Hey. Hey, Voidy. Do the right thing, go to sleep, big firey Dainix fire thingie won’t want to hurt the body you’re borrowing.
And fight sparky dragon instead of you.
(Actually… nah, don’t mind my advice, I like the big cool kaiju fight!)
Ah, classic mistake. “This creature is weak to water, therefore I should use water.” your mage thinks, despite the fact they put all their points in holy and lightning magic and their strongest water spells are “Fill Cup” and “Make Ice Cubes 1”.
A story about that: I played FFVII once. The creature was weak to a certain type of attack. I would have killed it much easier if I just used my regular “level 10” spell to which it didn’t have any weaknesses or resistances instead of my “level 2” spell to which it had weakness. Weakness means nothing if you can’t bring sufficient firepower (hah!) into the fight.
The Void Dragon raises slivers of water
and hurls them through the figure of fire-
Unfazed it screams out flames at Erin’s body,
Which cowers behind a shield from its ire.
What pronouns should we be using for the Fire and the Void Dragon? They have hijacked/ transformed male bodies, but at least according to VD, what he is fighting is not Dainix, and the dragon is from before town. Maybe it says on the character page?
“i’ve seen soulfire burn at the bottom of the ocean”
yeah good luck with water pistol, VD.
in other news, it seems like wind might be the only effective element against soulfire, since it can simply push Dainix around. maybe wind magic could even remove oxygen from the fire, extinguishing it? (assuming that principle of physics is still valid when i’m not even sure the periodic table exixts in this universe) i imagine soulfire would burn plants, i can’t see lightning having any effect, and fighting fire with fire isn’t a great strategy when the fire is literal. perhaps stone could work? although Dainix might be hot enough to melt right through it
Aww, each of the ineffective water spikes has a little “hiss” SFX as they fizzle away; that’s cute.
V.D. seems to be having trouble as he’s needing to improvise; water and void don’t work and air can only protect. Just as well Dainix didn’t find a way to kill crucibles/demons; if such a thing were public knowledge, this fight wouldn’t be going like this.
I’m interested as to what’s happening in the background as they fight. Alinua is healing, when she finishes she’ll move onto Falst, what about Tess and Kendal? Is Tynan still melting or is he recovering now that the Void Dragon is distracted?
Fun fact, if the fire is hot enough, water will make it worse! Turns out water is made of Hydrogen and Oxygen, two very flammable gases. Too much heat can split water into them and then you have a bad time
Soulfire burns at the bottom of the ocean, so water doesn’t work. Maybe he could be buried? It would have to be a lot of rock for him to not just melt through. Or maybe the void blast from before didn’t work because it left some of him behind, so the trick is an even larger void blast. Either way, it’s interesting to see VD on the back foot in a fight.
It doesn’t exactly look like The Void Dragon is fighting a losing battle here; it’s turning into more of a stalemate. Though Dainix is apparently indestructible against Void’s attacks, Void can defend against and heal from Dainix’s attacks. The only way that Dainix might be able to beat Void (and by extension, kill Erin) was pointed out on the last page: burning Erin’s life tattoo to make Void incapable of healing himself, before burning the wind and fire tattoos again to take away Void’s only defensive measures (he could redirect any fire Dainix slings at range; not so much in melee, considering the soul barrier). As for how The Void Dragon could win this fight… well, Dainix never found a way to kill himself. So while it’s apparently impossible for Void to win, he could potentially escape, either physically away from Zuurith, or by retreating back inside Erin’s mind. Unless Erin wakes back up and fights The Void Dragon from the inside to make himself easier for Dainix to kill…
I was right on Monday; he tried water (and ice at that) and didn’t know that it wouldn’t work.
@TheUnknownGame Good call on that one! One other factor which might bring Erin back into control is what Tess might do once she wakes up. She has kind of been KO’d since his first strike on Tynan and I wonder if a bit of frozen-esk sisterly love might pull Erin back.
TheUnknowngame made me think; what if Dainix burns off Erin’s tattoos and they can’t fix it in the aftermath of the fight? Given that we’ve only ever seen him cast by touching them I have a feeling it would cause some distress on his end and maybe make it so he can’t use any of his magic, which would probably cause a bit of a crisis. This all being speculative of course, but it would be an interesting place to take the aftermath of this fight.
Oh, this ongoing fight between the two of them is posing some problems for me. There’s only so many words that rhyme with fire and void and dragon, and nothing useful that rhymes with demon. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving the fight, it’s just making the limericks difficult. So, different approach:
There once was a kaiju fight
On a mountaintop at midnight.
It went on for hours
As each of the powers
Kept flexing to show off their might.
@Goldfinch i think if the Floof Squad were to encounter an injury that Alinua couldn’t heal, it would be a lot more played out than this. i mean, Red has shown us that Life Magic can heal Erin’s tattoos, so i don’t think she would risk the plot hole of deciding that Life Magic suddenly can’t heal his tattoos anymore
Well that attack was about as effective as putting water on an oil fire! This is how I picture Red’s creative process going for this page:
Red: So I bet you want to put that fire out huh?
Voidy: Yes!
Red: Yeah, that would solve your immediate problem of meddling do-gooders in your way pretty neatly, wouldn’t it.
Voidy: YES! It would! I use the water magic! Water extinguishes fire every time!
Red: HA YOU FOOL! All you get from your water attack is… MORE FIRE!!! *evil laugh*
Goldfinch, it would hurt, but he has the skills in all magic without the tattoos. The extra lore page says the help focus power, not create it.
Also, Dainix is worrying me more and more, I want him to stick with the group but he has to be alive and himself to do that.
Maybe using stone and doing the dirt on a campfire technique? I genuinely thought Dainix would be the one on the ropes and not Void so I’m a little at a loss. I just Erin is okay after the brutal beating his body is taking.
Not really; it’s just that Voidy forgot that Type Advantage really only works if you’re at least relatively close to your opponent’s level (max ~20 below depending on circumstances), have Same Type Attack Bonus, and are using a fairly accurate, decently-powered attack. Since none of these are true (Voidy’s a parasitic fragment only able to take over when the host is unconscious, meaning he’s relatively low-leveled despite his powerful moves, he only gets STAB on Void attacks, and he’s effectively using a rapid-fire-form Water Gun in the face of a much higher-leveled Fire opponent–look at that Flamethrower!), and there’s no Power of Friendship anime-esque boost going on (for obvious reasons,), and what you have here is effectively taking your level ten Oshawott to fight the level forty Alpha Rapidash in Legends: Arceus, which as you can probably guess is definitely not going to end well. (Freshly-crisped otter, anyone?)
Huh. Dainix does have a face in this form. Or at least, he has a mouth in addition to his eyes…
Running with the current Comments theme- The Floof Squad are suddenly transformed into Pokemon! What do they turn into?
(For the sake of simplicity I’d like to limit the options pool to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Player/Partner options plus any Starters added since the release of Super (which only goes up to Gen VI), but if you can make a really good case for something outside that pool you may include it in your answer as a bonus option.)
(You may also, if you like, include your favorite game and pairing from playing the franchise.)
And on a side note–still loving the cape/wings parallel, especially how their tattering is reflecting Voidy’s ebbing strength. Really hoping we get actual shadowy wings at some point, but for now I will absolutely take this
The best part is that by calling his attack a squirt gun, we’re assuming the best of VD’s competence. The white lines and shape of the water in panel 2 make it look like he’s using ice
The way I see it, Voidy has two options: give the body back to Erin or run (he’s clearly not going to win this) If he gives Erin’s body back and Dainix notices in time, he’ll most likely stop trying to kill him. However if he doesn’t notice in time, he will probably end up killing Erin as he is still unconscious and wouldn’t be able to fight back. Another possibility is that Erin wakes up and starts to fight back against VD, which would turn this into a ‘I know you’re in there’ fight (which would be admittedly pretty cool). Also, one of the current bystanders might pull themselves together long enough to help out, or June/the paladins might show up and complicate things even further, or Life could decide that this is the part that she wants to get involved in. Whatever ends up happening though, I’m exited for it.
Will Falst come up with a plan? Will Tess be able reach Erin to snap Voidy’s hold on him? Will Life (through Alinua) do anything soon? Can Kendal still do something? Will Tess & Alinua ever have time have a girl to girl talk? Only Red knows what will happen next!
dude it is raining, you had far more water to work with than that.
and yeah, from a pokemon perspective it makes sense, but also Tahraim did say that he’d seen soulfire like that burn at the bottom of the ocean so yeah… there’s a number of reasons this isn’t working out for you Walter.
Poor Walter is out of the frying pan into the… well, you know, and it is so satisfying to see this smug, always in control and confident primordial get his butt kicked in the one thing he thought he was good at, which was killing things. And being terrifying.
it really shines a torch on the fact that Walter, this big scary primordial killer who wanted to apophis the sun, probably suffers the most from looking down on and thus underestimating beings they see as below them. I mean, firsth the primordials, then Erin, and now Dainix? he’s inhabiting a body now and while arguably more free then he was he now has a big, big weakness now and i’m loving it, but buddy…
In earlier pages I asked why Dainix didn’t step up to fight Tynan. Now I know. That fight in the Arena gave me no concept of how deadly and out of control his fire form is. Gosh, no wonder he called it a demon. That’s terrifying.
It’s six in the morning and I am all caught up. It’s terrible in many ways (my sleep schedule) (the comic is awesome)(the comic is awesome and now I’m caught up and there’s no more,.it’s a tragedy)
Okay, I’ll admit the puddle shards was a stupid move, but I feel like everybody is being a LITTLE too harsh on voidy. I mean, it was kind of a saving throw to get him a second to think of what to do next (that backfired horribly).
Falst becomes a Litten. An orange kitty.
Alinua becomes a Bulbasaur. A creature that hosts life, or a plant of sorts.
Kendal becomes a Zacian. A legendary basically god with a sword. Plus, blue and yellow are part of the color scheme.
Erin becomes an Eevee. Lots of options for him. And the Void dragon is Eternatus. The dark, primordial, villainous draconic beast.
Dainix becomes a Cyndaquil. Normal on the outside but capable of bursting with fire. Bonus, he could be a Hisuian Typhlosion for the soulfire business.
Tess becomes a Pikachu. Electric powers and a bit overpowered (if you look at the anime). Plus, Ash’s Pikachu has punched dragons.
Interesting; I would have pegged Alinua as a Chikorita given that Meganium is known to have healing powers and the ability to revive dead plants (also, gentle flower dino that can Frenzy Plant if annoyed), but I can see why you’d choose Bulbasaur.
I think if I were picking a Pokemon for Kendal, it’s probably be Riolu. I mean, yeah, legendary sword doggo/demigod and all that (and the idea of a “puppy” Zacian is kinda amusing), but Lucario have the Aura Guardian association, are Steel/Fighting, and Vash’s connection to his people (and the Starfire thing) look very similar to Aura–And the relationship between Vash and Kendal kind of looks like that of Lucario and Riolu, at least from the Guardian/Apprentice dynamic (as Riolu are still learning to use their abilities)
Litten’s attitude and Hisuian Typhlosion’s ghostfire make Falst’s and Dainix’s choices spot on. Erin’s, too– remember Vee from the Adventures manga? I could see a partial or full shapeshift to use the different elements being part of his magus equivalency.
Pikachu’s a good choice for Tess, too, especially given that Raichu can learn a couple different punch attacks (and its counterparting to Eevee now that the latter is a secondary mascot.) The Odd Egg Pichu in the virtual console of Crystal also hatches with Dizzy Punch…Though I suppose you could also make a case for Elekid, since that line also punches things and Elekid charges up by swinging it’s arms around.
I did have a thought–what about Necrozma for the Void and Light Dragon’s? Think about it–Necrozma gifts it’s light to others, but when it loses too much it changes form and instead takes light to regain it’s strength. It would explain both the conflict between the two, Light’s gift of souls/free will, and Void’s desire to eat everything.
*Pokemon Adventures Reference spotted!*
I think a Zeraora would work better for Tess, an electric type thats known for Close combat fighting, more then a Raichu anyways
I’d raise a suggestion for Darkrai and Cresselia for VD and LD, as I feel it fits their duality a bit better then the two halves of Necrozma. Or maybe just Cresselia for LD, as theres some shared Moon motifs, and Psychic powers, Necrozma fits VD pretty well as is.
Skye: interesting choices you’ve got. As second choice for Kendal, I would’ve gone with Aegislash as the whole magic ghost sword thingy is a bit of a theory running about. The void and light thing is interesting, I guess that would mean there are multiple Necrozma in this theoretical universe. I didn’t even think of the counterpart thing with Pikachu and Eevee, but it works.
I think Aegislash really depends on that theory’s confirmation, but it’s still a viable option. He’d probably be more akin to Honedge, though, in terms of experience.
We’ve seen multiple times in the anime and in (some of) the games that multiple Legendaries of the same species are possible and (for a given definition) even likely–multiple Necrozma honestly aren’t much of a stretch, especially given that they are technically part of a trio with Solgaleo and Lunala, which are canonically the male and female of the same species. (Plus, you are able to get both through post-game events in the Gen VII games, though you do need to borrow the opposite-version game).
My first game was Crystal and I started with a Chikorita, so I have a soft spot for Meganium as well.
Guess you’re right about the experience thing. He’s a bit of a newbie to pretty much everything so an unevolved 1st stage Pokemon is probably a better choice.
I suppose I always had in my mind that there were multiple of the Gen 7 legends but only one Necrozma which restlessly hunted them down, which I suppose is a bit unlikely if it’s somehow their natural predator or something.
I don’t really get why Meganium is so unloved among starters in general. I mean, maybe this is my personal bias speaking, or my love of all things reptilian. But still. Meganium needs appreciation.
To be fair, the fact that he’s inhabiting Vash’s body does complicate things. I guess the crux of the matter comes down to how you want to translate that fact–does the transformation base itself on (what was) Vash’s body, or on Kendal’s soul? The PMD transformations appear to be based on the latter, but outside of that there have been very few human-Pokemon transformations in canonical lore, so there isn’t really a good sample size to pull data from.
They do seem to have something of a predator/prey relationship, though whether or not that was specifically tied to the games’ plotline is unclear. They haven’t really done much aside from dabble in multiverse theory in the franchise, so it’s kind of hard to say–we know that there are other universes with near-human- and near-pokemon-like life, though, so it’s quite possible and potentially even likely that there is more than one Necrozma.
I think it’s because stat- and movepool-wise Meganium is one of the weaker Grass Starters, which also isn’t helped by it being pure Grass, and it’s the only one of that nature without something to offset it (Serperior’s Hidden Ability boosts stats after Leaf Storm instead of lowering them, Sceptile has a Mega Evolution, and Rillaboom can Gigantimax and has a terrain-altering Hidden Ability… Poor Meganium’s Hidden Ability only works in Sunny weather and as such needs setup in single battles or a complimentary doubles partner). Also, from what I can tell Grass is considered the weakest of the Starter Types (Fire being the strongest), so Meganium gets the short end of the stick in both situations (I believe it’s actually considered the weakest of all the starters). It’s disappointing, because you’re right, it does need more love, but it is what it is.
(It probably would have helped if Ash’s Bayleef had evolved, given that some mons seem to be more popular because he has them (or he gets them because they’re popular, aside from also being the gimmick-revealer) and thus they have more exposure time and the audience can see what they’re really capable of, but she never did. Also, the ‘infatuation with Ash’ thing was in hindsight kind of…awkward.
Yeah, Kaiju fight is appropriate I think
The silence of the Pokemon professors in regards to this page is deafening
Welp that wasn’t a good idea
its a good thing theyre fighting in this completely featureless valley otherwise dainix would have to put more thought into where hes aiming that fire
Splash a bit of water on a raging fire, that will help…
VD being on the back foot, confused and gambling is fucking delicious I must say.
Get his Stolen Rich Kid Ass you Flameo-Hotman you!
Hey. Hey, Voidy. Do the right thing, go to sleep, big firey Dainix fire thingie won’t want to hurt the body you’re borrowing.
And fight sparky dragon instead of you.
(Actually… nah, don’t mind my advice, I like the big cool kaiju fight!)
Ah, classic mistake. “This creature is weak to water, therefore I should use water.” your mage thinks, despite the fact they put all their points in holy and lightning magic and their strongest water spells are “Fill Cup” and “Make Ice Cubes 1”.
A story about that: I played FFVII once. The creature was weak to a certain type of attack. I would have killed it much easier if I just used my regular “level 10” spell to which it didn’t have any weaknesses or resistances instead of my “level 2” spell to which it had weakness. Weakness means nothing if you can’t bring sufficient firepower (hah!) into the fight.
Voidy really needs to brush up on his Pokemon battles. When an enemy uses Fire Blast, ya don’t respond with frikkin’ Water Shuriken!
The Void Dragon raises slivers of water
and hurls them through the figure of fire-
Unfazed it screams out flames at Erin’s body,
Which cowers behind a shield from its ire.
What pronouns should we be using for the Fire and the Void Dragon? They have hijacked/ transformed male bodies, but at least according to VD, what he is fighting is not Dainix, and the dragon is from before town. Maybe it says on the character page?
“i’ve seen soulfire burn at the bottom of the ocean”
yeah good luck with water pistol, VD.
in other news, it seems like wind might be the only effective element against soulfire, since it can simply push Dainix around. maybe wind magic could even remove oxygen from the fire, extinguishing it? (assuming that principle of physics is still valid when i’m not even sure the periodic table exixts in this universe) i imagine soulfire would burn plants, i can’t see lightning having any effect, and fighting fire with fire isn’t a great strategy when the fire is literal. perhaps stone could work? although Dainix might be hot enough to melt right through it
see. see he. he. he got him a lil fired up.
yeah i’ll leave
OK, it looks like the Void Dragon uses he/him and they/them. Are Dainix and the fire the same person? I reckon so, but not sure.
Remember when we were fighting Tynan?
Water beats flame, right?
Not with that amount it won’t.
Massive flame attack!
Even if it’s technically super-effective, Splash is a useless move!
Alt text: elemental rock paper scissors… FAILED me??
pokemon LIED
so light them up up up
light them up up up
light them up up up
I’m on Fire!
Aww, each of the ineffective water spikes has a little “hiss” SFX as they fizzle away; that’s cute.
V.D. seems to be having trouble as he’s needing to improvise; water and void don’t work and air can only protect. Just as well Dainix didn’t find a way to kill crucibles/demons; if such a thing were public knowledge, this fight wouldn’t be going like this.
I’m interested as to what’s happening in the background as they fight. Alinua is healing, when she finishes she’ll move onto Falst, what about Tess and Kendal? Is Tynan still melting or is he recovering now that the Void Dragon is distracted?
I’d be funny if she tried to heal Erin while he’s still possesed. He He
I don’t think Life would like that too much. Oh what if there’s gonna be an epic Life vs. Void smackdown?? That would be epic.
I don’t think Life would like that. Oh, what if there’s gonna be an epic Life vs. Void bossfight?? That would be so cool!
Or if Alinua tried to heal Danix the Fire Guy. But he doesn’t have any wounds… does he?
Fun fact, if the fire is hot enough, water will make it worse! Turns out water is made of Hydrogen and Oxygen, two very flammable gases. Too much heat can split water into them and then you have a bad time
Anyone notice the Void mark thingy isn’t glowing any more?
oh wait that’s just because he’s stopped using magic. I’m stupid XD
TL;DR: You can’t use a water gun to fight a forest fire, idiot.
Soulfire burns at the bottom of the ocean, so water doesn’t work. Maybe he could be buried? It would have to be a lot of rock for him to not just melt through. Or maybe the void blast from before didn’t work because it left some of him behind, so the trick is an even larger void blast. Either way, it’s interesting to see VD on the back foot in a fight.
It’s hard to see his body But I’ll be loving that Booty
It doesn’t exactly look like The Void Dragon is fighting a losing battle here; it’s turning into more of a stalemate. Though Dainix is apparently indestructible against Void’s attacks, Void can defend against and heal from Dainix’s attacks. The only way that Dainix might be able to beat Void (and by extension, kill Erin) was pointed out on the last page: burning Erin’s life tattoo to make Void incapable of healing himself, before burning the wind and fire tattoos again to take away Void’s only defensive measures (he could redirect any fire Dainix slings at range; not so much in melee, considering the soul barrier). As for how The Void Dragon could win this fight… well, Dainix never found a way to kill himself. So while it’s apparently impossible for Void to win, he could potentially escape, either physically away from Zuurith, or by retreating back inside Erin’s mind. Unless Erin wakes back up and fights The Void Dragon from the inside to make himself easier for Dainix to kill…
I was right on Monday; he tried water (and ice at that) and didn’t know that it wouldn’t work.
@TheUnknownGame Good call on that one! One other factor which might bring Erin back into control is what Tess might do once she wakes up. She has kind of been KO’d since his first strike on Tynan and I wonder if a bit of frozen-esk sisterly love might pull Erin back.
TheUnknowngame made me think; what if Dainix burns off Erin’s tattoos and they can’t fix it in the aftermath of the fight? Given that we’ve only ever seen him cast by touching them I have a feeling it would cause some distress on his end and maybe make it so he can’t use any of his magic, which would probably cause a bit of a crisis. This all being speculative of course, but it would be an interesting place to take the aftermath of this fight.
Oh, this ongoing fight between the two of them is posing some problems for me. There’s only so many words that rhyme with fire and void and dragon, and nothing useful that rhymes with demon. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving the fight, it’s just making the limericks difficult. So, different approach:
There once was a kaiju fight
On a mountaintop at midnight.
It went on for hours
As each of the powers
Kept flexing to show off their might.
@Goldfinch i think if the Floof Squad were to encounter an injury that Alinua couldn’t heal, it would be a lot more played out than this. i mean, Red has shown us that Life Magic can heal Erin’s tattoos, so i don’t think she would risk the plot hole of deciding that Life Magic suddenly can’t heal his tattoos anymore
I was weirdly happy to learn that Demon-Dainix still has a mouth. Gotta scream at your enemies when they try something stupid.
Well that attack was about as effective as putting water on an oil fire! This is how I picture Red’s creative process going for this page:
Red: So I bet you want to put that fire out huh?
Voidy: Yes!
Red: Yeah, that would solve your immediate problem of meddling do-gooders in your way pretty neatly, wouldn’t it.
Voidy: YES! It would! I use the water magic! Water extinguishes fire every time!
Red: HA YOU FOOL! All you get from your water attack is… MORE FIRE!!! *evil laugh*
Goldfinch, it would hurt, but he has the skills in all magic without the tattoos. The extra lore page says the help focus power, not create it.
Also, Dainix is worrying me more and more, I want him to stick with the group but he has to be alive and himself to do that.
Maybe using stone and doing the dirt on a campfire technique? I genuinely thought Dainix would be the one on the ropes and not Void so I’m a little at a loss. I just Erin is okay after the brutal beating his body is taking.
To Aymar:
Not really; it’s just that Voidy forgot that Type Advantage really only works if you’re at least relatively close to your opponent’s level (max ~20 below depending on circumstances), have Same Type Attack Bonus, and are using a fairly accurate, decently-powered attack. Since none of these are true (Voidy’s a parasitic fragment only able to take over when the host is unconscious, meaning he’s relatively low-leveled despite his powerful moves, he only gets STAB on Void attacks, and he’s effectively using a rapid-fire-form Water Gun in the face of a much higher-leveled Fire opponent–look at that Flamethrower!), and there’s no Power of Friendship anime-esque boost going on (for obvious reasons,), and what you have here is effectively taking your level ten Oshawott to fight the level forty Alpha Rapidash in Legends: Arceus, which as you can probably guess is definitely not going to end well. (Freshly-crisped otter, anyone?)
Huh. Dainix does have a face in this form. Or at least, he has a mouth in addition to his eyes…
Question of the Day:
Running with the current Comments theme- The Floof Squad are suddenly transformed into Pokemon! What do they turn into?
(For the sake of simplicity I’d like to limit the options pool to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Player/Partner options plus any Starters added since the release of Super (which only goes up to Gen VI), but if you can make a really good case for something outside that pool you may include it in your answer as a bonus option.)
(You may also, if you like, include your favorite game and pairing from playing the franchise.)
And on a side note–still loving the cape/wings parallel, especially how their tattering is reflecting Voidy’s ebbing strength. Really hoping we get actual shadowy wings at some point, but for now I will absolutely take this
The best part is that by calling his attack a squirt gun, we’re assuming the best of VD’s competence. The white lines and shape of the water in panel 2 make it look like he’s using ice
A swat of water will do the trick, right?
Nope, and so continues this epic fight
Sorry I’m late
oh no, shadow dragon looks like he’s on the back foot. think of his poor pride.
The way I see it, Voidy has two options: give the body back to Erin or run (he’s clearly not going to win this) If he gives Erin’s body back and Dainix notices in time, he’ll most likely stop trying to kill him. However if he doesn’t notice in time, he will probably end up killing Erin as he is still unconscious and wouldn’t be able to fight back. Another possibility is that Erin wakes up and starts to fight back against VD, which would turn this into a ‘I know you’re in there’ fight (which would be admittedly pretty cool). Also, one of the current bystanders might pull themselves together long enough to help out, or June/the paladins might show up and complicate things even further, or Life could decide that this is the part that she wants to get involved in. Whatever ends up happening though, I’m exited for it.
@Pebble I see “My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark” and raise you:
*Evil Laugh*
Let the sparks fly.
There’s no such thing as maybe
Burn it like it’s fading
No more hesitating
Let the sparks fly, baby!
Void Dragon forgot that Quantity has a Quality all its own
Will Falst come up with a plan? Will Tess be able reach Erin to snap Voidy’s hold on him? Will Life (through Alinua) do anything soon? Can Kendal still do something? Will Tess & Alinua ever have time have a girl to girl talk? Only Red knows what will happen next!
voidy, voidy, voidy. ice shards do nothing against fire, haven’t you seen a pokemon type matchup chart?
(mouth trumpet noises)
Squirtle used Water Gun!
It’s super effective!
Moltres took 1 damage.
dude it is raining, you had far more water to work with than that.
and yeah, from a pokemon perspective it makes sense, but also Tahraim did say that he’d seen soulfire like that burn at the bottom of the ocean so yeah… there’s a number of reasons this isn’t working out for you Walter.
Poor Walter is out of the frying pan into the… well, you know, and it is so satisfying to see this smug, always in control and confident primordial get his butt kicked in the one thing he thought he was good at, which was killing things. And being terrifying.
it really shines a torch on the fact that Walter, this big scary primordial killer who wanted to apophis the sun, probably suffers the most from looking down on and thus underestimating beings they see as below them. I mean, firsth the primordials, then Erin, and now Dainix? he’s inhabiting a body now and while arguably more free then he was he now has a big, big weakness now and i’m loving it, but buddy…
Look, if he isn’t the avatar of fire, then I don’t know what he is.
In earlier pages I asked why Dainix didn’t step up to fight Tynan. Now I know. That fight in the Arena gave me no concept of how deadly and out of control his fire form is. Gosh, no wonder he called it a demon. That’s terrifying.
It’s six in the morning and I am all caught up. It’s terrible in many ways (my sleep schedule) (the comic is awesome)(the comic is awesome and now I’m caught up and there’s no more,.it’s a tragedy)
Okay, I’ll admit the puddle shards was a stupid move, but I feel like everybody is being a LITTLE too harsh on voidy. I mean, it was kind of a saving throw to get him a second to think of what to do next (that backfired horribly).
Tynan in the bg like: Pay attention to me!!
blackie & fiery: nah
I assume Tynan is just kinda over there like “umm hello wasn’t I the bad guy here???”
Falst becomes a Litten. An orange kitty.
Alinua becomes a Bulbasaur. A creature that hosts life, or a plant of sorts.
Kendal becomes a Zacian. A legendary basically god with a sword. Plus, blue and yellow are part of the color scheme.
Erin becomes an Eevee. Lots of options for him. And the Void dragon is Eternatus. The dark, primordial, villainous draconic beast.
Dainix becomes a Cyndaquil. Normal on the outside but capable of bursting with fire. Bonus, he could be a Hisuian Typhlosion for the soulfire business.
Tess becomes a Pikachu. Electric powers and a bit overpowered (if you look at the anime). Plus, Ash’s Pikachu has punched dragons.
Rock shreds paper, if the rock is big enough.
@SerifStones The rain stopped when the storm god got curb stomped. There there is some left over water in the area, dainix is also steaming it off.
To Bluefire:
Interesting; I would have pegged Alinua as a Chikorita given that Meganium is known to have healing powers and the ability to revive dead plants (also, gentle flower dino that can Frenzy Plant if annoyed), but I can see why you’d choose Bulbasaur.
I think if I were picking a Pokemon for Kendal, it’s probably be Riolu. I mean, yeah, legendary sword doggo/demigod and all that (and the idea of a “puppy” Zacian is kinda amusing), but Lucario have the Aura Guardian association, are Steel/Fighting, and Vash’s connection to his people (and the Starfire thing) look very similar to Aura–And the relationship between Vash and Kendal kind of looks like that of Lucario and Riolu, at least from the Guardian/Apprentice dynamic (as Riolu are still learning to use their abilities)
Litten’s attitude and Hisuian Typhlosion’s ghostfire make Falst’s and Dainix’s choices spot on. Erin’s, too– remember Vee from the Adventures manga? I could see a partial or full shapeshift to use the different elements being part of his magus equivalency.
Pikachu’s a good choice for Tess, too, especially given that Raichu can learn a couple different punch attacks (and its counterparting to Eevee now that the latter is a secondary mascot.) The Odd Egg Pichu in the virtual console of Crystal also hatches with Dizzy Punch…Though I suppose you could also make a case for Elekid, since that line also punches things and Elekid charges up by swinging it’s arms around.
I did have a thought–what about Necrozma for the Void and Light Dragon’s? Think about it–Necrozma gifts it’s light to others, but when it loses too much it changes form and instead takes light to regain it’s strength. It would explain both the conflict between the two, Light’s gift of souls/free will, and Void’s desire to eat everything.
*Pokemon Adventures Reference spotted!*
I think a Zeraora would work better for Tess, an electric type thats known for Close combat fighting, more then a Raichu anyways
I’d raise a suggestion for Darkrai and Cresselia for VD and LD, as I feel it fits their duality a bit better then the two halves of Necrozma. Or maybe just Cresselia for LD, as theres some shared Moon motifs, and Psychic powers, Necrozma fits VD pretty well as is.
Skye: interesting choices you’ve got. As second choice for Kendal, I would’ve gone with Aegislash as the whole magic ghost sword thingy is a bit of a theory running about. The void and light thing is interesting, I guess that would mean there are multiple Necrozma in this theoretical universe. I didn’t even think of the counterpart thing with Pikachu and Eevee, but it works.
Meganium was actually my first Pokémon card. I have a bit of a fondness for it.
Wouldn’t Reshiram and Zekrom work better for VD and LD?
To Bluefire:
I think Aegislash really depends on that theory’s confirmation, but it’s still a viable option. He’d probably be more akin to Honedge, though, in terms of experience.
We’ve seen multiple times in the anime and in (some of) the games that multiple Legendaries of the same species are possible and (for a given definition) even likely–multiple Necrozma honestly aren’t much of a stretch, especially given that they are technically part of a trio with Solgaleo and Lunala, which are canonically the male and female of the same species. (Plus, you are able to get both through post-game events in the Gen VII games, though you do need to borrow the opposite-version game).
My first game was Crystal and I started with a Chikorita, so I have a soft spot for Meganium as well.
Guess you’re right about the experience thing. He’s a bit of a newbie to pretty much everything so an unevolved 1st stage Pokemon is probably a better choice.
I suppose I always had in my mind that there were multiple of the Gen 7 legends but only one Necrozma which restlessly hunted them down, which I suppose is a bit unlikely if it’s somehow their natural predator or something.
I don’t really get why Meganium is so unloved among starters in general. I mean, maybe this is my personal bias speaking, or my love of all things reptilian. But still. Meganium needs appreciation.
To Bluefire:
To be fair, the fact that he’s inhabiting Vash’s body does complicate things. I guess the crux of the matter comes down to how you want to translate that fact–does the transformation base itself on (what was) Vash’s body, or on Kendal’s soul? The PMD transformations appear to be based on the latter, but outside of that there have been very few human-Pokemon transformations in canonical lore, so there isn’t really a good sample size to pull data from.
They do seem to have something of a predator/prey relationship, though whether or not that was specifically tied to the games’ plotline is unclear. They haven’t really done much aside from dabble in multiverse theory in the franchise, so it’s kind of hard to say–we know that there are other universes with near-human- and near-pokemon-like life, though, so it’s quite possible and potentially even likely that there is more than one Necrozma.
I think it’s because stat- and movepool-wise Meganium is one of the weaker Grass Starters, which also isn’t helped by it being pure Grass, and it’s the only one of that nature without something to offset it (Serperior’s Hidden Ability boosts stats after Leaf Storm instead of lowering them, Sceptile has a Mega Evolution, and Rillaboom can Gigantimax and has a terrain-altering Hidden Ability… Poor Meganium’s Hidden Ability only works in Sunny weather and as such needs setup in single battles or a complimentary doubles partner). Also, from what I can tell Grass is considered the weakest of the Starter Types (Fire being the strongest), so Meganium gets the short end of the stick in both situations (I believe it’s actually considered the weakest of all the starters). It’s disappointing, because you’re right, it does need more love, but it is what it is.
(It probably would have helped if Ash’s Bayleef had evolved, given that some mons seem to be more popular because he has them (or he gets them because they’re popular, aside from also being the gimmick-revealer) and thus they have more exposure time and the audience can see what they’re really capable of, but she never did. Also, the ‘infatuation with Ash’ thing was in hindsight kind of…awkward.