I want to take a moment to gush over those clouds though. They look so dynamic I can practically hear the wind swirling them around. Plus the whole aspect of how you look closer and you can see them forming claws and a tail and such.
The lighting in that final panel reminds me of Gibli characters in the rain, particularly that scene from Castle in the Sky where Potsu an Shita fly through the cloud rainstorm. Great work!
Don’t you hate when you think you’ve defeated a bossâHP and MP running low, consumables all but expendedâonly to realize the fight has another phase?
@Dainix Simp
It’s just an effect Red’s been using since Ch. 9 (I think it was Ch. 9 when it first started) – Erin’s eyeshine changes color whenever he casts magic to match the element used.
Tynan making Smaug’s “my wings are a hurricane” boast literal, I see …
To Ozymandias:
Well, I suppose you could make a case that he’s not because Castform changes based on the weather and Tynan is the weather. On the other hand, Castform can learn the four weather-altering moves and changes form for three of them (and it’s signature move is affected by all weather moves, including the one from Colosseum and XD), so …
To ImuyanMangocat:
Looks a bit more like a wyvern to me–though admittedly it’s still a bit hard to tell at the moment if the forelimb is actually the foreleg/wing fusion that separates them from the standard Western dragon, but we’ll probably be finding out next page. Either way, I’m still expecting VD to make an appearance in response…
(Especially since Kendal is clearly having an “oh shit!” moment here–I know he’s disapproved of his friends getting involved in what he sees as his battles in the past, but I don’t think he’s ever flat-out told them to run before…Kinda makes me wonder if this just turned into a situation even Vash’s memories can’t help him with.)
I have had a sneaking suspicion that maybe Erin is being controlled by the black eyes black dragon instead of the other way around. Also @alolanvulpix i think erin is a mimikyu because it is ghost (Black dragon type is dark ghost) and fairy which i generally associate with magic.
Ozymandias: ooh, i thought it was maybe because of a theory that floated about the comments section a bit after erin mentioned his family had past experience with the soulshaper monks and tess described him as a little kid as weak, that maybe he was born with incomplete links to the elements and because he (in the theory) needed the soulshaper monks in order to use his magic he’s sorta a ‘fake’ elemental magus, like how mimikyu pretends to be a pikachu, but now that you mention it, the typing fits really well too.
also i now feel the urge to draw a floofy lugia. it will probably end up looking like a ball of fluff with vague resemblance to lugia, but it will be almost certainly adorable.
@Dainix Simp
If you look really closely, Erin’s eyes mimic the color of the magic type he is currently using or most recently used. I always mistook it for the color of light reflecting on his ordinarily black eyes, but it’s always which magic he has used most recently.
@Ardent Objection
Not quite. Erin’s eyes are blue, not black, and Red has stated herself on Tumblr that they don’t actually change color. They just reflect the light of the magic he’s currently using, and it’s especially apparent because his eyes are a duller hue than the others’.
Lol, I see what you did there. And given that he’s spent centuries in exile, I don’t believe he’s had a chance to read the list, so no, he probably doesn’t know that
It took me reading the comments to realise Tynan was becoming a dragon. At first I thought he was turning into a tornado. A F-5 tornado. Which, I imagine, would be just as terrifying.
@Ozymandias I am legitimately baffled. Donât read this in a condescending tone, but I donât understand how you can get past chapter 7 and miss the fact that the Void Dragon can control Erin.
Ah, not at all the response I expected from Tynan. I thought he’d start targeting civilians directly in an attempt to gorge on fear and use that for a REALLY BIG lightning bolt.
Man, that phase transition cutscene sure is… uh, something. Are those supposed to be claws? A neck?
Anyway, anyone wanna bet that Friday’s page will just be a big splash panel of Tynan’s 2nd phase form?
Welp…. crap….. This ain’t going to end well
Now gaze in horror, as our heroes do,
At the vast and roiling storm.
And Kendal says “run” as he sees take shape
A vast and dreadful form.
Oh dear. The boss music has became alot more intense.
Tynanâs just turned full Wither Storm – *boss music intensifies*
Man it seems like this fight might be dragon on even longer.
No complaints here though!
I have a feeling he may be turning into, to use a technical term, an enormous f-ck-you dragon
This calls for, in a tiny voice:
Because, UH-OH.
Oh no, he’s going to flood them!
GMAX-Tynan has entered the battle!
Ability: Intimidate/Pressure?
Prediction for the next few pages:
Kendal: “He’s getting huge! That means he’ll only be stronger. He won’t be as fast– OH GOD he’s still as fast!”
Those look suspiciously like claws. Taking bets now, I call on him being some sort of big cat. Like a leopard or Lion or sumân.
Innovation! Great for the economy, bad for you’re opponents
And now, the true test. Hold fast, or expire
Ah, eons of pent up humiliation and anger can now be unleash.
Looks like we’re going to need a bigger fire spell.
Time for phase two of the fight!! Lucky for our protagonists, wiping here won’t take them back to phase one….. right?
I play too much FFXIV
TL;DR: *boss theme suddenly switches, ramps up*
“This foe is beyond any of you….RUN!” Kendal as Gandalf
And so the storm deity *becomes* a dragon.
Oooh *boss music ramps up*
The art is so pretty.
Do we know where HelloHaiku is?
I want to take a moment to gush over those clouds though. They look so dynamic I can practically hear the wind swirling them around. Plus the whole aspect of how you look closer and you can see them forming claws and a tail and such.
The lighting in that final panel reminds me of Gibli characters in the rain, particularly that scene from Castle in the Sky where Potsu an Shita fly through the cloud rainstorm. Great work!
Chorus starts singing in latin
Tynayn is quite literally a Castform. You cant say i’m wrong.
Also Erin is a Mimikyu.
In which Tynan clearly compensates for something.
We’re gonna need a lot more fire.
I’ve seen both haikus and ballads in the comment section, so let’s add couplets to the list:
“Run”, says Kendal in fearful surprise
As they watch Tynans’ new, twisted form arise
Tynan: *becomes a dragon*
Walter: Finally, a worthy opponent!
Sorry Kendal, you can’t run from a boss battle
@ImuyanMangoCat Take a look at Chapter 17’s cover page in the Archive. You’ll see what’s coming.
He’s gonna be a GINORMOUS F**K YOU DRAGON, isn’t he?
This page gives me the same vibes as Envy revealing their true form for the first time, as Ed and Ling start looking up… and up, and up.
You know it’s bad when even Kendal says to run.
everybody seems pretty focussed on the storm, but did anybody notice that erins eyes seem to be orange in this page while their usualy blue?
Iâve seen both haikus and ballads in the comment section, so letâs add couplets to the list, shall we?
âRunâ, says Kendal in fearful surprise
As they watch Tynansâ new, twisted form arise
Don’t you hate when you think you’ve defeated a bossâHP and MP running low, consumables all but expendedâonly to realize the fight has another phase?
@Dainix Simp
It’s just an effect Red’s been using since Ch. 9 (I think it was Ch. 9 when it first started) – Erin’s eyeshine changes color whenever he casts magic to match the element used.
Ozymandias: how is erin a mimikyu?
alt text: you can’t leave yet, you only just unlocked his second healthbar!
I want Tynan to become a dragon. That would be so cool. He could shoot lightning out of his mouth instead of fire!
Tynan making Smaug’s “my wings are a hurricane” boast literal, I see …
To Ozymandias:
Well, I suppose you could make a case that he’s not because Castform changes based on the weather and Tynan is the weather. On the other hand, Castform can learn the four weather-altering moves and changes form for three of them (and it’s signature move is affected by all weather moves, including the one from Colosseum and XD), so …
To ImuyanMangocat:
Looks a bit more like a wyvern to me–though admittedly it’s still a bit hard to tell at the moment if the forelimb is actually the foreleg/wing fusion that separates them from the standard Western dragon, but we’ll probably be finding out next page. Either way, I’m still expecting VD to make an appearance in response…
(Especially since Kendal is clearly having an “oh shit!” moment here–I know he’s disapproved of his friends getting involved in what he sees as his battles in the past, but I don’t think he’s ever flat-out told them to run before…Kinda makes me wonder if this just turned into a situation even Vash’s memories can’t help him with.)
Tynan might just be a floofy Lugia
I have had a sneaking suspicion that maybe Erin is being controlled by the black eyes black dragon instead of the other way around. Also @alolanvulpix i think erin is a mimikyu because it is ghost (Black dragon type is dark ghost) and fairy which i generally associate with magic.
Perhaps Zuurith will finally bring himself back (literally) and come with an army of sentinels?
Ozymandias: ooh, i thought it was maybe because of a theory that floated about the comments section a bit after erin mentioned his family had past experience with the soulshaper monks and tess described him as a little kid as weak, that maybe he was born with incomplete links to the elements and because he (in the theory) needed the soulshaper monks in order to use his magic he’s sorta a ‘fake’ elemental magus, like how mimikyu pretends to be a pikachu, but now that you mention it, the typing fits really well too.
also i now feel the urge to draw a floofy lugia. it will probably end up looking like a ball of fluff with vague resemblance to lugia, but it will be almost certainly adorable.
Yes, but is Kendal going to run?
Ah, geez, he’s turning into a giant snake, isn’t he. Doesn’t he know that never helps?
Congrats to whoever guessed Tynan-dragon. Drynan? Tygon? Trygan?
@Dainix Simp
If you look really closely, Erin’s eyes mimic the color of the magic type he is currently using or most recently used. I always mistook it for the color of light reflecting on his ordinarily black eyes, but it’s always which magic he has used most recently.
And here we have the classic storm god vs. dragon fight… [reads notes again] Sorry, demigod vs. storm dragon fight.
Love the framing in this page.
Oh no! He’s going Andross!
@Ardent Objection
Not quite. Erin’s eyes are blue, not black, and Red has stated herself on Tumblr that they don’t actually change color. They just reflect the light of the magic he’s currently using, and it’s especially apparent because his eyes are a duller hue than the others’.
To Ophidiophile:
Lol, I see what you did there. And given that he’s spent centuries in exile, I don’t believe he’s had a chance to read the list, so no, he probably doesn’t know that
Cue that one vine with the umbrellas being tossed on a beach that says “run” and rock music starts up
It took me reading the comments to realise Tynan was becoming a dragon. At first I thought he was turning into a tornado. A F-5 tornado. Which, I imagine, would be just as terrifying.
@Ozymandias I am legitimately baffled. Donât read this in a condescending tone, but I donât understand how you can get past chapter 7 and miss the fact that the Void Dragon can control Erin.
I feel stupid for missing the DRAGON in the cover of chapter 17.
always nice to have that reminder that while gods tend to incarnate in humanoid forms, they can techically be whatever they want.
same, but i read your comment
Whatever he transforms into, I hope he still has his flashy gold armor. I’m all for armored storm cats/dragons/fish/whatever.
kendal internally: “fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckshitfuckfuckfuckfuck
Ah, see, I KNEW it was foolish of me earlier to think we were done đ
Ah, not at all the response I expected from Tynan. I thought he’d start targeting civilians directly in an attempt to gorge on fear and use that for a REALLY BIG lightning bolt.