Well, their stated plan is to minimise total damage by preventing the storm’s damage. By doing damage themselves.
Interesting to see the floof squad moving into “lesser evil” territory. I suppose that’s what a few days without Kendal does, I wonder if he’ll object when he finds out.
Oh boy, we’re getting close, folks.
Now, question to you all. How many pages will it take for Tynan to make his dramatic entrance? My bet is Monday two weeks from now.
That Feeling When you were running with a gang that basically ran on a might-makes-right philosophy and then you find out the people you were trying to “arrest” were Way Mightier.
oh, wonderful! our main protagonists are looking to converge on an arena where Kendal is already dealing with one god who doesn’t like him, the possessed champion of another god, all while the big bad stormcloud who REALLY doesn’t like him is getting started. i hope that collosseum has good drainage, at least, cos it looks an awful lot like a giant bowl from this angle
@Mat: my bet is around 3-4 pages- so next friday. 2-3 for them to realize whats going on, and then possibly a cutback to the kendal/dainix fight where tynan shows up.
The encounter with the hunters made me laugh.
The alt text had me laughing harder..
this feels serious/tense, and its entirely bc of the last panel, and im not certain how you managed to do that but kudos to you
TL;DR: Have problems being wanted in a city that hates your friend? Plants and birds. Birds to find your way, plants to smack enemies in the face.
And yes it’s like 4:40 in the morning and I’m not sleeping and there’s exams today and tomorrow haha. See you on Friday if today’s history test doesn’t take me out.
Oh no. My bad jokes/memes have infected HelloHaiku. I’m so sorry.
Alinua does have a good point; if they remove Kendal from Zuurith then Tynan might ignore the city mostly. Any damage caused by Alinua and Falst in this rescue mission would be much less than what a rampaging storm god would do. If they do cause a scene and political upset, it might be looked back on as necessary to prevent something worse. Y’know, assuming they even succeed.
Hmm, they keep referring to it as ‘the storm’ and not saying the gods name. Is that a narrative decision to make the reveal fresh and exciting or an in universe decision so they don’t draw the storm god’s attention by saying it’s name?
As for other details, Falst starts his run on all fours; rain is now begining to fall but is unlikely to cancel the match; and while the hunters wanted to do something about the crime duo, they’ll have to leaf it till later. … I’ll see myself out.
I chose it in the height of the crazy-nickname tl;drs so I could justify coming up with wacko nicknames for the characters like Zucchini and Tintin.
Also, hi, I haven’t been here in a year and I’m just now going back through.
@Mat My guy’s been floating around ominously for, what, more than half a year now. He’s gonna take his sweet time making that entrance- the rumbling of clouds and flashy flashes from the sky probably starts around Monday, but Tynan doesn’t make an official appearance till Friday.
ImuyanMangoCat: I don’t know, I wanted to comment (and fill the TL;DR void so I could have something unique to do among the various running things in this comments section) and I was bored so I rushed and chose something random. Though I have had time now to come up with what I think are more distinct names I haven’t changed because I didn’t need to.
We have no time for side plots!! Get outta here hunters!
They are going to find out about the arena thing much sooner than I thought-though I don’t know if they’re gonna try to stop the fight themselves or report back to Erin. Knowing them, especially Falst, they’re probably going to go in themselves which will get chaotic. I mean, if they can even get down to Kendal and the rapidly-exploding fire being known as Dainix. And if they do, Kendal’s gonna be like “DUDES NOW IS NOT A GOOD TIME”. I have this idea of Kendal being in the middle of holding back Dainix’s spear from stabbing his eye out and then just getting hit with a message birb that says “hey man, I just sent this for the others to find you”
As for predictions about Tynan, I’mma give it a week and a half. Maybe less, depending on how long this chapter ends up being.
Guard: Stop! You violated the-
Alinua: No time, gotta go, have some plants for your troubles!
I have a feeling we’re going to jump to a different perspective, so for the time being, I’m willing to bring back a FUTURIVIA from a previous page. I’m not sure if this’ll be the return of it, but I’m doing this anyways! Now, for the question: Which perspective will we be switching to?
A: The Prison Duo (Kendal + Dainix)
B: The FBI (Shrike and/or Trusk)
C: Tynan
D: Caliban
Gift Horse: We stick with The Stor-
wait, Erin and Tess aren’t here, so this calls for a new duo name. The Wild Duo (Alinua + Falst) it is!
ImuyanMangoCat: Once again, my username is simply what one of my OC’s are.
Ah, so they aren’t going to Pryder about this, they’re going straight to Kendal. Instead of a prison break, they get an arena break.
Evil Tree:
I wonder why Falst is running on all fours. With humanoid proportions, it’s pretty awkward, plus his arms would need to be comparably strong to his legs (though due to the amount of tree climbing he’s done, that might check out), and that’s not saying anything of the havoc the stone might wreak on his palms, unless they’re absolutely covered in callouses. If he has overcome those hurdles, my guess is that his quadrupedal running is faster than bipedal.
I know I’ve answered this before, but here’s the updated version. I plan on making video games when I finally get the requisite technology, and I first picked this online alias for myself several years ago, when the ideas for what I wanted to create were even more undefined than what they are now. What I like is that its meaning changes over time; now that my ideas are more solid, my alias reflects the fact that only I know their true extent; when I finally release them (most likely on Itch.io), few people will know they exist, and my alias will be indicative of that; and if I somehow beat the odds and my games get some recognition, my alias would become wonderfully ironic.
Humanoid Clay:
First, my guess is A. Second: Red once called Alinua and Falst “pointy-eared chaos duo” on Tumblr, and I loved it so much that I’ve started calling them that in my head. Just an alternate duo name suggestion if you want.
@Mat- *I have waited decades for my revenge- I can wait a little longer* I’m betting probably 2 weeks on a Friday so we can have the big dramatic battle on the third Monday
@ImuyanMangoCat- I like cats, I wanted to share my theories. Simple as that.
ImuyanMangoCat: I just changed my name, actually, to be the name of an RPG character I play.
I don’t know why I just asked this question, but what element is birb magic? it seems like light magic, but I didn’t think that was one of the elements.
@ImuyanMangoCat- My OC that I use to represent my online persona is the “llama queen” so most of my usernames are something like “almightyllamaqueen”, but I decided to use that character’s “codename” that they use so that not everyone knows their real name (aka MY real name) so she takes her title of “Llama Queen” and changes it to “Llana Quinn” which is TOTALLY, not AT ALL similar, what are you talking about??
If Risk of Rain taught me anything, when the rain actually starts to fall, things are going to hit the fan. It’s just a theatric storm god instead of some incomprehensible being with a massive hammer on a moon.
Once we finish this fight and Dainix joins the team (I assume), they need to come up with a cheesy party name. My personal favorite method to come up with a dumb party name is from Morrowind, where three demigods mixed bits of their names together to get “Almsivi” as their collective group name. There’s probably too many protagonists in this group to do that, but it’s fun to think about. What kind of silly group names can the comments come up with?
my name’s a mix of three things: my love of science, my initials, and also a shortening of my last name. It’s practically the perfect name for me.
@Humanoid Clay
It’s a tough call, but I think we’re gonna stick with Alinua and Falst, possibly as they arrive at the scream pit.
Oh, Alinua is absolutely DONE with this city, and I am loving it! The potential for confusion and drama is so strong right now. Is Erin going to try and get the attention of the authorities so that they can be warned about the storm? Is June going to bump into Falst and Alinua on their way to the Arena? Will Shrike be alerted and reenter the plot? Did I almost just write a cliffhanger?
Aromar Dyspros:
I’ve been calling them the Floof Squad for some time now. Seems a fitting name when everyone in the party has fantastic hair.
Well, it’s not going to be used in-universe, but everyone here’s been calling them the Floof Squad for ages… Don’t remember who first suggested it, but once they did it stuck.
To DrangonMaster66 and Mat:
Well, it looks like we’re about to cut back to the arena, but on the other hand Red loves Friday cliffhangers. It’s going to be next Friday at the earliest, I think, but depending on how many cuts back and forth have to be done (because everything/one is converging all at once), it could be two or three weeks from now. I think I’ll wager that–two Fridays from this upcoming at the earliest, three at the latest.
To ImuyanMangoCat:
Pretty sure I answered this last time you asked, so my answer hasn’t really changed. It’s the name of one of my characters, and as of now one of a handful of Internet aliases I use.
It begins…
also they’re sending a bird and the alt text references shrike and there is a type of bird called a shrike, furthermore shrike is a bounty hunter, mortal engines reference?
@Mat: wish I knew but I do predict that we will get another from Erin & Tess’s perspective before any god fight ensues, though wether this is before or after Tynan arrives at the arena I don’t know.
@veggiesnake: that is a wonderful thought
@ImuyanMangoCat: I had difficulty choosing a name as the one other name I’ve used was wrong thematically, so I picked one that was at first glance kinda more an absence of a name yet also said something, from there it’s spread to be my discord name etc.
@Aromar Dyspros: I assume so to though last I checked Tess still hadn’t been added to the protagonists list?
@SarrissaTeiflingDruid the birbs are wind magic. Light/soul magic has not been confirmed as a thing, though the Junior Archivist certainly seemed to be using *something* along those lines…
@ImuyanMangoCat: I’ve answered this before but I’m glad to do it again :). All (I think *literally* all, which is kinda wild actually) of my internet aliases are connected to dragons because they’re *ing AWESOME and I’ve had a general obsession for over 10 years. This particular username also happens to be my Discord tag.
@The Aceassin: Yeah, thats pretty much how it goes. Welcome to the comments! There’s a good group down here.
Humanoid Clay:
Unfortunately, I can’t find it in the search function on the site and by now it’s buried pretty far in the general posts, but it was the last bit of Red listing some good similarities and contrasts between members of the cast, one pair at a time. She said she really likes the dynamic between Falst and Alinua at the moment.
harmless_spider is the name i use for everything lmao, but i can’t remember how i chose it. i think it was because one of my my partners is afraid of spiders and i want a pet tarantula? can’t remember the details though 😛
I was thinking about in-universe group names. Although, now that I think about it, having them be known as the floof squad in-world would be absolutely hilarious.
Aww yeah another dragon lover! I’ve kind of funneled my whole allowance into two things, plants and dragons. Most of my dragons are LEGO dragons, some sleep with me and it’s weird but I just can’t get a good rest without them. Though it gets annoying when that one loose piece falls off and I turn my whole bed around looking for it. Also pretty much all the stores I start are about dragons. Some may say I’m obsessed. But it’s nice to sort of have company in these trying times, even if it’s easily broken and made of plastic.
@ImuyanMangoCat Mine’s been my username on most things for ages – it came from a joke about how I sound weirdly Canadian to my friends from Britain or Australia, but British/Australian to my friends from everywhere else
THe Aceasssin: OMG YESSS! Ace friends! (Im asexual and panromantic) So glad to have you here!
ImuyanMangoCat: Anyone who knows me will say Im really friendly and positive and I was desperate to join the comments and needed a name so this was just a spur of the moment decision and now it’s spread to other webcomics as well!
Mat: It’s probably going to be on a Friday because Red loves their cliffhangers, but Id say like two weeks from now so there can be more exciting buildup before the exciting reveal (The reveal might even be the start of a new chapter)
Aromar Dsypros: this will probably never be used in the comic but all the commentors have dubbed them the floof squad on account of their fabulous hair and because it’s just fitting
Evil tree: don’t be upset lol! It’s a nice disease to be infected with!
Humanoid Clay: Im guessing A
TheUnknownGame: pointed eared chaos duo! LOL, that’s great!
The Aceassin:
1: I’m also ace (aroace)
2: today was the third and last day of the midterm exams for me. Now to worry about finals and AP tests. It never ends. Good luck to you!
erins hesitance seems to come from the (quite reasonable) opinion that they will get into some sort of extreme trouble, the birds are made with wind magic (erin is touching the wind magic tatoos and also his eyes glow violet), and after spending the past two days testing i am finally done with finals (until the end of semester 2/end of school year)
ImuyanMangoCat: it’s my favorite pokemon, and also just my go to alias
@Solarion possible reasons:
-Red is an Ace icon
-the comic does not involve any romance (and likely won’t have much in general)
-once one person steps forward, everyone else feels more comfortable sharing their identity
an ace-questioning commenter
Awww my ace peeps!! Yay it’s so nice to find other people like me! (I was terrified of saying anything mostly cos I didn’t want to get judged, I or worse get the “You’ll find the right man someday” lecture…) Red is the literal best. They are everything I would love to be and a lot of what I am… Sorry Im kinda a fan girl lol. It’s just nice to find other role models who understand what you go through and have similar experiences…
Alolanvulpix: If I were to use my favorite Pokemon as my alias here, I’d be shiny Groudon. Because I have one that I dote over for no discernable reason (the rest of my regular team and favorites list is dragons)
Also Hermit Thrush: I’m here because I’ve been looking so long for any media that isn’t full of romance or implying it somehow. I got so tired I started withing my own very ace stories (and still do) but now I finally have something to consume and comment on that doesn’t weird me out.
To all the other aro and/or ase commenters:
I like that this webcomic has attracted such a prolific community of our alignment spectrums; never before have I seen such a concentration of people like me (I know I’ve said this many times before, but to the newcomers: I am fully aroase).
I had always suspected u were a female from the way that u fangirled over the comic and by how nice u are. Not that dudes can’t be nice and fanboy over stuff, it’s just more common for females to do that from my experience.
No idea. Someone was actually asking the other day why this comic seemed to attract a fanbase composed of 99% wholesomeness (I believe there were a a couple bad apples early on that either don’t swing by anymore or deign not to reveal themselves via comments if they still do). I guess the reasoning is the same–we got very lucky with our corner of the Internet, and everyone is happy being inclusive and welcoming to everyone else. And fan-personing over the comic, of course.
(for the record I’m not sure if I’m ace or not. It would explain a few things, though.)
@ImuyanMangoCat About my username, I’m not actually a registrar. One way to keep younger kids entertained on a family road trip is with an audio book. One particular audio book I don’t remember very well, but it happened to feature a villain song called ‘I Am the Registrar’ that was bizarre enough that I remembered it years later and found it on YouTube. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EicgHQs4Zww
They’ve already been used that way: it’s how Erin found the fugitive team when they were running from Shrike. I’m waiting to see if there’s a way to counter them short of never telling anyone your name.
*Flomp* lol
The power of flomp.
Oh…it’s finally starting to rain.
That, that’s good.
I see property damage has ceased to be a concern.?
Well, their stated plan is to minimise total damage by preventing the storm’s damage. By doing damage themselves.
Interesting to see the floof squad moving into “lesser evil” territory. I suppose that’s what a few days without Kendal does, I wonder if he’ll object when he finds out.
Alinua looks like she’s about to make good on her “tear this place down stone by stone” comment
It’s Prison Break 2:
The Electric Boogaloo
No time for hunters.
The sudden green after all this pale purple feels kinda refreshing xD
Random guard: Were those the-? HEY!
Falst: And random guard gets… a melon to the head!
Alinua: *complies*
image source: quick
Look on the bright side, at least the rain will stop any arena fires… I hope…
Oh boy, we’re getting close, folks.
Now, question to you all. How many pages will it take for Tynan to make his dramatic entrance? My bet is Monday two weeks from now.
Yeah, just Flomp them!
That Feeling When you were running with a gang that basically ran on a might-makes-right philosophy and then you find out the people you were trying to “arrest” were Way Mightier.
oh, wonderful! our main protagonists are looking to converge on an arena where Kendal is already dealing with one god who doesn’t like him, the possessed champion of another god, all while the big bad stormcloud who REALLY doesn’t like him is getting started. i hope that collosseum has good drainage, at least, cos it looks an awful lot like a giant bowl from this angle
@Mat: my bet is around 3-4 pages- so next friday. 2-3 for them to realize whats going on, and then possibly a cutback to the kendal/dainix fight where tynan shows up.
The encounter with the hunters made me laugh.
The alt text had me laughing harder..
this feels serious/tense, and its entirely bc of the last panel, and im not certain how you managed to do that but kudos to you
TL;DR: Have problems being wanted in a city that hates your friend? Plants and birds. Birds to find your way, plants to smack enemies in the face.
And yes it’s like 4:40 in the morning and I’m not sleeping and there’s exams today and tomorrow haha. See you on Friday if today’s history test doesn’t take me out.
Oh no. My bad jokes/memes have infected HelloHaiku. I’m so sorry.
Alinua does have a good point; if they remove Kendal from Zuurith then Tynan might ignore the city mostly. Any damage caused by Alinua and Falst in this rescue mission would be much less than what a rampaging storm god would do. If they do cause a scene and political upset, it might be looked back on as necessary to prevent something worse. Y’know, assuming they even succeed.
Hmm, they keep referring to it as ‘the storm’ and not saying the gods name. Is that a narrative decision to make the reveal fresh and exciting or an in universe decision so they don’t draw the storm god’s attention by saying it’s name?
As for other details, Falst starts his run on all fours; rain is now begining to fall but is unlikely to cancel the match; and while the hunters wanted to do something about the crime duo, they’ll have to leaf it till later. … I’ll see myself out.
This page’s image source: quick
what you saw me. actually I ain’t quick like I was these days…
Since it’s been a while since I’ve asked a question and this page doesn’t have anything extreme going on I guess its the right time to do it.
There’s been a small wave of new names in the comments some I’ll just reuse an old question. How did u choose your username?
Old hands are free to answer again of they want.
My name used to be Indigo Toxin, which is the name of my OC. My current name is my DA name
And to answer Mat’s question: I’m guessing 6-9, joke unintended.
I chose it in the height of the crazy-nickname tl;drs so I could justify coming up with wacko nicknames for the characters like Zucchini and Tintin.
Also, hi, I haven’t been here in a year and I’m just now going back through.
Oh No! It’s going to… The S c r e a m p i t
someone give Erin a hug oh gosh ?
@Mat My guy’s been floating around ominously for, what, more than half a year now. He’s gonna take his sweet time making that entrance- the rumbling of clouds and flashy flashes from the sky probably starts around Monday, but Tynan doesn’t make an official appearance till Friday.
ImuyanMangoCat: I don’t know, I wanted to comment (and fill the TL;DR void so I could have something unique to do among the various running things in this comments section) and I was bored so I rushed and chose something random. Though I have had time now to come up with what I think are more distinct names I haven’t changed because I didn’t need to.
We have no time for side plots!! Get outta here hunters!
They are going to find out about the arena thing much sooner than I thought-though I don’t know if they’re gonna try to stop the fight themselves or report back to Erin. Knowing them, especially Falst, they’re probably going to go in themselves which will get chaotic. I mean, if they can even get down to Kendal and the rapidly-exploding fire being known as Dainix. And if they do, Kendal’s gonna be like “DUDES NOW IS NOT A GOOD TIME”. I have this idea of Kendal being in the middle of holding back Dainix’s spear from stabbing his eye out and then just getting hit with a message birb that says “hey man, I just sent this for the others to find you”
As for predictions about Tynan, I’mma give it a week and a half. Maybe less, depending on how long this chapter ends up being.
Guard: Stop! You violated the-
Alinua: No time, gotta go, have some plants for your troubles!
I have a feeling we’re going to jump to a different perspective, so for the time being, I’m willing to bring back a FUTURIVIA from a previous page. I’m not sure if this’ll be the return of it, but I’m doing this anyways! Now, for the question:
Which perspective will we be switching to?
A: The Prison Duo (Kendal + Dainix)
B: The FBI (Shrike and/or Trusk)
C: Tynan
D: Caliban
Gift Horse: We stick with The Stor-
wait, Erin and Tess aren’t here, so this calls for a new duo name. The Wild Duo (Alinua + Falst) it is!
ImuyanMangoCat: Once again, my username is simply what one of my OC’s are.
Alinua has no more f*cks to give!
Rain: *starts falling*
Us: “So it begins…”
Ah, so they aren’t going to Pryder about this, they’re going straight to Kendal. Instead of a prison break, they get an arena break.
Evil Tree:
I wonder why Falst is running on all fours. With humanoid proportions, it’s pretty awkward, plus his arms would need to be comparably strong to his legs (though due to the amount of tree climbing he’s done, that might check out), and that’s not saying anything of the havoc the stone might wreak on his palms, unless they’re absolutely covered in callouses. If he has overcome those hurdles, my guess is that his quadrupedal running is faster than bipedal.
I know I’ve answered this before, but here’s the updated version. I plan on making video games when I finally get the requisite technology, and I first picked this online alias for myself several years ago, when the ideas for what I wanted to create were even more undefined than what they are now. What I like is that its meaning changes over time; now that my ideas are more solid, my alias reflects the fact that only I know their true extent; when I finally release them (most likely on Itch.io), few people will know they exist, and my alias will be indicative of that; and if I somehow beat the odds and my games get some recognition, my alias would become wonderfully ironic.
Humanoid Clay:
First, my guess is A. Second: Red once called Alinua and Falst “pointy-eared chaos duo” on Tumblr, and I loved it so much that I’ve started calling them that in my head. Just an alternate duo name suggestion if you want.
@Somebody I have finals today and tomorrow and I’m not very prepared, especially for history
@ImuyanMangoCat My name is shamelessly stolen from TikTok. It’s a combination of asexual and assassin. (But you could probably guess that)
@Mat I think about 5 pages, give or take a few.
@ Humanoid Clay I think we’re going to the arena
@Mat- *I have waited decades for my revenge- I can wait a little longer* I’m betting probably 2 weeks on a Friday so we can have the big dramatic battle on the third Monday
@ImuyanMangoCat- I like cats, I wanted to share my theories. Simple as that.
ImuyanMangoCat: I just changed my name, actually, to be the name of an RPG character I play.
I don’t know why I just asked this question, but what element is birb magic? it seems like light magic, but I didn’t think that was one of the elements.
Sorry for the face full of vegetables…
@ImuyanMangoCat- My OC that I use to represent my online persona is the “llama queen” so most of my usernames are something like “almightyllamaqueen”, but I decided to use that character’s “codename” that they use so that not everyone knows their real name (aka MY real name) so she takes her title of “Llama Queen” and changes it to “Llana Quinn” which is TOTALLY, not AT ALL similar, what are you talking about??
alt text: somewhere shrike feels a disturbance in the force
If Risk of Rain taught me anything, when the rain actually starts to fall, things are going to hit the fan. It’s just a theatric storm god instead of some incomprehensible being with a massive hammer on a moon.
Once we finish this fight and Dainix joins the team (I assume), they need to come up with a cheesy party name. My personal favorite method to come up with a dumb party name is from Morrowind, where three demigods mixed bits of their names together to get “Almsivi” as their collective group name. There’s probably too many protagonists in this group to do that, but it’s fun to think about. What kind of silly group names can the comments come up with?
Time for plot to break all hell lopse
my name’s a mix of three things: my love of science, my initials, and also a shortening of my last name. It’s practically the perfect name for me.
@Humanoid Clay
It’s a tough call, but I think we’re gonna stick with Alinua and Falst, possibly as they arrive at the scream pit.
Oh, Alinua is absolutely DONE with this city, and I am loving it! The potential for confusion and drama is so strong right now. Is Erin going to try and get the attention of the authorities so that they can be warned about the storm? Is June going to bump into Falst and Alinua on their way to the Arena? Will Shrike be alerted and reenter the plot? Did I almost just write a cliffhanger?
Aromar Dyspros:
I’ve been calling them the Floof Squad for some time now. Seems a fitting name when everyone in the party has fantastic hair.
To Aromar Dyspros:
Well, it’s not going to be used in-universe, but everyone here’s been calling them the Floof Squad for ages… Don’t remember who first suggested it, but once they did it stuck.
To DrangonMaster66 and Mat:
Well, it looks like we’re about to cut back to the arena, but on the other hand Red loves Friday cliffhangers. It’s going to be next Friday at the earliest, I think, but depending on how many cuts back and forth have to be done (because everything/one is converging all at once), it could be two or three weeks from now. I think I’ll wager that–two Fridays from this upcoming at the earliest, three at the latest.
To ImuyanMangoCat:
Pretty sure I answered this last time you asked, so my answer hasn’t really changed. It’s the name of one of my characters, and as of now one of a handful of Internet aliases I use.
Welp, I’ve read every comic, every comment, and all of the lore. Guess I’ll just be bored until friday.
It begins…
also they’re sending a bird and the alt text references shrike and there is a type of bird called a shrike, furthermore shrike is a bounty hunter, mortal engines reference?
@Mat: wish I knew but I do predict that we will get another from Erin & Tess’s perspective before any god fight ensues, though wether this is before or after Tynan arrives at the arena I don’t know.
@veggiesnake: that is a wonderful thought
@ImuyanMangoCat: I had difficulty choosing a name as the one other name I’ve used was wrong thematically, so I picked one that was at first glance kinda more an absence of a name yet also said something, from there it’s spread to be my discord name etc.
@Aromar Dyspros: I assume so to though last I checked Tess still hadn’t been added to the protagonists list?
@TheUnknownGame: I love it, it’s official, where did you find it?
@The Aceassin: We’re glad to have you here in the comments :-).
@SarrissaTeiflingDruid the birbs are wind magic. Light/soul magic has not been confirmed as a thing, though the Junior Archivist certainly seemed to be using *something* along those lines…
rest in peace bald background character #6, died to plant
To Evil Tree:
It seems we were on
the same wavelength when writing
those comments haha
To Somebody and The Aceassin:
I hope both of you
do well on all your exams!
I wish you good luck 🙂
To everyone who has exams, good luck!
@ImuyanMangoCat: I’ve answered this before but I’m glad to do it again :). All (I think *literally* all, which is kinda wild actually) of my internet aliases are connected to dragons because they’re *ing AWESOME and I’ve had a general obsession for over 10 years. This particular username also happens to be my Discord tag.
@The Aceassin: Yeah, thats pretty much how it goes. Welcome to the comments! There’s a good group down here.
Humanoid Clay:
Unfortunately, I can’t find it in the search function on the site and by now it’s buried pretty far in the general posts, but it was the last bit of Red listing some good similarities and contrasts between members of the cast, one pair at a time. She said she really likes the dynamic between Falst and Alinua at the moment.
Humanoid Clay:
WAIT, I found it in the archive! https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/671534506586636288/this-is-a-bit-of-a-weird-question-but-whats-your
harmless_spider is the name i use for everything lmao, but i can’t remember how i chose it. i think it was because one of my my partners is afraid of spiders and i want a pet tarantula? can’t remember the details though 😛
ImuyanMangoCat: My name’s just a random name I’ve been using for pretty mutch any account.
I was thinking about in-universe group names. Although, now that I think about it, having them be known as the floof squad in-world would be absolutely hilarious.
Aww yeah another dragon lover! I’ve kind of funneled my whole allowance into two things, plants and dragons. Most of my dragons are LEGO dragons, some sleep with me and it’s weird but I just can’t get a good rest without them. Though it gets annoying when that one loose piece falls off and I turn my whole bed around looking for it. Also pretty much all the stores I start are about dragons. Some may say I’m obsessed. But it’s nice to sort of have company in these trying times, even if it’s easily broken and made of plastic.
@ImuyanMangoCat Mine’s been my username on most things for ages – it came from a joke about how I sound weirdly Canadian to my friends from Britain or Australia, but British/Australian to my friends from everywhere else
THe Aceasssin: OMG YESSS! Ace friends! (Im asexual and panromantic) So glad to have you here!
ImuyanMangoCat: Anyone who knows me will say Im really friendly and positive and I was desperate to join the comments and needed a name so this was just a spur of the moment decision and now it’s spread to other webcomics as well!
Mat: It’s probably going to be on a Friday because Red loves their cliffhangers, but Id say like two weeks from now so there can be more exciting buildup before the exciting reveal (The reveal might even be the start of a new chapter)
Aromar Dsypros: this will probably never be used in the comic but all the commentors have dubbed them the floof squad on account of their fabulous hair and because it’s just fitting
Evil tree: don’t be upset lol! It’s a nice disease to be infected with!
Humanoid Clay: Im guessing A
TheUnknownGame: pointed eared chaos duo! LOL, that’s great!
Alright Somebody, day 2 of exams let’s do this!
The Aceassin:
1: I’m also ace (aroace)
2: today was the third and last day of the midterm exams for me. Now to worry about finals and AP tests. It never ends. Good luck to you!
why is half of this comics regular commentors ace? (demiace here)
TheUnknownGame: Noice. For simplicity, I’ll refer to them as the PEC Duo from now on unless asked :-).
@Solarion: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (sex-repulsed, possibly ace aro)
erins hesitance seems to come from the (quite reasonable) opinion that they will get into some sort of extreme trouble, the birds are made with wind magic (erin is touching the wind magic tatoos and also his eyes glow violet), and after spending the past two days testing i am finally done with finals (until the end of semester 2/end of school year)
ImuyanMangoCat: it’s my favorite pokemon, and also just my go to alias
@Solarion possible reasons:
-Red is an Ace icon
-the comic does not involve any romance (and likely won’t have much in general)
-once one person steps forward, everyone else feels more comfortable sharing their identity
an ace-questioning commenter
“Alinua’s expended all her giving a damn slots for today.”
She obviously hasn’t expended all her spell slots though. Convienient!
Awww my ace peeps!! Yay it’s so nice to find other people like me! (I was terrified of saying anything mostly cos I didn’t want to get judged, I or worse get the “You’ll find the right man someday” lecture…) Red is the literal best. They are everything I would love to be and a lot of what I am… Sorry Im kinda a fan girl lol. It’s just nice to find other role models who understand what you go through and have similar experiences…
Alolanvulpix: If I were to use my favorite Pokemon as my alias here, I’d be shiny Groudon. Because I have one that I dote over for no discernable reason (the rest of my regular team and favorites list is dragons)
Also Hermit Thrush: I’m here because I’ve been looking so long for any media that isn’t full of romance or implying it somehow. I got so tired I started withing my own very ace stories (and still do) but now I finally have something to consume and comment on that doesn’t weird me out.
To all the other aro and/or ase commenters:
I like that this webcomic has attracted such a prolific community of our alignment spectrums; never before have I seen such a concentration of people like me (I know I’ve said this many times before, but to the newcomers: I am fully aroase).
I had always suspected u were a female from the way that u fangirled over the comic and by how nice u are. Not that dudes can’t be nice and fanboy over stuff, it’s just more common for females to do that from my experience.
The comments are very wholesome today
To Solarion:
No idea. Someone was actually asking the other day why this comic seemed to attract a fanbase composed of 99% wholesomeness (I believe there were a a couple bad apples early on that either don’t swing by anymore or deign not to reveal themselves via comments if they still do). I guess the reasoning is the same–we got very lucky with our corner of the Internet, and everyone is happy being inclusive and welcoming to everyone else. And fan-personing over the comic, of course.
(for the record I’m not sure if I’m ace or not. It would explain a few things, though.)
@ImuyanMangoCat About my username, I’m not actually a registrar. One way to keep younger kids entertained on a family road trip is with an audio book. One particular audio book I don’t remember very well, but it happened to feature a villain song called ‘I Am the Registrar’ that was bizarre enough that I remembered it years later and found it on YouTube. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EicgHQs4Zww
Ah! I was wondering if this implication of the message birdies (that they could be used to locate anyone you want) would be addressed!
They’ve already been used that way: it’s how Erin found the fugitive team when they were running from Shrike. I’m waiting to see if there’s a way to counter them short of never telling anyone your name.