*gasp* Erin plays Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker! I wonder what scummy strategies he uses.
I guess this is a little payback on Falst’s part; Erin refuses to just leave and free Kendal so he’s looking through his stuff, something Erin has made clear many time are private. That is actually a nice card too, planning an Aurora themed playing card deck are we Red?
I understand Alinua’s desire to go out and no longer play everything so safe after her decade of exile; she was also quite impressed at Zuurith before she learnt of it’s prison ways. However I feel this also shows some of her naivety of the city’s ways; I don’t think she’s fully counting on the guards or hunters tracking her.
Just Alinua going out? Fine, Shrike’s hunters are looking for a probably-Ferin and only a potential accomplice. She and Falst going out separate from one another? Little more dicy but Falst’s wits and Alinua’s deniability could still make it. Both going out together? Nope, new Ferin and new Life mage in town would be a big red flag for Babe Fett.
My neck would die if I slept like that, although I guess she is a healer/the literal incarnation of the element Life… : |
I wonder what they’re gonna do. Go to the markets or something I suppose. Oh no. Are they going to run into Mrs Rich Bounty Hunter Lady? I have a feeling that leaving the city is about to get a lot harder. With Falst probably being thrown in prison, Kendal being in prison with the Arena master reluctant to let him go, Erin in the Archives and somethings going to go wrong with him probably and seeing as Alinua is probably going with Falst, they’re likely to both get thrown in prison especially since the guards (and bounty hunters I guess) are looking for a Ferlin with an accomplice as Evil Tree says. Looks like this situation going to be hard to DEAL with.
That’s a VERY tall table Falst is sitting under.
Is anyone wondering where Falst slept last night? He looks like he slept on the floor.
I say that he sleeps on the floor because he at one point had to get up and snatch erins bag, and thus returned to the floor.
When I get up from a spot I usually return to where I was sitting prior, wether or not there is somewhere more comfy
Go, cause some mischief. Destroy the Arena. Make Zuurith your playground. Mu ha ha ha… Sorry I just watched Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid Season 1. Can’t help but imitate Fafnir
The card Falst is holding says “the lovers”, so apparently Erin carries Tarot cards with him. In-universe it makes sense since they were originally used for games in our world too. From a meta perspective, could it be some kind of foreshadowing?
Also, calmer topic, I love cards and card games (mostly with a regular deck of cards) so this page really made me smile
@Stark9865 I mean, it also makes sense from the perspective that Erin is a well-educated magic person and tarot are associated with the occult. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Erin mostly used them for solitaire.
To Stark: It also has a white being and a black being, (wild speculation time) perhaps humanoid forms of the dragons before a conflict that drove them apart?
How long has Erin been at the archives? What treasures does his bag of holding possess? Does Erin’s card game use actual magic to flair up its gameplay? Are Alinua’s team mom instincts taking over? What will my dumb running joke for this chapter be? Will I ever recapture the stale magic of crokinole? Is Falst hoping to find Temptations cat treats in Erin’s bag?
Oooh, it says ‘the lovers’ and has a black and a white figure??
I don’t think it’s too wild – I’m struggling to see what else it could mean.
@ Nerdico36 Here. Apparently the Discord server figured it out.
I was thinking more that it could represent what Alinua is about to go do. The Lovers Arcana can mean more than just literal romantic relationship, like choices or harmony or other stuff that depends on the interpreter. Though I’ll admit the black and white figures are suspicious.
First time posting, I think. Big fan of OSP. Love the comic. Love watching all your trope savvy plans unfolding as the story progresses. Clearly well thought out at every step.
To Steakthedog: I was never good at keeping time, the TL;DR is up now. At least school hasn’t started yet, or I’d mistake Wednesday for Friday and head to the wrong classroom…
It’s time to wake up.
It’s time to play card games? No.
It’s time to head out.
There’s no better way
to bond than to snoop through your
new friend’s possessions.
Fantasy Magic the Gathering
The third panel is gold.
when you got nothin to do but go through someone else’s stuff
he plays magic the gathering
jesus fuck
To be fair to Falst, Erin said that the only thing they couldn’t do was go through his notebooks.
*gasp* Erin plays Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker! I wonder what scummy strategies he uses.
I guess this is a little payback on Falst’s part; Erin refuses to just leave and free Kendal so he’s looking through his stuff, something Erin has made clear many time are private. That is actually a nice card too, planning an Aurora themed playing card deck are we Red?
I understand Alinua’s desire to go out and no longer play everything so safe after her decade of exile; she was also quite impressed at Zuurith before she learnt of it’s prison ways. However I feel this also shows some of her naivety of the city’s ways; I don’t think she’s fully counting on the guards or hunters tracking her.
Just Alinua going out? Fine, Shrike’s hunters are looking for a probably-Ferin and only a potential accomplice. She and Falst going out separate from one another? Little more dicy but Falst’s wits and Alinua’s deniability could still make it. Both going out together? Nope, new Ferin and new Life mage in town would be a big red flag for Babe Fett.
That card says Nelover_. I can figure out the last letter
ok now where’s the wiki page detailing exactly what MTG cubes Erin runs
My neck would die if I slept like that, although I guess she is a healer/the literal incarnation of the element Life… : |
I wonder what they’re gonna do. Go to the markets or something I suppose. Oh no. Are they going to run into Mrs Rich Bounty Hunter Lady? I have a feeling that leaving the city is about to get a lot harder. With Falst probably being thrown in prison, Kendal being in prison with the Arena master reluctant to let him go, Erin in the Archives and somethings going to go wrong with him probably and seeing as Alinua is probably going with Falst, they’re likely to both get thrown in prison especially since the guards (and bounty hunters I guess) are looking for a Ferlin with an accomplice as Evil Tree says. Looks like this situation going to be hard to DEAL with.
No, no, Erin would *never* play a children’s card game! This must be, obviously, the same, *real* game for *real* grown-ups played by Primarch Magnus!
Do my eyes deceive me, or is that a sneaky foreshadowing card at panel 9?
That’s a VERY tall table Falst is sitting under.
Is anyone wondering where Falst slept last night? He looks like he slept on the floor.
I say that he sleeps on the floor because he at one point had to get up and snatch erins bag, and thus returned to the floor.
When I get up from a spot I usually return to where I was sitting prior, wether or not there is somewhere more comfy
Seems Falst and Alinva have swapped story roles for the time being.
Long time since the last Mum Club meeting! How’s everyone doing?
Go, cause some mischief. Destroy the Arena. Make Zuurith your playground. Mu ha ha ha… Sorry I just watched Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid Season 1. Can’t help but imitate Fafnir
The card Falst is holding says “the lovers”, so apparently Erin carries Tarot cards with him. In-universe it makes sense since they were originally used for games in our world too. From a meta perspective, could it be some kind of foreshadowing?
Also, calmer topic, I love cards and card games (mostly with a regular deck of cards) so this page really made me smile
(To: Stark9865) Wait, where’s the key for that alphabet?
@Stark9865 I mean, it also makes sense from the perspective that Erin is a well-educated magic person and tarot are associated with the occult. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Erin mostly used them for solitaire.
Indigo Toxin:
My guess is he pulled a Lalli Hotakainen and slept under the table.
alt text: and it’s BORING
To Stark: It also has a white being and a black being, (wild speculation time) perhaps humanoid forms of the dragons before a conflict that drove them apart?
How long has Erin been at the archives? What treasures does his bag of holding possess? Does Erin’s card game use actual magic to flair up its gameplay? Are Alinua’s team mom instincts taking over? What will my dumb running joke for this chapter be? Will I ever recapture the stale magic of crokinole? Is Falst hoping to find Temptations cat treats in Erin’s bag?
Tune in This Week to Find Out!
Magic the Gathering? 0-0
Oooh, it says ‘the lovers’ and has a black and a white figure??
I don’t think it’s too wild – I’m struggling to see what else it could mean.
@ Nerdico36
Here. Apparently the Discord server figured it out.
I was thinking more that it could represent what Alinua is about to go do. The Lovers Arcana can mean more than just literal romantic relationship, like choices or harmony or other stuff that depends on the interpreter. Though I’ll admit the black and white figures are suspicious.
Hm, 13:00 my time and no TL;DR. Oh well, I guess I can wait a bit longer.
For a change of pace, maybe they could break INTO the prison?
Little does Falst know, it is actually a Deck of Many Things.
aw but i wanted card games ;-;
*And then Falst awakened an ancient pharaoh who is really good at children’s trading card games*
Hey Stark9865, could you translate the text on Erins notebook on teh 4th panel?
First time posting, I think. Big fan of OSP. Love the comic. Love watching all your trope savvy plans unfolding as the story progresses. Clearly well thought out at every step.
quickly decoded the message on the cards, it says: TH E L O V E R? H?
@ Indigo Toxin
I did my best, but I can’t make out most of the letters. Here’s what I got.
??? ??
Do I know of any card games? Have you heard of Triple Triad, my friend?
Oh lol. Tarot cards. Yes tarot cards. Not magic the gathering.
im not disappointed
TL;DR: Magic boy is gone, should we just mess with his stuff or do something more daring?? Hmmm….
Also sorry I’m late again. Ran my device down to nearly no battery shiny hunting… Still… Urgh.
To Steakthedog: I was never good at keeping time, the TL;DR is up now. At least school hasn’t started yet, or I’d mistake Wednesday for Friday and head to the wrong classroom…
the new kamigawa set looking sick
Hey what was the discord server of this comic
Just no hormone games. Things are already too dramatic and complicated for THAT kind of thing.
I would pay top dollar if we got merch of those cards. Maybe even a game or two for them…?
I have a feeling Alinua’s going off to do something that’ll get her in trouble.
I really think he should have left a note.
Well, Ive finally managed to catch up on 3 years worth of chapters
To Stark9865
Looks like Red is windowshopping for swords
Falst do not go through his stuff that’s rude
Okay, but Erin would totally play blue MTG decks. No question.
Blue: For when you absolutely need to show how much smarter you are than your opponent.
Alt text: and it’s BORING