Someone in the comments of a trope talk mentioned that hubris was the fatal flaw of a character from Red’s webcomic, and I was like SHE HAS A COMIC?! I NEED TO READ THIS! No regrets at all.
When reading comments under another comic on webtoons I found a comment mentioning this and a few more as examples of interesting world building, so I started reading it until I was up-to-date. I realized it’s made by Red from OSP a few days later thanks to twitter :d
Saw in an online interview with Red on “”””Asexual Artists””””” that she apparently had a comic up, and I was kind of intrigued.
As for why I was reading that interview in the first place…. I was in a bad place… Fight me.
I honestly don’t know why I’m still here. All I’m doing is writing TL;DR s and irrelevant comments, plus getting a dose of “wow I’m so pathetic, other people share their stories and do digital art while I scratch at paper with a pencil and keep my crazy ideas in file folders.” I kind of just clicked random stuff because I was bored and ended up here.
If you’re criticized for your asexuality, know that you have the support and solidarity of an aroase person on your side. As long as you don’t harm others out of malice or carelessness, live life however you want to. Don’t let other people take away what makes you, you.
As for your writing and/or drawing; as another amateur artist and as a future storymaker, keep practicing. Keep conceptualizing, and don’t be afraid to retcon stuff if you have to. With practice and patience, over time you will improve.
The number of people here who are ace is surprisingly high, so you’re not alone. And I can promise that the number of people here who write and draw but don’t publish is ALSO probably pretty high, since Red caters to folks like us. (Sarcastic ace writers and artists? It’s like we’re all duplicates of Red!) The point is, if you want it to be, you’ve found a home! We can all be weird together!
Also, can I just say that I love your TL;DRs? Please keep them up!
Thanks to everyone for their support, I’ve always heard that being online is best avoided but I guess I was too curious to hold back from making a few comments.
Thanks for enjoying my TL;DR s, that’s pretty much how I normally talk or write so it felt pretty natural for me to do.
For my wacky stories, I do most of them as documents that end up 20 or so pages before writer’s block becomes a thing. The longest going story I have (and most well thought up, word building wise) is a comic that this year I’m rewriting on account of making a better story and actually having gutters between panels. I’ve had to erase a few things and write stuff in so I get the whole reconning thing. But overall it’s been fun and my English teacher who says writing should be a pain and liking it is wrong can go sulk in a corner because she’s wrong.
I’d also like to point out that I’m non binary, because most people think that’s strange too. I overall don’t fit into my school community and my habit of eating alone in the hallway gathers a lot of attention from bullies. What can I say? The cafeteria is too loud for me to think.
And hey, I have a teacher that criticized sarcasm. Who knew there was a whole community that loved it? Thanks guys, I’m sticking around at least a little longer.
If your teacher isn’t loving what she’s doing then she’s in the wrong field. Plus, sarcasm is my life-blood and that of most of my teachers too, so don’t let someone bother you for using it.
Cafeteria’s can be pretty loud to be fair, and they’ll always be those who find differences to target. Eventually though, you will find a group of friends that you just ‘click’ with, and secondary/high school is usually not the place where that happens (College/Uni Societies are). There’s no animosity to queerness (and if we find any we will END IT) in our community. I finished off the catastrophe of 2020 with my first bout of gender confusion, so I might be a baby enby as well as gay (although, how well a binary sexuality holds up alongside a non-binary gender is debatable). We’ll see.
If cafeterias give you sensory overload and eating in the hallways attracts assholes, I’d suggest either eating in the classroom of a teacher you like, finding the most secluded corner you can and eat there, or if possible, eating off-campus. (Though why you have to go to school at all in the middle of a plague is quite concerning; I hope you get through it alright.)
When it comes to your gender identity, I might not be of much help on the specifics, being a cis man, but I shall instead reiterate what I said before: don’t let others take away what makes you who YOU are. If people harass you for your asexuality or your gender identity, then they don’t deserve to be treated well. Tell someone you trust what’s going on, ideally a teacher you get along well with and who isn’t a queerphobic shitbag. They’ll likely step in and help, at least by offering their classroom as a safe space, a sanctuary for you (perfect place to eat your lunch). Having already gone through it, I agree that high school sucks, no matter where you live. But you can find little things that can make you happy through it all, if you know where to look. And, if nothing else, know that it isn’t forever. You will come out the other side. You will graduate, and you will get to leave the past four years behind you; and no matter where you go next, whether you go to college, get a job, or even take a gap period as a much-needed break, you will survive.
I will survive if my horrible AP physics teacher doesn’t kill me by talking to the wall and covering the whiteboard. He, like many teachers, got the wrong job.
I mean, when your teacher gets homework wrong and doesn’t check the answer key provided by the textbook, then gets corrected by students…
I don’t have to go to school during the plague, I did before and we took a bit to shut down. I tried to eat in teacher classrooms but meetings are a thing so I’d frequently end up “exiled” to the hallway. I know it’ll be over eventually but once you’re in the thick of it it feels like it’ll take forever.
Many people don’t really respect my queerness, I mean my friends do but some summer camp jerks “corrected” my pronouns when other people were doing fine… Teachers haven’t really done much better. But at least not everyone is horrible, though with most people not understanding it makes sense the humans are always the bad guys when I make up stories. Thanks for all your kindness, I really didn’t expect it from the internet and so tomorrow I’ll do another TL;DR when I get to it.
Alright. They did. And sure, I will. Just didn’t realize they were appreciated for a while since nobody said much. Thought they’d had enough of it from all the previous guys doing TL;DR s.
Your comments are NOT irrelevant! I love reading your TL;DRs, I look for them in every thread! Youre an awesome person and the sarcasm fits in perfectly 🙂 (I mean, seriously, Red created this webcomic, how could sarcasm not be included?)
I’ve been here for about a month I think, I dont remember where I found this link, probably from a video (but I found the discord off of one of the comments, so thank you to whoever posted that!)
I was watching a bunch of OSP history and mythology videos and someone made a comment regarding the comic, so I looked it up. Then I binge read through multiple chapters in one day and added it to my feeds immediately. I regret nothing.
It’s a long story, so basically in my time there are a bunch of moms who are all really good friends, me and 7 other kids were born at the same time, we share a lot interests and if we think we will like something we share it with the rest of us. Someone found this comic via Twitter? I think? And introduced it to the rest of us
I watch OSP but that’s not how I found this, I found it via a comment on Castoff (cool webcomic go check it out) and only after seeing a comment I was like “wait, really? OH!” And now I’m here.
The background on the site changed hope that’s not important. Also, first comments, neat. Hopefully Kendal can figure out sleep. And hopefully he isn’t interrupted by some god of dreams…
Alinua looks like she’s entered the realm of deep thought. o.o
At least, until Erin interrupted, haha.
Poor Erin, it’s probably ridiculously frustrating teaching someone how to do this completely normal thing.
Kendal should try meditation.
I hope Falst doesn’t come back with disturbing news…
Yeah, I think Erin was calmer when he was strolling through the magical six flavours of death vortex than he is now.
As funny as that sudden shock was in panel 4, I can totally get Kendal freaking out over that feeling.
It looks like Falst’s words have made Alinua ponder her powers a little more. Maybe she and Erin could try and understand their mutual primordial occupant situations, I could see Erin enjoying that much more than what he’s just been doing.
Please, just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s a comforting constant in these trying times that I can read the latest page of Red’s webcomic AND a cynical, one-sentence-breakdown of it below.
Also thanks, it’s nice to get a little positive recognition for a rather negative breakdown. These are fun to do and maybe will help me get somewhat immersed in a community besides my various plant clubs.
No problem! Everyone’s got their own little tradition here, whether it be the Mum Club, or the Theorist Corner, or your TL;DRs. They feel like a part of the comic as a whole, as much as the dialogue or the art style, because the first thing anyone does after reading the new page is scroll down into the Aro/Ace-dominant chaos that is the comments section. And your dry humour stands out from the rest. If you’re having fun writing them, we’re having fun reading them!
Your tl;drs are excellent! I love them! I’m so glad Somebody started them up again (pun intended) because I remember looking at the comments one day and going “Wait.. where did the tl;drs go”
Also: plant clubs, you say? Iirc, Neophobic on the Aurora Discord is also into plants so you guys might get along.
I always did joke about how dry my humor is, it wasn’t always this way but hey, things change. I really enjoy writing these comments and am glad some people are appreciating them, I’ll keep going and if on any day I’m absent you can blame the plants.
I don’t have discord (parents want me to avoid social media and honestly it doesn’t seem like a terrible idea) but IDK. Maybe we would get along, who knows? I personally collect them because I seek to become a botanist despite quite enjoying writing/ drawing/ art because I’d rather sit in a lab with plants all day then accidentally get famous or garner huge criticism. If you want to hear me ramble about my plants I’ll go ahead but I don’t want to hire anyone so I’ll end it here.
I had four bonsai once that I named Bethany, Bruno, Benjamin, and Bobby Bonsai. Then I accidentally poisoned them with fertiliser and they all died. Then I had an Aloe Vera, named Alabaster, that I over-watered. One day all the leafs went damp, limp, and black and I found that the roots were all rotten. I’m hoping to not kill the next plant I adopt.
That is not grammar (then again, IDK what grammar really is) it’s misspelling. I don’t tend to name plants. Depending on which of my tropical pitcher plants turn out to be male or female I MAY name them for ID purposes (banking on my Nepenthes ventricosa being female so I can name it Valerie, if not I guess it can be trans huh). Also bonsais are hard, I don’t blame you. There’s a reason I’ve never grown one. Fertilizing is also hard. I over fertilized a few air plants and had to watch the consequences unfold. I stick with carnivorous plants, cacti, and orchids. None of them love fertilizer, all come at different levels of difficulty, and all have dedicated societies.
One of my oldest plants is an Aloe vera my mom has been begging me to toss and is now a refugee in my bedroom hiding under the table.
Root rot is common, if overwatering is a problem I’d buy a good old Sarracenia. You can’t overwater them and they love plastic pots that suffocate most non carnivorous plants. Then again I have a thing for hunting millipedes and letting plants vomit on me when I prune them so that’s up to you.
I’m curious how Erin managed to talk Kendal into taking off his shirt. Or maybe Kendal removed it on his own? Either way, was not expecting shirtless sleeping today.
I’d say you’re both big-ish as far as random commenters go. Maybe one day someone will be happy I noticed them but with a display name like mine, who knows? Kinda hoping I don’t become a huge comment celebrity but we shall see.
You know, it’s a very rare thing that I can enjoy a piece of work so geniunely and absolutely. And an even rarer thing that the other people of the fanbase (that I hear from) love it for the same reasons. Pehaps I am just new to consistent online communities (as this comment section has sort of become). But to have a group of complete strangers who have never met bond to create little things like clubs and birthday parties, all for the shared love of one piece of art and story… It is bizarre and beautiful. And I am very glad to be a part of it.
Me too! As soon as I started participating in Aurora it was just *community.* The Discord group is also close-knit, to the point of feeling like a family. We talk and vent and yell at the Europeans to Go To Bed It’s Past Midnight… I’ve never hyperfixated harder in my life and I’ve never had such a satisfying, supportive fandom. I don’t think any other fandom is so loving and welcoming.
HOLD UP, did Alinua just create life? I’m not sure elemental magic is supposed to do that, but if her connection to life mum is still existent then she might be able to create life rather than alter it, holy moly
i love Erin so much XD
Thank you
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday Varda 😀
Yo, Happy Birthday! (/≧▽≦)/
wait it’s your birthday? ?HAPPY BIRTHDAY VARDA ??
Happy birthday Varda 🙂
Happy birthday! ( ^u^)
Happy birthday varda! You have completed one more lap of the sun!
Just a quick question, how did y’all find this comic? I found it through a link in the OSP wiki.
Dragon rush
Someone in the comments of a trope talk mentioned that hubris was the fatal flaw of a character from Red’s webcomic, and I was like SHE HAS A COMIC?! I NEED TO READ THIS! No regrets at all.
I saw Red tweet something about her web comic and was intrigued.
One of my friends told me about it, but I don’t know where she did
random meme on Reddit
I heard it mentioned on an OSP stream and googled it
Link in an OSP video
I genuinely don’t remember; I’ve been here almost since the start.
I found the aurora discussion channel in the osp discord and one of the users gave me a link
I found it in the 2020 new year vid at the end of 2019. Red just said she started her comic in 2019 and I never clicked a link faster in my life.
When reading comments under another comic on webtoons I found a comment mentioning this and a few more as examples of interesting world building, so I started reading it until I was up-to-date. I realized it’s made by Red from OSP a few days later thanks to twitter :d
I’m with jake. I found the link in the end of 2019 video.
And they thought THAT year was bad.
I’m with Jake and Theory Cat; I started reading just as the first page of chapter 5 was rolled out.
A friend of mine found it through Twitter (I think), and they showed it to me around October/November 2019.
Saw in an online interview with Red on “”””Asexual Artists””””” that she apparently had a comic up, and I was kind of intrigued.
As for why I was reading that interview in the first place…. I was in a bad place… Fight me.
I honestly don’t know why I’m still here. All I’m doing is writing TL;DR s and irrelevant comments, plus getting a dose of “wow I’m so pathetic, other people share their stories and do digital art while I scratch at paper with a pencil and keep my crazy ideas in file folders.” I kind of just clicked random stuff because I was bored and ended up here.
Welcome to the internet; rabbit-hole of random things and destroyer of self-esteem.
I suppose. At least I don’t do social media, I hear it’s even worse.
Also I never had much self esteem to being with, as a constantly criticized and bullied ace. Perhaps I’ll fit right in.
Well, I’m sure you’re not alone in feeling that, especially here. We only have the weird and wonderful reading this comic.
If you’re criticized for your asexuality, know that you have the support and solidarity of an aroase person on your side. As long as you don’t harm others out of malice or carelessness, live life however you want to. Don’t let other people take away what makes you, you.
As for your writing and/or drawing; as another amateur artist and as a future storymaker, keep practicing. Keep conceptualizing, and don’t be afraid to retcon stuff if you have to. With practice and patience, over time you will improve.
The number of people here who are ace is surprisingly high, so you’re not alone. And I can promise that the number of people here who write and draw but don’t publish is ALSO probably pretty high, since Red caters to folks like us. (Sarcastic ace writers and artists? It’s like we’re all duplicates of Red!) The point is, if you want it to be, you’ve found a home! We can all be weird together!
Also, can I just say that I love your TL;DRs? Please keep them up!
Thanks to everyone for their support, I’ve always heard that being online is best avoided but I guess I was too curious to hold back from making a few comments.
Thanks for enjoying my TL;DR s, that’s pretty much how I normally talk or write so it felt pretty natural for me to do.
For my wacky stories, I do most of them as documents that end up 20 or so pages before writer’s block becomes a thing. The longest going story I have (and most well thought up, word building wise) is a comic that this year I’m rewriting on account of making a better story and actually having gutters between panels. I’ve had to erase a few things and write stuff in so I get the whole reconning thing. But overall it’s been fun and my English teacher who says writing should be a pain and liking it is wrong can go sulk in a corner because she’s wrong.
I’d also like to point out that I’m non binary, because most people think that’s strange too. I overall don’t fit into my school community and my habit of eating alone in the hallway gathers a lot of attention from bullies. What can I say? The cafeteria is too loud for me to think.
And hey, I have a teacher that criticized sarcasm. Who knew there was a whole community that loved it? Thanks guys, I’m sticking around at least a little longer.
If your teacher isn’t loving what she’s doing then she’s in the wrong field. Plus, sarcasm is my life-blood and that of most of my teachers too, so don’t let someone bother you for using it.
Cafeteria’s can be pretty loud to be fair, and they’ll always be those who find differences to target. Eventually though, you will find a group of friends that you just ‘click’ with, and secondary/high school is usually not the place where that happens (College/Uni Societies are). There’s no animosity to queerness (and if we find any we will END IT) in our community. I finished off the catastrophe of 2020 with my first bout of gender confusion, so I might be a baby enby as well as gay (although, how well a binary sexuality holds up alongside a non-binary gender is debatable). We’ll see.
If cafeterias give you sensory overload and eating in the hallways attracts assholes, I’d suggest either eating in the classroom of a teacher you like, finding the most secluded corner you can and eat there, or if possible, eating off-campus. (Though why you have to go to school at all in the middle of a plague is quite concerning; I hope you get through it alright.)
When it comes to your gender identity, I might not be of much help on the specifics, being a cis man, but I shall instead reiterate what I said before: don’t let others take away what makes you who YOU are. If people harass you for your asexuality or your gender identity, then they don’t deserve to be treated well. Tell someone you trust what’s going on, ideally a teacher you get along well with and who isn’t a queerphobic shitbag. They’ll likely step in and help, at least by offering their classroom as a safe space, a sanctuary for you (perfect place to eat your lunch). Having already gone through it, I agree that high school sucks, no matter where you live. But you can find little things that can make you happy through it all, if you know where to look. And, if nothing else, know that it isn’t forever. You will come out the other side. You will graduate, and you will get to leave the past four years behind you; and no matter where you go next, whether you go to college, get a job, or even take a gap period as a much-needed break, you will survive.
I will survive if my horrible AP physics teacher doesn’t kill me by talking to the wall and covering the whiteboard. He, like many teachers, got the wrong job.
I mean, when your teacher gets homework wrong and doesn’t check the answer key provided by the textbook, then gets corrected by students…
I don’t have to go to school during the plague, I did before and we took a bit to shut down. I tried to eat in teacher classrooms but meetings are a thing so I’d frequently end up “exiled” to the hallway. I know it’ll be over eventually but once you’re in the thick of it it feels like it’ll take forever.
Many people don’t really respect my queerness, I mean my friends do but some summer camp jerks “corrected” my pronouns when other people were doing fine… Teachers haven’t really done much better. But at least not everyone is horrible, though with most people not understanding it makes sense the humans are always the bad guys when I make up stories. Thanks for all your kindness, I really didn’t expect it from the internet and so tomorrow I’ll do another TL;DR when I get to it.
I hope my Big Brother Instinctsâ„¢ helped, at least a little. Keep up the tl;dr’s, they’re well appreciated.
Alright. They did. And sure, I will. Just didn’t realize they were appreciated for a while since nobody said much. Thought they’d had enough of it from all the previous guys doing TL;DR s.
Somebody, your TL:DRs are very much appreciated! I would like to know, though, as an internet noob, what TL:DR means?
Theory Cat: tl;dr means “Too long; didn’t read”.
If anyone questions anybody else’s LGBTQ+Ness I will FIGHT THEM I SWEAR TO GOD
By question I mean insult
Your comments are NOT irrelevant! I love reading your TL;DRs, I look for them in every thread! Youre an awesome person and the sarcasm fits in perfectly 🙂 (I mean, seriously, Red created this webcomic, how could sarcasm not be included?)
I’ve been here for about a month I think, I dont remember where I found this link, probably from a video (but I found the discord off of one of the comments, so thank you to whoever posted that!)
OSP tv tropes page
Retweet from Red on her main account, beginning of 2020, I’m so grateful I kept reading it…
In the comments of a D&D meme on reddit, using a screencap of her comic as a template.
Reddit. I saw a post on r/fantasy that mentioned that red had a webcomic.
I was watching a bunch of OSP history and mythology videos and someone made a comment regarding the comic, so I looked it up. Then I binge read through multiple chapters in one day and added it to my feeds immediately. I regret nothing.
I heard Red mention it either on a stream or on the podcast and had a look at it out of curiosity
Casual quip about “I better be good at drawing auroras after naming a comic after them!” in the credits of a Miscellaneous Myths video.
Recommendation from the authors of Beyond the Western Deep (an even more obscure webcomic)
Found on the video were she promoted it, time skips I think, though it might have been time travel
It’s a long story, so basically in my time there are a bunch of moms who are all really good friends, me and 7 other kids were born at the same time, we share a lot interests and if we think we will like something we share it with the rest of us. Someone found this comic via Twitter? I think? And introduced it to the rest of us
I watch OSP but that’s not how I found this, I found it via a comment on Castoff (cool webcomic go check it out) and only after seeing a comment I was like “wait, really? OH!” And now I’m here.
Congrats on like… the longest comment thread ever
My brother told me about it, and I binge read all sixteen-or-so chapters that there were then in a day
Someone mentioned it in the OSP subreddit.
Whoops, replied to the wrong comment
I have a feeling we’re gonna be dealing with Alinua’s baggage now.
I hope Erin and Alinua start talking about their possession deal
Hey, Varda!
Happy Birthday!
Ooh, man, all this just screams “dream sequence incoming” and I’m so stoked. Who knew sleep could be this exciting?
The background on the site changed hope that’s not important. Also, first comments, neat. Hopefully Kendal can figure out sleep. And hopefully he isn’t interrupted by some god of dreams…
Hang on. My browser lied to me. Not first comment
wdym it’s changed? Changed how?
Alinua looks like she’s entered the realm of deep thought. o.o
At least, until Erin interrupted, haha.
Poor Erin, it’s probably ridiculously frustrating teaching someone how to do this completely normal thing.
Kendal should try meditation.
I hope Falst doesn’t come back with disturbing news…
He’s totally gonna have some weird dream and wake up like “is that normal?”
My guess is he somehow communicates with Vash and spies on Antagonist Lady, so when he wakes up he’s like “That was so good. I need to do it again!”
How did you…. (Semi spoilers)
Are we gonna have a dream sequence? We better have it, can’t have an epic adventure without one.
Of course Kendal’s first dream would be the falling dream. Just his luck.
Yeah, I think Erin was calmer when he was strolling through the magical six flavours of death vortex than he is now.
As funny as that sudden shock was in panel 4, I can totally get Kendal freaking out over that feeling.
It looks like Falst’s words have made Alinua ponder her powers a little more. Maybe she and Erin could try and understand their mutual primordial occupant situations, I could see Erin enjoying that much more than what he’s just been doing.
Erin’s doing the stare
Yes this is an excellent birthday present thank you Red
Also I think Alinua is having a tough moment, seeing as she said the plants are a calming mechanism
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Also: I was right, Red did get you a cute sleep tutorial for your birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Varda!
You guys are amazing
Happy birthday anyway!
Happy birthday
hey has somebody said happy birthday yet?
Well, Somebody has
(Also, happy birthday, I wish you well, Varda)
Erin in the second panel is beautiful and precious
Erin in the fifth panel is hilariously on the edge of sanity
Bro I think i saw it completely wrong but the second panel it looks like he’s almost shedding tears.
Erin trying and failing to help Kendal sleep is the purest thing I swear
TL;DR: Mr. Hubris discovers babysitting is a nightmare, goes outside to have a talk with plant lady.
Am I doing justice to the TL;DR s? It’s been a few pages now and I’m having fun but I want to see what you guys think and if you have any advice.
Please, just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s a comforting constant in these trying times that I can read the latest page of Red’s webcomic AND a cynical, one-sentence-breakdown of it below.
Babysitting IS a nightmare though.
Also thanks, it’s nice to get a little positive recognition for a rather negative breakdown. These are fun to do and maybe will help me get somewhat immersed in a community besides my various plant clubs.
No problem! Everyone’s got their own little tradition here, whether it be the Mum Club, or the Theorist Corner, or your TL;DRs. They feel like a part of the comic as a whole, as much as the dialogue or the art style, because the first thing anyone does after reading the new page is scroll down into the Aro/Ace-dominant chaos that is the comments section. And your dry humour stands out from the rest. If you’re having fun writing them, we’re having fun reading them!
Your tl;drs are excellent! I love them! I’m so glad Somebody started them up again (pun intended) because I remember looking at the comments one day and going “Wait.. where did the tl;drs go”
Also: plant clubs, you say? Iirc, Neophobic on the Aurora Discord is also into plants so you guys might get along.
I always did joke about how dry my humor is, it wasn’t always this way but hey, things change. I really enjoy writing these comments and am glad some people are appreciating them, I’ll keep going and if on any day I’m absent you can blame the plants.
I don’t have discord (parents want me to avoid social media and honestly it doesn’t seem like a terrible idea) but IDK. Maybe we would get along, who knows? I personally collect them because I seek to become a botanist despite quite enjoying writing/ drawing/ art because I’d rather sit in a lab with plants all day then accidentally get famous or garner huge criticism. If you want to hear me ramble about my plants I’ll go ahead but I don’t want to hire anyone so I’ll end it here.
Do your plants have names?
I had four bonsai once that I named Bethany, Bruno, Benjamin, and Bobby Bonsai. Then I accidentally poisoned them with fertiliser and they all died. Then I had an Aloe Vera, named Alabaster, that I over-watered. One day all the leafs went damp, limp, and black and I found that the roots were all rotten. I’m hoping to not kill the next plant I adopt.
Did I seriously just write: ‘leafs’? Ugh, GRAMMAR.
That is not grammar (then again, IDK what grammar really is) it’s misspelling. I don’t tend to name plants. Depending on which of my tropical pitcher plants turn out to be male or female I MAY name them for ID purposes (banking on my Nepenthes ventricosa being female so I can name it Valerie, if not I guess it can be trans huh). Also bonsais are hard, I don’t blame you. There’s a reason I’ve never grown one. Fertilizing is also hard. I over fertilized a few air plants and had to watch the consequences unfold. I stick with carnivorous plants, cacti, and orchids. None of them love fertilizer, all come at different levels of difficulty, and all have dedicated societies.
One of my oldest plants is an Aloe vera my mom has been begging me to toss and is now a refugee in my bedroom hiding under the table.
Root rot is common, if overwatering is a problem I’d buy a good old Sarracenia. You can’t overwater them and they love plastic pots that suffocate most non carnivorous plants. Then again I have a thing for hunting millipedes and letting plants vomit on me when I prune them so that’s up to you.
I’m curious how Erin managed to talk Kendal into taking off his shirt. Or maybe Kendal removed it on his own? Either way, was not expecting shirtless sleeping today.
It’s kind of ironic that I had been up past midnight when this chapter came up.
I can easily see this becoming, “Okay, bad news: big threat’s on the horizon and we can’t let Kendal know, or else he’ll try fighting it.”
Kendal trying to sleep in the middle of Tynan’s thunderstorm and the rest of the Floof Squad trying to muffle the sound is now my cute headcanon.
Hey Somebody this is your daily reminder that half the people here are aro or ace and all of the people here love and support you
“Aro or ase”
Me: “Both? Both. Both is good.”
Me, the demiromantic ace: I WIELD THE POWER OF THE TWO RINGS
Can confirm! As a random strait dude I support you all!
Thanks you guys!
(Wow I got noticed by one of the big guys in the comments…)
Am I big in the comments now or is that TheUnknownGame?
Well, we’re both kinda big in the comments by now
I’d say you’re both big-ish as far as random commenters go. Maybe one day someone will be happy I noticed them but with a display name like mine, who knows? Kinda hoping I don’t become a huge comment celebrity but we shall see.
I think I’m ace but I’m not out to anyone yet.
Sleep well Kendal.
One of the last OSP Tropes video (the one about lone characters) told about the webcomic, I Google’ed and binge-read it all in a single day
You know, it’s a very rare thing that I can enjoy a piece of work so geniunely and absolutely. And an even rarer thing that the other people of the fanbase (that I hear from) love it for the same reasons. Pehaps I am just new to consistent online communities (as this comment section has sort of become). But to have a group of complete strangers who have never met bond to create little things like clubs and birthday parties, all for the shared love of one piece of art and story… It is bizarre and beautiful. And I am very glad to be a part of it.
Me too! As soon as I started participating in Aurora it was just *community.* The Discord group is also close-knit, to the point of feeling like a family. We talk and vent and yell at the Europeans to Go To Bed It’s Past Midnight… I’ve never hyperfixated harder in my life and I’ve never had such a satisfying, supportive fandom. I don’t think any other fandom is so loving and welcoming.
Maybe I’ll have to check out the Discord soon then. Happy Birthday by the way! (A bit late now, but still.)
Erin’s line in the last panel is basically a giant mood
i can’t stop laughing over Erin’s startled flappy balloon sleeves in that middle panel
The FEAR this man had is a mood
Erin’s expressions are always excellent.
Also woooop, the power of the comment sections is MINE
HOLD UP, did Alinua just create life? I’m not sure elemental magic is supposed to do that, but if her connection to life mum is still existent then she might be able to create life rather than alter it, holy moly
This background is all, “Do you love the color of the sky?”
Almost finished putting the homies to bed. Maybe they should sing him a lullaby?
alt text:
as if erin has ever rested or relaxed in his entire life
Image source: quiet
Ah, yes the existential Horrors of Sleep. Not like he hasn’t had enough of those.