The Collector is the scariest Affably Evil I’ve ever seen – I genuinely don’t believe that she knows she’s evil, or insane, or that she’s really processed the loss of her humanity. And the idea that what she’s doing might not be GOOD is apparently something she’s unable to even conceive of.
Do you think she might have been on her local school board, before she linked to the Life Primordial?
So The Collector wants to free Life, from a status which she considers a fate worse than death. But by destroying that energy, reuniting Life’s fragments… well, that doesn’t sound like such a good idea tbh. The Collector is very apathetic, and she just doesn’t care nor thought of the consequences of her actions. Or, maybe she does care, but she’s doing this for her own obsession of freeing Life.
Wonder how she’ll feel when Alinua comes to the picture.
I’m thinking the plan is to sever Vash from his physical body so said body will be soulless and could be inhabited by Life? Either she didn’t realize Kendall would be born when vash exited the body or the she thinks severing the bond will kill Kendall and make the body free real estate. There’s also the small issue of Life having apparently stowed away in Alinua’s body. I wonder if the Collector is aware of that. It doesn’t sound like she knows about the floof squad thus far.
I think if that were the case the Collector would have just killed a random nobody rather than go through all this hassle (not to mention the body Life would be inhabiting would be a bit groddy seeing as it was just left there).
I read it as follows:
She wants to practice her skills in manipulating and severing soul energy in small scale tests first.
She’s probably done with animals and people, and is now ready to move on to gods.
Once she’s proficient at that scale, she’ll attempt to free Life.
1) Have you asked Life whether or not she WANTS to return? Why do you want to bring her back?
2) Long sleeves like that are terrible for lab safety, just by the way. As awesome as they look, maybe you should restyle your outfit.
3) How old are you? How did you learn all this amazing stuff?
4) Can I become your apprentice (so I can betray you and use your awesome knowledge to keep you from doing more terrible things)?
1) Roll your sleeves up so that they don’t hang in your souls or knock over your instruments.
2) Tie your hair back so that it doesn’t randomly melt into plot exposition.
3) Never turn your back on your apprentice.
Well, you really haven’t thought this through, have you?
Let’s think about this. IF she can somehow extract Life’s essence to fully revive the Primordial, that means everything on the planet dies. And I mean EVERYTHING. Moreover, if she manages to somehow break the adamant cage in the process, the Void Dragon is now free, the planet is destroyed, and he can go on munching on stars like nothing happened. Life can’t stop him, not without the other Primordials at least.
… The Lady (Voidy’s “other”) is going to be so pissed when she finds out about this.
This is definitely one of those instances when you need to stop asking if you *can* and start asking if you *should*. She needs a Jeff Goldblum to make her check herself every once in a while.
So, essentially, the Collector’s game plane here is to separate Life’s body from the remnants of all the other Primordials, shunt her soul back in, and reanimate her.
Of course, this would necessarily end up killing everything by tearing the part that makes them alive out of them, and probably also destroy the world. Now, the Collector seems like a smart lady, so I’m sure she’s quite aware of this detail — which means she either considers her own demise and that of every other living thing an acceptable price for bringing Life back, or contact with the Primordial fried her mind so throughly that there’s just no room to care about anything *but* bringing back Life.
Come on Vash, don’t you see all the effort she put into this monologue? You have to give your input too.
So those knives are made of soulcrystal not void stuff, I wonder then just how much the Collector knows about the Void Dragon. You’d think she’d at least have inspected Stone’s other hearts while she was down there.
All this effort into setting Life free, I wonder how she’d react to Alinua. Alinua’s status as Life’s vessel implies a level of agency I don’t think the Collector anticipated; would she continue her efforts into freeing Life if she knew of her using Alinua as a vessel?
Interesting point about soul energy being everywhere and, aside from the soulshaper monks, unable to be controlled. Does fit well with a hypothesis of mine that V.D.’s other is some sort of Primordial of Soul who gave the races of Aurora their souls and empowers the Paladins. Works as a parallel to Void element in that it’s everywhere, supports life as we know it and can’t be manipulated by mortals without consent/control by the Primordial in question.
I’m predicting Friday’s page will have Vash aghast at her plan as it may/will end up killing everyone on the planet.
The first mention of V.D.’s other was my V.D. himself in 1-7-21:
“Regrettably by Other had other ideas. The moment my tool was perfected they awoke the mortal wills.”
It’s been theorised that this Other is what caused that blue-white spark in 0-1-2 of the prologue that stopped V.D. from taking over the early humans and may even be the one that oversees/empowers the paladins.
I’m not sure, but I think they mean the Floofy Archangel’s patron, whom he referred to as ‘My Lady’. She seems to be some Goddess Of Light type, as opposed to VD’s God Of Darkness. She could be the theoretical ‘Soul Primordial’.
I’m still not sure, but I have this theory that Vash might be somewhat connected to the Other. He’s unusually strong and capable (only god to beat Tynan), his energy is a similar color, and his city was built in a crater- possibly a bit of the Other crashing to earth? Also, Kendal was only burned by VD’s energy, not destroyed (he said it felt just like a normal burn, no disintegration), and even Alinua took serious damage from that. Maybe he wasn’t as hurt because he draws power from VD’s opposite, like an acid and a base neutralizing each other? I feel like there’s more going on than what meets the eye.
Well gods are, according to the extra lore page on them, “vast, self-sustaining lattices of soul energy”, so if the Other is some kind of Soul primordial then every god is connected to them. That sounds like a pretty good hypothesis as to why Kendal wasn’t affected as much by Void energy, though I think the Vash/Other colour similarity is just a coincidence.
So the idea is either to destroy Life’s soul to reunite her mind and body, or put an end to the concept of souls entirely. From what I gather. I like option *none of the above* please.
I think the Chimeric Plague was Life trying to create a vessel she could ride along with, communicate with, and eventually, use to smack the Collector upside the head with.
So, I agree with you, sort of, but I don’t think the Collector did that intentionally either.
the collector’s humanity in this entire exchange is kind of unsettling. she’s created so much tragedy, and now here she is, being polite and snarky and smug and having much more personality than chapter 1 allowed us to see. her humanity is terrifying, where kendal’s is heartwarming, both because they’re so personable. this is fucking excellent, red if you’re reading this your brain is huge
The collector is terrifying in that she doesn’t seem to realise what she is doing is inherently wrong. Like she’s gonna be confused when the floof squad shows up to stop her.
To summarize basically every other comment: The collector is looking way too adorable given she plans to sacrifice every living being on the planet(and the rest of the cosmos if voidoi happens to get out) just to unbreak a god for no reason and what appears to be little consent from the goddess herself. And if my experience with bringing back dead gods says anything, it’s that it goes about as well as you’d expect, and if ever the collector manages this, our heroes would have a new objective: breaking god.
(I know not everyone will get the reference, but given the traction that name joke from before got i thought it was worth a shot)
I also really want to know how the two will/would interact.
I’d imagine it would go something like this:
Erin and Collector: *excited science talk*
Kendal: Erin, you … you realize that’s the person who destroyed my city and has killed countless of innocent lives?
Erin: *surprised Pikachu face*
Actually, apparently she isn’t a true Elemental Magus. According to the character page, she merely invokes Life to “heal” the other Primordials a bit, letting her manipulate their magic.
Isn’t Life a little busy keeping Walter trapped though? Wouldn’t freeing Life also free the Void Dragon more than he currently is right now?
Should we tell the Collector and if we do, will she care?
Life isn’t busy keeping V.D. contained, she added her part to the Adamant cage and died afterwards, their work done.
I’m not even sure how the Collector would go about freeing the essence of Life from the Adamant. She seems to be basing her approach on breaking down soul energy to free the constituent elements but Adamant is comprised of all six elements, I’m not sure how much, if any, soul energy comprises it.
I’m not sure any single primordial can break the adamant. It’s a different material to what any of them can control; if they had to make it together then they probably would have to break it together too. Imagine if six people locked a six-digit padlock, each one knowing only one number, and then went their separate ways. Even if one of them came back to unlock it, they couldn’t without the other five.
Was not expecting to learn a new word today, but here we are. I must find a way to include this in casual conversation.
Troglodyte: Person who lives in caves
The real tragedy here is that I can’t. In my dumb school, biology is reserved for seniors. I’m stuck with chemistry and just dropped the worst physics teacher ever (physics was optional). I can imagine that teacher with ulterior motives though, my class joked that he was a supervillain in disguise.
I was only joking with my above comment, but holy crap, why DOES your school restrict biology to the seniors? I took my biology class in sophomore year! Also, it sucks that you had a bad physics teacher. I took an optional physics class in my senior year, and my physics teacher was one of the most laid-back dudes I ever met (I technically didn’t even meet the prerequisites for the class, but he let me in anyway); point is, I know from experience that just as a good teacher can make a class really enjoyable, a bad teacher can leave a bad taste in your mouth over an entire subject (which is why I stopped taking music classes after 8th grade.)
But remember this: you can’t imagine it… YET. Your senior year will come (hopefully after the plague subsides).
Yeah, my school is a weird one. No teachers seem to know how to work technology, and the gear they have is slow and glitchy.
The teacher does make the class. As a science lover, the fact that I quit a science class in favor of a music class- and I hate art classes- proves that.
If you had a physics teacher best known for keeping a skeleton in a coat in his doorway to spook visitors and walking into walls, not to mention being ranted about by the entire student body, I doubt you’d enjoy the class.
But yeah. My school experience this far is a comedy about a school that has a backwards curriculum and is never prepared for anything, including progress. I can’t wait to finally take biology someday.
It doesn’t seem like Life actually wants to be free, and so I think either the Collector has another more devious reason for why she wants to free Life that she won’t tell Vash, or she’s desperately in denial to complete this goal even after she realized Life doesn’t need her. I’m hoping it’s the second one, because being antagonistic and arguable evil as a coping mechanism sounds ripe for character interaction.
The words inscribed over Numegaurd. But seriously, she does give me Gellert Grindelwald vibes, the charisma, the power, the want to find super power people/souls to aid her in her crazy schemes, she’s also the main villain in a story with magic snakes and shape shifters born with a blood curse with no way to cure and the people with the curse are treated like crap, I’m sure some ferin got trapped and used in a circus, it’s spot on! She’s an evil villain who gets her crown of most evil villain taken by someone stronger and eviler then she! I doubt she has an ex friend who had a crush on her and now wants to stop her but is putting it off due to remaining love though
That’s interesting. The ‘Great Rune’ looks just like the mark on Alinua’s arm assuming the top curve is under the speech bubble. That definitely means something, but I’m not sure what.
Omg, I think I get how the Chimeric Plague/Life’s Vessel choosing work. If you look, all the people who have that mark are children when their magic explodes outward. Alinua is an adult. I don’t think it’s so much that Alinua was the perfect vessel for Life, but more so that she was the only one who made it to adulthood and build up the body fortifications necessary to house a Primordial.
The one piece I’m confused on, after 10 days, why does it look like the Collector hasn’t done anything with Vash? That is a lot of time to not be dissecting.
It probably has taken several days to navigate the caves to reach Stone’s heart and probably some more days to extract Vash from the knife and bundle him up in that bubble.
I think the Chimeric Plague was Life trying to create a vessel she could ride along with, communicate with, and eventually, use to smack the Collector upside the head with.
So, I agree with you, sort of, but I don’t think the Collector did that intentionally either.
I’m not sure if destroying that binding involves killing literally everything and or destroying the planet, but the Collector doesn’t seem like she would consider that a showstopper, so I don’t like the sound of it.
wait if the Collector ended up as some kind of major life mage like Alinua (different method, similar results) I wonder if thats why Vash couldnt kill her? She has such a high healing factor now that she isnt even fazed by a sword to the heart?
The collector always looks do cute. I can’t see her as a villain, just as s kinda missled, overpowered and slightly psychopathic soul(haha) who’s just trying to do the right thing but doesn’t posess the moral intelligence to realize tht she isn’t and what harm shes caudinh
Prediction: When the paladins fight the floof squad, it goes bad, but ends with their alliance or a partial alliance/truce. Later they come in with the fight against the collector, but she has been weaponizing soul crystal. She will hold a very strong counter to the light dragon and her acolytes (as well as everyone with a soul in general). One thing that would be a cool visual is for her to cut one of the champion’s wings or block his sword.
Prediction: When the paladins fight the floof squad, it goes bad, but ends with their alliance or a partial alliance/truce. Later they come in with the fight against the collector, but she has been weaponizing soul crystal. She will hold a very strong counter to the light dragon and her acolytes (as well as everyone with a soul in general). One thing that would be a cool visual is for her to cut one of the champion’s wings or block his sword.
Trying again because I do not think it worked the first time
Given that Life woke up when her rune was discovered, who woke up the other primordials and, if they are alive, do they have similar goals to the Collector?
I came down to the comments to see if anyone else noticed this! The collector says discovering her great rune is what woke primordial life, and the extra lore tab implies all six great runes have been discovered and are widely used. This could mean all the primordials have already woken up in the same way, but we haven’t seen anything else that would imply that. Or it could mean that for some reason only life was able to be brought back; in which case I would be very curious to know why. It might even be that the collector is mistaken about what exactly happened to bring back Life. Maybe something she stumbled upon in order to discover the rune, and not the rune itself?
The collector looks so happy in the 3rd and 4th panel
The collector is justa good erson TRYING to do good stuff. She’s always hapy!
The Collector is the scariest Affably Evil I’ve ever seen – I genuinely don’t believe that she knows she’s evil, or insane, or that she’s really processed the loss of her humanity. And the idea that what she’s doing might not be GOOD is apparently something she’s unable to even conceive of.
Do you think she might have been on her local school board, before she linked to the Life Primordial?
Vash: Don’t blame me for not understanding this stuff, my job is just to hit things and protect people
“I’m the tank, not the healer…”
So The Collector wants to free Life, from a status which she considers a fate worse than death. But by destroying that energy, reuniting Life’s fragments… well, that doesn’t sound like such a good idea tbh. The Collector is very apathetic, and she just doesn’t care nor thought of the consequences of her actions. Or, maybe she does care, but she’s doing this for her own obsession of freeing Life.
Wonder how she’ll feel when Alinua comes to the picture.
I’m sorry, what is the plan here? To dissect every living being’s soul to free Life? To dissect Life’s soul to manipulate her corpse?
Oh geez… I feel like if the Collector knew, it would spawn a ship and a plot line
Was that for the comment above?
By aid?
I’m thinking the plan is to sever Vash from his physical body so said body will be soulless and could be inhabited by Life? Either she didn’t realize Kendall would be born when vash exited the body or the she thinks severing the bond will kill Kendall and make the body free real estate. There’s also the small issue of Life having apparently stowed away in Alinua’s body. I wonder if the Collector is aware of that. It doesn’t sound like she knows about the floof squad thus far.
I think if that were the case the Collector would have just killed a random nobody rather than go through all this hassle (not to mention the body Life would be inhabiting would be a bit groddy seeing as it was just left there).
I read it as follows:
She wants to practice her skills in manipulating and severing soul energy in small scale tests first.
She’s probably done with animals and people, and is now ready to move on to gods.
Once she’s proficient at that scale, she’ll attempt to free Life.
Y’know, basic scientific rigour.
Stuff I want to say to the Collector:
1) Have you asked Life whether or not she WANTS to return? Why do you want to bring her back?
2) Long sleeves like that are terrible for lab safety, just by the way. As awesome as they look, maybe you should restyle your outfit.
3) How old are you? How did you learn all this amazing stuff?
4) Can I become your apprentice (so I can betray you and use your awesome knowledge to keep you from doing more terrible things)?
Lab Safety 101:
1) Roll your sleeves up so that they don’t hang in your souls or knock over your instruments.
2) Tie your hair back so that it doesn’t randomly melt into plot exposition.
3) Never turn your back on your apprentice.
I also wish to be apprentice
Well, you really haven’t thought this through, have you?
Let’s think about this. IF she can somehow extract Life’s essence to fully revive the Primordial, that means everything on the planet dies. And I mean EVERYTHING. Moreover, if she manages to somehow break the adamant cage in the process, the Void Dragon is now free, the planet is destroyed, and he can go on munching on stars like nothing happened. Life can’t stop him, not without the other Primordials at least.
… The Lady (Voidy’s “other”) is going to be so pissed when she finds out about this.
This is definitely one of those instances when you need to stop asking if you *can* and start asking if you *should*. She needs a Jeff Goldblum to make her check herself every once in a while.
So, essentially, the Collector’s game plane here is to separate Life’s body from the remnants of all the other Primordials, shunt her soul back in, and reanimate her.
Of course, this would necessarily end up killing everything by tearing the part that makes them alive out of them, and probably also destroy the world. Now, the Collector seems like a smart lady, so I’m sure she’s quite aware of this detail — which means she either considers her own demise and that of every other living thing an acceptable price for bringing Life back, or contact with the Primordial fried her mind so throughly that there’s just no room to care about anything *but* bringing back Life.
Heck, why not both?
Yeah, the former probably stems from the latter. It would explain why she’s so damn single-minded and unpersuadable.
Come on Vash, don’t you see all the effort she put into this monologue? You have to give your input too.
So those knives are made of soulcrystal not void stuff, I wonder then just how much the Collector knows about the Void Dragon. You’d think she’d at least have inspected Stone’s other hearts while she was down there.
All this effort into setting Life free, I wonder how she’d react to Alinua. Alinua’s status as Life’s vessel implies a level of agency I don’t think the Collector anticipated; would she continue her efforts into freeing Life if she knew of her using Alinua as a vessel?
Interesting point about soul energy being everywhere and, aside from the soulshaper monks, unable to be controlled. Does fit well with a hypothesis of mine that V.D.’s other is some sort of Primordial of Soul who gave the races of Aurora their souls and empowers the Paladins. Works as a parallel to Void element in that it’s everywhere, supports life as we know it and can’t be manipulated by mortals without consent/control by the Primordial in question.
I’m predicting Friday’s page will have Vash aghast at her plan as it may/will end up killing everyone on the planet.
Sorry, VD’s other? Where do we see mention of this? Cos I’ve seen a couple of people mention it but I don’t remember this at all.
The first mention of V.D.’s other was my V.D. himself in 1-7-21:
“Regrettably by Other had other ideas. The moment my tool was perfected they awoke the mortal wills.”
It’s been theorised that this Other is what caused that blue-white spark in 0-1-2 of the prologue that stopped V.D. from taking over the early humans and may even be the one that oversees/empowers the paladins.
I’m not sure, but I think they mean the Floofy Archangel’s patron, whom he referred to as ‘My Lady’. She seems to be some Goddess Of Light type, as opposed to VD’s God Of Darkness. She could be the theoretical ‘Soul Primordial’.
I’m still not sure, but I have this theory that Vash might be somewhat connected to the Other. He’s unusually strong and capable (only god to beat Tynan), his energy is a similar color, and his city was built in a crater- possibly a bit of the Other crashing to earth? Also, Kendal was only burned by VD’s energy, not destroyed (he said it felt just like a normal burn, no disintegration), and even Alinua took serious damage from that. Maybe he wasn’t as hurt because he draws power from VD’s opposite, like an acid and a base neutralizing each other? I feel like there’s more going on than what meets the eye.
Well gods are, according to the extra lore page on them, “vast, self-sustaining lattices of soul energy”, so if the Other is some kind of Soul primordial then every god is connected to them. That sounds like a pretty good hypothesis as to why Kendal wasn’t affected as much by Void energy, though I think the Vash/Other colour similarity is just a coincidence.
Aaargh she looks so cute and likeable in panels three and four! I should hate her! I want to hate her! But she looks so happy….
Her smile is way too cute for a villain. Makes me almost forget how she essentially said she’s gonna kill every living being in the world.
The way she looked at Vash expecting him to understand when Vash is just that god who comes down to hit things with his hitting stuff sword.
So the idea is either to destroy Life’s soul to reunite her mind and body, or put an end to the concept of souls entirely. From what I gather. I like option *none of the above* please.
She’s responsible for the chimeric plaque. It was her attempt at creating hosts for Life.
I think the Chimeric Plague was Life trying to create a vessel she could ride along with, communicate with, and eventually, use to smack the Collector upside the head with.
So, I agree with you, sort of, but I don’t think the Collector did that intentionally either.
the collector’s humanity in this entire exchange is kind of unsettling. she’s created so much tragedy, and now here she is, being polite and snarky and smug and having much more personality than chapter 1 allowed us to see. her humanity is terrifying, where kendal’s is heartwarming, both because they’re so personable. this is fucking excellent, red if you’re reading this your brain is huge
And not in a galaxy brain kinda way, like Ms. Troglodyte Villain over here
The collector is terrifying in that she doesn’t seem to realise what she is doing is inherently wrong. Like she’s gonna be confused when the floof squad shows up to stop her.
I think she acts sassy-evil enough that she knows. All sassy villains have to joke about how evil they are
Warn me I’ll be needing my brown pants next time, Red! This is level 1 emergency terrifying
To summarize basically every other comment: The collector is looking way too adorable given she plans to sacrifice every living being on the planet(and the rest of the cosmos if voidoi happens to get out) just to unbreak a god for no reason and what appears to be little consent from the goddess herself. And if my experience with bringing back dead gods says anything, it’s that it goes about as well as you’d expect, and if ever the collector manages this, our heroes would have a new objective: breaking god.
(I know not everyone will get the reference, but given the traction that name joke from before got i thought it was worth a shot)
She looks a lot like Erin in some of these panels
OH MY HECKING HECK YOU’RE RIGHT (I’ve actually been wanting to know how the two sciencey elemental magi would interact)
I also really want to know how the two will/would interact.
I’d imagine it would go something like this:
Erin and Collector: *excited science talk*
Kendal: Erin, you … you realize that’s the person who destroyed my city and has killed countless of innocent lives?
Erin: *surprised Pikachu face*
Actually, apparently she isn’t a true Elemental Magus. According to the character page, she merely invokes Life to “heal” the other Primordials a bit, letting her manipulate their magic.
I wanna see how you react to that, sciencey elemental magus.
(Also Varda, please talk to me I sent you an email 🙁
Side note: this feels like when I say “Fëanor did nothing wrong”
She is scary O.o
Isn’t Life a little busy keeping Walter trapped though? Wouldn’t freeing Life also free the Void Dragon more than he currently is right now?
Should we tell the Collector and if we do, will she care?
Life isn’t busy keeping V.D. contained, she added her part to the Adamant cage and died afterwards, their work done.
I’m not even sure how the Collector would go about freeing the essence of Life from the Adamant. She seems to be basing her approach on breaking down soul energy to free the constituent elements but Adamant is comprised of all six elements, I’m not sure how much, if any, soul energy comprises it.
I’m not sure any single primordial can break the adamant. It’s a different material to what any of them can control; if they had to make it together then they probably would have to break it together too. Imagine if six people locked a six-digit padlock, each one knowing only one number, and then went their separate ways. Even if one of them came back to unlock it, they couldn’t without the other five.
TL;DR: Troglodyte villain apparently cuts up souls to find out how to “free” 10-eyes.
Was not expecting to learn a new word today, but here we are. I must find a way to include this in casual conversation.
Troglodyte: Person who lives in caves
As a science lover, I feel the need to pick up new sciencey words every so often. Glad you enjoyed!
Imagine your biology teacher, but with an ulterior motive
The real tragedy here is that I can’t. In my dumb school, biology is reserved for seniors. I’m stuck with chemistry and just dropped the worst physics teacher ever (physics was optional). I can imagine that teacher with ulterior motives though, my class joked that he was a supervillain in disguise.
I was only joking with my above comment, but holy crap, why DOES your school restrict biology to the seniors? I took my biology class in sophomore year! Also, it sucks that you had a bad physics teacher. I took an optional physics class in my senior year, and my physics teacher was one of the most laid-back dudes I ever met (I technically didn’t even meet the prerequisites for the class, but he let me in anyway); point is, I know from experience that just as a good teacher can make a class really enjoyable, a bad teacher can leave a bad taste in your mouth over an entire subject (which is why I stopped taking music classes after 8th grade.)
But remember this: you can’t imagine it… YET. Your senior year will come (hopefully after the plague subsides).
Yeah, my school is a weird one. No teachers seem to know how to work technology, and the gear they have is slow and glitchy.
The teacher does make the class. As a science lover, the fact that I quit a science class in favor of a music class- and I hate art classes- proves that.
If you had a physics teacher best known for keeping a skeleton in a coat in his doorway to spook visitors and walking into walls, not to mention being ranted about by the entire student body, I doubt you’d enjoy the class.
But yeah. My school experience this far is a comedy about a school that has a backwards curriculum and is never prepared for anything, including progress. I can’t wait to finally take biology someday.
It doesn’t seem like Life actually wants to be free, and so I think either the Collector has another more devious reason for why she wants to free Life that she won’t tell Vash, or she’s desperately in denial to complete this goal even after she realized Life doesn’t need her. I’m hoping it’s the second one, because being antagonistic and arguable evil as a coping mechanism sounds ripe for character interaction.
Oh! So she’s talking about committing omnicide. Cool cool
It’s all about the greater good! (THE GREATER GOOD).
The words inscribed over Numegaurd. But seriously, she does give me Gellert Grindelwald vibes, the charisma, the power, the want to find super power people/souls to aid her in her crazy schemes, she’s also the main villain in a story with magic snakes and shape shifters born with a blood curse with no way to cure and the people with the curse are treated like crap, I’m sure some ferin got trapped and used in a circus, it’s spot on! She’s an evil villain who gets her crown of most evil villain taken by someone stronger and eviler then she! I doubt she has an ex friend who had a crush on her and now wants to stop her but is putting it off due to remaining love though
That’s interesting. The ‘Great Rune’ looks just like the mark on Alinua’s arm assuming the top curve is under the speech bubble. That definitely means something, but I’m not sure what.
Hey everyone! Go look at the character page it got updated
Thank you. I never check and then I see comments talking about events/people that make no sense from the story thus far…
Omg, I think I get how the Chimeric Plague/Life’s Vessel choosing work. If you look, all the people who have that mark are children when their magic explodes outward. Alinua is an adult. I don’t think it’s so much that Alinua was the perfect vessel for Life, but more so that she was the only one who made it to adulthood and build up the body fortifications necessary to house a Primordial.
So bloodbending is confirmed impossible, and the collector is angy.
The Collector and Primordial Life have had their descriptions updated.
Is it just me, or is The Collector just Red in panels 3-5…
If you think about it too much, aren’t all these characters just projections of Red’s mind?
Well, that’s…troubling on many exciting levels.
The one piece I’m confused on, after 10 days, why does it look like the Collector hasn’t done anything with Vash? That is a lot of time to not be dissecting.
It probably has taken several days to navigate the caves to reach Stone’s heart and probably some more days to extract Vash from the knife and bundle him up in that bubble.
collector, please be my knife wife
Don’t think I like where this is going. I feel like she’s about to describe some unit 731 level atrocity in order to accomplish this.
oh lovely… yeah i’m thinking this plan definitely needs to be stopped…
I think the Chimeric Plague was Life trying to create a vessel she could ride along with, communicate with, and eventually, use to smack the Collector upside the head with.
So, I agree with you, sort of, but I don’t think the Collector did that intentionally either.
….sorry was trying to reply and it wasn’t working so ignore the above post
I’m not sure if destroying that binding involves killing literally everything and or destroying the planet, but the Collector doesn’t seem like she would consider that a showstopper, so I don’t like the sound of it.
is it just me or is the collector kinda cute?
wait if the Collector ended up as some kind of major life mage like Alinua (different method, similar results) I wonder if thats why Vash couldnt kill her? She has such a high healing factor now that she isnt even fazed by a sword to the heart?
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Why don’t we ever talk about Vash’s hobbies? It’s not all about YOU!
The 3rd and 4th panel are just <3
Image source: soul
The collector always looks do cute. I can’t see her as a villain, just as s kinda missled, overpowered and slightly psychopathic soul(haha) who’s just trying to do the right thing but doesn’t posess the moral intelligence to realize tht she isn’t and what harm shes caudinh
Prediction: When the paladins fight the floof squad, it goes bad, but ends with their alliance or a partial alliance/truce. Later they come in with the fight against the collector, but she has been weaponizing soul crystal. She will hold a very strong counter to the light dragon and her acolytes (as well as everyone with a soul in general). One thing that would be a cool visual is for her to cut one of the champion’s wings or block his sword.
Prediction: When the paladins fight the floof squad, it goes bad, but ends with their alliance or a partial alliance/truce. Later they come in with the fight against the collector, but she has been weaponizing soul crystal. She will hold a very strong counter to the light dragon and her acolytes (as well as everyone with a soul in general). One thing that would be a cool visual is for her to cut one of the champion’s wings or block his sword.
Trying again because I do not think it worked the first time
Given that Life woke up when her rune was discovered, who woke up the other primordials and, if they are alive, do they have similar goals to the Collector?
I came down to the comments to see if anyone else noticed this! The collector says discovering her great rune is what woke primordial life, and the extra lore tab implies all six great runes have been discovered and are widely used. This could mean all the primordials have already woken up in the same way, but we haven’t seen anything else that would imply that. Or it could mean that for some reason only life was able to be brought back; in which case I would be very curious to know why. It might even be that the collector is mistaken about what exactly happened to bring back Life. Maybe something she stumbled upon in order to discover the rune, and not the rune itself?
Is it just me or does the collector look so nice in the third and fourth panel