Oh. Wow. And they went through so much trouble to keep the people from drowning… well, mission accomplished, I guess. Kinda hard th drown when you’ve been cremated.
Well, if he wanted Kendal to be emotionally invested in their fight, frying those innocent people will do the trick.
Also, not cool, man! At least the Collector NEEDED to kill everyone in Vash; you just did it for kicks
Zuuurittttthhhh, he’s flying above the city! Doesn’t that break some kind of law? Not to mention the property damage! You, uh… you gonna help out?
Also, I was re-reading 1-12-25 where Zuurith mentioned this:
“I will never understand gods who willingly craft and inhabit bodies that act beyond their direct and implicit control. The grotesque parody of mortality is entirely unnecessary.”
If he just uses a vaguely body-shaped shell, that may explain why Tynan was able to break it so easily.
“Ladies and gentlemen this your captain speaking”
“We’re about to fly through a storm and if you’ll please look to your right You will see a dragon fighting a couple of protagonists at roughly our altitude.”
“This is your chance to take some photos to show the folks back home”
“That is all, and thank you for flying with Spirit airlines”
In which Tynan discovers he’s a dragon therian. (/kidding)
…Okay, let’s hope he doesn’t notice that most of the people are gathered on the mountain slopes, because wow that’s a lot of destruction.
Hey, Dainix? Does your combative expertise include bringing down murderous dragons? Asking for a friend. Actually, two friends, who are both currently riding said murderous dragon. (Don’t worry, they can tank the fall. Probably.)
Tynan, buddy, i know you’re very much all about the aesthetics by nature of the source of your power, but i think you and i need to have a serious talk about effective and sustainable uses of resources like immense godly power as i have some major concerns about the regenative capabilities of your current incarnation. i feel like i’m watching i’m watching some rich white guy’s idiot kid who blew all their money on a sports car without bothering with insurance, only to immediately use said car to try and show off by doing trick jumps in a poorly maintained area. At a certain point, you just have to have some common sense and plan for what happens if, or in this case when, you crash. Dragon or not, an incarnation of that size has got to take a hell of a lot of energy to maintain, and last i checked you still have a dude hanging from a starmetal toothpick in your eye, just saying
(or -OR!- maybe i’m still just incredibly salty that this angry cloud can turn into an enourmous F you Dragon and i can’t â”—|`O′|â”›)
If that’s the prison, I’m fairly sure everyone’s gotten out by now… Zuurith’s going to have to find a new symbol of power though.
To Zer0 W0lf:
You’ll probably want to bring in some more Dragons, too, as well as Rock and Ground (assuming Tynan’s Ability isn’t Levitate, but that’s what Mold Breaker is for….)
*Flips through Boxes* I’ve got a lv 100 Armaldo and a Shiny Cradilly, think they’ll be useful here? I can keep searching, too, I’ve been playing Pokemon a long time and have acquired quite a stable of powerful ‘mons…. Ooh, hang on, let me go find my Competitive-trained Shiny Umbreon, he’s taken down Legendaries before. (I actually refer to him as my “Godkiller Umbreon” because of this, lol….)
To Called by Magic:
I think there may be something a little funny going on with the syllable count in that last line– maybe try ‘he’s’ instead of ‘he has’? It’s a really good limerick, though!
To Kevin R.:
Traded Pokemon be like that. My cousin gave me his lv 100 Armaldo in Sapphire when we were kids (the one from my reply to Zer0 W0lf, actually), and it took beating the Elite Four to get him to listen to me–probably because my cousin had beaten Ruby with the same Pokemon.
Alright, Tynan describing flying as “wonderful” is the cutest thing I’ve read from this comic in months.
For just a moment I thought the last two panels was Tynan saying “Stop me yourself” and immediately being hit by another of Dainix’s fireballs.
Lightning-breath works too.
And that’s when Tynan said: know what, I’ve had it
I’d rather be a dragon, flying free
The fear was neat, but always a performance
And no one even clapped, they’d all just flee.”
“I know, dude, right?” Tess cried, “Dragons are awesome!”
Kendal asked, “You mean you’ll just go?” “Mine
Was a fearful racket, now it’s stressful.”
“Glad you got your Spark, man, late’s just fine!”
And so he set them down upon some mountain
And crowed, “Now for some fun, these wings are stylin’!
Stewed a hundred years, but now I’m soaring!
I’m off around the world in one sindahlan!”
And Caliban: “Come back, we weren’t done yet!”
And Tahraim: “Oh, are we not having fun yet!”
@CalledByMagic I agree with Skye that “he’s” would be better, but nice work! A new hand touches the beacon, called by some unknown purpose to write poetry in a comments section.
Tynan: For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little city, Zuurith. But now, you shall witness… its DISMEMBERMENT!
Kendal: NOOOO!
It make sense Tynan would like the feeling of being a dragon; extra lore states gods incarnate to gain clarity of mind, maybe they also get a sense high from it too. The feeling of flying with wings in a storm must feel amazing to Tynan.
That’s a mighty attack, but if all went to plan most of the city would have evacuated by now. Still, a direct and destructive attack on the city with it’s god nowhere to be seen does stoke more fear. I wonder if the Paladin archive is in the path of that blast.
I’d do an analysis of the art of this page, but I’d be here all day. Red just keeps knocking it out of the park; you can really see the improvements between the early pages and now.
I feel like Tynan turning into a dragon would increase the fear-factor. Like, if I was evacuating a city because of a huge storm and all the sudden a giant dragon showed up I would be absolutely terrified, no matter if I felt like the storm was manageable before. Dragons are scary.
I am secretly praying for some devastating casualties and Tynan becoming a bigger problem than a one encounter fight. I know it might not happen, but for the love of god he’s such a cool villain god he has to survive longer.
Now I have a few ideas of how this can go: lightning lady absorbs it and is close to death, Erin goes mad and unleashes the Shadow Dragon, Kendall uses his sword (himself?) to stop Tynan. I don’t think it’ll be a “one man saves all” scenario, more like multiple people working damage control. Again, this is Tynan, let’s have him kick some serious ass rather than be defeated the first time the gang fights him.
@SeanchanUniversalis I could see him reappearing even if they beat him now and make him re-take his vow never to make landfall. Their route to Helm goes over the ocean so he could very well intercept the gang as they’re on a boat. However Erin would be smart enough to know this so they may need to alter their travel plans to lower the risk of Tynan attacking them at sea.
when rebuilding the city the citizens of zuurith will opt to include a giant lightning rod, designed specifically for redirecting dragon attacks and errant storm gods.
I am glad Tynon is not a paper tiger but a true mid boss level which allows everyone to shine.
Belated to veggiesnake: I am sorry to hear about your multiple problems. Feel free to ignore or use any of the words I type next: May you find good friends and good professionals to help you. Try to take on problems one at time (or as the Military say ‘in detail (one set at time)’ if you can (though if your lucky find one answer that solves two or more problems together). Keep chewing away on problems in bite size chunks. Sadly no one can promise it will be easy but with patient work and a little luck I am sure you will make progress. Remember to celebrate small victories along the way. Perfection is not a realistic goal for creatures who exist in Time(like us). But as long as you make Progress on Any problem or goal you can find some happiness in your life. Sorry rattle on so long. But I have faith your to find answers with good thinking and a little good fortune.
We have a dragon now.
Need to start pulling some dragon slaying tactics.
Oh. Wow. And they went through so much trouble to keep the people from drowning… well, mission accomplished, I guess. Kinda hard th drown when you’ve been cremated.
somebody just got vaporised
@ekimmak Gather all Ice-type and Fairy-type Pokémon in the area! Call a Fire Emblem protagonist!
Tynan finally realising dragons are cool.
Now I kinda wanna be a storm god who feeds on the terror of mortals.
“I should’ve taken this form centuries
Ago” the dragon exults,
As into the sky its storm-clouds fill
With spreading wings it vaults.
“Stop!” cries Kendal, as he clings to the hilt
Of the sword he thrust in its eye.
Its grin spreads wider, “Stop me yourself,”
Comes its mocking reply.
And from the dragon’s stretched-out maw
Erupts a monstrous light-
The lightning sprays forth in a blinding jet,
A terrifying sight.
Could you maybe cool it with the incredible art pushing me to go beyond my limits to capture it? Because that is taking me quite some time.
Well I mean the color is correct: blue dragon does lightning damage
say please
Well, if he wanted Kendal to be emotionally invested in their fight, frying those innocent people will do the trick.
Also, not cool, man! At least the Collector NEEDED to kill everyone in Vash; you just did it for kicks
Zuuurittttthhhh, he’s flying above the city! Doesn’t that break some kind of law? Not to mention the property damage! You, uh… you gonna help out?
Also, I was re-reading 1-12-25 where Zuurith mentioned this:
“I will never understand gods who willingly craft and inhabit bodies that act beyond their direct and implicit control. The grotesque parody of mortality is entirely unnecessary.”
If he just uses a vaguely body-shaped shell, that may explain why Tynan was able to break it so easily.
@Zer0 W0lf: better call in a Skyrim protagonist.
TL;DR: Time to terrorize the city, like the absolute jerk I am.
@someone Maybe get some Weapons of Dragon Slaying.
I love seeing Red go absolutely all out on the art in this chapter! Every new page just stuns me even more
“Ladies and gentlemen this your captain speaking”
“We’re about to fly through a storm and if you’ll please look to your right You will see a dragon fighting a couple of protagonists at roughly our altitude.”
“This is your chance to take some photos to show the folks back home”
“That is all, and thank you for flying with Spirit airlines”
Spirit airlines. Sheesh, I have… Memories of them.
Tynan has become entranced
With himself being enhanced.
He tries out his breath–
That lightning of death–
And finally feels he has advanced.
In which Tynan discovers he’s a dragon therian. (/kidding)
…Okay, let’s hope he doesn’t notice that most of the people are gathered on the mountain slopes, because wow that’s a lot of destruction.
Hey, Dainix? Does your combative expertise include bringing down murderous dragons? Asking for a friend. Actually, two friends, who are both currently riding said murderous dragon. (Don’t worry, they can tank the fall. Probably.)
@Zer0 W0lf My shiny Alolan Ninetales says hi. Then proceeds to do nothing because I received it in a trade and let it become strong enough to not respect me. (Is saving the world and catching a couple dozen Legendary Pokémon not enough for you?)
Tynan, buddy, i know you’re very much all about the aesthetics by nature of the source of your power, but i think you and i need to have a serious talk about effective and sustainable uses of resources like immense godly power as i have some major concerns about the regenative capabilities of your current incarnation. i feel like i’m watching i’m watching some rich white guy’s idiot kid who blew all their money on a sports car without bothering with insurance, only to immediately use said car to try and show off by doing trick jumps in a poorly maintained area. At a certain point, you just have to have some common sense and plan for what happens if, or in this case when, you crash. Dragon or not, an incarnation of that size has got to take a hell of a lot of energy to maintain, and last i checked you still have a dude hanging from a starmetal toothpick in your eye, just saying
(or -OR!- maybe i’m still just incredibly salty that this angry cloud can turn into an enourmous F you Dragon and i can’t â”—|`O′|â”›)
He marvels at the feeling of the form
It truly is nothing like the storm
Kendal, just do a Kratos and punch him right in his eyeball!
To Stargazing bookworm:
If that’s the prison, I’m fairly sure everyone’s gotten out by now… Zuurith’s going to have to find a new symbol of power though.
To Zer0 W0lf:
You’ll probably want to bring in some more Dragons, too, as well as Rock and Ground (assuming Tynan’s Ability isn’t Levitate, but that’s what Mold Breaker is for….)
*Flips through Boxes* I’ve got a lv 100 Armaldo and a Shiny Cradilly, think they’ll be useful here? I can keep searching, too, I’ve been playing Pokemon a long time and have acquired quite a stable of powerful ‘mons…. Ooh, hang on, let me go find my Competitive-trained Shiny Umbreon, he’s taken down Legendaries before. (I actually refer to him as my “Godkiller Umbreon” because of this, lol….)
To Called by Magic:
I think there may be something a little funny going on with the syllable count in that last line– maybe try ‘he’s’ instead of ‘he has’? It’s a really good limerick, though!
To Kevin R.:
Traded Pokemon be like that. My cousin gave me his lv 100 Armaldo in Sapphire when we were kids (the one from my reply to Zer0 W0lf, actually), and it took beating the Elite Four to get him to listen to me–probably because my cousin had beaten Ruby with the same Pokemon.
Alright, Tynan describing flying as “wonderful” is the cutest thing I’ve read from this comic in months.
For just a moment I thought the last two panels was Tynan saying “Stop me yourself” and immediately being hit by another of Dainix’s fireballs.
Lightning-breath works too.
alt text: bro he’s trying, be nice
@Aymar yeah, both Bronze and Blue D&D dragon’s breath weapons are lightening.
He’s blue, blue dragons have lightning breath, so I disagree on the poser bit.
And that’s when Tynan said: know what, I’ve had it
I’d rather be a dragon, flying free
The fear was neat, but always a performance
And no one even clapped, they’d all just flee.”
“I know, dude, right?” Tess cried, “Dragons are awesome!”
Kendal asked, “You mean you’ll just go?” “Mine
Was a fearful racket, now it’s stressful.”
“Glad you got your Spark, man, late’s just fine!”
And so he set them down upon some mountain
And crowed, “Now for some fun, these wings are stylin’!
Stewed a hundred years, but now I’m soaring!
I’m off around the world in one sindahlan!”
And Caliban: “Come back, we weren’t done yet!”
And Tahraim: “Oh, are we not having fun yet!”
Tiny Tess clinging to his back is making me nervous. Don’t fall, friend!
@CalledByMagic I agree with Skye that “he’s” would be better, but nice work! A new hand touches the beacon, called by some unknown purpose to write poetry in a comments section.
On the plus side, the Fire casters are left in peace to work on dissipating the storm.
And of course he targets civilians. Of course.
Tynan’s having fun.
Kendal yells for him to stop–
Tynan: For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little city, Zuurith. But now, you shall witness… its DISMEMBERMENT!
Kendal: NOOOO!
It make sense Tynan would like the feeling of being a dragon; extra lore states gods incarnate to gain clarity of mind, maybe they also get a sense high from it too. The feeling of flying with wings in a storm must feel amazing to Tynan.
That’s a mighty attack, but if all went to plan most of the city would have evacuated by now. Still, a direct and destructive attack on the city with it’s god nowhere to be seen does stoke more fear. I wonder if the Paladin archive is in the path of that blast.
I’d do an analysis of the art of this page, but I’d be here all day. Red just keeps knocking it out of the park; you can really see the improvements between the early pages and now.
Going too far there, Midir.
I feel like Tynan turning into a dragon would increase the fear-factor. Like, if I was evacuating a city because of a huge storm and all the sudden a giant dragon showed up I would be absolutely terrified, no matter if I felt like the storm was manageable before. Dragons are scary.
Side note, is anyone doing QOTDs yet? I can’t recall…
i have a feeling that either Mr or Ms dragon is gonna posses him
Dragon has entered the room.
I am afraid and elated.
Tynan has finally realized the one primal truth, a truth deeper than any mathematical theorem or philosophical axiom:
Dragons are awesome.
Dragons!!!! It just gets better and better
Also wanting to see how the gang handles the burning city…
I am secretly praying for some devastating casualties and Tynan becoming a bigger problem than a one encounter fight. I know it might not happen, but for the love of god he’s such a cool villain god he has to survive longer.
Now I have a few ideas of how this can go: lightning lady absorbs it and is close to death, Erin goes mad and unleashes the Shadow Dragon, Kendall uses his sword (himself?) to stop Tynan. I don’t think it’ll be a “one man saves all” scenario, more like multiple people working damage control. Again, this is Tynan, let’s have him kick some serious ass rather than be defeated the first time the gang fights him.
Zer0 W0lf:
Ooh, I love dragons. Got several dragon-type Pokemon. Will they work?
@SeanchanUniversalis I could see him reappearing even if they beat him now and make him re-take his vow never to make landfall. Their route to Helm goes over the ocean so he could very well intercept the gang as they’re on a boat. However Erin would be smart enough to know this so they may need to alter their travel plans to lower the risk of Tynan attacking them at sea.
Wow not even a real draconic breath……:):(:):(:):(
That is my language for I’m happy
I just saw the drawing of Tess on Tynan’s back in the last panel. If that isn’t attention to detail, I don’t know what is.
when rebuilding the city the citizens of zuurith will opt to include a giant lightning rod, designed specifically for redirecting dragon attacks and errant storm gods.
I just realised it’s been a full year since I started reading this comic, so that’s cool I guess
I am glad Tynon is not a paper tiger but a true mid boss level which allows everyone to shine.
Belated to veggiesnake: I am sorry to hear about your multiple problems. Feel free to ignore or use any of the words I type next: May you find good friends and good professionals to help you. Try to take on problems one at time (or as the Military say ‘in detail (one set at time)’ if you can (though if your lucky find one answer that solves two or more problems together). Keep chewing away on problems in bite size chunks. Sadly no one can promise it will be easy but with patient work and a little luck I am sure you will make progress. Remember to celebrate small victories along the way. Perfection is not a realistic goal for creatures who exist in Time(like us). But as long as you make Progress on Any problem or goal you can find some happiness in your life. Sorry rattle on so long. But I have faith your to find answers with good thinking and a little good fortune.
Uhhhh, how many people were killed just now?
Dang that last panel SLAPS