours and shapes in the first two panels of the stone moving, the stylings of Falst’s and Dainix’s attacks matching the feeling of the strikes, it all never gets old.
Is that wind coming from the entrance? Just what is down there? How big could it be inside? Will anyone or anything be able to stop Erin from exploring inside once he hears about this?
Either from Dainix’s experience with automatons or taking cues from Falst’s previous attack, his spear has now shattered the power source. Now they should be safe … well, from this automaton anyway; there could be more about.
I don’t think that’s the central power source that Dainix shattered, just the power source for the tazer. We might be seeing some noodly, metallic fisticuffs on Friday. (Also, I’m with Erin on this one; if a new ruin just dropped at my location and I’m capable of defending myself, I’m definitely exploring the ruin.)
Oh, I would too. But really, who wouldn’t?
Hey I might have made a thing. And a channel. Which will have more Aurora stuff on it one day but for now it only has this so:
Here, pls enjoy
and the one that had stolen the catboi away
the ignan stabbed to bits
The sequence of my thoughts this morning: “Well, I’ve eaten breakfast, so now, I guess, I’ll just sit down and read a book- oh, it’s Wednesday. I’ll have to look at Aurora at some- WAIT THEY TOOK MY KITTY BOY!”
Kendal watching False: Two Naps!!! get on my level bro!
Robot: Mom, can I keep the kitty? It followed me home!
Huh… Falst woke up at the *smell* of the cavern/secret room thing…
Alternately, it might have the tactile sensation of wind reaching him. Habitually waking up to the sudden sensation of “no shelter, I’m out in the open” seems like a useful quality for a homeless fugitive to develop!
You make a good point. Part of it could also be that he is having the (presumably new) experience of being carried by a cold metal robot!
I’m worried that the door has more hug bots, hopefully Falst can pry off his twice broken arm before they come out.
Did you know…
The average amount of sleep recommended for an adult is 7 hours or more, with teenagers needing more at around 8-10 hours of sleep.
(I dunno, a reference to Falst cat nap? Or maybe a reference to chapter 11 where Kendal realized he needs to sleep too. Or I’m just tired and not thinking straight.)
Oh hey replies are working again! I guess the bunch of replies that I put in my will be dispersed.
That cavern must REEK if it could wake a sleeping Falst
On the automaton: I don’t think this will keep it down at all! This will probably remove/limit its ability to use its taser weapon, which was powered by that Lightning lacrima. However, I think Dainix will need to get a spear through that Soul (?) lacrima in its head to power it down, and in the meantime it can still use its arms, so this’ll be a problem yet.
What do I think? I think this automaton was used to get us to/establish this location, which is important somehow (but the automaton won’t just go away and/or there will be more of them, because Red’s a great writer and doesn’t just discard things like that.)
a) An entrance to the Singing Caves
b) The lair of something even worse than the automaton
c) The hideout of the mysterious upcoming seventh member of the party
d) Or even… something else??!? No. wayyy
(d) i don’t think the Ancients were keen to build into the Singing Caves, nor would the robot take Falst there, since it’s trying to protect him form “Cave Folk” Dainix. I doubt that we’re randomly going to find another party member here of all places, especially so soon after meeting Tess AND Dainix, and the main plot beat right now is the automaton itself, so I can’t imagine Red introducing another new higher-stakes threat in here (except maybe MORE automatons)
I think this is a bunker, designed by the Ancients in the event of “Cave Folk” attacks or other threats, to contain children, elderly, anyone incapable of self-defense, which is why the Automaton is trying to secure Falst down there. If there are more automatons within, we’ll get another good battle sequence out of it, probably involving Tess, Erin, and Dainix protecting Kendal, Alinua, and maybe Falst. If not, more somewhat-chill-somewhat-horror-movie-tense character interactions between these two. Either way, I think we’re going to see some Ancient lore in the next chapter or chapters.
What if the robot becomes their weird not-so-little dude!!!
The fact that Falst looks scared now makes me think that he smelled some fuckshit in that draft that came from the vault. there’s dead bodies in there isn’t there? ToT
Erin was like “These ruins are BORING. There’s NOTHING here.” Yeah, some scientist you are. Couldn’t even see the giant robot sunbathing out in the open. Didn’t even bother to look for hidden tunnels. Good job dude.
my man is literally the elemental magus and couldn’t sense an underground bunker
Toph Beifong would like to know your location Erin, and she is very disappointed
From unconscious to violence in 0.3 seconds.
Falst literally wakes up and chooses violence.
Oh wait that’s interesting, it seems to be opening up that chasm specifically using that peace-sign looking indent in the wall like a screw. Interesting, how this mechanism seems specifically designed around the robot’s anatomy: the claw fits in the peace sign, the spinning is probably only doable with those tentacle thingies, and there isn’t much of a platform for a humanoid to stand on if they don’t have tentacles.
This suggests that this model of robot must have been pretty commonplace within Ancient cities at the time, in order to be worth designing entire systems around it like that. Given that the robot seems to be designed around combat, could this mean that the Ancients were often being attacked or were at least really afraid of being so?
(and if so, could it have to do with the fear of the cave-folk that Huracan mentioned? Like, were the Ancients previously attacked by them?)
Ah. I rescind my statement from Monday; there apparently is an intact place for the robot to rendezvous at. I just hadn’t factored bunkers into the equation. (Also, between the robot and the large underground space, I’m reminded of the warforged factory from Belkinus Necro Hunt.)
Also, I just realized; there’s an “I sleep; real sh*t” meme template built right into panels 3 and 4.
Unsure if the cavern smells THAT bad or Falst is just like my cat, waking up immediately whenever they hear the slightest noise.
I know Falst has meowed at least once in his life.
TL;DR: There’s regular robots, then there’s robots that have laser butts, octopus arms, and access to secret rooms. Those ones are the problematic ones.
Seriously, who even makes killer robots? The Ancients must have had a serious lack of SciFi writers, because practically the entire body of that genre includes the message that killer robots are a BAD IDEA!
Even just a few minutes contemplating the question “How could this go wrong?” would be enough to stop the killer robot apocalypse. What were they thinking?
If Falst has only had two naps today (one during the fight and another now), and not three (the previous afternoon when Shrike knocked him out in the market and Tess carried him on her back), that’s our first indication that it’s at least past midnight and therefore into the morning of the 22nd. Kendal is officially two sefs old!
Dang if Falst doesn’t make a -really- cute damsel when unconscious. Awake? Yike! Immediately on the offense … and even -more- cute. Also – hey, isn’t that a spear? Uh-oh, Dainix keeps seeing Falst in ALL the cutest ways. ^_^
Also – this is happening pretty close to the camp. Has anyone noticed all the commotion yet?
What is that spear made of? Sure, the robot is damaged and hasn’t seen an oil bath or maintenance droid for a few days. Of course it’s really, really old. Dainix is a highly skilled, very experienced warrior. And yes, I see his poncho there in the panel. So he has put his body weight into it.
Still. Advanced robotics vs spear doesn’t usually have this result. So that must be one helluva well made spear.
Holy cow do we now have nested comments? When did this happen?
They vanished when the site crashed after an influx of traffic caused by Red’s Timeskips Trope Talk, but Red figured out how to get them working again. https://twitter.com/AuroraWebcomic/status/1597271666295726082
uh oh
falst looks scared
Falst Looks Scared
To paraphrase Elisa Maza, “What could make claw-marks in solid robot?”
into a mouintain = definitly toataly a collector robot.
cat. cat all the way