oh damn, now the fight gets started for real for real
but it’s intereesting that Tynan can FEEL th difference between elemental fire and soulfire; perhaps Erin was wrong, and elemental fire doesn’t work just as well, or perhaps, soulfire is just so much more powerful
I saw that on some of the older pages the image source was posted in the comments, and also that they were not on the newer ones and thought that i would do that. (But only if someone else is interested in me doing it.)
TL;DR: You should’ve given up when the going was good. Now everyone wants a part of the storm breaking action.
Unrelated, but I am totally not prepared or confident about the AP European history test coming up today and couldn’t sleep because it was hot. Yaaaayyyyyyy.
If Kendal could sense the people of Zuurith losing their fear of Tynan on the previous page, it appears by his expression in panel 3 that he can also sense the difference between elemental fire and soul fire. And since he had direct experience with Dainix losing control of his soul fire, he might not believe Dainix appearing is necessarily news.
I’m looking forward to this reunion! I’ve been looking forward to the two of them fighting side by side since they shared a jail cell. Yes!
Interestingly, Erin can’t tell the difference between elemental and soul fire.
What does it mean that Tynan can Feel the soul fire? Does it mean he couldn’t feel the elemental fire, that it was disembodying him but doing no lasting damage? Does it mean that soul fire can destroy Tynan? Or is it like the star fire, that can cleave and boil away the storm, forcing a vow to never return?
(Am I the only one who thinks that the city of Zuurith will be so changed by the end that Zuurith-the-god will return as a female hippie chick with flowers in her hair?)
also, we have to talk about the cape-to-cape border betweens panels 1 and 2. i don’t know how else to describe that, but it gives me all the good feelings of being impressed with Red’s art direction
Finally, the last passenger on the Tynan Pain Train has arrived!
Now either of two things happen: Tynan is dispatched quickly and we go on to the next chapter with the Hair-Floof Party having finished joining up; or it’s not his final form and Tynan pulls off something to remain a credible threat so we do get a climactic, or maybe climatic, fight still.
Dainix finally appeared and Tynan can feel the soulfire – I think it’s one thing that can actually destroy him besides starfire
Tynan broke the oath he was bound to (to never approach the shores and forever wander the seas) – and tried to repeat what he did a long time ago… I wonder if he will get a second chance?
Yasss Dainix.
I can’t tell if Tess putting Tynan in a headlock legit disintegrated him, or if he just like fell over.
For some reason that made me thing of Princess Bride. Like:
Call the floof squad
This is gonna be great!
I don’t know if it’ll get this far, it’s not even clear if this is a climax or a minor hiccup, but it would look really cool with the blue starfire combined with the soulfire.
It would be so glowy.
@icarusancalion i don’t think that Kendal could ‘sense’ Zuurith’s people becoming less afraid, so much as he just concluded it from the appearance of the break in the clouds. so if you’re thinking that Kendal knew Dainix was coming, i don’t think that’s the case.
To icarusancalion:
That last part about Zuurith turning into a hippie lady made me laugh (in a positive sense). I too think Zuurith will likely be changed by the recent events, but I don’t think the change would be that large as to a total reverse of what Zuurith used to be.
If Tynan can feel soulfire from that far away (or alternatively, feel soulfire’s impact on his clouds), then it seems like the answer to Dainix’s final question to Tahraim is a resounding yes. Kick his ass, Dainix!
Well, it’s a good thing Dainix’s clothes are fireproof, because he’s being less apprehensive than I thought he would be. It doesn’t look like any part of him has transformed yet (aside from his eye/where his eye once was), but still, being engulfed in flame and not being any worse for wear? I respect Ignan tailoring.
So, Dainix’s appearance leaves a question: where are Falst and Alinua? Did they stay behind at the north gate (or some other relatively safe location), since neither of them can do any real damage to Tynan? Or are they behind Dainix, just obfuscated by the soulfire pillar?
@ antidisestablishmentarianism
He has a solid body. Hurting the body doesn’t really do anything to the god tho (he’s been killed about 4 times already in the last 3 chapters and came back every time)
I’m waiting for the dragon hinted at by the cover for this chapter. Tynan becoming it isn’t out of the gates yet or maybe it’s something else? who knows?
In this scene:
Kendal: entirely focused on defeating the storm god that is terrorizing the city
Dainix: finally unleashes an ultimate power he has mastered with the assistance of a god
Tynan: faced full on with his own mortality and is experiencing severe dread.
Runuaser siblings: smiles for days
Ngl, Erin and Tess are both low-key hilarious on this page.
And Dainix has arrived! Interesting that both Starfire and soulfire can hurt Tynan; makes me wonder if there’s a connection between the two. But what I’m looking forward to about this new development is how Kendal and Dainix interact over the next few panels–after all, Kendal has no idea that Dainix hadn’t fully turned, and considering how the latter is currently wrapped in a ball of flame, it’s completely reasonable for him to assume that he’s going to have to start fighting a demon as well…
I like that Erin is like “sweet, someone picked up what I’m putting down”.
It’d have taken him a long-ass time to kill Tynan with his fire magic, after all. He can clearly punch holes in him but there’s probably only so much fire energy available and it’s a long, risky fight.
Mega-fire-mage Dainix with Super Fire action, on the other hand… the clock just got way faster for Tynan right now.
And meanwhile Tess, being practically immune to everything Tynan can do, is just having so much fun completely and intentionally undercutting everything he does, and it’s hilarious.
As fun as it’s been watching Kendal, Tess and Erin fiercely compete for the title of ‘Most Collected During a Combat Situation’, we do need to have all of the protagonists together for the climax of the first book. (I say book because ‘arc’ is too broad of a term. I would say ‘act’ but that’s usually used to refer to the Three Act Structure. Hmm.)
Tess is having the time of her LIFE. Erin is glad something he did worked out for once instead of backfiring XD. He’s having a couple good Elemental Magus moments in Zurrith. Both of their expressions are PRICELESS and I’m so happy for them!
Dainix is hereeeee and Tynan should be ~very afraid~.
Also. Tess reminds me of that one D&D member in everyone’s party who can just tank anything thrown at them, has resistance to half the damage types out there, and fears nothing and nobody because they can take a god on a bad day and win.
Her pure glee at getting to fight something that can actually give her a challenge is so wholesome <3 I have loved her from the first time we saw her, and every page I love her more <3
The “Tess is testing the limits of my asexuality” comment someone left has been my first thought every time I see tess now. I watch Red’s videos with my wife, and I’m encouraging her to read this webcomic. Its so good, and all the characters are great. I love the “happy action hero” trope, where they just love all the stuff they get to do, and she embodies that so hard.
Fire magic is able to physically diminish the storm, kinda like how Tess and Kendal can damage Tynan’s avatar (that and cutting on the fear that Tynan feeds on). So in a long enough fight, Erin, Tess and Kendal could exhaust Tynan’s reserves and defeat him through attrition.
But Dainix’s attack seems to hurt Tynan in a more fundamental way, possibly reaching his soul (which is a god’s “true form” in this world, a particularly condensed soul mass).
@veggiesnake — Looks like I left off a word: I’m thinking that Kendal, given his last experience with Dainix in the Arena, might not think his arrival a *good* thing… until… and I am so looking forward to this!
His expression in panel 3 shows he caught sight of what Erin assumes is just another fire mage, and I think he knows who it is.
@CaptainCutlet 😀 Glad you were amused. Yeah, Zuurith might not be playing pan flutes by the end, but his chain-wielding days are over. Will he still be the god of the city? The people of Zuurith saw him reduced to ash, and now they’re going to saved by the Floof Squad and a flaming champion.
Maybe he’ll just have to get a more impressive haircut.
Uh… I a, starting to get why this guy is a threat and a push over. His power is centralized in storm form which means it is very hard for most gods and there people to even touch Him and he powers up not on devotion but on fear. That means that most of the time he can’t be touched by most gods while doing huge amounts of damage while powering up. It’s a positive feedback loop. But the reverse is true if someone lads a hit on the storm like Vash did and the poses is doing now he starts to crumple
Idk if anyone’s pointed it out, but on panels 2 and 3, the sword-clash effect on Kendal’s end looks like bits of starfire, which it didn’t on the previous page, so it looks like that’s still in effect (and maybe getting stronger?) which is cool
On another note, it took me an embarassingly long time to see Dainix in the right of the last panel, because I was too focused on Tess just frickin destroying Tynan on the other end
(I thought he was like, on the other side of the city and very noticeable and I was like ‘aw is he not going to join in?’)
@icarusancalion oh yeah, that makes more sense. Kendal’s face in panel 3 might be read as *colosseum flashbacks intensify*
@DragonMaster66 i love Tess. she’s giving BIG Toph vibes, especially when she first fought Aang as the Blind Bandit. “Where’s you go…?” and “There you are!” are two lines of dialogue Toph said in that fight, and Tess has said those two things VERBATIM in this one
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that’s what it was; as I mentioned in the previous page, Kendal’s had a little bit of a chance to recover (aided by Erin’s dose of healing), so he’s strong enough to tap back into whatever latent power he has (or perhaps his connection to Vash) and channel it–notice that his eyes (and the jewel in the sword’s hilt) have started to glow again.
@Gogo the mimic
I do think the same, soulfire actually being capable to (truly) destroy Tynan, as his weakness is fire
*BIG DREAD thoughts at the moment* I just thought a certain “collector” watching this fight from a distance and figuring some nasty detail to help on her insane quest to restore Life
I don’t know. I think I did okay on the multiple choice, but after writing the short response and two essays in a row my hand was dying and it physically hurt to keep writing. At one point I had to quit, but I think I got the important parts down. Now to see if the college board agrees.
Honestly, just glad it’s over. Getting a high score would be a nice bonus though because that means less history later and as it’s a weaker subject that I take less interest in that would be nice.
Now to do a million more practice tests before AP biology! Wooooooo~
Just thought of this, it’s really dumb but–
Tynan, the storm Pokemon.
Type: electric
Ability: fluffy
It attacks with dual swords and bursts of lightning. It wanders the world looking for vulnerable populations to terrorize. Though defeated and banished ages ago, it has made a sudden comeback.
@Bluefire love it, Drizzle would have been the obvious choice a few chapters ago but ‘Fluffy’ is fantastic given what we know now. I’d make a case for Taunt over Snarl, but there are so many good move options!
Now we’ve got to stat out the others over the next few pages, right? My submission:
Erin, the elemental Pokemon
Type: normal
Ability: Protean
Moves: icy wind, flamethrower, stone edge, mirror coat, and I’m sure a bunch of others that rotate out.
It draws from a vast, deep pool of elemental abilities. Always confident in its powers and cool under pressure. Though its bark may be worse than it’s bite, its bite is sure something on its own.
So right now I am very hopeful that our heroes are going to defeat Tynan real quick. However, considering the cover of this chapter, I am a little apprehensive of how Voidy is going to react to all this god fire.
Dainix, The fire incarnate pokemon
Held Item: Fireinium z(purely for access to inferno overdrive)
Ability: Blaze
Fire blast
Close combat
Tess in the corner: awww, does that mean we’re gonna stop fighting soon? But I was having fun!
Tynan: urghbublurge
Tess: oh? Ur alive? FUN! *whonk whonk W H O N K*
I love how Erin is just flexing in the first panel – because when you have single handed oy stopped an eternal storm of dangerous magical elements – you e earned yourself some bragging rights XD
Read this page for the fifth time, and I just noticed that Tess is beating Tynan’s incarnation INTO THE GROUND! that is ludicrous. I’m lookign forward to seeing how you and your art grow, Red.
Welp, Tynan’s in danger,and now realised it. And Tess is amazing in that last panel
When is Tess not having fun?
My hype, it is downright palpable! Go Dainix, show your roommate how in-control of your powers you are now!
Has Tess done a suplex against Tynam?
oh damn, now the fight gets started for real for real
but it’s intereesting that Tynan can FEEL th difference between elemental fire and soulfire; perhaps Erin was wrong, and elemental fire doesn’t work just as well, or perhaps, soulfire is just so much more powerful
Not featured: lightly singed Alinua and Falst
I love how delighted erin is that he ‘set an example’ xd
Okay but like. Mr. Tynan is clouds. How is Tess attack clouds? Confusion.
Oho now, what’s this?
A new challenger appears!
Dainix for the win!
Erin and Tess’s expressions are AMAZING
This pages Image source: “Example”
I saw that on some of the older pages the image source was posted in the comments, and also that they were not on the newer ones and thought that i would do that. (But only if someone else is interested in me doing it.)
I guess that little *CRACK* in the last panel is the sound of Tynan’s spine breaking.
TL;DR: You should’ve given up when the going was good. Now everyone wants a part of the storm breaking action.
Unrelated, but I am totally not prepared or confident about the AP European history test coming up today and couldn’t sleep because it was hot. Yaaaayyyyyyy.
As the Storm of Terror rages and strikes,
It feels a stabbing pain,
Nowerin is proud to set an example,
For Dainix is a pillar of flame.
If Kendal could sense the people of Zuurith losing their fear of Tynan on the previous page, it appears by his expression in panel 3 that he can also sense the difference between elemental fire and soul fire. And since he had direct experience with Dainix losing control of his soul fire, he might not believe Dainix appearing is necessarily news.
I’m looking forward to this reunion! I’ve been looking forward to the two of them fighting side by side since they shared a jail cell. Yes!
Interestingly, Erin can’t tell the difference between elemental and soul fire.
What does it mean that Tynan can Feel the soul fire? Does it mean he couldn’t feel the elemental fire, that it was disembodying him but doing no lasting damage? Does it mean that soul fire can destroy Tynan? Or is it like the star fire, that can cleave and boil away the storm, forcing a vow to never return?
(Am I the only one who thinks that the city of Zuurith will be so changed by the end that Zuurith-the-god will return as a female hippie chick with flowers in her hair?)
also, we have to talk about the cape-to-cape border betweens panels 1 and 2. i don’t know how else to describe that, but it gives me all the good feelings of being impressed with Red’s art direction
Finally, the last passenger on the Tynan Pain Train has arrived!
Now either of two things happen: Tynan is dispatched quickly and we go on to the next chapter with the Hair-Floof Party having finished joining up; or it’s not his final form and Tynan pulls off something to remain a credible threat so we do get a climactic, or maybe climatic, fight still.
“Oh, look, I’ve set an example” is hilariously understated and I love it
Dainix finally appeared and Tynan can feel the soulfire – I think it’s one thing that can actually destroy him besides starfire
Tynan broke the oath he was bound to (to never approach the shores and forever wander the seas) – and tried to repeat what he did a long time ago… I wonder if he will get a second chance?
Everyone in unison: WE’RE THE FLO0F SQUAD!
Wonder who that could be
Yasss Dainix.
I can’t tell if Tess putting Tynan in a headlock legit disintegrated him, or if he just like fell over.
For some reason that made me thing of Princess Bride. Like:
Call the floof squad
This is gonna be great!
I don’t know if it’ll get this far, it’s not even clear if this is a climax or a minor hiccup, but it would look really cool with the blue starfire combined with the soulfire.
It would be so glowy.
@icarusancalion i don’t think that Kendal could ‘sense’ Zuurith’s people becoming less afraid, so much as he just concluded it from the appearance of the break in the clouds. so if you’re thinking that Kendal knew Dainix was coming, i don’t think that’s the case.
@eastofthemoon @SarrissaTeiflingDruid
“The Floof Squad will decide your fate.”
“I AM the Floof Squad.”
no no no, it’s not star wars day anymore, i should stop this, but i couldn’t help myself
To icarusancalion:
That last part about Zuurith turning into a hippie lady made me laugh (in a positive sense). I too think Zuurith will likely be changed by the recent events, but I don’t think the change would be that large as to a total reverse of what Zuurith used to be.
If Tynan can feel soulfire from that far away (or alternatively, feel soulfire’s impact on his clouds), then it seems like the answer to Dainix’s final question to Tahraim is a resounding yes. Kick his ass, Dainix!
Well, it’s a good thing Dainix’s clothes are fireproof, because he’s being less apprehensive than I thought he would be. It doesn’t look like any part of him has transformed yet (aside from his eye/where his eye once was), but still, being engulfed in flame and not being any worse for wear? I respect Ignan tailoring.
So, Dainix’s appearance leaves a question: where are Falst and Alinua? Did they stay behind at the north gate (or some other relatively safe location), since neither of them can do any real damage to Tynan? Or are they behind Dainix, just obfuscated by the soulfire pillar?
I adore Tess sm
@Bluefire Oof, that sucks. I have to be at school at 7:30 on Monday for an AP Calculus test that I basically haven’t studied for at all.
Tess is da bes 😀
alt text: well that could be anybody
@ antidisestablishmentarianism
He has a solid body. Hurting the body doesn’t really do anything to the god tho (he’s been killed about 4 times already in the last 3 chapters and came back every time)
I’m waiting for the dragon hinted at by the cover for this chapter. Tynan becoming it isn’t out of the gates yet or maybe it’s something else? who knows?
In this scene:
Kendal: entirely focused on defeating the storm god that is terrorizing the city
Dainix: finally unleashes an ultimate power he has mastered with the assistance of a god
Tynan: faced full on with his own mortality and is experiencing severe dread.
Runuaser siblings: smiles for days
Kendal: I’m glad somebody’s having fun here.
Tess: It’s me!
Ngl, Erin and Tess are both low-key hilarious on this page.
And Dainix has arrived! Interesting that both Starfire and soulfire can hurt Tynan; makes me wonder if there’s a connection between the two. But what I’m looking forward to about this new development is how Kendal and Dainix interact over the next few panels–after all, Kendal has no idea that Dainix hadn’t fully turned, and considering how the latter is currently wrapped in a ball of flame, it’s completely reasonable for him to assume that he’s going to have to start fighting a demon as well…
who remembers “can soulfire kill (burn?) a god?”
Tess is about to give Tynan a reason to be afraid.
Wait, I meant Dainix, but I guess Tess fits in as well.
No hard feelings right
Vash lost an arm fighting this guy? He should’ve used the power of friendship instead, that seems to be working well for Kendal
I like that Erin is like “sweet, someone picked up what I’m putting down”.
It’d have taken him a long-ass time to kill Tynan with his fire magic, after all. He can clearly punch holes in him but there’s probably only so much fire energy available and it’s a long, risky fight.
Mega-fire-mage Dainix with Super Fire action, on the other hand… the clock just got way faster for Tynan right now.
And meanwhile Tess, being practically immune to everything Tynan can do, is just having so much fun completely and intentionally undercutting everything he does, and it’s hilarious.
The day Tess stops having fun is the day our heroes are really in trouble.
As fun as it’s been watching Kendal, Tess and Erin fiercely compete for the title of ‘Most Collected During a Combat Situation’, we do need to have all of the protagonists together for the climax of the first book. (I say book because ‘arc’ is too broad of a term. I would say ‘act’ but that’s usually used to refer to the Three Act Structure. Hmm.)
Well how ’bout that
My hot boiiiiii! Cannot not love him
Tess is having the time of her LIFE. Erin is glad something he did worked out for once instead of backfiring XD. He’s having a couple good Elemental Magus moments in Zurrith. Both of their expressions are PRICELESS and I’m so happy for them!
Dainix is hereeeee and Tynan should be ~very afraid~.
Also. Tess reminds me of that one D&D member in everyone’s party who can just tank anything thrown at them, has resistance to half the damage types out there, and fears nothing and nobody because they can take a god on a bad day and win.
Her pure glee at getting to fight something that can actually give her a challenge is so wholesome <3 I have loved her from the first time we saw her, and every page I love her more <3
The “Tess is testing the limits of my asexuality” comment someone left has been my first thought every time I see tess now. I watch Red’s videos with my wife, and I’m encouraging her to read this webcomic. Its so good, and all the characters are great. I love the “happy action hero” trope, where they just love all the stuff they get to do, and she embodies that so hard.
Fire magic is able to physically diminish the storm, kinda like how Tess and Kendal can damage Tynan’s avatar (that and cutting on the fear that Tynan feeds on). So in a long enough fight, Erin, Tess and Kendal could exhaust Tynan’s reserves and defeat him through attrition.
But Dainix’s attack seems to hurt Tynan in a more fundamental way, possibly reaching his soul (which is a god’s “true form” in this world, a particularly condensed soul mass).
@Bluefire How was it? I took APUSH today, but some of my friends were doing Euro. I think i killed the MCQs and the FRQs went ok. Wbu?
I’m curious if Erin’s lightning shield could actually _contain_ Tynan. I want to see Tynan in a cage match with Dainix. 😀
“Hi, Zuko here!”
Tess just, casually bodyslammed Tynan. I love it.
@veggiesnake — Looks like I left off a word: I’m thinking that Kendal, given his last experience with Dainix in the Arena, might not think his arrival a *good* thing… until… and I am so looking forward to this!
His expression in panel 3 shows he caught sight of what Erin assumes is just another fire mage, and I think he knows who it is.
@CaptainCutlet 😀 Glad you were amused. Yeah, Zuurith might not be playing pan flutes by the end, but his chain-wielding days are over. Will he still be the god of the city? The people of Zuurith saw him reduced to ash, and now they’re going to saved by the Floof Squad and a flaming champion.
Maybe he’ll just have to get a more impressive haircut.
– Icarus
When I first read this I thought Dainix was a burning effigy of Tynan created by Erin to make him less scary
Uh… I a, starting to get why this guy is a threat and a push over. His power is centralized in storm form which means it is very hard for most gods and there people to even touch Him and he powers up not on devotion but on fear. That means that most of the time he can’t be touched by most gods while doing huge amounts of damage while powering up. It’s a positive feedback loop. But the reverse is true if someone lads a hit on the storm like Vash did and the poses is doing now he starts to crumple
Idk if anyone’s pointed it out, but on panels 2 and 3, the sword-clash effect on Kendal’s end looks like bits of starfire, which it didn’t on the previous page, so it looks like that’s still in effect (and maybe getting stronger?) which is cool
On another note, it took me an embarassingly long time to see Dainix in the right of the last panel, because I was too focused on Tess just frickin destroying Tynan on the other end
(I thought he was like, on the other side of the city and very noticeable and I was like ‘aw is he not going to join in?’)
@icarusancalion oh yeah, that makes more sense. Kendal’s face in panel 3 might be read as *colosseum flashbacks intensify*
@DragonMaster66 i love Tess. she’s giving BIG Toph vibes, especially when she first fought Aang as the Blind Bandit. “Where’s you go…?” and “There you are!” are two lines of dialogue Toph said in that fight, and Tess has said those two things VERBATIM in this one
To LilacSpiral:
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that’s what it was; as I mentioned in the previous page, Kendal’s had a little bit of a chance to recover (aided by Erin’s dose of healing), so he’s strong enough to tap back into whatever latent power he has (or perhaps his connection to Vash) and channel it–notice that his eyes (and the jewel in the sword’s hilt) have started to glow again.
@Gogo the mimic
I do think the same, soulfire actually being capable to (truly) destroy Tynan, as his weakness is fire
*BIG DREAD thoughts at the moment* I just thought a certain “collector” watching this fight from a distance and figuring some nasty detail to help on her insane quest to restore Life
I don’t know. I think I did okay on the multiple choice, but after writing the short response and two essays in a row my hand was dying and it physically hurt to keep writing. At one point I had to quit, but I think I got the important parts down. Now to see if the college board agrees.
Honestly, just glad it’s over. Getting a high score would be a nice bonus though because that means less history later and as it’s a weaker subject that I take less interest in that would be nice.
Now to do a million more practice tests before AP biology! Wooooooo~
Just thought of this, it’s really dumb but–
Tynan, the storm Pokemon.
Type: electric
Ability: fluffy
It attacks with dual swords and bursts of lightning. It wanders the world looking for vulnerable populations to terrorize. Though defeated and banished ages ago, it has made a sudden comeback.
I’m sorry.
Thunderbolt, dual chop, teleport, snarl
@Bluefire love it, Drizzle would have been the obvious choice a few chapters ago but ‘Fluffy’ is fantastic given what we know now. I’d make a case for Taunt over Snarl, but there are so many good move options!
Now we’ve got to stat out the others over the next few pages, right? My submission:
Kendal, the Divine Blade Pokémon
Type: Fighting/Steel
Ability: Justified
– Sacred Sword
– Protect
– Brick Break
– Endure / Focus Energy
Said to be formed from the incarnation of a god, this Pokémon seeks out those in need and aids them in battle. One blow from its powerful technique could snap a tree in two.
Tynan: “Haha! I’m in DANGER! :D”
Erin, the elemental Pokemon
Type: normal
Ability: Protean
Moves: icy wind, flamethrower, stone edge, mirror coat, and I’m sure a bunch of others that rotate out.
It draws from a vast, deep pool of elemental abilities. Always confident in its powers and cool under pressure. Though its bark may be worse than it’s bite, its bite is sure something on its own.
So right now I am very hopeful that our heroes are going to defeat Tynan real quick. However, considering the cover of this chapter, I am a little apprehensive of how Voidy is going to react to all this god fire.
Dainix, The fire incarnate pokemon
Held Item: Fireinium z(purely for access to inferno overdrive)
Ability: Blaze
Fire blast
Close combat
awww Erin looks so happy 🙂
everyone: Yes! We’re beating the storm!
Tess in the corner: awww, does that mean we’re gonna stop fighting soon? But I was having fun!
Tynan: urghbublurge
Tess: oh? Ur alive? FUN! *whonk whonk W H O N K*
Epic posing as Tess punches Tynan to smithereens in the corner
I love how Erin is just flexing in the first panel – because when you have single handed oy stopped an eternal storm of dangerous magical elements – you e earned yourself some bragging rights XD
*single handedly*
Read this page for the fifth time, and I just noticed that Tess is beating Tynan’s incarnation INTO THE GROUND! that is ludicrous. I’m lookign forward to seeing how you and your art grow, Red.