More than a lighthouse I’d say, looking at the second and third panels you can see both helm and the crows head plains as well as what looks like it could be clouds or storms
This tower is absolutely analogous to our Doppler weather radar! I just want to know if those light-colored patches are rain, or clouds, or air pressure anomalies… but I am loving this clever use of magitech. I’m hoping they maybe also have some magical form of GPS, or maybe LORAN…
Oh yeah I forgot to say why: it’s one of my favorite stones, and I got an opal ring from my grandma when she passed so it’d like mildly be a memorial to her, but mostly bc opal is soooo beautiful. And for hair, uh, maybe like noori green?
I’d be more interested in a pattern than a fantasy color. Almost any natural-looking pattern would be cool. Having a contrasting undercoat to my hair would also be neat. The only skin color I’d want would be a fairly real one: the warm medium olive that I tan, when I fail to get sunburned.
Something iridescent with the structural colour as an overlay on a pale blue or pink from pigment. And them imagine how cool it would be when submerged in water or oil and the refractive index is different than in air so it shimmers a different colour.
I’d want a dark dark bluish Gray like finbar don’t know why it just looks really cool oh and my hair would be red because I WISH I was a redhead bit no I’m stich with this super boring brown!!! ):
I would have guessed Wind’s communication property would make a stormwatch work, but I’d never thought about Lightning’s connection property being used like that
My thought process was essentially “Oh, it’s got a Bird’s Eye view of the surrounding area.” “Wait. It’s an All-Seeing Lighthouse.” “Sauron is sometimes referred to as an Angry Lighthouse.” “This lighthouse has a pair of spires like Sauron’s.”
And then I started cackling.
I love her so much, I love Tess SO much <3
I know your pain, Tess, it's so inconsiderate of them, when you're right there, ready to be SO helpful by striking things with lightning!
The lighthouse tender is delighted
As the stormwatch map is lit.
“Cities almost never ASK me to hit stuff with lightning,”
Tess muses smiling at her wit.
Wind Mage: Huh, I wonder what that tiny but powerful storm pinprick shaped like a dagger is?
Ah, so it’s more than just a lighthouse; it can actually track storms by measuring lightning magic and applying them to a map. This chapter we’ve already seen how magic can be used to make and power metal boats, and now its use to aid meteorology. I like how in the world of Aurora magic doesn’t impede advancement but compliments it.
Stormy weather could complicate their Helm crossing considerably, and not even a storm god, just a regular storm would do. As morally dubious Tahraim’s sealing of Tynan was, if he was still free to roam the oceans after Zuurith, the gang would have likely faced him again during their voyage. Still, even with this storm info and knowledge of the icebergs, the sea could still hold many surprises.
Glad to read you again @Evil Tree! Hope you are holding up OK with stuff! Good Point I had forgotten about the little knife Tahraim had crafted just for the occasion!
Thank you, work is still busy, but less hectic now so I have some comment time.
However, now that you mention it, another hiatus is on the horizon. I’m off on holiday next week to an internet free place so am unlikely to comment until the week after. Still, I could do with the break given work, and it may even snow where I’m going.
Well, Mat hasn’t done it yet, and I used to do translations, so…
Runes say “AGEFO(Maybe H or R?)… ONNAME … BETWEE”
Maybe it’s saying “Message for … Onname… Between?”
Only just got to sit down at my personal computer, so let me fill in the blanks here.
I believe this is the Messenger Bird script, but the circle is so small, the text got truncated to hell.
The full script of the spell is as follows:
This would explain why Tynan hit this town and drained the stormwatch/lighthouse – the All Seeing Eye would have put a crimp on his Roaring Rampage of Revenge. And I presume the tower itself is fortified by Stone or some such to not fall over, which is why it wasn’t knocked down outright
So, I’m betting that the rest of the gang is also gonna get their individual subplots where they solve and/or cause problems around the city, though maybe they’ll be in pair instead. What do ya’ll think Kendall, Alinua, Falst, and Dainix will be doing once we cut to them?
I wanna see an increasingly absurd series of events where people keep ASKING Tess to hit stuff with lightning for totally non-violent reasons.
Someone needs their generator kick-started, lighting up the night sky while people are trying to find a lost kid, special effects for a rock concert, some extremely convoluted reason on how it will help them get a cat out of a tree.
Until Tess eventually goes to Erin to ask if he’s putting people up to this.
Magical Doppler weather radar confirmed. Depending on the range of messenger birds, this could mean a fascinatingly modern shipping industry, wind-powered or not! I am loving it!
OMG!! Aurora universe has a Burea of Meteorology!! Hell yeah
(wonder how many times red is gonna incorporate modern technology before we start earnestly looking at our phones and thinking: “….woah… magic….”)
A moment of appreciation for Tess’s character design
> Eyes have pupils, but look like light reflecting off of metal
> Gold skin, still invokes the feeling of electricity while looking like metal
> Freaking lichtenberg marks
I am curious what she’s doing with that . . . Lacrima, I assume? Lacrima are charged with elemental energy, but is seems like Tess is just hitting it with actual lightning. What’s going on here?
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: she’d do it anyway but it’s nice to be appreciated
Image source: stormwatch
Tumblr text: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
Twitter text: a lot of fine details portrayed in eye-hurtingly bright glow, you say? can do!
Almost never you say, besides lighthouses and storm gods what else would they want you throwing lightning at?
More than a lighthouse I’d say, looking at the second and third panels you can see both helm and the crows head plains as well as what looks like it could be clouds or storms
This tower is absolutely analogous to our Doppler weather radar! I just want to know if those light-colored patches are rain, or clouds, or air pressure anomalies… but I am loving this clever use of magitech. I’m hoping they maybe also have some magical form of GPS, or maybe LORAN…
I’m going to assume incalcitrant beasties are probably on the list
“almost”? What other things has Tess hit with lightning?
Magic radar powered by lightning from the storms it detects when they pass over, nice!!!!
Anonymous Aurora Question #42: If you could choose a fantasy skincolor (like, blue, purple, brass and so on), which one would it be and why?
pink/purple, for no reason other than the *aesthetic*.
I’d have to change my hair colour too, though, or I’d just be all purple
Bronze, 100%
Thank you, Doc Savage. Nice to imagine you once again! (smile)
On one hand, pink. Just. Pink. On another, a darkish orange would go better with my hair.
Absolutely a dark green, like spruce spines. I would also hope to photosynthesise – but just being green doesn’t guarantee that 🙁
@Skurwiel Tunczyk would you have candy-corn colored horns as well?
Does it have to just be one?
A pale green, like some depictions of nymphs.
Absolutely jet black – with silvery hair. I love that look so much.
Any of the metallic skins would be really neat, or any of the Wind colors.
I would love blue or teal, probably with a matching hair…maybe white hair?
Which one would fantasy white supremacy benefit?
Okay but for real, I’d probably go with really pale blue, maybe with some darker blue details.
Lol I appreciate this comment
The color(s) of opal for me
Oh yeah I forgot to say why: it’s one of my favorite stones, and I got an opal ring from my grandma when she passed so it’d like mildly be a memorial to her, but mostly bc opal is soooo beautiful. And for hair, uh, maybe like noori green?
big fan of blue, light blue skin, dark blue hair
Blurple, I wonder why hmm… Ah just another mystery of this fantastical world I suppose lol
Either bronze and jet for a very classic aesthetic, or dull iron grey with blood red markings
I’d have to go with silver with bronze highlights. Purple hair, of course.
Purple and silver together, it’s a majestic combination.
A mysterious colour unlike any seen on Earth.
But don’t you know the color pusegenta is very bad for organics!
Pucegenta is bad for organics, pusegenta is very organic itself
I’d be more interested in a pattern than a fantasy color. Almost any natural-looking pattern would be cool. Having a contrasting undercoat to my hair would also be neat. The only skin color I’d want would be a fairly real one: the warm medium olive that I tan, when I fail to get sunburned.
Give me stripes, spots and failing that, something that looks like the night sky in the middle of nowhere 🙂
Something iridescent with the structural colour as an overlay on a pale blue or pink from pigment. And them imagine how cool it would be when submerged in water or oil and the refractive index is different than in air so it shimmers a different colour.
Coppery would be really cool, or maybe pearlescent? Purple is always cool though. For brass or pearlescent, I just think they look so neat.
I’d want a dark dark bluish Gray like finbar don’t know why it just looks really cool oh and my hair would be red because I WISH I was a redhead bit no I’m stich with this super boring brown!!! ):
o range
I would have guessed Wind’s communication property would make a stormwatch work, but I’d never thought about Lightning’s connection property being used like that
Send in lightning beam!
Looks like systems are back on!
Tess is having fun!
Thank you, @Hello!
As if she needs to be asked to hit something with lightning. You know she’s gonna end up doing it anyway.
Oh My God, it’s a Good!Sauron tower! Look at its design and capabilities! Red made a Light Barad Dur!
So that’s why it has those horns! Neat! Thanks for noticing this and pointing it out
My thought process was essentially “Oh, it’s got a Bird’s Eye view of the surrounding area.” “Wait. It’s an All-Seeing Lighthouse.” “Sauron is sometimes referred to as an Angry Lighthouse.” “This lighthouse has a pair of spires like Sauron’s.”
And then I started cackling.
I love her so much, I love Tess SO much <3
I know your pain, Tess, it's so inconsiderate of them, when you're right there, ready to be SO helpful by striking things with lightning!
Oh, that’s a little more than a lighthouse! Looks like a magic weather forecast/”radar” cloud map. Neat!
“Cities almost never ASK me to hit stuff with lighting.”
Why did I read that in Red’s Kyana voice?
Because Red having fun is just the perfect voice for Tess.
The lighthouse tender is delighted
As the stormwatch map is lit.
“Cities almost never ASK me to hit stuff with lightning,”
Tess muses smiling at her wit.
Bird Bonk in 3, 2, 1…
The stormwatch is back online!
And Tess smiles, with rare joy divine
Wind Mage: Huh, I wonder what that tiny but powerful storm pinprick shaped like a dagger is?
Ah, so it’s more than just a lighthouse; it can actually track storms by measuring lightning magic and applying them to a map. This chapter we’ve already seen how magic can be used to make and power metal boats, and now its use to aid meteorology. I like how in the world of Aurora magic doesn’t impede advancement but compliments it.
Stormy weather could complicate their Helm crossing considerably, and not even a storm god, just a regular storm would do. As morally dubious Tahraim’s sealing of Tynan was, if he was still free to roam the oceans after Zuurith, the gang would have likely faced him again during their voyage. Still, even with this storm info and knowledge of the icebergs, the sea could still hold many surprises.
Glad to read you again @Evil Tree! Hope you are holding up OK with stuff! Good Point I had forgotten about the little knife Tahraim had crafted just for the occasion!
Thank you, work is still busy, but less hectic now so I have some comment time.
However, now that you mention it, another hiatus is on the horizon. I’m off on holiday next week to an internet free place so am unlikely to comment until the week after. Still, I could do with the break given work, and it may even snow where I’m going.
have a restful holiday @EvilTree!
Well, Mat hasn’t done it yet, and I used to do translations, so…
Runes say “AGEFO(Maybe H or R?)… ONNAME … BETWEE”
Maybe it’s saying “Message for … Onname… Between?”
Only just got to sit down at my personal computer, so let me fill in the blanks here.
I believe this is the Messenger Bird script, but the circle is so small, the text got truncated to hell.
The full script of the spell is as follows:
This would explain why Tynan hit this town and drained the stormwatch/lighthouse – the All Seeing Eye would have put a crimp on his Roaring Rampage of Revenge. And I presume the tower itself is fortified by Stone or some such to not fall over, which is why it wasn’t knocked down outright
So, I’m betting that the rest of the gang is also gonna get their individual subplots where they solve and/or cause problems around the city, though maybe they’ll be in pair instead. What do ya’ll think Kendall, Alinua, Falst, and Dainix will be doing once we cut to them?
Alinua: Do you have a problem that can be solved by growing a giant tree?
Citizen: Umm … no?
Alinua: Ok. Shout if you change your mind.
Whatever’s happening here.
Falst is angsty. Possibly angsty in the vicinity of Dainix. If not then angsty in back alleys.
I wanna see an increasingly absurd series of events where people keep ASKING Tess to hit stuff with lightning for totally non-violent reasons.
Someone needs their generator kick-started, lighting up the night sky while people are trying to find a lost kid, special effects for a rock concert, some extremely convoluted reason on how it will help them get a cat out of a tree.
Until Tess eventually goes to Erin to ask if he’s putting people up to this.
I want to see that – PLEASE 😀
Magical Doppler weather radar confirmed. Depending on the range of messenger birds, this could mean a fascinatingly modern shipping industry, wind-powered or not! I am loving it!
OMG!! Aurora universe has a Burea of Meteorology!! Hell yeah
(wonder how many times red is gonna incorporate modern technology before we start earnestly looking at our phones and thinking: “….woah… magic….”)
TL;DR: The one thing she punches that doesn’t take any damage… Yet.
A moment of appreciation for Tess’s character design
> Eyes have pupils, but look like light reflecting off of metal
> Gold skin, still invokes the feeling of electricity while looking like metal
> Freaking lichtenberg marks
This is also a world where you can pray to storm gods not to harm your vessel, for whatever that’s worth.
I am curious what she’s doing with that . . . Lacrima, I assume? Lacrima are charged with elemental energy, but is seems like Tess is just hitting it with actual lightning. What’s going on here?