the REAL reason why they dislike each other: Zuurith and Vash competed for whoever plays in a loreal commercial, and in the end Vash won.
nice entrance though, Zuurith
so many key plots and subplots are coming together so quickly, I’m just sitting here, waiting with so much tension and anticipation for it all to just crash together all at once.
Also, what kind of materials do you think were in those bowl/cup things Zuurith manifested out of? looks like gold and silver sand and some sort of galaxy juice to me, but we already know that Vash wove metal and a precious stone into his incarnation, is Zuurith doing the same here? does he have to remake himself every time he manifests? that seems a little impractical…
I think they are supposed to do that. Vash also appeared from nothing in page 1.1.3 when his city gathered to ask for his help and not a moment before. Gods don’t seem to have corporeal forms for more than a day or two at a time, normally. This also explains why Kendal never slept: none of Vash’s incarnations have existed long enough for that to be a real concern.
Side note: Ever since I watched Akame ga Kill!, thoughts of Seryu Ubiquitous have been bouncing around in my head, so saying the word “justice” here made me think of her. I blame Liar Mask and my love for Superpowered Evil Sides for this. The only character I wanted dead more than her was Esdeath.
I know we don’t like Zuurith, but that is a crackin’ look, great volume on the blow-dry, fine imperial purple robes accessorised with gold, I kinda dig it.
Also, his ‘Kendal’/Weapon/Sympbol of power is a chain-whip. How utterly appropriate!
Well, well, well, isn’t this cute? The rumours are true. You must be Kendal Potter, the famous bastard!
My name… is Zuurith Malfoy. I am… a racist! I despise criminals, and Ferin. I hate the City of Vash, and my friends work for the cult god trying to kill your friends. Do you want to see my prison?
Will you look at that – Zuurith not only masters both the dramatic entrance and the whipping fabulous hair, he’s also, judging from the tri-pronged flail in his hand absolutely ready to throw down from the moment of manifestation.
Zuurith: I heard word that your associates were trying to out-purple me. I cannot allow that.
Big Z likes to incarnate like he’s a boss from a video game, too bad Kendal couldn’t be less impressed.
Hmm, looks like Zuurith keep a lot of the raw materials he needs to incarnate readily on hand. Maybe he took a cue from Vash’s book and focuses on a very solid, self-maintaining body that he doesn’t have to concentrate to keep living. (Could a Zuurith-Kendal be on the cards?)
I want this to be a civil, though tense, conversation between these two but seeing him holding that chain-blade thing makes me concerned.
the REAL reason why they dislike each other: Zuurith and Vash competed for whoever plays in a loreal commercial, and in the end Vash won.
nice entrance though, Zuurith
Someone seems to like dramatic entrances
Four elements lived together in harmony outside of Zuurith then everything changed when Kendal arrived.
*six (sorry, but i had to. deep cross referencing must always be taken)
“There are four lights!”
Or posts with the materials, as it were. π
So much purple
Dang I love it
This art fucks
God of loreal
he purble.
so many key plots and subplots are coming together so quickly, I’m just sitting here, waiting with so much tension and anticipation for it all to just crash together all at once.
Also, what kind of materials do you think were in those bowl/cup things Zuurith manifested out of? looks like gold and silver sand and some sort of galaxy juice to me, but we already know that Vash wove metal and a precious stone into his incarnation, is Zuurith doing the same here? does he have to remake himself every time he manifests? that seems a little impractical…
yeah, but damn if it isn’t theatrical
I think they are supposed to do that. Vash also appeared from nothing in page 1.1.3 when his city gathered to ask for his help and not a moment before. Gods don’t seem to have corporeal forms for more than a day or two at a time, normally. This also explains why Kendal never slept: none of Vash’s incarnations have existed long enough for that to be a real concern.
Dang, Zuurith did not waste any expense in that entrance of his! What a show off π
Oh ew what an ugly emoticon why did it automatically change into that LMAO
Justice Floof has finally appeared before us.
Side note: Ever since I watched Akame ga Kill!, thoughts of Seryu Ubiquitous have been bouncing around in my head, so saying the word “justice” here made me think of her. I blame Liar Mask and my love for Superpowered Evil Sides for this. The only character I wanted dead more than her was Esdeath.
Armord? A long chain with a sharp looking thing attached to it? A hostile attitude? Folks, I predict that a fight is about to happen.
I hate him already.
Who had angry eyebrowed glowy purple guy for Zuurith?
hmmm already has jerk energyβ¦but collector effects all gods so might be willing to helpβ¦
TL;DR: And now, for my dramatic entrance. Can I get an encore?
*slow, sarcastic clap*
Jail time for you, foolish mortal. It is illegal to question my greatness!
I have a BattleMech, your weapons are useless, try to arrest me!
I know we don’t like Zuurith, but that is a crackin’ look, great volume on the blow-dry, fine imperial purple robes accessorised with gold, I kinda dig it.
Also, his ‘Kendal’/Weapon/Sympbol of power is a chain-whip. How utterly appropriate!
Did someone say Zuurith Malfoy?
Well, well, well, isn’t this cute? The rumours are true. You must be Kendal Potter, the famous bastard!
My name… is Zuurith Malfoy. I am… a racist! I despise criminals, and Ferin. I hate the City of Vash, and my friends work for the cult god trying to kill your friends. Do you want to see my prison?
I am so glad that I just got into StarKid, otherwise I might not have understood this reference and wouldn’t that have been a tragedy
Or rather, in the immortal words of… er… Emma’s boss, “that would be a la di dah dah daaah”.
It would’ve been like a kick to the head. Like an attack from Wiggly, or the Snarl, or . . . or lobsters!
I have been making this joke on and off for 9 years and it gives me life that someone has finally not only caught it, but continued the scene.
NGL Kendal looks so fed up in the second panel, and honestly? i feel that.
Will you look at that – Zuurith not only masters both the dramatic entrance and the whipping fabulous hair, he’s also, judging from the tri-pronged flail in his hand absolutely ready to throw down from the moment of manifestation.
Why, why does he give me grouchy overprotective dad vibes? Like, where did that even come from?
Be more careful where you swing that thing geez, looks like it could poke an eye out
I’m enjoying the asymmetrical floof.
It’s been there for a few days.
Ssh let’s pretend it only just showed up and it’s not dumb that I didn’t notice it before
Sorry; I’m not trying to call you an idiot, I’m just stating a fact…
I just love how thoroughly unimpressed Kendal looks I’m the second frame.
Do all city gods have glowy eyes, or is it just Vash and Zuurith?
Not just city gods, it seems like all the gods we’ve seen that aren’t primordials have glowing eyes.
I think all gods in general have glowy eyes
Glowy eyes are, famously, a sign of immortality.
*looks at OSP videos*
Yes that seems to check out.
But then, tell me why not all the immortals there seem to have glowy eyes?
What do you mean?
Zuurith: I heard word that your associates were trying to out-purple me. I cannot allow that.
Big Z likes to incarnate like he’s a boss from a video game, too bad Kendal couldn’t be less impressed.
Hmm, looks like Zuurith keep a lot of the raw materials he needs to incarnate readily on hand. Maybe he took a cue from Vash’s book and focuses on a very solid, self-maintaining body that he doesn’t have to concentrate to keep living. (Could a Zuurith-Kendal be on the cards?)
I want this to be a civil, though tense, conversation between these two but seeing him holding that chain-blade thing makes me concerned.
Sure, Erin is able to tone down the amount of purple in his wardrobe, but really Zuurith? Really? You’re gonna say that right in front of Alinua?
Is Zuurith going to show up in the Characters place?
I just checked; he did.
oooooooo he has a chain weapon, those things are pretty cool, all be it, absolutely terrifying to use (by assumption) also PURPLE
Damn, I want to see Zuurith fight Tynan now.
Lawful Megabitch vs. Chaotic Megabitch! Round 1: FIGHT!
Zuurith = Type A ESTJ personality atw.
zuurith has got the godly vibe down
kinda reminds me of the storm guy vash defeated idk am i stupid or just way behind on what everyone else is thinking
Justice will be enforced…
I like that he almost looks like a mix of an “anti-Vash” and Tynan.
What? No Hello? How rude…and you call yourself a lawful god.
Both Their avatars have big fluffy hair…. Oh God. Are they… are they mirror match rivals?
I wonder if the chain is supposed to represent how he has such a tight grip on the law and order of his city.
Kendal is not impressed.
We aren’t supposed to like Zuurith already?
>what if it was PURPLE
nothin’ about this game is that intense!
wait zuurith is soooo much like that storm guy, ty-something
He looks kinda cool and i’d like him if he weren’t an asshole.
Do all the Gods just have a thing about having great hair?
Cool manafest my guy!
Wow dramatic much?
I don’t like him, his floof looks greasy
Showoff .
Alt text: it really IS l’oreal