on August 17, 2020
at 4:00 am
is erin covering for his teammates and their unorthodox healing abilities? is he seizing yet another opportunity to flex his status? YOU DECIDE
is erin covering for his teammates and their unorthodox healing abilities? is he seizing yet another opportunity to flex his status? YOU DECIDE
Awww, Alinuas pose in panel 1 is great XD
She didn’t even drop the food, what a legend
And Erins reaktion to it. Just beautiful
Did anyone notice that small mmhmm Erin smugly did? That was very pompous nitwit of him!
Also I love that doctor already just for arriving on the scene then immediently falling on his face
And the face he did at the same time!
And I just noticed that Alinua is rolling her eyes at the same time!
Erin’s in the midst a pretty big whack to the ego, he wants a moment to reassure himself he’s still special! Just a great panel in general, I love the doctor’s reaction!
Doctor is innocent BEANNNNNN
Ah, a classic Pompous Nitwit move. Something I would have done myself.
Red is also using one of my favorite character interaction trope-things: One character knows that he is awesome, and all the other characters also know that he is awesome, and he knows they know, so nobody has to say anything. cf. Dr. Jolon: “… Oh I see.”
(Wow, it’s almost like this was my experience in group projects in school)
Then there’s Alinua, the classic humble one who’s basically as awesome as the the Pompous Nitwit, but disapproves of flaunting it.
me too i love him he seems like a nice one
Yea he seems p cool!
Is it just me, or does the bottom of the tapestry thing in the background resemble Gleicann? Obviously there’s no way that’s deliberate, his new appearance is a recent change and mortals don’t see him.
Alt text says it’s Gleicann.
read the alt text
Oh whoops. I’ll read the alt text when I get access to my computer.
Given the *Pan Pipes* he was using He might be based on the great god Pan somehow too??
He is definitely and explicitly a Pan analog (Panalog); there’s also a Hestia analog mentioned in the calender lore page: Hesta, goddess of compassion and the hearth. I guess Red wants to give some love to the lesser-known Greek deities
Gleicann is depicted, in a flashback panel during his conversation with Falst, as he appeared before becoming all big and scary thanks to people’s fear. He did indeed look like a non-actionable Pan.
Kendal: Both?
Alinua: Both?
[they nod]
Kendal and Alinua: Both.
That guy in the foreground in the first two panels tho! He’s like, “yup, same shit as always,”
I think unimpressed foreground guy is my favorite part of this page.
OK, everyone just hold on a sec. Can we not take a moment to appreciate that Alinua didn’t spill any of the stew?
A really good stew is too viscous to spill short of inverting the bowl. Still a good save, though.
Ummm…isn’t it spelled “…run afoul of…” not, y’know, “afowl” like poultry? The online dictionaries seem to think so, anyway.
Although I suppose a chicken-chimera might justify the spelling.
erin you didnβt even do the healing you were hollering at the local catboy for running off with your stuff
Oh Erin is ABSOLUTELY flexing.
Kid’s had a rough week tho, so I’m fine with it.
Erin just had a rough day. I can absolutely see him flexing to salve his ego. Covering for his teammates would make it more justifiable though XD.
Is that a treble clef on his arm?
That’s a life rune, same as what’s on Alinua’s right arm
Hey, at least Erin doesn’t have to worry about health insurance
Oh, so Jolon *has* heard of Erin, or at least of his amazing tattoos.
Perhaps this means that Erin is WAY more famous than I’ve given him credit for…
Also, Erin is *absolutely* seizing another opportunity to flex his status.
Big fan of Alinua’s stew-saving pose!
Hey headcanon that Flast HATES wearing shoes
that is SUCH a flex from erin and i am LOVING IT
That is a pretty baller tapestry :O Also: WHAP
Erin is doing a little bit of both. It’s a win-win
Alinuaβs face in panel 6 βyes Erin u are special we get itβ ?
Love this page, the foreground patron just returning to his drink after Jolon trips, Erin’s flex, Ali’s eye-roll and the Gleicann tapestry. All great and funny.
While that flex was a bit snug of him maybe it’s best to keep Kendal’s and Ali’s natures hidden for the moment.
TL;DR: Nerd floof (helpfully) flexes his super specialness, Pink floof asks DR. J for exposition.
Why does this man feel so British?
Both? Both. Both is good.
6th panel.
Did Alinua walked into the frame or the camera moved?
I think it was the camera.
Erin’s face in panel 1 XD
Erin’s the worst I love him so much
I like the Glacienn tapestry in the back
Alt text: Gleicann tapestry: Ξ^Ξ
YOU DECIDE? Por que no las dos?
Image source: jolon1
(I think he was initially flexing, then realized he was also covering for Alinua.)
That backround character in panel 2 lol
I think that was like 60% flexing 40% covering
i would usualy say flexing but taking credit for something someone else did isnt really how Erin rolls, i mean whether for good persondom or just cause he belives he’s cool enough already, not sure. But just lying like that isnt Erins style soo i guess im going mostly covering
The doctor falls face first, then is bragged upon
Alinua asks him what in the forest goes on
Ah Yoda-language, my beloved