There’s definitely some passionate intellectualism going on there, but I got the sense that was the face of a prideful man horribly desperate for control over his own life.
Insincere maybe but “distracted” is more the read. He has some empathy but I don’t think people are his first priority, or at least right now they aren’t.
I’m now imagining Erin as being Terrence the Douchebag from Ravenclaw.
Mage 1: I am really sick of Erin and his bullshit.
Mage 2: I know what you mean. He’s giving our academy a bad name.
Mage 3: I don’t even know why he’s even in Asera anyway.
Mage 4: My friends over in Vash won’t even talk to me any more.
Mage 5: I wish there was a way we could just vote him out of Asera.
Mage 6: Maybe we can talk the headmeister into transferring him.
Mage 7: Is that even possible?
Mage 8: Probably not, but we can dream.
Erin: You dickheads know I’m right here, don’t you? I can hear everything you’re saying.
Mages: GOOD!
First, I love Erin, he has no social skills and I find that endearing.
Second, and more importantly, how long until we complete our five-man band? I see Kendal as the Leader, Alinua as his Lancer, both sort of act as the heart at different moments, and Erin is the Smart Guy.
Way to go, though, putting the party together in a way that isn’t just DnD characters meeting at a tavern.
Erin: this is scientifically unprecedented!
Kendal: >:(
Erin: …and is objectively upsetting, and I definitely have enough sympathy to spare for another person’s problems. Yes. Mhm.
Life girl has a magical life tattoo and is connected to a being of pure life magic
Scholar boy GOT a magical shadow tattoo and is possessed by a being of pure darkness and death
there’s a connection here
This is the point where Erin started reminding me of the type of character my mom tends to play in DnD. Like, I can HEAR her say some of this dialogue.
I showed this page to my mom as part of my pitch to get her to read the comic, and she read out the first few panels. It sounded exactly how I imagined it.
Kendal looks like he’s gonna snap
Kendal’s big brother protection instincts are kicking in
Kendal’s like a son trynna defend her mom’s honor dang
“Oh, NOW you try to comfort her.”
I love how eager and excited his eyes are in the last frame. He may be an insincere arse but he’s just so passionate that I can’t help but like him.
There’s definitely some passionate intellectualism going on there, but I got the sense that was the face of a prideful man horribly desperate for control over his own life.
not sure if anyone already commented this but the shading in his eyes are like heart shaped
Insincere maybe but “distracted” is more the read. He has some empathy but I don’t think people are his first priority, or at least right now they aren’t.
Kendal: no. Now apologize with Alinua and go away.
Awww, Erin is just adorable :3
Also why does Kendal look so mad in Picture 4. That stare is terrifing
Kendal is probably upset that Erin’s first reaction to Alinua’s emotional breakdown is “oh interesting yeah that can be useful” tbh
Alas, I honestly feel I can relate to Erin in that moment.
I think Erin’s additional “And, of course, deeply upsetting.” is because of, and therefor after Kendal’s glare.
A friend pouring her heart out and some dude only caring about the scientific implications? Glare-worthy.
Oh hey, xkcd. Cool
Yeah, I just noticed Erin raising his hands defensively in reaction to Kendal’s scowl. If looks could kill…
Your choice or references is impeccable
how optimistic
Does Erin have heart eyes here?
Oh, they all have heart eyes as the default
And they walk away.
I’m SO ready for this trio’s dynamic as like, a party. It’s gonna be so fun to readdddddd
Erin: Yeah it sucks your bio parents tried to kill you everything BUT SCIENCE
Well, perhaps not YOU, specifically…
ERIN has joined your party! +10 magical power and hubris
Seriously though, what if at the mage academy Erin was actually really sad and lonely because all the other mages hated him for being so obnoxious
You mean, envied him for being so cool and awesome, right?
“Both is good.”
I’m now imagining Erin as being Terrence the Douchebag from Ravenclaw.
Mage 1: I am really sick of Erin and his bullshit.
Mage 2: I know what you mean. He’s giving our academy a bad name.
Mage 3: I don’t even know why he’s even in Asera anyway.
Mage 4: My friends over in Vash won’t even talk to me any more.
Mage 5: I wish there was a way we could just vote him out of Asera.
Mage 6: Maybe we can talk the headmeister into transferring him.
Mage 7: Is that even possible?
Mage 8: Probably not, but we can dream.
Erin: You dickheads know I’m right here, don’t you? I can hear everything you’re saying.
Mages: GOOD!
Oooh and that’s why he’s bad at feelings and Kendal and Alinua can be his First Real Friends
Alinua’s Life magic powers so far: *Tearing apart giant gollum statue, growing a giant tree in less than 5 minutes, and awesome healing powers*
ErinÅ› Life magic powers so far: *X Ray musclease and tattoos*
And also a thunderstorm shield, that was impressive.
*your comment was absorbed by the darkness*
I think that´s his lightning magic, not his life magic, though
You’re right, I thought you were referring to displays of magical prowess in general
That’s not life magic, that’s shockmancy.
My brain keeps thinking about what this would be like as a video game and excitement bubbles up.
uh oh kendal angy
Ah yes, the happy eye shining look of a new friend on your awesome quest. *legend of zelda obtaining noise*
happy erin is adorable ngl
TL;DR: After hearing Pink floof’s tragic backstory, Narrator floof becomes interested in her Cthulhuness and joins the party.
First, I love Erin, he has no social skills and I find that endearing.
Second, and more importantly, how long until we complete our five-man band? I see Kendal as the Leader, Alinua as his Lancer, both sort of act as the heart at different moments, and Erin is the Smart Guy.
Way to go, though, putting the party together in a way that isn’t just DnD characters meeting at a tavern.
alt text: whaaaaat a new party member that’s craaaaazy and so unpreeeecedented
It was at this panel that Kendal officially established himself as a himbo
His enthusiasm back he now wants to join in
Thinking she is what scared the beast living within
Not sure if that technically counts as a rhyme, but whatever
“just call me Mr. Sensitive”
Erin: this is scientifically unprecedented!
Kendal: >:(
Erin: …and is objectively upsetting, and I definitely have enough sympathy to spare for another person’s problems. Yes. Mhm.
nvm Red does that for all the eyes
Life girl has a magical life tattoo and is connected to a being of pure life magic
Scholar boy GOT a magical shadow tattoo and is possessed by a being of pure darkness and death
there’s a connection here
This is the point where Erin started reminding me of the type of character my mom tends to play in DnD. Like, I can HEAR her say some of this dialogue.
I showed this page to my mom as part of my pitch to get her to read the comic, and she read out the first few panels. It sounded exactly how I imagined it.