I think the time is far past due for us lot to sincerely thank Red, namely for inadvertently making sure each and every one of us has at least one thing to actually look forward to getting up on Monday mornings for. Cause that is no small kindness in this world.
1. So Tess knows of Tynan’s legend. Her plot knowledge runs deeper than we thought.
2. I see Red forgot the “s” in “against” on Panel 3.
3. If Falst were a bit snarkier, I bet he’d add “Oh, wait. I did!” to the end of his statement in Panel 1.
Tynan: You’re right elf, I am here to water their farms.
Alinua: (endearing) Aww!
Tynan: With the blood of all the innocents I will slay on my rampage.
Alinua: (disgusted) Aww!
Oh, this makes so much sense! The destruction of Zuurith isn’t Tynan’s primary goal; getting back at Vash through his champion is. The destruction of the city is a bonus or the means to that end. It all seems obvious in hindsight. (Though in Alinua’s defence on any other day this could have all just been regular inter-god business)
I could just hear that collective lightbulb moment when the gang, minus Tess, figured out that the storm god is here because he can sense Kendal. This would also make it tricky for them long term if Tynan can track their whereabouts. Even if they managed to re-banish Tynan to the sea they have to cross said sea to get to Helm.
I’m thinking of Ilia’s words about other gods in 1-7-8 “I can’t promise they’ll all help you, but I know they want you to win”. Does Tynan even want to see Kendal win? Given his ephemeral weather nature and lack of land or people to tie himself too he might see himself as above the Collector’s reach, thus not care whether he beats her.
Maybe if he and Kendal meet and talk Kendal will try and explain the situation to him and why the Collector is a threat to everyone. Though I doubt it would change Tynans mind, would make for a good dialogue between the two though.
TL;DR: Tess, you genius. Connecting the plot threads and guiding the group that’s known sword boy longer than you. If you’re right of course. If you’re wrong then what were you thinking?
So I was right when I said that Tynan would interrupt the Kendal vs Dainix duel; I’m just not right for the reason I thought I was.
Falst: “What is that?”
Alinua: “Nothing, it’s just a wisp of cloud.”
Tess: “It’s moving fast… and against the wind.”
I have a feeling that Tess is absolutely going to throw hands with Tynan. The lady survived being struck by lightning already, and now she can sling some of her own. If I’m right, this will be the most prestigious punching she will have done to date, and may do for a long time… unless, of course, she punches The Void Dragon if he’s somehow freed without instantly cracking the planet in half.
My phone deleted my comment twice so here we go again.
Tynan’s here for Kendal, which in hindsight makes sense. He’s such a drama Queen, it’s only natural he’d first swear vengeance on the man who exiled him. This means that Falst’s plan to “just leave” would likely be thwarted by Tynan’s desire to smite Kendal. Of course, Kendal might be able to fight back as both being sort of Vash and having his sword. Of course, Kendal is not even aware of all this yet. I feel like we might cut to him on the next page, since we don’t need to hear Tess’ explanation of Tynan and his banishment.
Also, a thought I had over the weekend- when Tahraim and Caliban were talking about Dainix, the former said “if he was ready to leave, he would walk out of there” and Dainix agreed with Kendal that “it’s not the walls that keep you in”. I feel like, whatever he is, he could potentially escape from prison with his powers but is holding back, just like in the fights, likely due to his fear of his powers. I’m excited to see what those powers are.
I also agree with CrabmasterJack. This comic really helps me get up on weekday mornings and gives me something to look forward to and I really appreciate that.
I haven’t seen humanoid clay doing this in a while, so i figured I’d give it shot, so here’s my very first:
FUTURIVIA. now Tess and the gang know Tynan is here and likely after Kendal, the question is how will they approach the problem?
they could
A. send Zuurith and/or the Arena master a birb message asking for Kendal’s release
B. attempt to break him out by force (possibly leading to some shrike-nanigans)
C. try to distract zuurith and prevent him from attacking
or D. make a big entrance and stop the fight between Dainix and Kendal, warning everyone about Tynan
oh, or E. none of the above (if you say E. please elaborate on your theory!)
*Kendal and Dainix facing off in the ring*
Kendal: Do we really have to do this?
Dainix: I’m sorry, I need to earn my freedom back.
*lightning bolt hits Kendal square in the head from out of nowhere*
Kendal: I’m gonna have to call a timeout
@CrabMasterJack: I’m going to also give kudos to Red for creating this excellent comic! *cheering*
@Hermit Thrush: official thank you for the alt text; I’m on PC but have been forgetting to check for it. *more cheering*
Look at Tess with all the LORE! First deducing the plot arc, now knowing the backstory for it… its a wonder she didnt just connect everything herself. Guess she wanted Erin to confirm she wasnt being crazy before she started theorizing. …How does she know about the Tynan fight if Erin doesnt?
After like two solid months of buildup… watch it NOT be Tynan. It’s actually Stormy McThunderface of the Nimbus Cloud Worker Union and he’s here to protest against Zurith’s ‘No Unnecessary Rain from Hours 9am-7pm Policy’.
I know it’s only been a couple pages but seeing no Shrike right after she was chasing them makes me intensely suspicious. I wonder if this embassy is about to get swatted or something. I’m sure she has something up her sleeve, or at least that she will at some point soon.
Also, Tess really rolled up into the plot 10 times more knowledgeable than almost everybody else. She’s almost mentor-ish in a way, which… makes me *distinctly* interested to know what Red has planned for her in the future.
Soon we shall see Tynan and Kendal face off against each in a climactic battle, to see if Kendal is truly worthy to save Vash from The Collector if he can beat the God Of Storms
@leapyeargirl96 I think Tynan will interrupt the battle between Kendal and Dainx (so E) and make a flashy performance in the middle of the arena, possibly resulting in Dainix and Kendal teaming up on Tynan.
PS: I think HumaniodClay stopped because they thought it was to spoilery, but I’m not sure
“What’s that?”
“Nothing, just a wisp of cloud”
“It’s moving fast, and against the wind”
This is a whole lot more suspenseful now that I’m done bingeing lol
This is a whole lot more suspenseful now that I’m no longer bingeing.
Also, I’m suspicious – I think that Shrike is waiting for them… and something bad is happening between Kendal and Dainix.
I think the time is far past due for us lot to sincerely thank Red, namely for inadvertently making sure each and every one of us has at least one thing to actually look forward to getting up on Monday mornings for. Cause that is no small kindness in this world.
Thanks Red.
Man, Tess can’t join them. She’d solve all their problems way too easily
Tess put the pieces together! Cue the plot progression sounds and cut to Kendal and/or Dainix, probably.
1. So Tess knows of Tynan’s legend. Her plot knowledge runs deeper than we thought.
2. I see Red forgot the “s” in “against” on Panel 3.
3. If Falst were a bit snarkier, I bet he’d add “Oh, wait. I did!” to the end of his statement in Panel 1.
Oh, dope, Tess got a high roll on her Religion check
I really appreciate how you can see the lightbulb click on for Tess in Panel 6
oof, apologies for the spam again.
Glad to see that Tess
Read the start of Chapter Twelve
For that Tynan lore
Always good to have someone around who’s heard the appropriate bit of lore. Wait, does this make Tess the party Bard
and here we see one of the rarest creatures in fiction: a character with common sense
So now they are going to free him?
Tynan: You’re right elf, I am here to water their farms.
Alinua: (endearing) Aww!
Tynan: With the blood of all the innocents I will slay on my rampage.
Alinua: (disgusted) Aww!
Oh, this makes so much sense! The destruction of Zuurith isn’t Tynan’s primary goal; getting back at Vash through his champion is. The destruction of the city is a bonus or the means to that end. It all seems obvious in hindsight. (Though in Alinua’s defence on any other day this could have all just been regular inter-god business)
I could just hear that collective lightbulb moment when the gang, minus Tess, figured out that the storm god is here because he can sense Kendal. This would also make it tricky for them long term if Tynan can track their whereabouts. Even if they managed to re-banish Tynan to the sea they have to cross said sea to get to Helm.
I’m thinking of Ilia’s words about other gods in 1-7-8 “I can’t promise they’ll all help you, but I know they want you to win”. Does Tynan even want to see Kendal win? Given his ephemeral weather nature and lack of land or people to tie himself too he might see himself as above the Collector’s reach, thus not care whether he beats her.
Maybe if he and Kendal meet and talk Kendal will try and explain the situation to him and why the Collector is a threat to everyone. Though I doubt it would change Tynans mind, would make for a good dialogue between the two though.
TL;DR: Tess, you genius. Connecting the plot threads and guiding the group that’s known sword boy longer than you. If you’re right of course. If you’re wrong then what were you thinking?
*dramatic ominous music*
So I was right when I said that Tynan would interrupt the Kendal vs Dainix duel; I’m just not right for the reason I thought I was.
Falst: “What is that?”
Alinua: “Nothing, it’s just a wisp of cloud.”
Tess: “It’s moving fast… and against the wind.”
I have a feeling that Tess is absolutely going to throw hands with Tynan. The lady survived being struck by lightning already, and now she can sling some of her own. If I’m right, this will be the most prestigious punching she will have done to date, and may do for a long time… unless, of course, she punches The Void Dragon if he’s somehow freed without instantly cracking the planet in half.
Why is Tess not a protaganist in the character page?
Wow that was fast
My phone deleted my comment twice so here we go again.
Tynan’s here for Kendal, which in hindsight makes sense. He’s such a drama Queen, it’s only natural he’d first swear vengeance on the man who exiled him. This means that Falst’s plan to “just leave” would likely be thwarted by Tynan’s desire to smite Kendal. Of course, Kendal might be able to fight back as both being sort of Vash and having his sword. Of course, Kendal is not even aware of all this yet. I feel like we might cut to him on the next page, since we don’t need to hear Tess’ explanation of Tynan and his banishment.
Also, a thought I had over the weekend- when Tahraim and Caliban were talking about Dainix, the former said “if he was ready to leave, he would walk out of there” and Dainix agreed with Kendal that “it’s not the walls that keep you in”. I feel like, whatever he is, he could potentially escape from prison with his powers but is holding back, just like in the fights, likely due to his fear of his powers. I’m excited to see what those powers are.
I also agree with CrabmasterJack. This comic really helps me get up on weekday mornings and gives me something to look forward to and I really appreciate that.
alt text: now now, let’s not jump to conclusions, there are probably LOADS of weather systems with grudges against Vash
I haven’t seen humanoid clay doing this in a while, so i figured I’d give it shot, so here’s my very first:
FUTURIVIA. now Tess and the gang know Tynan is here and likely after Kendal, the question is how will they approach the problem?
they could
A. send Zuurith and/or the Arena master a birb message asking for Kendal’s release
B. attempt to break him out by force (possibly leading to some shrike-nanigans)
C. try to distract zuurith and prevent him from attacking
or D. make a big entrance and stop the fight between Dainix and Kendal, warning everyone about Tynan
oh, or E. none of the above (if you say E. please elaborate on your theory!)
We’ve dealt with Lawful Evil, now it’s time for the good old-fashioned Chaotic Evil
*Kendal and Dainix facing off in the ring*
Kendal: Do we really have to do this?
Dainix: I’m sorry, I need to earn my freedom back.
*lightning bolt hits Kendal square in the head from out of nowhere*
Kendal: I’m gonna have to call a timeout
@CrabMasterJack: I’m going to also give kudos to Red for creating this excellent comic! *cheering*
@Hermit Thrush: official thank you for the alt text; I’m on PC but have been forgetting to check for it. *more cheering*
Look at Tess with all the LORE! First deducing the plot arc, now knowing the backstory for it… its a wonder she didnt just connect everything herself. Guess she wanted Erin to confirm she wasnt being crazy before she started theorizing. …How does she know about the Tynan fight if Erin doesnt?
Storm god i’ve never seen before and Kendal. That’s It. This is gonna be this story’s Ship. I’m calling It right now. We have our Bubbline lads!
Falst won’t stop posing like a cat
After like two solid months of buildup… watch it NOT be Tynan. It’s actually Stormy McThunderface of the Nimbus Cloud Worker Union and he’s here to protest against Zurith’s ‘No Unnecessary Rain from Hours 9am-7pm Policy’.
Yes. This. So much.
Thank you Red. <3
I know it’s only been a couple pages but seeing no Shrike right after she was chasing them makes me intensely suspicious. I wonder if this embassy is about to get swatted or something. I’m sure she has something up her sleeve, or at least that she will at some point soon.
Also, Tess really rolled up into the plot 10 times more knowledgeable than almost everybody else. She’s almost mentor-ish in a way, which… makes me *distinctly* interested to know what Red has planned for her in the future.
HMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm could be anybody
Seeing as they’ve got Erin with them they probs won’t do anything brash so I’m betting on A.
Dear leapyeargirl96: D
Soon we shall see Tynan and Kendal face off against each in a climactic battle, to see if Kendal is truly worthy to save Vash from The Collector if he can beat the God Of Storms
@leapyeargirl96 I think Tynan will interrupt the battle between Kendal and Dainx (so E) and make a flashy performance in the middle of the arena, possibly resulting in Dainix and Kendal teaming up on Tynan.
PS: I think HumaniodClay stopped because they thought it was to spoilery, but I’m not sure
@Crabmasterjack I agree Thank you Red!
My question is how does Tess know this information?
“What’s that?”
“Nothing, just a wisp of cloud”
“It’s moving fast, and against the wind”
This is a whole lot more suspenseful now that I’m done bingeing lol
This is a whole lot more suspenseful now that I’m no longer bingeing.
Also, I’m suspicious – I think that Shrike is waiting for them… and something bad is happening between Kendal and Dainix.
Darth FĂ«anor:
Hey, we shared a brain cell!
@solarion, that would be cool
gah! C. was supposed to be they distract TYNAN not Zuurith. oops
Handy, I wouldn’t have thought Tess would have put points into the “History of meteorological politics” knowledge skill.