I don’t know why, but this is my favorite kind of nice: matter-of-fact, well-of-course-i-should-be-nice-to-you kindness. Especially when it comes from intelligent characters who aren’t normally nice.
To be honest, Erin has never been unkind. He sometimes gets enthusiastically nerdy. But I disagree that pompouns nitwit has ever been (forgive the rhyme), a good fit.
He’s definitely been insensitive a few times, but never out of callousness or malevolence. He’s never unkind (except to people he hates, like The Void Dragon or, at first, Falst), but he’s also never been *nice* before.
Agreed! Erin isn’t mean, he just doesn’t really care either way. Sometimes that means he’s a little insensitive, and sometimes that means he acts like this. That’s why his kindness here is so matter-of-fact. He’s like, “Yeah, OK, I was wrong. It’s no biggie to apologize, since apologizing is RIGHT.”
He seems so surprised that the floof gang doesn’t see him as a monster. This is probably the first time that he has been treated as a human being, which must come as a shock to him. I hope this is the start to improving his self esteem, and that he joins our heroes. They could probably use someone like him anyway.
I absolutely love falsts and expression in panel 6. A mixture of confusion, relief and questioning everything he knew about the world. It is so soft and I just want to hive him a hug.
Heartwarming. I like those moments. Thank you very much, Red.
“All those years, outside looking in
All that time, never even knowing
Just how blind I’ve been
Now I’m here, blinking in the starlight
Now I’m here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it’s, oh, so clear
I’m where I’m meant to be
And at last, I see the light
And it’s like the fog has lifted
And at last, I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new
And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted.
All those days, chasing down a daydream
All those years, living in a blur
All that time, never truly seeing
Things the way they were”
Really Kendal? NOW you retrieve your sword?
Confusion strikes Falst again but it’s the thoughtful, realising kind of confusion. I think he fully realises what Kendal was talking about before.
I could see Erin respecting Falst not only for saving their lives but also managing to beat him, the elemental magus, with hit own wits, strength and a single lacrima.
Christmas on Friday, or I guess Ishva’s Turn on Aurora, i wonder what gift Red has planned for us that page.
I think it’s funny how shocked people are that Erin has a heart. Erin is absolutely over-confident and quick to judge, but he’s also intelligent and reasonable. His ego is huge, but it’s not big enough to totally blind him.
Falst’s expression in panel 6… the way he looks up at Alinua in panel 7… Kendal looking worried about him and he just not understanding what’s happening anymore, why those people seem to care so much about him. Why aren’t they treating him as the monster everyone sees?
There’s also Erin. I love the way he talked to Falst so much. You can see lion boi is prepared for hostility, but Erin is respectful. Thankful. Understanding. Kind.
This page is both heartbreaking and heartwarming and I love it.
As someone who is 6ft 2in, I feel Kendal’s struggle. When I talk to shorter people, I just look down instead of crouching, but I never know who will take offense or not.
Next time? Maybe, instead of making him fully look like a human, they can just make him an illusion with… wind? Idk, is just have to guess that there must be some sort of magic that would work to make an illusion.
Something that would be fun is if they go to a carnival or something. Something to just to give them down time and also see how they mingle with people. I would really love to see how Erin socializes.
also I was thinking about how Pidge got Allura and hard hat and came up with scenario:
Erin: So I noticed how you mostly just stab rocks with your sword so I got you this * holds up pickaxe*
Kendal: *tears up* Oh my, thank you! this is the the best gift ever!
Kendal: What should I name it?
Erin: Erm…… I don’t think you name pickaxes
Erin: Okay that was supposed to be a joke
Kendal: *Just loving his gift and not hearing Erin*
tell me if you have any names for the pickaxe. I don’t know where I’m going with this.
That alt text killed me. I’m dead now.
Great comic series I’ve been following for a few weeks but never before commented, and want to express my appreciation for this series.
I think both Falst and Erin make some good points actually. Falst *did* steal from and attack them, which dragged them into this fight, but it turned out to lead them to the real bad guy they wanted to take on anyway. Falst didn’t know anything about that and his actions were self-centered so I think its a really nice character moment that he saw that here. I think saying Erin and Alinua attacked him unprovoked is stretching it a little due to the previous attack, but its good that Erin’s aiming for a peaceful end to the whole mess rather than continue to argue. Besides, if everyone had shut up and listened to Kendal, this whole thing would’ve been sorted out much easier.
Note for the next time: listen to the paragon hero before attacking, stealing, or retaliating kids.
The bird people with no pupils (cloudchildren) were created by the twins as a younger species, while the ferin were mutated by a powerful life mage that ended up passing their mutation to their kids.
Wow I love Falst and Erin’s invert colours. Erin’s hair, skin and eyes are very cool-toned overall but he wears a bright yellow waistcoat, Falst has a very warm palette (similar to the waistcoat) but more cool-toned clothing.
I agree. Most of the time I’m a big shipper but, um…… there’s not really much romance and I’m pretty happy with them staying friends. I still kinda low-key ship everyone with everyone though. But there not much that let’s me go “those two if they don’t end up together I’m leaving the cursed fandom forever.
is… is Erin okay?
okay, just kidding, but wow, that was such a good way to wrap this arc up! now Falst, JOIN THEM
yes join em Falsey!
Join us, we have chocolate chip sugar cookies.
Can i join too? Those cookies sure do sound great
Is-is Erin acting not like a Pompous Nitwit?! How did THAT happen!
Breaking news, Pompous Nitwit does not act like Pompous Nitwit
I know right, he is being nice. Its a miracle. Maybe kendal and alinua are already rubbing of on him.
I don’t know why, but this is my favorite kind of nice: matter-of-fact, well-of-course-i-should-be-nice-to-you kindness. Especially when it comes from intelligent characters who aren’t normally nice.
To be honest, Erin has never been unkind. He sometimes gets enthusiastically nerdy. But I disagree that pompouns nitwit has ever been (forgive the rhyme), a good fit.
He’s definitely been insensitive a few times, but never out of callousness or malevolence. He’s never unkind (except to people he hates, like The Void Dragon or, at first, Falst), but he’s also never been *nice* before.
‘Hey Kendal, nobody’s gonna get hurt”
Literally everyone in the encounter except the gods: *gets hurt*
Agreed! Erin isn’t mean, he just doesn’t really care either way. Sometimes that means he’s a little insensitive, and sometimes that means he acts like this. That’s why his kindness here is so matter-of-fact. He’s like, “Yeah, OK, I was wrong. It’s no biggie to apologize, since apologizing is RIGHT.”
Oh my gosh… Falst going soft as they just… care for him… <3
Falst: this is my fault
Erin: excellent prompt. five minutes to prepare, points awarded and deducted based on trope savviness and criticism
hello there tall guy now i understand how people can be nice
Falst isn’t used to people being nice to him it seems
He seems so surprised that the floof gang doesn’t see him as a monster. This is probably the first time that he has been treated as a human being, which must come as a shock to him. I hope this is the start to improving his self esteem, and that he joins our heroes. They could probably use someone like him anyway.
“‘next time'”
“yes, congratulations you’ve been adopted”
“You have been chosen.”
Looks like Falst’s about to join the floof gang!
“You. You’re finally awake.”
Kendal and Falst having a silent moment there, there’s no way Falst is not joining the floof squad
I absolutely love falsts and expression in panel 6. A mixture of confusion, relief and questioning everything he knew about the world. It is so soft and I just want to hive him a hug.
Heartwarming. I like those moments. Thank you very much, Red.
“All those years, outside looking in
All that time, never even knowing
Just how blind I’ve been
Now I’m here, blinking in the starlight
Now I’m here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it’s, oh, so clear
I’m where I’m meant to be
And at last, I see the light
And it’s like the fog has lifted
And at last, I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new
And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted.
All those days, chasing down a daydream
All those years, living in a blur
All that time, never truly seeing
Things the way they were”
I rewatched Tangled recently. It’s still as good as it ever was.
Have you seen this Twitter thread and this YouTube video about Tangled’s themes of parental abuse? They’re very well made.
Really Kendal? NOW you retrieve your sword?
Confusion strikes Falst again but it’s the thoughtful, realising kind of confusion. I think he fully realises what Kendal was talking about before.
I could see Erin respecting Falst not only for saving their lives but also managing to beat him, the elemental magus, with hit own wits, strength and a single lacrima.
Christmas on Friday, or I guess Ishva’s Turn on Aurora, i wonder what gift Red has planned for us that page.
Falst’s expressions in the bottom half are slightly cracking my heart.
Falst.exe has stopped working.
Darn, I don’t have a blue screen of crash handy. 🙁
I think it’s funny how shocked people are that Erin has a heart. Erin is absolutely over-confident and quick to judge, but he’s also intelligent and reasonable. His ego is huge, but it’s not big enough to totally blind him.
yeah the only thing that can blind him is a lacrima apparently
*ahem* I may be Pompous Nitwit but I’m also very empathetic and caring
i sense a ship
… Collectolon
Wooo friendship!
Falst’s expression in panel 6… the way he looks up at Alinua in panel 7… Kendal looking worried about him and he just not understanding what’s happening anymore, why those people seem to care so much about him. Why aren’t they treating him as the monster everyone sees?
There’s also Erin. I love the way he talked to Falst so much. You can see lion boi is prepared for hostility, but Erin is respectful. Thankful. Understanding. Kind.
This page is both heartbreaking and heartwarming and I love it.
This is so sweet im getting cavities
Congratulations, falst, you have found best friends for life.
*ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship* (sarcastic)
I disagree with the alt-text, this is EXACTLY how people talk to me.
As someone who is 6ft 2in, I feel Kendal’s struggle. When I talk to shorter people, I just look down instead of crouching, but I never know who will take offense or not.
Falst, you’ve been adopted. Congratulations 😀
And that’s how you know they’re the Heroes.
oh no falst is baby ;-;
Awww, babies first mission?? *you have just added a furry baby angle to you party, make sure to feed it and give it all the company it needs*
Next time? Maybe, instead of making him fully look like a human, they can just make him an illusion with… wind? Idk, is just have to guess that there must be some sort of magic that would work to make an illusion.
Beautiful 😀 <3
I know this page was just *chef’s kiss*
erin and alinua arguing in the background about magic while Kendal does something else is becoming a trend
Ok now they have a fighter, healer, mage and rogue, the party is complete
No, their short a proper tank. Kendal makes a decent tank but not a good one.
It’s good to see a little team avatar forming up here
Something that would be fun is if they go to a carnival or something. Something to just to give them down time and also see how they mingle with people. I would really love to see how Erin socializes.
also I was thinking about how Pidge got Allura and hard hat and came up with scenario:
Erin: So I noticed how you mostly just stab rocks with your sword so I got you this * holds up pickaxe*
Kendal: *tears up* Oh my, thank you! this is the the best gift ever!
Kendal: What should I name it?
Erin: Erm…… I don’t think you name pickaxes
Erin: Okay that was supposed to be a joke
Kendal: *Just loving his gift and not hearing Erin*
tell me if you have any names for the pickaxe. I don’t know where I’m going with this.
That alt text killed me. I’m dead now.
Great comic series I’ve been following for a few weeks but never before commented, and want to express my appreciation for this series.
I think both Falst and Erin make some good points actually. Falst *did* steal from and attack them, which dragged them into this fight, but it turned out to lead them to the real bad guy they wanted to take on anyway. Falst didn’t know anything about that and his actions were self-centered so I think its a really nice character moment that he saw that here. I think saying Erin and Alinua attacked him unprovoked is stretching it a little due to the previous attack, but its good that Erin’s aiming for a peaceful end to the whole mess rather than continue to argue. Besides, if everyone had shut up and listened to Kendal, this whole thing would’ve been sorted out much easier.
Note for the next time: listen to the paragon hero before attacking, stealing, or retaliating kids.
Erin: So anyway, welcome to the party.
Falst: The what?
No that’s EXACTLY how to talk to short people
Falst completely lost with people being reasonable instead of full shonen-y.
I cannot see how ferin are exiled but the bird people with no pupils aren’t. Any reason for that?
The bird people with no pupils (cloudchildren) were created by the twins as a younger species, while the ferin were mutated by a powerful life mage that ended up passing their mutation to their kids.
Wow I love Falst and Erin’s invert colours. Erin’s hair, skin and eyes are very cool-toned overall but he wears a bright yellow waistcoat, Falst has a very warm palette (similar to the waistcoat) but more cool-toned clothing.
The ships in this fandom… they’re getting crazy
I agree. Most of the time I’m a big shipper but, um…… there’s not really much romance and I’m pretty happy with them staying friends. I still kinda low-key ship everyone with everyone though. But there not much that let’s me go “those two if they don’t end up together I’m leaving the cursed fandom forever.
I still think Collectolon (Collector x Jolon) is hilarious, I guess I really support the ships that aren’t MEANT to be plausible
<3 <3 <3 Hearts for the new team mate!
Doctor guy……………. We will now refer to him as doctor guy. No more speaking his cursed name
TL;DR: Nerd floof and Cursed floof each try to take the blame. Eventually Nerd floof nerds over Cthulhu’s manifestation instead.
“People are being nice to me, and not treating me like a monster. What the hell is going on?!”
– Erin, probably.
“Hey” 😉 also i love Erin’s conversation with Falst, it’s great.
Alt text: no kendal that’s not how you’re supposed to talk to a short person
The chemistry in the last panel oH MY GOD
Image source: next
” I was unconscious Erin, I don’t know how I did it.”
Me the morning after someone tries to have a conversation with me in the middle of the night.
this page. panel 6 in particular. its been years yet it makes me cry every time. oughhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭